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Suggested Chakra: Throat

Color: Blue to Very Deep Blue with Occasional White Veining and Translucence
Aids with Weight loss. Helps deepen meditation
Folklore & Uses:
- A great appetite suppressant, we would have to list this stone as the #1
ingredient for a weight loss Mojo or Elixir.
- It also helps awaken the throat Chakra, bringing creativity and possibly helping
to find the answers as to why you are over-weight.
- Releases the need to suffer and helps restore a feeling of self-worthiness.
- This stone can be used to make an elixir.
- Apatite - It can help to integrate, co-ordinate, and balance the emotional
intellectual, physical, and esthetic bodies. It can further the connection with
UFOs and can provide access to past - life insight and telepathy. Apatite enhances
creativity. It is a stone of the future and will bring knowledge to those attuned
to it by clearing mental confusion. It truly awakens the finer, inner - self.
Wearing or carrying apatite has successfully produced hunger suppression: an elixir
made of the material has also produced the same results.

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