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Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

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Analytical model of the bond stress-slip relationship for reinforced

concrete due to splitting failure
Yanjun Chang a,b, Shuai Qin b, Mengqing Huang a,b, Dan Hu a,b, Haifeng Yang a,b, Shuangbei Li a,b,⇑
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Structural Safety, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Structural Safety of Ministry of Education, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 An analytical model of the bond stress-slip relationship for splitting failure is proposed.
 An improved concrete confinement model is proposed.
 A new assumption of circumferential deformation is proposed.
 The descending branch of the confinement model is reasonably analyzed.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper develops a new bond stress-slip relationship for reinforced concrete, which considers the evo-
Received 12 November 2020 lution of the concrete confinement capacity due to splitting failure of concrete cover. Considering fracture
Received in revised form 21 January 2021 characteristics of the concrete, the improved thick-walled cylinder model is used to analyze the radial
Accepted 8 March 2021
stress and radial deformation at the interface between rebar and concrete for different damage stages.
Available online 24 March 2021
A new assumption of circumferential deformation is proposed to estimate the deformation field of the
inner cracked concrete, and the linear crack profile is assumed to calculate the distribution of cohesion
on the crack surface. The radial strain is calculated with elastic constitutive relation including the
Analytical model
Bond stress-slip relationship
Poisson’s effect. The descending branch of the confinement model can be derived with the linear response
Reinforced concrete between the radial stress and radial deformation. The presented concrete confinement model can be
Concrete confinement model transformed into bond stress-slip relationship based on the stress and deformation analysis at the inter-
Splitting failure face. Comparing with experimental results, it is indicated that the results calculated with bond stress-slip
Assumption of circumferential deformation relationship proposed in this paper is more reasonable.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the friction and mechanical interlock play a major role. During
pulling rebar out of concrete, a relative displacement is generated
Bond performance is a crucial property of reinforced concrete and the force is transmitted through ribs of the deformed bar, pro-
(RC) structures, which has a significant impact on the mechanical ducing the tangential bond stress along axial direction of rebar and
and seismic property of RC structures. In addition to the initiation radial internal pressure at the interface between rebar and con-
and propagation of concrete cracks, the deflection of RC structures crete. The radial internal pressure at the interface radiates to the
is related to bond performance [1]. Hence the structural design and interior concrete and leads to the crack of concrete. Hence the bond
optimization depend on the intact bond stress-slip relationship. performance is significantly affected by the degree that the con-
Recently, numerous research were dedicated to making bond finement of concrete to rebar embedded it [2–4]. When the rebar
mechanism more clear, and it’s commonly known that the bond has a thin concrete cover or insufficient external constraint, the
stress is composed of chemical adhesion, friction and mechanical concrete may split, and the transverse cracks will appear in RC
interlock [2]. In the case of deformed bars embedded in concrete, structures under axial tensile load, which leads to the rapid decline
in the bearing capacity.
The theoretical description about bond performance with con-
⇑ Corresponding author.
crete confinement capacity can be traced back to Tepfers’ thick-
E-mail addresses: (Y. Chang),
(S. Qin), (M. Huang), (D. Hu),
walled cylinder model [3], in which the extremum method was (H. Yang), (S. Li). proposed to investigate the bond action with rebar being pulled
0950-0618/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

out. Comparative analysis shows that the actual ultimate bond Bond strength is an important indicator for the bond stress-slip
strength should fall in between the partly cracked elastic mode relationship. The experiments like pullout test and beam test are
and the ideal plastic mode, and the two modes correspond to the commonly applied to investigate the influence of various factors
pure elasticity and the pure plasticity states, respectively. Subse- on bond strength for their advantage of intuitively revealing the
quently, the fictitious crack model (FCM) proposed by Hillerborg bond mechanism [16–19]. Moreover, the bond stress-slip relation-
et al. [5] is introduced to consider the softening of cracked con- ship can also be summarized through regression analysis based on
crete. By means of assuming cohesion exists on the crack surface, test data. As shown in Fig. 1, the ideal curve of bond stress-slip
the FCM can simulate the generation and propagation of cracks, relationship proposed by Eligehausen [20] had been amended
which can be regarded as a way of expressing the energy absorp- and incorporated into CEP-FIP Model Code [21]. Based on Elige-
tion in the fracture process zone (FPZ). hausen’s work, the improved bond stress-slip relationship pro-
Considering concrete fracture characteristics, several analysis posed by Filippou [22] considered the hysteretic behavior of
models [6–13] have been subsequently developed to evaluate the beam-column joints, which has been widely applied in the numer-
concrete confinement capacity and describe the propagation of ical simulation of the bond-slip relationship between confined and
crack. When cracks appear, the thick-walled concrete cylinder unconfined concrete under generalized load. Because of the com-
can be divided into the inner cracked region and the outer plexity of bond mechanism and the diversity of factors that affect
uncracked region, and an appropriate concrete softening relation- the bond performance, these stress-slip relationships always have
ship controls the evolution of the inner cracked region. The circum- significant differences, and the lack of theoretical basis limits their
ferential deformation within the inner cracked concrete at an practical application.
arbitrary position, Dh , can be expressed as the sum of the elastic Based on the thick-walled cylinder model considering concrete
deformation of concrete and the width of cracks: softening behavior, the concrete confinement capacity at the
uncracked, crack propagation, entirely cracked and residual stages
Dh ¼ 2pr eh þ nw ¼ 2pr þ nw ð1Þ are respectively analyzed. For the crack propagation stage, a new
assumption of circumferential deformation is proposed to pre-
where eh is the circumferential strain of concrete, n is the total num- cisely estimate the deformation within the inner cracked concrete.
ber of cracks, w is the crack width, rðwÞ is the cohesion on the crack The concrete softening relationship and linear crack profile are
surface and Ec is the elastic modulus of concrete. To determine the introduced to deal with the distribution of cohesion on the crack
distribution of cohesion on the crack surface and calculate the cir- surface. In addition, the entirely cracked stage is obtained by using
cumferential deformation Dh , it is essential to consider the concrete a reasonable assumption and the friction is regarded as a constant
softening relationship and the number of cracks [14,15] in Eq. (1). at the last stage. This confinement model can be converted to the
Consequently, the contribution of the inner cracked concrete to bond stress-slip relationship with interface analysis. Finally, the
the confinement capacity can also be deduced. accuracy of the presented bond stress-slip relationship is verified
Since the concrete softening relationship is described by the by the comparison of test data and theoretical calculations.
function of cohesion with respect to crack width [5], various types
of circumferential deformation distribution have been proposed to
establish the relation between crack width and crack length, and 2. Concrete confinement model based on elastic constitutive
then the confinement capacity corresponding to different crack theory
lengths can be obtained. The assumption of uniform circumferen-
tial deformation has been widely adopted [6–10] due to its simple Fig. 2 shows the typical pullout test loading diagram with the
form, in which the circumferential deformation within the inner bond length less than five times the diameter of rebar. Hence the
cracked concrete is entirely equal to that at the crack tip. To sim- proposed model can describe the anchoring and slip problem
plify the calculation, it is assumed that the circumferential strain based on the pullout test.
across cracks reaches the same critical value, which undoubtedly To study the bond performance of rebar embedded in concrete,
causes the overestimation of the contribution of the inner cracked the bond stress and slip at the interface between rebar and con-
concrete. However, the overestimated part can be eliminated by crete must be deduced by the damage analysis of the thick-
ignoring the Poisson’s effect at the crack tip. Meanwhile, several walled cylinder [9]. As shown in Fig. 3, the whole process of bond
types of concrete softening relationship are available to deal with response can be divided into four stages according to different
the crack propagation, such as the power-law curve [6], the expo-
nential curve [7], the hyperbola curve [8], the bilinear curve [9] and
the linear type [10].
However, when concrete cracks, the mechanical behavior of
concrete thick-walled cylinder exhibits nonlinear due to the exis-
tence of the FPZ [5], so the deformation within the inner cracked
concrete will not be uniformly distributed. Thus the assumptions
of nonuniform circumferential deformation were proposed to
describe the deformation within the inner cracked concrete. For
instance, the assumption of equivalent extended deformation
[11] follows that the circumferential deformation within the inner
cracked concrete can be obtained by the inward extension on that
of the outer uncracked concrete. In addition, the assumptions of
linear and hyperbolic distribution circumferential deformation
were used to calculate the deformation within the inner cracked
concrete [12]. Using the assumptions of nonuniform circumferen-
tial deformation above, more accurate numerical solutions can be
obtained with complicate iterative procedure. Therefore, a linear
crack surface and the equivalent elastic deformation are proposed
to provide the analytical solution of bond strength concisely [13]. Fig. 1. The bond stress-slip relationship in CEP-FIP Model Code.

Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

Fig. 4. Thick-walled cylinder at the uncracked stage.

R2s p R2c
rh ¼ 1þ ð3Þ
R2c  R2s r2

h i
R2s p R2c ð1 þ mc Þ þ r 2 ð1  mc Þ
ur ¼   ð4Þ
rEc R2c  R2s

where Rs and Rc are the inner radius and outer radius of the cylin-
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of typical pullout test.
der, respectively, p is the radial stress at the interface between rebar
and concrete, Ec is the elastic modulus of concrete, mc is the Pois-
son’s ratio of concrete, rr , rh and ur represent the radial stress, cir-
cumferential stress and radial deformation of concrete, respectively.
And the physical equations are given as [25]:
er ¼ ðrr  mc rh Þ ð5Þ

eh ¼ ðrh  mc rr Þ ð6Þ
where er and eh are the radial strain and circumferential strain,
Substituting r ¼ Rs into Eq. (4), the radial deformation at the
interface between rebar and concrete can be expressed as
Rs p R2c þ R2s
uIr ¼ þ mc ð7Þ
Ec R2c  R2s

where uIr is the interfacial radial deformation at the uncracked

Fig. 3. The whole process of bond-slip. Considering the Poisson’s effect of the concrete, the circumfer-
ential and radial strains can be obtained by substituting Eqs. (2)
and (3) into Eqs. (5) and (6), respectively, and expressed as:
states of concrete crack propagation: the uncracked stage where !
1 R2 þ R2c
concrete is in an elastic state; the crack propagation stage where eI
h ¼ p s2 þ mc ð8Þ
the concrete continually cracks; the entirely cracked stage where E Rc  R2s
concrete has been penetrated by cracks; the residual stage where !
the bond stress is contributed by friction. Accordingly, the concrete 1 R2s þ R2c
confinement model can also be analyzed through the above four eIr ¼ p 1 þ mc ð9Þ
E R2c  R2s
stages. In the bond stress-slip constitutive relationship, the bond
stress is usually characterized by slippage [23,24]. Thus, the stress where eIh , eIr are the interfacial circumferential strain and radial
and deformation of concrete must be both analyzed with the strain at this stage, respectively.
2.2. Crack propagation stage
2.1. Uncracked stage
The initial cracks will occur when the circumferential stress at
At this stage, the cylinder is assumed to be in an elastic state, as the interface reaches tensile strength f ct of the concrete, which
shown in Fig. 4. Timoshenko [25] gave the elastic mechanics solu- illustrates the beginning of the crack propagation stage. The radial
tions on stress and deformation of the concrete cylinder: stress, deformation and strain at the interface can be expressed as:
R2s p R2 R2c  R2s
rr ¼ 1  2c ð2Þ pInitial ¼ f ct ð10Þ
R2c  R2s r II
R2c þ R2s

Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

Rs f ct R2c  R2s early distributed along the crack length whatever the assumption
II ¼ 1 þ mc ð11Þ of circumferential deformation is adopted, and the similar phe-
Ec R2c þ R2s
nomenon was found in Gattaneo and Rosita’s work [12], as shown
! in Fig. 7.
f ct R2c  R2s When the cracks expand to r ¼ e, the crack width can be
II ¼ þ mc ð12Þ
Ec R2c þ Rs2
expressed as a formula with respect to crack radius:

where pInitial , uInitial and eInitial are the radial stress, radial deformation er
II II II w ¼ wm for Rs 6 r 6 e ð17Þ
and radial strain at the interface when initial cracks occur, e  Rs
where w is the crack width at an arbitrary radius r, wm is the crack
width at the interface between rebar and concrete.
2.2.1. Radial stress
Currently, various assumptions of circumferential deformation
During the process of crack propagation, the cohesion on the
are put forward to simulate the actual deformation within the
crack surface is introduced to consider concrete softening behavior,
inner cracked concrete. Nielsen and Bićanić [11] deemed that the
as shown in Fig. 5. It can be assumed that all cracks expand forward
actual deformation of concrete lies in between the assumption of
simultaneously, and the circumferential stress reh at the crack tip
equivalent deformation and the assumption of uniform circumfer-
reaches tensile strength f ct , that is
ential deformation. However, the actual deformation range of the
reh ¼ f ct ð13Þ inner cracked concrete can be reduced again: when concrete soft-
ening behavior is considered, the actual deformation should lie in
The radial stress at the interface between rebar and concrete
between the deformations produced by ‘non-cohesion’ and ‘cohe-
must satisfy the equilibrium equation including the circumferen-
sion is uniformly distributed and equal to tensile strength’. More-
tial stresses of cracked and uncracked regions, as shown in Fig. 6,
over, the existence of concrete softening behavior inevitably
which can be expressed as:
makes a non-linear form of the circumferential deformation within
Z Z 
1 e Rc the inner cracked concrete.
pIIr ¼ rðwÞdr þ rh ðrÞdr ð14Þ Based on the existed calculate mode [9,13], the circumferential
Rs Rs e
deformation in the case of ‘non-cohesion’ (Case One), D0h , can be
where pIIr is the interfacial radial stress at this stage, rh ðrÞ is the cir- expressed as:
cumferential stress of the outer uncracked concrete.  
" #
The outer uncracked concrete can be regarded as another thick-
2 p ef R 2
 e 2 e R2c  e2 e
walled cylinder with the inner radius e and the outer radius Rc , as D0h ¼ ct
1 þ mc c2 þ 2pecr ln for Rs 6 r 6 e
Ec Rc þ e2 R2c þ e2 r
shown in Fig. 6(b). By replacing Rs with e in Eqs. (2) and (3), and
then substituting Eq. (13) into them, the uniform internal pressure ð18Þ
per can be expressed as:
And the circumferential deformation in the case of ‘cohesion is
R2c  e2 uniformly distributed and equal to tensile strength’ (Case Two), D00h ,
per ¼ f ct ð15Þ can be expressed as:
R2c þ e2
" # " #
Thus the circumferential stress of the outer uncracked concrete 2pef ct R2c  e2 2eR2c e
D00h ¼ 1 þ mc 2 þ 2pecr 2 ln  ðe  r Þ for Rs 6 r 6 e
can be expressed as: Ec Rc þ e2 Rc þ e2 r
Rc 2 ð19Þ
rh ðrÞ ¼ f ct Rr 2 for e 6 r 6 Rc ð16Þ
The distribution of cohesion under the two cases above and the
corresponding calculated circumferential deformations are shown
For the inner cracked concrete, it is composed of several cracks in Fig. 8(a) and (b), respectively. D0h and D00h represent the new lower
and the elastic concrete between cracks, as shown in Fig. 6(c). and upper limits of true circumferential deformation within the
Numerical analysis [11] shows that the crack width is almost lin- inner cracked concrete, and numerical analysis shows that none
of the existing assumptions of circumferential deformation lies in
between D0h and D00h . However, there is no more accurate calculation
method to determine the assumption of circumferential deforma-
tion in the current research, so it may be assumed that the mid-
point of the two limits (i.e. D0h þ D00h =2) is used to further
approximate the real circumferential deformation, as shown in
Fig. 8(b). On the other hand, the rationality of this approach can
be verified by the following analysis and discussion.
Hence the new assumption of circumferential deformation for
the inner cracked concrete can be formulated as:
! " #
R2c  e2 3R2c  e2 e
Dh ¼ 2peecr 1 þ mc þ pecr e ln  ðe  r Þ for Rs 6 r 6 e
R2c þ e2 R2c þ e2 r

where ecr ¼ f ct =Ec . It is found that the non-linear assumption of cir-

cumferential deformation satisfies all basic requirements [12],
which can be understood, to some degree, as considering the non-
linear factors on the basis of the assumption of uniform circumfer-
Fig. 5. Thick-walled cylinder model considering concrete softening behavior. ential deformation.
Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

Fig. 6. Analysis method at the crack expanding stage: schematic diagram of (a) the cracked thick-walled cylinder, (b) the outer uncracked concrete and (c) the inner cracked

R2c  e2
DRh s ¼ 2peecr 1 þ mc
R2c þ e2
" #
3R2c  e2 e
þ pecr e ln  ðe  Rs Þ ð22Þ
R2c þ e2 Rs

When initial cracks appear at the interface between rebar and

concrete, the crack radius can be regarded as equaling to Rs , and
the crack width at the interface, wm , is zero. Substituting r ¼ Rs ,
e ¼ Rs into Eq. (20), the circumferential deformation at the inter-
face, DRh1s , at present can be expressed as:
R2c  R2s
Fig. 7. Distribution of crack width. DRh1s ¼ 2pRs ecr 1 þ mc ð23Þ
R2c þ R2s

The cohesion at the interface between rebar and concrete

At the crack tip (r ¼ e), the circumferential strain can be decreases continuously with the increase of crack width, and the
expressed as: circumferential deformation of concrete at the interface is only
composed of crack width when cohesion reduces to zero. Accord-
R2c  e2 ing to Eq. (1), the circumferential deformation at the interface,
eeh ¼ ecr 1 þ mc ð21Þ DRh2s , at present can be expressed as:
R2c þ e2

which indicates the deformation compatibility is satisfied at the

DRh2s ¼ nw0 ð24Þ
interface between cracked and uncracked concrete. where w0 is the crack width without cohesion.
Therefore, when the cracks expand to r ¼ e, the circumferential Thus the circumferential deformation changing process of the
deformation at the interface between rebar and concrete, DRh s , can inner cracked concrete at this stage, characterized by the starting
be obtained by substituting r ¼ Rs into Eq. (20). point and ending point of crack propagation, has been obtained.

Fig. 8. The presentation of the new assumption of circumferential deformation: the distribution of (a) cohesion and (b) circumferential deformation under the two cases.

Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

Based on the interpolation theory, the crack width at the interface ef R2c  e2
can be expressed as [13]: uer ¼ ct 1 þ mc ð32Þ
Ec R2c þ e2
DRh s  DRh1s For the inner cracked concrete, the schematic diagram of con-
wm ¼ w0 ð25Þ
DRh2s  DRh1s crete stress at an arbitrary position r is shown in Fig. 9. Hence
the radial strain err can be obtained by replacing Rs with r in Eq.
Substituting Eqs. (22), (23) and (24) into Eq. (25), the crack
(31), and substituting it into Eq. (5) with Eq. (30):
width at the interface can be rewritten as:
n   h 2 2 i  Z e Z Rc 
1 1
wm ¼ 2peecr 1 þ mc RRc2 e þpecr e 3R err ¼ rðwÞdr þ rh ðrÞdr þ mc rðwÞ
2 2
c e
2 ln Res  ðe  Rs Þ ð33Þ
c þe 2
R c þe 2
 i ð26Þ Ec r r e

2pRs ecr 1 þ mc RRc2 R pRs ecr 1 þ mc RRc2 R

2 2 2 2

2 w 0 = nw0  2 s
þR2 And the geometric equation can be given as:
c s c s

Then substituting Eq. (26) into Eq. (17) yields: @ur

err ¼ ð34Þ
w ¼ K ðe  rÞw0 for Rs 6 r 6 e ð27Þ
Then the change in wall thickness of the inner cracked concrete
where can be obtained by substituting Eq. (33) into Eq. (34):
n  2
 h 2 2 i Z
1 þ mc RRc2 e
2 3Rc e e
K¼ e
þ 1
e ln e
 ð e  R Þ
 c þe
2Rs 2
Rc þe
2 Rs

i ð28Þ
Du ¼ err dr ð35Þ
2 2 2 2 Rs
 1 þ mc RRc2 R
= nw0
2pRs ecr
 1 þ mc RRc2 R s
c s c s
Consequently, the radial deformation at the interface between
Accordingly, the problem of crack width has been solved by rebar and concrete, uIIr , can be expressed as:
adopting an accurate assumption of circumferential deformation. ! Z
However, no clear standard on the determination of the concrete ef ct R2c  e2 e
uIIr ¼ 1 þ mc þ err dr ð36Þ
softening relationship is established, and the parameters in differ- Ec R2c þ e2 Rs
ent softening relationships involve different methods. The expo-
nential equation proposed by Reinhardt [26] has been adopted As shown in Fig. 10, a micro element is taken at the interface
here: between rebar and concrete, which is subjected to radial stress
(" and cohesion. Substituting r ¼ Rs into Eq. (30), the cohesion at
 3 #   )
w w w  the interface can be expressed as:
rðwÞ ¼ f ct 1 þ c1 exp c2  1 þ c1 expðc2 Þ
n o
w0 w0 w0
rðwðRs ÞÞ ¼ f ct 1 þ ½c1 K ðe  Rs Þ3 exp½c2 K ðe  Rs Þ
ð29Þ   ð37Þ
f ct K ðe  Rs Þ 1 þ c31 expðc2 Þ
where c1 and c2 are parameters determined by experiment. Substi-
tuting Eq. (27) into Eq. (29), the cohesion on the crack surface can where rðwðRs ÞÞ is the cohesion of micro element at the interface.
be rewritten as [13]: The radial strain at the interface between rebar and concrete
n o can be obtained by substituting Eqs. (31) and (37) into Eq. (5):
rðwÞ ¼ f ct 1 þ ½c1 K ðe  rÞ3 exp½c2 K ðe  rÞ 1  II 
  eIIr ¼ p þ mc rðwðRs ÞÞ ð38Þ
 f ct K ðe  rÞ 1 þ c31 expðc2 Þ ð30Þ Ec r

Substituting Eqs. (16) and (30) into Eq. (14), the radial stress at Before reaching the maximum radial stress, the concrete cracks
the interface at this stage can be obtained: expand stably. According to Tepfers [3]: when RC structure reaches
n the ultimate bearing capacity, the cracks penetrate right through
eðR2c e2 Þ 1exp½c2 K ðeRs Þ 6c3
pIIr ¼ R f ct þ fRcts þ c4 K1 the concrete cover, which results in the change of crack propaga-
s ðRc þe Þ
2 2 c2 K
h i tion mechanism. Therefore, the formula obtained above is no
3 2
 ðcc12KKÞ exp½c2 K ðe  Rs Þ  ðe  Rs Þ3 þ 3ðeR
c2 K

þ 6ððceR

2 þ
ð c
K Þ 3 longer applicable after the maximum radial stress is reached.
  o 2 2

 12 K 1 þ c31 expðc2 Þðe  Rs Þ2 2.3. Entirely cracked stage and residual stage
After the first two stages, cracks have penetrated the outer sur-
Obviously, when material and geometric parameters are deter- face of concrete. At the entirely cracked stage, cracks will become
mined, the radial stress is controlled by crack propagation length. wider, and the concrete confinement capacity is weakened due to
The maximum radial stress can be obtained by putting the softening behavior. The cohesion is balanced with the internal
@p=@e ¼ 0, and then substituting the extreme value into Eq. (31). pressure at the interface between rebar and concrete, which makes

2.2.2. Radial deformation and strain

The radial stress at the interface between rebar and concrete
can be obtained by the usage of thick-walled cylinder model
considering concrete softening behavior, whereas the radial
deformation and strain at the interface can be obtained with the
assistance of analytical solution on the radial stress.
The total radial deformation at the interface between rebar and
concrete can be regarded as the sum of the deformation produced
by the outer uncracked concrete and the change in wall thickness
of the inner cracked concrete. By replacing Rs with e in Eq. (7), and
then substituting Eq. (15) into it, the deformation produced by the
outer uncracked concrete, uer , can be expressed as: Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of concrete stress at an arbitrary position r.

Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

Fig. 10. Stress state of the micro element at the interface.

Fig. 11. Structure diagram in the residual state.

the derivation of the concrete confinement model at this stage pos-
sible. Numerous experiment data [27–32] indicate that the
descending branch of the bond stress-slip relationship approaches Substituting K ¼ K II , e ¼ ec into Eq. (30), the distribution of
linear form, whereas the bond stress-slip relationship is derived cohesion on the crack surface at the residual stage can be rewritten
from the concrete confinement model. In this respect, a linear as:
response is adopted to calculate the confinement relation at this n o
stage. rðwðrÞÞ ¼ f ct 1 þ ½c1 K II ðec  rÞ3 exp½c2 K II ðec  rÞ
The penetration of concrete cover leads to a constant crack   ð44Þ
length, whereas the cracks will continue to expand in width direc- f ct K II ðec  rÞ 1 þ c31 expðc2 Þ
tion, and hence the crack width becomes the control parameter at Therefore, the residual radial stress, pc , can be obtained by equi-
the entirely cracked stage [9]. In actual projects, the inner pressure librium relation:
will reach a relatively stable state at the end of this stage instead of
Z Rc
declining to zero, that is so-called residual state. Therefore, there is 1
pc ¼ rðwðrÞÞdr ð45Þ
still cohesion on the crack surface to keep balance at the residual Rs Rs
stage. According to the above statement, the stress-deformation
relation at the entirely cracked stage can be expressed as:
pC  pm  III  3. Discussion and parameter analysis of the confinement model
r ¼ pC þ
pIII  ur  uC ð39Þ
uC  um
The proposed concrete confinement model depends on the
where uC and pC are respectively the radial deformation and radial crack propagation state and deformation hypothesis, and it’s also
stress at the beginning of the residual state, pm and um are respec- affected by material and geometric parameters. Therefore, the
tively the maximum radial stress and corresponding radial evolution of the stress state at the interface between rebar and
deformation. concrete is predicted by comparative analysis.
At the residual stage, the influence of crack width on circumfer- In order to explore the influence of different assumptions of cir-
ential deformation is much greater than that of cohesion. By cumferential deformation on the confinement model, the assump-
neglecting the influence of cohesion, the circumferential deforma- tion of uniform circumferential deformation [9] (the Poisson’s
tion at the interface between rebar and concrete, DRhCs , can be effect is taken into account) and the assumption of equivalent elas-
expressed as: tic deformation [13] are introduced to juxtapose with the assump-
tion proposed in this paper. Furthermore, the same basic material
DRhcs ¼ nwC ð40Þ parameters as in Ref. [13] are applied, which is listed in Table 1.
where wC is the crack width at the interface when reaching the where d is the inner diameter of concrete cylinder (hence the
residual stage. diameter of rebar), f c is the compressive strength of concrete, Gf
Consequently, the radial deformation at the interface corre- is fracture energy of concrete. w0 can be determined by the follow-
sponding to the residual stage can be expressed as: ing equation [33]:

uc ¼
ð41Þ af Gf
2p w0 ¼ ð46Þ
f ct
The radial strain at the interface can be expressed as:
where af is a parameter related to concrete materials (af ¼ 7[34]).
1 At the crack propagation stage, the distribution of circumferen-
eC ¼ pc ð42Þ
Ec tial deformation Dh produced by different assumptions varying
with relative position r=Rs when the relative cover depth is 2,
When the crack penetrates the outer surface of concrete, the
and the cracks expand to four times the radius of the rebar is
nominal radius of fictitious cracks has exceeded the concrete
shown in Fig. 12. The distribution of circumferential deformation
radius, as the analytical method shown in Fig. 11. Numerical anal-
under the cases of ‘no cohesion’, ‘the cohesion is evenly distributed
ysis shows that the parameter K has little influence on the calcula-
and equal to tensile strength’ is listed in the figure, between which
tion results of radial stress at the residual stage, and hence the
the assumption proposed in this paper lies in. Moreover, the
parameter K can be assumed that remains constant after concrete
assumption of equivalent elastic deformation [13] has no intersec-
is penetrated by cracks (named K II ). Substituting w ¼ wc , K ¼ K II ,
tion with other assumptions at the crack tip, indicating that the
r ¼ Rs into Eq. (27), the nominal radius of fictitious cracks at the
assumption does not satisfy deformation compatibility. Based on
residual stage can be expressed as:
the assumption of equivalent deformation [11], the assumption
wc of equivalent elastic deformation can be considered to have
ec ¼ þ Rs ð43Þ
K II  w0 removed the outer uncracked concrete, or say- the crack expands
Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

Table 1
Basic material parameters.

d(mm) fct(MPa) fc(MPa) Ec (MPa) Gf(N/m) c1 c2 n

16 2.7 35 32.6  10 138.4 3 7 3

When the rebar has a thin relative cover depth (c=d ¼ 1), the
curves produced by different assumptions have little discrepancy,
that’s because the cracks have penetrated the concrete outer sur-
face before the FPZ can fully develop, whatever assumption of cir-
cumferential deformation is used. When the rebar has a thick
relative cover depth (c=d ¼ 4), the curve produced by the assump-
tion of equivalent elastic deformation enter the descending branch
at the earliest, whereas the curve obtained by the assumption of
uniform circumferential deformation enter the descending branch
at the latest. The reason is that a larger assumption of circumferen-
tial deformation can amplify the influence of the structure nonlin-
ear response and the rate of stiffness attenuation, which results in
an earlier time to enter the descending branch.
Fig. 14 shows the variation of the relative maximum radial
stress pmax =f ct calculated by different assumptions of circumferen-
tial deformation with relative cover depth c=d, together with the
Fig. 12. Distribution craves of circumferential deformation produced by different
plastic solution and partly cracked solution proposed by Tepfers
assumptions. [3]. Obviously, these curves all lie in between the two solutions,
indicating the rationality of the assumption about the existence
of cohesion on the crack surface.
The distribution of cohesion on the crack surface is significantly
to the concrete outer surface directly from the inner cracked con- affected by the selection of assumptions of circumferential defor-
crete, which leads to the incompatibility of the outer uncracked mation. Numerical analysis shows that the larger assumption of
concrete with the inner cracked concrete. From a holistic perspec- circumferential deformation is adopted, the higher value K is
tive, the assumption proposed in this paper also lies in between the caused when reaching the maximum radial stress. According to
assumptions of equivalent elastic deformation and uniform cir- Eq. (27), higher value K results in larger crack width, and hence
cumferential deformation, suggesting its rationality and accuracy. the contribution of cohesion to the radial stress at the interface
The variation of relative radial stress at the interface, p=f ct , pro- between rebar and concrete will be reduced. Expectedly, the curve
duced by different assumptions with relative crack propagation produced by the assumption of uniform circumferential deforma-
length e=Rs when the relative cover depth ranges from 1 to 4 is tion is at the top, and the curve produced by the assumption of
shown in Fig. 13. Obviously, all of the curves in the graph firstly equivalent elastic deformation is at the bottom, whereas the curve
rise to a limit value and then fall. This is attributed to the fact that produced by the assumption proposed in this paper lies in the mid-
the cracking resistance performance is obvious when concrete is in dle. Moreover, in the case of the thin relative cover depth, the cal-
a micro-crack state, and the volume of the outer uncracked con- culation results are close to the plastic solution. This is attributed
crete accounts for a large proportion, which plays a major role in to the fact that the FPZ is not fully developed when the maximum
the concrete confinement capacity. As the cracks gradually become radial stress is reached, resulting in the cohesion along the crack
longer, the FPZ has been fully developed, resulting in the drop of surface nearly equal to concrete tensile strength.
the volume ratio of the outer uncracked concrete and confinement At the crack propagation stage when the relative cover depth is
capacity. two, the comparison of the radial strain at the interface between

Fig. 13. Variation of relative radial stress at the interface p=f ct produced by different Fig. 14. Variation of the maximum relative radial stress pmax =f ct with relative cover
assumptions with relative crack propagation length e=Rs . depth c=d.

Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

The bond stress and radial stress can be obtained based on the
equilibrium of force on the acting surface:
s ¼ p1 sinb þ lp1 cosb ð47Þ

p ¼ p1 cosb  lp1 sinb ð48Þ

where l is friction coefficient between rebar and surrounding con-
crete on the acting surface.
Therefore, the relation between radial stress and bond stress
can be expressed as:
tanb þ l
s¼ p ð49Þ
1  ltanb
When relative slippage is generateed at the interface, the con-
crete between ribs is squeezed and continuously expands outward
along the radial direction. Accordingly, the rebar can be assumed as
Fig. 15. Comparison of radial strain at interface after concrete cracks when the a circular truncated cone with angle u, as shown in Fig. 17. The
relative cover depth is two. relation between slippage and radial deformation at the interface
can be obtained through the trigonometric relationship:
rebar and concrete produced by the calculation mode in Ref. [9] ur ¼ s  tanu ð50Þ
with that of in this paper is shown in Fig. 15. According to Ref.
where s is the relative slippage between rebar and concrete, u is the
[9], the ratio of radial deformation at the interface to the inner
equivalent angle of assumed circular truncated cone.
radius of concrete (equal to the rebar radius) is defined as radial
strain at the interface, so that the radial strain at the interface
4.2. Determination of parameters m, b and u
increases with the expansion of cracks. However, in the whole
bond-splitting process, the strain of rebar is usually neglected,
The ratio between radial stress and bond stress is significantly
and the calculation mode in Ref. [9] awaits for further improve-
affected by the parameters l and b. Under the pullout force, the
ment when the assumption of circumferential deformation and
concrete between ribs is squeezed into powder and rolls on the
concrete softening relationship in this paper are adopted. There-
acting surface, leading the friction coefficient l to decay in a neg-
fore the calculation mode of radial strain is established through
ative exponential form [35]. By classifying the corrosion degree of
radial stress in this paper, and the adjacent cracked bodies of con-
rebars, Guo [36] defined the friction coefficient between rebar and
crete can be regarded as ‘connecting’ with cohesion. In order to
concrete as 0.2 ~ 0.6, and the average value of l is 0.4. Idun [37]
avoid the dispute between the two methods mentioned above,
measured the friction coefficient between mortar and steel
the radial deformation at the interface between rebar and concrete
through experiments, with the value of l ranged from 0.503 to
is taken as the parameter, and hence the transformational relation
0.627. Cairns [38] determined the friction coefficient between con-
between concrete confinement model and the bond stress-slip
crete and steel by experiments was about 0.5. Considering not only
relationship can be established.
the friction generated between rebar and concrete during bond-
slip, but also the friction between crushed concrete and confined
concrete, the friction coefficient l is determined to be 0.4.
4. The bond stress-slip relationship According to test phenomenon, Lutz [2] believed that the angle
of the acting surface between rebar and concrete ranged from 30°
4.1. Transformation of concrete confinement model to the bond stress- to 40°, Ghaffari [39] suggested that the upper limit value lied in
slip relationship between 30° and 40° by comparing the ultimate bond strength of
ordinary rebars with epoxy resin-coated rebars, Choi [40] proposed
Based on the previously generated concrete confinement model, that the angle b should be limited to 25°~35°. Therefore, the angle
the bond stress-slip relationship can be derived. When relative b is determined to be 25° conservatively.
slippage occurs at the interface between rebar and concrete, the For the angle u, there is little research to determine its value.
force transmission mechanism of ribs is activated. The shearing Den Uijl [9] suggest the angle u can be expressed as:
effect causes the concrete between ribs to be extruded into powder u ¼ 0:1  f c ð51Þ
and accumulate continually in front of ribs, thus forming a new
acting surface with angle b, as shown in Fig. 16. The squeeze force In this paper, a large amount of experimental data is used to
p1 and friction lp1 will generate on the new acting surface, and the tune the value u, which can be expressed as:
tangential component and radial component of their resultant fc
force represent the bond stress s and radial stress p, respectively. u ¼ 0:065  ð52Þ
f ct
For the structures with splitting failure, the force transmission
mechanism affects the entire bond-slip process.

Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of stress transmission at the interface. Fig. 17. Equivalence of rebar to a circular truncated cone with angle u.

Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

Table 2
Comparison of pullout test with calculated bond strength.

Tests Specimen f c (MPa) f ct (MPa) ds (mm) c(mm) Test (MPa) Calculated (MPa) Error (%)

Hawkins et al.[41] 8D-20 – 1.94 18 80 16 16.1 0.6

8D-30 – 2.11 18 80 21 17.2 18.1
8D-40 – 2.62 18 80 26 20.4 21.5
Prince and Singh [27,31] A12R0 36.9 – 12 44 18.7 19.6 4.8
A16R0 36.9 – 16 42 14.9 14.2 4.7
A20R0 36.9 – 20 40 13.5 10.9 19.3
A25R0 36.9 – 25 37.5 9.7 8.3 14.4
B12R0 51.14 – 12 44 19.78 24.3 22.9
C12R0 68.65 – 12 44 26.08 29.1 11.6
Leibovich et al. [42] TOLF-10–2-4 43 – 20 40 13.64 12.2 10.6
SOF-10–2-2 33.6 – 20 40 11.26 10.2 9.4
Esfahani and Rangan [43] 2030L 26 – 19.3 30 7.32 6.5 11.2
2030 50 – 19.3 30 10.44 10.9 4.4
2030H 75 – 19.3 30 17.15 14.3 16.6

Table 3
Comparison of beam test with calculated bond strength.

Tests Specimen f c (MPa) f ct (MPa) ds (mm) c(mm) Test (MPa) Calculated (MPa) Error (%)

Filho et al.[44] B-SCC-C30-B16 – 2.45 16 50 11.58 12.4 7.1

B-SCC-C60-B16 – 4.99 16 50 17.25 22.1 28.1
B-VC-C30-B16 – 2.182 16 50 13.2 11.2 15.2
B-VC-C60-B16 – 3.92 16 50 16.95 18.4 8.6
Harajli M H [45] B2N-NS 27.5 – 20 17.5 4.3 3.9 9.3
B2W-NS 27.5 – 20 30 5.58 6.5 16.5
B1N-NS 27.9 – 16 21.5 5.76 6.1 5.9
B1W-NS 27.9 – 16 34 7.05 9.4 33.3
B1N-HS 55.8 – 16 21.5 10 10.5 5
B1W-HS 55.8 – 16 34 12.63 15.7 24.3
B2N-HS 57.1 – 20 17.5 7.11 7.1 0.1
B2W-HS 57.1 – 20 30 10.43 11.5 10.3

CEB-FIP Model Code 2010 [21] gives the conversion relation test and beam test with the calculated value is listed in
between compressive strength and tensile strength: Tables 2–3. The relative error of most data is within 15%, showing
that the model in this paper can predict the bond strength
f c ¼ ðf ct =0:3Þ þ8 ð53Þ accurately.
Substituting Eq. (53) into Eq. (52), the angle u can be finally
determined. 5.2. Bond stress-slip relationship

5. Verification For the pullout test with splitting failure, the slippage corre-
sponding to the starting point of the residual stage, sc , is close to
5.1. Bond strength a rib spacing urib [21], that is:

sc ¼ urib ð54Þ
Bond strength is a key factor in the bond stress-slip relation-
ship, which can be calculated according to the presented formulas. Thus the residual bond stress can be obtained through previous
The comparison between the bond strength measured by pullout formulas.

Fig. 18. Comparison of the predicted bond-slip curves with test results in Ref. [46].

Y. Chang, S. Qin, M. Huang et al. Construction and Building Materials 287 (2021) 123025

Fig. 19. Comparison of the predicted bond-slip curves with test results in Ref. [30].

The comparison of the bond stress-slip relationship obtained by Visualization. Dan Hu: Data curation. Haifeng Yang: Writing -
this paper with test results [29,46] is shown in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19. review & editing. Shuangbei Li: Supervision.
Fig. 18 shows the bond stress-slip curves of test pieces with differ-
ent curing times (14 days and 28 days) [46], and Fig. 19 shows the
bond stress-slip curves of recycled aggregate concrete [30]. It is Declaration of Competing Interest
shown that the bond stress-slip relationship obtained by this paper
accurately predicts the whole process of the bond stress with the The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
increase of relative slippage. However, in the rising branch, the cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
decay rate of bond stiffness obtained by theory is higher than that to influence the work reported in this paper.
of experiment. Actually, the FPZ of concrete occupies only a small
part at the crack tip, whereas it is assumed to be distributed on the Acknowledgments
entire crack surface in theoretical calculation, which makes the
nonlinear factor in the bond-slip curves become larger. The theo- This project was supported by the National Natural Science
retical calculations of the residual bond stress also have a certain Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11962001, 51768004, 51968004,
error with test results. This is attributed to the fact that the real 51878186) and Guangxi Science and Technology Major Project
descending branch actually displays a nonlinear response, which (AA18118055).
results in a difference between the assumed and actual stress state.
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and concrete softening relations have a significant influence on References
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