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Introductory Soils Lab 1 Soil Morphology & Profiles NRES 201





Color is an easily determined soil characteristic that not only affects the absorption of
solar radiation, but also provides valuable information about many other soil properties. For
example, the color of surface horizons is often related to their organic matter content, while the
color of subsurface horizons provides information about internal soil drainage. In addition, a
difference in soil color is one of the properties that can be used to differentiate soil horizons.

1a.1.1 Munsell color notation system

Soil color is most conveniently measured by comparison to colors on a color chart. The
collection of color charts generally used with soils is a modified version of the collection of
charts appearing in the Munsell Book of Color and includes only that portion needed for soils.
The Munsell notation identifies color by the use of three variables: Hue, Value, and Chroma.
Hue is the dominant spectral (rainbow) color; e.g., yellow, red, green, or a mixture such
as yellow-red. Mixtures are identified numerically according to the amount of yellow or red used
to produce the mixture. For example, 5YR is an equal mixture of red and yellow. As the number
increases, the amount of the first letter color (Y, yellow) increases, and as the number decreases,
the amount of the second letter color (R, red) increases.
Value and Chroma are terms that refer to how the hue is modified by the addition of grey
to the pure color (hue). Value is a property of the grey color that is being added to the hue. A
particular grey (value) is made by mixing a pure white pigment (10) with a pure black pigment
(0). The value is 5 when equal amounts of white and black pigments are mixed. The value is less
than 5 if more black than white pigment is used, and greater than 5 when white is the dominant
pigment. Chroma is the amount of pure hue that is mixed with a grey of a particular value to
obtain the actual color. A chroma of 1 would be made by adding one unit of pure hue to a certain
amount of grey; a chroma of 5 would contain 5 units of pure hue to that amount of grey. The
lower the chroma, the greyer is the color.

1a.1.2 Determination of soil color

The nomenclature for soil color consists of two complementary systems: color names and
the Munsell notation of color. Color names are less precise, but convey a general concept of the
color of the soil. Munsell notation is more precise and is standardized so that soil scientists in
different countries will have no difficulty in communicating information about soil color.
The Munsell soil color charts are set up so that each page is a separate hue; e.g., 10YR or
5R. The hue is given in the upper right hand corner of the chart (page). The color book is
arranged with red colors in the front grading into yellow in the back. An actual chart is a
collection of color chips of constant hue arranged by value and chroma. Color chips within a row
are constant in value, with chromas increasing from left to right. Columns are constant in
chroma, with values decreasing from top to bottom.

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Soil color is determined by matching a moist soil sample with the appropriate color chip.
Because a given color chart is not a collection of all possible values and chromas of a given hue,
the match is often less than perfect. It is generally possible to describe one chip that is very
close in color to the moist soil. The major difficulties encountered in using the soil color charts
involve 1) selecting the appropriate hue card, 2) determining colors that are intermediate between
hues, and 3) distinguishing between values and chromas when chromas are strong (large
Once the appropriate color chip has been selected, the hue, value, and chroma are
recorded. The notation 5YR 5/4 is for a soil with a hue of 5YR, a value of 5, and a chroma of 4.
The corresponding color name for 5YR 5/4 is reddish brown. Color names are given on the
opposite (facing) pages of the color books. In cases where soil color must be specified more
precisely than with whole numbers for value and chroma, decimals are used, never fractions.
Reproducible measurements of soil color can be obtained at two moisture contents: moist (field-
capacity) and air-dry. In most soil descriptions, and unless otherwise stated, colors are given for
the moist condition. Coatings on peds are often of a different color than ped interiors, so colors
of subsoils are taken both from the coats and from the ped interiors. Surface soil colors are
typically from crushed or rubbed samples.

Figure 1A-1. Munsell 10YR Hue page, the most common soil color.

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Figure 1A-2. Explanation of Munsell Soil Color Chart (page).

1.1.3 Interpretation of soil color

Soil color is due to: 1) the presence of soil organic matter (humus), and 2) the oxidation
status of the iron compounds in the soil. Organic matter imparts a dark brown to black color to
the soil. In general, the higher the organic matter content of the soil, the darker is the color. For
lower horizons that lack organic matter coatings, soil color is mainly controlled by the type of
soil minerals present. In better drained soils that are well-aerated, Fe (III) minerals give a red or
yellow color to the soil. When poor drainage restricts aeration, Fe is reduced and the soil takes
on the neutral (grey) colors of Fe (II) minerals. In soils with illuvial B horizons, various coatings,
clay, organic matter, or carbonates may impart a distinctive color to the ped surface.

Soil organic matter. The organic matter content of soils can be estimated from the Munsell
color of a soil (J. D. Alexander, Univ. of Illinois AG-1941). The most accurate estimates are
obtained with medium- and fine-textured mineral soils. Soils with greater than 50% sand and
less than 10% clay usually contain less organic matter than predicted. The performance of
many herbicides is influenced by adsorption onto soil organic matter. Estimation of soil
organic matter from soil color can be helpful in selecting herbicides and determining
application rates. Appropriate rates maximize weed control, while minimizing crop damage
and potential environmental effects.

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Table 1A-1 Relationship of soil color to soil organic matter content.

Munsell notation percent organic matter

moist color range Avg
10YR 2/1 3.5 - 7.0 5.0
10YR 3/1 2.5 - 4.0 3.5
10YR 3/2 2.0 - 3.0 2.5
10YR 4/2 1.5 - 2.5 2.0
10YR 5/3 1.0 - 2.0 1.5

Soil drainage classes. The drainage class of a soil can be determined from the colors and
color patterns in the soil's lower horizons (subsoil). The red color of soils is generally
related to the presence of unhydrated iron (III) oxides, although manganese dioxide and
partially hydrated iron (III) oxides may also contribute red colors. The red colors may be
inherited from the parent materials or developed by the oxidation of iron minerals during
soil weathering. Red colors are stable only in soils that are well-aerated.
The bright, high chroma yellowish or reddish-brown color of soils is largely due to
the presence of hydrated iron (III) oxides. Soils with yellow colors tend to occupy wetter
landscape positions than associated red soils, which results in the hydration of the iron (III)
oxides. Grey and whitish colors of soils are caused by several substances, mainly quartz,
kaolinite, and other clay minerals, calcium and magnesium carbonates (limestone), and
reduced iron compounds. The greyest colors (chromas < 1) occur in permanently saturated
soil horizons; these soils often have a bluish appearance.
Soil horizons may be uniform in color or may be streaked, spotted, variegated, or
mottled. Local accumulations of carbonates or organic matter can produce a spotted
appearance. Streaks or tongues of color may result from the downward movement of clays,
organic matter, and/or iron oxides. Mottling is often associated with fluctuating water
tables creating changes in soil drainage and aeration and, hence, mixtures of red, yellow ,
and grey colors. The dominant color of the mass of a soil is called the matrix color;
discrete zones of different color caused by poor drainage are called mottles or
redoximorphic features and include low chroma colors (depletions) and high chroma colors
(concentrations) due to iron and manganese oxidation status, which is related to soil
drainage and aeration.

Natural Drainage Classes

Very Poorly Soils on level or depressional areas frequently ponded with

water. Black or dark grey surface horizons, light grey (gleyed)
colored horizons immediately under the surface horizons.

Poorly Soils having a high water table or slowly permeable layers in

the profile. Mottling occurs immediately under the surface
horizons. Lower horizons light grey in color.

Somewhat Poorly Mottling usually occurs at a depth of 25-45 cm. Light grey
colors not present, except deep in the profile.

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Moderately Well Mottling usually occurs 45-75 cm below the soil surface.

Well Usually free from mottles, has uniform high chroma, brown and
yellowish or reddish-brown colors in the subsoil. If mottles
occur, they are below a depth of 75 cm.

Excessively Soil moisture moves through the soil rapidly and there is so
little moisture stored in the soil that plants are usually
moisture-stressed. The profile shows high chroma colors and
no mottling. Includes sandy soils on convex landforms.


Soil texture refers to the percentage of sand, silt, and clay particles in a given mass
of soil. Particles greater than 2 mm in diameter are removed from the soil by sieving and
are excluded from the textural determination, but may be analyzed separately. The presence
of larger particles is recognized by the use of modifiers such as gravelly, cobbly, stony,
cherty, channery, slaty, or shaly based on the size and composition of the larger particles.

Sand Particles ranging in size from 2.0 mm to 0.05 mm in diameter.

Silt Particles ranging in size from 0.05 mm to 0.002 mm in diameter.

Clay Particles less than 0.002 mm (2 µm) in diameter.

Sand, silt, and clay are size separates that include all mineral particles in a specific size
range regardless of composition or mineralogy. Particles larger than sand (> 2 mm) are
called coarse fragments and are named in order of increasing size: gravel < stones <
boulders. Laboratory analyses typically are done on the fine earth (< 2 mm) fraction of

1a.2.1 Textural classes

Soils normally are a mixture of sand, silt, clay, larger mineral particles, and organic
matter. The larger mineral particles (> 2 mm) and the organic matter are removed before
textural analysis. Soils are then classified into different textural classes based on the
percentage composition of sand, silt, and clay. Sandy particle-size classes (Sands, Loamy
Sands, Sandy Loams), are further classified into very fine, fine, coarse, and very coarse
classes if a particular size of sand dominates the sample (e.g., Loamy Very Fine Sand).
Textural classes share similar physical and chemical properties that include water-holding
capacity, cation-exchange capacity, etc.
Determination of a soil’s textural class is best achieved using the textural triangle,
which is constructed so that the bases represent 0% sand, silt, or clay and the
corresponding apexes represent 100% sand, silt, or clay. The accompanying textural
triangle shows the usual 12 textural classes, but the naming is not entirely consistent. For
example, Silt Loam is used instead of Silty Loam, whereas Sandy Loam is used instead of
Sand Loam.

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Figure 1A-3. USDA Soil Texture Triangle.

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Soil particles typically do not exist in a soil as individual particles but are clumped together into
aggregates or peds. Peds form in soils in response to texture, mineralogy, and plant and animal
activities (including humans). Structure is important because it controls water and air movement
in soils, and thus greatly influences plant growth and microbial activities. A soil’s structure
reflects its age and management history. Tillage practices are particularly important, and can
have a degrading effect if done improperly. Soil structure is pedogenic (formed by soil forming
factors) rather than geogenic (formed by geologic processes), and thereby differentiates soil
horizons from the underlying parent material (C horizon).

Types of soil structure:

Granular: Resembles cookie crumbs or Grape Nuts cereal,

and is usually < 0.5 cm in diameter. Commonly found in A
horizons where roots have been growing. Sign of good
“tilth.” Enhanced by the action of soil organisms, particularly

Blocky: Irregular blocks that are usually 1.5-5.0 cm in

diameter. Found in B horizons, particularly when clay-
textured. Formed by shrinking and swelling of clay due to
wetting and drying, or freezing and thawing.

Prismatic: Vertical columns of soil that can be multiple cm in

length. Usually found in lower B horizons. Ped sizes tend to
increase with depth.

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Platy: Thin, flat plates of soil that lie horizontally. Usually

found in E horizons or in compacted soil. Formed by freezing
and thawing or pressure from above.

Soils that lack structure are termed structureless. There are two subtypes:

Single Grained: Soil exists as individual particles that

do not stick together. Always accompanies a loose
consistence. Commonly found in C horizons of sandy

Massive: Soil has no visible structure, is hard to break

apart along preferred planes of weakness, and appears in
very large clods. Typical of most C horizons.


Soil Consistence is a term used to describe the resistance of a soil to mechanical stress and
manipulations at various moisture contents. Consistence is the degree and kind of cohesion and
adhesion that soil exhibits, and/or the resistance of soil to deformation or rupture under an
applied stress. It is typically evaluated on moist samples.

1. Consistence is influenced by: water content, texture, mineralogy, organic matter content,
packing (bulk density), and cementation.
2. Consistence classes: Loose, Very Friable, Friable, Firm, Very Firm, and Cemented.

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Laboratory Directions.

1. Determine the soil color of the unknown samples provided by your instructor. Practice and
develop your technique with the known samples. Estimate the organic matter content of the

Procedure for determining soil color.

a. Select the ped or soil sample to be described.

b. Moisten the sample so that no free water is present nor is it glistening in the light.

c. Determine the hue of the sample by comparison with pages in the Munsell color book.
Begin with the 10YR hue, which is common for many Midwestern soils.

d. With good light coming over your shoulder compare the soil’s color with the color chips
until you find the best match possible. You may have to select another hue (page) if you
have difficulty finding a match.

e. Record the Munsell color notation (hue value/chroma) and the soil color name.

f. Try to determine soil color on a dry sample of the same soil, and from a ped that has been
shaved or broken.

2. Determine the texture of the unknown samples provided by your instructor using the
grittiness and ribbon tests. Develop your technique using the known samples.

Procedure for determining texture-by-feel.

a. The grittiness test measures the presence of sand or silt in the soil sample. The soil
sample is placed in the palm of the hand, moistened until excessively wet, and then
rubbed with the forefinger of the opposite hand. Sand feels gritty; silt feels silky

Figure 1A-4. Soil texture by feel, determining sand content by puddling.

b. The ribbon test measures clay content by determining the strength and length of a ribbon of
soil that can be formed when a properly wet soil sample is squeezed between the thumb
and forefinger of the same hand. The higher the clay content, the stronger is the ribbon.

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Textures with the word “clay” in them (Clay Loam, Silty Clay Loam, Silty Clay, Clay,
Sandy Clay Loam, Sandy Clay) produce a shiny ribbon.

Figure 1A-5. Soil texture by feel, determining clay content by making a ribbon.

3. Determine the structure of the soil samples provided. This is best done by comparison with
the illustrations. Remember that structure is affected by soil use and management, and varies
with profile depth and textural class.

4. Determine the consistence of the soil samples provided. Moisten the samples, and then
squeeze them between the thumb and forefinger. Initially the extreme classes can be
differentiated; with practice the finer distinctions can be determined.

Soil Consistence Classes:

Loose This class is for sands that are structureless, single grained.

Very Friable Peds easily deform when squeezed, and are prone to crumble when picked

Friable Peds deform when squeezed; finger tips are slightly depressed.

Firm Peds can be crushed by pinching them, but offer more resistance than
would occur with the friable class.

Very Firm Peds are very difficult to crush, unless you cheat by applying shear force.

Cemented Forget about crushing these with your fingers; they’re cemented!

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Ability to: Consistence

Soil Textural Class Feel (moist) Form Stable Ball Ribbon Out “Soils” Hands Plastic Prop. Sticky Moist Dry

SAND (S) Very gritty No No No No No Loose Loose

LOAMY SAND (LS) Very gritty No No Yes (slight) No No Loose Loose

SANDY LOAM (SL) Gritty Yes (easily Yes (dull surface; Yes No (>18% C No V. friable Soft
deformed) poorly formed) forms wire)

SILT (Si) Velvety Yes (easily Yes (dull surface; Yes No No V. friable Soft
deformed) poorly formed)

LOAM (L) Gritty Yes Yes (dull surface; Yes Yes (slight) Yes (slight to Friable Soft
poorly formed) mod.)

SILT LOAM (SiL) Velvety Yes Yes (dull surface; Yes Yes (slight to Yes (slight to Friable Soft
poorly formed) mod.) mod.)

SILTY CLAY LOAM Velvety and Yes (very stable) Yes (shiny surface; Yes Yes (mod.) Yes Friable to Slightly hard
(SiCL) sticky well formed) firm

CLAY LOAM (CL) Gritty and Yes (very stable) Yes (shiny surface; Yes Yes (mod.) Yes Firm Slightly hard
sticky well formed) to hard

SANDY CLAY LOAM Very gritty Yes (very stable) Yes (well formed; Yes Yes (mod.) Yes Friable to Slightly hard
(SCL) and sticky very shiny surface) firm to hard

SANDY CLAY (SC) Very gritty Yes (very stable, Yes (well formed; Yes Yes Yes Firm Hard
and sticky molding resistant) very shiny surface)

SILTY CLAY (SiC) Extremely Yes (very Yes (well formed; Yes Yes (strong) Yes (very sticky) Firm to Hard to very
sticky and resistant to very shiny surface) extremely hard
very smooth molding) firm

CLAY (C) Extremely Yes (very Yes (well formed; Yes Yes (strong) Yes (very sticky) Firm to Hard to very
sticky with resistant to very shiny surface) extremely hard
slight molding) firm

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Soil cores can be collected in the field with hand or power coring devices that retrieve
undisturbed samples. A variety of information can be determined by a visual inspection of fresh and
fixed soil cores in the laboratory. The profile is described by identifying the individual horizons that
are present, their depth, color, structure, and texture. Other information about the soil may also be
determined from a visual inspection, including the parent material, natural drainage class, and soil


1. Depth (cm) – The surface of the uppermost mineral layer is assigned a depth of zero. Record
depth to the center of the boundary separating each horizon from the one below; i.e., 0-15 cm,
15-30 cm, etc. Horizons thinner than 7.5 cm are not ordinarily described with the notable
exceptions of E, Bh, and Bs horizons.

2. Texture – Standard name and abbreviations are used to describe the texture of each horizon.

Sand ------------ S silt ------------- Si silty clay --------------SiC

loamy sand ----- LS silt loam ------- SiL sandy clay loam -----SCL
sandy loam ----- SL clay loam ----- CL sandy clay ------------SC
loam ------------ L clay ------------ C silty clay loam -------SiCL

3. Color – Use the Munsell soil color book to determine the moist color of each horizon. The
color of surface horizons should be estimated from crushed aggregates; determine subsurface
color from broken peds. Record the color using the hue value/chroma notation.
a. Mottling – Mottling is the presence of more than one color due to impeded drainage.
b. Coats – Ped coats can be of contrasting color due to translocated clay, carbonates, or
organic matter.

4. Horizon name – See list and definitions of the master horizons and subordinate distinctions.

Horizon Designations

1. Horizon designations reflect the describer’s interpretations of the genetic relationships among
the different horizons in a soil.
2. Horizons are designated by capital letters, lowercase letters, and Arabic numerals.
a. Capital letters designate master horizons.
b. Lowercase letters are used as suffixes to indicate specific characteristics of the master
c. Arabic numerals are used as suffixes to indicate vertical subdivisions within a horizon and as
prefixes to indicate lithologic discontinuities. Previously, Arabic numerals were used as
suffixes to indicate a kind of O, A, or B horizon and to indicate vertical subdivisions of a
horizon, and Roman numerals were used as prefixes to indicate discontinuities. The first parent
material is assumed and therefore “1” is not used as a prefix. Example for loess over glacial
till: A, Bt1, Bt2, 2Bt3, 2BC, 2C.
d. A prime (′) is used to indicate repeated designations; e.g., A, E, Bt, E′, Bx, BC, C.

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Common Master Horizons

Old Current Attribute

O O Organic horizon
A A Surface mineral horizon, “topsoil”
A1 A First surface mineral horizon, “topsoil”
A2 E Eluvial horizon, below A horizon
A3 AB or EB Transitional horizon between A and B
E & Bt (lamellae) Found in sands
B B Illuvial horizon, has subordinate distinction
B1 BA or BE Transitional horizon between B and A
B3 BC or CB Transitional horizon between B and C
C C Unweathered parent material, massive, (calcareous)
R R Bedrock
Common subordinate distinctions within master horizons
Old Current Attribute
a highly decomposed organic matter, used with O
b b buried soil horizon, used with O, A, or B
d dense layer, physical root restriction, used with B or C
e intermediately decomposed organic matter, used with O
g g strong gleying, used with E, B, or C
h h illuvial accumulation of organic matter, used with B
i slightly decomposed organic matter, used with O
ca k accumulation of carbonates, used with B
m m strong cementation, used with Bk
na n accumulation of sodium, used with B
p p plowing or other disturbance, used with A
r r weathered or soft bedrock, used with C
ss presence of slickensides, used with B or C
t t accumulation of silicate clay, used with B
w weak development of color or structure, used with B
x x fragipan, used with B

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The term, parent material, refers to the geologic material(s) from which the soil profile has
developed. More than one type of parent material is possible. This is shown with an arabic number in
front of the horizon symbol; e.g., 2Bt.

1. Recent Alluvium – Material that has been transported by streams (sediments) and deposited
on present-day flood plains or stream terraces, typically stratified.

2. Outwash (Old alluvium) – Material deposited by glacial meltwaters, typically stratified and
coarser than recent alluvium. Found on high stream terraces and outwash plains.

3. Glacial Till – Non-stratified, unsorted, glacial material deposited by glaciers in ground,

lateral, or terminal moraines; very common in Illinois.

4. Lacustrine Sediments – Relatively fine (SiCL, SiC, C), well sorted, stratified materials
deposited in freshwater lakes, often associated with glaciation.

5. Residuum – Unconsolidated bedrock weathered in place, no transporting agent involved,

found typically in unglaciated regions.

6. Colluvium – Material deposited on footslopes primarily by the action of gravity, may include
local alluvium deposited by overland flow.

7. Eolian Sand – Sand accumulated through the action of wind into dunes.

8. Loess – Wind-deposited silt-sized material, very common in Illinois and excellent parent material
for agriculture because of high water-holding capacity and natural fertility.

9. Coastal Plain Sediments – Lacustrine- or outwash-like material deposited along coast of oceans
or seas, later exposed by a drop in sea level.


The natural drainage class and aeration status of a soil can be determined from soil colors and
color patterns. The red color of soils is generally related to the presence of unhydrated iron (III) oxides
(Fe2O3, hematite) coating soil particles, although manganese dioxide and partially hydrated iron (III)
oxides may also contribute red colors. In some cases, red colors are inherited from the parent material,
or they can develop as weathering processes oxidize iron-bearing minerals. Red colors persist only in
soils that are well-aerated.
The yellow color of soils is largely due to the presence of hydrated iron (III) oxides
(Fe2O3.3H2O “limonite”). Soils with yellow colors tend to occupy moister landscape positions than
associated red soils, which brings about hydration of the iron (III) oxides. Brown colors are associated
with well-drained soils and are due to coatings of goethite [FeO(OH)] on soil particles.
Grey and whitish colors of soils are related to uncoated silt and clay grains as the reduction
associated with poor drainage removes the iron oxides from the grey-colored primary and secondary
minerals that include quartz, kaolinite, smectite, and other clay minerals. The greyest colors (chromas ≤
1) occur in permanently saturated soil horizons that may have a bluish appearance.
Soil horizons may be uniform in color or may be streaked, spotted, variegated, or mottled.
Local accumulations of carbonates or organic matter can produce a spotted appearance. Streaks or
tongues of color may result from the downward movement of clays, organic matter, and/or iron

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oxides. Mottling due to redoximorphic depletions (chromas ≤ 2) and concentrations (chromas > 4) is
often associated with fluctuating water tables creating changes in soil drainage and aeration.

Natural drainage classes.

Very poorly drained Soils on level or depressional areas frequently

ponded with water. Black or dark grey surface
horizons, light grey-colored horizons immediately
below the surface horizons.

Poorly drained Soils having high water tables or slowly permeable

layers in the profile. Mottling occurs immediately below
the surface horizons. Lower horizons light grey in color.

Somewhat poorly drained Mottles usually present at a profile depth of 25-45 cm.
Light grey colors not present, except deep within the
parent material(s).

Moderately well drained Mottling usually present at a profile depth of 45-75 cm.

Well drained Mottles usually absent, with uniformly brown and

yellowish or reddish brown colors in subsoil. If
mottles occur, they are below a depth of 75 cm.

Excessively Drained Characteristic of very sandy soils on convex landforms

(e.g., sand dunes) where the water-holding capacity is so
low as to restrict plant growth. Limited occurrence in
Illinois, supporting unusual vegetation such as cacti.

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Name __________________________ Date________________ Lab Section________________

Today’s data - soil color, organic matter estimation, and texture by feel.

Soil 1 Soil 2

Dry sieved color (Munsell notation) ____________ ____________

Dry sieved color (common name) ____________ ____________

Dry unsieved color (Munsell notation) ____________ ____________

Dry unsieved color (common name) ____________ ____________

Moist sieved color (Munsell notation) ____________ ____________

Moist sieved color (common name) ____________ ____________

Estimated organic matter content ____________ ____________

Grittiness test (low, med., or high sand) ____________ ____________

Ribbon test (low, med., or high clay) ____________ ____________

Textural Class ____________ ____________

Structure Class ____________ ____________

Consistence Class ____________ ____________

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Part A Questions

In no more than one page, discuss the significance of soil color and texture, and answer the
following questions:

1. What do soil color and texture reveal about how a soil formed and how it will respond to use
and management?

2. What difference did you see in determining colors for a) moist vs. dry soil, and b) sieved vs.
unsieved peds?

3. Why would you not want to build your dream house on a soil with low chroma mottles or
gleying in the subsoil?

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Name ________________________________ Lab Section ___________________ Date _____________

Profile Description Sheet

Profile ____________________

Horizon lower depth (cm) texture structure color mottles (Y/N)

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

Parent Material _______________________________________________________________

Natural Drainage Class _______________________________________________________

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Name ________________________________ Lab Section ___________________ Date _____________

Profile Description Sheet

Profile no. ____________________

Horizon lower depth (cm) texture structure color mottles (Y/N)

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

_________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________

Parent Material _______________________________________________________________

Natural Drainage Class _______________________________________________________

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Part B Questions

1. For the two profiles, was clay content higher for the A or the B horizon, and why?

2. Why did the prairie soil (Mollisol) have a higher organic matter content than the forest soil (Alfisol)?

3. What would be the drainage class of a soil if the B horizon exhibits mottling and is gleyed?

4. How would you identify a well-drained subsoil?

5. What would be the parent material(s) for both soil cores you examined?

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