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SLIP TEST-5 (2023-2024)QP &AK

STD: XII Marks:20
SUB: BIOLOGY (044) Time:40 min
1. Give the major differences between monocistronic mRNA and polycistronic mRNA?
Ans - monocistronic - it is an mRNA with a single polypeptide that it can code. It has
only one cistron. It is generally present in eukaryotes.
Whereas, polycistronic - it is an mRNA with more than one polypeptide it can code for. It
has more than one cistron. It is present in prokaryotic cells.
2. Explain the function of three major types of RNAs?(1+1/2+1/2)
Ans - Messenger RNA (mRNA) - functions as a transport molecule and carries
information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where its sequence is scanned to
convert into appropriate amino acids.
Transfer RNA (tRNA) - Aids in translating mRNA sequences into a protein. tRNA works at
specific locations in the ribosome.
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) - binds to mRNA and tRNA to initiate translation. It has
structural and catalytic roles.
3. The process of termination during transcription in a prokaryotic cell is being
represented here. Name the label a, b and c (1+1/2+1/2)

ANS:A- . (a) mRNA transcript (b) RNA polymers (c) Rho factor
4. Three codons on mRNA are not recognised by tRNA what are they? What is the
general term used for them what is their significance in protein synthesis? (1+1)
Ans.UAG UAA & UGA are the three codons that are not recognised by tRNA these are
known as stop codon or non-sense codon. Since these three codons are not recog nised
by any tRNA they help in termination of protein chain during translation.
5. A tRNA is charged with the amino acid methionine.
i. Give the anticodon of this tRNA. (1/2)
Ans: UAC
ii. Write the Codon for methionine.(1/2)
Ans: AUG
iii. Name the enzyme responsible for the binding amino acid to tRNA. (1)
Ans: Amino-acyltRNAsynthetase
6. (a) What do ‘Y’ and 'B' stand for in 'YAC' and 'BAC’ used in Human Genome Project
(HGP). Mention their role in the project.(2+1)
(b) Expand 'SNPs' identified by scientists in HGP.
(a)YAC stands for Yeast Artificial Chromosome and BAC stands for Bacterial artificial
YAC are derived from DNA of yeast S. cerevisiae by the process of genetic engineering.
They are then ligated into the bacterial plasmid. By inserting large fragments of DNA,
the inserted sequences can be cloned and mapped by chromosome walking and this
method was used in the Human Genome Project.
BAC is a DNA construct used for transforming and cloning in bacteria like E. coli. They
are used to sequence the genome of an organism in genome projects.
(b) single nucleotide polymorphs in human genome.
7. i)Name the parts ‘X’ and ‘Y’ of the transcription unit given below.(1)

ii)Given below is the sequence of coding strand of DNA in a transcription unit

Write the sequence of(a) its complementary strand (b) the mRNA
ANS: . X - Template strand, Y - Terminator.
ii) (a) 5′−TTACGTGATAATCC−3′(1/2)
(b) 5′−UUACGUGAUAAUCC−3′ (1/2)
8. a)State which human chromosome has the maximum number of genes and the one
which has the least number of genes. ()
ii)Name the scientist who suggested that the genetic code should be made of a
combination of three nucleotides.
ANS:i)chromosome-1 and Y chromosome(each 1/2)
ii)George Gamow (1)
9.i)List two methodologies which were involved in HGP.
ii)Mention any two applications of DNA fingerprinting.
iii)How is repetitive satelliteDNA separated from the bulk genomic DNA for various
genetic experiments,
iv)Draw a schematic diagram of lac operon in its ‘switched off’ position.Label the
following; structural gene,repressor bound to its correct position,promoter
gene,regulatory gene
i) The methodology that used in this project was expressed sequence tags and sequence
● ii) In forensic science, it is used to identify prospective criminal suspects.
● To prove paternity and establish familial ties.
● To identify and protect the commercial crop and livestock types.
iii) density-gradient centrifugation technique.
iv) (a) z, y and a are structural genes.
(b) i is the regulatory gene.
(c) o repressor bound between p and z genes.
(d) p is the promoter gene.

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