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1. How long does it take for flowers to grow?

95 days

2. How long does it take for vegetables to grow?

It varies on what type of vegetables but it usually takes 55-90 days for cabbages etc…

3. What things/topics do students learn about plants in school?

Things or topics that students learn about plants in school are usually their origin, structure, insides of
the plants, how they produce food and how they gain energy, pollination and how other seedlings are
formed, etc…

4. Explain how a garden can be good for student’s well-being.

Spending time in the garden, taking care of plants, and growing their own food can help kids discover
new skills and have fun. The majority of students being outside, digging in the dirt and seeing how plants

5. What is the definition of ‘green spaces’?

Green Spaces means any area that should be preserved for its environmental, educational, or aesthetic
value. This includes wetlands, parks, and paths.

6. Why is there a general lack of green spaces in the city.

Their might be a general lack of green spaces in the city because they’d prioritize more on other things
like facilities example, schools, hospitals, etc… and it might be that the country can’t finance it due to
inflation or other financial problems.

7. What ideas do you have for green spaces outside of your school?

Creating Mini Forests, Outside Gardens, and research about what plants to use.

8. How is the creation of green spaces and climate change related?

The creation of green spaces and climate change can be related due to how both are affecting the
environment. Green spaces helps and affect the environment positively but climate change affects the
environment negatively and green spaces helps reduce climate change.

9. What do you do personally to help the environment?

What I’d do to help the environment is the three Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Shopping wisely so I’d buy
less plastic bags, conserve water, using other transportation that doesn’t pollute our environment like
biking and planting greenery around my place.

10. Do you or your family have a flower or vegetable garden at home?

Yes, we have a small garden in our house.

11. Are you willing to help maintain your school garden once it starts growing?
I will try to support it with the best of my abilities.

12. What type of vegetables will you grow?

We could try lettuce, cabbages, Peas, Carrots and Green Beans.

13. What type of flowers will you grow?

We could try to grow Sunflowers, Marigold, Sweet Peas, Dandelions, Pansies and Snapdragons.

14. What type of herbs will you grow?

For herbs, we could try growing Parsley, mint, basil, chives, rosemary, thyme and oregano.

15. What are the benefits of green spaces in urban areas?

The benefits of green spaces in urban areas have Increasing productivity at school, Helps the
environment, Helps with education and help you focus more.

16. How can green spaces be designed to promote biodiversity?

Green spaces can be designed to promote biodiversity due to using friendly plants around your garden,
having multiple types of plant lives so that we could have a friendlier environment.

17. What are the economic benefits of investing in green spaces?

There are many benefits of investing in green spaces like a wide range of rural sectors, including
forestry, land management, and conservation, may grow and keep their workforces by establishing
green infrastructure. These include connections to industries like tourism, and the expanding field of
natural tourism.

18. How can green spaces be used to mitigate the effects of climate change?

In addition to supporting water management in urban settings, greenery and open places naturally cool
the air and surfaces. These regions use vegetation that absorbs carbon dioxide to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. Heatwaves, droughts, rainfall, and storms are becoming increasingly severe and frequent
as a result of climate change.

19. What role do green spaces play in promoting physical and mental health?

Green spaces play a role in promoting physical and mental health by reducing stress levels so that we’d
feel relaxed whenever there is greenery around us and it makes us more physically active and healthy.

20. How can communities be involved in the planning and maintenance of green spaces?

Due to the numerous advantages of having green spaces, communities can participate in their design
and maintenance. One way that they can do this is by adding vegetation to the areas around their
homes, roads, and by making places like parks.

21. What are the challenges associated with creating and maintaining green spaces in urban areas?

Challenges associated with creating and maintaining green spaces in urban areas can be Understanding
how to use urban green spaces, financial limitations, and a lack of suitable cost-benefit analyses.
22. How can green spaces be integrated into urban development plans?

Green spaces can be integrated into urban development plans by mentioning the benefits of having
green spaces around our environment and their benefits towards us physically mentally and for the
environment. Adding plants little by little to encourage having more plant growth.

23. What are some successful examples of green space projects in other cities?

Urban Parks or Gardens, Green Roofs, Landscapes, Street Trees and Wetlands are a few examples for
successful green space projects.

24. How can green spaces be used to promote social cohesion and community engagement?

Green Spaces can be used to promote social cohesion and community engagement by providing chances
for public spaces, education, stress relief, and recreational activities, and provide amenities across
different neighborhoods that support the wellbeing and social cohesiveness of urban residents.

25. Do you think having green spaces at school will improve your physical and mental health?

I personally think that having green spaces at school will improve your physical and mental health
because of the wide benefits it provides for us.

26. Do you think green spaces will offer education beyond the classroom? How?

I think that green spaces will offer education beyond the classroom because having green spaces also
teaches us variety of things that affects green spaces and it how affects the environment.

27. Do you think access to nature/green spaces promotes critical thinking?

I think that being in green areas in terms of improving their attention, memory, and creativity.

28. Do you think having green spaces will protect endangered species and preserve important habitats?

Having green spaces will help protect endangered species and preserve important habitats because it
will increase pollination, prevents habitat fragmentation, and protects the endangered species living

29. How do you think green spaces can be beneficial in the long-term for students at school?

A better state of mental health, less anxiety and depression. Green spaces can enhance mental health
and wellbeing by providing areas to play and find peace from the challenges in school life.

30. Do you think green spaces can be seen as a good way to promote the school?

Green spaces can be seen as a good way to promote the school because it could show th presence of
greenery in and around schools has been associated with better cognitive development, increased
concentration, and enhanced academic performance.

31. Do you think green spaces will improve the air quality at school?

Green areas at schools help lessen the effects of pollution and the urban heat island effect, which is the
term for heat that is trapped in built-up regions.
32. What social benefits will green spaces have on students?

It could help benefit the students by helping them talk and interact each other by talking about green
spaces or plants.

33. Did this project allow you to collaborate with other students and teachers?

This project allowed me to collaborate with other students and teachers because we could hear each
other opinions on green spaces and the benefits we had forged.

34. How supportive do you think the school management will be of this project?

I think that the school management will have its full support on this project so that there would be more
greenery in the school.

35. Describe your recycling project. Who will be involved?

The recycling project will have everyone involved so that we could help the environment by recycling
and reducing waste. What social benefits will green spaces have on students?

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