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1) True/False Questions
Indicate whether each sentence below is true (T) or false (F).
1. (True) A person with conjunctivitis has swollen eyes.
2. (True) A cataract can make lamplight or sunlight seem too bright or glaring.
3. (True) Children with an ear infection will sometimes tug on their ears.
4. (True) One way to reduce ear wax is to put drops of baby oil in the ear.
5. (True) The adjective form of infection is infected.
6. (True) A foreign body in the eye can cause it to become irritated, red, and
7. (False) A stye is a bumpy, red, itchy infection in the middle ear.
8. (True) Infants with an ear infection will experience inconsolable crying.
9. (False) A cataract is a yellow discharge from the eye.
10. (True) The noun form of itchy is itch.
11. (True) Pink eye is another term for conjunctivitis.
12. (False) A person should never use a warm compress over the ear to
relieve an earache.
13. (True) Glaucoma can lead to blindness.
14. (False) A droopy eye is swollen and itchy.
15. (True) The word swell is a noun and verb form.

2) Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c.
1. _____ “My ear feels like it’s clogged up” means:
a. the ear is infected
b. the ear is closed
c. the ear feels tight
2. _____ If you are all ears while listening to the professor’s lecture, you are:
a. putting your hands over your ears during the lecture
b. very interested in the lecture and paying attention
c. you can’t hear the lecture
3. _____ Ear popping is caused by:
a. pressure in the ear
b. wax in the ear
c. a broken eardrum
4. _____ If you can’t see eye to eye with another person, it means:
a. you have weak vision
b. the other person is blind
c. you can’t agree with the person
5. _____ If a patient complains of blurred vision, the patient should be tested for:
a. glaucoma
b. dry eye
c. conjunctivitis
6. _____ A common ear condition in infants is:
a. swimmer’s ear
b. middle ear infection
c. fungal infection
7. _____ If a person has tunnel vision, he or she:
a. can only see things that are straight ahead
b. can only see in the dark
c. can only see around them
8. _____ The word discharge is:
a. a verb
b. a verb and a noun
c. a noun
9. _____ Pink eye is another term for:
a. crusty eyes
b. a stye
c. conjunctivitis
10. _____ The patient complained that she had a yellow, green, and watery
discharge from her eye. This could indicate she has:
a. a droopy eye
b. an eye infection
c. an eyelash in her eye

B. Writing Exercise
An important part of communication is the ability to write about what you read, to write
correctly, and to spell correctly. In the exercises below, write your understanding of the
meaning of the bolded words.

1. Describe in writing what a cataract and a stye are.

Cataract is a degenerative process of clouding in the lens of the eyeball, leading to
decreased vision and blindness. This clouding is caused by a biochemical reaction that
leads to coagulation of lens proteins. Cataracts can occur congenitally (cataracts from birth)
but in general, cataracts occur due to: degeneration processes associated with aging, or
they may result from trauma and induction from medications (steroids, chlorpromazine,
alupurinol, amiodarone) or complications from systemic conditions such as diabetes mellitus
or eye diseases such as glucoma with uveitis.

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral infection that causes pustules to grow on the

skin. The nodules are usually painless, but may cause itching. Molluscum contagiosum is
an easily recognizable condition. Molluscum contagiosum nodules sometimes do not need to
be treated and usually disappear within 6-12 months. However, in patients with a weakened
immune system, the disease can be prolonged and require intensive treatment.

2. Describe in writing what a ruptured eardrum, airplane ear, and swimmer’s ear are.
A ruptured eardrum occurs when there is a small hole or tear in the eardrum or
tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane is a thin tissue that divides the middle ear
and outer ear canal, so your hearing will be compromised if the eardrum is damaged. This
condition must be treated immediately because in some rare cases, a ruptured eardrum can
cause permanent hearing loss. Launching Medical News Today, there are various factors or
conditions that can cause a ruptured eardrum, namely: Ear infection, fluid builds up behind
the eardrum and exerts pressure that causes the eardrum to tear or rupture Changes in
pressure in the ear due to certain activities such as driving at high speed, diving, or being on
a flight Injury or trauma such as getting a blow to the ear or an accident Objects in the ear,
inserting objects such as cotton, pencils, or hairpins into the ear can damage the eardrum
Exposure to loud or high-volume sounds Ear barotrauma, which is the pressure difference
between the inner and outer ear.

Barotrauma/airplane ear is an injury that occurs due to sudden changes in air

pressure. This condition is often experienced by divers or people who regularly travel by
airplane. Barotrauma is characterized by ears that feel stuffy due to the difference in air
pressure inside and outside the ear. Barotrauma generally occurs in the ear, but can also
occur in the lungs or digestive tract.

A common ear infection in swimmers is known as Swimmer's ear. This is an

infection found in the external ear canal, which is the area that extends from the outer auricle
(pinna) to the eardrum (tympanic membrane). The medical term for swimmer's ear is otitis
externa. Swimmer's ear occurs when moisture is trapped in the outer ear space, creating the
perfect breeding ground for bacterial growth, which can invade the skin of the ear canal.
Otitis externa is most commonly caused by moisture or debris trapped in the ear canal due
to swimming.

3. Describe in writing what nearsightedness, farsightedness, photophobia, and tunnel

vision are.
Nearsightedness, or myopia, is an eye condition in which near objects are clearly
visible while distant objects are blurred. The severity of nearsightedness varies from person
to person. Mild myopia generally does not require special treatment. However, severe
nearsightedness will affect the person's ability to see and must be treated appropriately. In
addition, myopia can develop gradually or rapidly, often worsening during childhood and
adolescence. A basic eye examination can confirm myopia. People with myopia can correct
their vision with glasses, contact lenses or surgery.

Farsightedness is a condition that makes the sufferer unable to see objects that are
at close range clearly. Meanwhile, objects that are at a distance can be seen clearly. This
condition is also called hyperopia and can occur due to eye disorders. Farsightedness that
occurs in infants and children is nothing to worry about, as it will improve with the
development of the eye organs. In general, hyperopia occurs because there is damage or
abnormality in the shape of the cornea or lens of the eye. This abnormality causes objects to
be not seen clearly when at close range.

Photophobia is a condition where the eyes feel painful or uncomfortable when

looking at bright light. This condition occurs quite often and usually complaints will appear
when looking at sunlight or very bright lights. Actually, photophobia is not a disease, but a
symptom of certain diseases, such as infection or irritation of the eye. Photophobia is
characterized by a sense of glare, the eyes are more sensitive to light, and the eyes
sometimes sting when looking at light. These complaints may be accompanied by pain in the
forehead and a reflex to close the eyes when seeing light. Photophobia can occur in one or
both eyes. Photophobia often occurs in people with eye and nervous system disorders. This
is because the appearance of photophobia is closely related to the nerve cells receiving light
stimuli in the eye and the central nervous system as an information processor.

Tunnel vision occurs when a person loses their peripheral vision, so that their vision
is similar to peering through a small hole. This problem is usually a symptom of glaucoma.
An "eye" stroke (blockage) that impedes normal blood flow to the internal structures of the
eye, including the optic nerve, can also cause loss of peripheral vision. Stroke or injury can
also damage the parts of the brain where images are processed, resulting in blind spots in
the field of view.

4. Describe in writing what pink eye and dry eye are.

Red eye is a condition where the blood vessels in the eye dilate, causing redness in
the eye. Red eye can occur in one eye, or it can occur in both eyes. For those of us who
have experienced red eyes, it certainly feels uncomfortable, itchy, and even disturbed in
seeing. Red eyes can be caused by infectious diseases or other causes. Some of the most
common causes of red eye include conjunctivitis, foreign body entry into the eye, dry eye,
acute glaucoma, inflammation of the eye and eye bleeding.

Dry eye is a general term that describes the condition of the eyeball as a result of the
breakdown of the tear film that protects the surface of the eye. Under normal conditions, the
tear film is stable and homogeneous, which not only provides protection to the cornea and
conjunctiva but also plays a significant role in vision. When the tear film becomes unhealthy,
tears break out in some areas on the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva, resulting not
only in symptoms of irritation, but also in unstable and unfocused vision. There are many
symptoms that a person with dry eyes can experience, but one of the most common
complaints is watery eyes or tearing.

C. Post Assessment
1) True/False Questions
Indicate whether each sentence below is true (T) or false (F).
1. (False) The idiom to bend someone’s ear means the individual is breaking
someone’s ear.
2. (True) The noun form of deaf is deafness.
3. (True) An infected eyelid causes lazy eye.
4. (True) The adjective form of lump is lumpy.
5. (False) If a person’s eyes are glued to something, it means he or she has
crusty eyes.
6. (True) Another word for squinting is blinking.
7. (False) Floaters are dark spots that cause tunnel vision.
8. (False) The past tense and adjective form of tug is tugged.
9. (False) A stye is a one kind of ear infection.
10. (True) A halo is a ringing sound in the ear.
11. (False) If a person is up to his or her ears in work, it means he or she is
not busy.
12. (False) Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of ear wax.
13. (False) Photophobia means sensitivity to sound.
14. (False) People with presbyopia have no difficulty seeing close objects or
reading print.
15. (False) Working on the computer for a long time helps to reduce eye

2) Multiple Choice Qustions

Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c.
1. _____ The adjective form of swell is:
a. swollen and swelled
b. swelled
c. swell
2. _____ If a person has airplane ear, the person:
a. is an airline pilot
b. flies many planes
c. has ear pressure
3. _____ If a person is all ears, the person is:
a. deaf in both ears
b. worried and anxious
c. paying attention
4. _____ A child with a middle ear infection:
a. will wear ear plugs
b. will tug at the ear and cry inconsolably
c. needs to have the wax in the ear removed
5. _____ In the sentence, “If you are experiencing drainage from your ear, see a
doctor,” the word drainage is:
a. a past tense verb
b. an adjective
c. a noun
6. _____ The adjective form of bulge is:
a. bulgy
b. bulged only
c. bulged, bulging, and bulgy
7. _____ Cataracts cause:
a. farsightedness
b. blurred vision
c. tunnel vision
8. _____ A person who has eyes like a hawk:
a. has perfect vision
b. is difficult to deceive because he or she notices every small detail
c. is strong and determined
9. _____ Dry eye is caused by:
a. contact lenses
b. the inability to produce tears
c. styes
10. _____ In the sentence, “The girl complained of an itchy bump on her eye,” the
word bump is:
a. an adjective
b. a verb
c. a noun
11. _____ The word perforated is:
a. both a verb and a noun
b. a verb and an adjective
c. a verb only
12. _____ A crusty eyelid is caused by:
a. having your eyes glued to something
b. dry eye
c. discharge from the eye that will dry
13. _____ If your ears are clogged, you will:
a. hear perfectly
b. have difficulty hearing
c. hear hissing sounds
14. _____ The word focused is:
a. a verb only
b. an adjective only
c. a verb and an adjective
15. _____ In the sentence, “The child tugged at her ear,” tugged is:
a. an adjective
b. a verb
c. a noun

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