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Al-Almas International School,Hail.

Class: 5 Subject: Science
Worksheet For 3rd Assessment Exam 2023
Part A Questions/Answers
Qno,1: Name five different kinds of force.
Qno,2: Give examples of three different ways in which a force can
change an object’s motion.
Qno,3: What is a machine?
Qno,4: What is a complex machine?
Qno,5: Describe two ways in which friction is useful.
Qno,6: Differentiate between transparent and translucent objects.
Qno,7: What are opaque objects?
Qno,8: How does a shadow form?
Qno,9: What is the difference between the umbra the penumbra?
Qno,10: Define translation motion.
Qno,11: What is force of gravity?

Qno,1: Circle the correct answer. MCQ’s
1. Repeated to-and-from movement is called
a. Oscillation
b. Translation
2. Motion in a straight line is called
a. Translation
b. Rotation
3. The force which is applied to work a lever
a. Load
b. Effort
4. A machine which is built from two or more simple machines
a. Complex
b. Modern
5. Many of modern machines we use in the home are powered by
a. Steam
b. Electricity
6. To skid or slide on the surface of water
a. Skidding
b. Aquaplane
7. A substance that reduces the friction between the two surfaces.
a. Glue
b. Lubricant
8. When a vehicle’s wheel lose grip and spin or slide on the road.
a. Wear
b. Skidding
9. A material that does not allow any light to pass through
a. Translucent
b. Opaque
10. To separate a mixture of different light colours into a spectrum.
a. Converge
b. Disperse
11. The dark region behind an object from which the object blocks
a. Shadow
b. Penumbra
12. Total shadow region from which light is completely blocked by an
opaque object is the,
a. Umbra
b. Penumbra
13. Which force opposes the motion?
a. Gravity
b. Friction

Qno,1: Mark each statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. The Sun is a source of light.
2. Light travels in circles.
3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the electric bulb.
4. When we read a book the book is reflecting light into our eyes.
5. The image in a plane mirror is back-to-front.
6. Friction speeds things up.
7. A lubricant increases friction.
8. Friction acts in the opposite direction to motion.
9. A mirror absorbs light.
10. Shiny metal reflects light.
11. We cannot see through a black card because it disperses light.
12. When white light is dispersed, it separated into the colours of the

Prepared By:
M: Ishratullah
Science Teacher

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