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Hadi Saputra Harlah. Using Visual Literacy to Improve the Students Writing Skill
at XI MIA 1 in MAN 2 Barru (Supervised by Arqam and Kalsum)
This study used Visual Literacy to improve students' writing skill at XI MIA 1
in MAN 2 Barru. Visual Literacy is related to the skill to understand, analyze and use
images, graphics and other visual media. This visual literacy skill can have a positive
impact on a person writing skills because among other things it helps understanding.
Visual Literacy to improve students' writing skill, to be able to explain information
visually, and to make writing more attractive.
This research used pre-experimental design. The population of this research
was the XI MIA 1 at MAN 2 Barru students. The total sample was 21 students. The
steps were consist of Pre-Test, treatment, and Post-Test.The data gained analys by use
SPSS then explaind descriptively.
The results showed that the average writing skill of students before using the
Visual Literacy was 40,24 and after given treatment using the Visual Literacy was
77,19. Then the results of the Paired sample T-test are Significance Values (2-tailed)
in the table in the table shows 0.001, based on the parametric test decision making
value Sig (2-tailed) 0.001 <0.005 then H0 (Null Hypothesis) is rejected and H1
(Alternative hypothesis) is accepted or in the sense that there are results the real
difference between the results of the Pre-test and the results of the Post-test can be
said that Vicual Literacy can improve student writing skills.

Keyword: Students' Writing Skill, Visual Literacy, MAN 2 Barru.

A. Background

A person may find it difficult to understand writing if he is unfamiliar with

some of the terms used in it, which is only one of the numerous issues students

frequently encounter while writing. Another issue students sometimes encounter is

restricted vocabulary. Next, there is a context gap. The reader may have trouble

comprehending the writing's goal and the topic at hand if there is little context

provided for it.1.

As well as lack of attention or focus which can cause readers to miss

important information in writing or even lose understanding of the writing itself. This

problem is also experienced by students of MAN 2 Barru, based on the results of the

researcher's interview with one of the teachers at MAN 2 BARRU who said:

Disini anak-anak agak kurang mengerti cara menulis dalam

bahasa inggris karena media pembelejaran kurang mendukung dan
juga siswa tidak bisa berpikir kritis sehingga tulisanya asal jadi saja.
Students lack understanding of how to write correctly because of the

teacher's lack of in-depth knowledge of the media used, one of the media that is often

used is visual media in the form of images, but students lack depth on how to describe

an image, they more fixated on the shape and what they see but do not care about the

meaning in the picture, therefore visual literacy must be improved, to develop

students' ideas in writing.

1 Irfan Masrur, Enny Irawati, and Gunadi Harry Sulistyo, “Integrating Writing Process with Quantum
Learning Framework in English Language Teaching,” Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, Dan
Pengembangan 5, no. 3 (2020): 352,


Therefore besides understanding skills in the Language, in today's digital

era, it is important for students to have strong virtual literacy skills to be successful in

their academic and professional life. Writing is also an important component of

education, and virtual literacy can play an important role in improving students'

writing skills. In this proposal, we will explore how virtual literacy can help improve

students' writing skills.

Khoirul also created the concept of "visual literacy," which is the ability to

comprehend the significance of a picture. According to Debes, the term "visual

literacy" refers to a collection of vision skills that people may learn through seeing

while also having and integrating other sensory experiences. The foundation of

typical human learning is the development of these abilities. permits the visually

literate person to recognize and comprehend visible actions, objects, and symbols that

he meets in his surroundings, whether they are natural or man-made, after it has been


Roger conveys a more modern visual literacy, namely understanding

messages communicated through spatial frames that utilize objects, images, and time,

and their juxtaposition.

Visual Literacy is related to the ability to understand, analyze and use

images, graphics and other visual media. This visual literacy ability can have a

2Khoirul A, Undang Suryatna, And Ali Alamsyah Kusumadinata, “Improving Student Literacy
Skills Through Visual Communication Media,” Indonesian Journal Of Social Research (Ijsr) 2, No. 2
(2020): 126–33, Httpsadoi.Org/10.30997/Ijsr.V2i2.40.

positive impact on a person's writing skills because among other things it helps

understanding. Understanding images or graphics related to certain topics can help

someone understand the topic better. This can help someone write about the topic

better and more accurately.

Recognized as a whole, visual literacy can help someone improve the quality

of their writing by enriching understanding, increasing interest, and depicting

information visually. Mustafa Kaya in his article "The Impact of Visual Literacy

Awareness Education on Verbal and Writing Skills of Middle School Students"

asserts that mastery of hearing, speaking, reading, and writing abilities is the primary

objective of Turkish language instruction. The pupils' written expression abilities,

however, did not appear to be at the expected level, according to a review of earlier

research in the literature. Although several exercises were carried out to improve

writing abilities, it can be claimed that the expected outcomes were not obtained. The

pupils weren't performing at the desired level, according to earlier study in the

literature. However, according to Benzer and Ünsal (2019), 20% of instructors felt

that speaking exercises in textbooks did not pique students' interests, and 18%

claimed that these exercises did not depend on the academic level of the students.

According to Karada's (2003) research, the arrangement of textual flow is greatly

aided by the inclusion of images and photographs in writing practice. Using graphics

in writing may be students' most significant contribution, and doing so will boost

their passion for the task.


Thus, students can acquire the ability to read visual elements in native

language education, and also, through the use of quality visual elements, students can

improve their writing and verbal skills to a desired level. Therefore, determining the

impact of visual literacy on the written and verbal skills emphasized in the Turkish

course, can make a significant contribution to the literature.3

Based on the reviews above, it can be concluded that visual literacy is a very

important to develop for someone who wants to improve the quality of their writing

and become a better writer. In this case, writing skills are needed at MAN 2 Barru

especially in English subjects, so researchers intend to conduct research on the use of

Visual Literacy to improve students' writing skills, to be able to explain information

visually, and to make writing more attractive to readers.

B. Research Question

Based on the background of the study above, the reasearcher formulates

research question as a follows “Is the use of Visual Literacy can improve the Students

writing skill at XI MIA in MAN 2 Barru?”.

C. The Objective of the Research

This study aims to find out whether the use of visual literacy can improve

the writing skills of students at MAN 2 Barru, the outline of which will be the aim of

3Mustafa Kaya, “The Impact Of Visual Literacy Awareness Education On Verbal And Writing
Skills Of Middle School Students,” International Journal Of Education And Literacy Studies 8, No. 2
(2020): 71, Https://Doi.Org/10.7575/Aiac.Ijels.V.8n.2p.71.

this research is “To know the students writing improvement with the use of Visual


D. Significances of Research

After conducting the research, the authors hope that this research can make a

useful contribution especially for teachers, students and further research, which can

be explained below:

a. Students

According to this study's findings, students' writing abilities, originality,

understanding, writing appeal, and presenting abilities will all likely be enhanced

through the usage of visual literacy. As a result, including visual literacy into

instruction can help pupils' writing abilities..

b. Teachers

From the research that I will do later, I hope that teachers can increase

student motivation. By using visual literacy, teachers can increase students' interest in

writing and help them achieve better results.

c. Researcher

The study's findings will improve visual appeal, particularly for language

scholars. Visual appeal is crucial in today's digital age to grab readers' attention.

Researchers can use fascinating visual features to enhance literary appeal and grab

readers' attention by utilizing visual literacy.


There are not many who use this research, but there are some connections

from the research concepts that have been studied, among others:

Habibi in "Improving Students' Writing Skills in Descriptive Text by Using

Visual-Spatial Intelligence Strategy at MTS Al-Jumhuriyah Sei RotanThe purpose of

this study is to ascertain whether students' descriptive text writing abilities have

improved as a result of applying visual spatial intelligence. 19 eighth-grade MTS Al

Jumhuriyah Sei Rattan students participated in this study for the 2019–2020 academic

year. The data analysis process for this study uses both quantitative and qualitative

data. Qualitative data were gathered via observation logs, interviews, and

documentation. The results of the data analysis showed that, generally, pupils' writing

skills increased following each cycle..

Alam in "Students' Perception Towards the use of Pictures in Writing

Descriptive Text" The purpose of this research is to find out whether the use of

pictures can improve students' writing skills in descriptive texts and to find out the

application of pictures as media in teaching writing on texts descriptive. This research

was conducted in the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gemolong Sragen. The sample

is 40 students. The results of the study show that using pictures as media can improve

students' writing skills and make class conditions more enjoyable.4

Wuwuh Eti Setiani, et al "Using Unworded (Wordless) Pictures to Teach

Descriptive Text Writing Skills" This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of

4Alam, Suryatna, And Kusumadinata, “Improving Student Literacy Skills Through Visual
Communication Media.”

teaching descriptive text writing using wordless pictures. The method used was pre-

experimental with a one-group pre-test and post-test research design. The sample in

this study was class VII B, which consisted of 31 students. The research data was

collected by giving a pre-test before being given treatment and a post-test after being

treated in the form of a text description writing test to 31 students. The results of the

study show that teaching writing descriptive text using picture words has a high level

of effectiveness.

Pradani Yuniyarsih, et al "Using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) to

Teach Junior High School Students in Writing a Descriptive Text" Using the Picture

Word Inductive Model as a learning strategy used to learn skills in writing descriptive

text in English lessons. In this research, students are expected to be able to create and

develop main ideas in describing places or writing descriptive texts. From the

vocabulary that has been found, students are expected to be able to make sentences so

that in the learning process with interesting and easy-to-understand delivery, students

do not feel bored and bored in writing a descriptive text.5

Haryono, et al "The Use of Image-Based Visual Media in Indonesian

Language Learning to Develop Students' Writing Creativity at MI Ma'arif NU Lamuk

Kejobong Purbalingga This study aims to explain and examine how image-based

visual media are used. The teacher implements the process of utilizing image-based

visual materials in the learning of Indonesian, starting with a plan to use image media

5Pradani Yuniyarsih And Saunir Saun, “Using Picture Word Inductive Model (Pwim) To Teach
Junior High School Students In Writing A Descriptive Text,” Jelt 2, No. 2 (2014): 192–99.

in the implementation of learning and ensuring that the use of media pictures in the

learning process is done correctly and systematically.

Prioritizing students' comprehension and critical thinking about the images that will

be shown, images in the form of vectors that have their own concepts, themes, and

meanings, virtual literacy places a priority on students' understanding and critical

thinking about the images that will be shown. This is different from some of the

research mentioned above. Similar to some of the studies mentioned above that only

focused on a few ideas, topics, and meanings, this research prioritizes, and with

regard to the research's methodologies, focuses on unique scenarios in the application

of visual literacy starting with tests.

A .Some Pertinent Ideas

A. Visual

a). The Concepts of Visual

Visual media, or media that can only be seen and lacks audio components, is

one of the categories and forms of learning media that Dennis separates in her book

Educational Process Standard Oriented Learning Strategies. Slide films, photos,

transparencies, paintings, sketches, and different printed materials, such as graphic

media, are all included in the media. Images and parables are visual-based media that

are crucial to the learning process. Visual media can improve memory and aid with

comprehension. Visuals can also pique students' interest and provide a link between

academic material and the actual world. Visuals must be used in relevant contexts and

students must engage with them in order for information processing to take place for

them to be successful.6

Everything visual, including images, photographs, drawings, and other visual

components utilized to communicate information or messages, is referred to as visual.

Visuals are a means of communicating ideas or thoughts via the use of visual

components including color, form, line, and texture in the context of visual

communication. Visuals can also relate to tangible objects, like a piece of art, a

movie, or the design of a website or app's user interface. Visuals are often a good

approach to reinforce a message or notion and may make information simpler to

comprehend and recall.

b). Function of Visual

The four goals Francesky outlined for learning media, particularly visual

media, are (a) attentional goals, (b) emotional goals, (c) cognitive goals, and (d)

compensatory goals. The goal of using visual media is to concentrate students'

attention on the lesson's material in relation to the visual meaning that is provided or

combined with the text of the subject matter.

c). Strengths and Weaknesses of Visual

According to Wahana and Mukti, visual media provides the following benefits and


a. The visual's advantages

6Dennise, “From Visual Literacy To Critical Visual Literacy: An Analysis Of Educational


1) Usually affordable

2) Simple to obtain

3) Simple to use

4) Helps to explain issues

5) More plausible

6) Repeatable; can be clipped or stored to be read repeatedly.

7) Analysis is crisper, allowing for a greater understanding of the news's content and

the ability to prompt more focused thought on the writing's subject matter.

8) Learning via the use of visual materials will be more engaging, fruitful, and


9) Because the learning process is accompanied with an intriguing collection of

images, it will be more enjoyable and less tedious.

10) May aid in overcoming observational limits

b. Weaknesses of Visual:

1) When teaching to big groups, picture sizes are frequently incorrect

2) Needs resources and abilities to be available, and the teacher's forethought to

use them.

3) Slow and useless

4) Since there is no audio and all visual content is written, it is obvious that it

cannot be heard, making the information offered insufficiently thorough.


5) Limited visuals; this medium can only offer photos that depict news material

as visuals..

d).Kinds of Visual

Arsyad divided up visual content into five categories. There were sketches,

cartoons, posters, and media slides, as well as pictures or images.

The most popular type of media was a picture or a photo. It resembled an

actual item. My argument was that since it was written in a language that was widely

understood, pupils could easily translate abstract ideas into something more concrete

or practical.

A sketch, on the other hand, was a rough version of a painting. It didn't give

any information. To capture students' attention during the learning process, utilize

sketches are used.

Caricatured or painted depictions of people, concepts, and circumstances are

known as cartoons. It was intended to affect students' perceptions. Cartoons that are

good for teaching might help to clarify the subject.

Posters made of paper, fabric, and wood-sticks are also available. The poster's

main objective was to influence the behavior of individuals who viewed it by

stimulating them and giving them something to think about.


The media slide was a piece of visual content that was displayed using a tool

known as a slide projector. A slide program often consists of a number of frames that

are heavily influenced by the content. .7

B. Literacy

a) Concepts of Literacy

The definition of literacy in 1957 states, BA people are literate people who

can with good understanding read and write simple short statements in their daily

lives. UNESCO's definition can be considered broader because it places literacy in

the context of society rather than defining literacy at the individual level. In addition,

UNESCO gives people the option of responding to the question of whether they can

read and write, which creates the opportunity for various reading and writing

methods, including augmentative communication, to be acknowledged as opposed to

enforcing consistent criteria.

The capacity to read, write, and comprehend information offered in a variety

of forms and media, including written, visual, and digital text, is referred to as

literacy. Literacy in a larger sense encompasses the capacity for critical thought,

effective communication, and the application of knowledge to guide sound judgment.

Literacy, in its simplest form, may be defined as the capacity to comprehend and use

knowledge appropriately.

7Miftahul Reski Putra Nasjum, “Improving Students’ Writing Skills In Descriptive Text By
Using Visual-Spatial Intelligence Strategy At Mts Al- Jumhuriyah Sei Rotan A,” Kaos Gl Dergisi 8,
No. 75 (2020): 147–54

b) Types of Literacy

The various types of literacies that have been taken into account in this

research paper include, computer, vernacular, digital, visual, school, media, health,

emotional, cultural and moral:

1. Computer Literacy

In the modern world, computer literacy is seen as essential for everybody

working in any industry or activity. Computers are used to carry out tasks and

perform jobs in a variety of disciplines, including education, management,

administration, law, medicine, health care, science, technology, engineering, and

others. Examples include the fundamentals of computer use, internet knowledge,

software use, cyber security, coding and programming, data management, and

computer use ethics and policy.

2. Vernacular Literacy

Vernacular literacies in the present include articles and it begins with writing.

The development of new models in terms of vernacular literacy begins with writing.

As when the students are provided with articles, they first of all learn to read and

comprehend them. Previously, mass literacy was almost exclusively described from

the reading perspective. For example is Native language education, Indigenous

literature, Community-based language initiatives, Oral tradition and storytelling,

Language immersion programs.

3. Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is defined as making use of technologies to find, use and

disseminate information. It is observed from different perspectives, depending upon

the disciplines. For example is Internet navigation, Information evaluation, Digital

communication, Cybersecurity and privacy, Media literacy, Digital creativity, Online

research and learning.

4. Visual Literacy

By seeing while simultaneously integrating other sensory experiences, a person

can build a combination of vision abilities known as visual literacy. For people to

learn normally, these competences must be developed. When people are able to

successfully develop these, they are then able to distinguish between and comprehend

observable activities, objects, and symbols that are created by nature and by humans.

Interpreting images, analyzing infographics, visual storytelling, examining ads

critically, creating visual presentations, comprehending art and design, and

interpreting media and advertisements are a few examples.

School literacy is regarded as a social activity. It has become a popular aspect

in the field of education over the past three decades. From this perspective, literacy is

no longer framed as the discrete set of individual cognitive skills. For example is

Reading comprehension, Writing skills, Phonics and phonological awareness,

Vocabulary developmen, Literacy across disciplines, Information literacy, Oral

communication, Media literacy.

5. Media Literacy

It is of utmost significance within the society that the individuals are not only

able to identify but also facilitate the acquisition of skills and abilities. These are

required by the population to make use of information and communication

technologies in an appropriate manner. These skills and abilities are much debated in

the lab our markets, home, education, leisure, communications environments and so

forth. For example is Analyzing news sources, Recognizing media bias, Evaluating

advertisements, Understanding media representations, Media literacy and social

media, Creating media content, Understanding media effects.

6. Health Literacy

In terms of knowledge and awareness of one's own health and well-being, this

is known as health literacy. Reading and comprehending medicine labels: One aspect

of health literacy is the capacity to read and comprehend drug labels, which provide

information on dose requirements as well as possible adverse effects and cautions. As

an illustration, consider the following skills: understanding healthcare information,

assessing healthcare information sources, making educated healthcare decisions,

communicating with healthcare professionals, preventive healthcare, managing

chronic diseases, and health advocacy.

7. Emotional Literacy

People are fundamentally emotional beings. The terms feelings, sentiments,

responses, passions, excitements, and sensations are used to describe them. People

who are experiencing positive emotions frequently feel contented and joyful.

Negative emotions, however, are what cause someone to feel down, angry, and

irritated. Identifying emotions, understanding emotions, expressing emotions, and

controlling emotions are some examples. empathy and awareness of others, Self-

reflection and self-awareness, conflict resolution establishing constructive


8. Cultural Literacy

People must first and foremost develop a thorough awareness of morals and ethics

if they are to comprehend cultural literacy. It is said that people are effectively

applying cultural qualities when morals and ethics are shown in the way they carry

out duties and deal with others.

Examples include familiarity with classic literature, knowledge of historical

events, appreciation of art and artistic movements, familiarity with cultural customs

and holidays, knowledge of cultural symbols and icons, appreciation of various

cultural viewpoints, and familiarity with pop culture references.

9. Moral Literacy

The literacy that is connected to having moral understanding is called moral

literacy. It is imperative that everyone has access to this moral information. Every

person's primary goal is to have a meaningful life and contribute significantly to the

community's effort to promote well-being. For instance, ethical decision-making,

civic duty, environmental stewardship, honesty and integrity, respect for others,

responsibility and accountability, compassion and empathy, justice and fairness, and

civic responsibility are all examples of virtues


C. Visual Literacy

Both the receptive and the productive facets of visual communication are

included in visual literacy. Receptively, it calls for the capacity to decode and analyze

visual clues as well as the ability to comprehend the intended meaning and any

symbolism. Analyzing visual components including color, composition, perspective,

scale, and visual metaphors is a part of this. It also entails comprehending the various

settings in which images are used to communicate ideas, feelings, or stories.

Marantika defines visual literacy as “the ability to ‘read,’ interpret, and

understand information presented in pictorial or graphic images”. Associated with

visual literacy is visual thinking, described as “the ability to turn information of all

types into pictures, graphics, or forms that help communicate the information ”The

ERIC definition of visual literacy is “a group of competencies that allows humans to

discriminate and interpret the visible action, objects, and/or symbols, natural or

constructed, that they encounter in the environment”.

Visual literacy refers to the capacity to interpret visual. It requires a variety of

abilities, from straightforward identification—naming what one sees—to intricate

interpretation on a philosophical, metaphorical, and contextual level. The use of

personal association, questioning, guessing, evaluating, fact-finding, and classifying

are only a few of the cognitive processes that are required.8

8Deborah L. Begoray, “Through A Class Darkly: Visual Literacy In The Classroom,” Canadian
Journal Of Education 26, No. 2 (2001): 201–17, Https://Doi.Org/10.2307/1602201.

An individual can efficiently locate, analyze, evaluate, use, and create pictures

and visual media with the use of a set of skills called visual literacy. Understanding

and analyzing the social, cultural, ethical, aesthetic, intellectual, and technological

elements involved in the creation and use of visual materials are made possible by

having strong visual literacy abilities. A person who is visually literate can both

critically consume visual media and contribute skillfully to a corpus of common

knowledge and culture.

Visual literacy refers to the capacity to comprehend and analyze data

presented visually. Visual literacy is based on the notion that a picture can be "read,"

and that the act of reading may convey meaning. John Debes, a co-founder of the

International Visual Literacy Association, coined the phrase "visual literacy" in 1969.

In essence, visual literacy aims to clarify how people perceive things or things,

interpret them, and then learn something from reading them.9

Visual literacy is defined as the ability to understand and use images,

including the ability to think, learn, and express oneself in terms of images. (Linda:

2008). Literasi visual adalah kemampuan untuk menafsirkan, menggunakan, dan

menciptakan media visual untuk meningkatkan proses, pengambilan keputusan,

komunikasi, dan pembelajaran (Riddle: 2009). Literasi visual merupakan sebuah

kemampuan dalam menginterpretasikan pesan visual dan menciptakan pesan dalam

sebuah komunikasi.

9 Daru Tunggul Aji, “Literasi Visual Sebagai Pendekatan Dalam Pembelajaran Fotografi,” Rekam 17,
no. 2 (2021): 123–34,

The capacity to comprehend, evaluate, and interpret information presented in

images, graphs, diagrams, and other visual media is known as visual literacy. In

addition to understanding how visual media affects perception and worldview, visual

literacy abilities also involve the capacity to create effective and convincing visual


D. Writing skills

a) The Concepts of Writing

LSRW stands for listening, speaking, reading, and writing and is one of the

four language acquisition skills. It is a set of written symbols that, through a variety

of methods including capitalization, spelling, punctuation, word shape, and function,

represents the sounds, syllables, or words of a language. Communication is

transferred more frequently via writing than through any other sort of medium, hence

writing is generally highly significant. Students must thus possess strong writing

abilities to satisfy both their academic needs and job obligations.10

The capacity to convey ideas and concepts in writing in a style that is clear, efficient,

and understandable to readers may be inferred from the definitions given above. The

ability to arrange ideas, create compelling arguments, utilize appropriate syntax and

language, and create writing that is both engaging and easy to read are all examples

of good writing abilities. Writing proficiency is crucial for a variety of occupations

and pursuits, including those in academia, business, media, and other fields..

10Ronald T.Kellogg, “Ning W Riting S Skills : A Co Ognitive E Devel Opmen Ntal Per Rspectiv
Ve,” Writing Research 1 (2008): 1–26, Http://Dx.Doii.Org/10.17239/Jowr-2008.01.01.1.

b) The Purpose of Writing

Every action, including writing, has a goal. Writing has a role as well. You

may have more than one reason for each project, according to the author of Writing

Form Process reason, who listed the following purposes for writing: a. To inform.

You can want to enlighten people in order to spread knowledge.

a. To amuse, when your writing's goal is to amuse or entertain, try to be

humorous; nevertheless, make sure to thoroughly consider the humor you want to


b. Satire frequently takes the shape of humor, but it always has a serious intent

—to bring about change.

c. To convince, which means that your goal in writing is to sway the opinions

or behavior of your audience.

c) The Process of Writing

That there are four-steps in the writing process. They are planning, drafting,

editing and final draft. Each step is described as follows:

Step 1: Planning

Students plan some of the concepts they will write about throughout this

phase. Making notes or organizing everything in their brains is how students begin to

acquire knowledge and ideas for their writing. They must take into account three key

factors while planning: the writing's goal, the intended readership, and the order in

which the information, ideas, or arguments should be presented.

Step 2: Drafting.

The pupils' initial attempt to put thoughts on paper is called drafting. In this stage,

they draft unsure thoughts unaffected by flaws that are connected to the subject they

will write about.

Step 3: Editing (reflecting and revising)

The students reread their text after creating it to determine where it succeeds

and where it fails. Perhaps the phrase is unclear or the material is presented in an

unclear sequence. The editing procedure may be based on verbal or written critiques

provided by classmates or professors. They will support the students as they edit their


Step 4: Final phase

After the editing process, the pupils revise their writing. Following several

processes, the final output could differ from the initial draft. In accordance with

Richards and Renandya, pupils can either display their writing on notice boards or

publish, share, or read it.

d). The Problems of Writing

Writing is difficult. A skilled writer may frequently spend more than an hour on a

single paragraph, not including the planning and research that came before the

writing. Thus, both instructors and pupils are faced with several issues.

"The less proficient writer" issue is the first issue. Less experienced authors rush

through the writing process by skipping the prewriting techniques for coming up with

ideas. Writing down their thoughts may take a long time for students.

C. Conceptual Framework

The main focus of this research is using discovery learning method in learning

writing at eleventh grade students’ of MAN 2 BARRU The framework is a

description of the pattern of relationships between concepts or variables and is a

complete picture of the research focus. The framework of thought is usually presented

in the form of a schematic chart.

The main focus of this research is using Vicual Literacy to improve writing

ablity the Eleventh grade students at MAN 2 BARRU . The researchers design the

conceptual framework of this research by showing diagram below.




E. Hypothesis

H0: There is no effect of using Visual Litracy method to Increase Students’

Writing Ability.

H1: There is effect of using Visual Litracy method to Increase Students’ Writing

A. Research Design

This research will use pre-experimental research design by using pre-test and

post-test with quantitative approach, because the researcher want to established

possible cause and effect between dependent and independent variable.

Table 3.1 Pretest-Posttest Design

Pre- Test Treatment Post-Test

O1 X O2

O1: Pretest

X : Treatment

O2: Posttest

B. Location and duration of the research

1. Research Location

The location of the research will be conducted MAN 2 BARRU. It located in

Jln. Cilellang, Lakalitta, Kec. Mallusetasi, Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan and the

research will do the research about 45 days including of analysis data.

2. Research Time

This Research had conduct approximately a month (adjusted to the needs of

the researcher).

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research will be eleventh Grade Students’ at XI MIA 1

in MAN 2 Barru.

Table 3.2 The population of this research.

NO Class Total Students

1 MIA I 21

2 MIA II 18

3 MIA III 20

4 IIS I 19

5 IIS II 17

Total Poulation 95

2. Sample

According to Sugiyono the sample is part of the number and characteristics

possessed by the population. So the sampling technique in this research is Purposive

Sampling. According to Sugiyono purposive sampling is about sample which proper

to the criteria of the class.11 The sample can be choose for class experiment which is

Eleventh Natural Science Class which each number of students are 21 students.

11Dr Sugiyono Prof., “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif Dan R&D. Intro ( Pdfdrive ),”
Bandung Alf, 2011.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

1. Data Collection

Data collection is an indispensable step in research, because the data collected

is used to test the hypotheses that have been formulated in this study. In general, there

are several methods of data collection techniques, namely.

a). Test

The test as a data collection instrument is a series of questions or exercises used

to measure the knowledge skills, intelligence abilities or talents of Eleventh Natural

Science MAN 2 BARRU

1) Pre-test is an activity to test the level of students’ learning writing of the material

had been delivered; the pre-test is carried out before teaching activities begin. Before

researcher giving the treatment on the first meeting researcher will gave pre-test to

students’ to identify the students’ writing Ability.

2) The post-test is the test that the researcher after the treatments. Post-test is the final

evaluation when the material taught on that day has been gives a post-test in other

words whether students have improvment in English. The smilar test will be given

from pretest.


The researcher give the treatment to students. This treatment will be conducted

for four meetings. The procedure of the treatment as follow:


1) The first meeting: The researcher will explain about the Descriptive text

material then form permanent groups and show an image through a projector and

each group discusses and writes down information about the image.

2) The Second meeting: Students and researchers jointly analyze the pictures that

have been shown in the previous meeting and also the researcher will correct

students' writing errors in groups

3) The Thirth meeting: The researcher will show another picture and ask students

to write down information about the picture shown individually.

4) The Forth meeting: Students and researchers jointly analyze the pictures that

have been shown in the previous meeting and also the researcher will correct

individual student writing errors.

E. Instrument of the Research

According to Sugiono saying an instrument is a tool used to collect data. It

means that instrument are a tool or facilities that are used by the writer to collect the

data completely and systematically.Instrument of this research is writing test,

students’ writing will be analyzed by using assessment rubric below :


Table 3.3 Classification of Students’ Writing Score

No Aspect Criteria Score

1. Content ● Relevant to topic 4

● Mostly relevant to topic but lacks detail 3


● Inadequate development of topic 2

● Not relevant to topic 1

2. Organization ● Ideas clearly stated and supported, well 4

organized (generic structure)

● Loosely organized but main ideas stand out, 3

not well organized (generic structure)

● Ideas confused or even no main ideas, bad

organized (generic structure) 2

● Does not communicate , not organized

3. Language use ● Few errors agreement, tenses, number, 4

word order, article, pronouns of preposition

● Several errors of agreement, tenses,

number, word, order, article, pronouns of 3


● Frequent errors of agreement, tenses,

number, word order, article, pronouns of 2


● Dominated by errors

4. Mechanics ● Few errors of spelling, punctuation, 4

capitalization, and paragraphing
● Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, 3
capitalization, and paragraphing
● Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and paragraphing 2
● Dominated by errors

F. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Descriptive Analysis

Method that serves to describe or give an overview of the object under study

through data or samples that have beencollected does not exist without doing analysis

and making conclusions, this analysis focused on mean, standard deviation and some

of any testbefore conducting infrential analysis.

a). Scoring the students’ correct answer of pre-test and post-test by using formula :

score =Student correct answerThe total number of them×100

b). Classifying the score students’ classification as follow:

Table 3.4 Classification of Students’ Writing Score

No Scores Classification

1 80-100 Very good

2 66-79 Good
3 56-65 Fair
4 40-55 Poor
5 <39 Very poor 12
( Score: Shuharsimi Arikanto, 2013;281)

a) Percentage of students’ reading score using the following formula:

P=FN ×100%

P : Percentage
F : Frequency
N : Total Number of Students

d). To find out the average score following formula :

x= xN
Where :
x : Mean Score
x : The total number of the students score
N : The number of student

e). Calculating standard deviation of students’ score in pre-test and post-test

following formula:

S= SS - N , where SS = X2- (x)2N

12Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Edition Of Revisi (Cet. X, Jakarta: Bumi
Aksara, 2011 ),P.245.

Where :S : The standard Deviation

SS : The square root of the sum of square

X2 : The sum of square

(x)2 : Total square of the sum

N : Total number of student

Standard deviation is used for measuring the mean score as valid as result
data, which become generally score for representative the population average.

f). The formula used in finding out the difference between students’ score in pre-test
and post-test following formula:

Where :
t : Test of significance
x1 : Mean score of Pre Test
x2 : Mean score of Post Test
SS1 : Sum square of Pre Test
SS2 : Sum square of Post Test
n1 : Number of students’ of Pre Test
n2 : Number of students’ of Post Test
1 : Constant number
2 : Number of class13

13Nurvitasyasari, “The Use Of Show And Tell (S&T) Method In Teaching Vocabulary At The
Second Year Students’ Of Juniar High School (Smp) Negeri 4 Galesong Selatan Kabupaten Takalar”

T test become very essential test for comparing the two findings result data

which has different category of sample and average result.

A. Findings

The findings of this research deal with the classification of the students' pre-

test and post-test. To find out the justification of the question in the previous chapter,

the researcher supervised a test that was given twice. A pre-test was given before

treatment to know the students' writing skill in analytical exposition text before doing

the treatment, while post-test was given after treatment that is knowing the students'

writing skill after doing treatment and the result of the post-test of this research can

answer the question of this research that aims to find out through using Vicual

Literacy can improve writing skill students’ at MAN 2 BARRU

This research is being done in writing skill pupils of MAN 2 BARRU as the

place that the research is observing. This research is being processed by following

several steps that are also referred to as research methodology, some of which begin

with the observation stage. Following the observation to determine which samples are

ready to be tested, the researcher attempts to create some research plans for use in

class. Student scores on the pre-test The pre-test was carried out before giving

treatment. Students were given a pre-test, the researcher found the results of students'

writing skills in the pre-test based on aspects of writing before giving collaborative

writing whose content, organization, use of language, and mechanics, were analyzed

and produced information as in the following table:


Table 4.1 the students score in pre-test based on scoring rubric of writing

After knowing the students’ score in pre-test based on scoring rubric of

writing , the following table are students’ score to find out the mean score .

Based on the result above, the researcher is going to presented the descriptive

statistic for the students writing skill using the Visual Literacy explained below:

Table 4.2 Descriptive of Pre-Test

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pre-test Result 21 31 50 40,24 4,122

Valid N (listwise) 21

The students' score in post-test Meanwhile:

Table 4.3 the students score in Post-Test based on scoring rubric of writing

CONTENT Organization Language Use Mechnics
1 STUDENT 1 4 4 3 3 14 87.5 Very Good
2 STUDENT 2 3 3 2 4 12 75 Good
3 STUDENT 3 4 2 4 3 13 81.25 Very Good
4 STUDENT 4 3 3 3 3 12 75 Good
5 STUDENT 5 3 3 3 4 13 81.25 Very Good
6 STUDENT 6 3 2 3 4 12 75 Good
7 STUDENT 7 4 4 3 3 14 87.5 Very Good
8 STUDENT 8 3 3 4 3 13 81.25 Very Good
9 STUDENT 9 3 2 3 2 10 62.5 Fair
10 STUDENT 10 3 3 4 3 13 81.25 Very Good
11 STUDENT 11 3 2 3 3 11 68.75 Good
12 STUDENT 12 4 4 3 4 15 93.75 Very Good
13 STUDENT 13 4 2 3 2 11 68.75 Good
14 STUDENT 14 3 3 2 3 11 68.75 Good
15 STUDENT 15 3 3 4 3 13 81.25 Very Good
16 STUDENT 16 4 3 3 3 13 81.25 Very Good
17 STUDENT 17 3 2 3 2 10 62.5 Fair
18 STUDENT 18 4 3 4 3 14 87.5 Very Good
19 STUDENT 19 3 2 3 3 11 68.75 Good
20 STUDENT 20 3 3 2 4 12 75 Good
21 STUDENT 21 4 3 2 3 12 75 Good

Table 4.4 Result of Post-Test

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Post-test Result 21 63 94 77,19 8,412

Valid N (listwise) 21

The column N represents the sample size, indicating the number of

observations available for the post-test variable. In this case, the sample size is 20,

indicating that there are 20 data points used in the calculation of the descriptive

statistics.The minumum column shows the lowest observed value in the post-test

variable. In this case, the minimum value is 75. The maximum column displays the

highest observed value in the post-test variable. Here, the maximum value is 94. The

mean column represents the average value of all the data points in the post-test

variable. In this case, the mean value is 84.69. The deviation column indicates the

standard deviation of the data points in the post-test variable. The standard deviation

is a measure of how spread out the data is from the mean. In this case, the standard

deviation is 7.715. Additionally, there is a row labeled "Valid N (listwise)" which

signifies the number of cases that have complete data for all variables involved in the

analysis. In this instance, the value of 20 indicates that all 20 data points were used in

calculating the descriptive statistics for the post-test variable.

The improvement of the students’ can be explained for the answered

according to the score which students get in pre and post test, it can be explained


a. Paired sample T-Test

Paired T-Test is a parametric test that can be used on two data between pre

and post test. The purpose of this test is to see if there is an average difference

between two paired data. Following are the results of the data description:

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences T df Sig. (2-

95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Std. Error Difference
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper tailed)
Pair Pre-test Result - 36,952 9,656 2,107 41,348 32,557 17,536 20 ,000
1 Post-test Result

The paired differences column represents the differences between the paired

values of pre-test and post-test for each observation. In this case, the mean difference

is 22.187. The mean column displays the average of the paired differences. Here, the

mean of the differences is 22.187. Deviation: The deviation column indicates the

standard deviation of the paired differences. The standard deviation measures the

spread or dispersion of the differences around the mean. In this case, the standard

deviation is 9.825.The mean column represents the standard error of the mean

difference. It indicates the precision of the estimated mean difference. In this case, the

standard error mean is 2.197. 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference: The "95%

Confidence Interval of the Difference" column displays the range within which the

true difference between the means is estimated to fall with 95% confidence. The

lower and upper values represent the lower and upper bounds of the confidence

interval, respectively. In this case, the 95% confidence interval ranges from 17.589 to

26.786.The "t" column represents the t-value, which is a measure of the difference

between the means of the paired samples relative to the variability within the sample.

In this case, the t-value is 10.100. The "df" column indicates the degrees of freedom,

which is a measure of the amount of information available for estimating the

population parameters. In this case, the degrees of freedom are 19.


The significance value (2-tailed) in the table in the table shows 0.001, based

on the parametric test decision making value Sig (2-tailed) 0.001 <0.005 then H0

(Null Hypothesis) is rejected and H1 (Alternative hypothesis) is accepted or in the

sense that there are results the real difference between the results of the Pre-test and

the results of the Post-test can be said that Vicual Literacy can improve students'

writing skills.

B. Discuccion

In learning writing in the classroom there are often many problems that are

found so that students cannot improve their writing skills. There are at least two

problems that Betty expressed in the journal she wrote. Less proficient writers jump

the process of writing by skipping the prewriting strategies to generate ideas. Students

might take much time to write down their ideas. The suggestion for this problem is

that teachers should teach less proficient writers the writing process. Teachers also

need to give full attention to them, to show them how to plan a piece of writing

through prewriting activities. The second problem is “I can't write English” problem,

students always think that they can't write because according to them writing is

difficult and they can't find good examples in writing, therefore the function of the

teacher is actually to provide the right media so that students can be helped in writing.

Learning media is one of the important aspects in achieving learning

objectives. There are many supporting media to help students in writing. One of them

is the Visual Literacy that can help students write a paragraph or essay. Besides that,

this media is also useful for writers who can write clearly and not too verbally or

theoretically. The Visual Literacy is arguably still very new. This Visual Literacy

uses an algorithm to automatically generate articles on any topic. Even add your own


Previously there were many studies that used media to help students improve

their writing skills such as Evyta Tri Handayani and Dyah Aminatun in article “the

students' perspective on the use of whatsapp groups to improve writing skills . The

aim of this article is to find out how learning how to use WhatsApp in writing can

influence the development of their writing skills. Looking at the results of this study

it can be concluded that the use of WhatsApp can improve students' writing, 14 and

Ahmad Yudi Wahyudin in his articel tries to confirm if Instagram has a positive

effect on students' writing skill. The results show that students' writing skills improve

in terms of aids and that students treated in blended learning classes using Instagram

do better than designed. the results of the studies above show that the problems

experienced by students in the writing process can be overcome by using appropriate

learning media.

Researchers have used the same method but used different media, the media

that has been used by researchers is Vicual Literacy Therefore, after giving treatment

by appliying Vicual Literacy gave an improvement writing to students the second

years of MAN 2 BARRU , The research not only focused to improve writing skill but

students’ can phraprashing paragraph.

14 Evyta Tri Handayani and Dyah Aminatun, “Students’ Point of View on the Use of Whatsapp Group
To Elevate Writing Ability,” Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, 2020, 1,2.

After applying the Vicual Literacy, the students were more easily and

confidence to write the text. The students showed much improvement in writing after

using Vicual Literacy,the students were able to minimize the mistakes in writing the

analytical paragraph, before giving them treatment the score of pre-test was 62.50 and

post test 84,69. The mean score between the result of pre-test and post-test had

difference and the result of pre-test and post-test in which the result of computation of

t-test value is 10.100.

From explanation above, it can be concluded the using Vicual Literacy

improve students' writing skill at second years students’ of MAN 2 BARRU . The

analysis of the data using the Vicual Literacy writing strategy in the preceding section

revealed that the students' writing ability before receiving instruction was fair, with a

mean pre-test score of 62,50. This was due to the students' writing running into some

challenges based on the criteria of writing components just for seeing with the

accuracy aspect.

As a result, there was a difference between the students' writing abilities prior

to and following the application of Visual Literacy. It was demonstrated that this

tactic can help the teacher when teaching English in the classroom, and that the

learning process activity will be more successful since the students can use this tactic.

Students must study more and try to compose some material in order to improve their

writing skills in addition to learning how to write well in English.Good writing will

result in good writing grammar. If the material or information is well written, readers

will find it easy to comprehend. Thus, the teacher's top focus should be to teach

English writing.


A. Conclusion

Based on the description of the result data, the researcher conclude the

research that:

1. Visual Literacy can improve the student writing ability

The significance value (2-tailed) of 0.001 obtained from the table indicates

that based on the decision-making criteria for a parametric test, where the

significance value (Sig) of 0.001 is less than 0.005, the null hypothesis (H0) is

rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. This means that there is a

statistically significant difference between the Pre-test and Post-test results,

suggesting that Visual Literacy can improve the writing skill of students.

The null hypothesis (H0) in this context might state that there is no significant

difference between the Pre-test and Post-test results in terms of students' writing skill.

On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis (H1) suggests that there is a significant

difference, indicating that Visual Literacy has a tangible impact on enhancing

students' writing skill.

Therefore, based on the obtained significance value (0.001) being smaller than

the predetermined significance level (0.005), it can be concluded that Visual Literacy

has a meaningful effect on improving the writing skill of students. This finding

supports the notion that using Visual Literacy leads to noticeable improvements in

students' writing skill.


It is important to note that the significance level (α) represents the threshold

for making a decision regarding the hypotheses. By rejecting the null hypothesis (H0)

and accepting the alternative hypothesis (H1), we are indicating that the observed

difference in the Pre-test and Post-test results is not due to chance but rather a

genuine effect of using Visual Literacy.

Overall, the statistical analysis suggests that Visual Literacy can be considered

an effective tool for enhancing the writing skill of students, as there is strong

evidence to support the claim of a significant difference between the Pre-test and

Post-test results.

There is an average difference in the students' writing skill before using the

Vicual Literacy and after using the Visual Literacy.

The research results indicate that the average writing skill of students before

using the Visual Literacy was 62.50, while after receiving treatment with the Visual

Literacy, it increased to 84.69. This significant improvement in writing skill suggests

the effectiveness of the Visual Literacy in enhancing students' writing abilities.

The initial average score of 62.50 reflects the baseline level of students'

writing skill before the intervention. It serves as a reference point to assess the impact

of using the Visual Literacy. After the treatment, the average score of 84.69

demonstrates a substantial increase, indicating a clear enhancement in students'

writing abilities.

The substantial difference of 22.19 between the pre-treatment and post-

treatment scores provides strong evidence of the positive impact of the Visual

Literacy. This significant improvement in writing skill suggests that the features and

functionalities of the Vicual Literacy contribute to enhancing students' writing

abilities, leading to higher-quality written outputs.

The increase from 62.50 to 84.69 in the average writing score highlights the

potential of the Vicual Literacy in facilitating the development of students' writing

skill. By leveraging the. This improvement in writing abilities is crucial in academic

and professional settings, as effective written communication is highly valued.

In conclusion, the research findings demonstrate that using the Vicual

Literacy leads to a significant improvement in students' writing skill. The average

writing score increased from 62.50 to 84.69, indicating a substantial enhancement in

the quality of students' written work. These results emphasize the efficacy of the

Vicual Literacy in enhancing students' writing skill and supporting their overall

academic and professional development.

B. Suggestion

Based on the data above, the suggestion offer to:

1. English Teacher

The teacher is suggested to do more teaching by exploit some of the media on how

the students get the materials easily.

2. Next Researcher

Next researcher is suggested to do more research which may develop the using of

Vicual Literacy of research.


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