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Name: Shamal Khan Bazai

CMS: 54480

BS: Mass Communication

Semester: 5 th

Course: Photo Journalism

Point of Interest

Simplicity: The main subject should be clear so that the picture would be easy to
understand. A photograph showing simplicity should have a clear reason the
subject was chosen. The reason for taking the picture should be clearly evident. All
unrelated topics should not be present. 

Contrast: is used in two senses, editing, and composition. In editing, contrast is in

two ways, background and in the front line. In other words, contrast in
photography is the visual ratio of different tones in an image. This difference is
what creates the textures, highlights, shadows, colors and clarity in a photograph.

Balance: is a composition technique that arranges elements within the frame to

achieve equal visual weight across the image. The main focus of the picture should
be balanced. Unimportant subject should not affect an important subject.

Framing: in photography refers to the technique of drawing focus to the subject in

the photo by blocking other parts of the image with something in the scene. Frames
can be located in the center of the picture or alongside its edges. They can span
over all four sides of the photo or encompass just one or two edges of the image. In
other words, all over the view of picture is called framing.

Viewpoint: refers to the position we take the photograph from. This will also be the
position you place the viewer in when they are looking at your finished shot. The
viewpoint can dramatically change the feel of the photograph. Viewpoint is also
called point of interest.
Direction of Movement:

Direction of Movements: is the feeling that a photo's subject is moving across the
photo. It is created by allowing space in front of the subject for the subject to move
into. Moreover, the moving object should be captured from its opposite side. If the
object’s direction is opposite when it’s moving, the rest of the blank space will
balance the frame of the picture.

Diagonals: refer to slanted lines in an image. You can find diagonals all over the
place as lines that lead the viewer into the image. Moreover, diagonals are used to
show the focus point or point of interest.

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