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NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Deficient Fluid Volume related to diarrhea

CAUSE ANALYSIS: Deficient Fluid Volume is a state or condition where the fluid output exceeds the fluid intake. It occurs when the body
loses both water and electrolytes from the ECF in similar proportions. Common sources of fluid loss are the gastrointestinal tract, polyuria, and
increased perspiration.

Risks of dehydration due to diarrhea. All acute effects of watery diarrhea result from the loss of water and electrolytes from the body in liquid
stool. (Unit 2 – Pathophysiology of watery diarrhea: Dehydration and Rehydration, Medical Education: Teaching Medical Students about
Diarrheal Diseases.


Cues Outcomes Nursing intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Short Term: Independent: -After 8 hrs. Of nursing

Hypotension, (including postural), intervention the fluid of the
Assess v/s (BP, PULSE,
“Nabalaka na me After 8 hours of tachycardia, and fever can indicate
TEMP.) patient will maintained as
kaau maam kay Nursing Intervention, response to an effect of fluid loss.
Monitored I&O. Note the evidenced by normal v/s (pulse),
maliban sa nag Parents will verbalize
number, characteristics, also did not present any signs of
kalibanga og awareness of causative
and amount of stools, Provide information about overall dehydration.
gihilantan sia factors and behaviors estimate insensible fluid fluid balance, renal function, and
naga suka na pud essential to correct -Patient’s feces yielded
losses (ex. diaphoresis) bowel disease control, as well as
sia .” as unfavorable laboratory test
fluid intake. measure urine specific guidelines for fluid replacement.
verbalized by the results
father” gravity and observe for
Vomiting decreased in oliguria. -Patient released formed stool
frequency and amount. not more than three times a day
Objective; Indication of overall fluid and
Observe excessively dry nutritional status. Patient’s grandmother reported

Intake= 950ml Long Term: skin and mucous & skin experiencing less than three
turgor decreased skin loose stools per day.
Output =3d After 3 days ff nursing
(diaper) turgor, and slowed
intervention, patient
capillary refill. - To prevent dehydration and
will be able to electrolyte imbalance. (Pg.1280
maintain adequate silbert-flagg)
Laboratory fluid balance. Give small amounts of
results; fluid frequently as soon as -Reveals imbalances associated with
tolerated. fluid and electrolytes loss through
NA+= 134.7
vomiting and diarrhea
K= 2.94 Monitored serial -May be needed to replenish fluid
electrolytes and metabolic volume and reduce risk of
panel. complications associated with
electrolytes imbalances.

v Assess the dehydration and
patient’s weight weight loss are
regularly. two of the most
prevalent side
-Educate the effects of
patient’s chronic
grandmother on gastroenteritis, it
the body’s is critical to
nutritional needs.
regularly weigh
-Provide the patient to
nutritional assess if they are
supplements as losing too much
appropriate or weight
ordered. attributable to

Keep an eye on the dehydration.
patient’s food consumption
This intervention
- Administered IV fluids will also
and electrolytes, as accurately assess
indicated. the patient’s
reaction to

-This will allow

the patient to
gain knowledge
in the area of
how to
care for oneself
upon discharge.

November 2021)

may be
prescribed as
necessary by the
MD or dietician.
The RN should
ensure the
patient is
receiving and

taking these
supplements to
strengthen the

November 2021)

intervention also
aims to
determine how
much food the
Furthermore, the
patient must not
eat less than
what the body
requires to speed
up his or her

(Nursing care plans: Diagnoses,

interventions, & outcomes. St. Louis,
MO: Elsevier. Gulanick, M., & Myers,
J. L. (2022))


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