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Wireless HSA


1. Delete creation date

2. Insert four columns after activity date
3. Copy activity date to column B
4. Highlight column b, then click data, text to columns, delimited, next, then check others put (/) then next and
5. After that, highlight column B, C and D, right click then format cell, click general and ok.
6. On column E put =vlookup(highlight column B, date and month,2,0) copy and paste values.
7. Cut the months in column E and paste it in column B.
8. Put the year in column C and put the Day in column D.
9. Add 1 column after tax amount and put CHARGES
10. In charges add amount and tax amount (ex. amount + tax amount=charges)


1. Just like what we did in charges, put 4 columns after credit date then do the same procedure to get the month,
year and day.
2. After total adjustment amount put TOTAL
3. In column total, make a formula like this (=total adj amount*-1) to make it negative

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1. Just like what we did in charges and adjustment, put 4 columns after activity date then do the same procedure
to get the month, year and day.
2. Put another column after amount
3. Then that is total, in this column the formula is the same as the total in adjustment (=amount*-1) to make it

Add another sheet for RAWS

1. In this sheet, account noumber, month, year, charges, adjustment, and payment.
2. All the account number in column A, months in column B and Year in column C
3. Put the charges amount in column D, you can get it in charges sheet
4. Put the total adjustment in column E but put it after the last raw of charges, same with payments.

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1. Highlight all the data that we have in RAWS

2. Inset pivot table then ok.


 Account
 Year
 Months


 Sum of Charges
 Sum of Adjustment
 Sum of Payments

3. Click anywhere then click design then choose

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4. Click report layout, show in tabular form.
5. Highlight the pivot table and paste it in the new excel sheet.

Insert another column beside account no. and put Status.

You can get the status of each account in the raw file and vlookup

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Put Total AR beside payments.

Filter account number and type total

After filtering all the total, add the charges, adjustment and payment in the total AR


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