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Submitted by:

Joannabel Tamayo Tenedero


Submitted to:
Mrs. Lyra Paz Lluz
Learning Tasks
What Do You Think?

Answer the following questions substantively;

 Discuss the following extract and explain its teaching implications.

“All education is environmental education. By what we include or exclude, we teach the
young that they are part of or a part from the natural world. An economist, for example,
who fails to connect our economic life with that of ecosystems and biosphere has taught
an environmental lesson alright, but one that is dead wrong. Our goals as educators
ought to be to help students understand their implicatedness in the world and to honor
mystery. Or in the jargon of the time, to connect the dots to see systems and patterns”-
David Orr
David Orr's quote emphasizes that education is not just limited to the academic
subjects taught in schools, but it also includes the implicit and explicit messages that
students receive from their surroundings. The environment plays a crucial role in shaping
students' beliefs, values, and attitudes towards nature and their place in the world.
Therefore, educators must recognize the critical role of the environment in shaping
students' attitudes towards nature and incorporate environmental education as a core
aspect of their curriculum.
The quote also highlights the importance of being mindful of the implicit messages
that students receive from their surroundings. For instance, a teacher who frequently
talks about the importance of protecting the environment but does not practice what
they preach may send mixed messages to their students. Educators must, therefore,
practice what they preach and align their actions with their words to avoid sending
mixed messages.
Additionally, educators should help students connect the dots between different
disciplines to see systems and patterns. This approach will help students develop a
holistic understanding of the world around them and how various subjects such as
science, economics, and politics are interconnected and relate to the natural world. This
interdisciplinary approach will also help students appreciate the complexity and
interconnectedness of the natural world and how their actions can impact the
Finally, Orr suggests that educators should honor the mystery of the natural world
and encourage students to develop a sense of wonder and awe towards nature. By doing
so, students can develop a deep appreciation and respect for the natural world, which is
critical for promoting environmental stewardship. Overall, Orr's quote underscores the
importance of environmental education in shaping students' beliefs, values, and
attitudes towards nature and the world around them.
 Explain how the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic illustrates the concept of living
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world and has
demonstrated the concept of living systems in various ways. Firstly, the pandemic has
highlighted the interconnectedness and interdependence of different systems, showing
how disruptions in one system can affect others. Secondly, it has shown how living
systems can adapt and evolve in response to external pressures, such as the virus
mutating and societies adapting to new ways of working and socializing. Lastly, the
pandemic has emphasized the importance of resilience in living systems, where those that
are more resilient are better able to withstand and recover from crises. Overall, the
COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the complex, interconnected, and adaptive nature of
living systems, underscoring the need to understand and promote their health and

 Last year, the House of Representative approved on final reading two bills which seek to
require parents as well as graduating senior high school and college students to plant
trees. If you were one of the law makers of this country, what bill anchored on the
environmental issues on the country would you propose? Give that bill a name and
present its significant details.
If I were one of the law makers, the bill that I would propose is called the "National
Plastic Reduction and Recycling Act". This bill aims to reduce the use of single-use plastic,
promote recycling, and encourage manufacturers to use sustainable materials. It
includes key provisions such as the prohibition of single-use plastic, establishment of a
national plastic recycling program, and incentives for manufacturers to implement
extended producer responsibility programs. The proposed bill aims to address the
growing problem of plastic waste in the country and promote a cleaner and more
sustainable environment.

 Recording 14.66 million tons of trash a year, the Philippines is the fourth largest
generator of solid waste among country-members of the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations, according to a report by at the United Nations Environmental Program. The
Philippines’ Environment Management Bureau projected that the country’s yearly waste
may even rise to 18.05 million tons in 2020. Given these figures, what waste management
practices should communities observe? How intervention should school adopt to address
waste management issues?
The Philippines ranks fourth among Association of Southeast Asian Nations
member-countries in generating solid waste, with an annual record of 14.66 million tons
of trash. Experts project that this number will increase to 18.05 million tons in 2020. To
address this waste management problem, communities must observe waste management
practices such as reducing, reusing, and recycling, segregating waste, composting, and
disposing of hazardous waste safely. Schools can also implement interventions such as
educating students on waste segregation, setting up recycling and composting programs,
promoting waste-free meals, and conducting waste audits. These practices and
interventions can contribute to reducing the amount of waste generated and promoting
sustainable waste management practices.

 Learning from nature through immersion in the real world is one of the effective ways to
develop Eco literacy. Hence, teacher Kris plans to conduct a class trip to a natural park
as part of his lesson on ecosystem. What should be his consideration in conducting a
class trip? What are the pros and cons of exposing the students into the natural
Teacher Kris needs to consider various factors when planning the trip, including
ensuring the students' safety, aligning the activities with the educational objectives, and
minimizing the group's environmental impact. On the positive side, exposing students to
the natural environment through a class trip offers experiential learning opportunities
that are more engaging than textbook readings or lectures, and can increase their
interest in environmental topics while also promoting personal growth by building
important life skills like problem-solving, decision-making, and teamwork. However,
there are also potential drawbacks to such a trip, such as safety risks, cost, and
accessibility issues, that must be carefully weighed against the benefits.

One, Two, Three Go!

Accomplish the following tasks:

 Give one (1) example of project-based activity that would use of students’ eco literacy.
1. Development of a sustainable garden or green space within their school or local
community. This project would involve researching and selecting appropriate native
plant species, as well as developing a plan for soil enrichment, irrigation, and pest
management that minimizes environmental impact. Students would also learn about the
various benefits of such a space, such as improved air and water quality, increased
biodiversity, and opportunities for outdoor learning and recreation. Throughout the
project, students would apply their eco-literacy skills, including their understanding of
ecological principles, data analysis and interpretation, and knowledge of environmental
challenges and solutions.

 Cite two (2) news articles about the environmental issues brought about by the COVID19
pandemic. List the key information of the news.
1. Article: "COVID-19 Pandemic Creates Environmental Crisis in Developing
Countries," published on Voice of America on April 22, 2021.
Key information:
a. The COVID-19 pandemic has created an environmental crisis in developing countries.
Medical waste has increased due to the pandemic.
b. Recycling efforts have decreased.
c. Plastic waste has increased due to the use of disposable items like gloves and masks.
2. Article: "COVID-19 pandemic has had a 'profound' impact on the environment,"
published on CBC News on April 22, 2021.
Key information:
a. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the environment.
b. There have been improvements in air and water quality due to the decrease in travel
and industrial activity.
c. Single-use plastics and medical waste have increased.
d. Sustainable solutions are needed to address these environmental issues in the future.

 Give three (3) school and community practices you find de

trimental to the environment. Suggest ecofriendly ways that could replace the practices
you listed. Present your answer using a table.
Detrimental Practices Ecofriendly Replacements
Single-use plastic use Use reusable containers and utensils for
school and community events. Encourage
bringing reusable bottles and cups. Set up
water refill stations in schools and public

Chemical pesticides use Practice organic gardening and natural pest

control methods. Use companion planting,
beneficial insects, and natural remedies to
manage pests. Use integrated pest management
techniques to prevent pest infestations.
Excessive Energy Consumption Install energy-efficient lighting and appliances
in schools and public spaces. Use renewable
energy sources such as solar panels, wind
turbines, and geothermal systems to power
schools and community buildings. Conduct
energy audits and encourage energy-saving
habits among students and staff.

Look for an instructional material (textbook, modules, workbook, etc.) used in basic education.
Then, find reading texts and activities in the material that help develop eco literacy among the
pupils/students. Explain what environmental concept/issue is exemplified in the text/activity.
Then, discuss how eco literacy is embedded in the basic education curriculum.
1. Reading text: "The Water Cycle"
Activity: Ask students to draw a diagram illustrating the water cycle and explain the different
This text and activity help students understand the concept of the water cycle and how it
affects the environment. They learn about evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and
collection of water, which are essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

2. Reading text: "Pollution and Its Effects"

Activity: Ask students to research different types of pollution and their effects on the
environment. Then, have them present their findings to the class.
This text and activity help students understand the negative impact of pollution on the
environment and how it affects humans and other living organisms. They learn about air
pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution and their harmful effects on the environment.

3. Reading text: "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"

Activity: Ask students to create a poster illustrating ways to reduce waste and recycle materials.
This text and activity help students understand the importance of waste reduction and
recycling in preserving the environment. They learn about the three R's (reduce, reuse, recycle)
and how they can contribute to reducing waste and protecting natural resources.

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