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Subject: English

Staff name: Abdylbasit Xhaferi Date: Class: Ability: Mixed Length: 40 min.

Lesson: 6. Choices
Teaching item: Extra reading - Journey into space

Lesson objectives: Talk about a planets and the Solar system

Material and resources: book, notebook, pictures, TV, recording

Teaching methods:  The Structural Approach
 Grammar-translation method  Suggestopedia
 Audio lingual  Total Physical Response
 TPR  Communicative Language Teaching
 The Silent Way
Teaching techniques:  Scrambled Sentences • Fill-in-the-blanks Exercise
 Fill in blanks󠆽  Action Sequence • Composition
 Brainstorming  Reading Comprehension Questions • Dictation
 Role-play  Role-play • Complete the Dialogue
 Transcription  Transcription • Fidel Charts
 Process Writing • Language Games
• Dictogloss


Stage Timing Activity

• Ask students to name the planets in our solar system. using their own language. Then ask them to say any of the names that they know in English. Help
them with those that they don't know. (Mercury. Venus. Earth, Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Uranus. Neptune. Pluto.)
• Elicit information about the planets. for example:
- The planets move round the sun.
- Mercury is the closest to the sun.
Lead in 15 min - Earth is between Venus and Mars.
- Jupiter is the largest planet.
- Pluto is the smallest planet.
- Saturn has got coloured rings of gas.
- Some people think there might be life on Mars.

• Look at the pictures with the class. Elicit or provide some basic information about the International Space Station.
• Give students time to read through the text themselves. Then ask them to say what they think the main idea is.
• Read the text aloud and help with new vocabulary (for example. extremely, zero-gravity. wedding). Ask students to say what they think a space plane.
aspace hotel and a spacewalk might be.
• Ask questions to test their understanding of the tenses. for example:
- Does space tourism exist now?
Task 25 min. - Is it cheap now?
- Is the writer sure about cheaper space travel in the future?
- Is the writer sure that a space hotel will exist?
• Read out the sentences or choose students to do so. Students look back at the text to find the answers. They could do this individually or in pairs. Remind
them to correct the false sentences.
• Ask: Do you think you'll take a trip into space one day? Would you like to go? Discuss the questions with the class.


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