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Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris(50 soal) Preview

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Question 1

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What were inside the smaller pumpkin ?

a. Don't accept others' gift.

b. Don't be nice to a stranger.

c. Don't be jealous of other's luck.

d. Don't make fun of an old woman.

Question 2

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What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To tell cacti's life

b. To describe cacti in general

c. To give information about American cacti

d. To explain physical feature of cacti

Question 3
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One of the correct content structure of a song is...

a. introduction

b. orientation

c. description

d. figurative language

Question 4

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What were inside the smaller pumpkin ?

a. shallots

b. jewelries

c. snakes

d. garlic

Question 5
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The correct past verb form to complete the sentence number 4 is ...

a. sat

b. sang

c. sit

d. swam
Question 6

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I often go to the library and …...... some books to read.

a. is borrowed by

b. borrowed

c. is borrow

d. borrow

Question 7

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The next morning she walked among her flowers, but there ......... no signs of any one having been there the night

a. is

b. are

c. were

d. was

Question 8
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That castle was ......... (build) eight hundred years ago.

a. build

b. built

c. builded

d. building
Question 9

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The correct past verb form to complete the sentences is ...

a. throw

b. threw

c. throve

d. thrown

Question 10
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The correct word to complete the song lyric is ...

a. light

b. fire

c. flashlight

d. lamp
Dashboard My courses PAT9 PAS KELAS 9 BAHASA INGGRIS

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Question 11
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The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that….

a. elephants are very useful

b. elephants can lift logs

c. elephants are strong

d. elephants are servants

Question 12

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Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and

her grandmother?

a. a woodcutter

b. a wolf

c. her mother

d. her grandma

Question 13

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The meaning of "to call someone's own" is ...

a. to prevent from sleeping

b. to say that something belongs only to oneself

c. to take another person to a particular place

d. to wait for someone or something to catch up

Question 14
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Visitors must ensure rubbish are ......... (place) in the rubbish bins.

a. place

b. placing

c. places

d. placed

Question 15
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The correct past verb form to complete the sentences is ...

a. live

b. laughed

c. lived

d. laugh
Question 16

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Where did Bawang Putih wash the scarf ?

a. the laundry

b. at home

c. at the woman's house

d. at the river bank

Question 17

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Bawang Merah becomes a greedy and lazy girl because she was …...... by her mother.

a. mistreated

b. tortured

c. punished

d. spoiled

Question 18
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The correct past verb form to complete the sentences is ...

a. did not know

b. did not knew

c. did not known

d. did not knowing

Question 19

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New year’s Day …...... on January 1 in most countries of the world.

a. is celebrate

b. are celebrated

c. is celebrated

d. celebrates

Question 20
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The correct word to complete the song lyric is ...

a. eyes

b. head

c. hand

d. shoulders
Dashboard My courses PAT9 PAS KELAS 9 BAHASA INGGRIS

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Question 21
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Example of Passive Voice sentence from the text is...

a. There is also a really interesting slide show for people

b. There are many reasons to visit Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park.

c. The Kalkari Discovery Centre there is run by unpaid workers,

d. this park includes BBQ facilities at Bobbin Head,

Question 22
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Suddenly she saw a snail. It ......... ugly and disgusting.

a. are

b. were

c. was

d. is
Question 23

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“...cacti can conserve water by doing many adaptions”. The synonym of the word “conserve” is …

a. reproach

b. preserve

c. slander

d. impose

Question 24
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Complete the sentences with the correct verb form of passive past.

a. were written

b. were discovered

c. were built

d. were broken

Question 25

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The text tells us about….

a. an elephant

b. the Elephant’s strange feature

c. useful servant

d. strange looking animal

Question 26
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The correct passive past sentence of this active sentence is....

a. Harry's mother was wrote by those books.

b. Those books were wrote by Harry's mother.

c. Those books were written by Harry's mother.

d. Harry's mother was written by those books.

Question 27

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What is the best title of the story?

a. The Bird Catcher and the Trap

b. The Dove and the Leaf

c. The Ant and the Dove

d. The Ant and the Trap

Question 28
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Example of Passive Voice sentence from the text is...

a. across land, roads, and paths.

b. Today, many people also use them for recreation.

c. Bikes are a form of land transport.

d. They are designed to carry one or two riders.

Question 29

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When did the story take place?

a. On a resting time in summer

b. In the evening in summer

c. On the same day in summer

d. On a hot day in summer

Question 30
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My classmate …...... the answer to question number six.

a. known

b. is knew

c. knows

d. is known by
Dashboard My courses PAT9 PAS KELAS 9 BAHASA INGGRIS

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Question 31
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What can we learn from the story?

a. We must have a friend to help.

b. One good turn deserves another.

c. We can depend on others to survive

d. A bird catcher is dangerous.

Question 32

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Complete the sentences with the correct verb form of passive past.

a. were broken

b. were built

c. were discovered

d. were taken

Question 33
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The correct past verb form to complete the sentences is ...

a. had

b. did

c. have

d. been
Question 34

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What does the first paragraph tell us about?

a. Types of cacti

b. The use of cacti

c. The advantageous of cacti

d. The Definition of cacti

Question 35
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Example of Passive Voice sentence from the text is...

a. Male spiders mate by first tapping the female spider’s web.

b. Baby spiders are called spiderlings.

c. Male spiders mate by first tapping the female spider’s web.

d. Male spiders mate by first tapping the female spider’s web,

Question 36

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What would happen if the woodcutter was not in the wood near the grandma's house?

a. the little red riding hood wouldn't go to the wood

b. the little red riding hood and her grandma would never meet the wolf

c. the little red riding hood wouldn't want to talk to the wolf

d. the little red riding hood and her grandma would be eaten

Question 37

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The correct past verb form to complete the sentence number 3 is ...

a. laugh

b. laughed

c. was laugh Time left

d. laughing

Question 38
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The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath (paragraph 2). The
word “it” refers to….

a. elephant’s body

b. water

c. a shower bath

d. elephant’s trunk

Question 39

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Who did she meet in the woods?

a. her mother

b. a wolf

c. a woodcutter

d. her grandma

Question 40

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The correct past verb form to complete the sentence number 1 is ......

a. am

b. were

c. was

d. is
Question 41

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Why was Little Red Riding Hood not frightened of the wolf at her grandma's house?

a. the wolf pretended to be her grandmother

b. the wolf gave her some cake

c. the wolf was her bestfriend

d. the wolf talked nicely to her

Question 42

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Football is a popular sport. It …...... in many countries in the world.

a. plays

b. are played

c. is played

d. played

Question 43

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Where can we find cacti mostly?

a. In extremely hot region.

b. On the mountain.

c. In the jungle.

d. On the beach.

Question 44

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The figurative language from this song lyric is ...

a. I think of what the world could me

b. The brightest colors fill my head

c. A million dreams are keeping me awake

d. Every night I lie in bed

Question 45

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“Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the ant jumped out.” (p.2) The word "drifted" has the same meaning as ...

a. drawn

b. sink

c. float

d. swim

Question 46
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The correct past verb form to complete the sentence number 2 is ...

a. not wanting

b. did not want

c. did not wanted

d. not wanted
Question 47

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These poems were ......... (write) by a young girl.

a. writes

b. written

c. write

d. wrote

Question 48

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The witch ......... angry to Dewi Limaran. The witch put a spell on her and changed her into a golden snail.

a. are

b. was

c. is

d. were

Question 49
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Once upon a time there ......... a good old woman who lived in a little house.

a. was

b. is

c. were

d. are
Question 50

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What would happen if the ant did not bite the bird catcher?

a. The dove would fly away soon

b. The bird catcher would run away

c. The dove would get trapped.

d. The ant would get drowned.

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