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Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)

Particulars Remarks
1 Material Properties
Compressive strength, fc'= 31.38 Mpa
Elastic Modulus, Ec= 26328.39 Mpa

Yield strength, fy= 414 Mpa
Elastic modulus, E= 200000 Mpa

Yield strength of stirrups, fys= 414 Mpa

2 Dimensions of Beam and Acting Loads

Length of Beam, L= 5000 mm
Width of Beam section, bw= 500 mm
Total depth of Beam section, D= 750 mm
Cover of beam section, d'= 50 mm 𝑑=ℎ−𝑑_9−𝑑_1/𝑐 ̇
Effective depth of beam section, d= 700 mm

Gross sectional area of beam section, Ag= 375000 mm2 Ag=bwD

Effective sectional area of beam section, 350000 mm 2

3 Ultimate loads and Moments

Load combination considered: Envelope (ACI-318-14)
Pult 250.86 kN
Mult 348.71 kN-m

4 Flexural design of RC beam

The flexural design of the RC beam seciton is based on above stress and
strain distribution diagram.
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)
Sectio1. Calculation of minimum reinforcement area:
ACI The minimum tensile reinforcement must be greater of (a) and (b)
9.6.1. (a) ƍmin = 0.25*Sqrt. (fc')/fy
1183.95 mm2
(b) ƍmin = 1.4/fy*bwd
1183.57488 mm2

As, min = 1183.95 mm2

Փ= 0.9
β1 = 0.8
a= d-Sqrt.(d -(2|Mu|/0.85fc'Փbw))

= 42.81 mm
From strain diagram єcmax= 0.003
cmax= [єcmax/(єcmax+єsmin)]*d єsmin= 0.005
= 262.5 mm d= 700
amax= β1cmax
= 210 mm
Now, if a<=amax., the tensile reinforcement is suffient. However, if
a>amax, compression reinforcement is also necessary.
In above case,
Only tensile reinforcement is sufficient.

Required Steel Area:

Asbot= Mu/[Փ*fy(d-a/2)]
1379.15 mm2

According to ETABS, compression steel will be provided at the top as

the same amount as the bottom.
AsTop= 1379.15 mm2

6 Check for Shear Strength

Critcal section: d/2= 350 mm

Vu= 250.86 kN Vu= 250.86 kN
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)

Shear strength of Concrete:

Vc = 0.17*Sqrt.(fc').bw.d Փ= 0.75
= 333.31 kN ՓVc= 249.98 kN
ՓVc/2= 124.99 kN
Shear strength to be provided by stirrups:
Vs Vu/Փ-Vc 1.17 kN
Remarks: If Vu > ՓVc/2 Shear reinforcement is required.

Torsional Capacity Check:

If Vs < 0.66*Sqrt.(fc').bw.d
1294.01 kN OK

Therefore, provide shear reinforcement of:

2 legged DB 9 mm fys= 414 Mpa
Provided Av = 63.6 mm2 d= 700 mm
Av,min = 0.062*Sq.(fc').bw.S/fy
62.9 mm2
Av',min = 0.35*bw*S/fy
63.4 mm2
Control Av,min = 62.9 mm2
Check Av > Av,min = 63.6 mm2 OK

Spacing :S Av.fysd/Vs 31413.9 mm

Minimum Spacing: Check 0.33*Sqrt.(fc').bw.d

Vs < = d/2, Vs > = d/4 Smin= 350 mm 647.01 kN
Smin = 150 mm
Thus provide spacing of: Actual S= 150 mm

Nominal shear strength provided by shear Reinforcement,

øVs ՓAv.fysd/S.= 184.36 kN

Factored Shear Force, (kN)

øVn =øVc +ø Vs 434.34 kN

7 Reinforcement Summary:
Required Rebar
S.No. Type of Bar Provided [mm ] 2 [mm2] Percentage Remark D/C Ratio
No. dia. Area
1 Flexure-comp. 4 25 1963.50 1379.15 0.52% Okay 0.70
2 Flexure-tension. 4 25 1963.50 1379.2 0.52% Okay 0.70
Av/s Av/s =Vs/fy.d Vu/ øVn
3 Shear 2 9 Okay
0.85 0.004 - 0.6
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)

8 Summary:
no. dia (mm)
Tension Rebar, As: 4 25
Compression bar, As': 4 25
leg dia(mm) s(mm)
Shear bar, Avs: 2 9 150.00

Cover of beam section, d' 50 mm

8 Sliding Shear (Dowel Bar)

Provide Minimun Reinforcement or 75% of Longitudinal Bar

phi (0.75)*Fy*Myu (0.6)
< fc'Ac
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)
Particulars Remarks
1 Beam Description B30*45cm
Flexure, Without Axial, Փb 0.9
Shear and Torsion, Փv & Փt 0.75
Axial Compression, Փc 0.65

2 Material Properties
Compressive strength, fc' 31.38 Mpa
Elastic Modulus, Ec 26328.39 Mpa

Yield strength, fy 414 Mpa
Yield strength of stirrups, fys 414 Mpa
Elastic modulus, = Es 200000 Mpa

3 Geometry of Section
Length of Beam, L 2000 mm
Width of Beam section, b 300 mm
Total depth of Beam section, D 450 mm
Cover of concrete 40 mm
Clear depth of beam section, d' 62 mm
Effective depth of beam section, d 388 mm 𝑑=𝐷−𝑑′

Gross sectional area of beam section, Ag 135000 mm2 Ag=bwD

4 Ultimate loads and Moments

Load combination considered: Envelope (ACI-318-14)
Ultimate Axial loads, Pult 147.80 kN
Ultimate Flexural Moment, Mult 131 kN-m

5 Flexural design of RC beam

Section The flexural design of the RC
ACI 318- beam seciton is based on above
14 stress and strain distribution
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)
6 1. Calculation of minimum reinforcement area:
Bottom Reinforcement (Tension)
ACI Compressive Stress Block Depth, a 50 mm 𝑎=𝑑−√(𝑑^2−(2𝑀_𝑢)/(0.85∅𝑓𝑐^′ 𝑏))
Then, β1 0.85 𝛽_1= 0.85-0.05 ((𝑓𝑐^′−28)/7)
Check 0.65< β1<0.85, Take β1 as: 0.85
𝑐_max= 𝜀_(𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥)/(𝜀_(𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥)+𝜀_(𝑠,𝑚𝑖𝑛) ) 𝑑
ACI 22 From strain diagram cmax 146 mm
2.1.2 Check a <amax amax= β1cmax 123.3 mm єcmax 0.003
a 50 mm єsmin 0.005
Only tensile reinforcement is sufficient!

Required Tesion Steel Area: As,bot 395 mm2 𝐴_(𝑠,𝑏𝑜𝑡)=𝑀_𝑢/(∅𝑓_𝑦

Reinforcing Bar Size db 20 mm
Required No of Bars @ Top 2 Nos

Top Compression Reinforcement

ACI 22 Axial Compressive Strength, C 0 kN C =0.85fc^′ 𝑎_𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑏 Concrete Moment capacity, Mu,c 0 kN-m 𝑀_(𝑢,𝑐)= ∅𝐶 (𝑑−𝑎_𝑚𝑎𝑥/2)

Steel Moment capacity, Mu,s 0 kN-m 𝑀_(𝑢,𝑠)= 𝑀_𝑢−𝑀_(𝑢,𝑐)

𝑓𝑠^′= 𝐸_𝑠 𝜀_(𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥) ((𝑐_𝑚𝑎𝑥 −𝑑^′)/𝑐_𝑚𝑎𝑥 )<𝑓𝑦 Compressive Stress in reinforcement, fs' 0 Mpa
Check fs' < fy,
Take fs' 0 Mpa
Required Compression Steel Area: As,top 940 mm2 −0.85𝑓𝑐′)(𝑑−𝑑′))
Reinforcing Bar Size db 20 mm
Required No of Bars @ Top 4 Nos

Provide amount of compression steel at the top,

Required Compression Steel Area: As' 940 mm2
Reinforcing Bar Size db 20 mm
Required No of Bars @ Top 4 Nos

7 Check for Shear Strength

Vu 134 kN
Shear strength Provided by Concrete: 111 kN 𝑉_𝑐=0.17√(𝑓𝑐′) 𝑏𝑑
ՓVc 83 kN
Check Vu > ՓVc/2, ՓVc/2 41.6 kN
Shear reinforcement is required!

Shear strength to be provided by Vs 67.82 kN ∅𝑉_𝑠=𝑉_𝑢−∅𝑉_𝑐

stirrups: ՓVs 50.86 kN

Torsional Capacity Check: 430.35 kN 𝑉_𝑠<0.66√(𝑓𝑐′) 𝑏𝑑

Enough Torsional Capacity!

Sliding Shear Check: Vd 4236 kN 𝑉_𝑑=𝑓𝑐^′ 𝐴𝑐

Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)
Enough shear Friction Strength, Not Required Dowel Bars!

8 Detailing
Provided shear reinforcement : 2 legged
Reinforcing Bar Size, ds 12 mm
Stirrup area, Av 113.1 mm2
Area of Shear Friction Reinforcement Av,f 0 mm2 (∅𝑓_𝑦𝑠 𝜇)
Reinforcing Bar Size db 9 mm Friction Coefficient, 𝜇 0.6
Required No of Dowel Bars 0 Nos

9.7.6 Spacing Check

𝑆=(𝐴_𝑣 𝑓_𝑦𝑠 𝑑)/𝑉_𝑠
2.2 Strirrup Spacing S 530 mm
Minimum Spacing:
𝑉_𝑠<𝑜𝑟>0.33√(𝑓𝑐′) 𝑏𝑑 = d/2, d/4 194 mm 0.33√(𝑓𝑐′) 𝑏𝑑 215 kN
600 mm
Spro,min 150 mm
Thus provide spacing of: Sactual 150 mm Minimum Stirrup Area Check 𝐴_(𝑣,𝑚𝑖𝑛)<(0.062√(𝑓𝑐′)

Av,min 37.8 mm2
Greater of:
Av',min 38.0 mm2 〖𝐴
Provided stirrup area, Av,pro 113.1 mm2 ′〗 _(𝑣,𝑚𝑖𝑛)<0.35𝑏𝑆/𝑓_𝑦𝑠

𝑉_𝑠=(𝐴_𝑣 𝑓_𝑦𝑠 𝑑)/𝑆

Actual shear strength provided by øVs 182 kN
Factored Shear Force, (kN) øVn 265 kN ∅𝑉_𝑛=∅𝑉_𝑐+∅𝑉_𝑠

9 Reinforcement Summary:
Required Rebar
Provided [mm2] [mm2] Percentage
Type of Bar Remark D/C Ratio
No. dia. Area
Flexure-comp. 2 20 628 395 Okay 0.47% 0.63
Flexure-tension. 4 20 1257 940 Okay 0.93% 0.75
𝑨_(𝒗,, 𝑨_(𝒗,𝒓𝒆𝒒)
𝒑𝒓𝒐)/ /𝑺 = Vu/ øVn
𝑺 𝑽_𝒔/(𝒇_𝒚
Shear (Stirrup) 2 12 1.51 𝒅)0.422 Okay - 0.5
Shear (Dowel) 0 9 0 - - - 0.0

no. dia (mm)

Tension Rebar, As: 4 20
Compression bar, As': 2 20
leg dia(mm) s(mm)
Shear bar, Avs: 2 12 150.00
Friction bar, Af: 0 9
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)
Cover of beam section, d': 62 mm
Reinforced Concrete Beam-Wall Design (ACI 318-14)
Ref: Particulars Remarks
1 Strength Reduction Factors:
Flexure, Without Axial, Փb 0.9
Shear and Torsion, Փ v & Փt 0.75
Axial Compression, Փc 0.65
2 Material Properties
Description B 25*200 12.DL+LL+EQX+0.3EQY
Compressive strength, fc' 31.38 Mpa
Elastic Modulus, Ec 26328.4 Mpa
Rebar Yield strength, fy 414 Mpa
Yield strength of stirrups, fys 414 Mpa
Elastic modulus of Steel, Es 200000 Mpa

4 Geometry of Section
Thickness h 250 mm
Beam Height (Boundry) Hb 500 mm
Beam Height (Middle) Hm 1000 mm
Total Height Hw 2000 mm
Total Length lw 6000 mm
Cover of concrete 60 mm
Total Beam Area, Ag =lw*h 1500000 mm2
Required As (ETABS) As 2911 mm2

5 Vertical Reinforcement and Spacing Check

ACI Boundary Zone Reinforcing Bar Size db 20 mm
318-14 Middle Zone Reinforcing Bar Size db,m 16 mm
Bound: Mid Total
Rebar Percentage (From ETABS) 𝜌_𝑙 0.8% 0.6% 1.4%
Minimal Longitudinal Reinforcement 0.15%
Greater of 𝝆_𝒍,min 0.25%
[0.0025+0.5 (2.5− ℎ_𝜔/𝑙_𝜔 )(𝜌_𝑡−0.0025)] 0.31%
𝜌_(𝑙 )> OK OK
So min
0.8% 0.6%
Bound: Mid Total
As Total (mm2) 1750 1500 3250
Check As,total > As,req OK
Required No of Bars 6 8 20
Spacing (mm) S 200 200 100
𝑆< 𝑆_𝑚𝑎𝑥 3h 750 750
Smax, Lesser of (mm) 450mm 450 450
lw/5 1200 1200
Provide Vertical Spacing (mm) Sprovided 200 200 240 mm

6 Transverse Reinforcement and Spacing Check

Reinforcing Bar Size ds 12

From ETABS, Req Shear Rebar Av/s 1612 mm2/mm

As Total Av 226.19 mm2

Actual Spacing 150 mm
Rebar Percentage (From ETABS) 𝜌_𝑡 0.02%

Provided Spacing S 150 mm

3h 750 mm Smax, Lesser of 450mm 450 mm
𝑆< 𝑆_𝑚𝑎𝑥 lw/5 400 mm
Provide Shear Spacing (mm) Sprovided 150 mm

7 Ultimate loads and Moments

Envelope (ACI-318-14)
Ultimate Axial loads, Nu, Pu 99.86 kN
Ultimate Flexural Moment, Mu 1947 kN-m

8 Moment Capacity Check

318-14 β1 0.85 𝛽_1= 0.85-0.05 ((𝑓𝑐^′
ACI 14 Check 0.65< β1<0.85, Take β1 as: 0.85
𝜔= 𝜌_𝑙 ∝ = 𝑁_𝑢/(ℎ 〖 ω 0.185 𝑓_𝑦/𝑓_𝑐′ 𝐻〗 _𝑤 〖 𝑓〗 _𝑐
∝ 0.01 ′)
Neutral Axis Depth c 351 mm (0.85𝛽_1+2𝜔))∗ 〖 𝐻〗
Assume the Effective Flexural Depth d 1700 mm
Check Tension Controlled Section 𝑑=0.85𝐻_𝑤
21.2.2 Thus ф 0.9
Total Steel Area, Ast 14583.3333 mm2 𝑆

Tension strength provided by steel, T 4979 kN (𝐻_(𝜔−𝑐)/𝐻_𝜔 )

Taking into account the applied axial force and summing force moments about the
compression force C,
Moment Capacity 𝑀_𝑛=𝑇(𝐻_𝜔/2)+ 𝑃_𝑢
(𝐻_(𝜔−𝑐)/𝐻_𝜔 )
фMn 4481 kN-m
D/C Ratio 0.43
Check, фMn > Mu Enough Flexural Strength

9 Check for Shear Strength

Ultimate Shear Strength Vu 763 kN Critical Section Hw/2 1000 mm

Lessser of lw/2 3000 mm
one Story height 3000 mm

Shear strength Provided by Concrete: 476 kN 𝑉_𝑐=0.17√(𝑓𝑐′) ℎHw

ՓVc 357 kN
Check Vu > ՓVc/2, ՓVc/2 178.6 kN
Shear reinforcement is required!
Vs 1248.59 kN 𝑉_𝑠=(𝐴_𝑣 𝑓_𝑦𝑠 𝐻𝑤)/𝑆

Shear strength to be provided by stirrups: ՓVs 936.45 kN

1571.30 𝑉_𝑠<0.66√(𝑓𝑐′) ℎHw
Torsional Capacity Check: kN
Enough Torsional Capacity!

Factored Shear Force, ∅𝑉_𝑛 1294 kN

D/C Ratio 0.59
Check ∅𝑉_𝑛 > 𝑉_𝑢 Enough Shear Strength
10 Cross Section of B25*200

Beam Thickness
Stirrup Bar #12@150mm Spacing
Boundary Zone Main Bar- 6 #20

Stirrup Bar #12@200mm Spacing

Total Beam Depth 2000mm

200mm 1000mm

Middle Zone Main Bar- 8 #16

Stirrup Bar #12@150mm Spacing
Boundary Zone Main Bar- 6 #20
Concrete Cover 60mm
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)
and Particulars Remarks
1 Material Properties
Compressive strength, fc'= 31 Mpa
Elastic Modulus, Ec= 27838.82 Mpa

Yield strength, fy= 400 Mpa
Elastic modulus, E= 200000 Mpa

Yield strength of stirrups, fys= 250 Mpa

2 Dimensions of Beam and Acting Loads

Length of Beam, L= 3000 mm
Width of Beam section, bw= 300 mm
Total depth of Beam section, D= 500 mm
Cover of beam section, d'= 40 mm
Effective depth of beam section, d= 460 mm

Gross sectional area of beam section, Ag= 150000 mm2 Ag=bwD

Effective sectional area of beam section, Ae= 138000 mm2 Ae=bw.d

3 Ultimate loads and Moments

Load combination considered: Envelope (ACI-318-14)
Pult 190 kN
Mult 560 kN-m

4 Flexural design of RC beam

The flexural design of the RC beam seciton is based on above stress and strain
distribution diagram.
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)
Section 1. Calculation of minimum reinforcement area:
ACI The minimum tensile reinforcement must be greater of (a) and (b)
318-14 (a) ƍmin = 0.25*Sqrt. (fc')/fy
480.22 mm2
(b) ƍmin = 1.4/fy*bwd
483 mm2

As, min = 483.00 mm2

Փ = 0.9
β1 = 0.8
a= d-Sqrt.(d -(2|Mu|/0.85fc'Փbw))

= 227.24 mm
From strain diagram єcmax= 0.003
cmax= [єcmax/(єcmax+єsmin)]*d єsmin= 0.005
= 172.5 mm d= 460
amax= β1cmax
= 138 mm
Now, if a<=amax., the tensile reinforcement is suffient. However, if a>a max,
compression reinforcement is also necessary.
In above case,
Additional compression reinforcement is also required.

2. Calculation of tensile rienforcement (a<a max):

Tensile reinforcements for balancing the compression in concrete: Required Tension

As= Mu/[fy.(d-0.5a)]Փ As= 4490.9 mm2
4490.92 mm2 ƍs= 0.03254
As, min= 483.00 mm2

Section 4. Check for maximum allowable flexural reinforcement:

ACI To ensure that the designed tension steel is yielding and that the failure is not
318-14 brittle, the reinforcement ratio of the tension steel in doubly reinforced concrete
beam should not exceed 0.75ƍb
ƍmax ≤ 0.75[(0.85fc'β1/fy)+(0.003Es/(0.003Es+fy))+(ƍ'fs'/fy)]
= 0.4895
As, max. allow = 67554.45 mm2
As, provided = 4490.9 mm2
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)

5 Check for Allowable Deflection

Deflection of Beam due to Point Load: P=

Δ1= Pa2b2/3EIL a=
E= 27838.82 b=
I= 2433400000
Δ1= mm

Deflection of Beam due to UDL:

Δ2= wx(L3-2Lx2+x3)/24EI w=
mm x=
L= 3000
Total Deflection:
Δ = Δ1+Δ2
= mm

Δall = L/360
8.33 mm
Result: Deflection is Okay

6 Check for Shear Strength

Critcal section: d/2= 230 mm

Vu= 190 kN Vu= 190 kN
Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)

Shear strength of Concrete:

Vc = Փ*0.17*Sqrt.(fc').bw.d Փ= 0.7
= 91.43 kN ՓVc= 91.43 kN
Shear strength to be provided by stirrups:
Vs Vu-ՓVc
98.57 kN
Remarks:Shear reinforcement is required.
Therefore, provide shear reinforcement of:
2 legged DB 12 mm fys= 250 mPa
Spacing (s)= ՓAv.fysd/Vs.= 184.74 mm d= 460 mm
Thus provide spacing of: 250.00 mm

7 Reinforcement Summary:
Provided [mm2] Required
S.No. Type of Bar [mm2]
No. dia. Area Remarks:
1 Flexure-comp. 2 16 402.12 0.00 Okay
2 Flexure-tension. 6 20 1884.96 4490.9 Not Okay
3 Shear 2 12 1.22 0.90 Not Okay

8 Summary:

no. dia (mm)

Tension Rebar, As: 6 20
Compression bar, As': 2 16
leg dia(mm) s(mm)
Shear bar, Avs: 2 12 250.00

Cover of beam section, d'= 40 mm

Design of Doubly Reinforced RC Beam (ACI 318-14)
Shear check in construction joint (ACI 318-14)
and Particulars Remarks
1 Material Properties
Compressive strength, fc'= 30 Mpa
Elastic Modulus, Ec= 27386.13 Mpa

Yield strength, fy= 415 Mpa
Elastic modulus, E= 200000 Mpa

Yield strength of stirrups, fys= 250 Mpa

2 Dimensions of Beam and Acting Loads

Width of Beam section, bw= 300 mm
Total depth of Beam section, D= 600 mm
Cover of beam section, d'= 60 mm
Effective depth of beam section, d= 540 mm

Gross sectional area of beam section, Ag= 180000 mm2 Ag=bwD

Effective sectional area of beam section, Ae= 162000 mm 2

3 Ultimate loads and Moments

Load combination considered: Envelope (ACI-318-14)
Vult 280 kN

4 Check for Shear Strength

Critcal section: d/2= 270 mm

Vu= 280 kN Vu= 280 kN
Shear check in construction joint (ACI 318-14)

Shear strength of Concrete:

Vc = Փ*0.17*Sqrt.(fc').bw.d Փ= 0.7
= 105.59 kN ՓVc= 105.59 kN
Shear strength to be provided by stirrups:
Vs Vu-ՓVc
174.41 kN
Remarks:Shear reinforcement is required.
Therefore, provide shear reinforcement of:
2 legged DB 12 mm fys= 250 mPa
Spacing (s)= ՓAv.fysd/Vs.= 122.56 mm d= 540 mm
Thus provide spacing of: 100.00 mm

5 Reinforcement Summary:
Provided [mm2] Required
S.No. Type of Bar [mm2]
No. dia. Area Remarks: D/C
3 Shear 2 12 1.85 2.26 Okay 1.333

6 Summary:

leg dia(mm) s(mm)

Shear bar, Avs: 2 12 100.00

Cover of beam section, d'= 60 mm

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