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1. What is the Fiori system in SAP?


SAP Fiori is the user interface or user experience (UX) that supplements and can replace the SAP
GUI. This streamlined application uses tiles to encapsulate standard tasks, such as approving
purchase requisitions, viewing sales orders, and approving timesheets.

2. What is Fiori used for?


SAP Fiori is a set of apps, newly written by SAP, that address the most broadly and frequently used
SAP functions, such as workflow approvals, information lookups, and self-service tasks. They provide
simple and easy-to-use access across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

3. How does Fiori work in SAP


SAP Fiori focuses on a task-based approach rather than a functional approach. Based out of UI5 and
NetWeaver Gateway, the initial offerings of Wave 1 in SAP Fiori were just 25 transactional apps mainly
for managers, employees who generally communicate seeking approvals for leave, travels and so on.

4. Why is SAP called Fiori?


SAP Fiori gets its name from the Italian word for flower. That’s somewhere close to why SAP called
its user experience (UX) layer SAP Fiori, and that’s also why users see a flower when they fire up this
software-based layer for applications.

5. What are the main principles of SAP Fiori?


The design philosophy of SAP Fiori is based on five core principles. SAP Fiori user experience is role-
based, adaptive, simple, coherent, and delightful.

6. How do I access SAP Fiori?

End users can access the SAP Fiori launchpad on Portal on both desktop and mobile devices. The
launchpad is role-based, displaying tiles according to the user role. In the launchpad, the home page
is the entry point to applications.

7. What is the main difference between OData Model and JSON Model?



THE ODATA MODEL IS A SERVER-SIDE The JSON model is a client-side
MODEL: THE DATASET IS ONLY AVAILABLE model and, therefore, intended for
ON THE SERVER AND THE CLIENT ONLY small datasets, which are
KNOWS THE CURRENTLY VISIBLE ROWS AND completely available on the client
8. Is SAP Fiori a GUI?


Fiori delivers a modern, visual UX for SAP that differs from the linear, menu-driven SAP GUI. It offers
the kind of simple, consumer-level user experience that most information workers now expect in the

9. Is SAP Fiori free


SAP Fiori is Free.

OpenUI5 lets you build enterprise-ready web applications, responsive to all devices, running on almost
any browser of your choice.

10. Describe the SAP Fiori Design Principles?


SAP Fiori
Design Principles

11. Is SAP Fiori a reporting tool?


SAP offers a complete real-time transactional reporting solution that is directly integrated into the new
Fiori interface of S/4HANA. With this set of tools and functionalities, SAP addresses all types of users,
from IT to end users

12. What is new in SAP Fiori?


With the latest release the SAP Fiori launchpad brings us a further step along our SAP Fiori 3 journey
by providing richer visualization options: flat tiles, and links now visualized as small tiles – available
for SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105 and SAP Cloud Launchpad service, amongst others.

13. What does Fiori mean?


Flowery [adjective] having, or decorated with, flowers.

14. What is the full form of Fiori?


SAP Fiori full form is SAP Fiori and here’s why: SAP Fiori stands for itself. Fiori is Italian for flower.
SAP Fiori is SAP’s new UX (User Experience) strategy.

15. What are the app types of SAP Fiori?


 Transactional apps.
 Fact sheets.
 Analytical apps.

16. Which are characteristics of SAP Fiori?


 Role – Based. Designed for you, your needs, and how you work.
 Adaptive. Adapts to multiple use cases and devices.
 Coherent. Provides one fluid, intuitive experience.
 Simple. Includes only what is necessary.
 Delightful. Makes an emotional connection.
17. What is the Fiori launchpad in SAP?


The SAP Fiori launchpad is a shell that hosts SAP Fiori apps, and provides the apps with services
such as navigation, personalization, embedded support, and application configuration. The launchpad
is the entry point to SAP Fiori apps on mobile and desktop devices. The launchpad displays a home
page with tiles.

18. What are Fiori elements?


 Speed up development by reducing the amount of frontend code needed to build SAP Fiori apps.
 Drive UX consistency and compliance with the latest SAP Fiori design guidelines.

19. What are the activities in SAP Fiori administration?


Some of the standard sap fiori apps are apply leave, fill timesheet, create sales order, change sales
order, tracking sales order, tracking purchase order, approve/reject purchase order, approve/reject
sales order and more.

20 . How to Implement an SAP Fiori App in s/4 HANA?


SAP Fiori App in s/4 HANA

21. What is SAP Fiori for dummies?


SAP Fiori is a new user experience (UX) for SAP software and applications. SAP Fiori enables multiple
device applications that allow users to start a process on their desktop/laptops and to continue that
process on a smartphone or on a tablet. SAP has developed Fiori Apps based on User Interface UI5.

22. Is Fiori a programming language?


SAP Fiori is a design language and user experience approach developed by SAP for use by SAP, its
customers and its partners in business applications. The SAP Fiori design language is used in SAP
applications, including the S/4HANA and C/4HANA suites, SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Data Hub, SAP
Ariba and others.

23. What is SAP s 4 Hana Fiori?


SAP Fiori technology was introduced in 2013 and since then a large collection of apps has been
developed into the new user experience for SAP software. Indeed, SAP Fiori is a collection of apps
that represents the new user experience from SAP. SAP Fiori is the new design of SAP User

24. What are the different options in SAP Fiori Launchpad design?


Configuration layer Customization layer

Contains all content as delivered Customers adjust content for all users in the system.
to customers including translation We can use the CRUST layer for testing or other
25. How old is SAP Fiori?


In May 2013, SAP announced the launch of “a collection of apps that are simple, easy-to-use, and
provide an intuitive user experience for broadly and frequently used SAP software functions, across a
variety of devices — desktop, tablet, smartphone — to help easily get the job done.”

26. What is FIORI Analytical App?


Analytical apps are used to provide role-based real-time information about business operations.
Analytical apps integrate the power of SAP HANA with SAP business suite. It provides real-time
information from a large volume of data in the front-end web browsers.

27. What is the SAP Fiori visual theme?


To be able to adapt the look and feel of existing applications as quickly as possible to the Fiori 2.0
Design and Usability paradigms — without having to change over, technically, to the Fiori framework,
you have the SAP Fiori Visual Themes at your disposal.

28. What is SAP UX strategy?


The SAP User Experience (UX) strategy is aimed at bringing great products to our customers. With
the influence of consumer software making its way into the enterprise, SAP’s UX strategy aims to meet
users’ expectations of easy-to-use software in the workplace.

29. What are some of the benefits of the new SAP Fiori user experience?


 Increases in Productivity – Fiori-designed interfaces are easier to use than earlier SAP UIs, so they
enable more productive work.
 More Intuitive Workflow – Fiori-designed UIs feature business logic rather than SAP logic.

30 sap fiori deployment option and recommendations

SAP Fiori deployment

31. What are the 3 deployment options of SAP Fiori?


You have five basic SAP Fiori deployment options. SAP provides a useful paper to guide you on
deployment, with detailed descriptions of the pros and cons of each scenario. These include FES
embedded deployment, FES hub deployment, gateway embedded, gateway hub and cloud.

32. How many types of Fiori applications are there?


There are three types of Fiori applications – Transaction Apps, Factsheet apps, Analytical Apps.

33. What are fact sheets in SAP Fiori?


Fact sheets are used to drill the key information and contextual information in business operations. In
SAP Fiori tiles, you can drill down to further details. You can call Fact sheets from Fiori Launchpad
search results, from other fact sheets or from Transactional or Analytical apps.

34. Which Fiori apps run on DB?


We know that SAP Fiori applications are recommended with the HANA database. The transactional
apps support any database but the limitations come across with analytical and factsheets apps which
require HANA DB.
35. What is SAP Fiori cloud?


SAP Fiori Cloud for SAP Business Suite enables you to experience, customize, and run SAP Fiori
apps in the cloud, connected to your on-premise landscape for productive usage. In addition, cloud-
based tools and services provided by SAP enable you to develop custom apps or extend and
customize available SAP Fiori apps.

36. How does SAP Fiori work?


SAP Fiori is a new user experience (UX) for SAP software and applications. It provides a set of
applications that are used in regular business functions like work approvals, financial apps, calculation
apps and various self-service apps. … SAP Fiori provides all business roles in real time on compatible
hand devices.

37. What impact does SAP Fiori have on business?


Boosting productivity.

Fiori makes SAP software and apps easy to use, enabling you to do more in less time. This way, you
can refocus your energy on more projects. Reducing training costs, since it offers an intuitive and
straightforward interface, you don’t have to set aside extra cash for training your staff.

38. What are the principles of SAP?


 SAP Quality Principles

 Anchor business value firmly in your project.
 Start scoping early.
 Cooperate with stakeholders and use a proper governance model.
 Ensure timely delivery and effective tracking.
 Staff project with sufficient, competent, and motivated people.
 Apply appropriate methodology and plan for quality.

39. What is the use of Fiori in SAP?

SAP Fiori is the user interface or user experience (UX) that supplements and can replace the SAP
GUI. This streamlined application uses tiles to encapsulate standard tasks, such as approving
purchase requisitions, viewing sales orders, and approving timesheets.

40. Explain the architecture of SAP gateway?


SAP gateway

41. What are the main principles of SAP Fiori?


The design philosophy of SAP Fiori is based on five core principles. SAP Fiori user experience is role-
based, adaptive, simple, coherent, and delightful.

42. What is SAP Fiori annotation?


Fiori Elements are becoming increasingly popular. They provide a framework to generate SAPUI5
apps at runtime based on metadata annotations. … These controls use annotations that add
semantics and structures to the data, provided by the user.

43. What is the floorplan in SAP Fiori?

The standard page layout in SAP Fiori is the dynamic page, which is made up of a header, content
area, and footer toolbar. Floorplans are usually based on the dynamic page. Floorplans serve specific
use cases and therefore come with a specific combination of UI elements in the header, content area,
and footer toolbar.

44. Why is Fiori an element?


SAP Fiori elements provides designs for UI patterns and predefined floor plans for common application
use cases. App developers can use SAP Fiori elements to create SAP Fiori applications based on
OData services and annotations that don’t need JavaScript UI coding.

45. How can you start the SAP Fiori elements preview?


To open the Fiori Elements app preview in the service information section, select the relevant entity
set (Connection) and choose the Preview button. Choose Open Fiori Elements App Preview. Your
internet browser opens a new tab and requests authorization for the system.

46. How do SAP Fiori elements make a developer more efficient?


The good news is that using SAP Fiori elements reduces your time to mere minutes by allowing you
to centrally apply improvements, allowing you to get those changes done across apps just before you
go off to lunch.”

47. What are annotations in OData?


Capture OData-related aspects to expose data gained from a CDS entity in an OData service.

48. What does the SAP Fiori elements feature map enable you to do?


The feature map provides the following: An overview of the features available for each SAP Fiori
element’s floorplan, including specific links to detailed developer documentation and UX guidelines.
The ability to search, filter, and sort content by floorplan and by feature.
49. Which clients can be used for SAP Fiori?


 SAP Fiori Client

 Android Provided by Google Play™
 Windows 10 & Windows 10 Mobile Provided by Microsoft.

50. Explain the SAP Analytics Cloud


SAP Analytics Cloud

51. What are the activities in SAP Fiori administration?


Some of the standard sap fiori apps are apply leave, fill timesheet, create sales order, change sales
order, tracking sales order, tracking purchase order, approve/reject purchase order, approve/reject
sales order and more.

52. What is the Fiori front-end server?

The SAP Fiori front-end server is an add-on product for SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP
(AS ABAP). This product delivers the service pack stack definition (stack. xml) suitable for the SAP
Fiori app deployment in an on-premise scenario for the respective AS ABAP version.

53. How do you build Fiori roles?


Go to the Menu tab, change the context from Transaction to SAP Fiori Tile Catalog. Put Catalog ID
then click on continue. Now you can see it in the Role menu, if you double click on Node, you can see
details of this node on the right side.

54. What are Fiori elements?


 Speed up development by reducing the amount of frontend code needed to build SAP Fiori apps.
 Drive UX consistency and compliance with the latest SAP Fiori design guidelines.

55. Will Fiori replace SAP GUI?


Fiori is certainly on track to replace SAP GUI. This is especially true for organizations that are migrating
from older versions of SAP to SAP HANA and S/4 HANA. However, it’s worth considering that not all
SAP organizations are either ready or interested in making the switch.

56. What language does Fiori use?


All SAP Fiori apps are built using SAPUI5, the UI development toolkit for HTML5 that provides a
programming model for desktop and mobile applications. Its JavaScript UI control library allows
developers to build applications that can run on any device.

57. Is SAP Fiori programming language?


SAP Fiori is a design language and user experience approach developed by SAP for use by SAP, its
customers and its partners in business applications. The SAP Fiori design language is used in SAP
applications, including the S/4HANA and C/4HANA suites, SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Data Hub, SAP
Ariba and others.

58. What is SAP Fiori consultant?


An SAP Fiori consultant helps companies develop, configure, customize, and integrate Fiori
applications that meet their ERP needs. Your duties include developing customized applications or
using languages such as JavaScript, HTML, jQuery, and CSS to build extensions to existing

59. What is a prerequisite for SAP Fiori?


NetWeaver Gateway Server version should be NW 7.31 SPS04 or higher/ NW 7.4 SPS04 or higher.
NW Central UI add-on version should be NW 7.31 SPS04 or higher/ NW 7.4 SPS04 or higher.
Business Suite UI add-onBack-end Business suite add-ons (for ECC, CRM, SRM, etc.)

60. Explain the Business Catalog in sap Fiori?


Business Catalog in sap Fiori

61. Does SAP Fiori require Hana?

We do have HANA for BW as of now but as of now for Fiori we don’t intend to use HANA. We may go
with HANA when mobile users would want Analytics as well.

62. What does S 4 stands for in SAP?


SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA

SAP S/4HANA stands for: SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA. It brings the next big wave of innovation
to SAP customers, similar to the transition from SAP R/2 to SAP R/3.

63. What is SAP’s 4 Fiori?


SAP Fiori technology was introduced in 2013 and since then a large collection of apps has been
developed into the new user experience for SAP software. Indeed, SAP Fiori is a collection of apps
that represents the new user experience from SAP. SAP Fiori is the new design of SAP User

64. Why is SAP called Fiori?


SAP Fiori gets its name from the Italian word for flower. We know that flowers are nice to look at, are
shaped with nature’s intelligent design, and are delightful to behold.

65. What is KPI in SAP Fiori?


The Manage KPIs and Reports app is a single platform used to create groups, KPIs, reports, and
applications that can be launched directly from SAP Fiori launchpad. You can configure metrics in the
KPIs and analyze the data either in chart or table format.

66. Is SAP Fiori good?


Good UX apps, excellent look and feel, not so easy to develop. We’ve developed some om prem Fiori
like apps to improve de UX with SAP ERP (SAP ECC R/3). Users are really like those new apps,
because they have a really new and refreshed HTML5 look
67. What is Fiori used for?


SAP Fiori is a set of apps, newly written by SAP, that address the most broadly and frequently used
SAP functions, such as workflow approvals, information lookups, and self-service tasks. They provide
simple and easy-to-use access across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

68. Does SAP Fiori require Hana?


We do have HANA for BW as of now but as of now for Fiori we don’t intend to use HANA. We may go
with HANA when mobile users would want Analytics as well.

69. What is SAP full form?


Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing.

70. SAP netweaver gateway?


Netweaver gateway

71. What language is SAP Fiori?


All SAP Fiori apps are built using SAPUI5, the UI development toolkit for HTML5 that provides a
programming model for desktop and mobile applications. Its JavaScript UI control library allows
developers to build applications that can run on any device.

72. How do I access SAP Fiori?


End users can access the SAP Fiori launchpad on Portal on both desktop and mobile devices. The
launchpad is role-based, displaying tiles according to the user role. In the launchpad, the home page
is the entry point to applications.

73. Explain the benefits of SAP Gateway and odata?


Benefits of
SAP Gateway and odata

74. What are the different RFC authorization objects in SAP Fiori?


Authorization Description
RFC_CLIENT A client of the calling system
RFC_USER The ID of the calling user
RFC_EQUSER The flag that indicates whether the user can be called by a user with the
same ID (Y = Yes, N = No)
75. Describe the architecture of Guide to sap gateway?


Guide to sap gateway

76. Difference between SAP UI5 and SAP FIORI?



SAP FIORI is a collection of SAP FIORI applications share some standard design
standard applications based on guidelines and the way in which these applications are
the SAPUI5 library provided by developed. Currently, more than 500 FIORI applications
SAP. are available freely.
77. What is SAP S/4 hana?


78. What are the different app launched tile types in SAP Fiori?


SAP FIORI Description

Static It shows predefined static content (text, icon)
Dynamic It shows numbers that can be read dynamically
News Tile Flips through news messages according to the configuration of the
79. What is SAP Fiori PPT?


SAP FIORI It is a new user experience (UI) for SAP software and applications. It provides all
applications that are used in business functions like work approvals, financial apps, calculation apps
and various self-service apps.

80. What is a fragment and views in SAPUI5?


SAPUI5 Views

SAPUI5 Fragments

Views are nothing but the application pages. We define our user interface by creating Views. Views
are formed or created by using one or more Controls in it, say Page, simple form,Dialog, Label, Input,
etc. Every view has its own controller.

Fragments are the pieces of UI just like SAPUI5 Views. Whenever we need to use some similar UI
parts many times in our application/views we create Fragments of those UI parts because Fragments
are reusable and are lightweight compared to VIews and Controls. Fragments are stored within the
application itself and can be used by that application only. Fragments are defined as View only and
calling Views controller is shared with Fragment as Fragments are not having their own controllers.

81. Describe the Architecture of SAP Analytics Cloud?

Architecture of
SAP Analytics Cloud

82. What is SAP UI5 design-time & run-time component ?


SAP u15 design Time Run-time components

AP UI5 design-time component: It SAPUI5 run-time component: responsible for
includes all the libraries , classes and execution of Fiori Application, which consists of
functionalities that allows you to renderer that converts the app code into
develop all the applications from browser readable format (i.e HTML5, CSS and
scratch JS)
83. How SAP works?

SAP works

84. Difference between Open UI5 and SAP UI5?


Open u15 SAP u15

Open UI5 is a Subset of SAP UI5, Open UI5 is an open source under Apache 2.0 license
Most commonly used libraries whereas SAPUI5 is a licensed product, this comes
are part of open UI5 for along with SAP Netweaver or SCP (SAP Cloud Platform
consumption by users. – formally known as HCP – HANA Cloud Platform).
85. What are different APIs to access and change the data in the model object?


oModel.getProperty(“path”) – returns the data at the path level

oModel.setProperty(“path”, “value”) – change the data inside the model object.

86. SAP Cloud Platform Application:

SAP Cloud
Platform Application

87. What is SAP UX strategy?


The SAP User Experience (UX) strategy is aimed at bringing great products to our customers. With
the influence of consumer software making its way into the enterprise, SAP’s UX strategy aims to meet
users’ expectations of easy-to-use software in the workplace.

88. In SAP NetWeaver 7.31 ep1, which roles should be assigned to Fiori Launchpad


Release Dependent Roles

SAP_UI2_ADMIN_700 SAP NetWeaver 7.0
SAP_UI2_ADMIN_702 SAP NetWeaver 7.0 enhancement package 2
SAP_UI2_ADMIN_731 SAP NetWeaver 7.0 enhancement package 3 and SAP NetWeaver
7.3 enhancement package 1
89. How to Use SAP?

How to Use SAP

90. What is the recommendation for using SAP Fiori with SAP s 4HANA?


For customers on SAP S/4HANA 1709 or higher you are recommended to use the Fiori launchpad
content manager as your main tool for creating custom launchpad content.
91. Difference between HTML5 and SAP UI5?


HTML5 versions are released by W3C SAP UIS versions are released
by SAP
HTML5 is a markup to just design user interface without SAP UIS is a framework
any logic
HTML5 is having standard tags but it is also liberal in SAPUI5 has strict JS syntax to
nature follows
92. What is the Fiori launchpad in SAP?


The SAP Fiori launchpad is a shell that hosts SAP Fiori apps, and provides the apps with services
such as navigation, personalization, embedded support, and application configuration. The launchpad
is the entry point to SAP Fiori apps on mobile and desktop devices. The launchpad displays a home
page with tiles.

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93. What is the architecture of SAP Fiori?


Architecture of SAP Fiori

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