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C1 Advanced Essay

Anastasia Glebova's
Exam Dive
How to structure my argument?

A balanced argument usually produces a more logical and well-

supported essay. Here's how you can organize your ideas.

Step 1: choose two content points that seem the easiest to write about;

Step 2: think of your supporting ideas: what are the pluses and minuses of
each method/factor/approach etc? How can you prove it (examples,
reasons, potential results)? Choose which method you'll describe as more

Step 3: organize the body paragraphs in the following way:

Para. 2: (the method/factor etc I consider less beneficial/important):

+ plus(es) of the approach/arguments why the factor may be good
- the main minus which makes implementation of this method
impossible/the main argument why this factor is less important

Para 3: (the method/factor etc I consider more beneficial/important):

+ plus(es) of the approach/arguments why this factor is good
+ the biggest plus/strongest argument why this factor is good

This scheme follows the climatic principle of organization: the arrangement

of details or ideas in order of increasing importance or force. Following this
principle is important to sound logical and persuasive.

Anastasia Glebova's Exam Dive

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