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Francine Tissot

Art, Museums and Monuments series

UNESCO Publishing
Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985
of the
National Museum
of Afghanistan

Francine Tissot

UNESCO Publishing
The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this
publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part
of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or
of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The author is responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts
contained in this book and for the opinions expressed therein, which are
not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization.

The map on page xii was prepared on the basis of the invaluable references
and maps in F. W. Ball and J.-Cl. Gardin’s Archaeological Gazetteer of Afghanistan
– Catalogue des sites archéologiques d’Afghanistan (1982, Paris, 2 vols).

Front cover: ‘Plaque of Cybele’, Aï Khanum, Hellenistic period.

Back cover: Detail of ivory openwork, Begram, first–second century ad.
Photographs courtesy of DAFA.

Published in 2006 by the United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization
7, place de Fontenoy, F-75352 Paris 07 SP, France

Designed by Gérard Prosper and Samantha Wauchope

Printed by UNESCO, Paris

ISBN-10: 92-3-104030-8
ISBN-13: 978-92-3-104030-6

© UNESCO 2006
All rights reserved

Printed in France
Foreword by the Director-General of UNESCO

Over the centuries, successive layers of identities, cultures and beliefs have redefined the land today known
as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. This ongoing historical process has given rise to the rich diversity that
characterizes the country’s ancient cultural heritage: from the Graeco-Buddhist sculptures of Gandhara to
the mural paintings of the sacred Bamiyan caves to the decorative motifs and calligraphy adorning the early
Islamic monuments.
As Francine Tissot, the distinguished specialist of Gandhara art and author of the present catalogue,
eloquently recounts in her preface to Kaboul, le passé confisqué, published in 2002: ‘The visions evoked by tales
of travellers and caravans scaling the slopes of the Hindu Kush and the Pamir Mountains inspired us to undertake
hazardous voyages. We were witnesses to the discovery of these majestic sites: Aï Khanum in Bactria, Bamiyan,
Hadda, and the Islamic ruins in the deserts of the south where the morning mist floats over ruined castles.’
Following Francine Tissot and other scholars and adventurers who have travelled the enlightening paths
of this fascinating land during the last century, UNESCO has embarked upon a cultural rediscovery in the name
of reconciliation, diversity and dialogue among Afghanistan’s various communities. In keeping with its role as
the United Nations lead agency for culture, UNESCO has a mandate to intervene in favour of the protection of
cultural property and the promotion of cultural diversity around the world.
After more than two decades of war and civil unrest in Afghanistan, UNESCO stands at the forefront of
efforts to safeguard the country’s endangered cultural heritage, upon the request of and in full cooperation with
the Afghan authorities.
The plight of Afghanistan’s imperilled cultural heritage received wide international attention in early
2001, when the Taliban issued a decree authorizing the destruction of statues throughout the country. Despite
the vigorous international campaign to save Afghanistan’s non-Islamic heritage, led by UNESCO and supported
by such important bodies as the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the sixth-century colossal Buddhas
of Bamiyan were irretrievably destroyed in March 2001. In an extraordinary expression of global solidarity, this
unconscionable act, which I publicly characterized as a ‘crime against culture’ at the time, was unanimously
condemned by countries throughout the world.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 

However, the general public is largely unaware of the numerous other acts of destruction committed
during these years of conflict, in particular regarding the National Museum of Afghanistan, commonly known
as the Kabul Museum. Founded in the early 1930s, the museum possessed a vast collection of Central Asian
artefacts from prehistoric to modern times, including the 2,000-year-old Bactrian gold objects excavated at Tillya
Tepe, the second-century Begram ivories, and the Islamic ceramics of Ghazni dating from the ninth and tenth
centuries. The building housing the museum sustained severe damage during the civil war in the early 1990s
and subsequently, under the Taliban, the museum’s showcases and storage rooms were plundered. Amidst
these upheavals, an incalculable number of seminal artefacts were lost. However, thanks to the courage and
dedication of the museum’s staff, many precious objects were secretly moved to secure hiding places and thus
saved from destruction.
In response to this great loss to Afghanistan’s cultural heritage, UNESCO once again mobilized the
international community to take action. In May 2002, UNESCO organized the first international seminar for
the safeguarding of Afghanistan’s cultural heritage in Kabul with a view to drawing up a technical assessment,
defining priorities and securing financial assistance from donor countries. Five months later, UNESCO
sponsored a mission to assess and salvage the remains of the Kabul Museum’s collections and to prepare a
comprehensive restoration plan. Priority was given to implementing emergency measures for the protection
of the museum building.
The year 2002 brought further international recognition to Afghanistan’s cultural heritage with the
inscription of the country’s first World Heritage site: the minaret and archaeological remains of Jam. The following
year, the cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the Bamiyan Valley were inscribed on the UNESCO
World Heritage List.
Beginning in November 2003, UNESCO, in collaboration with the Society for the Preservation of
Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage (SPACH), supervised the reconstruction of the museum’s roof, which had been
severely damaged by bomb shelling in the 1990s. Following this preliminary consolidation work, UNESCO
focused its efforts on completing the overall rehabilitation of the museum building as well as the safeguarding
of its collections. This crucial phase was financed by generous contributions from the governments of France,
Greece, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Prestigious specialized institutions such as
the Musée Guimet in Paris, London’s British Museum, and IsIAO in Rome (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente)
also participated in the project.
With the rehabilitation of the museum and its collections underway, UNESCO then directed its efforts
towards restoring the numerous artefacts damaged during the years of warfare. Mindful that Afghan museum
professionals had been isolated from the international museum community for over two decades, UNESCO
focused on capacity-building in current techniques and standards practised in the fields of conservation,

vi Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

restoration, scientific documentation, and inventorying. In early 2005, UNESCO launched a pilot project financed
under the contribution of the United States of America to UNESCO. The project set out four main objectives:
the training of museum professionals in preventive conservation, emergency restoration techniques, and the
documentation of collections; creating and maintaining a collection inventory; developing a database for
endangered objects; and the training of staff in museological and conservation techniques to enable them
to exhibit the museum’s remaining collections. Much remains to be done, yet work has progressed steadily,
and UNESCO hopes to announce the museum’s reopening in the near future.
UNESCO is very proud to be associated with the publication of this catalogue. As the fruit of painstaking
research undertaken by Francine Tissot in Afghanistan throughout the 1970s, it represents not only an invaluable
record of the museum’s collections in their intact state until 1985, but also a genuine labour of love. In the
name of UNESCO’s Member States, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to Mme Tissot for this remarkable
contribution towards the safeguarding of Afghanistan’s treasures for the appreciation of all. There is little
doubt that the wealth of data published in this catalogue will become a critical resource for scholars, museum
professionals and other specialists in the field of Central Asian art. However, it will also serve as a practical tool in
assisting authorities around the world in the ongoing combat against the illicit traffic of Afghan artefacts. I find it
most auspicious that this catalogue is being published one year after Afghanistan joined the ranks of the States
Parties to the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of
Ownership of Cultural Property, adopted by UNESCO in 1970. It is our hope that this essential step on the part
of the Government of Afghanistan will facilitate the recovery of some of the missing artefacts described in this
catalogue. This publication, which marks a milestone in the efforts led by UNESCO in Afghanistan over the last
four years, will be indispensable both as an educational resource and as a practical tool for all those devoted to
safeguarding the country’s diverse cultural heritage for future generations.
Cultural heritage, well beyond its aesthetic, economic or even sentimental value, has a profound meaning
for all humanity, relating back to the memory of peoples and their multiple identities and to its potential for
fostering creativity, cultural diversity and dialogue.
Cultural heritage, viewed from a broader perspective, is rich in its diversity – its diversity of expression,
but also of influence and of affiliations – so that it simultaneously symbolizes the cultural identity of peoples
and communities, expresses the collective memory of humanity and is indicative of what our future may be.
The right to enjoy cultural heritage is complementary to and inseparable from the duty to understand and
to transmit such cultural heritage to the younger generations. That is why UNESCO places great emphasis on
the need for genuine heritage education to enable all generations, especially the young, to understand what
is truly at stake and, with that knowledge, to become active and committed defenders of their heritage. The
preservation of cultural heritage should therefore be both an individual and a collective responsibility.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 vii

On the occasion of President Karzaï’s visit to UNESCO Headquarters in the spring of 2002, a few months
after he became head of government in Afghanistan, he stressed that culture, together with education, should
be a pillar of the country’s reconstruction. He thereby demonstrated his deep understanding of the potential
that cultural heritage holds for social cohesion and the essential role it plays for all population groups, on a par
with basic health and food needs.
It is in this spirit that UNESCO is publishing this important catalogue, which is a tool for recovering and
protecting the full richness of Afghanistan’s cultural heritage.

Koïchiro Matsuura

Director-General of UNESCO

viii Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Those who visited the National Museum of Afghanistan (commonly known as the Kabul Museum) in Darulaman,
a wealthy suburb of Kabul, in the second half of the twentieth century will never forget the charm of the building
and the fascination of its famous collections. Built in a new township several kilometres outside the old city,
the museum was the brainchild of Amanullah Khan, a young and modern sovereign who wanted to house the
collections, artefacts and memories of his ancestors, scattered throughout the country. His own palace was built
in the same neighbourhood.
After a series of cruel wars to preserve their identity and freedom, the Afghans were experiencing a
period of peace; they were on the threshold of a new world. The king’s ancestors had introduced the Muslim
civilization to Afghanistan several centuries ago. Amanullah now embarked on an initiative to bring the Western
world to his country. He encouraged historians, academics and their students to come and help the Afghans in
their quest for ancient civilizations. Year after year the results of their research and excavations were deposited
in the Kabul Museum, providing invaluable evidence of the country’s past.
The 1960s and 1970s saw the start of a long period of political unrest and revolts. From 1979 Afghanistan
suffered invasions, wars and the destruction of the cultural heritage of the country and its people. Those who
cared for the museum were concerned about the fate of the collections.
After a long period of doubt, suspense and rumour came the wonderful news of the incredible work
carried out in secret by the members of staff of the museum. Working in extremely difficult conditions, they
had managed to hide the numerous irreplaceable antiquities discovered over the years by researchers from
Afghanistan and many other countries of the world. Boxes of artefacts were taken out of their secret hiding
places and then began the difficult task of classifying and restoring them.
Encouraged by many of my good friends, this catalogue was prepared over a period of several years to
help those involved in the reconstruction of the Kabul Museum collections. The work is based on the collections
of photographs of the finds made by the archaeologists themselves, mostly in situ, and published here with
descriptions. The publications of the French Archaeological Delegation in Afghanistan (DAFA) provided a solid
body of information, as well as numerous reports by experts in many fields of research who had worked in
Afghanistan and published their findings in their respective countries.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 ix
P r e fa c e

Further detailed information comes from catalogues of exhibitions organized in the 1960s in Italy and
Japan. They also provide evidence that these pieces were kept in the Kabul Museum.
Several private authors published fine photographs in books produced after their visits to the museum. I
am delighted to thank those who have given me permission to use their unpublished photographs (see p. xi).
I have used all the customary references and provided short commentaries and bibliographies for each
site as well as a brief caption for each piece. Faced with the problem presented by such a vast quantity of
information, I have classified the sites by period and from north to south and from west to east. I have tried to
group the territorial entities together as far as possible. The map on page xii will help readers to locate them.
I have studied stone, stucco, terracotta and wood pieces, items from daily life, bronze, glass and ivory
artefacts, gems and ceramics, and a few fragments of mural paintings, saved with great difficulty at the time of
their discovery. Although I did not have complete documentation on the prehistoric period, on coins and on a
few pieces from the Islamic period, they are now well covered in modern publications.
Between 1930 and 1940 the French archaeologist Joseph Hackin worked on a catalogue of the finds
conserved in the Kabul Museum, but his premature death prevented the achievement of this goal. In the 1960s a
group from DAFA, with the help of the Kabul Museum staff, prepared a typed list of items, without photographs,
and for many years visitors to the museum were presented with this document (I received one in 1969). The first
true guide to the museum was by Nancy and Louis Dupree and A. A. Motamedi (1st edn, 1964), members of the
American team of prehistorians engaged in fieldwork at the time in Afghanistan.
The catalogues of the exhibitions in Rome and Turin (Gullini, 1960 and 1961) and Tokyo (Mizuno, 1964)
can be consulted in university libraries.
Many other books have subsequently appeared on the subject. One of the first was by Jeannine Auboyer
(1968), with photographs of the pieces kept in the Kabul Museum and the Musée Guimet. The American scholar
Benjamin Rowland published two books (1966 and 1971) on the collections of the Kabul Museum with a large
number of illustrations.
Japanese experts also took an interest in Afghan art and conducted fieldwork in the country. A fine
illustrated book by A. Miyaji and H. Motamedi (1979) was published on the eve of recent political events,
including a substantial chapter on the collections of the Kabul Museum.
The photographer Dominique Darbois has recently published a book (2002) based on her photographs
taken in Kabul between 1964 and 1965.
Several photographic collections have been used in this book. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all
those who have allowed me to use their material, thus enabling me to authenticate my references.
Most of the photographs come either from MDAFA publications (taken shortly after the discovery of the objects
by DAFA members) or from the collections held in the Photothèque (Photographic Library) of the Musée Guimet in Paris.

 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
P r e fa c e

I have included photographs from the following private collections:

Dominique Darbois (in Afghanistan, 1964–65). Most of her photographic documents are now in the Musée
Guimet (some with references).

Yolande Crowe, an expert on the ceramics of the Middle East, who visited Kabul between 1971 and 1974,
provided me with several of her photographs: they are good examples of the rich collection of potsherds,
from all periods, which are still kept in the museum.

Francine Tissot (several visits to Afghanistan, 1975–78): a few photographs of special items.

Lolita Nehru (New Delhi; in Afghanistan, 1985). These unpublished photographs from the museum’s
showcases are extremely valuable as they show items that were added to the collections at the end of the
period of peace (1975–79) and later, until the reconstruction of the museum in 1983–84, and before the recent
periods of destruction.

Volker Thewalt (Wiesenbach, Germany; the dates of his visit to Kabul are not known). His series of photographs
taken in Hadda (mostly stone pieces and some stucco reliefs) are available on the internet:

The map of principal archaeological sites on page xii was prepared by Hélène Scour and presented to the
publication by Jean-Claude Gardin, former Director of the French Archaeological Delegation in Afghanistan, to
whom I express my most sincere thanks.
My heartfelt thanks go to the Culture Sector of UNESCO for agreeing to publish this work, and particularly
Christian Manhart, who encouraged me to undertake this project, Monique Couratier, François Langlois and
Richard Lo Giudice.
I am indebted to Elizabeth Errington, Curator of South Asian Coins and the Masson Project, in the
Department of Coins and Medals at the British Museum in London, for checking the manuscript and correcting
any inaccuracies in my translation of the terminology from French into English.
I should like to express my sincere gratitude to Jana Gough for her unwavering patience and invaluable
assistance in the complex task of editing this manuscript.
My grateful thanks also go to Dr J. F. Jarrige, Director of the Musée Guimet in Paris, and all my friends at
the museum for their encouragement throughout this project.
Lastly, I wish to thank Dr O. Bopearachchi, Research Director, CNRS in Paris, who coaxed my old computer
into life and assisted me in devising the overall style of this catalogue.

Francine Tissot
Paris, June 2006

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 xi
Principal archaeological sites of Afghanistan

64˚ 66˚ 68˚ 70˚ 72˚ 74˚

38˚ Da ya-i


Dashli Aï Khanum
Andkhoi Rustaq mir
Dilberjin Pa

Aqcha Balkh Ahangaran Taluqan
Chaqalaq Tepe Khanabad Farkhar
Lili Tepe
36˚ Baghlan Fullol u
Aq Kupruk Surkh Kotal Cham Qala d 36˚


Tukzar Khumri



Charikar Chaghan Sarai

Murghab Bamiyan Funduqistan Begram
Ha Kakrak Khair Khana
ri Herat Kabul Jalalabad
R ud
34˚ Tepe Khazana Tepe Kama
Maranjan Dakka 34˚
and Ghazni Mir
lm Zakah

Ghazni Gardez


or ba
Tepe Kalan Kham-i Zargar
of Kuh-i
a Shotorak


Ha Charikar Begram Nijrau


F ak Nadir 32˚
Mundigak rn Paitava
Lashkar Gah Qandahar
Kha Lashkari Qandahar towards Sarobi
Bazar Shamshir towards Kabul

Archaeological sites

Towns and villages
m and
0 50 100 150 200 250 km Capital
Provincial borders
62˚ 64˚ 66˚ 68˚ 70˚ 72˚ 74˚
Design: J-C. GARDIN and H. SCOUR
Foreword by the Director-General of UNESCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Map of the principal archaeological sites of Afghanistan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
About the author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
List of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

[Pr.p.] Prehistoric period 7

[Pr.p. Aq.] Aq Kupruk (Bactria). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
[Pr.p. Da.] Dashli (Jauzan province, Bactria) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
[Pr.p. Fu.] Fullol (Bactria). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
[Pr.p. Mg.] Mundigak (Qandahar province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
[Pr.p. ShG.] Shamshir Ghar (Qandahar province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

[He.p.] Hellenistic period 21

[He.p. AK.] Aï Khanum (Bactria). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
[He.p. AK. H.] The heroon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
[He.p. AK. P.] The palace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
[He.p. AK. T.] The main temple with the three-step platform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
[He.p. AK. G.] The gymnasium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
[He.p. AK. F.] The fountain on the Oxus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
[He.p. AK. M.] Metals, precious stone and ceramics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
[He.p. AK. Misc.] Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

[K.p.] Kushan period 49

[K.p. SK.] Surkh Kotal (Bactria) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
[K.p. SK. St.] Fragments of statues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
[K.p. SK. Pc.] Pilasters and capitals in the Great Temple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
[K.p. SK. Ff.] Fragments of friezes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 xiii

[K.p. SK. M.] Merlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

[K.p. SK. Cap.] Carved capitals from the platform on the plain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
East face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
South face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
North face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
West face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
[K.p. SK. Fr.] Fragments of clay figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
[K.p. SK. TB.] The altar in Temple B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
[K.p. SK. KM.] Kuhna Masjid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

[He.p. to K.p.] Hellenistic to Kushan period 71

[He.p. to K.p. Dil.] Dilberjin (Bactria). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
So-called temple of the Dioscuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Small chapels at the north-east. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Figurines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

[K.p. LT. Bagh.] Lili Tepe, Baghlan (Bactria). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

[K.p. ChQ. Bagh.] Cham Qala, Baghlan (Bactria). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
[K.p. Ah. Qz.] Ahangaran, Qunduz (Bactria). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
[K.p. ChT. Qz.] Chaqalaq Tepe, Qunduz (Bactria). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

[K.p. to T.Sh.p.] Kushan to Turki Shahi period 105

[K.p. to T.Sh.p. By.] Bamiyan (Bamiyan province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Monastery G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Monastery D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Monastery I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Monastery V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

[T.Sh.p. Ka.] Kakrak (Bamiyan province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

[T.Sh.p. Fu.] Funduqistan (Parvan province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Chapel A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Chapel C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Chapel D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Chapel E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Chapel K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

xiv Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

[K.p. Beg.] Begram (Kapisa province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Ivory and bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Three yakshi, each standing on a makara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Chair 161 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Coffers or stools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Coffer or stool I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Coffer or stool II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Coffer or stool III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Coffer or stool IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Coffer or stool V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Coffer or stool VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Coffer or stool VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Coffer or stool VIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Coffer or stool IX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Coffer or stool X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Coffer or stool XI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Coffer or stool XII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Coffer or stool XIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Chair 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Sofa 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Outer face of the back of the sofa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Inner face of the back of the sofa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Fragments without precise locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Chair 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Group 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Chair 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Upper band of the chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Feet of the chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Back of the chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Chair 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Chairs 1 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Fragments and assorted pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Stone and ceramics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Bronzes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Plaster artefacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Chinese lacquer objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Gold and gems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306

[K.p. Sho.] Shotorak (Kapisa province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Illustrations of Buddhist jatakas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Episodes in the Life of the historical Buddha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Bodhisattvas and gods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 xv

Clay, stucco and plaster objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

Decorative elements and miscellaneous items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

[K.p. Pa.] Paitava (Parvan province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

[K.p. Ka.] Karracha (Kapisa province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
[K.p. TKK.] Tepe Kalan of Kuh-i Pahlawan (Kapisa province) . . . . . . . . . 335
[K.p. Nij.] Nijrau (Kapisa province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
[K.p. QN.] Qul-i Nadir (Parvan province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Niche 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Reliquary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338

[K.p. KM.] Kuh-i Mori (Kham-i Zargar, Kapisa province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

[T.Sh.p. Ta.] Tagao (Parvan province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
[K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM.] Tepe Maranjan (Kabul province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
[K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh.] Tepe Khazana (Kabul province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
The Buddhist monastery of Zenda Banan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
The Chaman-i Hauzuri coin hoard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

[K.p. KSB.] The Khwaja Safa Buddha, Kabul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

[K.p. or T.Sh.p. SKB.] The Sarai Khuja Buddhas, Kabul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
[T.Sh.p. KK.] Khair Khana (Kabul province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
[T.Sh.p. TS.] Tepe Skandar (Kabul province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
[K.p. Ha.] Hadda (Ningrahar) province. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Schist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Stucco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Heads of the Buddha (i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Heads of the Buddha (ii) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Heads of the Buddha (iii) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Heads of Bodhisattvas, princes and donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Brahmans and laymen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Foreigners and barbarians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Soldiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Devas and old people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Monks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429

xvi Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
Female deities, donors and other women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Soldiers or monsters of Mara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Figures from the architectural relief decoration of stupas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Medallions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467

[T.Sh.p. KD.] Kama Dakka (Ningrahar province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468

[T.Sh.p. ChS.] Chaghan Sarai (Kunar province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
[K.p. to T.Sh.p.] Tepe Sardar monastery, Ghazni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
[T.Sh.p. Ga.] Gardez (Paktia province) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
The Mir Zakah coin hoard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473

[Isl.p.] Islamic period 475

[Isl.p. Gh.] Ghazni (Ghazni province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Decoration of the walls of Mas’ud III’s palace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Metal objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Ceramics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489

[Isl.p. M.] Northern schools of bronze: Maimana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

[Isl.p. LB.] Lashkari Bazar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Wall-painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Ceramics and potsherds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
Fragments of glassware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503

[Isl.p. Q.] Qandahar (Qandahar province). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504

[Mod.p.] Modern period 505

[Mod.p. Kf.] Kafiristan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507

Reliefs recovered by Afghan Customs in 1976–77 527

Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 xvii
About the author

Born in Paris in 1917, Francine Tissot studied art history at the École du Louvre. Her first encounter with Central
Asia dates back to 1963, when she joined a French film crew working on a documentary devoted to Kashmir.
In the course of her three-month stay, she photographed monuments in Kashmir and northern Pakistan and
developed a passion for the art of Gandhara in the museums of Taxila, Lahore and Peshawar.
Upon returning to Paris, Mme Tissot showed a selection of the photographs taken during the journey
to the director of the Musée Guimet, thus initiating a lifelong collaboration with one of the world’s foremost
museums of Asian art. From 1969 until her retirement in the late 1990s, Mme Tissot was responsible for the
museum’s rich collections of Gandharan and Afghan art. In addition to her curatorial duties at the Musée
Guimet, Mme Tissot taught art history at the École du Louvre, becoming a full professor at her alma mater in
1984. From 1969 to 1978, she returned frequently to Afghanistan, studying numerous sites including the valley
of Bamiyan.
Throughout her long career, Mme Tissot has regularly been invited to participate in major international
symposia and encounters on Asian art around the world. Her articles have appeared in specialist journals
and art reference books in France and abroad. She has recently collaborated with photographer Dominique
Darbois on Kaboul, le passé confisqué, a handsome publication designed to familiarize the general public with
the highlights of the ancient art collections formerly on display in Kabul. The Catalogue of the National Museum
of Afghanistan, 1931−1985, published by UNESCO, is the culmination of an illustrious and passionate career
devoted to the study and protection of Afghanistan’s cultural heritage. Mme Tissot lives in Paris.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 

Throughout the volume, the abbreviation in square brackets before each item indicates the period, the site, etc. For
example, He.p. AK. H. indicates Hellenistic period, Aï Khanum, the heroon; and K.p. to T.Sh.p. By. indicates Kushan to
Turki Shahi period, Bamiyan.

Photographic catalogues 

DUP N. H. Dupree et al., 1974

G. Photothèque du Musée Guimet
G.G., 60 G. Gullini et al., 1960
G.G., 61 G. Gullini et al., 1961
MIY A. Miyaji and H. Motamedi, 1979
MIZ S. Mizuno, 1963
ROW, 66 B. Rowland Jr., 1966
ROW, 71 B. Rowland Jr. and F. M. Rice, 1971

Private photographic collections

Y.C. Yolande Crowe

D.D. Dominique Darbois
L.N. Lolita Nehru
J.P. Josephine Powell
V.T. Volker Thewalt
F.T. Francine Tissot

*  For full bibliographical references, the reader is referred to the main bibliography at the end of the volume.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 
A b b r e v i at i o n S

Publications and organizations

AA Arts asiatiques (Paris)

Afgh. Afghanistan (Kabul)
AION Annali dell’ Istituto [Universitario] Orientale di Napoli (Naples)
APAMNH Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of
Natural History (New York)
ArA Artibus Asiae (Ascona)
ArB Ars Buddhica (Tokyo)
BCH Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (Athens)
BEFEO Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient
CAC Coins, Art and Chronology (exhibition catalogue, Vienna,
CRAI Comptes-rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-
Lettres (Paris)
DAFA Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan
(Kabul and Paris)
EFEO École Française d’Extrême-Orient (Saigon)
EW East and West (Rome)
IsMEO Istituto per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome)
JA Journal asiatique (Paris)
JGIS Journal of the Greater India Society (n.p.)
MAFAC Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie
Centrale (Paris)
MASI Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India (Delhi/
MDAFA Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en
Afghanistan (Paris)
OrA Oriental Art (London)
SAA South Asian Archaeology (various places of publication)
SRAA Silk Road Art and Archaeology (Kamakura, Japan)
StI Studia Iranica (Leiden)
TOPOI Lyon (France)

 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A b b r e v i at i o n s

Measurements, etc.

Diam. Diameter
Exc. no. Excavation number (from former publications)
G Gram
H Height
Kg Kilogram
K. M. inv. no. Kabul Museum inventory number
L Length
Mg Milligram
Neg. Negative
Th. Thickness
W Width
Wt Weight (in grams)

  All dimensions are given in metres unless otherwise specified.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 
Prehistoric period

Afghanistan’s ancient history must be studied in the context of western Central Asia. Its societies evolved from
hunter-gatherers to farmers and, some time later, the builders of the first villages and towns.
The first archaeological excavations in Afghanistan took place in the north and south of the country
from 1951 to 1978, and several of the finds were kept in the Kabul Museum. Important work was carried out
by Carleton Coon at Kara Kamar (1951) and by Louis Dupree at Darra-i Kur, Aq Kupruk and Dasht-i Nawur (from
1959 onwards) in Bactria. Other major discoveries were made at Mundigak near Qandahar by J.-M. Casal, a
member of DAFA, in the 1950s. The site of Mundigak was occupied for 3,000 years.
At the end of the 1970s H.-P. Francfort of DAFA began new research in the northern province of Takhar,
close to the frontier with Turkmenistan. These investigations brought to light new information on the Bronze
Age in Afghanistan.

F. R. Allchin and N. Hammond (eds), 1978, pp. 37–70, 71–186.
J.-M. Casal, 1961, MDAFA, XVII.
C. S. Coon and H. W. Coulter, 1955, Afgh., 10, 1, pp. 12–16.
L. Dupree, 1958, APAMNH, vol. 46, no. 2.
L. Dupree, 1963, APAMNH, vol. 50, no. 2.
V. I. Sarianidi, 1971, Afgh., vol. 25, no. 2–3, pp. 26–38.

  For full details see the general bibliography at the end of the volume.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[Pr.p. Aq.] Aq Kupruk (Bactria)

Pr.p. Aq. 1.
H 0.06.
Limestone. c. 13 000 bc.
DUP, fig. 1 (colour); MIY, nos 39 & 353.
Traces of a human head.

10 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
d a s hli

[Pr.p. Da.] Dashli (Jauzan province, Bactria)

Several places of interest near Aqcha in Bactria were discovered by the Russian Archaeological Mission
in the 1970s.

Pr.p. Da. 2.
Pottery. 2nd half of 2nd millennium bc.
Sarianidi, 1971, fig. 29.
Hemispheric vase.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[Pr.p. Fu.] Fullol (Bactria)

A hoard of gold and silver vessels was discovered accidentally near the small village of Fullol (or Khosh Tepe) in
southern Badakhshan in 1966. Saved from local plunderers, the finds were brought to the Kabul Museum by a
member of the Archaeological Services of Afghanistan. They may date from the Bronze Age (2600–1700 bc).

L. Dupree, Ph. Gouin and N. Omer, 1971, Archaeology, 24, pp. 28–34, and Afgh., 24, 1, pp. 44–54.
M. Tosi and R. Wardak, 1972, EW, 22, pp. 9–17, and Afgh., 26, pp. 13–33.

Pr.p. Fu. 3. Pr.p. Fu. 4.

Gold. Without decoration. H 0.087, Diam. 0.099, Wt 171 mg.
Tosi and Wardak, 1972, fig. 7. Gold. Incised geometric decoration.
Beaker, barrel-like in form. Tosi and Wardak, 1972, fig. 8; MIY, fig. 23.
Beaker with a convex bottom and knob.

Pr.p. Fu. 5.
Gold. Animal decoration, repoussé.
Tosi and Wardak, 1972, figs 2b & 14; MIY, fig. 26.
Conical beaker with two wild boars on either side of
a tree.

12 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
f u llo l

a b

Pr.p. Fu. 6a, b & c.

Gold. Animal decoration, repoussé.
Tosi and Wardak, 1972, figs 2a (above) & 16; MIY, fig. 25.
Open beaker incised with several animals,
particularly a bearded bull.

Pr.p. Fu. 7.
H 0.18–0.20, Wt 231.15 g.
Gold. Animal decoration, repoussé.
Tosi and Wardak, 1972, fig. 13; MIY, fig. 24.
Fragment of a vase with snakes (measurements of the
body: L 0.08, W 0.011) and a bird.

Pr.p. Fu. 8a & 8b (bis).

Silver. Animal decoration, repoussé.
Tosi and Wardak, 1972, figs 4, 5a & 9;
MIY, figs 27 & 28.
(a) Fragment of a vase with
bulls walking right and left.
(b) Base decorated with an
a b incised star motif.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Pr.p. Fu. 9.
Silver. Animal decoration, repoussé.
Tosi and Wardak, 1972, figs 5b & 12; MIY, fig. 29.
Fragment of a vase with young bulls walking left.

Pr.p. Fu. 10.

Silver. Incised geometric decoration.
Tosi and Wardak, 1972, figs 4 & 9.
Upper part of a decorated vase.

14 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

[Pr.p. Mg.] Mundigak (Qandahar province)

The ruins of the ancient city of Mundigak are located in a desert valley about 50 km north-west of the city of
Qandahar, south of the Hindu Kush mountains. Excavated in the 1950s by J.-M. Casal of DAFA, this important
site grew from a small country village to a large town with many monuments. The site dates from the
beginning of the fourth millennium to the middle of the second millennium bc (stone, terracotta, ceramics
and copper).

J.-M. Casal, 1961, MDAFA, XVII.
J. G. Shaffer in F. R. Allchin and N. Hammond (eds), 1978, pp. 91–149.

Pr.p. Mg. 11. Pr.p. Mg. 12.

K. M. inv. no. 63-1. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-240.
H 0.09. H 0.09.
Limestone. Terracotta.
MDAFA, XVII, pls XLIII & XLIV, no. 8; DUP, fig. 2; ROW, 66, fig. 3; MIZ, nos 32 & 33; ROW, 66, fig. 4; MIZ, no. 7; ROW, 71, fig. 11; MIY, fig. 30; D.D. B.103.123.
D.D. B.103.121. Male figurine.
Head of a man or prince (?) (period IV. 3).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Pr.p. Mg. 13.

K. M. inv. no. 60-17-1444.
H 0.06.
DUP, fig. 1 (right); ROW, 71, fig. 9; MIY, fig. 35; D.D. B.103.127.
Male figurine.

Pr.p. Mg. 14. Pr.p. Mg. 15. Pr.p. Mg. 16.

K. M. inv. no. 60-17-241. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-242. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-243.
Terracotta. H 0.10. Terracotta.
MIY, fig. 31; D.D. B.103.126. Terracotta. D.D. B.103.126.
Statuette of a man squatting. D.D. B.103.126. Statuette of a woman (mother
Statuette of a woman (mother goddess?). goddess?).

16 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Pr.p. Mg. 17.

K. M. inv. no. 60-17-171. Pr.p. Mg. 18.
Terracotta. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-181.
D.D. B.103.124. H 0.049.
Statuette of a bovine creature (complete). Terracotta.
ROW, 66, fig. 5; MIZ, no. 9; MIY, fig. 40.
Head of a bull.

Pr.p. Mg. 19.

K. M. inv. no. 65-17-4.
H 0.055.
MIZ, no. 12; DUP, fig. 1 (left); MIY, fig. 35 (right); D.D. B.103.127.
Small female idol probably from Deh Morasi
Ghundai, but found in Mundigak.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Pr.p. Mg. 20. Pr.p. Mg. 21. Pr.p. Mg. 22.

Steatite. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-36. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-40.
DUP, fig. 3; D.D. B.103.129. H 0.065. H 0.046.
Small rectangular stamp seal. Steatite. Steatite.
MIZ, no. 10; DUP, fig. 3; D.D. B.103.129. DUP, fig. 3; D.D. B.103.129.
Small square stamp seal (fragment Small circular stamp seal.
of the right part).

Pr.p. Mg. 23. Pr.p. Mg. 24.

K. M. inv. no. 60-17-1420. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-1413.
H 0.15. H 0.14.
Painted pottery. Painted pottery.
MDAFA, XVII, pl. XXXIIB; DUP, fig. 2 (colour); ROW, 66, fig. 1; ROW, 71, fig. 7; MIY, MDAFA, XVII, pl. XXXIIA; DUP, fig. 2 (colour); ROW, 66, fig. 2; MIY, fig. 43; D.D.
fig. 44; D.D. B.103.116. B.103.118.
Goblet decorated with three ibexes. Goblet decorated with fern leaves.

18 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Pr.p. Mg. 25.

K. M. inv. no. 60-17-1413.
H 0.148. Pr.p. Mg. 26.
Painted pottery. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-2001.
MIZ, no. 2; DUP, fig. 2 H 0.074.
(colour); ROW, 66, fig. 2; Painted pottery.
MIY, fig. 47; D.D. B.103.117. MIZ, no. 3; MIY, fig. 46.
Goblet decorated Pot decorated with
with pipal leaves. geometric designs.

Pr.p. Mg. 27.

K. M. inv. no. 60-17-2005.
H 0.09. Pr.p. Mg. 28.
Painted pottery. K. M. inv. no. 60-17-2009.
MIZ, no. 5; MIY, fig. 45; D.D. H 0.21.
B.103.120. Painted pottery.
Large-rimmed pot MIZ, no. 4; MIY, fig. 41; D.D. B.103.119.
decorated with Large pot decorated with
geometric designs. perpendicular wave motif.

Pr.p. Mg. 29.

K. M. inv. no. 60-17-069. Pr.p. Mg. 30.
Cut stone. K. M. inv. no. 660.
MIY, fig. 34; D.D. B.103.125. H 0.067.
Small vase decorated Painted pottery.
in relief with MIZ, fig. 6.
stepped pyramid Small pot decorated
motif between with geometric
zigzag bands. designs.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[Pr.p. ShG.] Shamshir Ghar (Qandahar province)

Shamshir Ghar, situated on the left bank of the River Argandab, 24 km south-west of the city of Qandahar, was
discovered by Louis Dupree. It is a large cave, probably occupied as a refuge or rock-shelter from the Neolithic
period (second millennium bc) up to the Sasanian invasion (third century ad).

Pr.p. ShG. 31. 1.

H 0.03.
Engraved bone seal. 2nd millennium bc.
MIZ, fig. 37.
Seal decorated with a cross motif.

a b
Pr.p. ShG. 32. 2a & b.
H 0.03.
Engraved bone seal. 2nd millennium bc.
DUP, fig. 4 (colour); MIY, fig. 38.
Seal with (a) winged camel on the obverse and (b) bird on the reverse.

20 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

[He.p. AK.] Aï Khanum (Bactria)

The ancient city of Aï Khanum was built at the confluence of the rivers Kokcha and Oxus, at the foot of a hill
(acropolis). The city was probably built along the road from India to China, through high mountains and vast
deserts. It may have been occupied until 146–145 bc by Greek inhabitants and local people involved in trade.
The first time that Europeans reached the banks of the Amu Darya (the ancient Oxus of the Greeks) and
Aï Khanum was in 1926, when Jules Barthoux from DAFA discovered the site. Then in 1963, when the King of
Afghanistan was on a hunting trip with Daniel Schlumberger, Klaus Fisher and Marc Le Berre, they accidentally
discovered the half-buried capital of a column from the old city.
Excavations of the site began in 1965 and lasted until 1978. The wars brought an end to the official
archaeological excavations and later the site was destroyed by systematic illicit diggings – these have
continued up to the present day.
It was originally intended that the pieces and architectural fragments should remain in situ. In 1982–83,
however, DAFA brought as many items as could be saved from the site to the museum in Kabul, and a fine
room was arranged to exhibit them.

P. Bernard, 1966–80, CRAI.
MDAFA, XXI (1973); XXVI (1983); XXVII (1984); XXVIII (1985); XXIX (1986); XXX (1987); XXXI (1987).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[He.p. AK. H.] The heroon

The heroon or tomb of Kineas, the founder of the city, was built of stone and its roof was decorated with
terracotta antefixes.

He.p. AK. H. 34. 2.

H 0.50, W 0.38.
Bernard, 1973; MDAFA, XXI,
pl. 102a; L.N.
Antefix with bulb motif.

He.p. AK. H. 33. 1.

H 0.35. He.p. AK. H. 35. 3.
Terracotta. Alabaster.
Bernard, 1973; MDAFA, XXI (plates), pl. 101a; L.N. MDAFA, XXI, vol. I (text), p. 101, fig. 9; L.N.
Antefix with palmette motif. Two alabaster vases containing
herbs. The incised name of
KINN (abbreviated form of

He.p. AK. H. 36. 4.

H 0.73, W 0.13.
Bernard, 1973; MDAFA, XXI,
pl. 102b; L.N.
Pentagonal section of

24 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

[He.p. AK. P.] The palace

Archaeologists originally identified this as the ‘administrative quarter’. The entrance, or propylaeum, led to
a very important courtyard, lined with high Corinthian columns as well as pilasters. The large rooms may
have been adorned with terracotta or stucco decorations that were subsequently very badly damaged. As
the excavations progressed, more rooms with bathrooms, another courtyard with Doric porticoes and an
important treasury were discovered.

He.p. AK. P. 37. 1.

He.p. AK. P. 38. 2.
Bernard, 1973; MDAFA, XXI, pl. 24a.
Interior vestibule of the propylaeum, column
Bernard, 1973, pl. 100a; L.N.
base of Achaemenid type.
Antefix with wing motif found in the outer
courtyard of the propylaeum.

He.p. AK. P. 39. 3.

Bernard, 1973, pl. 101b; L.N. He.p. AK. P. 40. 4.
Antefix with palmette Painted moulding.
motif found in the Bernard, 1973, pl. 104a; L.N.
outer courtyard of the Decorative piece with ray motif of a capital belonging to
propylaeum. a pilaster from the south portico.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 25
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

He.p. AK. P. 41. 5a & b.

Exc. no. 0002.
Black slip ceramic.
MDAFA, XXXI, pl. I, no. 1; L.N.
Rhyton with a dog’s head
from the south portico of the
palace: (a) side; (b) front view. a

He.p. AK. P. 43. 7.

Exc. nos 133, 134 & 136.
Bernard, 1973, pl. 105a.
Fragments of fingers from a large statue, room 6 of the palace.
He.p. AK. P. 42. 6.
Bernard, 1973, pl. 53.
Acanthus leaf with central rib cut into rings.
Decorative element from a capital from the
vestibule of the palace.

He.p. AK. P. 44. 8.

Exc. nos 129, 130, 131 & 132.
Bernard, 1973, pl. 105b; L.N.
Fragments of a lion-skin, room 6
of the palace.

26 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

Small stone items (a circular base on a square plinth) were found at many of the city’s monuments.

He.p. AK. P. 45. 9.

Exc. no. 1229.
H 0.095.
MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XIX, no. 1.
Small circular base on a square two-step plinth.
From the main vestibule.

He.p. AK. P. 46(i). 10.

Exc. no. 1234.
H 0.096.
MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XIX, no. 3.
Small circular base on a square two-step plinth.
From the agora.

He.p. AK. P. 46(ii). 11.

Exc. no. 1237.
H 0.069.
MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XIX, no. 11.
Small circular base on a simple square plinth.
From the agora.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[He.p. AK. T.] The main temple with the three-step


He.p. AK. T. 48. 2.

K. M. inv. no. 1-33-8.
W 0.35.
He.p. AK. T. 47. 1. Marble. Fragment of a large acrolithic statue.
H 0.35. CRAI, 1969, fig. 15; G.86172313/1; neg. DAFA 8364; L.N.
Limestone. Sandalled foot of a cult statue from the main
Bernard, 1969, fig. 17; L.N. temple.
Unfinished statue of a young man with
crown, in the style of Lysippus.

He.p. AK. T. 49. 3.

CRAI, 1969, fig. 29.
Ionic capital from the cella
of the main temple.

28 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

He.p. AK. T. 50. 4. He.p. AK. T. 51. 5.

K. M. inv. no. 2-33-81. Limestone.
Limestone painted red. Bernard, 1972, fig. 16; neg. DAFA 8352; L.N.
Bernard, 1972, fig. 15; negs DAFA 8355 & 8358; L.N. Small pillar with a head on the top
Standing figure of a woman, head missing, leaning (perhaps a funerary effigy).
against a pillar with an Ionic capital.

He.p. AK. T. 52. 6.

K. M. inv. no. 9-33-81.
W 0.62.
Gargoyle; head of a lion with the tongue sticking out.
Found in the debris of the main sanctuary of the main

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

He.p. AK. T. 54. 8.

The same head seen from the front. (Unpublished photograph.)
Neg. DAFA 13040.
He.p. AK. T. 53. 7.
Dried clay and painted and gilded stucco.
Bernard, 1969, fig. 20; L.N.
Head of a male cult statue (extensively restored).

He.p. AK. T. 55. 9.

Dried clay.
Bernard, 1969, fig. 19; L.N.
Head of a female cult
statue (restored).

He.p. AK. T. 56. 10.

K. M. inv. no. 12-33-81.
MDAFA, XXVII, p. 116; L.N.
Herakles standing,
holding a club and
crowning himself.
Found in room 31 of
the main temple.

30 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

He.p. AK. T. 57. 11. He.p. AK. T. 58. 12.

Exc. no. 2250. Exc. no. 2249.
K. M. inv. no. 16-33-81. K. M. inv. no. 16-33-81.
H 0.09, Th. 0.046. Diam. 0.077, Th. 0.026.
Modern plaster cast. Stucco. The mould for a bronze medallion.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XVII, no. 20; L.N. MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XVI, no. 18.
Bust of a woman. Unbaked clay mould taken from Winged head of Medusa, gorgoneion.
medallion of a large metal bowl.

He.p. AK. T. 59. 13.

Exc. no. 0.705.
W 0.14.
Stucco cast.
MDAFA, XXVII, pls XVI–XVII & p. 37.
Female bust (head missing).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

He.p. AK. T. 60. 14. He.p. AK. T. 61. 15.

Diam. 0.144. Exc. no. 1369.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. X, no. 18. MDAFA, XXVII, pl. X, no. 23.
Casket with three compartments. Casket with three compartments.

He.p. AK. T. 62. 16.

Exc. no. 1317.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. X, no. 26.
Casket with four compartments. (Two views.)

32 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

He.p. AK. T. 63. 17. He.p. AK. T. 64. 18.

Exc. no. 0.388. Exc. no. 1154.
Diam. 0.129. Diam. 0.13.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XII, no. 8. MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XI, no. 12.
Lid of a casket with a cut knob and incised fish-like Lid of a casket decorated with inlay of white stones.
decorative motif.

He.p. AK. T. 65. 19. He.p. AK. T. 66. 20.

Exc. no. 1097. Exc. no. 0.463.
Diam. 0.183. Diam. 0.184.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XI, no. 14. MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XI, no. 20.
Lid of a casket, with an added knob, Lid of a casket, with an added knob,
decorated with inlay of coloured stones. decorated with inlaid and incised motifs.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b

He.p. AK. T. 67. 21a, b & c.

Exc. nos 330, 344 & 357.
H 0.137, 0.107, 0.138.
Ivory furniture items.
Bernard, 1970, pp. 327–43; MDAFA, XXVII, pl. II, no. 9.
Feet of a throne found in the sacristy of the main temple.

He.p. AK. T. 68. 22.

Exc. no. 1245.
K. M. inv. no. 14-33-81.
H 0.162.
Painted bone.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. V, no. 31; L.N.
Local fertility goddess with movable
joints. (Three views.)

34 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

[He.p. AK. G.] The gymnasium

The gymnasium was a large building devoted to sport, as found in many of the Greek cities in Western Asia.
Built of large terracotta bricks, but with high Doric columns and capitals to ornament the precincts, the
building was heavily damaged during the destruction of the Greek city by nomads. The discovery of a herm
with an inscription has enabled archaeologists to identify the function of the building.

He.p. AK. G. 69. 1.

General view of the niche with the plinth bearing
the inscription and the inverted body of the figure.
(Photograph taken in situ during the excavation.)

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 35
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b
He.p. AK. G. 70. 2a & b.
H 0.77.
Marble herm.
MDAFA, XXX, pls 52–53; L.N.
(a) Statue of an old man with a beard, draped in a voluminous cloak. The left hand may have held a metal
shaft used in the training of athletes.
(b) Detail of the head with curly hair and a headband.

a b
He.p. AK. G. 71. 3a & b.
K. M. inv. no. 5-33-81.
H 0.373, W 0.52.
Pale-brown fine-grained limestone.
MDAFA, XXX, pp. 86–91, pls 15a & b; also see S. Veuve, 1982; L.N.
Semi-spherical sundial with lion-paws on either side. Second century bc. (Two views.)

36 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

a b

He.p. AK. G. 72. 4a, b & c.

K. M. inv. no. 4-33-81.
H 0.446, W 0.343, Th. 0.15.
Light grey limestone.
MDAFA, XXX, pp. 86–91, pls 15 c & d, 51 c-d; L.N.
Equatorial sundials. These items were restored by D. Piponnier and were
then exhibited in the Kabul Museum from 1981 to 1982.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 37
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

He.p. AK. G. 73. 5a & b.
Exc. no. 1172.
H 0.41, W 0.60.
MDAFA, XXXI, pls 21, no. 1; & XVIII, no. 1.
Leg of a bench decorated with lion-paws.
(a) Profile and half-profile.
(b) Drawings.

He.p. AK. G. 74. 6.

Exc. no. 0022.
H 0.10, W 0.095.
MDAFA, XXXI, pls 3, no. 6; & I, no. 10.
Handle of a cauldron depicting the head of Medusa.

38 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

He.p. AK. G. 75. 7.

Exc. no. 106.
Diam. 0.122, H 0.042.
Schist, engraved decoration.
MDAFA, XXXI, pls 6, no. 2; & III, no. 5.
Lid of a pyxidium found in the gymnasium.

He.p. AK. G. 76. 8.

Diam. (lower) 0.802, total
H 0.589.
Light-grey limestone.
MDAFA, XXX, p. 25 &
pl. 18 d-e.
Doric capital.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 39
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[He.p. AK. F.] The fountain on the Oxus

A fountain that provided fresh water from the hills for the Greek city was discovered by French archaeologists
to the north of the gymnasium, along the riverside. Water-spouts (probably eight of them) decorated with
grotesques may have been integral to the fountain.

a b

He.p. AK. F. 77. 1a, b & c.

K. M. inv. no. 8-33-81.
H 0.21, W 0.40.
Limestone with traces of red paint.
MDAFA, XXIX, figs 87–90; photograph, DAFA 17850; L.N.
(a) General view of the fountain in situ with a spout
representing a theatre mask.
(b & c) Two further views of the spout.

40 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

He.p. AK. F. 78. 2a & b.

K. M. inv. no. 7-33-81.
H 0.133, L 0.225, W 0.107.
Soft limestone.
CRAI, 1976, fig. 17; MDAFA, XXIX, figs 91–92; L.N.
Gargoyle depicting a huge hound. It is
unlikely that it belonged to the fountain.
In 2001 this piece was deposited with Paul
a Bucherer in Basle (Switzerland).

He.p. AK. F. 79. 3.

K. M. inv. no. 6-33-81.
H 0.285, L 0.60.
CRAI, 1976, fig. 16; MDAFA, XXIX, figs 93–96;
photograph, DAFA 19289; L.N.
Spout in the form of a dolphin

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 41
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[He.p. AK. M.] Metals, precious stone and ceramics

He.p. AK. M. 80. 1.

Diam. 0.25, Th. 0.001–0.002.
Silver gilt, repoussé.
G. 86172315/1; photograph, DAFA, 5271; Bernard, 1970, fig. 31; MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XLI; L.N.
Plaque known as the ‘Plaque of Cybele’. Cybele on a biga driven by two lions, a man with a
conical cap standing behind and holding a parasol. On the right, a priest standing and making
an offering at the altar. Sun (Helios), moon and a star in the sky.

He.p. AK. M. 81. 2.

Exc. no. 1242.
K. M. inv. no. 11-33-81.
From one point to the other, W 0.137.
Cast bronze, chased.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XX, no. 28; L.N.
Crescent, upper part of a shaft depicting a head.

42 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

He.p. AK. M. 82. 3. He.p. AK. M. 83. 4.

Exc. no. 0.3356. Exc. no. 876.
K. M. inv. no. 13-33-81. K. M. inv. no. 3-33-81.
Bronze, repoussé. Cast bronze, chased.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XXII, no. 29a; L.N. MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XX, no. 27; L.N.
Decorative plaque in Assyrian style. Handle of a large cauldron, at each end
a female bust on a vine leaf.

He.p. AK. M. 84. 5.

Exc. no. 0.742.
H 0.110, W 0.16.
Green steatite, polished.
MDAFA, XXVII, p. 26; L.N.
Rhyton, kneeling ram (base only).

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 43
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

He.p. AK. M. 85. 6. He.p. AK. M. 86. 7.

Exc. no. 397. Exc. no. 1245.
H 0.027, W 0.032. H 0.028, W 0.026.
Bluish chalcedony, intaglio. Clay seal.
MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XXXV, no. 26; L.N. MDAFA, XXVII, pl. XVII, no. 19; L.N.
Dog standing. The abduction of Ganymede by Zeus in the form of an eagle.

He.p. AK. M. 87. 8. He.p. AK. M. 88. 9. He.p. AK. M. 89. 10.
Exc. no. 1157. Exc. no. 1158. Exc. no. 1153.
H 0.06. H 0.06. H 0.048.
Ceramic shard, red paint or slip. Ceramic. Ceramic.
MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XVII, no. 11. MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XVII, no. 12. MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XVII, no. 12.
Bust of a woman wearing a calathos. Head of a woman framed by a relief Bust of a woman.

44 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

[He.p. AK. Misc.] Miscellaneous

He.p. AK. Misc. 90. 1.

CRAI, 1972, fig. 13.
Young man wearing a chlamys standing, facing,
found in the mausoleum of the necropolis
outside the city walls.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 45
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

He.p. AK. Misc. 91. 2. He.p. AK. Misc. 92. 3.

Exc. nos 83 & 105. Exc. no. 0109.
Diam. 0.155, H 0.048 & 0.06. Diam. 0.206, H 0.044.
Schist. Schist, with engraved decoration.
CRAI, 1972, fig. 12; MDAFA, XXXI, pl. 13; photograph, DAFA, 8364; L.N. MDAFA, XXXI, pl. III, no. 6.
Casket with the lid decorated with encrustation of coloured Lid of a casket decorated with animal and floral engraving,
stones, found in the mausoleum of the necropolis outside found in the house outside the city walls.
the city walls.

He.p. AK. Misc. 93. 4.

Exc. no. 0921.
Diam. 0.068, H 0.037.
MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XII, nos 17 & 18.
Ink-pot, found in the house
outside the city walls.

46 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
A ï Kh a n u m

He.p. AK. Misc. 94. 5.

Exc. no. 1160.
H 0.042.
MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XVII, no. 14; L.N.
Handle of a vase depicting
the head of Alexander
wearing the lion-skin, found
in the house on the Kokcha.

He.p. AK. Misc. 95. 6.

Exc. no. 1235.
H 0.102.
MDAFA, XXXI, pl. XIX, no. 9.
Miniature Greek stool surmounted by a torus,
found in the house on the Kokcha.

He.p. AK. Misc. 96. 7.

Fragments of a plaster cast.
CRAI, 1971, fig. 25; L.N.
Forepart of a galloping horse,
found in the house on the

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 47
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

He.p. AK. Misc. 98. 9.

Diam. 0.245.
Inlaid shell plaque, inlay on champlevé, with encrustation of
coloured glass.
CRAI, 1980, fig. 5; MDAFA, XXXIII, pls 121–23 & 126.
He.p. AK. Misc. 97. 8.
‘Indian plaque’ depicting the legend of
Exc. no. 120. Sakuntala.
Diam. 0.178.
MDAFA, XXXI, pls 6, 4 & pl. III, no. 12.
Lid of a casket decorated with animal and floral
engraving, found in the house on the Kokcha.

He.p. AK. Misc. 99. 10a & b.
BEFEO, 1980, pl. XXXVII.
Two out of four pieces of armour found at the northern end of the west building of the arsenal: (a) breastplate made of
rectangular scales; and (b) arm-protector made of ring-shaped metal strips.

48 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Kushan period

[K.p. SK.] Surkh Kotal (Bactria)

In the 1950s French archaeologists excavated the ruins of a very large complex of buildings identified as a
temple in the Iranian tradition; it stood on a high fortified hill, dominating the surrounding area. A certain
number of questions still remain unanswered. The discovery of inscriptions with the names of Kushan leaders
gives a clue to the dating of the site to around the second century ad.
The most important discoveries, such as three stone statues of ‘kings’, many stone capitals and a
large number of broken items, were kept (with some exceptions) in situ. DAFA, under its then director Daniel
Schlumberger, and later his colleagues, worked hard and wrote many articles on the site.
Before DAFA was closed in 1982, all the pieces were brought to the Kabul Museum, where they were
restored and catalogued by Anwar Katawazi and Olivier Guillaume. The publication by Gérard Fussman and
Olivier Guillaume (MDAFA, XXXII) was also the result of these efforts.

CRAI, 1953b; 1954c; 1955c; 1957a.
MDAFA, XXV (1983); XXVI (1983); XXVII (1984); XXVIII (1985); XXIX (1986); XXX (1987); XXXI (1987); XXXII (1990).
D. Schlumberger, JA, 4 (1952); 2 (1954); 3 (1955); 3 (1964).

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 51
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[K.p. SK. St.] Fragments of statues

K.p. SK. St. 101. 2a & b.

K. M. inv. no. 65-13-88.
H 1.33, W (back) 0.985, Th. (plinth)
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 60, no. 185; pl. 61,
nos 186–89; DUP, 66, fig. 8.
(a) Statue of a Kushan king
(Kanishka?). The statue is
broken at the waist and
fixed into a plinth.
(b) Detail of the foot. a

K.p. SK. St. 100. 1.

K. M. inv. no. 65-13-91.
H 1.22, W 0.63, Th. 0.38–0.40.
Plinth separately: K. M. inv. no. 65-13-93. b
H 0.50, W 0.62.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 59, no. 184; ROW, 66, fig. 13.
Statue of a Kushan prince, statue found without head, legs
and some parts of the hands. The plinth does not tally with
the statue, but was found in situ.

K.p. SK. St. 102. 3.

K. M. inv. no. 65-13-90.
H 0.92, W (back, lower part of the cloak) 0.85, Th. (plinth) 0.55–0.60.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 62, nos 190–92; L.N.
Statue without the upper part above the hip, the plinth and the feet. A fragment of
a plinth with the right foot wearing shoes (K. M. inv. no. 65-13-97; H 0.30) may
belong to this statue (this piece is not illustrated here).

52 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

K.p. SK. St. 103. 4.

Exc. no. S.1.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-112.
H 0.33, W 0.18, Th. 0.16.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 63, no. 193; JA,
54, pl. III, no. 4; L’Orient hellénisé,
suppl. 10; L.N.
Fragment of a head
with a crown of foliage.
According to Gérard
Fussman, this fragment
may be a part of the
statue of Kanishka (?):
K.p. SK. St. 101. 2.
K.p. SK. St. 104. 5.
Exc. no. S.1.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-114.
H 0.29, W 0.12.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 63, no. 194.
Fragment of a head, part behind
the ear.

K.p. SK. St. 105. 6.

Exc. no. S.2.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-606.
W 0.17.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 63, nos 195–96.
Fragment of a left hand
holding a book.

K.p. SK. St. 107. 8.

Exc. no. B.b.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-419.
H 0.35, W (base) 0.26.
K.p. SK. St. 106. 7. Limestone. Unfinished low relief.
Exc. no. S.3. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 161; JA, 54, pl. III,
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-110. no. 1; L.N.
W 0.12. Man in Iranian dress, standing
Limestone. to the right; on the left, a small
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 63, no. 197. column with a Corinthian capital
Small fragment of a surmounted by birds.
closed hand (unfinished).

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 53
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[k.p. sk. pc.] Pilasters and capitals in the Great


These pilasters and capitals were badly damaged. Originally, there were at least sixty simple pilasters and
twelve corner units. Only nine of them were catalogued in the Kabul Museum and two in the Musée Guimet.
They are all in Corinthian style, with two acanthus leaves and half-length human figures.

K.p. SK. Pc. 108. 1.

Exc. no. CH.1.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-56.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 53, no. 138.
Capital in Corinthian style, with half-length
human figure (upper part in good condition).

K.p. SK. Pc. 109. 2.

Exc. no. CH.2.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-59.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 53, no. 139.
Capital in Corinthian style (only the upper-right part).

K.p. SK. Pc. 110. 3a & b.

Exc. no. CH.3.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-58.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 53, no. 140; pl. 54, no. 144.
Corner of a capital copying Corinthian style (badly
damaged, except the beautiful figure on the left): (a) left
side; (b) right side.

b a

54 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

K.p. SK. Pc. 111. 4a & b.

Exc. no. CH.4.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-57.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 53, nos 142 & 143;
Proceedings, 47, pl. XVIIb; Syria, 1960, a
pl. VI, no. 5.
Corner of a capital in Corinthian
style (badly damaged).

K.p. SK. Pc. 112. 5.

Exc. no. CH.5.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-55.
Limestone. b
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 54, no. 145.
Corner of a capital in Corinthian style
(in quite good condition).

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 55
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

The following capitals were found in 1966 in the small tumulus to the south of the hill. Since they had been
well protected, they were found in good condition.

K.p. SK. Pc. 113. 1. K.p. SK. Pc. 114. 2.

Exc. no. CH.9. Exc. no. CH.10.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-414. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-415.
H 0.21, W 0.42, Th. 0.33. H 0.205, W 0.41, Th. 0.40.
Limestone. Limestone.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 54, no. 148. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 54, no. 149.
Capital in Corinthian style (in quite good condition). Capital in Corinthian style (in quite good

K.p. SK. Pc. 116. 4.

Exc. no. CH.12.
K.p. SK. Pc. 115. 3. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-417.
Exc. no. CH.11. H 0.21, W 0.40, Th. 0.32.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-416. Limestone.
H 0.22, W 0.41, Th. 0.36. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 54, no. 151.
Limestone. Capital in Corinthian style.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 54, no. 150.
Capital in Corinthian style (in quite good condition).

56 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

[K.p. SK. Ff.] Fragments of friezes

These broken fragments were found scattered all over the ruins. They had probably been reused for later
buildings on the hill. They may have been used as ornaments of the inner part of the cella or the base of the
pyreus (see MDAFA, XXV [text], pp. 109–13).

K.p. SK. Ff. 117. 1a & b.

Exc. no. F.1.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-52.
H 0.15, W 0.20, Th. 0.31.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, nos 152 & 153.
Series of human figures with
a b bulls.

K.p. SK. Ff. 118. 2.

Exc. no. F.2.
K. M. inv. nos 65-13-50 & 65-13-53. K.p. SK. Ff. 119. 3.
H 0.155, W 0.42, Th. 0.30. Exc. no. F.3.
Limestone. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-45.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 154. H 0.15, W 0.395, Th. 0.41.
Same as the preceding piece, two fragments joined Limestone.
together. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 155.
From left to right: human figure (badly
damaged), naked young boy standing and man
dressed like a Kushan.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 57
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. SK. Ff. 120. 4.

Exc. no. F.4. K.p. SK. Ff. 121. 5.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-46. Exc. no. F.5.
H 0.15, W 0.395, Th. 0.30. K. M. inv. nos 65-13-47 & 65-13-48.
Limestone. H 0.145, W 0.383, Th. 0.38.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 156; JA, 52, p. 446, pl. VIII, no. 2; Proceedings, 47, Limestone.
pl. XVIII, c; L’Orient hellénisé, suppl. 12; L.N. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 157.
In the centre, a young boy carrying a garland; on either Two joined fragments.
side, a half-length human figure.

K.p. SK. Ff. 122. 6. K.p. SK. Ff. 123. 7.

Exc. no. F.6. Exc. no. F.7.
K. M. inv. nos 65-13-51 & 65-13-48. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-49.
H 0.14, W 0.135, Th. 0.28. H 0.125, W 0.10, Th. 0.325.
Limestone. Limestone.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 158. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 159.
Two or three standing figures (barely visible). Winged figure standing.

K.p. SK. Ff. 124. 8.

Exc. no. F.10.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-418.
H 0.14, W 0.22, Th. 0.27.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 160.
Humped bull sitting.

58 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

[K.p. SK. M.] Merlons

These pieces of stone ornament are thought to have been part of the decoration of the upper part of the
walls of the main temple. A few of them were recovered scattered over the site, almost all of them broken.
(H 0.40–0.43; W 0.35–0.38.)

K.p. SK. M. 125. 1.

Exc. no. M.1.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-63.
H 0.43, W 0.35, Th. 0.11.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 55, no. 164; JA, 52, p. 446, pl. VIII, no. 1; L.N.
Complete merlon, one false arrow slit in the form of a
spearhead; two false recessed windows, each surmounted by
a false cornice; two star-motifs above; and a floweret in relief
at the top.

K.p. SK. M. 126. 2.

Exc. no. M.3.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-60.
H 0.40, W 0.38, Th. 0.115.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 56, no. 166; L.N.
Complete merlon, as the preceding piece, but at the top a
rosette with a double corolla.

K.p. SK. M. 127. 3a & b.

Exc. no. M.4.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-62.
H 0.43, W 0.38, Th. 0.12.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 56, no. 168; Syria, 1960,
pl. VI, no. 1; Proceedings, 47, pl. XVII b; L’Orient
hellénisé, suppl. 10; L.N.
(a) Complete merlon, as the two
preceding pieces.
a (b) A dancer at the top. b

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 59
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. SK. M. 128. 4.

Exc. no. M.6.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-61.
H 0.35, W 0.36, Th. 0.115.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 57, no. 170.
Unfinished merlon.
K.p. SK. M. 129. 5.
Exc. no. M.7.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-69.
H 0.38, W 0.26, Th. 0.105.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 57, no. 171.
Incomplete merlon, the top with a bird to left.

K.p. SK. M. 130. 6. K.p. SK. M. 131. 7.

Exc. no. M.8. Exc. no. M.9.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-64. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-66.
H 0.43, W 0.26, Th. 0.115. H 0.23, W 0.30, Th. 0.12.
Limestone. Limestone.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 57, nos 172 & 173; JA, 54, p. 171, pl. III, MDAFA, XXV, pl. 57, no. 174.
no. 2; Syria, 1960, pl. VI, no. 2. Fragment of a merlon, the top with two flower buds.
Fragment of a merlon, the top with a
man seated facing.

60 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

K.p. SK. M. 132. 8.

Exc. no. M.10.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-65.
H 0.22, W 0.21, Th. 0.115.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 57, no. 175.
Fragment of a merlon, the top
with a rosette with multiple
petals in the form of a lotus.

K.p. SK. M. 133. 9.

Exc. no. M.11.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-73 & 65-13-84.
H 0.22, W 0.355, Th. 0.115.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 57, no. 176.
Fragment of a merlon, three
pieces joined together, but with
most of the elements missing.

K.p. SK. M. 134. 10.

Exc. no. M.12.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-77.
H 0.23, W 0.23, Th. 0.11.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 58, no. 177.
Fragment of a merlon, the top
part with a half-rosette.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. SK. M. 135. 11.

Exc. no. M.13.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-78.
H 0.16, W 0.15.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 58, no. 178.
Fragment of a merlon, the top part
with two flower buds.

K.p. SK. M. 136. 12.

Exc. no. M.15b.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-83.
H 0.28, W 0.22, Th. 0.105.
Limestone. Fragment B.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 58, no. 179.
Fragment of a merlon (left part),
the top part with a flower.

K.p. SK. M. 137. 13.

Exc. no. M.28.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-79.
H 0.175, W 0.175, Th. 0.12.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 58, no. 180.
Fragment of a merlon, the top part
with a pot-bellied vase and a leaf.

See MDAFA, XXV, pp. 115 & 116, for the other fragmentary merlons.

62 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

[K.p. SK. Cap.] Carved capitals from the platform

on the plain

The remains of a large platform, very similar in plan to the Great Temple, were found 2 km from the hill and are
thought to be the remains of a Buddhist monastery. Twenty-six capitals were recovered. One of them depicts
the Indian turban of a Bodhisattva (?).

East face

K.p. SK. Cap. 138. 1. K.p. SK. Cap. 139. 2.

Exc. no. E.1. Exc. no. E.2.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-41. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-40.
H 0.22, W 0.36, Th. 0.29. H 0.20, W 0.33, Th. 0.24.
Limestone. Limestone.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 66, no. 206. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 66, no. 207.
Badly damaged capital. In the acanthus leaves, twin Badly damaged capital. In the acanthus
busts of men facing. Abacus decorated with an undu- leaves, bust of a man (Buddha?) facing.
lating vine tendril with leaves and bunches of grapes. Abacus decorated with an undulating vine
tendril with leaves and bunches of grapes.

South face

K.p. SK. Cap. 140. 3. K.p. SK. Cap. 141. 4.

Exc. no. S.5. Exc. no. S.7.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-37. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-32.
W 0.33, Th. 0.20. H 0.19, W 0.33, Th. 0.18.
Limestone. Limestone.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 66, no. 208; MIY, no. 119; L.N. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 66, no. 211; L.N.
In the acanthus leaves, bust of a man with head In the acanthus leaves, bust of a man with
inclined to left. Abacus decorated with an undulating head inclined slightly to left. Abacus decorated
vine tendril with leaves and bunches of grapes. with an undulating vine tendril.

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North face

K.p. SK. Cap. 142. 5. K.p. SK. Cap. 143. 6.

Exc. no. N.4. Exc. no. N.6.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-42. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-35.
H 0.20. H 0.21, W 0.34, Th. 0.225.
Limestone. Limestone.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 66, no. 211; L.N. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 66, no. 213; JA, 55, p. 277, pl. III, no. 2; Proceedings, 47, pl. XXIV, b.
In the acanthus leaves, busts of a man with head In the acanthus leaves, motif of a turban. Abacus decorated
inclined to right, with right hand raised. Abacus with an undulating garland composed of flowers and
decorated with interwoven triangular strips. foliage. (In excellent condition.)

K.p. SK. Cap. 144. 7.

Exc. no. N.7. K.p. SK. Cap. 145. 8.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-33.
H 0.205, W 0.32, Th. 0.265. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-44.
Limestone. H 0.21, W 0.16, Th. 0.16.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 66, no. 214; Syria, 60, pl. VI, no. 6. Limestone.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 66, no. 216.
In the acanthus leaves, bust of a man facing. Abacus
decorated with a zigzag of serrated leaf motifs delimiting Incomplete capital with acanthus leaves on
equilateral triangles. (In excellent condition.) the right, bust to left. Abacus decorated
with an undulating vine tendril with leaves
and bunches of grapes.

64 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

West face

K.p. SK. Cap. 147. 10.

K.p. SK. Cap. 146. 9.
Exc. no. W.2.
Exc. no. W.1.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-36.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-130.
H 0.205, W 0.335, Th. 0.20.
H 0.20, W 0.35, Th. 0.23.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 67, no. 218.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 67, no. 217.
In the acanthus leaves, bust of a man facing. Abacus
In the acanthus leaves, bust of a man to left. Abacus
decorated with an undulating garland composed of
decorated with an undulating vine tendril with leaves and
flowers and foliage.
bunches of grapes.

K.p. SK. Cap. 149. 12.

K.p. SK. Cap. 148. 11. Exc. no. W.5.
Exc. no. W.3. K. M. inv. no. 65-13-38.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-29. H 0.20, W 0.335, Th. 0.24.
H 0.23, W 0.335, Th. 0.20. Limestone.
Limestone. MDAFA, XXV, pl. 67, no. 220; Syria, 60, pl. V, no. 3; L.N.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 67, no. 219; Proceedings, 47, pl. 22a. In the acanthus leaves, bust of a man facing slightly to
In the acanthus leaves, bust of a man facing. right. Abacus decorated with ears of corn.
Abacus decorated with an undulating vine tendril
with leaves and bunches of grapes.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. SK. Cap. 150. 13.

Exc. no. W.6.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-43.
H 0.21, W 0.35, Th. 0.265.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 67, no. 223.
In the acanthus leaves, bust of a man
facing. Abacus decorated with lozenges.

K.p. SK. Cap. 151. 14.

Exc. no. W.8.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-31.
H 0.21, W 0.34, Th. 0.20.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 67, nos 224 & 225; Syria, 60, pl. V, no. 2.
Corner capital. In the acanthus leaves, bust of
a man facing. Abacus decorated with a zigzag
double line delineating triangular half-flowerets.

K.p. SK. Cap. 152. 15a & b.

K. M. inv. no. 65-13-39.
H 0.20, W 0.375, Th. 0.37.
a Limestone.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 68, nos 229–30.
Corner capital (in bad condition). In
the acanthus leaves, busts facing. Abacus
decorated with an undulating vine tendril
with leaves and bunches of grapes.

66 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

K.p. SK. Cap. 153. 16a, b, c & d.

K. M. inv. no. 65-13-34.
H 0.20, W 0.335.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 68, nos 226–28.
Corner capital (in good condition). Three views
(a, b & c) and the base (d). In the acanthus
leaves, busts facing. Abacus decorated with an
undulating vine tendril with leaves and bunches
of grapes.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[K.p. SK. Fr.] Fragments of clay figures

A few fragments of human figures made of clay, covered with stucco and painted with bright colours were
recovered in the open galleries of a very large courtyard at the back of the temple.

K.p. SK. Fr. 154. 1.

Exc. no. F.1.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-360.
W 0.50.
Clay, stucco and white paint.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 70, no. 244; L.N.
Fragment of arm draped in
a pleated cloak.

K.p. SK. Fr. 155. 2.

W 0.50.
Clay, stucco and white paint.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 70, no. 243; L.N.
Fragment of the lower
part of a draped body.

K.p. SK. Fr. 156. 3.

Exc. no. M.7.
W 0.50.
Clay, stucco and white paint.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 70, no. 242; L.N.
Fragment of the upper part of
a body (chest only), wearing a
large piece of jewellery.

68 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
S u r k h K o ta l

[K.p. SK. TB.] The altar in Temple B

K.p. SK. TB. 157. 4a & b.
K. M. inv. no. 65-13-213.
H at the centre: 0.51, W of the base: 1.36, W at the level of the pilaster: 1.34.
MDAFA, XXV, pl. 27, nos 74–76; pl. 69, nos 235 & 236; MIY, fig. 118; L.N.
Altar of Temple B. Altar decorated, on one side only, with two large birds with
outstretched wings standing facing (heads missing). Each bird is placed under an
arcade erected on a two-cornered pilaster with a small column in the centre.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[K.p. SK. KM.] Kuhna Masjid

In 1963 a very unusual rhyton was discovered at the bottom of an old jar full of grain, lying in the ruins of an
ancient farm at Kuhna Masjid, 1 km south-east of Surkh Kotal.

K.p. SK. KM. 158. 5.

H 0.185, max. W 0.075.
Fired worked clay.
D. Schlumberger, AA, XXIV, 1971, pp. 3–7.
This rhyton is composed of two superimposed heads, one human
and the other animal; the eyes may have been inlaid with glass or
semiprecious stones (probably from the Sasanian period).

General view of Surkh Kotal.

70 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Kushan period
[He.p. to K.p.] HELLENISTIC TO

[He.p. to K.p. Dil.] Dilberjin (Bactria)

Dilberjin was a fortified town situated west of the city of Balkh (ancient Bactria). In the centre was a circular
citadel built on a high platform. The ruins of several temples and chapels decorated with wall-paintings and
a few clay images were discovered in the north-west corner by a Russian team. The finds were transferred to
the Kabul Museum in 1977 and 1978. These archaeological remains can be attributed to a period between the
middle of the second century bc and the third century ad.

I. T. Kruglikova and V. Sarianidi, 1971–86 (summaries in French).

  May belong to earlier or later than the Kushan period.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

So-called temple of the Dioscuri

Dil. 1. General plan of the site.

  All the items numbered Dil. 1, Dil. 2, etc. are taken from Kruglikova and Sarianidi (1971–86).

74 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Dil. 2. Temple, first stage.

Dil. 3. Temple,
fourth and fifth stages.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Dil. 4. Temple, painted human figures.

He.p. to K.p. Dil. 159. 1.

H 0.24, W 0.16.
Painted clay.
Kruglikova, 1974, fig. 2 (colour);
photograph, F.T.
Temple, room 3. One of the
Dioscuri taking his horse
(today the interpretation of
these figures as Dioscuri is

Dil. 5. Temple, east gate.

76 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Dil. 6. Temple, Shiva and Parvati.

K.p. Dil. 160. 2.

H 1.70.
Painted clay.
Kruglikova, 1974, pl. 1; photograph, F.T.
South-east corner of room 3. Head of a
man, perhaps a king or a high dignitary.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b c

Dil. 7a, b, c & d. Temple, south-east corner of room 3.

Head of a woman (extensively restored).

Dil. 8. Temple, same findspot. Head of a man.

78 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Small chapels at the north-east

Dil. 9. Plan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Dil. 10. Small chapel at the

north-east. A king (?) and his

K.p. Dil. 161. 3.

Exc. no. 63.
Painted clay.
Kruglikova, 1979, fig. 17; CRAI, 1977, figs
10 & (colour) 19; photograph, F.T.
Head of a crowned king (?).

80 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Dil. 11. The large fresco in chapel 12.

Exc. no. 12.
H 1.0, W 1.75.
Painted clay.
The central figure is seated, his left hand resting on a shield. He is wearing a voluminous embroidered cloak, two kochti are
visible on either side of his head. It may be Anahita, Athena or a vassal king of the Sasanians. Two companions, each wearing a
crown with flowers, on either side of the central figure. On the right, a small servant, and on the left, a high dignitary.

K.p. Dil. 162. 4a.

Painted clay.
Kruglikova, 1976, fig. 56; photograph,
Detail of the large fresco
in chapel 12. Head of the
central figure. a

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Dil. 162. 4b.
Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
The large fresco in chapel 12.

c d
K.p. Dil. 162. 4c. K.p. Dil. 162. 4d.
Painted clay. Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T. Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the large fresco in chapel 12. Head and bust of the central figure. Detail of the large fresco in chapel 12.
Head of the companion on the left of
the central figure.

82 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Dil. 163. 5a.

Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the large fresco in chapel
16.1. The three figures on the far
right. They wear lavish embroidered
caftans, bordered with coloured

K.p. Dil. 163. 5b.

Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the large fresco in chapel
16.1. Head and bust of a donor,
wearing a black skullcap decorated
with bunches of feathers.

a b

K.p. Dil. 163. 5c.

Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the large fresco in chapel 16. The
embroidered dress of the donor on the left.

Dil. 12. Chapel at the north-east. The large

c fresco in the centre of chapel 16.
Painted clay.
Kruglikova, 1979, figs 2, 3 & 5; (colour) 4 & 5.
The eleven donors, and (above) another
person (twelfth donor) accompanied by a
child. Note the back leg of a horse.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Dil. 13. Chapel at the north-east 16.2.

Painted clay.
La Bactriane ancienne 2, 1979, figs 24, 26, 28 & 31.
The fresco is divided into two parts, upper and lower, by a row of white pearls.

K.p. Dil. 164. 6a.

Exc. no. 30.
W 0.155.
Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the upper and lower parts of fresco 16.2. A high
dignitary wearing pointed shoes and baggy trousers. Below,
the row of pearls and the head of the man on the lower part of
a the fresco.

84 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Dil. 164. 6b. b

Exc. no. 17.
Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the lower part of
fresco 16.2. Head of the
man on the far right.

K.p. Dil. 164. 6c.

Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the lower part of fresco
16.2. Two figures on the left
carrying a dish and a cup.

K.p. Dil. 164. 6d.

Exc. no. 31.
Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the lower part of fresco 16.2.
Dress of the same person. d

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Dil. 14. Chapel at the north-east 16.3. Second part. Same arrangement as Dil. 12.
Painted clay.
La Bactriane ancienne 2, 1979, fig. 24.

K.p. Dil. 165. 7a.

Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the upper and lower
parts of fresco 16.3. Two feet of
a big bird on a flower-bed. Two
a heads from the lower part.

86 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Dil. 165. 7b.

Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the lower
part of fresco 16.3.
On the right, head
of the third person.

K.p. Dil. 165. 7c.

Exc. no. 13 (?).
Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of the upper part of fresco 16.3. One leg of the bird and
the left foot of a high dignitary perhaps straddling the bird. b

K.p. Dil. 165. 7d.

Exc. no. 13 (?).
Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Fresco 16.3. Detail of
165. 7a.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Dil. 15. Chapel at the north-east 16.4. West wall.

Painted clay.
La Bactriane ancienne 2, 1979, figs 21 & 22; (colour) 23.
Man wearing a white caftan coming out of the trees.

K.p. Dil. 166. 8.

Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of fresco 16.4. Man wearing a white
caftan embroidered with a red ribbon.

Dil. 16. Chapel at the north-east 16.5. South wall.

Painted clay.
La Bactriane ancienne 2, 1979, figs 19 & 20.
This seems to belong to the second layer of fresco painting. On the upper and lower
parts, nine men seated.

88 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Dil. 17. Chapel at the north-east 16.6.

Exc. no. 44.
Painted clay. K.p. Dil. 167. 9.
La Bactriane ancienne 2, 1979, figs 9 & 10.
Exc. no. 44.
Goddess wearing a helmet, and her servant. Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Kruglikova, 1979, figs 9 & 10; (colour) 9; CRAI, 1977, fig. 12.
Detail of fresco 16.6. Same as the preceding piece.

Dil. 18. Chapel at the north-east 16.7.

Exc. no. 62.
Painted clay.
La Bactriane ancienne 2, 1979, figs 15 & 15a; (colour) 16.
Zoomorphic throne with a donor and the head of a goat.

K.p. Dil. 168. 10.

Exc. no. 62 (?).
Painted clay.
Photograph, F.T.
Detail of fresco 16.7. Same as the preceding piece. Head of the
goat and perhaps a small section of the zoomorphic throne.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985


K.p. Dil. 170. 12.

K. M. inv. no. 547-39-78.
Kruglikova, 1974, fig. 57, nos 1 & 2; L.N.
Statue of a young boy feeding a bird, without head.

K.p. Dil. 169. 11.

H 1.0.
Dried and painted clay.
Kruglikova, 1977 (cover); CRAI, 1977, April–May, fig. 13; photograph, F.T.
Possible statue of Herakles, head missing.

K.p. Dil. 171. 13.

K. M. inv. no. 524-39-78.
Photograph, L.N.
Head of a young boy.

90 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Dil. 172. 14. K.p. Dil. 173. 15.

K. M. inv. no. 523-39-78. K. M. inv. no. 536-39-78.
Clay. Clay.
Kruglikova, 1974, p. 96, fig. 68, no. 1; L.N. Kruglikova, 1974, p. 36, fig. 26; Kruglikova, 1977, p. 41, fig. 32,
Head and body of a woman. no. 7; Kruglikova, 1986, p. 81, fig. 77, no. 1; L.N.
Small headless divinity.

K.p. Dil. 174. 16. K.p. Dil. 175. 17.

K. M. inv. no. 541-39-78. K. M. inv. no. 507-39-78.
Clay. Clay.
Photograph, L.N. Kruglikova, 1977, p. 100, fig. 103, no. 1; L.N.
Head of a woman wearing a diadem. Head of a smiling woman.

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K.p. Dil. 176. 18. K.p. Dil. 177. 19.

K. M. inv. no. 542-39-78. K. M. inv. no. 560-39-78.
Clay. Clay.
Photograph, L.N. Photograph, L.N.
Head of a woman. Head of a man with a moustache.

K.p. Dil. 178. 20.

K. M. inv. no. 558-39-78.
Photograph, L.N.
Head and body of a man.

92 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Dil. 179. 21. K.p. Dil. 180. 22.

K. M. inv. no. 565-39-78. K. M. inv. no. 489-39-78.
Clay. Clay.
Photograph, L.N. Photograph, L.N.
Head of a camel. Small horse.

K.p. Dil. 181. 23.

K. M. inv. no. 384-39-78.
Photograph, L.N.
Head of an animal (dog or

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[K.p. LT. Bagh.] Lili Tepe, Baghlan (Bactria)

K.p. LT. Bagh. 182. 1.

H 0.53, W 0.56.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXIII, no. 1.
Life story of the Buddha. The episode of the Great Departure, Siddhartha
leaving his wife, Yashodara.

K.p. LT. Bagh. 183. 2.

Same piece.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXIII, no. 2.
Life story of the Buddha. Siddhartha leaving the town of Kapilavastu.

94 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Ch a m Q a l a

[K.p. ChQ. Bagh.] Cham Qala, Baghlan (Bactria)

A Japanese team from the University of Tokyo excavated a site near Baghlan in the 1960s. In the ruins of a qala,
they found what might have been the gates of a small town and the remains of a monastery and a stupa. The
reliefs and capitals came to the Kabul Museum.

MDAFA, XIX (1964), pp. 37–39.

K.p. ChQ. Bagh. 184. 1a.
No numbers or measurements. K.p. ChQ. Bagh. 184. 1b.
Stone. No numbers or measurements.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXIV, no. 1. Stone.
Front part of a capital belonging to a corner pilaster. MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXIV, no. 2.
Side view of the same capital.

K.p. ChQ. Bagh. 185. 2a.
K. M. inv. no. 64 -13-1. b
H 0.27, Diam. 0.21.
Stone. K.p. ChQ. Bagh. 185. 2b.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXV, no. 1; ROW, 66, fig. 97; L.N. Same number and same measurements as the previous piece.
Three-quarter view of a capital belonging to a corner MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXV, no. 2.
pilaster. Decoration of winged griffins (found in 1968). Side view of the same capital.

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K.p. ChQ. Bagh. 186. 3a.

L 0.22.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXV, no. 3.
Three-quarter view of a fragmented capital. Decoration of a lion
a and three figures.

K.p. ChQ. Bagh. 186. 3b.

L 0.17.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXV, no. 4.
b Detail of the former piece: the three figures.

K.p. ChQ. Bagh. 187. 4a.

H 0.36.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXVI, no. 1.
Three-quarter view of a capital. Fragment. Decoration
of two Buddhist images and a large bird standing
facing. Found in 1957. a

K.p. ChQ. Bagh. 187. 4b.

H 0.40.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXVI, no. 2.
Detail of the former piece: one seated figure (the
Buddha) and two standing figures. b

96 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Ah a n g a r a n

[K.p. Ah. Qz.] Ahangaran, Qunduz (Bactria)

In 1936 local villagers accidentally found the ruins of a large monastery near the city of Qunduz in Bactria. A
series of stucco heads and other implements were soon studied by Joseph Hackin. They were kept for years at
the house of Sarvar Jan in Qunduz before being taken to the Kabul Museum.

K. Fisher, 1958, ArA, XXI, pp. 231–53.
J. Hackin, 1950, Afgh., pp. 1–10 (reprint, MDAFA, VIII, 1959, pp. 19–21).

K.p. Ah. Qz. 188. 1. K.p. Ah. Qz. 189. 2.

H 0.149, W 0.093. H 0.094, W 0.073.
Stucco or plaster. Stucco or plaster.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 50. MDAFA, VIII, fig. 51.
Head with curly hair. Mask of a young man.

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K.p. Ah. Qz. 190. 3. K.p. Ah. Qz. 191. 4.

Stucco or plaster. H 0.12, W 0.07.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 53. Stucco or plaster.
Medallion with the bust of a woman. MDAFA, VIII, fig. 59.
Head of a woman with curly hair and a

a b
K.p. Ah. Qz. 192. 5a & b.
H 0.18, W 0.075.
Stucco or plaster.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 56.
(a) Head of a man with curly hair and wearing what is
probably a Phrygian cap. (b) Profile.

98 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Ah a n g a r a n

K.p. Ah. Qz. 193. 6. K.p. Ah. Qz. 194. 7.

Stucco or plaster. K. M. inv. no. 64-15-1.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 61. H 0.125, W 0.08.
Mask of a youth with large eyes. Stucco or plaster.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 60; ROW, 66, fig. 74; ROW, 71, fig. 132; L.N.
Head of a woman (in good condition).

K.p. Ah. Qz. 195. 8.

H 0.125, W 0.08.
Stucco or plaster.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 62.
Figurine. Garuda (head missing).

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K.p. Ah. Qz. 196. 9. K.p. Ah. Qz. 197. 10.

H 0.46. Stone.
Stone. Fisher, 1958, fig. 3.
Fisher, 1958, fig. 2. Two more details with stories of the Buddha’s life.
Two details of a large illustrated carved relief, with stories
of the Buddha’s life.

K.p. Ah. Qz. 198. 11.

Fisher, 1958, fig. 4.
Fragment of the complete relief depicting scenes of the
Buddha’s life.

100 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Two unexpected pieces from the site of the city of Qunduz were discovered, one at Sharh Darra in 1960.

K.p. Qz. 199. 12.

H 0.28, W 0.24.
MDAFA, XIX, p. 39, pl. XXIV, no. 3.
Fragment of a relief
depicting a Bodhisattva
(no head).

K.p. Qz. 200. 13.

Higuchi & Kuwayama, 1970,
fig. 71.
Seated Bodhisattva
(no head).

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[K.p. ChT. Qz.] Chaqalaq Tepe, Qunduz (Bactria)

The Japanese team from the University of Kyoto discovered a monastery and a broken stupa, fortified by two
high walls, in the village of Chaqalaq Tepe, 11 km south of Qunduz. A few pieces made of stone and terracotta,
together with glass and coins, were taken to the Kabul Museum.

T. Higuchi and S. Kuwayama, 1970.

a b
K.p. ChT. Qz. 201. 1a & b.
Exc. nos 65 & 68.
Higuchi & Kuwayama, 1970, pl. 57.
Two figures on a decorative pillar. One is clad as an Indian (a), and the other as a foreigner (b).
(The faces have been destroyed.)

102 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Ch a q a l a q T e p e

K.p. ChT. Qz. 202. 2.

Exc. no. 64, 123. K.p. ChT. Qz. 203. 3.
Stone. Exc. no. 65, 162.
Higuchi & Kuwayama, 1970, pl. 57, no. 5. Stone.
Small head of the Buddha with a mandorla. Higuchi & Kuwayama, 1970, pl. 58, no. 2.
Small figure (defaced).

a b c
K.p. ChT. Qz. 204. 4a, b & c.
Exc. no. 65, 126.
Baked clay.
Higuchi & Kuwayama, 1970, pl. 58, no. 11.
Three fragments of a bowl. These little figures were placed around the rim of the bowl and may have been prophylactic.

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K.p. ChT. Qz. 205. 5. K.p. ChT. Qz. 206. 6.

Baked clay. Glass.
Higuchi & Kuwayama, 1970, pl. 58, no. 8. Higuchi & Kuwayama, 1970, pl. 62, no. 2.
Head of a horse. Bottle with a tall neck.

K.p. ChT. Qz. 207. 7.

Higuchi & Kuwayama, 1970, pl. 62, no. 1.
Large glass vessel, decorated
with a whirling glass thread.

104 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Turki Shahi period
[K.p. to T.Sh.p.] KUSHAN TO TURKI

[K.p. to T.Sh.p. By.] Bamiyan (Bamiyan province)

The old city of Bamiyan is situated in a narrow valley in the centre of the Hindu Kush mountains. For centuries,
travellers and pilgrims from Central Asia and Bactria passed through this valley, which may have been one of
the easiest routes to the Indus valley and then on to the River Ganges in India. The famous Chinese pilgrim
Xuan Zang, who visited the site in ad 632, described the giant statues of the Buddha that dominated the valley.
The many grottoes, both large and small, used as monasteries by the Buddhist monks and also as lodgings
by the local villagers, are of particular interest. The chapels were carved in the rock and decorated with clay
modellings and wonderful paintings.
In the 1930s several carvings and paintings from Bamiyan and the nearby complex of Kakrak were
brought to the Kabul Museum, under extremely difficult circumstances, by members of DAFA.
The precise dating of the finds from the Bamiyan valley and the surrounding areas is still problematic.
They may belong to the period between the late Kushans and the Turki Shahis.

MDAFA, II (1928), III (1933).
Survey by a Japanese team, 1976, Kyoto University.
Z. Tarzi, 1977.

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Monastery G

T.Sh.p. By. 208. 1.

Exc. no. B.51.
K. M. inv. no. 61-5-9.
H 0.085, W 0.11.
Painted clay.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXVIII, fig. 80; ROW, 71, no. 144; DUP, fig. 38;
Tarzi, B89.
Head of Mahakashyapa.

T.Sh.p. By. 209. 2. T.Sh.p. By. 210. 3.

Exc. no. B.46. Exc. no. B.17.
K. M. inv. no. 61-5-10. H 0.07.
H 0.12. Painted clay.
Painted clay. MDAFA, III, pl. LXV, fig. 73; ROW, 71, no. 143; Tarzi, B85.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXVI, fig. 78; MIZ, no. 182; ROW, 66, fig. 79; Tarzi, B82. Head of a man with a moustache.
Head of a monk.

108 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
B a m i ya n

T.Sh.p. By. 211. 4. T.Sh.p. By. 212. 5.

Exc. no. B.30. Exc. no. B.19.
K. M. inv. no. 61-5-11. K. M. inv. no. 61-5-3.
H 0.12. H 0.15.
Painted clay. Painted clay.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXVI, fig. 77; MIZ, fig. 183; ROW, 66, fig. 80; ROW, MDAFA, III, pl. LXVI, fig. 79; MIZ, fig. 181; ROW, 66, fig. 78; L.N.
71, fig. 143; Tarzi, B81. Head of a deva.
Head of a yaksha.

T.Sh.p. By. 213. 6.

Exc. no. B.49.
K. M. inv. no. 61-5-151.
H 0.35.
Painted clay.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXVII, fig. 79; L.N.
Headless seated Buddha.

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T.Sh.p. By. 214. 7.

Exc. no. B.18.
H 0.07.
Painted clay.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXV, fig. 74.
Face of a sad young man.

T.Sh.p. By. 215. 8.

Exc. no. B.29.
H 0.032.
Carved wood.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXVI, fig. 76.
Small head (in very bad condition).

T.Sh.p. By. 216. 9.

Exc. no. B.1.
H 0.09, L 0.10.
Clay with wood inside, traces of pink.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXV, fig. 71.
Head of a lion.

110 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
B a m i ya n

Monastery D

T.Sh.p. By. 217. 10.

Exc. no. D.12.
H 0.22, W 0.38.
Painted stucco.
MIZ, fig. 178; ROW, 66, fig. 75; DUP, fig. 37; D.D. B.103.13; Tarzi, B55.
Medallion in a pearl border; two birds, facing each
other and holding a necklace.

T.Sh.p. By. 218. 11.

Exc. no. D.9.
H 0.30, W 0.37.
Painted stucco.
MDAFA, III, pl. X, fig. 10 (general view of the ceiling); MIZ, fig. 179;
ROW, 66, fig. 76; Tarzi, B56.
Head of a boar, facing right.

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T.Sh.p. By. 219. 12.

Exc. no. D.10.
H 0.18, W 0.20.
Painted stucco.
MDAFA, III, pl. X, fig. 10 (general
view of the ceiling); Tarzi, B57.

T.Sh.p. By. 221. 14.

Exc. no. D.3.
K. M. inv. no. 61-5-22.
Clay modelling.
MDAFA, III, fig. 14; Tarzi, B65.
T.Sh.p. By. 220. 13.
Grotesque with the face of a barbarian.
Exc. no. D.5.
Clay modelling.
Tarzi, B63, B64.
Detail of the ceiling of the chapel: a small parrot.

112 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
B a m i ya n

Monastery I

T.Sh.p. By. 222. 15.

Exc. no. GB.2.
K. M. inv. no. 6-5-19.
Clay modelling.
MDAFA, III, pl. XXXIII, figs 35–36; D.D. B.103.16; Tarzi, B134; L.N.
Section between two arcades: a kirttimukha.

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Monastery V

T.Sh.p. By. 223. 16.

Exc. no. GB.5.
K. M. inv. no. 61-5-7.
Clay modelling.
G. 081526/7; MDAFA, III, pl. XL, fig. 47; MIZ, fig. 184; Tarzi, B137.
Corner piece with a winged griffin facing right.

T.Sh.p. By. 224. 17.

Exc. no. GB.22.
K. M. inv. no. 61-5-8.
H 0.22, L 0.40.
Clay modelling.
MDAFA, III, pl. XL, fig. 47 (in situ); MIZ, fig. 185; ROW, 66, fig. 82; Tarzi, B140.
Corner piece with vegetal motifs.

114 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
B a m i ya n

T.Sh.p. By. 225. 18.

Exc. no. GB.12.
Clay modelling.
G. 081526/5; MDAFA, III, pl. XL, fig. 47 (in situ); Tarzi, B139.
Duck facing right with vegetal motif in its bill.

T.Sh.p. By. 226. 19.

Exc. no. GB.15 (?).
H 0.125, L 0.44.
Clay modelling.
D.D. B.103.163.
Two ducks facing right with vegetal motifs in their bills.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[T.Sh.p. Ka.] Kakrak (Bamiyan province)

A second Buddhist monastic site was excavated in the Kakrak valley south-east of Bamiyan. Along with a smaller
Buddha statue than those of Bamiyan, some dwellings of Buddhist monks were found in the main precinct. The
paintings in the grottoes were removed and taken to the Kabul Museum by Joseph Hackin. The best known is a
figure of the ‘hunter-king’ and his dog. The site is thought to date to a little later than the main site in Bamiyan.

MDAFA, II (1928); III (1933).
Survey by a Japanese team, 1976, Kyoto University.
Z. Tarzi, 1977.

T.Sh.p. Ka. 227. 1.

Exc. no. K.15.
H 0.60, W 0.52.
Painted clay.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXXII, fig. 86; ROW, 71,
figs 145–46; Tarzi, B160.
The hunter-king facing,
accompanied by his dog.

116 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

T.Sh.p. Ka. 228. 2.

Painted clay.
Mentioned in DUP, p. 93.
Fragment. Hand of the Buddha.

T.Sh.p. Ka. 229. 3.

Exc. no. K.16.
H 0.77.
Painted clay.
MDAFA, III, pl. LXXIII, fig. 87; Tarzi, B158; L.N.
Two Buddhas seated to the right of the king.

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T.Sh.p. Ka. 230. 4.

Exc. no. K.12.
K. M. inv. no. 61-5-1.
H 0.95, W 0.90.
Painted clay.
MDAFA, III, fig. 84; G.G., 61, fig. 145; MIZ, fig. 180; ROW, 66, fig. 77; ROW,
71, fig. 140: DUP, fig. 13 (colour); D.D. B.103.171.
Mandala. Fragment of a decoration of the canopy of
one of the chapels of the monastery. A seated Buddha in
centre surrounded by eleven small Buddhas or monks.

T.Sh.p. Ka. 231. 5.

H 0.90, W 0.80.
Painted clay.
MIY, fig. 236.
Mandala. Another fragment with similar
decoration to the preceding piece.

118 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

T.Sh.p. Ka. 232. 6. T.Sh.p. Ka. 233. 7.

Exc. no. K.18. Painted clay.
H 0.50, W 0.40. Tarzi, B161.
Painted clay. Seated Buddha. Fragment from the same chapel.
MDAFA, III, fig. 89.
Seated Buddha, teaching. Fragment from the same chapel.

T.Sh.p. Ka. 235. 9.

Exc. K.40.
H 0.33, W 0.31.
Painted clay.
MDAFA, III, pl. LX, fig. 68, pl. LXI
(drawing by Jean Carl); Tarzi, B164.
Corner piece with two
seated Buddhas (the one
on the left is larger).
Fragment from the
T.Sh.p. Ka. 234. 8. same chapel.
Painted clay.
MIY, fig. 238; Tarzi, B163.
Two seated Buddhas and a conch in
between. Fragment from the same chapel.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[T.Sh.p. Fu.] Funduqistan (Parvan province)

By the mountain road from Bamiyan to Kabul (117 km north-west of Kabul and 120 km east of Bamiyan), near
the village of Siyagird, some children accidentally discovered some fragments of mud-mouldings and brought
them to the local authorities. Fortunately, Joseph Hackin and Jean Carl of DAFA visited the site in 1936 and
began excavation work. They discovered a charming small monastery. In the alcoves of its chapels were groups
of previously unknown male and female figures executed in a vivid and realistic style. These sculptures date
from the late seventh to the eighth century ad. They were moved to the Kabul Museum with great difficulty.

D. Barrett, 1957, OrA, III, 2.
J. Hackin, 1959, MDAFA, VIII, pp. 49–58.
B. Rowland, Jr., 1953.

Chapel A

T.Sh.p. Fu. 236. 1.

K. M. inv. no. 61-9-6.
H 0.29.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 154; MIZ, fig. 187; ROW,
66, fig. 92; ROW, 71, fig. 71; L.N.
Seated young man, with a large
medallion on his chest.

120 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
F u n d u q i s ta n

T.Sh.p. Fu. 237. 2.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-75.
H 0.35.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 155; ROW, 71, fig. 152; L.N.
Young man wearing jewellery and a scarf around his torso.

T.Sh.p. Fu. 238. 3.

K. M. inv. no. 61-9-1.
H 0.28, H of the head: 0.075.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 150; G.G., 61, fig. 149; MIZ, fig. 186; ROW, 71, fig. 157.
Woman wearing three necklaces (her left arm broken).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

T.Sh.p. Fu. 239. 4.

H 0.22.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 153.
Woman wearing elaborate garments (damaged in several
places, especially the head and the left shoulder).

T.Sh.p. Fu. 240. 5.

H 0.20.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 156.
Beautiful head of a youth, with curly hair.

122 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
F u n d u q i s ta n

T.Sh.p. Fu. 241. 6.

H 0.39, H of the head: 0.13.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, figs 149 & 151.
Young boy with an unusual head-dress.

T.Sh.p. Fu. 242. 7. T.Sh.p. Fu. 243. 8.

H 0.215. Dried clay with traces of paint.
Dried clay with traces of paint. MDAFA, VIII, fig. 187.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 185; ROW, 71, fig. 155. Head of a woman with wavy hair.
Head of a man with wavy hair.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Chapel C

T.Sh.p. Fu. 244. 9.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-6.
H 0.36.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 167; ROW, 71, fig. 160; L.N.
Legend of the mother of Jyostika.

124 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
F u n d u q i s ta n

T.Sh.p. Fu. 245. 10a & b.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-3.
H 0.685.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 177; ROW, 71, fig. 150; D.D. B.103.2; L.N.
The Buddha, or a companion of the Buddha, seated in
abhaya mudra. (The same sculpture seen from two different

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T.Sh.p. Fu. 246. 11.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-1.
H 0.65.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 163; ROW, 71, fig. 154; D.D. B.103.5; L.N.
The Buddha in dharmachakra mudra, seated cross-legged
on the lotus throne.

126 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
F u n d u q i s ta n

Chapel D

T.Sh.p. Fu. 248. 13.

K. M. inv. no. 61-9-4.
H 0.11.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 186; G.G, fig. 61; MIZ, fig. 190; ROW, 66, fig. 96; ROW, 71,
fig. 163.
Small head of a young boy wearing a pointed cap.

T.Sh.p. Fu. 247. 12.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-5.
H 0.705.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 175; ROW, 66, fig. 11a; ROW, 71, fig. 153; L.N.
Tall figure of a seated deva or Bodhisattva.

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T.Sh.p. Fu. 249. 14.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-4.
H 0.40.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 182; ROW, 71, fig. 159; DUP, fig. 40; D.D. B.103.170.
One of the fountains, with a naga sitting in water.

T.Sh.p. Fu. 250. 15.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-38.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 58; L.N.
Head of a beautiful woman.

128 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
F u n d u q i s ta n

T.Sh.p. Fu. 251. 16.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-8.
H 0.215.
Dried clay with traces of paint and gilding.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 170; ROW, 71, fig. 155.
Head of the large central figure of the Bodhisattva in
chapel D.

T.Sh.p. Fu. 252. 17.

Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 173.
Small naked boy, probably wearing a chasuble, decorated
with pearls.

T.Sh.p. Fu. 253. 18.

K. M. inv. no. 61-9-2.
H 0.19.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, figs 61 & 62; G.G., 61, fig. 152; MIZ, fig. 188; ROW, 66, fig. 94;
ROW, 71, fig. 162.
Mask of a demon, or a kirttimukha, or the moon (?).

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Chapel E

T.Sh.p. Fu. 254. 19.

K. M. inv. no. 65-9-7.
H of the prince: 0.53.
Dried clay with important traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, figs 189–94: ROW, 71, fig. 149; L.N.
Princely couple seated on a pile of cushions,
similar to Sasanian style. The prince wearing an
ornate caftan and the princess in Indian-style
garments (heads missing).

T.Sh.p. Fu. 255. 20.

K. M. inv. no. 61-9-4.
H 0.51.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 180; ROW, 71, fig. 156; L.N.
Woman emerging from drapery, wearing two beautiful necklaces.

130 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
F u n d u q i s ta n

Chapel K

T.Sh.p. Fu. 256. 21.

K. M. inv. no. 61-9-3.
H 0.16.
Dried clay with traces of paint.
MDAFA, VIII, figs 183 & 184; G.G.,
61, fig. 150; ROW, 66, fig. 95; ROW,
71, fig. 95; MIY, fig. 248; L.N.
Head of a bearded man
wearing a pointed cap.

T.Sh.p. Fu. 257. 22.

H 0.33.
ROW, 71, fig. 147.
Young man draped in a shawl.

T.Sh.p. Fu. 258. 23. T.Sh.p. Fu. 259. 24.

H 0.335. H 0.11.
Dried clay with traces of paint. Dried clay.
ROW, 71, fig. 151. ROW, 71, fig. 161.
Elegant young woman seated and Man’s hand.
wearing a pleated blouse.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

These ornamental panels were painted on the exterior walls of the chapels. Only one (a) was recovered and
brought to the Kabul Museum. No record appears to have survived of the fragments of the three other panels.
The only reference, therefore, is provided by Jean Carl’s drawings (b, c and d).

a b
T.Sh.p. Fu. 260. 25a. T.Sh.p. Fu. 260. 25b, c & d.
Thin layer of stucco on dried clay with faded colours. MDAFA, VIII, figs. 199–201.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 198. Drawings by Jean Carl of the three missing figures.

132 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
F u n d u q i s ta n

c d

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[K.p. Beg.] Begram (Kapisa province)

Begram was a large city, probably a royal town, situated some 80 km north of Kabul, in the province of Kapisa.
When the ivory and bone pieces were first discovered in the Begram treasury in 1937, they were thought to
be elements from luxury furniture belonging to a king, or more particularly his queen. However, neither the
architectural elements nor the situation of the site seem to indicate that the building could be identified as
a royal residence. The pieces of the treasure may therefore be identified as precious goods belonging to an
important merchant to be sold or presented to wealthy people or perhaps to some petty sovereign or the
king. This problem has to be studied anew.
The ivory and bone furniture was made of carved, incised or engraved pieces, possibly painted (red and
black), fixed to wooden frames with copper nails. Most of these elements have been found, although they are
in very poor condition. Since the wooden settings had practically disappeared, the ivory pieces were often
reduced to tiny fragments.
I have listed the pieces in the order adopted by the excavators when publishing them in 1939–54, in
other words, reconstituting (as far as possible) each fragment belonging to a chair, a chaise longue, a stool or
a little coffer. These ivory pieces show marked similarities with the luxury furniture depicted in the carvings
from Mathura and Amaravati of the same period (second half of the first century and the second century ad or
perhaps a little later).
The original photographs, in situ, together with the reconstruction of some pieces by Pierre Hamelin
(see MDAFA, XI), allow us to gain an understanding of these magnificent artistic masterpieces of ancient
furniture. One of them, chair 161 (M. K. inv. no. 58-1-101; see K.p. Beg. 264. 4), beautifully reconstructed, was on
display in the Kabul Museum before the last war.

J. Hackin, 1939, MDAFA, IX.
J. Hackin, J. Carl and P. Hamelin, 1954, MDAFA, XI.
P. Hamelin, 1952, Cahiers de Byrsa, II, pp. 11–25.
P. Hamelin, 1953, Cahiers de Byrsa, III, pp. 121, 128.
P. Hamelin, 1954, Cahiers de Byrsa, IV, pp. 153, 183.

134 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006


Three yakshi, each standing on a makara

At the very beginning of this section on the site of Begram, I wish to illustrate the harmonious group of three
female figures recently recovered after the war and following a long period of anxiety about their fate (2005).
They require further study owing to new details that have emerged since their reappearance.

K.p. Beg. 261. 1a.
K M. inv. nos 59-1-301, 59-1-302 & 59-1-303.
Ivory, high relief.
MDAFA, IX, figs 75–81.
Group photograph of the three yakshi.

K.p. Beg. 261. 1b.

Exc. no. 173.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-301.
H 0.56.
Ivory, high relief.
G. 81315/202; MDAFA, IX, figs 79–80; D.D. B.103.31.
Yakshi standing on a makara. The figure, depicted purely in the Indian
tradition, may represent a river goddess. b

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K.p. Beg. 262. 2. K.p. Beg. 263. 3.

Exc. no. 174a. Exc. no. 174b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-302. K. M. inv. 59-1-303.
H 0.45. H 0.45.
Ivory, high relief. Ivory, high relief.
G. 81315/195.197; MDAFA, IX, figs 75–78; D.D. B.103.37, 38, 91 & 92. G. 81315/198.199; MDAFA, IX, fig. 81 (face alone); D.D. B.103.33–35.
Yakshi standing on a makara. Yakshi standing on a makara.

136 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Chair 161
Pieces found in room 10 of the Begram excavations are listed in Hackin, 1939 (MDAFA, IX). One of the most
interesting and important items was chair 161. It has been beautifully reconstructed, using the original ivories
and a small number of plaster casts.

K.p. Beg. 264. 4.

General reconstruction of chair 161. Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 636; G.G., 61 (no photograph); DUP, fig. 9; D.D. B.103.42.
Original elements and a few plaster casts.

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K.p. Beg. 265. 5. K.p. Beg. 266. 6.

Exc. no. 104. Exc. no. 105.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101.
H 0.112, W 0.069. H 0.113, W 0.074.
Ivory plaque, high relief. Ivory plaque, high relief.
G. 81315/106; MDAFA, IX, fig. 65. G. 81315/107; MDAFA, IX, fig. 66.
Element of chair 161. Two women, Element of chair 161. Two women
one sitting and the other standing. dancing.

K.p. Beg. 267. 7.

Exc. no. 107.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101.
H 0.117, W 0.07.
Ivory plaque, high relief.
G. 81315/109; MDAFA, IX, fig. 69.
Element of chair 161. Two
women standing engaged in

138 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 268. 8.

Exc. no. 113.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101.
H 0.08, W 0.073.
Ivory plaque, high relief. K.p. Beg. 269. 9.
G. 81315/110; MDAFA, IX, fig. 70. Exc. no. 114.
Element of chair 161. Two women, one K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101.
standing and the other sitting on an H 0.108, W 0.06.
ottoman. Ivory plaque, high relief.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 68.
Element of chair 161. Two
women standing and at play.

K.p. Beg. 270. 10.

Exc. no. 161a1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101.
H 0.084, W 0.068.
Ivory plaque, high relief.
G. 8131565/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 56.
Element of chair 161.
Two women standing and

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 272. 12. K.p. Beg. 273. 13.

Exc. no. 161b1. Exc. no. 161cl.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101.
H 0.084, W 0.072. H 0.082, W 0.079.
Ivory plaque, high relief. Ivory plaque, high relief.
G. 8131565/5; MDAFA, XI, fig. 59. G. 8131565/6; MDAFA, XI, fig. 55.
Element of chair 161. Two women dancing. Element of chair 161. A woman seated on
the lap of a man (?).

140 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

facing page:

K.p. Beg. 271. 11.

Exc. no. 161p.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101.
H 0.05, L 0.40.
Ivory plaque, high relief.
G. 81315/2; MDAFA, XI, figs 53 & 57.
Element of chair 161. Lower band decorated with animals (elephant,
lion, bull) and paired birds, etc. and a monster with a human face.

K.p. Beg. 274. 14. K.p. Beg. 275. 15.

Exc. no. 161d1. Exc. no. 161e1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-101.
H 0.082, W 0.075. H 0.091, W 0.07.
Ivory plaque, high relief. Ivory plaque, high relief.
G. 8131565/7; MDAFA, XI, fig. 54. G. 8131565/8; MDAFA, XI, fig. 58.
Element of chair 161. Two women walking. Element of chair 161. Two women dancing.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Coffers or stools
The following thirteen groups of fragments were originally thought to be parts of luxury caskets. They have
now been convincingly interpreted as footstools for women. Each group of fragments comes from one stool.
It should be remembered that the excavators faced the problem of reconstructing pieces that had
been found in utter chaos. Some pieces had fallen on top of each other and were buried in a sandy loam,
inside the chambers. Only the excavators’ painstaking work, great skill and patience enabled the relatively safe
recovery of the fragments.

Coffer or stool I

a b
K.p. Beg. 276. 16a & b.
Exc. no. 175b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-144.
H 0.194.
Incised bone.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 83.
Winged lion standing on its hind legs, head and body facing in different directions.
(a) Drawing of the Kabul Museum piece.
(b) Photograph of the Musée Guimet piece (MG. 18978).

142 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 277. 17.

Exc. no. 175d.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-19.
H 0.031, L 0.149.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/101; MDAFA, IX, fig. 98 (two
Fragments of a frame decorated
with leaves, tendrils and corymbs
of the ashoka (ashoka dohada) tree.

K.p. Beg. 278. 18.

K.p. Beg. 279. 19.
Exc. no. 175l.
Exc. no. 175t.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-6.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-13.
H 0.061, W 0.052.
H 0.068, W 0.059.
Incised bone.
Incised bone.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 93.
G. 81315/25; MDAFA, IX, fig. 86.
Makara, facing left, with
Woman seated on a wicker ottoman.
a curled tail. Fragment.

K.p. Beg. 280. 20.

Exc. no. 175v.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-17.
H 0.078, W 0.042.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/103; MDAFA, IX, fig. 97; G.G., 61, no. 6 (no photograph);
MIZ, fig. 75; D.D. B.103.201.
Tree in bloom.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 281. 21.

Exc. no. 175w.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-12.
H 0.078, W 0.071.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/24; MDAFA, IX, fig. 84; MIZ,
fig. 84; D.D. B.103.182.
Woman seated to right on
a wicker ottoman, holding
a cup.

K.p. Beg. 282. 22. K.p. Beg. 283. 23.

Exc. no. 175x. Exc. no. 175y.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-16. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-14.
H 0.077, W 0.059. H 0.07, W 0.046.
Incised bone. Incised bone.
G. 81315/24; G.G., 61, fig. 54; MIZ, fig. 73; ROW, 66, fig. 35. G. 81315/25; MDAFA, IX, fig. 87.
Woman seated, facing left, on a wicker Woman seated, facing left, on a wicker ottoman.

144 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 284. 24. K.p. Beg. 285. 25. K.p. Beg. 286. 26.
Exc. no. 175z. Exc. no. 175e1. Exc. no. 175g1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-7. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-5. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-9.
H 0.079, W 0.041. H 0.059, L 0.086. H 0.038, L 0.069.
Incised bone. Incised bone. Incised bone.
G. 81315/103; MDAFA, IX, fig. 94; D.D. B.103.201. G. 81315/97; MDAFA, IX, fig. 92. MDAFA, IX, fig. 91.
Peacock standing, facing left, under Semicircular plaque with a fowl Duckling facing right.
an ashoka tree. standing, facing right.

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 67–70.
Exc. no. 175i. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-64.
Exc. no. 175k. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-10.
Exc. no. 175j. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-11.
Exc. no. 175m. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-21.
Exc. no. 175n. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-11 (bis).
K.p. Beg. 287. 27. Exc. no. 175r. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-164.
Exc. no. 175f1. Exc. no. 175u. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-15.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-18. Exc. nos 175a1, h1 & l1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-20.
H 0.039, L 0.086. Exc. no. 175d1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-145 (five fragments).
Incised bone. Exc. no. 175j1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-8.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 89. Exc. no. 175k1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-146.
Exc. no. 175m1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-149.
A parrot and a chick on either side of a floweret.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Coffer or stool II

K.p. Beg. 288. 28.

Exc. no. 176b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-58.
H 0.064, L 0.184.
Bone, low relief.
G. 81315/101; MDAFA, IX, fig. 105.
Important figures riding in

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 70–72.
Exc. nos 176 j, k, l, m & n. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-27 (five fragments).
Exc. no. 176o. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-39.
Exc. nos 176p & q. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-36 (two fragments).
Exc. no. F.176r. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-137.
Exc. no. 176s. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-66.
Exc. no. 176t. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-38.
Exc. no. 176u. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-158.
Exc. no. 176v. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-6 (bis).
Exc. no. 176w. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-157.
Exc. nos 176y & z. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-37 (two fragments).
Exc. no. 176a1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-40.
Exc. no. 176b1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-39.
K.p. Beg. 289. 29.
Exc. no. 176c1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-98.
Exc. no. 176c. Exc. no. 176c1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-176.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-108. Exc. no. 176f1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-157 (the number is
H 0.082, L 0.098. repeated in the list).
Bone, low relief. Exc. no. 176p1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-103.
G. 81315/29; MDAFA, IX, fig. 104.
Elephant walking right, carrying two figures.

146 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Coffer or stool III

K.p. Beg. 291. 31a & b.
Exc. no. 177b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-129.
H 0.138, L 0.072.
Incised ivory.
G. 81315/32; MDAFA, IX, fig. 106; MIZ, fig. 71.
Two fragments of an ornamental plaque
with two mandarin ducks holding
a flowering branches in their bills.
K.p. Beg. 290. 30.
Exc. no. 177a.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-129.
H 0.137, W 0.06.
Incised and engraved ivory.
G. 81315/31; MDAFA, IX, fig. 103.
Ornamental plaque. Full-blown
lotus seen from above, with two
pairs of flying ducks (above and K.p. Beg. 293. 33.
below), facing each other.
Exc. nos 177e & f.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-129.
Incised ivory.
G. 81315/30; MDAFA, IX, fig. 106.
Fragments of an ornamental plaque
with flowers, leaves and corymbs of
the ashoka tree.

K.p. Beg. 292. 32.

From this group of finds, no photograph of the
Exc. no. 177d.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-130. following item was found; it is listed here with
Incised ivory. its Kabul Museum inventory number (1974). See
G. 81315/32. MDAFA, IX, pp. 72–73.
Fragment of an
ornamental plaque Exc. no. 177r. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-174.
depicting a duck.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Coffer or stool IV

K.p. Beg. 294. 34.

Exc. no. 178a.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-126.
H 0.151, W 0.106.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 81315/33; MDAFA, IX, fig. 110.
Fragment of a plaque with four rows of lion-
griffins against a background of leaves and
pearl necklaces.

From this group of finds, photographs of the following items

were not found; they are listed here with their Kabul Museum
inventory numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 73–74.
Exc. no. 178c. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-152.
Exc. no. 178e. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-106.
Exc. nos 178f, h & i. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-29.

148 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Coffer or stool V

K.p. Beg. 295. 35.

Exc. nos 179b & f.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-76.
H 0.023, L 0.143.
Incised bone.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 114.
Two fragments of an ornamental band with winged monsters on either side of a floral medallion.

K.p. Beg. 296. 36.

Exc. no. 179d.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-75.
H 0.023, L 0.143 & 0.118.
Incised bone.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 115.
Fragment of an ornamental band with winged monsters on either side of a floral medallion.

K.p. Beg. 297. 37.

Exc. no. 179h.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-87.
H 0.024, L 0.149 & 0.035.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/37.
Leaves and fruit of the ashoka tree.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 149
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 298. 38.

Exc. nos 179i & j.
K. M. inv. no. (reserve): BE 37.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/37.
Three fragments of an ornamental band with flying ducks.

K.p. Beg. 299. 39.

Exc. no. 179k.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-92.
H 0.025, L 0.092.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/37.
Fragment of an ornamental
band with an elongated lion-
griffin, facing right.

K.p. Beg. 300. 40.

Exc. no. 179l.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/37.
Four fragments of ornamental bands. Grotesques in

K.p. Beg. 301. 41.

Exc. no. 179m.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-35.
Incised bone.
Two fragments of an ornamental band with winged griffins
facing each other.

150 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 302. 42.

Exc. no. 179n.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-86.
Incised bone.
Fragment of an ornamental band with a wave motif.

K.p. Beg. 303. 43.

Exc. no. 179o.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-31.
H 0.036, L 0.089.
Incised ivory.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 125; G. 81315/38.
Ornamental plaque with a horse
rider, facing three-quarters to right.

K.p. Beg. 304. 44a & b.

Exc. nos 179t & u.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-185.
H 0.026, L 0.156.
Incised bone.
Fragment of an ornamental
band with elongated lion-
griffins, face to face in front
of a floral motif.
(a) Drawing of the Kabul
Museum piece.
(b) Photograph of the Musée
Guimet piece, 179t, 21375;
MDAFA, IX, fig. 118, for
a comparison. b

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 151
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 305. 45.

Exc. no. 179w.
K. M. inv. nos 59-1-32 & 59-1-33.
H 0.041, L 0.071.
Incised ivory.
G. 81315/39; MDAFA, IX, fig. 126.
Two fragments of an ornamental plaque with a wild lion, facing left.

K.p. Beg. 306. 46. K.p. Beg. 307. 47.

Exc. no. 179c1. Exc. no. 179d1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-2.
H 0.078, L 0.093. H 0.078, L 0.093.
Incised bone. Incised bone.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 127; D.D. B.103.183. 2. MDAFA, IX, fig. 128; D.D. B.103.183. 1.
Ornamental plaque with a Brahman duck, facing left, within a Ornamental plaque with a Brahman duck, facing
border of wavy lines. right, within a border of wavy lines.

152 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 308. 48.

Exc. no. 179f1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-71.
H 0.026, L 0.091.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/44; MDAFA, IX, fig. 121.
Ornamental band with an undulating tendril
of leaves and fruit.

K.p. Beg. 309. 49.

Exc. no. 179o1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-127.
H 0.033, L 0.169.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/45; MDAFA, IX, fig. 119.
Fragment of an ornamental
band with knotted beaded
ribbons over foliage.

K.p. Beg. 310. 50.

Exc. no. 179p1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-41.
K.p. Beg. 311. 51. H 0.028, L 0.097.
Exc. no. 179q1. Incised bone.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-84. G. 81315/45; MDAFA, IX, fig. 120.
H 0.021, L 0.177. Two fragments of an undulating ornamental
Incised bone. band, with lotuses alternating with ducks flying
G. 81315/45; MDAFA, IX, fig. 112. left, each holding a twig in its bill.
Two fragments of an undulating ornamental band
with flowers and corymbs of the ashoka tree.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 312. 52.

Exc. no. 179h2.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-4.
H 0.087, L 0.91.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/45; MDAFA, IX, fig. 131.
Fragment of an ornamental band with a makara, facing
right, within a border of a wave motif (see 179g1 and

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 74–80.
Exc. no. 179f. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-76.
Exc. no. 179g. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-73.
Exc. no. 179p. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-34.
Exc. no. 179q. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-31.
Exc. no. 179b1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-85.
Exc. no. 179g1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-86.
Exc. no. 179m1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-3.
Exc. no. 179r1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-86.

K.p. Beg. 313. 53.

Exc. no. 179k2.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-70.
H 0.071, W 0.05.
Engraved bone.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 135; D.D. B.103.179 (1).
Ornamental plaque with a duck with outstretched
wings within a border of a wave motif.

154 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Coffer or stool VI

K.p. Beg. 314. 54.

Exc. no. 180a. K.p. Beg. 315. 55.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-134. Exc. no. 180d.
H 0.041, L 0.132. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-45.
Relief, openwork. Diam. 0.054.
G. 81315/52; MDAFA, IX, fig. 137. Engraved bone.
Ornamental plaque with a triton, clasping two winged lions, with two G. 81315/29; MDAFA, IX, fig. 143.
assistants; each wears a loincloth made of a triangular leaf and a head- Ornamental plaque with a duck, body
dress in the shape of a fish-tail. facing and head to left, in a medallion.

K.p. Beg. 316. 56.

Exc. no. 180a1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-171.
H 0.029, L 0.11.
Bone, low relief, openwork.
G. 81315/51; MDAFA, IX, fig. 140.
Fragment of an ornamental band with a
row of lion-griffins, facing left.

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 80–83.
Exc. no. 180b. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-30.
Exc. no. 180c. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-90.
Exc. no. 180g. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-47.
Exc. no. 180j. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-46.
K.p. Beg. 317. 57. Exc. nos 180k & l. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-47.
Exc. no. 195b. Exc. no. 180s. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-89.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-177. Exc. no. 180t. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-88.
H 0.062, W 0.05. Exc. no. 180u. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-91.
Bone, openwork. Exc. nos 180x & y. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-136.
G. 81315/51; MDAFA, IX, Exc. no. 180z. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-102.
fig. 139. Exc. no. 180c1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-161.
Rider on a quadruped.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Coffer or stool VII

K.p. Beg. 319. 59.

Exc. no. 181j.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-188 (& 59-1-189?).
H 0.075, L 0.220 (+ 0.10?).
K.p. Beg. 318. 58. Ivory, low relief.
Exc. no. 181d. MDAFA, IX, fig. 138.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-153. Two fragments of an ornamental band with
H 0.055, W 0.028. small figures wrestling or playing musical
Ivory, high relief, openwork. instruments.
G. 81315/52.
Standing woman.

K.p. Beg. 320. 60.

Exc. no. 181m.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-63. K.p. Beg. 322. 62.
H 0.057, W 0.057.
Exc. nos 181o, p, r & s.
Ivory, high relief, openwork.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-68.
G. 81315/53; MDAFA, IX, fig. 146.
H 0.03, L 0.087 + 0.056.
Plaque with two women Bone, low relief, openwork.
seated on a bed. MDAFA, IX, fig. 141.
Four fragments (only one shown here) of an
ornamental band with standing figures, facing,
holding the upturned plumed tails of makara.
K.p. Beg. 321. 61.
Exc. no. 181n.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-226.
H 0.057, W 0.061.
From this group of finds, no photograph of the
Ivory, high relief, openwork.
following item was found; it is listed here with
G. 81315/53; MDAFA, IX,
fig. 147. its Kabul Museum inventory number (1974). See
MDAFA, IX, pp. 83–85.
Plaque with two
women sitting on Exc. no. 181c. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-107.
a bed.

156 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Coffer or stool VIII

K.p. Beg. 323. 63.

Exc. no. 182d.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-183.
H 0.081, W 0.043.
Engraved ivory.
G. 81315/55; MDAFA, IX, fig. 148.
Semicircular plaque
with a makara (right).

K.p. Beg. 324. 64.

Exc. no. 182e.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-131.
H 0.093, W 0.071.
Engraved bone.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 150.
Plaque with a lion-griffin
standing on its hind legs.

K.p. Beg. 326. 66.

Exc. no. 182k.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-91.
H 0.012, L 0.075.
K.p. Beg. 325. 65.
Incised bone.
Exc. no. 182h. G. 81315/55; MDAFA, IX, fig. 142.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-184.
Stylized floral design.
H 0.043, L 0.07.
Engraved bone.
G.81315/103; MDAFA, IX, fig. 96.
Lotus flower (left) and floral branch.

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 85–87.
Exc. no. 182f. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-132.
Exc. no. 182j. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-91
(similar to 182k).

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 157
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Coffer or stool IX

K.p. Beg. 327. 67a & b.

Two drawings by Pierre Hamelin of coffer
or stool IX.
MDAFA, XI, figs 649 & 650.
Two side-views.

K.p. Beg. 328. 68.

Exc. no. 183e1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-63.
H 0.043, L 0.173.
G. 81315/115; MDAFA, IX,
fig. 186.
Panel with elongated
scrolls of foliage, two
animals and a yaksha.

158 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 329. 69.

Exc. no. 183g1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-55.
H 0.019.
Incised ivory.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 187.
Monsters and animals: decoration of the holes to take the little pegs needed for the construction of coffer or stool IX.

K.p. Beg. 330. 70.

Exc. nos 183a & b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-43.
H 0.29, L 0.465.
Incised ivory, low relief.
G. 81315/207; MDAFA, IX,
figs 175–76, 181 & 182; D.D.
B.103.39 & 40 (complete view
of upper part).
Large plaque:
upper part of coffer
or stool IX. Full
description in MDAFA,
IX, pp. 87–90.

K.p. Beg. 331. 71.

Exc. no. 183.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-43.
Incised ivory, low relief.
ROW, 66, fig. 6, p. 64.
General view of coffer or
stool IX.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 332. 72.

Exc. no. 183d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-61. K.p. Beg. 333. 73.
H 0.187. Exc. no. 183f.
Incised ivory, low relief. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-60.
G. 81315/204; MDAFA, IX, H 0.16.
fig. 156; D.D. B.103.176. Incised ivory, low relief.
Woman standing, MDAFA, IX, fig. 155; D.D. B.103.41.
facing three-quarters Woman walking under a
to right. tree in bloom.

K.p. Beg. 335. 75.

Exc. no. 183q.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-54.
H 0.067.
Incised ivory.
K.p. Beg. 334. 74. MDAFA, IX, fig. 167.
Exc. no. 183n. Lion with body
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-51. turned left and
H 0.063. head facing right.
Incised ivory.
G. 81315/72; MDAFA, IX,
fig. 165.

160 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 336. 76. K.p. Beg. 337. 77. K.p. Beg. 338. 78.
Exc. no. 183r. Exc. no. 183u. Exc. no. 183v.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-45. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-53. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-48.
H 0.054. H 0.067. H 0.055.
Incised ivory. Incised ivory. Incised ivory.
G. 81315/75; MDAFA, IX, fig. 171. G. 81315/75; MDAFA, IX, fig. 174. MDAFA, IX, fig. 180.
Lion with ram’s horns, facing left. Prancing buffalo, facing left. Horse walking left.

Temporary deposit in the Musée Guimet, coffer or stool IX, three ivory pieces in the exhibition catalogue: Afghanistan, une
histoire millénaire, Paris, 2002, fig. 37.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 161
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 339. 79. K.p. Beg. 340. 80. K.p. Beg. 341. 81.
Exc. no. 183w. Exc. no. 183x. Exc. no. 183y.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-52. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-46. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-47.
H 0.071. H 0.065. H 0.069.
Incised ivory. Incised ivory. Incised ivory.
G. 81315/73; MDAFA, IX, fig. 173. MDAFA, IX, fig. 179; L.N. G. 81315/79; MDAFA, IX, fig. 160.
Lion with a human head, body turned Horned lion walking left, head Standing lioness.
left and head facing right. turned right.

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 87–97.
K.p. Beg. 342. 82.
Exc. no. 183z. Exc. no. 183h K. M. inv. no. 58-1-59.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-44. Exc. no. 183j. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-62.
H 0.062. Exc. no. 183k. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-58.
Incised ivory. Exc. no. 183d1. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-50.
G. 81315/76; MDAFA, IX, Exc. no. 183e1 (bis). K. M. inv. no. 58-1-148.
fig. 178. Exc. no. 183f1. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-49.
Exc. no. 183h1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-56.
Elephant walking
left, head facing.

162 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Coffer or stool X

K.p. Beg. 343. 83a & b.

Drawings by Pierre Hamelin, MDAFA, XI, fig. 652. a
(a) Upper part and (b) one of the
sides of the piece.

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
K.p. Beg. 344. 84.
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
Exc. no. 184a. numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 87–97.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-109.
H 0.068. Exc. no. 184d. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-151.
Incised bone. Exc. no. 184f. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-160.
G. 81315/44; MDAFA, IX, fig. 194. Exc. no. 184k. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-74.
Lion-griffin surrounded by Exc. no. 184l. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-30.
foliage and turned to left.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 163
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Coffer or stool XI

K.p. Beg. 345. 85.

Exc. no. 185a.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-175.
H 0.078, L 0.152.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/81 (bis); MDAFA, IX, fig. 82.
Ornamental plaque. Winged tiger standing, facing left, vegetal
scroll behind.

K.p. Beg. 346. 86.

Exc. no. 185p.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-44.
H 0.012, L 0.281.
Engraved ivory.
G. 81315/83; MDAFA, IX, figs 192 & 193.
Ornamental plaque depicting ten small figures.

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 98–102.
Exc. no. 185f. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-114.
Exc. no. 185k. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-111.
Exc. no. 185l. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-50.
Exc. no. 185n. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-74.

164 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Coffer or stool XII

G. 81315/182. Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. Side view of coffer or stool XII.

K.p. Beg. 347. 87. K.p. Beg. 348. 88.

Exc. no. 186d. Exc. no. 186a.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-78. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-181.
H 0.075, W 0.053. H 0.081, L 0.105.
Incised ivory. Bone, openwork relief.
G. 81315/97; MDAFA, IX, fig. 203. G. 81315/86; MDAFA, IX, fig. 199.
K.p. Beg. 349. 89.
Winged makara with elephant Fantastic creature with human face
to front, two makara on either side Exc. no. 186c.
tusks, facing right. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-72.
swallowing their tails.
H 0.135, W 0.06.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/87; MDAFA, IX, fig. 210.
Profile of a leogryph,
facing left.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 165
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

MDAFA, XI, fig. 654. Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. Upper part of coffer or stool XII.

MDAFA, XI, fig. 655. Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. One side of coffer or stool XII.

166 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 350. 90.

Exc. no. 186f.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-24.
H 0.045, L 0.129.
Incised bone, red colour.
G. 81315/88; MDAFA, IX, fig. 200.
Undulating tendril with flowers
and corymbs of the ashoka tree.

K.p. Beg. 353. 93.

Exc. no. 186t1.
K.p. Beg. 351. 91. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-52.
Exc. no. 186l. H 0.028, L 0.08.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-61. Incised bone.
H 0.076, W 0.05. MDAFA, IX, fig. 204.
Ivory, openwork. Ducks facing left and a lotus pod.
G. 81315/90; MDAFA, IX, fig. 212.
Two women standing, facing.

From this group of finds, photographs of the following items were

not found; they are listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 102–09.
Exc. no. 186j. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-105.
Exc. no. 186n. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-154.
Exc. no. 186z. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-28.
Exc. no. 186b1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-22.
Exc. nos 186c1 & h1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-23.
Exc. no. 186d1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-42 (nine fragments).
Exc. no. 186j1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-80 (six fragments).
Exc. no. 186p1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-25.
Exc. no. 186s1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-186.
Exc. no. 186u1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-51.
Exc. nos 186w1 & x1. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-149.
K.p. Beg. 352. 92. Exc. nos 186y1 & c2. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-81.
Exc. no. 186m. Exc. no. 186g2. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-77.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-62. Exc. no. 186h2. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-155.
H 0.074, W 0.054. Exc. no. 186j2. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-159.
Ivory, openwork. Exc. no. 186k2. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-79.
G. 81315/90; MDAFA, IX, fig. 211. Exc. no. 186l2. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-162.
Two women standing, facing. Exc. no. 186m2. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-52.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Coffer or stool XIII

K.p. Beg. 354. 94.

Exc. no. 187c.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-128.
H 0.041, L 0.117 + 0.12.
Bone, openwork.
G. 81315/94.
Two fragments of an ornamental band
with flying ducks to left (mark at the

From this group of finds, photographs of the

following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974). See MDAFA, IX, pp. 109–12.
Exc. no. 187a. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-59.
Exc. no. 187m. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-178.
Exc. no. 187p. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-110.

168 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Chair 5
Ivory pieces discovered in room 13 of the Begram excavations and listed in Hackin et al., 1954 (MDAFA, XI).

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin of the high back of chair 5 (H 0.45, L1.05), MDAFA, XI, fig. 637. Front. Fragment
of decoration.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin of the high back of chair 5. Back. Fragment of decoration.

170 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin of the back of chair 5. Full view.

The decoration of the back of the large chair 5 appeared as a series of carved friezes, superimposed from top
to bottom. Frieze 1 was adorned with pairs of women in an Indian architectural setting. They were carved on
both sides but could not be retrieved, due to their very bad state of conservation.
From Frieze 2 downwards (see the numbers on the reconstruction: MDAFA, XI, fig. 637), the cut-out
figures were fixed to the wooden structure of the chair with a special protection of copper-plates and mica-
slates, as follows: ivory, mica, copper, wood, copper, mica, ivory. The whole construction was held together
with gilded copper prongs. Thus the ornamental bands could be seen on both sides of the chair back.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 355. 95a &b.
Exc. no. 5, IIa (front).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-143.
H 0.063, L 0.55.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131561/29; MDAFA, XI, fig. 31.
Reconstructed frieze depicting lion-griffins and winged monsters moving left, and children playing or wrestling with the
monsters. Details: left half (a); right half (b).

K.p. Beg. 356. 96.

Exc. no. 5, IIb,1 (back).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-144.
H 0.063, L 0.133. facing page:
Ivory, openwork.
K.p. Beg. 357. 97a, b, c & d.
G. 8131561/32; MDAFA, XI, fig. 32.
Exc. no. 5, IIIa (front).
Geese in different poses, walking.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-145.
H 0.09, L 1.20.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131561/8, 10, 12 (bis), 15 & 16; MDAFA, XI, figs 30 & 30 (bis).
Reconstructed frieze with scenes of indoor and outdoor
everyday life. Details: left to right (a to d).

172 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 173
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 358. 98a & b.
Exc. no. 5, IIIb (back).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-146.
H 0.08, L 0.99.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131561/18 & 41; MDAFA, XI, fig. 33.
Reconstructed frieze with palmettes showing lions, griffins and other animals, some with human heads.
Details: left half (a); right half (b).

K.p. Beg. 359. 99.

Exc. no. 5, IV.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-231.
H 0.045, L 0.29.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131561/44; MDAFA, XI, fig. 34.
Children playing musical instruments.

174 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 361. 101.

Exc. no. 5, Vb2.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-186.
H 0.055, W 0.053.
Ivory, openwork, on a mica and copper face,
placed on the back of the former piece.
G. 8131561/35; MDAFA, XI, fig. 220.
Panel ornamented with a trellis-
pattern of quatrefoils.
K.p. Beg. 360. 100.
Exc. no. 5, Vb1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-147.
H 0.057, W 0.054.
Ivory, carved on one side. K.p. Beg. 362. 102.
G. 8131561/43 & 63; MDAFA, XI, fig. 39. Exc. no. 5, Vd.
Two women seated. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-246.
H 0.05, L 0.06.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131561/56; MDAFA, XI, fig. 37.
Woman riding a monster,
facing left, led by another
woman holding a spear.

K.p. Beg. 363. 103.

Exc. no. 5, Ve.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-247.
H 0.056, L 0.06.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131561/21, 58 & 59; MDAFA, XI, fig. 36.
Woman riding a monster with a human face,
following another woman walking right (recto-verso).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 365. 105.

K.p. Beg. 364. 104. Exc. no. 5, Vf2.
Exc. no. 5, Vf1. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-187.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-148. H 0.055, L 0.056.
H 0.056, W 0.055. Ivory, openwork on a mica and copper facing,
Ivory, carved on one side. positioned on the back of the former piece.
G. 8131561/43; MDAFA, XI, fig. 39. G. 8131561/35; MDAFA, XI, fig. 220.
Woman seated on a large couch Leaves and corymbs of the ashoka
with a servant on her right side. tree.

K.p. Beg. 367. 107. K.p. Beg. 368. 108.

Exc. no. 5, Vh1. Exc. no. 5, Vh2.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-149. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-188.
H 0.056, L 0.061. H 0.057, L 0.061.
Ivory, carved on one side. Ivory, openwork on a mica and copper facing,
G. 8131561/43 & 65; MDAFA, XI, fig. 39. positioned on the back of the former piece.
Three women standing. G. 8131461/26 & 35; MDAFA, XI, fig. 220.
Lotus inside an eight-pointed star-
like motif.

176 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 370. 110.

Exc. no. 5, Vj2.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-189.
H 0.056, L 0.061.
Ivory, openwork on a mica and copper
face, placed on the back of the former
G. 8131561/35; MDAFA, XI, fig. 220.
Ornamental plaque with
foliage and half-lotuses.

K.p. Beg. 369. 109.

Exc. no. 5, Vj1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-150.
H 0.054, L 0.057.
Ivory, carved on one side.
G. 8131561/66; MDAFA, XI, fig. 39.
Woman seated and looking in a mirror,
her servant standing to right.

K.p. Beg. 371. 111.

Exc. no. 5, Vi.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-248.
H 0.056, L 0.062.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131561/38 & 60; D.D. B.103.185.
Woman riding a monster,
following another woman
holding a spear.

K.p. Beg. 372. 112. K.p. Beg. 373. 113.

Exc. no. 5, Vl1. Exc. no. 5,Vl2.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-151. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-190.
H 0.053, L 0.056. H 0.054, L 0.05.
Ivory, carved on one side. Ivory, openwork on a mica and copper face,
G. 8131561/66; MDAFA, XI, fig. 39. placed on the back of the former piece.
Two women engaged in conversation, MDAFA, XI, fig. 220.
seated on an elegant bench. Ornamental plaque with a double
knot in the centre and a flower in
each corner.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Sofa 34
This large sofa was decorated on both sides with ivory and bone plaques and friezes (fully illustrated). These
elements were fixed to the wooden armature with copper nails. Large mica leaves were placed between the
ivory and the wood. Long gilded copper prongs introduced at the left and right extremities of the back of the
sofa strengthened the structure of plaques and bands. The upper edge of the back of the sofa was protected
by double ivory bars, fixed with iron nails. Vertical bands were added at the left and right ends, and a console
carved with monsters in the round was fixed to each side.

K.p. Beg. 374. 114.

Drawings by Pierre Hamelin of the back of sofa 34.
H c. 0.60, L 3.0.
MDAFA, XI, pp. 322 & 329, figs 641 & 642.

178 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 375. 115.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. Detail of the back of sofa 34.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Outer face of the back of the sofa

K.p. Beg. 376. 116.

Exc. no. 34d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-84.
H 0.12, W 0.055.
Incised bone, traces of red.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 193.
Fighting tiger and buffalo.

K.p. Beg. 377. 117.

Exc. nos 34a, b & c.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-83.
H 0.196, W 0.06.
Incised bone.
G. 8131562/1; MDAFA, XI, fig. 194.
Ornamental plaque. From
bottom to top: purnaghata;
two makara, face to face with
upraised tails, in a landscape of K.p. Beg. 378. 118.
ashoka leaves; and tiger sitting Drawing by Pierre Hamelin
to right, head turned left, in a of the two preceding pieces.
landscape of ashoka leaves and MDAFA, XI, fig. 648, 3
corymbs. (below).

180 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 380. 120.

K.p. Beg. 379. 119. Exc. no. 34g3. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-260.
Exc. no. 34b4. Exc. no. 34c3. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-259. H 0.06. (Not illustrated.)
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-86. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-261. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-49. H 0.052. (Not illustrated.)
H 0.082, L 0.192. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-262, LVI, LVII, LVIII. Total L 1.70. (Not illustrated.)
Ivory, engraved, traces of red and black. High relief, partly openwork.
G. 8131562/7; MDAFA, XI, fig. 112. MDAFA, IX, fig. 188.
Hunter mounted on horseback drawing an arrow towards Ornamental vedika, with lotuses in medallions.
an elephant walking right.

K.p. Beg. 381. 121a & b. K.p. Beg. 382. 122.
Exc. no. 34a3. Exc. no. XXVI.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-70. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-282.
H 0.256, W 0.152. H 0.09, W 0.158.
Engraved ivory. Large plaque. Engraved ivory. Fragment.
G. 8131562/3; MDAFA, XI, figs 18, 21 & 658; D.D. B.103.231. G. 81315792/12.
(a) Two women dancing and playing a drum, vedika on top. Detail of the
(b) Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. preceding piece.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 383. 123.

Exc. no. 34b3.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-171.
H 0.106, L 0.158.
Engraved ivory, relief, openwork.
G. 8131562/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 212; D.D. B.103.231.
Rectangular plaque, triple palmette design framed by a band of quatrefoils.

K.p. Beg. 384. 124.

Exc. nos 34e & 3 (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-95.
H 0.04, L 0.18.
Engraved ivory band.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 205.
Two pairs of pigeons, facing each other.

K.p. Beg. 385. 125.

Exc. nos 34e & 3ter.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-96.
H 0.042, L 0.22.
Engraved ivory band.
G. 8131562/6; MDAFA, XI, fig. 204.
Two pigeons.

182 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 387. 127.

Exc. no. XXX.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-281.
H 0.038, W 0.097.
Engraved ivory.
G. 81315792/12.
Fragment, detail of tympanum.

K.p. Beg. 386. 126. K.p. Beg. 388. 128.

Exc. no. 34a5. Exc. no. XXIX.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-64. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-229.
H 0.44, W (pilasters excluded) 0.145. H 0.038, W 0.084.
Carved ivory, openwork in some places. Engraved ivory.
G. 8131562/9; MDAFA, XI, figs 9, 165, 466, 514 & 556; D.D. B.103.200. G. 81315792/12.
Large architectural ensemble. Two women standing under a high Fragment, detail of tympanum.
door made of Indian arches and framed with composite-order
pilasters and capitals. Under the higher tympanum, a cat and
a bird. Between the arches, a row of elephants. Just above the
standing women, a low vedika. Below each pilaster stood a female
guard (only the right figure survives).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 389. 129.

Exc. no. 203a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-121.
H 0.06, L 0.156.
Engraved ivory.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 202; MIZ, fig. 69.
Cat attacking a bird.

K.p. Beg. 390. 130.

Exc. no. 203e.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-219.
H 0.045, L 0.199.
Engraved ivory.
G.G., 61, fig. 52; MIZ, fig. 68; ROW, 66, fig. 43.
Band (from left to right): a bird, a cat,
and another cat attacking another bird.

K.p. Beg. 391. 131.

Exc. no. 34b5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-65.
H 0.42.
Carved ivory, openwork in some places.
G. 8131562/14; MDAFA, XI, figs 8 & 495.
Architectural reconstruction (nine pieces):
(i) two women under a torana (in bad condition);
(ii) on the upper architrave, several emblems: a pair of fish,
vardhamana (also known as nandyavarta), etc;
(iii) on the middle architrave, several gana playing;
(iv) under the lower architrave, consoles depicting leogryphs.

184 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 392. 132.

Exc. no. 34d4.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-67.
H 0.094, L 0.15.
Ivory, high relief.
G. 8131562/8; MDAFA, XI, fig. 211; D.D. B.103.214 (top).
Rectangular plaque decorated with beaded arched
elements alternating with quatrefoils and a border with
undulating tendrils with leaves.

a K.p. Beg. 393. 133a & b.

Exc. no. 34c5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-66.
H 0.280, W 0.153.
Engraved ivory (badly damaged).
G. 8131562/31; MDAFA, XI, figs 16 & 657.
(a) Two women standing between a small
wicker table and a tree in blossom. Above, an
ornamental vedika: see 34d4.
(b) Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 394. 134.

Exc. no. 34d5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-68.
H 0.44, W 0.165.
Carved ivory, openwork in some places.
G. 8131562/17 & 75; MDAFA, XI, fig. 10.
Architectural reconstruction:
(i) two women and a small girl beneath a door;
(ii) vedika piece;
(iii) Indian arch with curtains;
(iv) in between, flying geese;
(v) on the upper tympanum, a cat and a bird.
The whole is framed with composite-order pilasters and capitals. Female
guards appear at the base of the pilasters.

186 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

a b
K.p. Beg. 395. 135a & b.
Exc. no. 34e5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-69.
H 0.346, W 0.154.
Engraved ivory.
MDAFA, XI, figs 24, 215 & 656; D.D. B.103.214 (below).
(a) Two women, the one on the left playing a flute, the other on the right, touching her left foot. Ashoka tree to right and left.
Above, a low vedika.
(b) Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.

K.p. Beg. 396. 136.

Exc. no. 34e5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-69.
H 0.346, W 0.154.
Engraved ivory.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 24.
Thought to be the upper element of the preceding
piece. Rectangular plaque, a repeated interlaced
motif framed by a band with an undulating line
on a crosshatched background.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 398. 138.

Exc. no. 222a.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-279.
H 0.091, L 0.126.
Carved ivory.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 213.
Decorative plaque. Between two bands of quatrefoils, four rows of
alternating and superimposed double arches.

K.p. Beg. 397. 137.

Exc. no. 34i5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-98.
H 0.039, L 0.211.
Ivory, high relief (in extremely bad
G. 8131562/49.
Two women standing, the one on
the right holding a young child.

K.p. Beg. 399. 139.

Exc. nos 34a2, 34c2 & 34d2.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-85. Av. H 0.070.
Exc. no. 34b2. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-258.
H 0.072.
High relief, openwork in parts.
G. 8131562/2; MDAFA, XI, fig. 184.
Ornamental vedika with a row
of garuda. Total L: 1.141.

188 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Inner face of the back of the sofa

K.p. Beg. 401. 141.

K.p. Beg. 400. 140. Exc. no. 34a8.
Exc. nos 34a & 8 (bis). K. M. inv. no. 58-1-87.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-287. H 0.076, L 0.174.
H 0.072, L 0.04. Carved ivory.
Ivory, high relief. G. 81315662/37; MDAFA, XI, fig. 144; ROW, 71, fig. 45; D.D. B.103.230.
G. 8131562/41; MDAFA, XI, fig. 166. Four women in a garden, in front of the door of a house. Underneath, a decorative band
Yaksha standing, facing. of quatrefoils.

K.p. Beg. 402. 142.

Exc. no. 34b9.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-88.
H 0.075, L 0.182.
Carved ivory (badly damaged).
G. 8131562/37; MDAFA, XI, fig. 146.
Same subject and decoration as the
preceding piece. Three women in a
garden, the first standing, the second
lying on a couch and the third
standing. Underneath, a decorative
band composed of quatrefoils.

K.p. Beg. 403. 143.

Exc. no. 34d10.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-89.
Carved ivory (badly damaged).
G. 8131562/40; MDAFA, XI, fig. 145.
Same subject and decoration as the
two preceding pieces. From left to
right: a woman standing in front
of wicker furniture, a building
with galleries, and a woman
standing. Underneath, a decorative
band composed of quatrefoils.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 404. 144.

Exc. no. 34a7. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-91. H 0.043, L 0.173.
Exc. no. 34b7. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-92. H 0.051, L 0.088.
Exc. no. 34d7. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-93. H 0.044, L 0.114.
Ivory, high relief.
G. 8131562/27; MDAFA, XI, fig. 182.
Serpent-like monsters, each swallowing the tail of the preceding one. In between, row of men
and women, seated with legs apart.

K.p. Beg. 405. 145.

Exc. no. 34a13b. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-208. H 0.027, L 0.173.
Exc. no. 34a13d. L 0.122.
Exc. no. 34a13e. L 0.088.
K.p. Beg. 406. 146.
Exc. no. 34a13a. L 0.157 (M.G.)
Exc. no. 34a13c. L 0.065 (M.G.). Total L: 0.50. Exc. no. 34b1.
Incised bone, traces of paint. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-201.
H 0.027, L 0.136.
Ducks flying left, holding tendrils in their bills.
Incised bone, traces of colour.
G. 81315792/25.
Ducks flying right, holding lotus buds in their bills.

190 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

This large and sumptuous frieze is the most complete ever to be recovered from the Begram excavations. The total length,
when measuring all the fragments, may be as much as 2.2 m (or even 3 m?). It shows forty women and children, under torana
separated by vedika. They all wear Indian dress and are shown talking or dancing. (See details below.)

K.p. Beg. 407. 147. K.p. Beg. 408. 148. K.p. Beg. 409. 149.
Exc. no. 34a6. Exc. no. 34a6 (bis). Exc. no. 34b6.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-36. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-37. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-35.
H 0.158, L 0.181. H 0.161, W 0.035. H 0.158, L 0.161.
Ivory, high relief, openwork. Ivory, high relief, openwork. Ivory, high relief, openwork.
G. 8131562/53; MDAFA, XI, figs 61 & 69. G. 8131562/53; MDAFA, XI, G. 8131562/53; MDAFA, XI, figs 68 & 566; D.D. B.103.58.
From left to right: a woman standing under an fig. 61; D.D. B.103.225. From left to right: a young girl standing,
Indian arch and holding a long staff, then a railing Woman dancing under facing; a parrot resting on the shoulder of
and another woman dancing under a torana. an Indian arch. another woman (damaged); a railing; and
another woman standing under a torana with
three architraves, dressing her hair.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 411. 151.

Exc. no. 34d6.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-32.
H 0.16, W 0.153.
Ivory, high relief, openwork.
G. 8131562/57; MDAFA, XI, figs 60 & 67; D.D. B.103.59.
From left to right: a woman under a torana,
wearing an unusual short pleated skirt over
the paridana, and holding a long, curved
instrument, a railing, and then a woman
standing to right under an Indian arch.
K.p. Beg. 410. 150.
Exc. no. 34c6.
K. M. inv. no. (no number).
H 0.16, W 0.086.
Ivory, high relief, openwork.
G. 8131562/53, 57; MDAFA, XI, fig. 60.
Two women walking under an
Indian arch.

K.p. Beg. 412. 152. K.p. Beg. 413. 153.

Exc. no. 34e6. Exc. no. 34g6.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-33. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-38.
H 0.138, L 0.247. H 0.16, W 0.133.
Ivory, high relief, openwork. Ivory, high relief, openwork.
G. 8131562/57; MDAFA, XI, fig. 60; D.D. B.103.226. G. 8131562/53; MDAFA, XI, figs 61 & 73; D.D. B.103.227.
From left to right: a woman standing three-quarters to left under an From left to right: a woman standing under
Indian arch, followed by a railing, another woman standing and holding a an Indian arch, wearing a very large necklace,
child under a torana, and at the end two women standing chatting under followed by a railing, and another woman
an Indian arch. holding a tendril under a torana.

192 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 414. 154.

Exc. no. 34h6.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-19.
H 0.158, W 0.134.
Ivory, high relief, openwork.
G. 8131562/39; MDAFA, XI, fig. 64.
From left to right: two women
standing under an Indian arch,
followed by a railing, two more
women standing under a torana,
followed by a railing, and two women
standing and conversing under an
Indian arch. (See next piece.)
K.p. Beg. 415. 155.
Exc. no. 34i6.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-20.
H 0.159, W 0.127.
Ivory, high relief, openwork.
(The two groups, 154 and 155, are assembled

K.p. Beg. 416. 156. K.p. Beg. 417. 157.

Exc. no. 34j6. Exc. no. 34l6.
K. M. inv. no. (no number). K. M. inv. no. 58-1-181.
H 0.16, W 0.102. H 0.161, L 0.180.
Ivory, high relief, openwork. Ivory, high relief, openwork.
G. 8213562/26; MDAFA, XI, fig. 62. G. 8131562/36; MDAFA, XI, fig. 63.
Two women standing under an Indian arch. From left to right: a railing, two women
standing under an Indian arch, a railing and
a woman under a torana.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 418. 158. K.p. Beg. 419. 159.

Exc. no. 34n6. Exc. no. 34o6.
K. M. inv. nos 58-1-34 & 58-1-21. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-17.
H 0.159, L 0.171. H 0.152, L 0.175.
Ivory, high relief, openwork. Ivory, high relief, openwork.
G. 8131562/36; MDAFA, XI, fig. 62. G. 8131562/33, 48; MDAFA, XI, fig. 63.
From left to right: a woman standing under a torana, From left to right: two women standing under an
a tree (or a tendril) and two women standing under Indian arch, a tree (or a tendril) and another woman.
an Indian arch.

K.p. Beg. 421. 161.

Exc. nos 150j3, c, f & g.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-207.
H 0.026, L 0.096.
Incised bone, red paint.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 217.
K.p. Beg. 420. 160. Eight-petalled flowers in medallions alternating with
Exc. no. 34c10. ashoka floweret motifs. (Five more fragments are in the
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-271. Kabul Museum: total L 0.814.)
H 0.057, L 0.110.
High relief, openwork.
G. 8131562/37.
Double frame of horizontal branches jutting out from the
head of a garuda. In between, two women playing musical

194 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 422. 162.

Exc. no. 34a.11.a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-90.
H 0.054, L 0.182.
High relief, openwork. Total L of the band: 0.546.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 176; D.D. B.103.229.
Fantastic creatures with human faces, their symmetrical tails swallowed by two makara; in between,
a heraldic bird with outstretched wings, facing left.

K.p. Beg. 423. 163.

Exc. no. 34b13b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-210.
H 0.026, L 0.111.
Incised bone. Total L of the band: 0.358.
Ducks in a pond between lotus buds.

K.p. Beg. 424. 164a & b.

Exc. no. 150h4.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-273.
H 0.028, W 0.03.
Bone, in the round. Twenty-four pieces,
plus a number of others in the go-downs
of the Kabul Museum.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 67; MDAFA, IX, fig. 71.
a Small yaksha-atlas. These
little figures appear in
bands of several decorative
compositions, and they are
grouped here under the same
number (three examples). b

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 425. 165.

Exc. no. 34al.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-209.
H 0.026, L 0.103.
Incised bone, red and black paint.
Row of ducks to right and left, between lotus buds.

Fragments without precise locations

K.p. Beg. 426. 166.

Exc. no. 34c4.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-99.
H 0.077, L 0.091.
High relief, openwork (badly damaged).
G. 8131562/52.
Woman at her dressing-table with two servants.

K.p. Beg. 427. 167.

Exc. no. 211m.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-290.
H 0.026, L 0.092.
Incised bone. Total length of the band: 0.584.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 209.
Winged monsters with large heads, elongated bodies, raised hindquarters and
marks all over the body (lions or dogs).

196 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Chair 55

K.p. Beg. 428. 168.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin of chair 55 (detail of the right section).
G. 81315793/19.
Only the front of the backrest of the chair was probably decorated and its decorative elements were simpler than usual.

K.p. Beg. 429. 169.

Exc. nos 55m, n & o.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-179.
H 0.025, total L 0.66.
Carved ivory.
Seven fragments of the upper edging of the backrest decorated
with a beaded and twisted cord pattern.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 430. 170.

Exc. no. 55a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-102.
H 0.058, L 0.11.
Incised ivory.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 96.
Narrative frieze: five people and
a horse.

K.p. Beg. 431. 171.

Exc. no. 55d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-176.
H 0.044, L 0.30.
Carved ivory, low relief.
MDAFA, XI, cf. fig. 179.
Narrative frieze: yaksha between
double palmettes joined by large

K.p. Beg. 432. 172.

Exc. no. 55b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-103.
H 0.059, L 0.113.
Incised ivory, traces of black and red paint.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 97; D.D. B.103.88.
Narrative frieze: three women
and a man paying a visit to an
ascetic in his little hut.

198 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 433. 173.

Exc. no. 55f.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-104.
H 0.12, W 0.072.
Engraved ivory. K.p. Beg. 434. 174.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 99; D.D. Exc. no. 55r.
B.103.89. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-182.
Woman holding a staff H 0.108, W 0.022.
(left) and a smaller Incised bone.
woman holding a Vertical ornamental
reticule (right). band of quatrefoils.

K.p. Beg. 435. 175. K.p. Beg. 436. 176.

Exc. no. 55g. Exc. no. 55q.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-175. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-181.
H 0.12, W 0.072. H 0.074, W 0.041.
Engraved ivory. Incised bone.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 98. G. 8131563/12.
Two bejewelled Broken floweret
women, and a duck and vardhamana (or
sitting at their feet. nandyavarta).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b

K.p. Beg. 438. 178a & b.

Exc. nos 55p & p (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-180.
H 0.058 + 0.063, W 0.037.
Incised bone. Two pieces.
K.p. Beg. 437. 177. G. 8131563/12; MDAFA, XI, fig. 232.
Exc. no. 55l. Floweret over a half-lotus.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-178.
H 0.126, W 0.046.
Ivory, low relief, openwork.
G. 8131563/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 231.
Large palmette surmounted by
a vardhamana (or nandyavarta).

K.p. Beg. 439. 179.

Exc. no. 55e.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-77.
H 0.36, total L 0.37.
Low relief, openwork.
Arabesques with fantastic faces between stepped elements.

Piece no. K.p. Beg. 421. 161 also appears in this series.

200 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Group 2
The following four chairs were in very poor condition. They were found in fragments one on top of the other.
Their reconstruction presented a major problem and the result is still unsatisfactory. Chair 2 was worked on by
Pierre Hamelin but he was not entirely happy with the result. A photograph of his trial drawing is in the Musée
Guimet (group no. 150).
A more advanced reconstruction by Philippe Stern (MDAFA, XI, pp. 320 & 328, after Jean Carl’s drawing
[MDAFA, XI, fig. 631]) influenced Pierre Hamelin to make the change visible in his final drawing (MDAFA, XI, fig. 638).

K.p. Beg. 440. 180.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin as mentioned above.
G. 81315/163 & 164.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 441. 181.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin listed as chair 2.
MDAFA, XI, pp. 320 & 328, figs 631 & 638.
The upper part is thought to have been edged with a band (semi-cylindrical in section) represented as a twisted ivory cord. It
was mentioned by Jean Carl at the time of excavation, but was not recovered.

202 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Chair 2

Upper band of the chair

K.p. Beg. 442. 182.

Exc. no. 150r 4d. K.p. Beg. 443. 183.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-235. Exc. no. 150r 4 (bis).
H 0.08, W 0.057. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-201.
Engraved ivory. H 0.082, L 0.133.
G. 8131564/16; MDAFA, XI, fig. 109; D.D. B.103.187. Engraved ivory.
Ashoka tree. G. 8131564/19; MDAFA, XI, fig. 101.
Elephant kneeling, facing right, with (behind) a mahout holding
an ankusha.

K.p. Beg. 444. 184. K.p. Beg. 445. 185.

Exc. no. 202a. Exc. no. 202b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-124. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-125.
H 0.072, L 0.120. H 0.078, L 0.12.
Engraved ivory. Engraved ivory.
G. 8131572/1; MDAFA, XI, fig. 104; D.D. B.103.223. G. 8131572/2; MDAFA, XI, fig. 105; D.D. B.103.222.
Hunting scene: two winged wild cats, one wounded by an Hunting scene: two hunters, the one on the left aiming an
arrow; a small monkey watching the scene (top right corner). arrow at a wild cat.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 446. 186. K.p. Beg. 447. 187.

Exc. no. 202c. Exc. no. 202d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-126. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-127.
H 0.075, L 0.123. H 0.074, L 0.119.
Engraved ivory. Engraved ivory.
G. 8131572/3; MDAFA, XI, fig. 106; D.D. B.103.221. G. 8131572/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 107; D.D. B.103.220.
(Together with the scene depicted on the following The hunters holding the tether of the large bull.
plaque): two hunters capture a large bull in the middle of
the jungle, surrounded by other animals, including a wild
cat and a wild horse.

K.p. Beg. 449. 189.

Exc. no. 202g.
K.p. Beg. 448. 188.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-130.
Exc. no. 202f. H 0.066, L 0.12.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-129. Engraved ivory.
H 0.07, L 0.122. G. 8131572/6; MDAFA, XI, fig. 103.
Engraved ivory.
Two hunters in the jungle, the one on the left aiming an
G. 8131572/5; MDAFA, XI, fig. 102.
arrow at an elephant.
Two large elephants, one wounded by an arrow, taking
refuge in a lake.

204 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 450. 190.

Exc. no. 202h.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-131.
H 0.081, L 0.133.
Engraved ivory.
G. 8131572/7; MDAFA, XI, fig. 100.
Two large facing kinnara.

K.p. Beg. 451. 191.

Exc. no. 150r 4c.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-192.
H 0.08, W 0.043.
Engraved ivory.
G. 8131564/41; MDAFA, XI, fig. 110; D.D. B.103.187.
Ashoka tree.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Feet of the chair

a K.p. Beg. 452. 192a & b.

Drawings by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 648.

K.p. Beg. 453. 193a & b.
Exc. no. 150c6.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-247.
H 0.031, W 0.04.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 195.
Vardhamana (or
nandyavarta). See K.p. Beg.
452. 192b (top).

K.p. Beg. 454. 194.

K. M. inv. no. 59-1-236.
H 0.067, W 0.02.
Incised bone. Fragment.
Upper part of a small pilaster.
Decorative garland of foliage,
with a duck flying right. See
K.p. Beg. 452. 192a (top).

206 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 455. 195. K.p. Beg. 456. 196.

Exc. no. 150k 4a. Exc. no. 221 i.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-199. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-221.
H 0.093, W 0.05. H 0.0877, W 0.054.
Incised bone. Incised bone (in very poor condition).
G. 8131564/56. G. 81315792/20.
Cf. exc. no. 150k 4a. Bird, facing left.
Crested bird, facing left. See
K.p. Beg. 452. 192b (middle).

K.p. Beg. 457. 197.

Exc. no. 207.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-213.
H 0.15, W 0.054.
Engraved bone.
K.p. Beg. 458. 198. G. 8131574/15; MDAFA, XI, fig. 192.
Exc. no. 150s 3. Yaksha squatting, hands on hips
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-194. (below); purnaghata decorated
H 0.096, W 0.05. with foliage and flowers (above).
Engraved bone. See K.p. Beg. 452. 192b
G. 8131564/12; MDAFA, XI, fig. 191. (bottom).
A pair of fish tied to branches
and foliage of the ashoka tree.
See K.p. Beg. 452. 192a & b

K.p. Beg. 459. 199.

Exc. no. 221f.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-220.
H 0.087, W 0.06.
Same subject as the above
piece (badly damaged).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 460. 200.

Exc. no. 150x5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-208.
H 0.041, L 0.174.
Low relief, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 221.
Small elements in beaded frames. Left to right: urn, palmette,
kneeling figure, conch, palmette and floweret.

K.p. Beg. 461. 201.

Exc. no. 192v.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-212.
H 0.026, L 0.15.
Engraved bone.
Wild geese, flying right.

K.p. Beg. 462. 202.

Exc. no. 200u.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-202.
H 0.025, L 0.083.
Engraved bone.
G. 81315792/14.
Wild geese, flying left.

208 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Back of the chair

K.p. Beg. 463. 203. K.p. Beg. 464. 204.

Exc. no. 197a. Exc. no. 197b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-238. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-239.
H 0.13. H 0.125, W 0.076.
High relief, carved on both sides, High relief, carved on both
openwork. sides, openwork (in very
G. 8131569/23; MDAFA, XI, figs 43 & 467; poor condition).
D.D. B.103.186. G. 8131569/5.
In an architectural frame In a similar
comprising an arcade, small architectural frame
columns and capitals, a woman to the preceding
stands with right leg crossed over piece, two women
the left, holding a flower. On standing, one of
the ground to the right, a wicker them with a parrot
stool in the shape of an hourglass. on her shoulder.

K.p. Beg. 465. 205.

Exc. no. 197c.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-240.
H 0.12, W 0.06.
K.p. Beg. 466. 206.
High relief, carved on both sides, openwork.
G. 8131569/17 & 18; MDAFA, XI, fig. 52. Exc. no. 197d.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-241.
In a similar architectural frame to the two preceding
H 0.122, W 0.077.
pieces, a woman standing, her left leg crossed over
High relief, carved on both sides, openwork.
her right, hand on hip. On the right, a wicker stool
G. 8131569/19; MDAFA, XI, fig. 40.
in the shape of an hourglass on the ground. (Two
photographs, recto-verso.) In a similar architectural frame
to the three preceding pieces, a
woman standing holding a parasol.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 467. 207. K.p. Beg. 468. 208.

Exc. no. 197 f. Exc. no. 197g.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-242. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-243.
H 0.122, W 0.077. H 0.119, W 0.061.
High relief, carved on both sides, openwork. High relief, carved on both sides,
G. 8131569/20 & 21. openwork.
In a similar architectural frame to the four preceding pieces, two G. 8131569/13; D.D. B.103.235.
women appear to be dancing. (Two photographs, recto-verso.) In a similar architectural frame
to the five preceding pieces, a
woman holding a hand-mirror.

K.p. Beg. 470. 210.

Exc. no. 150x 4b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-203.
H 0.041, L 0.135.
Incised bone.
G. 81315792/25.
Undulating creeper with corymbs and leaves of the ashoka tree.

K.p. Beg. 469. 209.

Exc. no. 197k.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-244.
H 0.11, W 0.057.
High relief, carved on both sides, K.p. Beg. 471. 211.
openwork. Exc. no. 150y 3b.
G. 8131569/16. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-203.
In a similar architectural H 0.026, L 0.12.
frame to the six Incised bone.
preceding pieces, a G. 81315792/25; ROW, 71, fig. 55.
woman dancing. Same as the preceding piece.

210 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 472. 212. K.p. Beg. 473. 213.

Exc. no. 211d. Exc. no. 211e.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-254. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-255.
H 0.068, L 0.217. H 0.061, L 0.15.
Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long band. Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long band.
G. 813157/8. G. 8131574/9; MDAFA, XI, fig. 171.
In a frame of horizontal palmettes separated by garuda heads, pairs of Same as the preceding piece, with minor
women reclining on couches and chatting. variations.

K.p. Beg. 474. 214. K.p. Beg. 475. 215.

Exc. no. 211g. Exc. no. 211i.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-257. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-259.
H 0.061, L 0.149. H 0.065, L 0.13.
Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze. Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze.
G. 8131574/10; MDAFA, XI, fig. 172. MDAFA, XI, fig. 173.
Same as the two preceding pieces, with minor variations. Same as the three preceding pieces, with minor

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 476. 216. K.p. Beg. 477. 217.

Exc. no. 211k. Exc. no. 211f.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-258. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-256.
H 0.061, L 0.148. H 0.061, L 0.143.
Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze. Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze.
G. 81315792/15; MIZ, fig. 84. G. 81315792/15; MIZ, fig. 83.
Same as the four preceding pieces, with minor variations. Same as the five preceding pieces, with minor variations.

K.p. Beg. 478. 218. K.p. Beg. 479. 219.

Exc. no. 211t. Exc. no. 211n.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-253. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-261.
H 0.062, L 0.154. H 0.062.
Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze. Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze.
G. 81315792/15. G. 81315792/15.
Same as the six preceding pieces, with minor variations. Same as the seven preceding pieces, with minor

212 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 480. 220. K.p. Beg. 481. 221.

Exc. no. 211z. Exc. no. 211v.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-218. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-217.
H 0.062, L 0.16. H 0.62, L 0.147.
Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze. Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze.
G. 81315792/15. G. 81315792/15.
Same as the eight preceding pieces, with minor variations. Same as the nine preceding pieces, with minor variations.

K.p. Beg. 482. 222. K.p. Beg. 483. 223.

Exc. no. 211r. Exc. no. 211x.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-262. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-270.
H 0.062, L 0.122. H 0.052, L 0.122.
Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze. Incised ivory, openwork. Part of a long frieze.
G. 81315792/15. G. 81315792/15.
Same as the ten preceding pieces, with minor variations. Same as the eleven preceding pieces, with minor

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K.p. Beg. 484. 224. K.p. Beg. 485. 225.

Exc. no. 193c. Exc. no. 193d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-167. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-168.
H 0.059, L 0.129. H 0.06, L 0.131.
Carved, openwork. Carved, openwork.
G. 8131568/3; MDAFA, XI, fig. 183. G. 8131568/3; MDAFA, XI, fig. 183.
Hunting scenes in a frame of facing palmettes joined by Same subject as the preceding piece: on the left, a wild sow
garuda heads. On the left, a lion; on the right, a hunter on running and followed by a young wild boar; on the right, a
horseback, attacked by a wild animal. hunter on horseback turning back.

a b
K.p. Beg. 486. 226a & b.
Exc. no. 193f.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-169.
H 0.058, L 0.103.
Carved, openwork.
G. 8131568/3, 2 and 81315792/6; MDAFA, XI, fig. 183.
Same subject as the two preceding pieces: a hind running left followed by a fawn.

K.p. Beg. 487. 227.

Exc. no. 150r5a.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-206.
H 0.027, L 0.095.
Engraved bone.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 210.
Winged monsters with lion-heads,
facing left.

214 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 488. 228.

Exc. no. 211m b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-223.
H 0.026, L 0.134.
Engraved bone.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 209 (bis).
Winged monsters with lion-heads, facing right.

K.p. Beg. 489. 229.

Exc. no. 150 l 3.
H 0.051, L 0.095.
Bone, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 177.
Makara, facing each other and eating the legs of a large K.p. Beg. 490. 230.
bird. Small figures seated with legs apart. Exc. no. 150q5d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-163.
H 0.044, L 0.15.
Bone, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 180; ROW, 71, fig. 54.
Same as the preceding piece, with variations.

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K.p. Beg. 491. 231.

Exc. no. 191p.
H 0.045, L 0.144.
Incised bone.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 181; ROW, 71, fig. 54.
Same as the two preceding pieces, with variations.

K.p. Beg. 492. 232.

Exc. nos 150d5 a, b & c.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-218.
H 0.027. Total L 0.397.
Engraved bone.
Alternating garlands and medallions.

K.p. Beg. 493. 233.

Exc. no. 150n5 (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-224.
H 0.027, L 0.136.
Incised bone, red colour.
G. 81315792/26.
Alternating geometric designs.

216 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Chair 3
Chair 3 was reconstructed by Pierre Hamelin with the help of sketches by Jean Carl (MDAFA, XI, fig. 633) and
others (?). It was decorated on both sides. The large consoles at each end of the large backrest were not
retrieved by the excavators. This backrest may have been 1.37 m high.

K.p. Beg. 494. 234.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. MDAFA, XI, fig. 640.
Back of chair 3. Complete view.

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K.p. Beg. 495. 235.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. MDAFA, XI, fig. 639.
Back of chair 3. Front view, left side.

218 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 496. 236.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. G. 81315/164.
Back of chair 3. Back view, right side.

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K.p. Beg. 498. 238.

Exc. no. 150r4c.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-192.
H 0.08, W 0.043.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 110.
Ashoka tree.
K.p. Beg. 497. 237.
Exc. no. 150e3.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-274.
H 0.122, W 0.057.
G. 81315/47; MDAFA, XI, figs 178 &
533; MIZ, fig. 65; ROW, 66, fig. 38.
Decoration of the foot of K.p. Beg. 499. 239.
the chair. Yaksha holding a
purnaghata on his head. Exc. no. 150e.
H 0.063, L 0.102.
High relief, outward projection.
G. 8131564/7; MDAFA, XI, fig. 115.
Man facing. Couple riding
an elephant moving right.

K.p. Beg. 500. 240.

Exc. no. 217d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-171.
H 0.066, L 0.022.
Low relief, openwork.
G. 8131575/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 158.
From left to right: a bird,
facing, with outspread
wings; a man coming out
of a house, carrying a fly-
whisk; and then another
house. An ornamental
band of quatrefoils along
the bottom (in bad

220 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 502. 242.

Exc. no. 192d.
K.p. Beg. 501. 241. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-106.
Exc. no. 192c. H 0.063, L 0.083.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-105. Low relief, openwork.
H 0.063, L 0.10. G. 8131567/24.
Low relief, openwork. Man on horseback, riding right, following a man
G. 8131567/3; MDAFA, XI, fig. 124. with a spear (in bad condition).
A hunter, on foot, attacking a lion with a spear. An
ornamental band of quatrefoils along the bottom.

K.p. Beg. 503. 243.

Exc. no. 192d (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-107. K.p. Beg. 504. 244.
H 0.063, L 0.102.
Exc. no. 192h.
Low relief, openwork.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-111.
G. 8131567/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 123.
H 0.081, L 0.102.
Man on horseback, riding right, accompanied by a dog, in Low relief, openwork.
a forest of ashoka trees. G. 8131567/8; MDAFA, XI, fig. 122.
In a forest of ashoka trees, a hunter fights with a ferocious
lion. An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the bottom.

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K.p. Beg. 505. 245. K.p. Beg. 506. 246.

Exc. no. 192q. Exc. no. 192r.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-109. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-110.
H 0.064, L 0.10. H 0.063, L 0.110.
Low relief, openwork. Low relief, openwork.
G. 8131567/9. G. 8131567/10; MDAFA, XI, fig. 121.
Elephant bowing before a hunter or mahout. An ornamental In a wood of ashoka trees, a man on horseback riding left.
band of quatrefoils along the bottom. An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the bottom.

K.p. Beg. 507. 247.

Exc. no. 192t.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-114. K.p. Beg. 508. 248.
H 0.056, L 0.096. Exc. no. 192a 1.
Low relief, openwork. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-120.
G. 8131567/24. H 0.061, L 0.08.
Elephant walking in a forest (in very poor Low relief, openwork.
condition). G. 8131567/24.
Seated figure carrying a large basket on its
head (in very poor condition).

222 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 509. 249. K.p. Beg. 510. 250.

Exc. no. 192b1. Exc. no. 192c1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-108. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-112.
H 0.082, L 0.102. H 0.067, L 0.065.
Low relief, openwork. G. 8131567/24.
G. 8131567/12; MDAFA, XI, fig. 125; L.N. Two people walking left (badly damaged).
In a forest of ashoka trees, a man on horseback attacking a boar
with a spear. He is followed by a man carrying a dead boar. An
ornamental band of quatrefoils along the bottom.

K.p. Beg. 511. 251. K.p. Beg. 512. 252.

Exc. no. 192d1. Exc. no. 192j1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-113. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-115.
H 0.05, L 0.087. H 0.079, W 0.071.
Low relief, openwork. Low relief, openwork.
G. 8131567/24. G. 8131567/23.
Elephant walking right, followed by a man (badly Man leaving his house holding a
damaged). bunch of leaves (broken).

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K.p. Beg. 514. 254.

Exc. no. 217b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-123.
K.p. Beg. 513. 253. H 0.97, L 0.097.
Exc. no. 217a. Low relief, openwork.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-122. G. 8131575/2; MDAFA, XI, fig. 160.
H 0.075, L 0.117. Four women standing talking.
Low relief, openwork.
G. 8131575/1; MDAFA, XI, fig. 162.
Elegant Indian house; on the right, a woman seated and talking
to another woman standing next to her. An ornamental band of
a repeated wave motif along the bottom.

K.p. Beg. 515. 255.

Exc. no. 217c.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-170.
H 0.087, L 0.108.
Low relief, openwork.
G. 8131575/3; MDAFA, XI, fig. 161.
Large assembly of women, all engaged in conversation;
some standing and others seated on wicker stools or
squatting. An ornamental band of a repeated wave motif
along the bottom.

K.p. Beg. 516. 256.

Exc. no. 217e.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-172.
H 0.077, L 0.215.
Low relief, openwork.
G. 8131575/5; MDAFA, XI, fig. 157.
Battle scene, some people watching,
standing at the doors of their houses. An
ornamental band of quatrefoils along the

224 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 518. 258.

As the following piece.
For a reconstruction by Pierre Hamelin, see K.p. Beg. 495. 235.
On the far right, the corner of the vertical pilaster.
K.p. Beg. 517. 257.
Exc. no. 217f.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-196.
H 0.077, L 0.151.
Low relief, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 159.
Four people walking left towards a woman seated in front K.p. Beg. 519. 259.
of her house. An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the Exc. no. 192e (a).
bottom (in very poor condition). K. M. inv. no. 59-1-215.
H 0.036, L 0.153.
Low relief.
G. 8131567/21; MDAFA, XI, fig. 222.
Motifs of palmettes, quatrefoils, lotuses, etc., each within a
beaded square.

K.p. Beg. 520. 260. K.p. Beg. 521. 261.

Exc. no. 192e (b). Exc. no. 211y.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-215. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-216.
H 0.036, L 0.16. H 0.034, L 0.206.
Low relief. Low relief.
Similar to the preceding piece, but with conches and Similar to the preceding pieces, but with a small
double naga. ornamental band of quatrefoils (above).

K.p. Beg. 522. 262. K.p. Beg. 523. 263.

Exc. no. 192g 1. Exc. no. 192e g. K.p. Beg. 524. 264.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-248. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-249. Exc. no. 192k 1.
H 0.036, L 0.145. H 0.035, L 0.068. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-216.
Low relief. Low relief. H 0.024, L 0.122.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 222. MDAFA, XI, fig. 222. Low relief.
Similar to the preceding pieces, Similar to the preceding pieces, MDAFA, XI, fig. 223.
but with a conch, palmette and but with a palmette, purnaghata Conches inside a semicircle formed by an
chakra. and quatrefoil. undulating tendril.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 525. 265a & b.

Exc. no. 192j.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-250.
H 0.119, W 0.052.
Carved on both sides, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 49; MIZ, fig. 67; ROW, 71, fig. 55.
In an Indian architectural frame, a woman standing
wearing a dhoti, wringing out the water from her hair;
a b a goose catches the drops of water.

K.p. Beg. 526. 266a & b.

Exc. no. 192b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-249.
H 0.114, W 0.061.
Carved on both sides, openwork.
G. 8131567/36-35.
In an Indian architectural frame, two women, standing in
a relaxed manner. a b

K.p. Beg. 527. 267a & b.

Exc. no. 192 p.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-251.
H 0.110, W 0.067.
Carved on both sides, openwork.
G. 8131567/37-38; MDAFA, XI, fig. 51.
In an Indian architectural frame, two women, one
a b kneeling and the other attempting to help her up.

226 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 528. 268a & b.

Exc. no. 192 e1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-254.
H 0.110, W 0.055.
Carved on both sides, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 42; ROW, 71, fig. 60; D.D. B.103.184.
In an Indian architectural frame, a woman dancing and
a b playing the horn.

K.p. Beg. 529. 269a & b.

Exc. no. 192 f1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-252.
H 0.117, W 0.063.
Carved on both sides, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 45.
In an Indian architectural frame, two women standing in a
relaxed manner, one dressing her hair and the other holding
an unidentified object. a b

K.p. Beg. 530. 270a & b.

Exc. no. 192i 1.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-253.
H 0.110, W 0.074.
Carved on both sides, openwork.
G. 8131567/31–32; MDAFA, XI, fig. 41; D.D. B.103.236.
In an Indian architectural frame, two women
a b standing and linking arms.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b
K.p. Beg. 531. 271a & b. K.p. Beg. 532. 272.
Exc. no. XX. Exc. no. XIX.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-256. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-255.
H 0.120, W 0.074. H 0.120, W 0.075.
Carved on both sides, openwork. Carved on both sides, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 50. In an Indian architectural
In an Indian architectural frame, two women with elaborate frame, two women standing,
hairstyles, standing, one holding a jug. facing.

K.p. Beg. 533. 273. K.p. Beg. 534. 274.

Exc. no. XXXVI. Exc. no. XXXVII.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-272. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-229.
H 0.026, L 0.093. H 0.026, L 0.061.
Engraved, openwork. Engraved, openwork.
Foliage, undulating scroll-pattern. Foliage, undulating scroll-pattern.

K.p. Beg. 535. 275.

Exc. no. 211o (a & b).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-216.
H 0.036, L 0.064 + 0.153.
Low relief, openwork.
G. 8131574/22.
Eagles with outstretched wings,
within a beaded border.

228 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 536. 276.

Exc. no. 197jb.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-245.
H 0.062, L 0.125.
Carved, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 190.
On the left, in the square medallion, three women, facing; on
the right, in the oval medallion, an elephant walking three-
quarters to left (in very poor condition).

K.p. Beg. 537. 277. K.p. Beg. 538. 278. K.p. Beg. 539. 279. K.p. Beg. 540. 280.
Exc. no. 150u5. Exc. no. 150w 5quater. Exc. no. 150w5. Exc. no. 150v5 (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-159. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-162. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-161. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-160.
H 0.067, L 0.077. H 0.063, L 0.071. H 0.063, L 0.073. H 0.063, L 0.075.
Carved, openwork. Carved, openwork. Carved, openwork. Carved, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 186. MDAFA, XI, fig. 186. MDAFA, XI, fig. 186. MDAFA, XI, fig. 186.
In an oval medallion In a similar frame to the In a similar frame to the In a similar frame to the
within a beaded border, a preceding piece, a man on two preceding pieces, an three preceding pieces, a
quadruped saddled with a horseback, moving left. elephant walking left. group of gazelles.

K.p. Beg. 541. 281.

Exc. no. 150w5 (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-207.
H 0.076, L 0.139.
Carved, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 187.
In a similar frame to the four preceding pieces: on the left, a
wild sow and a young wild boar; and, on the right, a wild boar.
Above, a fragment with a reclining leogryph.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 542. 282.

Exc. no. 150w 5ter.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-240.
H 0.072, L 0.129.
Carved, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 189.
In a similar frame to the five preceding pieces: on the left,
a lion and lioness; and, on the right, an elephant walking

K.p. Beg. 543. 283. K.p. Beg. 544. 284.

Exc. no. 150j5b. Exc. no. 150z3a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-206. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-195.
H 0.025, L 0.137. H 0.026, L 0.145.
Openwork. Bone, openwork.
Lotuses in medallions, between quatrefoils. Same decoration as the preceding piece.

K.p. Beg. 545. 285.

Exc. no. 200l.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-227.
H 0.028, L 0.298.
Incised bone, red paint.
Alternating squares of two different patterns.

230 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Chairs 1 and 4
The two chairs studied here are the last of this sumptuous series. With chairs 2 and 3, and perhaps other
fragments, they were badly damaged and mixed up as they had fallen on top of each other. As can be
observed, each had a single side ornamented with a projecting piece and a bracket (one piece on the right,
one on the left). Philippe Stern (MDAFA, XI, p. 322) suggests that these two chairs may have been associated
with sofa 34. The two chairs are very similar in style and many elements could be attributed to either of them.

K.p. Beg. 546. 286.

MDAFA, XI, fig. 643.
Front decoration. Right
Drawing by Pierre

K.p. Beg. 547. 287.

MDAFA, XI, fig. 644.
Back decoration. Left side.
Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 548. 288.

Exc. no. 150z4.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-204.
H 0.076, L 0.137.
Engraved ivory.
G. 8131564/18; MDAFA, XI, fig. 200; G.G., 61, fig. 53; MIZ, fig. 70; ROW, 66, fig. 44.
Two large mandarin ducks, facing.

K.p. Beg. 549. 289a & b.

Exc. no. 201a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-152.
H 0.30.
Ivory, in the round.
MDAFA, XI, figs 2, 152, 153, 156 & 518; MIZ, fig. 53; ROW,
66, fig. 40; D.D. B.103.43.
Ornamental bracket. A girl riding a lion-
griffin jutting out from a makara, a small
a b figure underneath. (Recto-verso.)

232 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 551. 291.

Exc. no. 221b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-204.
H 0.127, W 0.046.
Incised bone.
G. 8131576/3; MDAFA, XI, fig. 218.
Undulating branch with foliage and corymbs of the ashoka tree.

K.p. Beg. 552. 292.

Exc. no. 150s3.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-194.
H 0.096, W 0.05.
Incised bone. (See Kp. Beg. 458. 198.)
MDAFA, XI, fig. 191.
Pair of fish tied to branches and
foliage of the ashoka tree.

(No photograph.)

K.p. Beg. 553. 293.

Exc. no. 150j4.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-198.
H 0.138, W 0.066.
Incised bone.
G. 8131564/13.
From bottom to top: bird (left), head facing right, a small lotus
flower, and vardhamana and shrivatsa in decorative foliage.

K.p. Beg. 554. 294.

Exc. no. 221a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-173.
K.p. Beg. 550. 290. H 0.136, W 0.066.
Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. Incised bone. Traces of red and black paint.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 648. G. 8131576/6; MDAFA, XI, figs 111 & 530.
Reconstruction of the Purnaghata with abundant
upright piece. flowers, on a stepped base.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 555. 295. K.p. Beg. 556. 296.

Exc. no. 191g. Exc. no. 191h.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-138. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-139.
H 0.082, L 0.147. H 0.083, L 0.151.
Ivory, low relief. Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131566/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 149; D.D. B.103.216. G. 8131566/5; MDAFA, XI, fig. 126.
On the left, three women standing in a relaxed On the left, a torana and a railing; on the right,
manner; on the right, a railing and an Indian door. two women seated on stools, one made of wood (or
An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base. ivory?), the other of wicker. An ornamental band of
quatrefoils along the base.

K.p. Beg. 557. 297. K.p. Beg. 558. 298.

Exc. no. 191h (bis). Exc. no. 191h ter.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-153. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-140.
H 0.083, L 0.16. H 0.083, L 0.16.
Ivory, low relief. Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131566/6; MDAFA, XI, figs 127 & 476. G. 8131566/7; MDAFA, XI, fig. 131.
On the left, a fragment of a railing and a woman standing; on Four women, two standing, one reclining on a couch,
the right, a man sitting on an elegant chair (heads missing). and the fourth seated on the same couch, a footstool on
the ground. On the left, the fragment of a railing. An
ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base.

K.p. Beg. 559. 299.

Exc. no. 191i.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-141.
H 0.083, L 0.20.
Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131566/33; MDAFA, XI, fig. 130.
Four women, one standing, two sitting on a couch
and the fourth sitting on a stool. A railing on the far
left, and a torana on the far right. An ornamental
band of quatrefoils along the base.

234 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 560. 300. K.p. Beg. 561. 301.

Exc. no. 191j. Exc. no. 191v.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-142. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-154.
H 0.084, L 0.20. H 0.082, L 0.197.
Ivory, low relief. Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131566/9; MDAFA, XI, fig. 128. G. 8131566/14; MDAFA, XI, fig. 129.
Four women, one riding a horse, the other three standing Five women dancing and playing different musical
and encouraging her. Two railings and an Indian door on the instruments. Two railings and a torana on the far
far right. An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base. right. An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the

K.p. Beg. 562. 302. K.p. Beg. 563. 303.

Exc. no. 191x. Exc. no. XXX.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-155. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-164.
H 0.082, L 0.195. H 0.077, L 0.142.
Ivory, low relief. Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131566/12; MDAFA, XI, fig. 151. MDAFA, XI, fig. 148.
Four women, two sitting on a long couch, one kneeling and Five (?) female musicians (in very poor condition).
the fourth standing. Two railings and a torana on the far
right. An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base.

K.p. Beg. 564. 304.

Exc. no. 150p5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-133.
H 0.078, L 0.187.
Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131564/21; MDAFA, XI, fig. 132; D.D. B.103.217; L.N.
Four women, two sitting on a couch (a footstool on the
ground), the third sitting on a low stool, and the fourth,
standing. Two railings and a torana on the far right. An
ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 235
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 565. 305. K.p. Beg. 566. 306.

Exc. no. 150p5 1. Exc. no. 150p5 2.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-13. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-134.
H 0.089, L 0.152. H 0.087, L 0.155.
Ivory, low relief. Ivory, low relief.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 133; D.D. B.103.243. MDAFA, XI, fig. 134; D.D. B.103.215.
Two women holding goblets and sitting on stools in a Three women, two sitting in a garden, the third standing
garden, an Indian door on the far right. An ornamental and playing with a duck. An ornamental band of
band of quatrefoils along the base. quatrefoils along the base.

K.p. Beg. 567. 307. K.p. Beg. 568. 308.

Exc. no. 150p5 3. Exc. no. 150p5 4.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-135. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-136.
H 0.083, L 0.137. H 0.086, L 0.158.
Ivory, low relief. Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131564/24; MDAFA, XI, fig. 150; D.D. B.103.244. G. 8131564/26; MDAFA, XI, fig. 135; L.N.
Three women, one sitting on a low wicker stool, the other Four women, one reclining on a bed, the other three
two standing. An Indian door and a railing on the far left. standing at the back. Two railings and a torana on the far
An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base. right. An ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base.

K.p. Beg. 569. 309.

Exc. no. 150p5 5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-137.
H 0.091, L 0.151.
Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131564/26; MDAFA, XI, fig. 136.
Four women, one reclining on a bed; on the left, two
musicians and a woman dancing. An ornamental band of
quatrefoils along the base.

236 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 570. 310. K.p. Beg. 571. 311.

Exc. no. 205a. Exc. no. 205b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-157. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-158.
H 0.87, L 0.134. H 0.087, L 0.155.
Ivory, low relief. Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131573/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 139; G.G., 61, fig. 50; MIZ, fig. 57. G. 8131573/5; MDAFA, XI, fig. 140.
Two women, one sitting on a stool, playing Five women: one in the centre seated on a swing
with a bird; the other standing and touching tied to a portico; one on the right, standing and
the railing with her left hand. Two railings encouraging her; one on the left pushing the
and an Indian door on the far right. An swing; and two others standing looking at her. An
ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base. ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base.

K.p. Beg. 572. 312. K.p. Beg. 573. 313.

Exc. no. 211a. Exc. no. 211b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-190. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-191.
H 0.089, L 0.145. H 0.089, L 0.153.
Ivory, low relief. Ivory, low relief.
G. 8131574/2; MDAFA, XI, fig. 137. G. 8131574/4; MDAFA, XI, fig. 138.
Three women, one reclining on a sofa placed under an On the right, two elephants with mahouts on their
elegant, ornate pavilion, two others (servants?) standing back, running away. Two railings and a torana on
on either side. Part of an Indian door on the far right. An the far left. An ornamental band of quatrefoils
ornamental band of quatrefoils along the base. along the base.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 237
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 574. 314.

Exc. no. 150 a2.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-39. K.p. Beg. 575. 315.
H 0.136, W 0.158. Exc. no. 150 b2.
Ivory, openwork. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-40.
G. 8131564/55; MDAFA, XI, fig. 82. H 0.135, W 0.102.
On the left, under an ornate Indian door, two Ivory, openwork.
women standing, one with her left leg crossed G. 8131564/55; MDAFA, XI, figs 70 & 488.
over her right. The third woman on the far right, Two women under an Indian arch with
standing under a torana in a relaxed manner (this elaborate animal capitals. The one on
side is badly damaged). the right dancing.

K.p. Beg. 576. 316. K.p. Beg. 577. 317.

Exc. no. 150 c2. Exc. no. 191n.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-41. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-224.
H 0.132, W 0.124. H 0.134, W 0.12.
Ivory, openwork. Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131564/65; MDAFA, XI, fig. 81. G. 8131566/29.
Under an Indian arch, two women standing with Two women standing under an Indian
crossed legs, perhaps dancing. On each side, a arch (in very poor condition).
vegetal panel (in bad condition).

238 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 580. 320.

Exc. no. 191 a1.
K.p. Beg. 578. 318. K.p. Beg. 579. 319. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-223.
H 0.116, W 0.092.
Exc. no. 150 t4. Exc. no. 191z.
Ivory, openwork.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-22. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-15.
G. 8131566/28.
H 0.157, W 0.128. H 0.135, W 0.10.
Ivory, openwork. Ivory, openwork. Two women standing under
G. 8131564/62. MDAFA, XI, fig. 84; G. 8131566/16. an arch composed of small
columns with very elaborate
Two women standing under an Indian A woman standing under an Indian
capitals and flower motifs (in
arch. The one on the left appears to be arch holding a parrot on her left
very poor condition).
feeding a bird (a parrot?). wrist.

K.p. Beg. 581. 321.

Exc. no. 191 b1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-16.
H 0.134, W 0.105.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131566/17; MDAFA, XI, fig. 86.
Two women standing under an Indian arch composed of two small columns with
ornate capitals. A small wicker table on the left. On the far left, a large undulating
vertical branch with foliage and corymbs of the ashoka tree.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 239
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 582. 322. K.p. Beg. 583. 323.

Exc. nos 191 e1. Exc. no. 196.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-14. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-42.
H 0.135, L 0.188. H 0.137, L 0.205.
Ivory, openwork. Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131566/27; MDAFA, XI, fig. 88. G. 8131568/7; MDAFA, XI, figs 66 & 77.
In the centre, two women standing under an Indian arch; On the left, a woman standing under a torana; on the right,
on either side, women standing under a torana. Between three women under an Indian arch, two standing and the
the architectural elements, a large undulating vertical other seated on the ground. Between the architectural
branch with foliage and corymbs of the ashoka tree. elements, a large undulating vertical branch with foliage and
corymbs of the ashoka tree.

K.p. Beg. 585. 325.

Exc. nos 200 c & d.
K.p. Beg. 584. 324. K. M. inv. nos 58-1-30 & 58-1-29.
H 0.135, 0.134, W 0.08, 0.082.
Exc. no. 200b.
Ivory, openwork.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-25.
G. 8131571/28; MDAFA, XI, figs 3 & 79.
H 0.137, W 0.073.
Ivory, openwork. Example of a complete element. On the left, two women standing under
G. 8131571/1; MDAFA, XI, figs 76 & 489. a torana; on the right, two women and a child under an Indian arch.
Between the architectural elements, a large undulating vertical branch with
Under a torana, a woman and
foliage and corymbs of the ashoka tree.
child, perhaps playing.

240 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 586. 326. K.p. Beg. 587. 327.

Exc. nos 200 g & h. Exc. no. 200e.
H 0.133, W 0.043, 0.08. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-226.
Ivory, openwork. H 0.188, W 0.127.
G. 8131571/2 & 3; MDAFA, XI, figs 74 & 75. Ivory, openwork.
On the left, a woman and child standing under a G. 8131571/22; MDAFA, XI, figs 3 & 535.
torana. On the right, two women standing under an Two women standing under an Indian
Indian arch. arch, one feeding a duck (badly

K.p. Beg. 588. 328. K.p. Beg. 589. 329.

Exc. no. 200 j. Exc. no. 200 o (a,b).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-24. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-26.
H 0.136, L 0.142. H 0.134, W 0.056, 0.117.
Ivory, openwork. Ivory, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 80 (right). G. 8131571/6; MDAFA, XI, fig. 71, 80 (left).
Three women: on the left, a woman standing gracefully On the left, under a torana, a woman standing and holding
under a torana; two other women standing under an a branch of the ashoka tree; on the right, under an Indian
Indian arch. Between the architectural elements, a vertical arch, a woman and a girl standing, facing. Between the
undulating branch of the ashoka tree. architectural elements, a vertical undulating branch of the
ashoka tree.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 241
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 590. 330. K.p. Beg. 591. 331.

Exc. no. 200 p (a,b). Exc. no. 200 q.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-27. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-31.
H 0.131, W 0.057, 0.127. H 0.135, W 0.121.
Ivory, openwork. Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131571/7. G. 8131571/27; MDAFA, XI, fig. 79.
On the left, under a torana, a woman standing looking at a Under an Indian arch, two women
little wicker table; on the right, under an Indian arch, two standing in a relaxed manner. On either
women standing (in bad condition). side, a torana. Between the architectural
elements, a vertical undulating branch
of the ashoka tree.

K.p. Beg. 592. 332. K.p. Beg. 593. 333.

Exc. no. 200 s. Exc. no. 220.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-28. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-225.
H 0.132, W 0.12. H 0.157, W 0.136.
Ivory, openwork. Ivory, openwork.
G. 8131571/9; MDAFA, XI, fig. 87. G. 8131576/7; MDAFA, XI, fig. 72.
Under an Indian arch, two women Under an Indian arch, two women
standing in a relaxed manner. On standing in a relaxed manner. The
either side, a torana. Between the one on the left carries a pot.
architectural elements, a vertical
undulating branch of the ashoka tree.

242 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Fragments and assorted pieces

K.p. Beg. 594. 334.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin reconstructing the following panels.
G. 81315/166.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 595. 335.

Exc. no. 150a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-165.
H 0.085, L 0.152.
Carved ivory, high relief.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 114; G. 8131564/4.
Within a rectangular border decorated with quatrefoils separated by paired
lines, an elephant kneeling to right, with an ornamented cloth on its back.
Two women seated on the back of the elephant. On the far left, a woman
standing holding a spear; to her left, another woman standing and watching
the scene.

K.p. Beg. 596. 336.

Exc. no. 150d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-166.
H 0.09, L 0.12.
Carved ivory, high relief.
G. 8131564/48.
Similar scene to the preceding piece, but with three women
on the back of the elephant and only one woman standing on
the far left. The rectangular border decorated with a repeated
wave motif.

244 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

From this group of finds, photographs of the
following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974).
Exc. nos 191e & a. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-244, L 0.095.
Exc. nos 191e & d. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-263, L 0.15.
Exc. nos 191e & f. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-244a, L 0.13.
Exc. nos 191e & h. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-244b, L 0.124.
K.p. Beg. 597. 337a. Exc. nos 191e & i. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-263, L 0.13.
Exc. no. 191d. Exc. nos 191e & j. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-244, L 0.145.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-245.
H 0.063, L 0.202.
Carved ivory, openwork.
G. 8131566/3. This photograph is of the Musée Guimet piece (MA 303).
Vedika decorated with full-blown lotuses.

From this group of finds, photographs of the
following items were not found; they are
listed here with their Kabul Museum inventory
numbers (1974).
Exc. no. 200j,3. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-214, L 0.163.
Exc. no. 200j,5. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-264.
Exc. no. 200j,6. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-43, L 0.107.
Exc. no. 150w4 (a, c, d, e, & f). K. M. inv. no. 58-1-202.
K.p. Beg. 597. 337b. Exc. no. 150y4 (a & b). K. M. inv. no. 58-1-233.
Exc. no. 200j 1.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-214.
H 0.065, L 0.146.
Carved ivory, openwork.
Vedika decorated with full-blown lotuses.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 245
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Ten engraved plaques in good condition and two others in fragments were recovered. It was difficult to
reconstruct the twelve torana because so many elements were missing.

K.p. Beg. 598. 338.

Exc. no. 191a.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-220.
H 0.203, W 0.122.
Engraved ivory.
G. 8131566/25; MDAFA, XI,
figs 4 & 666.
Four women engaged
in housework.
K.p. Beg. 599. 339.
Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 666.

K.p. Beg. 600. 340.

Exc. no. 191b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-74.
H 0.207, W 0.144.
Engraved ivory.
G. 8131566/2; MDAFA, XI,
figs. 25 & 659.
Two women in a
garden, two ducks
flying above.
K.p. Beg. 601. 341.
Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 659.

246 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

a b
K.p. Beg. 602. 342a & b.
Exc. no. 191s.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-75.
H 0.34, W 0.147.
Engraved ivory.
G. 8131566/13, 26; MDAFA, XI, figs 14, 20, 557 & 661.
(a) Two women seated under a mango
tree. From top to bottom: a tympanum, a
double pediment with foliage, elephants,
two makara in each corner and a curtain.
(b) Detail. Women and a railing with
interwoven pattern on the right, fragments
of a pilaster and capital (exc. no. 197h)
and a small guard.

K.p. Beg. 603. 343.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 661.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 247
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 604. 344.

Exc. no. 191t.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-219.
H 0.294, W 0.123.
Engraved ivory.
G. 8131566/23; MDAFA, XI,
fig. 26; D.D. B.103.198. 662.
Three women playing
with balls. Around
this plaque there were
originally two Indian
arches decorated with
elephants and makara,
but only this plaque
now remains.

K.p. Beg. 605. 345.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 662.

K.p. Beg. 606. 346a, b & c.
Exc. no. 200 k.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-73. Only the following fragments were
H 0.207, W 0.134. recovered:
Engraved ivory. Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. (b) K. M. inv. no. 59-1-227. Engraved.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 663. Head and raised arm.
Three women under the ashoka tree. (c) K. M. inv. no. 58-1-252. Engraved.
(a) Drawing by Pierre Hamelin. Tympanum with curtains.

248 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 608. 348.

Exc. no. 211c.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-76.
H 0.205, W 0.148.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 22.
Same as the preceding piece: detail of the
two women.

K.p. Beg. 607. 347.

Exc. no. 211c & c (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-76.
Engraved ivory, partly carved.
G. 8131574/5, 6; MDAFA, XI, figs 12, 22, 555 & 660.
Complete architectural pattern, from top to bottom:
(a) tympanum: pediment with elephants; two women
feeding ducks under a tree; (b) railing with interwoven
pattern: on the right and left, plain pilasters with elaborate
capitals with seated bulls; (c) on the base: motifs of
half-lotuses, two dvarapali and a railing with interwoven

K.p. Beg. 609. 349.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 660.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 249
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 610. 350.

Exc. no. 200 m.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-77 (fragments) XXVIII, and K. M. inv. no.
Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 667. (Only existing evidence of the piece.)
K.p. Beg. 611. 351a & b.
Exc. no. 224b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-77.
Total H 0.40, total W 0.217, H of the plaque: 0.208, W of the plaque
Incised ivory, partly carved. b
G. 8131577/5; MDAFA, XI, figs 17, 23, 163 & 668; D.D. B.103.175 &
(For the same type of architecture, see K.p. Beg.
607. 347.)
(a) Three women, one seated on a bench,
the second seated on a stool washing her hands,
and the third, kneeling in front of her, holding
a basin. The pediment decorated with small wild
boars (?), the capitals with leogryphs
(see K.p. Beg. 611. 351b).
(b) Detail of the pillar on the right.

K.p. Beg. 612. 352.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 668.

250 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 614. 354.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 665.

K.p. Beg. 613. 353.

Exc. no. 224d.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-78.
H 0.415, W 0.23.
Engraved and carved ivory.
G. 8131577/12.
MDAFA, XI, figs 15, 164 & 665.
Similar pattern to the preceding piece. Woman seated
accompanied by two maidservants, perhaps preparing for
a feast. The pediment composed of leogryphs. Capitals on
the left decorated with leogryphs and, on the right, with
winged bulls (exc. no. 224f; G. 8131577/8; MDAFA,
XI, fig. 164). One of the dvarapali on the base might
correspond to exc. no. 224g (missing since 1974).
K.p. Beg. 615. 355.
Exc. no. 224f.
H 0.83, W 0.04.
Carved ivory.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 164.
Detail of the pilaster on the right,
with two winged bulls.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 616. 356a & b.
Exc. no. 191i (bis), 191l, 191j (bis) & 191k (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-80.
Carved and incised ivory, openwork.
G. 8131566/10, 22; MDAFA, XI, fig. 90.
(a) Attempted reconstruction of the torana. From bottom to top: railing
with interwoven pattern; two women standing arm in arm under an
Indian arch (exc. no. 191j [bis], H 0.157, W 0.147, openwork); on
either side, vertical bands decorated with undulating tendrils (exc. no.
191k [bis], H 0.154, W 0.036, incised); engraved plaque with entwined
cobras with multiple hoods (exc. no. 191 l, H 0.08, L 0.198); band
composed of full-blown lotuses (exc. no. 191i [bis], H 0.044, W 0.20).
(b) Detail of the engraved plaque with entwined cobras with multiple
a hoods.

K.p. Beg. 617. 357.

Exc. no. 191m.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-81.
H 0.335, W 0.18.
Incised ivory, openwork.
G. 8131566/37; MDAFA, XI, fig. 94; MIZ, fig. 55; ROW, 66, fig. 32; D.D. B.103.234.
Attempted reconstruction of the torana. From bottom to top: railing
with interwoven pattern; two women standing in a relaxed manner,
under an Indian arch (H 0.156, W 0.129); on either side, vertical
bands decorated with undulating tendrils; engraved plaque with
entwined cobras with multiple hoods (H 0.079, L 0.178).

252 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 618. 358.

Exc. no. 224a2.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-82.
H 0.077, W 0.175.
Engraved ivory.
G. 8131577/3; MDAFA, XI, fig. 92.
Detail of the engraved plaque:
entwined cobras with multiple hoods
(see the preceding piece).

K.p. Beg. 619. 359a & b.

Exc. no. 197 i.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-250.
H10, L 0.202. a
Engraved ivory.
(a) MDAFA, XI, fig. 93, 645. Torana with three b
architraves, separated by leaf and dart band. From
top to bottom: undulating tendril with leaves, jutting
out from a makara; flying geese; pair of leaves;
symbols: conch, hourglass, shrivatsa and vardhamana
(nandyavarta); undulating tendril with flowers, jutting
out from a makara.
(b) Detail of the same piece (K. M. inv. no. 58-1-239.
G. 8131569/3).

K.p. Beg. 620. 360.

Exc. no. 224a4.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-82.
H 0.107, L 0.175.
Carved, openwork.
Ornamental band, floral medallions separated by darts.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 621. 361a & b.
Exc. no. 224c.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-79.
H 0.34, W 0.185.
Carved, engraved, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 89.
(a) From bottom to top: railing with interwoven pattern; two
women standing in a relaxed manner under an Indian arch; on
either side, vertical bands decorated with undulating tendrils;
plaque decorated with a torana with three architraves, decorated
with ducks and lotuses; large band decorated with large
(b) Detail of the same piece: large band decorated with large
palmettes (MDAFA, XI, fig. 214).

K.p. Beg. 622. 362.

Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.
Plaque decorated with a torana with three architraves, decorated with ducks and lotuses
(MDAFA, XI, fig. 646).

254 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 623. 363. K.p. Beg. 624. 364.

Exc. no. 170. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-135.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-150. H 0.093.
H 0.102, W 0.08. Carved ivory.
Engraved ivory. ROW, 66, fig. 34.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 107; D.D. B.103.242. Woman standing.
Two women standing under the ashoka tree.

K.p. Beg. 625. 365a & b.

Exc. no. 119.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-182.
H 0.053.
Piece of ivory, in the round, openwork.
G. 81315/118; MDAFA, IX, fig. 72; MIZ, fig. 62.
Small man seated.
(Two views, recto-verso.) a b

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K.p. Beg. 626. 366. K.p. Beg. 627. 367.

Exc. no. 125. Exc. no. 190.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-101. K. M. inv. no. 59-1-100.
H 0.052, W 0.05. H 0.08, W 0.075.
Ivory, openwork. Ivory, openwork.
G. 81315/112. G. 81315/116; MDAFA, IX, fig. 227.
Two women, one standing and the other seated Architectural element: on the left, a
and playing the harp. palisade with a door; on the right, a
woman standing (upper part broken).

K.p. Beg. 629. 369.

Exc. no. XXXV.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-174.
H 0.083, L 0.203.
Ivory, openwork.
Long plaque with decorative motifs.

K.p. Beg. 628. 368.

Exc. no. 123.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-53.
Ivory, openwork.
G. 81315/100.
Vase decorated with foliage.

256 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 630. 370. K.p. Beg. 631. 371.

Exc. no. 150t5a. Exc. no. 150t5b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-239. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-239.
H 0.07, W 0.05. H 0.07, W 0.05.
Ivory, openwork. Ivory, openwork.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 227. MDAFA, XI, fig. 226.
Tall palmette on a semicircular motif. Tall palmette on a semicircular motif
with minor variations compared to the
preceding piece.

K.p. Beg. 632. 372.

Exc. no. 221j.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-222.
H 0.149, L 0.062.
Engraved bone.
G. 81315792/20.
Vardhamana and shrivatsa on a
background of foliage.

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K.p. Beg. 633. 373.

Exc. no. 211j c.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-194.
H 0.054, L 0.235.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 175.
Two makara facing under a heraldic bird, their
long tails joined under the shoulders of fantastic
creatures with human faces (top part, a woman;
lower part, stylized foliage).

K.p. Beg. 634. 374.

Exc. no. 211 j (b & c).
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-195 & K. M. inv. no. 59-1-194.
H 0.054, L 0.13 + 0.235.
Carved ivory, openwork.
G. 8131574/13; MDAFA, XI, fig. 175.
Same as the preceding piece.

K.p. Beg. 635. 375.

Exc. no. 192 x (c).
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-118.
H 0.054, L 0.147.
Carved ivory, openwork.
G. 8131567/25; MDAFA, XI, fig. 175.
Same as the two preceding pieces.

K.p. Beg. 636. 376.

Exc. no. XLV.
K. M. inv. nos 58-1-118 & 58-1-119.
H 0.057, L 0.267.
G. 8131567/25; MDAFA, XI, fig. 175.
Same as the three preceding pieces.

K.p. Beg. 637. 377.

Exc. no. XLVI.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-2-265.
H 0.051 + 0.050, L 0.187 + 0.085.
Same as the four preceding pieces, but the small creatures with short legs are wearing skirts resembling flower petals.

258 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 638. 378.

Exc. no. 150n3.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-193.
H 0.078, L 0.05.
Incised bone.
G. 8131564/49; MDAFA, IX, fig. 224.
Horizontal band with a long undulating branch with
leaves and corymbs of the ashoka tree jutting out from the
mouth of a makara.

K.p. Beg. 639. 379.

Exc. no. 191d.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-48.
H 0.08, L 0.246.
Incised ivory.
G. 81315/105; MDAFA, IX, fig. 224.
Undulating tendril with flowers, an elephant (right) and a
horse-like fantastic animal (left).

K.p. Beg. 640. 380.

Exc. no. 150e5 d.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-200.
H 0.027, L 0.183.
Incised bone.
Crawling winged monsters
with lion-heads to right.

K.p. Beg. 641. 381.

Exc. no. 150n5.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-134.
H 0.02, L 0.122.
G. 8131564/59.
Decorative band of repeated
paired curled elements.

K.p. Beg. 642. 382.

Exc. no. 150b5 b.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-237.
H 0.027, L 0.127.
Engraved bone, traces of black and red paint.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 219.
Undulating branch of leaves and corymbs of
the ashoka tree.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 643. 383.

Exc. nos 192y a, c, d, f & h.
K. M. inv. nos 58-1-226 & 58-1-235.
H 0.026, L 0.088–0.146.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/22.
Long frieze of ducks swimming in a lotus pond.

K.p. Beg. 644. 384.

Exc. nos 150i 3d (bis) & 150i 3a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-192.
H 0.027, L 0.12.
Incised bone.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 207.
Frieze of ducks swimming in a lotus pond.

K.p. Beg. 645. 385.

Exc. no. 192b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-54.
H 0.042, L 0.312.
Ivory, openwork.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 225; ROW, 71, fig. 53; D.D. B.103.181.
Undulating stems of lotus flowers and leaves and corymbs of the ashoka tree with flying ducks.

K.p. Beg. 646. 386.

Exc. no. 150z5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-225.
H 0.021, L 0.128.
Incised bone.
Wild ducks flying to left.

260 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 648. 388.

Exc. no. 150q4a.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-200.
H 0.049, L 0.155.
G. 8131564/14; MDAFA, XI, fig. 203.
K.p. Beg. 647. 387.
Peacock walking left and, on the left, a small bird going to left.
Exc. no. 203f.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-233.
H 0.046, W 0.058.
Incised bone.
G. 8131567/6.
Crested duck to left.

K.p. Beg. 649. 389.

Exc. no. 150a5.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-205.
H 0.048, L 0.138.
Incised bone. K.p. Beg. 650. 390.
G. 8131564/56.
Exc. no. 150c5.
Two birds. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-236.
H 0.046, L 0.039.
Incised bone.
G. 8131564/50.
Bird flying to left.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 651. 391.

Exc. no. 199a.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-57.
L 0.09.
Ivory, in the round.
G. 81315/123; MDAFA, IX, fig. 235; G.G., 61, no. 58 (no photograph); MIZ,
fig. 53; ROW, 66, fig. 36; ROW, 71, fig. 63; L.N.
Forepart of a small reclining lion. There were originally
four (only one shown here), perhaps belonging to a
small table.

K.p. Beg. 652. 392.

Exc. no. 200b.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-99.
H 0.024, L 0.082.
Ivory, in the round.
G. 81315/123; MDAFA, IX, fig. 232; MIZ, fig. 59; L.N.
Reclining buffalo, perhaps belonging to a
piece of furniture.

K.p. Beg. 653. 393.

Exc. no. 200d.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-55.
H 0.025, L 0.051.
Ivory, in the round.
G. 81315/127; MDAFA, IX, fig. 236; G.G., 61, no. 59 (no photograph); ROW, 71, fig. 62.
Head of a buffalo.

262 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 655. 395.

Exc. no. 201.
K. M. inv. no. 59-1-56.
H 0.05, W 0.035.
Ivory, in the round.
K.p. Beg. 654. 394. MDAFA, IX, fig. 234.
Exc. no. 196. Fragment of a lion-head.
H 0.27.
Ivory, in the round.
G. 81315/121; MDAFA, IX, figs 228
& 229; ROW, 71, fig. 61.
Elephant facing.

K.p. Beg. 656. 396.

K. M. inv. no. 59-1-69.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 237.
Comb decorated with a goose and a small tendril.
It was found in a room in one of the buildings at
the entrance to the city.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

An appeal

The two small female figures at the end of this long list of ivory and bone artefacts from Begram
disappeared as long ago as the 1960s. The many attempts to find them have so far proved fruitless.
May this volume be a plea – like the message in a bottle thrown into the sea – to those who are
holding these pieces to return them to their rightful home, the Kabul Museum.

K.p. Beg. 657. 397.

Exc. no. 188a.
H 0.075, W 0.065.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/102 (bis); MDAFA, IX, fig. 221.
Young woman walking left with a goose at her feet.

K.p. Beg. 658. 398.

Exc. no. 188b.
H 0.079, W 0.026.
Incised bone.
G. 81315/100.
Young woman walking three-
quarters to right.

264 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006


The glass vessels discovered in the two Begram rooms were first studied by Otto Kurz, a member of DAFA,
and later by many other experts. Most of the glass came from the West and is similar to that of the late Greek
period in Western Asia and the Mediterranean. The existence of trade links between East and West is now well
established. It is also believed that rough blocks of glass were probably imported to Kapisa at the time. Some
of the Begram glass may have been manufactured in situ. As far as the Begram treasure is concerned, this is
certainly one of the many problems that still need to be solved.

D. B. Harden et al., 1987.
O. Kurz, 1954, MDAFA, XI, pp. 95–109; catalogue, pp. 254–64.
D. Whitehouse, 2001, TOPOI, 11, pp. 437–49.

K.p. Beg. 659. 399.

Exc. no. 247.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-92.
Diam. 0.235. K.p. Beg. 660. 400.
Colourless, iridescent glass. Exc. no. 311.
G. 813. 45; MIY, fig. 87; D.D. B.103.61. K. M. inv. no. 57-1-91.
Ribbed bowl. Diam. 0.172.
Coloured glass, imitating ribboned agate.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 61; G. 81316/46; D.D. B.103.57.
Ribbed bowl.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 661. 401.

Exc. no. 157.
Diam. 0.083.
Glass, light tobacco-brown colour.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 8; G. 81316/2.
Hemispherical cup, with two
bands of incised grooves.

K.p. Beg. 662. 402.

Exc. no. 159.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-90.
Diam. 0.177.
Mosaic millefiori glass.
MDAFA, IX, figs 9 & 10; G. 81316/135; MIZ, fig. 37; ROW, 66, fig. 26; MIY, fig. 91; D.D. B.103.67.
Deep dish.

266 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 663. 403. K.p. Beg. 664. 404.

Exc. no. 4. Exc. no. 205.
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-12. H 0.093, Upper diam. 0.105.
Diam. 0.115. White cut glass.
White transparent cut glass. MDAFA, IX, fig. 42.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 252; G. 81316/73; G.G., 61, fig. 35; MIZ, fig. 44; MIY, Small conical goblet with five rows of
fig. 93. ‘honeycomb’ pattern.
Goblet with ‘honeycomb’ pattern.

K.p. Beg. 665. 405. K.p. Beg. 666. 406.

Exc. no. 23. Probably one of the following goblets of the same
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-00. series, mentioned in the MDAFA catalogue and not
H 0.095, Upper diam. 0.108. clearly identified.
White cut glass.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 364; G. 81316/77; MIZ, fig. 45; D.D. B.103.188.
Small conical goblet with four rows of ‘honeycomb’

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 667. 407.

Exc. no. in MDAFA, XI, 25 (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-18.
H 0.21, Upper diam. 0.12.
White cut glass (with weathered crust).
ROW, 71, fig. 75.
Tall goblet with eleven rows of
‘honeycomb’ pattern.

K.p. Beg. 668. 408.

Exc. no. 175.
H 0.21.
White cut glass (with weathered crust).
MDAFA, IX, fig. 21 (in situ).
Tall goblet with fourteen rows of
‘honeycomb’ pattern.
The goblets with exc. nos LIX,
LXIX and LXXII must be very
similar (no illustrations).

K.p. Beg. 669. 409.

Exc. no. 4.
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-64.
H 0.223.
White cut glass (with weathered crust).
MIZ, fig. 21; ROW, 66, fig. 24.
Tall goblet with twelve rows of
‘honeycomb’ pattern.

268 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 670. 410.

Exc. no. 204.
H 0.11, Upper diam. 0.058.
White cut glass.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 42.
Small one-handled jug with a
pattern of concave hexagonal

K.p. Beg. 671. 411.

Exc. no. 32.
White cut glass (with weathered crust).
MDAFA, XI, fig. 253; G. 81316/76.
Fragment of a circular dish
with ‘honeycomb’ pattern.

K.p. Beg. 672. 412.

Exc. no. 41 (?).
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-05.
H 0.093.
Blue cut glass.
MIZ, fig. 46.
Small one-handled jug with a
pattern of concave hexagonal

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 674. 414.

Exc. no. LXXV in MDAFA, XI.
K.p. Beg. 673. 413. H 0.105, Upper diam. 0.105.
Plain white glass.
Exc. no. LXXXIV in MDAFA, XI. G. 81316/114.
H 0.085, Diam. 0.080.
White glass (with weathered crust). Bowl without decoration.
G. 813116/114; Hamelin, pl. XIV A.
Small bowl with ‘honeycomb’ pattern.

K.p. Beg. 675. 415. K.p. Beg. 676. 416.

White glass. Exc. no. LXXXV in MDAFA, XI.
G. 81316/125. H 0.076, Diam. 0.135.
Large jar with a flat handle. White glass.
G. 81316/115.
Bottle with a band of wavy lines encircling a
rosette (restored).

270 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

a b
K.p. Beg. 677. 417a & b.
Exc. no. 203.
H 0.18.
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-91.
White glass (unique piece).
MDAFA, IX, figs 37–40; MDAFA, XI, figs 359–62; MIY, fig. 88; DUP, fig. 23.
Tall beaker decorated in high relief with: a tower-like building believed to be the Pharos of
Alexandria in Egypt; a sailing ship; a small rowing boat; and a larger ship (see Piponnier, 1983).

K.p. Beg. 678. 418.

Exc. no. 237.
H 0.142.
White cut glass.
G.G., 61, fig. 39; D.D. B.103.189.
Tall beaker decorated with maple leaves.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b

K.p. Beg. 679. 419a, b, c & d.

Exc. no. 197.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-3.
H 0.135.
Painted white glass. Bright colours.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 29; G. 81316/13; G.G., 61, fig. 29; ROW,
66, fig. 21; ROW, 71, fig. 71; D.D. B.103.81.
Tall beaker decorated with four figures in
late Hellenistic style.
(a) Young girl seated (right), facing left
(an assistant?).
(b) H 0.126. MDAFA, IX, fig. 31; D.D. B.103.83.
Youth standing (left) with a basket full
of fruit.
(c) H 0.145. MDAFA, IX, fig. 30; MIZ, fig. 38; MIY, fig. 86.
Woman standing facing, in full regalia (a
(d) H 0.145. MDAFA, IX, fig. 32; MIY, fig. 85; D.D.
Youth standing (left).

c d

272 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 680. 420.

Exc. no. 54.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-2.
H 0.248, Diam. 0.117.
Painted white glass.
MDAFA, XI, figs 257–60; ROW, 71, fig. 70; MIY, fig. 84;
D.D. B.103.77 & 79.
Tall beaker, with a hunting scene (above)
and fishermen at sea (below).

K.p. Beg. 681. 421a & b.

Exc. no. 27.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-1.
H 0.243.
Painted white glass.
(a) MDAFA, XI, figs 261–63 (bis); MIY, fig. 83;
D.D. B.103.78.
Tall beaker decorated with a
battle scene, believed to be
the duel between Achilles and
(b) MDAFA, XI, fig. 263; G. 81316/83.
Detail of (a). Colour drawing by
Jean Carl. a

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 682. 422. K.p. Beg. 683. 423.

Exc. no. 364 in MDAFA, IX. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-7.
K. M. inv. no. 58-1-8. H 0.85, W 0.10.
Painted white glass. Painted white glass.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 269; G. 81316/144; MIZ, fig. 42. MDAFA, XI, fig. 267; G.G., 61, fig. 32; MIZ, fig. 41; D.D. B.103.177.
Fragment. Probably the head and legs of a running Fragment of a goblet. Three men engaged in conversation.

K.p. Beg. 684. 424. K.p. Beg. 685. 425.

Exc. no. 199. Exc. no. 202 in MDAFA, IX.
H 0.08, W 0.08. K. M. inv. no. 58-1-5.
Painted white glass. H 0.08, L 0.076.
G. 81316/71 & 72; G.G., 61, fig. 30. Painted, thick, but transparent white glass with gold foil.
Fragment. Duel in an amphitheatre. MDAFA, IX, fig. 202; MDAFA, XI, fig. 266; G.G., 61, fig. 61 (right).
Battle scene between a rider and an archer.

274 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 686. 426a & b.
Exc. no. 154.
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-41.
H 0.214, Upper diam. 0.066.
Blue-grey glass, engraved. Gilded decoration.
MDAFA, XI, figs 251 & 251 (bis); G. 81316/108.
(a) Jug decorated with a Dionysiac scene in gold foil.
(b) Detail, showing a group of dancers: two young men and a girl.
Drawing by Pierre Hamelin.

K.p. Beg. 688. 428.

Exc. no. 121.
K.p. Beg. 687. 427. K. M. inv. no. 57-2-50.
Exc. no. 237 in MDAFA, IX. H 0.09, Diam. 0.14.
H 0.142, Upper diam. 0.095. White glass. Engraved gold foil.
White glass. MDAFA, XI, figs 270–73; ROW, 71, fig. 64.
MDAFA, IX, figs 53 & 54; G. 81316/40. Kantharos decorated with branches and leaves of wild vine.
Fragment of a large goblet with vegetal ornament.
(Photograph taken in situ.)

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K.p. Beg. 689. 429. K.p. Beg. 690. 430. K.p. Beg. 691. 431.
Exc. no. 251. Exc. no. 48. Exc. no. 158.
H 0.124, Upper diam. 0.044. K. M. inv. no. 57-2-40. K. M. inv. no. 57-2-78.
Brown glass. H 0.288. H 0.165.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 256. Blue-black glass. Coloured glass.
Small bottle with a long neck. MDAFA, XI, fig. 250; ROW, 71, fig. 74; MDAFA, IX, fig. 7; ROW, 71, fig. 65; MIY, fig. 90; D.D.
D.D. B.103.75. B.103.207.
Large jug with a tall handle. Large rhyton set on a conical foot.
Decorated with the head of an antelope.

K.p. Beg. 692. 432.

Exc. no. LXXXII.
H 0.210.
White glass.
G. 81316/115.
Beaker encased within
a ‘cage’ of horizontal
undulating filaments of
glass supported by vertical
filaments attached to the
wall of the vessel. They
are similar to the cage-
cups, but very seldom K.p. Beg. 693. 433.
found elsewhere. This Exc. no. 182.
(very damaged) example K. M. inv. no. 57-2-44.
enables us to understand H 0.145.
its manufacture. Blue glass.
ROW, 71, fig. 69; D.D. B.103.85.
Beaker with two handles. Same
decoration as the preceding piece.

276 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 694. 434.

Exc. no. 190.
H 0.177, Upper diam. 0.033.
Blue glass.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 23.
Beaker with two handles.
Decoration (very damaged) similar
to the two preceding pieces.
K.p. Beg. 695. 435.
Exc. no. 228.
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-47.
H 0.178.
White glass.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 55; MDAFA, IX, fig. 367; ROW, 71, fig. 68;
D.D. B.103.84.
Beaker encased within a ‘cage’ of
horizontal undulating filaments of glass
supported by vertical filaments attached
to the wall of the vessel.

K.p. Beg. 696. 436.

Exc. 194.
H 0.178.
White glass.
MDAFA, IX, figs 27 & 28; DUP, fig. 24; D.D.
Beaker encased within a ‘cage’ of
horizontal undulating filaments
of glass supported by vertical
filaments attached to the wall of
the vessel.

The fragments with excavation nos MDAFA, IX, 183, 188, 224, 235 & 354 and MDAFA, XI, 30, LXII, LXIII, LXIV, LXV,
LXVIII, LXXXI, LXXXII & LXXXIII must belong to the same series (no illustrations).

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K.p. Beg. 697. 437.

Exc. no. 208.
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-22.
L 0.202.
White glass.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 41; MIZ, fig. 50; ROW, 66, fig. 25; D.D. B.103.224.
Fish-shaped vessel with openwork, probably depicting
a dolphin.

K.p. Beg. 698. 438.

Exc. no. 193.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-97.
L 0.32.
Blue glass.
MDAFA, IX, fig. 26 (left); MIZ, fig. 50; ROW, 71, fig. 72; D.D. B.103.80.
Fish-shaped vessel with openwork, probably depicting
a dolphin.

K.p. Beg. 699. 439.

White glass.
D.D. B.103.206.
Fragment of a fish-shaped vessel with openwork,
probably depicting a dolphin.

The fragments with excavation numbers MDAFA, IX, 186, 194, 208 (bis), 220, 230, 232, 235 & 365 and MDAFA, XI,
185, 194, LXVI & LXVII must belong to the same series (no illustrations).

278 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 700. 440.

Exc. no. 218.
L 0. 085.
White glass.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 43.
Fragment. Head of a cock with the cockscomb.

K.p. Beg. 701. 441.

K. M. inv. no. 80-1-13.
White glass.
J.P., no. 52; L.N.
Jug with a small handle.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Stone and ceramics

O. Kurz, 1954, MDAFA, XI, p. 150; catalogue, pp. 298–304.

a b
K.p. Beg. 702. 442a & b.
Exc. no. 172.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-89.
H 0.169.
MDAFA, IX, figs 13–15; ROW, 66, fig. 29.
Jug with a trilobate mouth and a tall handle.

K.p. Beg. 703. 443a & b.
Exc. no. 165.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-87.
Diam. 0.193.
MDAFA, IX, figs 16–19; ROW, 71, fig. 78.
(a) Patera with a circular foot and a handle ending in a
ram’s head.
(b) Detail. b

280 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 704. 444. K.p. Beg. 705. 445.

Exc. no. 164. Exc. no. 95.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-88. K. M. inv. no. 57-1-86.
H 0.273. H 0.253, Diam. 0.118.
Alabaster. Porphyry.
MDAFA, IX, figs 11 & 12. MDAFA, XI, fig. 354.
Amphora. Tall vase with bands of etched horizontal lines.

K.p. Beg. 706. 446.

Exc. no. 119.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-85.
Diam. 0.185.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 354 (bis); ROW, 66, fig. 30.
Deep dish with a small omphalos in the centre.

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K.p. Beg. 708. 448.

Exc. no. 33.
H 0.175, Upper diam. 0.09.
K.p. Beg. 707. 447. Baked clay.
Exc. no. 72. MDAFA, VIII, fig. 237; D.D. B.103.108.
K. M. inv. no. 57-2-90. Tall cylindrical goblet with a small handle.
H 0.202, L 0.218.
Blue-green glazed pottery.
MDAFA, XI, figs 241 & 242; G.G., 61, fig. 43; ROW, 66, fig. 28; ROW, 71, figs 76
& 77; DUP, fig. 9 (colour); MIY, fig. 97.
Pitcher, the head and chest in the form of a woman and the
body in the form of a bird. The style shows similarities with
Indian art.

K.p. Beg. 709. 449. K.p. Beg. 710. 450.

Exc. no. in MDAFA, VIII, 28. Exc. no. 316.
K. M. inv. no. MK. 63-1-3. H 0.178.
H 0.091, L 0.11. Baked clay.
Baked clay. G. 81318/316; D.D. B.103.101.
MDAFA, XI, no. 301; G. 81318/49; MIZ, fig. 90; D.D. B.103.100. Pot in the shape of a standing goat.
Whistle in the shape of a horse.

282 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006


Like the former artefacts, the bronzes were not considered of great interest at the time of their discovery and
therefore ought to be studied afresh (see MDAFA, XI, pp. 147–50). The small statuettes of the divinities and
objects of everyday life found during the excavations belong to the Graeco-Roman tradition, but it is difficult
to establish whether they were imported or copied by local artisans.

O. Kurz, 1954, MDAFA, XI, ch. V, pp. 147–50; catalogue, pp. 276–93.

K.p. Beg. 711. 451.

Exc. no. 25.
K. M. inv. no. 57-3-4.
H 0.241.
Bronze, cast solid.
MDAFA, XI, figs 323–25; G.G., 61, fig. 23; ROW, 66, fig. 7; ROW,
71, fig. 92; D.D. B.103.93; L.N.
Statuette of the Roman god Hercules-Serapis,
holding a club and wearing the modius.

K.p. Beg. 712. 452.

Exc. no. 153.
K. M. inv. no. 57-3-6.
H 0.133.
K.p. Beg. 713. 453a & b. Bronze, cast solid.
MDAFA, XI, figs 322–24; ROW, 66, fig. 10;
Exc. no. 63. ROW, 71, figs 90–91; D.D. B.103.95; L.N.
K. M. inv. no. 57-3-7.
H 0.152. Small figure of the Egyptian
Bronze, cast solid. god Harpocrates, son of Isis
MDAFA, XI, figs 326–27. and Serapis, wearing the pshent.
Small figure of a naked,
winged, chubby Eros
bearing a bow and a
a b broken torch. (Two views.)

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b

K.p. Beg. 714. 454a & b.

Exc. no. 160.
K. M. inv. no. 57-3-8.
H 0.147.
Bronze, cast solid.
MDAFA, XI, figs 330–32.
Barbarian rider, half-naked (horse missing). (Two views, recto-verso.)

K.p. Beg. 715. 455.

Exc. no. 237.
K. M. inv. no. 57-3-9.
H 0.135.
Bronze, hollow.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 335; ROW, 71, fig. 89.
Young rider in Roman dress.

284 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

a b

K.p. Beg. 716. 456a & b.

Exc. no. 242.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-35.
H 0.085.
Bronze, hollow.
MDAFA, XI, figs 57–59; ROW, 66, fig. 9;
ROW, 71, fig. 85.
Unguent vase (reused as
weight): bust of the Greek
goddess Athena, with
a removable cap. (Two
photographs at the time
of the discovery, before

K.p. Beg. 717. 457. K.p. Beg. 718. 458.

Exc. no. 78. Exc. no. 240.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-33. K. M. inv. no. 57-1-34.
H 0.084. H 0.091.
Bronze, hollow. Bronze, hollow.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 333. MDAFA, XI, fig. 56; ROW, 71, fig. 83; D.D. B.103.96; L.N.
Unguent vase (reused as weight): bust of the Roman Unguent vase (reused as weight): bust of the Roman
god Mercury. Handle at the back of the head. Three god Mars. Handle at the back of the helmet. A small
circles are engraved on the base. hollow on the top of the head with a removable cap.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 719. 459.

Exc. no. 243.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-36.
H 0.106.
Bronze, hollow.
ROW, 71, fig. 84; D.D. B.103.30.
Vase in the shape of a woman’s head.

K.p. Beg. 720. 460.

Exc. no. 77.
K. M. inv. no. 57-3-5.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 329; G.G., 61, fig. 26; ROW, 71, fig. 86; D.D. B.103.97; L.N.
Mask of Silenus wearing a crown of ivy leaves, probably
originally attached to a vase.

286 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

a b

K.p. Beg. 721. 461a & b.

Exc. no. 216 in MDAFA, IX.
K. M. inv. no. 57-7-7.
Upper diam. 0.39, Lower diam. 0.46.
MDAFA, IX, figs 48–52; MDAFA, XI, fig. 356; G.G., 61, fig. 27; ROW, 66, fig. 8; ROW, 71, fig. 87; L.N.
Large double plate with a mobile decoration. Small fish on the upper plate were attached by metal wires to small weights on
the lower plate. With the movement of water, both the weights on the lower plate and the fish on the upper plate were set in
motion. A mask of Medusa is carved in the centre of the upper part.

a b

K.p. Beg. 722. 462a & b.

Exc. no. 176 in MDAFA, IX.
H of the stand holding the egg: 0.085.
Bronze. Real ostrich egg. Copper ribbons.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 358; MDAFA, IX, fig. 20.
Ostrich egg set in a bronze and copper stand. The lower part ends in an
antelope head.
The rare finds of ostrich eggs in antiquity are attested in the literature. Several
fragments of eggs with bronze stands were found at Begram; they are listed
under excavation numbers 166, 169, 173 & 174 in MDAFA, IX.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 723. 463. K.p. Beg. 724. 464.

Exc. no. 1. Exc. no. 80.
K. M. inv. no. 57-3-1. H 0.07, Diam. 0.095.
H 0.17. Bronze.
Copper. MDAFA, XI, fig. 353.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 339. Small ink-pot with a twisted handle.
Pitcher, plain except for the handle, which is decorated
with a snake on the upper part and the mask of a young
man on the lower part.

K.p. Beg. 725. 465. K.p. Beg. 726. 466.

Exc. no. VI. Exc. no. 88.
Diam. 0.15. K. M. inv. no. 57-9-9.
Bronze. H 0.084.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 341. Bronze.
Lid with a hole in the middle and a decoration of MDAFA, XI, fig. 461; ROW, 71, fig. 81.
palmettes and lotuses. Appliqué decoration for the corner of a piece of furniture:
head and wings of a swan.

288 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 728. 468.

K.p. Beg. 727. 467. Exc. no. 248.
K. M. inv. no. 57-4-0.
Exc. no. 177. H 0.06.
K. M. inv. no. 57-7-8. Bronze.
H 0.054. MDAFA, XI, fig. 337.
Bronze, cast solid.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 328; G.G., 71, fig. 25; ROW, 71, fig. 82; L.N. Part of a decorative item: a winged sphinx with a
woman’s head.
Part of a decorative item: a cock with a man’s head.

K.p. Beg. 730. 470.

Exc. no. 230.
W 0.10.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 336.
Part of a decoration: a
bird with a crooked bill
and half-open wings.

K.p. Beg. 729. 469. K.p. Beg. 731. 471.

Exc. no. 255. Exc. no. 238.
H 0.23. K. M. inv. no. 57-10-4.
Bronze. H 0.056.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 348. Bronze, hollow inside.
Architectural fragment MDAFA, XI, fig. 334; ROW, 71, fig. 80.
comprising a roof, a window Handle fragment of a vase: head and
and a door, with a small figure. neck of a duck.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 733. 473.

Exc. no. 231.
H 0.086.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 344.
a b palmette.
K.p. Beg. 732. 472a & b.
(a) Exc. no. 250.
H 0.082.
(b) Exc. no. 240.
H 0.037.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 343.
Stand for a piece of miniature furniture or sconce with
lion-paw feet. (See K.p. Beg. 735. 475 below.) K.p. Beg. 734. 474.
Exc. no. 249.
H 0.067.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 343.
Stand for a piece of
furniture: lion-paw

K.p. Beg. 735. 475.

Exc. no. 26.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-55.
H 0.09.
MDAFA, XI, figs 340 & 459.
Small tripod with lion-paw feet.

K.p. Beg. 737. 477.

K.p. Beg. 736. 476. Exc. no. 248.
Exc. no. 254. K. M. inv. no. 57-1-37.
H 0.078. Bronze, inlaid with semiprecious stones.
Bronze. MDAFA, XI, fig. 355.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 338. Handle of a rectangular dish
Small urn with round plaits (the dish and its other handle
adorned with an ivy garland. are in the Musée Guimet).

290 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 738. 478.

Exc. no. 137.
H 0.352.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 350.
Detail of an K.p. Beg. 739. 479.
architectural Exc. no. 215.
element: small K. M. inv. no. 57-8-3.
column with a Bronze.
Corinthian capital. MDAFA, XI, fig. 46.
Maple leaf.

K.p. Beg. 740. 480. K.p. Beg. 741. 481.

Exc. no. 82. Exc. no. 320.
H 0.031, Diam. 0.10. L 0.15.
Bronze. Bronze.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 347. MDAFA, XI, fig. 346.
Incense-burner, set on three legs. Spoon, handle decorated with a palmette.

K.p. Beg. 742. 482.

Exc. no. 52.
L 0.363.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 352.
Hand with a pointed index finger, set on a long stick. Perhaps part of a statue.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 743. 483. K.p. Beg. 745. 485.

Exc. no. 84. Exc. no. 64.
H 0.07. Bronze.
Bronze. MDAFA, XI, fig. 349.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 349. K.p. Beg. 744. 484.
Right horn of a stag with six
Leg of a box (?) decorated with a Exc. no. 223. antlers.
griffin. H 0.229.
Bronze and silver.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 342.
Long handle decorated with
palmettes and three small flowers.

K.p. Beg. 746. 486.

Exc. no. 479.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-1.
Diam. 0.284 (with slight variations).
MDAFA, XI, fig. 62. (Photograph in situ.)
Five of the thirty-eight vessels found in the Begram rooms.

The vessels with the following excavation numbers were in the Kabul Museum: MDAFA, IX, 268, 279, 284, 285,
288, 292, 293, 296, 297, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306 & 307; MDAFA, XI, 56, 57 & 58. No. 283 was taken to the
Kabul Museum from the excavation headquarters of DAFA in 1980–82.

292 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 747. 487.

Exc. no. 354.
Diam. 0.46 × 0.11.
Wood decorated with filigree copper metal strips.
Drawing by Jean Carl: MDAFA, XI, fig. 357.
Small coffer with eight panels (in very
poor condition).

K.p. Beg. 748. 488.

Exc. no. 173.
H 0.39, H. with the lid: 0.50, Diam. of the aperture: 0.25.
Very large round pot with a lid, a
fastening piece and two ornamented
handles decorated with a twisted cord
motif. (Recent colour photograph of
a similar pot to one now in the Musée

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Plaster artefacts

The emblema, or plaster mouldings used for making expensive objects in precious metals, were thoroughly
studied by Otto Kurz, who compared them with other collections around the world belonging to the
Hellenistic and Roman periods. The Kapisa region’s influences and numerous connections with the West, its
religious traditions and its artists deserve further study and research.

O. Kurz, 1954, MDAFA, XI, pp. 110–46; catalogue, chs II, III, IV, pp. 110–46.

K.p. Beg. 749. 489. K.p. Beg. 750. 490.

Exc. no. 96. Exc. no. 97.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-56. K. M. inv. no. 57-1-55.
Diam. 0.128. Diam. 0.125.
Plaster. Plaster.
MDAFA, XI, figs 296 & 417. MDAFA, XI, figs 299 & 437; G.G., 61, fig. 9; MIZ, fig. 28; ROW,
Emblema depicting Ganymede feeding 66, fig. 14; D.D. B.103.86; L.N.
Zeus’s eagle. Emblema depicting a helmeted young man or
Ares to left.

K.p. Beg. 751. 491.

Exc. no. 99.
Diam. 0.14.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 292.
Emblema depicting a naked man,
standing and holding a spear (head

294 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 753. 493.

Exc. no. 99 (bis).
K.p. Beg. 752. 492. W 0.126.
Exc. no. 100.
MDAFA, fig. 321.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-77.
Diam. 0.18. Fragment. Toes of a left foot, perhaps from an acrolithic
Plaster. statue.
G.G., 61, fig. 21; MIZ, fig. 31.
Emblema depicting a hunting scene with a
wild boar.

K.p. Beg. 755. 495.

K.p. Beg. 754. 494. Exc. no. 102.
Exc. no. 101. K. M. inv. no. 57-1-51.
Diam. 0.132. Diam. 0.16.
Plaster. Plaster.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 294. MDAFA, XI, figs 291 & 415; G.G., 61, fig. 18; ROW, 66,
Emblema depicting a bearded, naked man, fig. 15; MIZ, fig. 34; DUP, fig. 20; D.D. B.103.203.
standing and making a libation at an altar. Emblema depicting the story of Selene and
Endymion’s dream.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 756. 496. K.p. Beg. 757. 497.

Exc. no. 105. Exc. no. 110.
K. M. inv. no. 55-1-78. Diam. 0.11.
Diam. 0.11. Plaster.
Plaster. MDAFA, XI, figs 275 & 384.
MDAFA, XI, figs 308 & 445; G.G., 61, fig. 13; MIZ, fig. 30; Emblema depicting a Bacchic assembly
ROW, 66, fig. 17. with musicians, dancers and drunken
Emblema depicting the story of Ulysses, or men.
the rape of the Palladium.

K.p. Beg. 759. 499.

Exc. no. 112.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-47.
Diam. 0.165.
K.p. Beg. 758. 498. Plaster.
Exc. no. 111. MDAFA, XI, figs 305 & 425; MIZ, fig. 27.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-44. Emblema depicting the story of Psyche and
Diam. 0. 223. Cupid. Cupid is embracing a butterfly.
MDAFA, XI, figs 313–15; G.G., 61, fig. 19; MIZ, fig. 26; ROW, 66,
fig. 12; DUP, fig. 22; L.N.
Large emblema depicting the bust of a
young man.

296 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 760. 500.

Exc. no. 104.
H 0.267.
Plaster. K.p. Beg. 761. 501.
MDAFA, XI, figs 297 & 298; DUP, fig. 19. Exc. no. 122.
Fragment of a panel: Aphrodite K. M. inv. no. 57-1-76.
holding an apple in her left Diam. 0.163.
hand. Plaster.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 278; G.G., 61, fig. 8; MIZ, fig. 22.
Emblema depicting a head of a young man
to right.

K.p. Beg. 762. 502. K.p. Beg. 763. 503.

Exc. no. 123. Exc. no. 124.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-49. Diam. 0.152.
Diam. 0.163. Plaster.
Plaster. MDAFA, XI, figs 309 & 450.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 302; G.G., 61, fig. 11; MIZ, fig. 23; ROW, Emblema depicting three men listening to
66, fig. 13. a musician playing the lyre.
Emblema depicting Perseus to left. The
head of Medusa crowns his head-dress
or veil.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Beg. 764. 504.

K.p. Beg. 766. 506.
Exc. no. 104, 125.
Exc. no. 127.
Diam. 0.225.
Diam. 0.16.
Plaster. Two fragments.
K.p. Beg. 765. 505. Plaster.
MDAFA, figs 304 & 431; G.G., 61, fig. 22.
Exc. no. 126. MDAFA, XI, figs 281 & 412; G.G., 61, fig. 6; MIZ,
Emblema depicting the branches of fig. 36.
an old tree (above), a man with a K. M. inv. no. 57-1-54.
Diam. 0.175. Medallion; head of a woman to
dog (left) and a statue (right).
Plaster. High relief. left.
MDAFA, XI, figs 280 & 395; G.G., 61, fig. 7; MIZ, fig. 25;
ROW, 66, fig. 20; ROW, 71, fig. 98; DUP, fig. 21; L.N.
Emblema depicting a sleeping maenad.

K.p. Beg. 767. 507. K.p. Beg. 768. 508.

Exc. no. 129. Exc. no. 130.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-84. Diam. 0.14.
Diam. 0.12. Plaster.
K.p. Beg. 769. 509.
Plaster. MDAFA, XI, fig. 295.
Exc. no. 131.
MDAFA, XI, figs 281 & 412; G.G., 61, fig. 6; MIZ, Emblema depicting the goddess
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-72.
fig. 36. Pallas-Athena holding a spear and
H 0.144, W 0.102.
Emblema depicting a decoration of a shield.
vine leaves and bunches of grapes. MDAFA, XI, fig. 106; G.G., fig. 14; MIZ, fig. 29.
Fragment of an emblema depicting
an old man with a beard, standing,
Ulysses (?).

298 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 770. 510. K.p. Beg. 771. 511.

Exc. no. 132. Exc. no. 133.
K. M. inv. no. 57 -1-42. K. M. inv. no. 57-1-70.
Diam. 0.191. Diam. 0.19.
Plaster. Plaster.
MDAFA, XI, figs 312 & 312 (bis); G.G., 61, fig. 14; MIZ, MDAFA, XI, figs 300 & 435; G.G., fig. 20; MIZ, fig. 20.
fig. 24; D.D. B.103.204. Emblema depicting a head of Herakles to
Emblema depicting a head of a man to left, right.
wearing a vegetal diadem, ‘the poet’.

K.p. Beg. 772. 512. K.p. Beg. 773. 513.

Exc. no. 134. MDAFA, XI, fig. 318.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-43. Three fragments. (No further
Diam. 0.165. information.)
MDAFA, XI, fig. 276; MIZ, fig. 21; D.D. B.103.211; L.N.
Emblema depicting a head of a young man
to right, perhaps Pan. (Note the verrucula
and pedum.)

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K.p. Beg. 774. 514.

Exc. no. 140. K.p. Beg. 775. 515.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-53. Exc. no. 141.
Diam. 0.172. Diam. 0.152.
Plaster. Plaster.
MDAFA, XI, figs 303 & 422; G.G., 61, fig 12; ROW, 66, MDAFA, XI, fig. 316.
fig. 18; L.N. Emblema depicting a winged cupid
Emblema depicting a woman lying on a standing to left.
bed in front of a Roman-style pavilion
with a pediment, perhaps the city goddess
of Alexandria.

K.p. Beg. 776. 516. K.p. Beg. 777. 517.

Exc. no. 144. Exc. no. 145.
Diam. 0.133. Diam. 0.126.
Plaster. Plaster.
MDAFA, XI, figs 307 & 433. MDAFA, XI, figs 277& 393; D.D. B.103.205.
Emblema depicting a man standing, Emblema depicting a young man offering a
holding a dagger, probably a herm. bunch of grapes to a little child.

300 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 779. 519.

K.p. Beg. 778. 518.
Exc. no. 227.
Exc. no. 149 (bis).
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-50.
Diam. 0.117.
Diam. 0.153.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 444.
MDAFA, XI, figs 290 & 397; G.G., fig. 15; MIZ, fig. 32; ROW,
Emblema depicting a man walking to the 66, fig. 19.
right and holding a dagger (unfinished or
Emblema depicting villagers sacrificing a pig.
in bad condition).

K.p. Beg. 781. 521.

K.p. Beg. 780. 520. Exc. no. 228.
Exc. no. 213. H 0.185.
H 0.141. Plaster.
Plaster. MDAFA, XI, fig. 320.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 289. Large fragment of an emblema
Left part of an emblema depicting two of the heads of
depicting villagers making a chimera (lion and goat).
offerings to the gods.

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a b

K.p. Beg. 782. 522a, b, c, d & e.

Exc. nos 113, 142, 143, 212 & V. d
H 0.085, 0.089, 0.083, 0.085, 0.085.
MDAFA, XI, figs 285 & 405, 282 & 407, 283, 287, 288.
Five mouldings of the six sides of a small
vase depicting animated figures.

302 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 783. 523.

Exc. no. I.
K. M. inv. no. 57-1-80.
Diam. 0.137.
MDAFA, XI, figs 274 & 378; G.G., 61, fig. 5; MIZ, fig. 35.
Emblema depicting an animated scene:
bacchanalia with Dionysos, maenads and
satyrs dancing.

K.p. Beg. 784. 524.

Exc. no. III.
Diam. 0.132.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 319.
Emblema depicting three figures (in very poor

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Chinese lacquer objects

The small collection of Chinese lacquer objects, though in very poor condition, provides invaluable evidence
of trade relations between Central Asia and the Far East. These objects – bowls, cups and small lacquer boxes
– were made of very fragile materials and do not seem to have survived the conditions under which they were
stored in Begram, so that archaeologists have only been able to unearth fragments. However, analyses and
thorough studies of these fragments have now started to reveal their secrets.
Modern experts consider the bowls to be Imperial manufactures of Sichuan province (south-
west China) at the time of the Han dynasty (second century bc to second century ad). These valuable and
prestigious gifts were sent throughout the Chinese Empire and to other far-away lands. It is not impossible
that ‘They were stolen by the travellers and ended in the store room of a merchant’s shop in Begram’ (Pirazzoli-
T’serstevens, 2001, TOPOI).

V. Elisseeff, 1954, MDAFA, XI, pp. 151–55; catalogue.
M. Pirazzoli-T’serstevens, 2001, TOPOI, pp. 473–84.

K.p. Beg. 786. 526.

Exc. no. 186.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 246.
Decoration of the lacquer
cups. Drawing by Jean Carl.

K.p. Beg. 785. 525a & b.

Exc. no. 92, 93.
Diam. (cup) 0.207, Diam. (glass)
Lacquer. White glass.
MDAFA, XI, figs 243 & 244.
Two pieces, one inside
the other, and detail of
the lacquer cup. (Two
b photographs taken in situ.)

304 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Beg. 788. 528.

Exc. no. 216.
a K.p. Beg. 787. 527a & b.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 248.
Exc. no. 215.
Detail of a lacquer cup. Drawing by
Diam. (small cups) approx. 0.013.
Jean Carl.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 247.
Bottom and rim of one
of the cups and a detail.
(Drawings by Jean Carl.)
(a) One of the cups with
‘three bears’ motif.
b (b) Detail of the rim.

K.p. Beg. 791. 531.

Exc. no. 229.
K.p. Beg. 790. 530. MDAFA, XI, fig. 249.
K.p. Beg. 789. 529. Exc. no. 219. Fragmented lower part of an
Exc. no. 218. MDAFA, XI, fig. 248 (bis). oval lacquer bowl. Black and red
Diam. 0.207. Large decorated lacquer bowl. decoration. Drawing by Jean Carl.
Lacquer. Drawing by Jean Carl.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 245.
A series of large lacquer bowls
found placed one over the other.
(Photograph taken in situ.)

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Gold and gems

Artefacts of gold or precious stone are rarely found at Afghanistan’s ancient sites. From time to time, however,
particularly towards the end of the 1970s, a few of them miraculously reached the Kabul Museum.
Five princely tombs came to light at Tillya Tepe, in the vicinity of Shiberghan (northern Bactria). Russian
and Afghan archaeologists brought the Tillya Tepe hoard to the Kabul Museum (see bibliography).
Four small gold items were in the Kabul Museum in 1978. Three of them appear in MDAFA and two in
Rowland (1971). The fate of the fourth piece is unknown.

K.p. Beg. 792. 532.

K.p. Beg. 793. 533.
Exc. no. 245, 246.
Exc. no. BG. 85.
K. M. inv. nos 60-1-4 & 60-1-5.
Diam. 0.07, H 0.006.
H 0.032.
Gold, with forty-six rubies (twenty-six missing):
0.003 × 0.004.
MDAFA, XI, fig. 240.
MDAFA, XII, pl. XVI, no. 11.
Pair of elephant heads (each
slightly different), probably fixed
to the neck of a glass beaker.


K.p. Beg. 794. 534a, b & c.
Gold (?) and gems.
One ear-pendant (part of a pair?).
(Three photographs, F.T., 1974). (No further information.)

306 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

[K.p. Sho.] Shotorak (Kapisa province)

The ruins of the monastery of Shotorak are situated a few kilometres north-east of the old city of Begram, on
a craggy height, the Kuh-i Pahlawan, with wonderful views over the Panjshir river valley. Excavated by Jacques
Meunié of DAFA in 1937, it is a good example of a Buddhist settlement. Built and decorated in the local schist
(like most buildings in the area), the monastery was near enough to Begram for the monks to walk there for
their daily food, but far enough to preserve the quiet and peaceful surroundings.

J. Meunié, 1942, MDAFA, X.

K.p. Sho. 795. 1a & b.
Two views of the Shotorak galleries in the Kabul Museum, 1975. (Photographs, F.T.)

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Sho. 796. 2.

No. 79.*
K. M. inv. no. 61-7-2t.
H 0.40.
MDAFA, X, p. 57, pl. XXVI; G.G., fig. 139.
Standing Buddha in abhaya mudra.

*  The numbers in this section are those given by J. Meunié in his publication, but since it is not clear whether they are the
actual excavation numbers, I have preferred to use no. (number) instead of the usual exc. no. (excavation number).

308 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

Illustrations of Buddhist jatakas

K.p. Sho. 797. 3.

No. 149.
K. M. inv. no. 61-7-1.
H 0.83, W 0.45.
MDAFA, X, fig. 36; ROW, 66, fig. 47; DUP,
fig. 28; MIY, fig. 197; D.D. B.103.172.
Complete relief depicting
the Dipankara jataka.

K.p. Sho. 798. 4.

Nos 85, 99 & 147.
H (of the head): 0.12, W 0.23.
MDAFA, X, fig. 39; MIY, fig. 198. 3.
Reconstructed fragments of
a broken stele depicting the
Dipankara jataka.

K.p. Sho. 799. 5.

No. 191.
H 0.47, W 0.17.
K.p. Sho. 800. 6.
MDAFA, X, fig. 37. No. 113.
H 0.71, W 0.60.
Fragment of the mandorla
depicting the Dipankara
MDAFA, X, fig. 38; MIY, fig. 273.
jataka: a parasol bearer.
Fragments of a relief depicting the Dipankara
jataka and a large image of the Buddha.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Sho. 802. 8.

No. 78.
K. M. inv. no. 61-7-5.
K.p. Sho. 801. 7. H 0.095, W 0.12.
No. 164. Schist.
H 0.29, W 0.23. MDAFA, X, fig. 29.
Schist. Fragment of a relief depicting the Visvantara jataka. Queen
MDAFA, X, fig. 40; MIY, fig. 271. Madri picking flowers in the forest, Shakra coming to her
Fragment of a relief depicting the Dipankara jataka. The young in the form of a lion.
girl selling flowers to the boy, to be offered to the Buddha.

K.p. Sho. 803. 9.

K.p. Sho. 804. 10.
No. 167.
H 0.15, W 0.15. No. 151.
Schist. H 0.14, W 0.095.
MDAFA, X, fig. 30; D.D. B.103.213. Schist.
MDAFA, X, fig. 31.
Fragment of a relief depicting the Visvantara jataka. The
Brahman Jutaka dragging away the two children. The Bodhisattva offering his own body to
the starving tigress.

310 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

Episodes in the Life of the historical Buddha

K.p. Sho. 805. 11. K.p. Sho. 806. 12.

No. 101. No. 175.
K. M. inv. no. 61-7-1. H 0.20, W 0.13.
H 0.22, W 0.16. Schist.
Schist. MDAFA, X, fig. 82.
MDAFA, X, fig. 79; G.G., 61, fig. 40; ROW, 66, fig. 50; L.N. Head from a statue of the Buddha.
Head from a statue of the Buddha.

K.p. Sho. 807. 13.

No. 125. K.p. Sho. 808. 14.
H 0.19, W 0.12. No. 126.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, X, fig. 87. MDAFA, X, fig. 88.
Head from a statue of Head from a statue of
the Buddha. the Buddha.

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K.p. Sho. 809. 15a, b, c, d & e.

No. 170.
Diam. of the four sides: 0.13 × 0.22.
MDAFA, X, figs 58–61; MIY, fig. 276; L.N.
(a) Complete base of a votive
stupa. Full view of one side.
(b) Detail: the Buddha and
two donors.
(c) Detail: the First Sermon.
(d) Detail: the Assault of
(e) Detail: the teaching
a Buddha.

b c

d e

312 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

a b

K.p. Sho. 810. 16a & b.

No. 154.
K. M. inv. no. 64-7-4.
H 0.47, W 0.39.
MDAFA, X, fig. 53; D.D. B.103.109; L.N.
(a) Siddhartha fasting. Base with five figures, one offering
(b) Detail of pedestal of the statue showing two of the five
figures: a kneeling devotee offering flowers to the seated Buddha.

K.p. Sho. 811. 17. K.p. Sho. 812. 18.

No. 204. No. 148.
H 0.62, W 0.24. Schist.
Schist. MDAFA, X, fig. 89.
MDAFA, X, fig. 64; D.D. B.103.104; L.N. Fragment of a relief with a praying
Standing Buddha in abhaya mudra. Buddha standing to right.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Sho. 814. 20.

No. 67.
K.p. Sho. 813. 19. H 0.22, W 0.15.
No. 123. Schist.
K. M. inv. no. 65-7-16. MDAFA, X, fig. 32.
H 0.27, W 0.22. The Assault of Mara.
MDAFA, X, fig. 56; L.N.
Buddha seated under a tree flanked by the
two merchants, Trapusa and Bhallika.

K.p. Sho. 815. 21.

K.p. Sho. 816. 22.
No. 194.
K. M. inv. no. 65-7-37. No. 197.
H 0.23, W 0.19. H 0.25, W 0.12.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, X, fig. 57. MDAFA, X, fig. 65.
The Invitation to Preach under the The Gift of the Handful of Dust.

314 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

K.p. Sho. 817. 23. K.p. Sho. 818. 24.

No. 28. No. 60.
H 0.36, W 0.16. Schist.
Schist. MDAFA, X, fig. 67.
MDAFA, X, fig. 96. Fragment of the Miracle at Shravasti.
Fragment of the Miracle at
Shravasti. Half figure (right).

K.p. Sho. 819. 25.

No. 107.
H 0.24, W 0.09.
MDAFA, X, fig. 34.
One of the Kashyapa brothers
from Uruvilva presenting the
snake to the Buddha.

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K.p. Sho. 820. 26.

No. 155.
K. M. inv. no. 64-7-1.
H 0.58, L 0.89.
MDAFA, X, fig. 62; ROW, 66, fig. 51; DUP, fig. 27; MIY, fig. 204 (detail); D.D. B.103.11; L.N.
The Kashyapa brothers from the city of Uruvilva, visiting the Buddha (thirty-six figures).

316 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

a b

K.p. Sho. 821. 27a, b & c.

No. 156.
Chapel D5. (Photograph taken in situ. See K.p. Sho. 820. 26.)
(a) The throne with two foreparts of seated lions.
(b) Detail of the lion on the right. H 0.42. MDAFA, X, fig. 110.
(c) The back of the throne decorated with a stone slab imitating a cloth design,
yaksha standing on either side. H 0.32, L 0.74. MDAFA, X, fig. 71.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Sho. 823. 29.

No. 177.
H 0.32, W 0.28.
K.p. Sho. 822. 28. Schist.
No. 130. MDAFA, X, fig. 111; D.D. B.103.106.
H 0.29, W 0.23. Side piece of a throne. Lion standing to right.
MDAFA, X, fig. 113.
Side piece of a throne. Lion standing to right.

K.p. Sho. 824. 30.

No. 195.
H 0.24, L 0.47.
MDAFA, X, fig. 68; DUP, fig. 26; L.N.
Parinirvana of the Buddha.

K.p. Sho. 825. 31.

No. 169.
H 0.22, W 0.21.
MDAFA, X, fig. 54; MIY, fig. 206.
Veneration of the Buddha’s alms’ bowl.

318 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

Bodhisattvas and gods

a b
K.p. Sho. 826. 32a & b.
No. 157 (15 and 9).
K. M. inv. no. 64-7-13.
H 0.41, L 0.55.
MDAFA, X, fig. 50; D.D. B.103.12; L.N.
(a) Complete view: base of a high relief, probably showing a standing Buddha (missing). Under an
Indian arch, a teaching Bodhisattva with monks, donors and two yakshi.
(b) Detail: a soldier (left).

K.p. Sho. 827. 33.

No. 79.
H 0.17, L 0.26.
MDAFA, X, fig. 44.
Fragment of a relief with three figures.

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K.p. Sho. 828. 34.

No. 24.
H 0.16, W 0.14.
MDAFA, X, fig. 80.
Head of a Bodhisattva.

K.p. Sho. 829. 35.

No. 201.
H 0.15, W 0.09.
MDAFA, X, fig. 78.
Head of a Bodhisattva.

K.p. Sho. 830. 36.

No. 75.
K. M. inv. no. 64-7-2.
H 0.26, L 0.40.
MDAFA, X, fig. 42.
Pedestal of a statue depicting a Bodhisattva with two
donors and their consorts.

320 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

K.p. Sho. 831. 37.

No. 120.
K. M. inv. no. 64-7-9. K.p. Sho. 832. 38.
H 0.55, W 0.50. No. 48.
Schist. H 0.35, W 0.34.
MDAFA, X, fig. 73; D.D. B.103.105; L.N. Schist.
Bodhisattva Maitreya (head missing). MDAFA, X, fig. 74.
Bodhisattva Siddhartha (head and hands

K.p. Sho. 833. 39.

No. 46.
H 0.50, W 0.34.
MDAFA, X, fig. 76.
Reconstructed fragments of a broken Bodhisattva image.

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K.p. Sho. 834. 40. K.p. Sho. 835. 41.

No. 96. No. 97.
H 0.21, W 0.14. H 0.21, W 0.15.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, X, fig. 99. MDAFA, X, fig. 10.
Flying figure. Brahma. Flying figure. Indra wearing the

K.p. Sho. 836. 42. K.p. Sho. 837. 43.

No. 211. No. 212.
H 0.095, W 0.05. H 0.212, W 0.05.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, X, fig. 101. MDAFA, X, fig. 102.
Fragment. Brahma. Fragment. Devotee or prince.

322 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

K.p. Sho. 838. 44. K.p. Sho. 839. 45. K.p. Sho. 840. 46.
No. 212. K. M. inv. no. 61-7-6. No. 100.
H 0.45, W 0.16. H 0.50. H 0.26, W 0.14.
Schist. Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, X, fig. 107; G.G., 61, fig. 143; MIY, G.G., 61, fig. 141; ROW, 66, fig. 49; D.D. MDAFA, X, fig. 95.
fig. 268; L.N. B.103.210. Donor standing to right.
In a high vertical panel, a yakshi In a high vertical panel, a man
holding the branch of a tree. standing holding a flower.

K.p. Sho. 842. 48.

K.p. Sho. 841. 47. No. 214.
No. 66. Schist.
H 0.22, W 0.07. MDAFA, X, fig. 116.
Schist. Architectural
MDAFA, X, fig. 93. fragment with a
Fragment. Donor monk, a heraldic
standing holding a bird and a standing
flower. figure.

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K.p. Sho. 843. 49. K.p. Sho. 844. 50.

No. 114. No. 207.
Schist. H 0.08, W 0.04.
MDAFA, X, fig. 103. Schist.
Fragment of a base. Young man holding a bunch of MDAFA, X, fig. 105.
flowers. Small head of a woman to left.

K.p. Sho. 845. 51. K.p. Sho. 847. 53.

No. 202. K.p. Sho. 846. 52. No. 172.
H 0.17, W 0.045. Schist. Schist.
Schist. D.D. B.103.208. MDAFA, X, fig. 117.
MDAFA, X, fig. 91. Pilaster with an elaborate Architectural fragment, with a
Fragment. Small standing figure. Persepolitan capital and a man on standing monk (above) and a
the shaft. monster (below).

324 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

Clay, stucco and plaster objects

K.p. Sho. 848. 54. K.p. Sho. 849. 55.

No. 160. No. 209.
H 0.19, W 0.14. H 0.24, W 0.16.
Clay. Clay.
MDAFA, X, fig. 85. MDAFA, X, fig. 19; MIY, fig. 278.
Head of the Buddha. Head of the Buddha.

K.p. Sho. 850. 56.

No. 168.
H 0.14, W 0.17.
MDAFA, X, fig. 86.
Head of a woman with a halo.

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Decorative elements and miscellaneous items

K.p. Sho. 851. 57.

No. 117.
H 0.115, L 0.30.
MDAFA, X, fig. 128.
Plinth. Scroll-pattern with vine leaves and bunches of K.p. Sho. 852. 58.
grapes. No. 86.
H 0.12, L 0.16.
MDAFA, X, fig. 127.
Plinth. Scroll-pattern with vine leaves and bunches of

K.p. Sho. 853. 59.

No. 133. K.p. Sho. 854. 60.
H 0.12, L 0.31. No. 144.
Schist. H 0.17, L 0.52.
MDAFA, X, fig. 125. Schist.
Plinth. Five-petalled flowers. MDAFA, X, fig. 70 (right).
Plinth motif composed of the leaves of the Ficus religiosa.

326 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

K.p. Sho. 856. 62.

No. 143.
H 0.17, L 0.85.
MDAFA, X, fig. 69.
Plinth: laurel garland carried by putti.

K.p. Sho. 855. 61.

No. 210.
H 0.225, W 0.12.
MDAFA, X, fig. 129.
Panel depicting a vase of

K.p. Sho. 857. 63.

No. 142.
H 0.84, W 0.41.
MDAFA, X, fig. 132.
Slab for libations.
K.p. Sho. 858. 64. K.p. Sho. 859. 65.
No. 205. No. 82.
H 0.31, W 0.22. Schist.
Schist. MDAFA, X, fig. 131.
MDAFA, X, fig. 114. Unfinished figure.
Fragment of an ornamented
staircase. Triton (left) and lion’s
muzzle (right).

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K.p. Sho. 860. 66. K.p. Sho. 861. 67.

No. 135. No. 65.
H 0.14, L 0.23. H 0.14, L 0.23.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, X, fig. 121. MDAFA, X, fig. 120.
Plinth decorated with an atlant and Plinth decorated with an atlant
a pilaster. and a pilaster.

K.p. Sho. 862. 68. K.p. Sho. 863. 69.

No. 192. No. 193.
H 0.21, L 0.38. H 0.21, L 0.38.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, X, fig. 119. MDAFA, X, fig. 118.
Element of a staircase. Triton facing, Same subject as above. The triton
lion-paw left. playing a musical instrument.
Lion’s leg (right).

328 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Sh o to r a k

K.p. Sho. 865. 71.

No. 55.
H 0.02 (copper), 0.016 (silver), 0.007 (gold).
MDAFA, X, fig. 134.
Three small reliquaries of decreasing size which fit one within the
K.p. Sho. 864. 70. other. The smallest two have lids.
No. 5.
H 0.41, W 0.26.
MDAFA, X, fig. 130.
Fragment of a statue of the Buddha. Very
unusual tenon and base with a bunch of
flowers between two feet.

K.p. Sho. 866. 72.

MDAFA, X, fig. 136.
Four fragments of decorated

K.p. Sho. 867. 73.

MDAFA, X, fig. 135.
Fragments of earthenware, with
stamped decoration.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[K.p. Pa.] Paitava (Parvan province)

According to the seventh-century Chinese pilgrim Xuan Zang, the monastery of Paitava (situated 7 km from
Begram) depended on a large city named Si-pi-to-la-fasse. At that time, it was the most important city in the
Kapisa region. The site was first discovered by Jouveau-Dubreuil, then excavated by Joseph Hackin and finally
by Jules Barthoux in 1924–25. Most of the pieces were too fragile to be recovered. French archaeologists of
DAFA took a number of schist sculptures to the Kabul Museum.

P. Cambon, 1996a, AA, pp. 13–28.
B. Dagens, M. Le Berre and D. Schlumberger, 1964, MDAFA, XIX, p. 35.

K.p. Pa. 868. 1.

K. M. inv. no. 64-7-5.
H 0.61.
ROW, 71, fig. 107; Cambon, fig. 5.
Meditating Buddha seated on the lotus
throne. Two parasol-bearers on the

K.p. Pa. 869. 2.

K. M. inv. no. 61-7-12.
H 0.25.
MIZ, fig. 94; ROW, 66, fig. 48; ROW, 71,
fig. 108; Cambon, fig. 2.
Relief depicting a Bodhisattva
standing in the centre, flanked by
donors bearing palms.

330 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Pa i tava

K.p. Pa. 870. 3.

Cambon, fig. 4.
Fragment of the lower part of a relief with two women, a man and two lion’s legs.

K.p. Pa. 871. 4. K.p. Pa. 872. 5.

Schist. Schist.
Cambon, fig. 7. Cambon, fig. 9 (left).
Large broken relief depicting several episodes in Standing Buddha
the Life of the historical Buddha. in abhaya mudra.

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K.p. Pa. 873. 6a. K.p. Pa. 874. 7a.

K. M. inv. no. 61-7-11. K. M. inv. no. 64-7-11.
H 0.36. H 0.27.
Fragment of a large relief. A small boy, smiling, Yakshi holding the branch of a tree.
offers a small gift to the Buddha. Probably an image
from the Offering of the Handful of Dust.

K.p. Pa. 873. 6b and K.p. Pa. 874. 7b.

The above items shown together (6b before

332 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Pa i tava

a b c d

e f g h i
K.p. Pa. 875. 8a, b, g, h, c, d, e, f & i.
Schist or clay.
Cambon, fig. 10.
Old photograph of pieces and fragments:
(a, b, g & h) Heads of the Buddha.
(c) Two ascetics under arcades.
(d) Head and shoulders of the Buddha (two pieces).
(e & f ) Fragments of feet.
(i) Fragment of an arm.
K.p. Pa. 876. 9.
Cambon, fig. 14.
Head of a young man.

K.p. Pa. 877. 10. K.p. Pa. 878. 11.

H 0.27, W 0.37. H 0.115, W 0.255.
Schist. Schist. Paitava (?).
Dagens, Le Berre and Schlumberger, 1964, pl. XXII, 1 (from MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXII. 2; L.N.
the surrounding areas of Paitava). Plinth with a seated Bodhisattva and four donors offering flowers.
Low relief with the seated Buddha and
donors offering flowers.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[K.p. Ka.] Karracha (Kapisa province)

The monastery of Karracha is situated on the same Kuh-i Pahlawan hill as Shotorak. Several other Buddhist
settlements in the same area are also studied below.

P. Cambon, 1996a, AA, pp. 13–28.
B. Dagens, M. Le Berre and D. Schlumberger, 1964, MDAFA, XIX, p. 35.

K.p. Ka. 879. 1.

Cambon, fig. 18.
Large relief (partly
broken). Standing
Buddha in abhaya
mudra, flames issuing
from his shoulders, and
K.p. Ka. 880. 2.
surrounded by several
small sitting Buddhas. K. M. inv. no. 64-7-2.
Cambon, fig. 22; L.N.
Dilapidated plinth. Bodhisattva Maitreya
seated (head and hands missing).

K.p. Ka. 881. 3. K.p. Ka. 882. 4.

Schist. Schist.
Cambon, fig. 20. Cambon, fig. 23.
Headless Kushan donor. Triton facing.

334 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Tepe Kalan

[K.p. TKK.] Tepe Kalan of Kuh-i Pahlawan (Kapisa

This monastery, situated in the vicinity of Shotorak and Karracha, was the last to be excavated by Joseph
Hackin and Jean Carl before they left for London in 1940 at the start of the Second World War. All information
about this site (except a few notes and a list) has been lost. The sculptures and other finds are in the Kabul

P. Cambon, 1996a, AA, pp. 13–28.
B. Dagens, M. Le Berre and D. Schlumberger, 1964, MDAFA, XIX, p. 35.

K.p. TKK. 883. 1.

K. M. inv. no. 25-1959.
H 0.325.
Clay. Red paint.
MDAFA, VIII, no. 25; ROW, 71, fig. 136;
MIY, fig. 279; Tarzi, 2001, pl. 133b.
Head of the Buddha.

The list of finds was published in MDAFA, VIII, 1959, pp. 129–32. Only the measurements and a short
description of each item are available. (No photographs.)

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[K.p. Nij.] Nijrau (Kapisa province)

The site of Nijrau is situated to the east of Qul-i Nadir on a tributary of the Panjshir, near the road from
Gulbahar to Sarobi. Work on the site proved difficult, due to tribal rivalries. Some finds, including an interesting
reliquary, reached the Kabul Museum at the time of the murder of King Nadir Shah in 1933.

P. Cambon, 1996a, AA, 51, fig. 26.
J. Hackin et al., 1959, MDAFA, VIII, figs 43–47.
Z. Tarzi, 1999–2000, SRAA, 6, pp. 83–89.

K.p. Nij. 884. 1.

K. M. inv. no. 64-23-05.
Cambon, fig. 26; Tarzi, figs 1 & 2.
Head of a fasting Buddha (in bad condition).

K.p. Nij. 885. 2a & b.

(a) Small reliquary found in stupa I, 3.
G. 81467/1; Tarzi, fig. 4.
(b) Two rolls of parchment found with the
reliquary, perhaps inscribed but difficult to
decipher. G. 81467/2; Tarzi, fig. 5. a b

336 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Qul-i Nadir

[K.p. QN.] Qul-i Nadir (Parvan province)

The ruins of a monastery and a stupa of Qul-i Nadir were found in 1939 on a mountain path along the Kuh‑i
Pahlawan range, beyond Shotorak. The site was excavated by Jacques Meunié. A few photographs show
details of statues in very bad condition. The discovery of a complete reliquary (now well known) provided an
important addition to our knowledge of the Buddhist period in this region.

J. Meunié, 1959, MDAFA, VIII, pp. 115–27.

Niche 17

K.p. QN. 886. 1.

One of the chapels, in situ. Buddha (W of the
shoulders: 0.90); head of a foreigner (H 0.15,
W 0.12).
Painted clay.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 266.
Left knee of the Buddha and right
half of the head of a foreigner,
standing on his right side.

K.p. QN. 887. 2.

In situ.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 264.
Part of the sitting Buddha (right), part of a
follower (left) and a small foreigner (head
missing; centre).

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K.p. QN. 888. 3.

H 0.107, Diam. 0.135.
Engraved steatite.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 263; MIY, fig. 201.
Inside, the reliquary was divided into
five compartments containing eight
small gold and silver reliquaries, wrapped
in delicate silk cloth, and also pearls,
semiprecious stones and bone and vegetal
fragments. These deposits illustrate the
‘seven jewels’, or ratna, in the Buddhist

K.p. QN. 889. 4.

MIY, fig. 202.
General view of the objects within the steatite
reliquary, as displayed in a showcase in the
Kabul Museum.

K.p. QN. 890. 5.

H 0.16, L 0.25.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 268.
Fragment of a relief: a garland and a man in foreign dress (head

338 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Kuh-i Mori

[K.p. KM.] Kuh-i Mori (Kham-i Zargar, Kapisa province)

Situated 9 km south-east of Gulbahar, the ruins of a monastery and a stupa were excavated by the Afghan
expert Shabbai Mustamandi in 1966. The pieces were exhibited at the Gulbahar Museum on the day of its
inauguration. A few pieces were subsequently brought to the Kabul Museum. They appear to be from the late
Kushan period. The entire collection of the Gulbahar Museum was taken to Kabul for security reasons at the
outbreak of war.

Sh. & M. Mustamandi, 1968a, Afgh., 20, 4, pp. 67–78.
Sh. & M. Mustamandi, 1968b, Archéologia, 25, pp. 50–55.

K.p. KM. 893. 3.

Mustamandi, 1968b, p. 55.
K.p. KM. 891. 1. K.p. KM. 892. 2. Seated Bodhisattva.
Schist. Schist.
Mustamandi, 1968b, p. 55. Mustamandi, 1968b, p. 55.
Standing Buddha (head and Standing Bodhisattva (head and arms
one hand broken). Perhaps broken).
an image of one of the
Miracles at Shravasti.

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K.p. KM. 894. 4.

Mustamandi, 1968b, p. 54.
Pedestal. The seated Buddha surrounded
by donors and their consorts.

K.p. KM. 895. 5.

MIY, fig. 200.
The parinirvana of
the Buddha.

K.p. KM. 896. 6.

Mustamandi, 1968b, p. 55.
Medallion. Perhaps a royal head (?). (Drawing.)

340 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Kuh-i Mori

K.p. KM. 897. 7a & b.

Mustamandi, 1968a, pp. 75–76.
Two monumental seated lions. Four of them were
a recovered.

K.p. KM. 898. 8.

Photograph from Afghanistan, vol. XXII,
1969, no. 1, 1969.
Head of a Buddha.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[T.Sh.p. Ta.] Tagao (Parvan province)

In the 1930s Alfred Foucher had already traced the remains of a Hindu temple and a Buddhist monastery on
the private land of Qala-i Amir Muhammad in the village of Tagao, situated in the eastern region of Kapisa, on
the road to Sarobi and on the left bank of the Panjshir river. In 1960 the German expert Klaus Fisher found a
broken marble statue of the Hindu goddess Durga from the Turki Shahi period (eighth to ninth century ad).

K. Fisher, 1964, AA, X, 1, pp. 35–42.
A. Foucher, 1942–47, MDAFA, I, p. 149.
S. Kuwayama, 1976, EW, 26, 3/4, pp. 375–407.

T.Sh.p. Ta. 899. 1.

H 0.75.
Marble. T.Sh.p. Ta. 901. 3.
MDAFA, I, pl. XXXI. b. K. M. inv. no. 63-23-3.
Linga. (Photograph taken H 0.127.
in situ.) Marble.
MIZ, fig. 177; Fisher, fig. 5; Kuwayama, fig. 11.
Small head of Durga.

T.Sh.p. Ta. 900. 2.

H 0.65.
Kuwayama, fig. 10.
Torso. No identification. The figure
may have had four arms and perhaps
wears a dhoti, therefore representing an
Indian god.

342 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Tepe Maranjan

[K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM.] Tepe Maranjan (Kabul province)

The Buddhist remains in the immediate vicinity of Kabul are few in number but are of great interest to
students of Afghan archaeology. Since these ancient sites are situated in the vicinity of Kabul, it is worth
looking at them anew.
In a suburb of Kabul, east of the tomb of King Nadir Shah and south of the road to Jalalabad and
Peshawar, the monastery of Tepe Maranjan was excavated by Jean Carl in 1933. The site was surveyed again
by Gérard Fussman in 1976 and more recently by Zemarialaï Tarzi and the members of the Afghan Institute of
Currently there are plans to investigate further these ruined buildings and a large stupa, 24 m high.
They perhaps date from the sixth to the eighth century ad.
Note: as early as 1933, a hoard of ancient coins was found in monastery I and deposited in the Kabul
Museum (see MDAFA, XIV, 1953, pp. 103ff ).

G. Fussman and M. Le Berre, 1976, MDAFA, XXII.
J. Hackin et al., 1959, MDAFA, VIII, pp. 7–12.
Z. Tarzi, 2001 (unpublished).

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM. 902. 1.

K. M. inv. no. 72-11-IM (?).
Painted clay.
MDAFA, VIII, figs 7, 8 & 9; ROW, 71, fig. 137; D.D.
B.103.192; Tarzi, pl. 59.
Seated Bodhisattva (chapel E).

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K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM. 903. 2. K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM. 904. 3.

Painted clay. H 0.56.
G. 81132/5; MIY, fig. 207; Tarzi, pl. 66. Painted clay.
Standing Buddha (chapel H). G. 81132/5; MIY, fig. 211; Tarzi, pl. 65c.
Bodhisattva Siddhartha, or a bejewelled Buddha (chapel H2).

344 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Tepe Maranjan

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM. 905. 4. K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM. 906. 5.

K. M. inv. no. 64-11-1. K. M. inv. no. 64-11-7.
H 0.335. H 0.285.
Red clay. Red clay.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 10; ROW, 71, fig. 137; D.D. B.103.192; Tarzi, pl. 70b. MDAFA, VIII, fig. 10 (on right); ROW, 71, fig. 138.
Young donor, kneeling and holding a flower. Young donor, kneeling, with hands crossed
over chest.

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K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM. 907. 6.

G. 81135/18, 19; MDAFA, VIII, fig. 19; Tarzi, pl. 84b.
Pitcher with painted decoration.

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM. 908. 7.

H 0.22, Diam. 0.09.
Pale green glass.
MDAFA, VIII, fig. 18; Tarzi, pl. 89.
Bottle with a tall, narrow neck.

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TM. 909. 8.

MDAFA, VIII, fig. 16; Tarzi, pl. 86a.
Amphora with stamped decoration.

346 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
T e p e Kh a z a n a

[K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh.] Tepe Khazana (Kabul province)

In 1934, on a steep hill called Sher Darwaza, north-east of Kabul, the Afghan expert G. Mohayodin Khan
discovered what was probably a very large monastery that had been destroyed by a great fire several
centuries ago. The flames had reduced the decoration and figures to burnt clay and the local children were
selling fragments of the finds in town. The team saved about fifty heads and a few fragments that came to the
Kabul Museum. These sculptures date from the fifth century ad.

H. A. Kohzad, 1967.
Z. Tarzi, 2001 (unpublished).

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 910. 9a & b.

Exc. no. 7.
K. M. inv. no. 63-11-2.
H 0.06.
Baked clay.
G. 811811/3 (J.H.); Kohzad, fig. 74; MIZ, fig. 172;
D.D. B.103.167; Tarzi, pl. 135a.
a b Head of a smiling child.

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 911. 10.

Exc. no. 9.
H 0.06.
Baked clay.
G. 811811/4 (J.H.); Tarzi, pl. 137a.
Head of the Buddha.

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 912. 11.

Exc. no. 22.
H 0.08.
Baked clay.
G. 811811/4 (J.H.); Tarzi, pl. 139b.
Head of the Buddha.

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K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh.

913. 12a & b.
Exc. no. 1.
K. M. inv. no. 63-11-1.
H 0.08.
Baked clay.
G. 811811/1 (J.H.); MIZ, fig. 173; DUP,
fig. 44; Tarzi, pl. 131.
a b Head of a Bodhisattva.

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 914. 13. K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 915. 14.
Exc. no. 2. Exc. no. 6.
H 0.08. K. M. 65-11-6.
Baked clay. H 0.085.
G. 811811/5 (J.H.) (left); Tarzi, pl. 133c. G. 811811/5 (J.H.) (right); D.D. B.103.190; Tarzi,
Head of the Buddha. pl. 134a; L.N.
Head of a young man.

348 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
T e p e Kh a z a n a

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh.

916. 15a & b.
Exc. no. 16.
H 0.08.
Baked clay.
G. 811811/2 (J.H.); D.D. B.103.166;
Tarzi, pl. 138a, 138a’.
Head of a woman. a b

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 917. 16. K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 918. 17.
Exc. no. 24. Exc. no. 17.
H 0.07. H 0.095.
Baked clay. Baked clay.
G. 811811/5 (J.H.); Tarzi, pl. 140a. D.D. B.103.191; Tarzi, pl. 139c.
Head of a child. Fragment of a head. Face of a young man.

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K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 919. 18. K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 920. 19. K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 921. 20.
Exc. no. 37. Exc. no. 41. Exc. no. 42.
H 0.085. H 0.058. H 0.075.
Baked clay. Baked clay. Baked clay.
DUP, fig. 43; Tarzi, pl. 141a. G. 811811/3 (J.H.) (right); Tarzi, pl. 142a. G. 811811/10 (J.H.); D.D. B.103.168; Tarzi,
Head of a young man. Head (mask) of a donor. pl. 143a.
Head of a young man.

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 923. 22.

Exc. no. 50.
Birds (left to right): H 0.065, 0.09, 0.08.
Baked clay.
ROW, 71, fig. 139; Tarzi, pl. 144a.
K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 922. 21. Three hamsa.
Exc. no. 13.
H 0.075.
Baked clay.
G. 811811/6 (J.H.); Tarzi, pl. 145.
Fragment of an ornamental design: a flower.

350 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
T e p e Kh a z a n a

K.p. to T.Sh.p. TKh. 924. 23a & b.

Two general views of the majority of the
finds at the time of discovery.
(Photographs from the Afghan paper,
Salnama, 1933–34; Tarzi, pls 126 & 130.)

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The Buddhist monastery of Zenda Banan

Private site. Oral information. No descriptions. No photographs. A few heads were brought to the Kabul
Museum by H. A. Kohzad.

The Chaman-i Hauzuri coin hoard

The hoard was discovered at the foot of the Sher Darwaza hill. It was kept in the Kabul Museum for a long
time. MDAFA, XIV, 1953; Tarzi, p. 185. No photographs.

352 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Th e Kh wa j a S a fa B u d d h a

[K.p. KSB.] The Khwaja Safa Buddha, Kabul

The accidental discovery of a statue of the Buddha on the Sher Darwaza hill. Unpublished report by Jouveau-
Dubreuil in Salnama, 1934–35. Quoted by A. Foucher in MDAFA, I, p. 146, and by Z. Tarzi, 2001, pp. 188–89.
Item K.p. 926. 25 is an accidental find on the Bala Hissar.

P. Cambon, 1996a.
Z. Tarzi, 2001 (unpublished).

a b
K.p. KSB. 925. 24a & b.
H 0.30.
Schist. Traces of colour and gold.
Cambon, fig. 25; Tarzi, pl. 149. K.p. 926. 25.
Seated Buddha on a simple throne in bhumisparsha mudra. H 0.075.
Baked clay.
Tarzi, pl. 156a.
Seated woman.
Found on the Bala
Hissar, Kabul.

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[K.p. or T.Sh.p. SKB.] The Sarai Khuja Buddhas, Kabul

Two large schist Buddha statues were accidentally found near the village of Sarai Khuja (also called Mir Bacha
Kot), 33 km north of Kabul, in the year 1965. They depict the Miracle at Shravasti. The place had been studied
by Roman Ghirshman when he was in search of the famous Alexandria of the Caucasus.

R. Ghirshman, 1946, MDAFA, XII, p. 9.
H. Motamedi, 1978, ArB.

K.p. or T.Sh.p. SKB. 927. 26. K.p. or T.Sh.p. SKB. 928. 27.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XII, pl. III; Motamedi, fig. 11. Motamedi, fig. 10.
Tall standing Buddha against a background Same subject (in a worse condition).
depicting the life stories of the Buddha. Flames
issue from his shoulders and water from his feet.

354 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Kh a i r Kh a n a

[T.Sh.p. KK.] Khair Khana (Kabul province)

The site of Khair Khana is situated some 12 km north of Kabul, at the pass leading to Kapisa and the Hindu
Kush mountains. As early as 1934 Jean Carl had found two large buildings that, to his expert eye, were not
Buddhist monasteries. They were understood to be Hindu temples of a late period (seventh century ad). The
remains were meagre but nevertheless opened up new directions for further research.
In 1980, during the last war, a Soviet soldier accidentally came upon a superb figure of the Hindu god
Surya, in very good condition. It was immediately taken to the Kabul Museum. Unfortunately, it was stolen
during the tragic events of 1993.

P. Bernard and F. Grenet, 1981, StI, 10, 1, pp. 127–46.
J. Hackin and J. Carl, 1936, MDAFA, VII.

T.Sh.p. KK. 929. 1.

K. M. inv. no. 63-21-1.
H 0.32.
White marble.
MIZ, fig. 176; ROW, 71, fig. 165; DUP, fig. 46; MIY, fig. 251.
Small group, probably an offering to the gods in the
temple. Here, the Indian god Surya, on a chariot
drawn by two horses, with his companions, Danda
and Pingala.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

T.Sh.p. KK. 930. 2a & b.

H 0.21.
White marble.
G. 81216/19 (J.H.); MDAFA, VII, pls XI–XIII; ROW, 71, fig. 167.
The pedestal of a large image with only the feet and a
small assistant in Iranian dress, holding a sword.


356 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Kh a i r Kh a n a

b c

T.Sh.p. KK. 931. 3a, b & c.

H 1.40.
White-grey marble.
Bernard and Grenet, pls XIV–XVI. Photographs, Gérard Fussman, courtesy Collège de France.
Large image of the god Surya, standing between his two assistants and clad in sumptuous
Indian attire.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[T.Sh.p. TS.] Tepe Skandar (Kabul province)

Tepe Skandar, situated 30 km north of Kabul on the road to Charikar, was excavated by the Japanese team
of T. Higuchi and S. Kuwayama from Tokyo University between 1970 and 1978. It is a large site with two
sanctuaries and several small buildings as well as a more recent military complex.

S. Kuwayama, 1972 (reprint, 1980).

T.Sh.p. TS. 933. 2.

Baked clay.
Small head of a woman.

T.Sh.p. TS. 932. 1.

Uma Maheshvara. Pair of Indian deities. The
ithyphallic Shiva and his consort Parvati are
seated on the bull Nandi. The base was set in
the soil.

358 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

[K.p. Ha.] Hadda (Ningrahar province)

The long and famous road from Kabul to the Khyber Pass follows the River Kabul through a rich and fertile
valley with Jalalabad as its centre, and there, for centuries around the beginning of the first millennium, lived
large communities of Buddhist monks. The countryside may have been the base for further travels to the
north, east and far away.
Jules Barthoux, a member of DAFA, worked in the ruins of several monasteries, both small and large,
from 1923 to 1928. He brought the finds, including many beautiful pieces of carving and modelling, to the
Kabul Museum. Some pieces later came to the Musée Guimet in Paris. It is worth recording here the names of
the monasteries: Bagh Gai, Chakhil-i Ghundi, Deh Ghundi, Gar Nau, Prates, Tepe Kafariha and Tepe Kalan.
In the 1970s, during the interlude of peace before the wars, two Afghan scholars, Sabbai Mustamandi
and subsequently Zemarialaï Tarzi, worked hard to excavate the Tepe Shotor monastery in the vicinity of
Jalalabad. Whereas the French experts were interested in the wealth and beauty of their finds, the Afghan
experts were more concerned about the architecture of the buildings. Their contributions led to a better
understanding of the daily life of the inhabitants. However, beautiful pieces of modelling were also found
in their excavations and they were restored and exhibited in situ. This splendid effort came to a tragic end
because of human folly.

J. Barthoux, 1930, MDAFA, VI.
B. Dagens, M. Le Berre and D. Schlumberger, 1964, MDAFA, XIX.

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K.p. Ha. 935. 2.

K.p. Ha. 934. 1.
Exc. no. 10.
Exc. no. 74. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-72.
H 0.39. H 0.22.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. I, no. 1. MDAFA, XIX, pl. II, no. 2.
Fragment. Dipankara jataka. Fragment. Dipankara jataka.

K.p. Ha. 937. 4.

K.p. Ha. 936. 3. Exc. no. 3.
Exc. no. 84. H 0.23.
H 0.23. Schist.
Schist. MDAFA, XIX, pl. I, no. 4; G. 817247/2.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. I, no. 3. Fragment. The Return of Maya from the Lumbini
Fragment. The Interpretation of Maya’s Dream. Gardens. From Tepe Kafariha.

360 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 938. 5. K.p. Ha. 939. 6.

Exc. no. 1. Exc. no. 40.
H 0.19. H 0.22.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. I, no. 6; G. 817247/5. MDAFA, XIX, pl. II, no. 10; J.P., 389.
Fragment. The Fencing Competition. From Fragment. The Murder of the Elephant by
Bagh Gai. Devadatta.

K.p. Ha. 940. 7.

K.p. Ha. 941. 8.
Exc. no. 91.
H 0.13. Exc. no. 32.
Schist. H 0.16.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. II, no. 10; J.P., 390. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. II, no. 11; J.P., 390.
Fragment. Two episodes of the Great Departure (?).
Fragment. The Great Departure, Siddhartha taking leave of
his horse Kanthaka.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 942. 9. K.p. Ha. 943. 10.

Exc. no. 43. Exc. no. 51.
H 0.18. H 0.15.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. VI, no. 13. MDAFA, XIX, pl. VI, no. 15.
Fragment. The Presentation of the Snake to the Fragment. Visit to an ascetic (?).
Kashyapa Ascetics.

K.p. Ha. 944. 11. K.p. Ha. 945. 12.

Exc. no. 61. Exc. no. 34.
H 0.32. H 0.14.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. V, no. 16. MDAFA, XIX, pl. V, no. 20; J.P., 386.
Fragment. The Offering of the Monkey (heads Fragment. Reliquaries on a decorated altar. The Division of
missing). the Buddha’s Relics.

362 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 946. 13.

Exc. no. 4.
H 0.24.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. VI, no. 22; G. 817247/2.
Fragment with a camel. The
Distribution of the Buddha’s Relics.
From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 947. 14.

Exc. no. 81.
H 0.45.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. VII, no. 23.
Fragment of a false gable with two vertical
registers. To left, the Buddha alternately
seated and standing between two figures.

K.p. Ha. 948. 15.

Exc. no. 5.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-259.
H 0.33.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. VII, no. 24; G. 817247/4; G.G., 61, fig. 137
(MK. 61-3-5); MIY, fig. 225; V.T., P5. 6913; J.P., 370; L.N.
Fragment of a false gable with three
vertical registers. Left: four boys sitting,
one above the other. Centre: two scenes of
the Buddha flanked by devotees. Right: a
vinescroll. From Bagh Gai.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 949. 16.

Exc. no. 12.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-439.
H 0.29, L 0.29.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. VII, no. 25; G. 817247/22 & 31; MIY, fig. 222; V.T., P5. 6913; J.P.,
373; L.N.
Fragment of an important panel, subject unknown. Four
figures, including a young child.

K.p. Ha. 950. 17. K.p. Ha. 951. 18.

Exc. no. 94. Exc. no. 171.
H 0.18. H 0.25.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. IX, no. 30. MDAFA, XIX, pl. X, no. 31; J.P., 391; L.N.
Fragment. Figure making an offering (in very bad Fragment. Bodhisattva Maitreya.

364 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 952. 19. K.p. Ha. 953. 20.

Exc. no. 6. Exc. no. 74.
H 0.26. H 0.39.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. VIII, no. 32. MDAFA, XIX, pl. VIII, no. 33.
Small panel showing a seated Buddha on a lotus Fragment of a relief with two vertical registers.
throne. The pedestal depicts a seated Bodhisattva Left, a standing Buddha; right, three framed
between two pairs of devotees. panels of a boy standing.

K.p. Ha. 954. 21.

Exc. no. 62.
H 0.17.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. VII, no. 34.
Fragment of a relief.
Probably Mara or
one of his attendants
in heavy armour and
carrying a large sword
(in bad condition).
K.p. Ha. 955. 22.
Exc. no. 2.
H 0.24.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XI, no. 36; V.T., P5. 6908; J.P., 381.
Fragment of a relief. Two monks
standing; two fragmentary figures
behind, one holding the vajra of

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 956. 23.

Exc. no. 23.
K. M. inv. no. 61-3-2. K.p. Ha. 957. 24.
H 0.24. Exc. no. 96.
Schist. H 0.23.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XII, no. 37; V.T., P5. 6905; J.P., 371. Schist.
Fragment of a false gable. Left, two monks standing, one holding a long staff; MDAFA, XIX, pl. XI, no. 41.
right, framed panels of a vertical register, each with a boy standing. Fragment. Donor standing (head
missing), holding an offering.

K.p. Ha. 958. 25.

Exc. no. 85.
K.p. Ha. 959. 26.
H 0.165.
Schist. Exc. no. 143.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIV, no. 43; V.T., H 0.11.
P5. 6904. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIII, no. 44.
Architectural element Fragment. Bust of a young man to left.
with the upper part of
a man.

366 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 960. 27.

Exc. no. 158.
H 0.11. K.p. Ha. 961. 28.
Exc. no. 47.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIII, no. 45.
H 0.17.
Fragment. Bust of a young man to right. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XI, no. 46.
Horse rider.

K.p. Ha. 963. 30.

Exc. no. 50.
H 0.235.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XI, no. 50;
K.p. Ha. 962. 29. G. 817257/5; J.P., 384.
Exc. no. 24. Fragment of a frieze.
Schist. Soldier holding a long
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XII, no. 49; J.P., 388. spear beside a small altar.
Fragment of a frieze. To left, a city gate with two figures

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 965. 32.

K.p. Ha. 964. 31. Exc. no. 102.
Exc. no. 25. H 0.26.
H 0.17. Schist.
Schist. MDAFA, XIX, pl. XV, no. 52; J.P., 385.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIV, no. 51. Fragment. Walls of a city with a series of small houses on
Fragment. Man either side of a chapel with a high altar.
standing in front of
an altar, head and
shoulders missing.
Hellenistic bracket
cornice below.

K.p. Ha. 967. 34.

Exc. no. 44.
K.p. Ha. 966. 33. H 0.26.
Exc. no. 49.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIII, no. 54.
H 0.23.
Schist. Fragment. Two women on elaborate balconies with
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XVI, no. 53. decorated arches.
Fragment. City gate with figures.

368 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 968. 35.

Exc. no. 54.
H 0.27.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIII, no. 57; G.G., 61,
fig. 138 (MK. 61-3-3); J.P., 380. K.p. Ha. 969. 36.
Fragment. Two women Exc. no. 104.
sitting on a balcony partially H 0.22.
draped with a carpet. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIV, no. 58; J.P., 380.
Fragment of a trapezoidal arch with two
women on a balcony.

K.p. Ha. 971. 38.

Exc. no. 11.
H 0.24.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XV, no. 59.
Upright relief fragment.
A vertical register of three
panels, each with a seated
Buddha beneath an arch.
K.p. Ha. 970. 37.
Exc. no. 14.
H 0.23.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XVII, no. 58 (bis); J.P., 382.
Fragment. Flying figure throwing flowers.

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K.p. Ha. 972. 39. K.p. Ha. 973. 40.

Exc. no. 28. Exc. no. 29.
H 0.26. H 0.29.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XVII, no. 60. MDAFA, XIX, pl. XVII, no. 61.
Upright relief fragment. Two vertical registers. Left, seated Upright relief fragment. Two vertical registers. Left, a
Buddhas; right, band of pointed leaf pattern. seated Buddha and a small stupa; right, band of pointed
leaf pattern.

K.p. Ha. 974. 41.

Exc. no. 8.
H 0.33.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XVII, no. 62; MIZ,
fig. 99; J.P., 379.
Fragment of a border K.p. Ha. 975. 42.
relief with a seated Exc. no. 115.
prince, holding a spear; H 0.20.
right, band of pointed Schist.
leaf pattern emerging MDAFA, XIX, pl. XVI, no. 71; J.P., 392.
from a pot. Fragment of a frieze with arches separated by
a small Indo-Persepolitan pilaster.

370 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 976. 43.

Exc. no. 111 (bis).
H 0.48.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIX, no. 75.
Fragment of a bracket cornice.

K.p. Ha. 977. 44.

Exc. no. 41.
H 0.23.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIX, no. 76.
Fragment of a decorated arch.

K.p. Ha. 978. 45. K.p. Ha. 979. 46.

Exc. no. 106. Exc. no. 55.
H 0.23. H 0.215.
Schist. Schist.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XVIII, no. 77. MDAFA, XIX, pl. XVIII, no. 78.
Fragment of the upper part of a false gable with Fragment of a vedika.
a monk and a serpentine-monster.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 980. 47. K.p. Ha. 981. 48.

Exc. no. 33. Exc. no. 31.
H 0.24. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-418.
Schist. H 0.17, L 0.36.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XIX, no. 80. Schist.
Fragment. Left, decorative vertical bands of an undulating MDAFA, XIX, pl. XX, no. 81; MIZ, fig. 98; ROW, 66, fig. 72; MIY, fig. 224; V.T., P5.
floral motif and a pointed leaf pattern; right, remains of a 6912; J.P., 387.
scene. Fragment of an undulating vinescroll, including leaves and

K.p. Ha. 983. 50.

Exc. no. 64.
H 0.64.
K.p. Ha. 982. 49. MDAFA, XIX, pl. XX, no. 84.
Exc. no. 67. Fragment of an undulating vine with flowers.
H 0.14.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XX, no. 83.
Small fragment of a vinescroll.

372 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 985. 52.

K.p. Ha. 984. 51. Exc. no. 145.
Exc. no. 30. H 0.16.
H 0.64. Schist.
Schist. MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXI, no. 89.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXI, no. 88. Fragment of an arcade, with the branches of a tree.
Fragment of a relief showing three
figures, including a woman dancing.

K.p. Ha. 987. 54.

K.p. Ha. 986. 53. Schist.
Exc. no. 116. V.T., P5. 6906.
H 0.14. Fragment of a border
Schist. relief with a vertical
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXI, no. 90. register of three
Fragment of a capital in a rectangular panels, each framing
frame. a small figure.

K.p. Ha. 989. 56.

Exc. no. 35.
H 0.12.
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXI, no. 92.
K.p. Ha. 988. 55. Fragment. Buddha
Exc. no. 174. seated on the throne
H 0.07. covered with grass
Schist. (The Enlightenment).
MDAFA, XIX, pl. XXI, no. 91.
Fragment of the
volute of an arch.

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K.p. Ha. 991. 58.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1245.
K.p. Ha. 990. 57. H 0.021.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-348. Limestone.
H 0.21. MIZ, fig. 102; V.T., P8. 6904.
Limestone. Frieze of arches and Indo-Persepolitan pilasters, with alternating
MIZ, fig. 103; V.T., P8. 6901. figures of a Buddha or Bodhisattva under each arch.
Triangular panel with an ichthyocentaur.

a b
K.p. Ha. 992. 59a & b.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-439.
H 0.30.
MDAFA, VI, 40b; G.G., 61, fig. 86 (MK. 61-3-90); ROW, 66, fig. 71; ROW, 71, fig. 109; MIY, fig. 226; V.T., P8. 6903; J.P., 393.
Fragment of an important relief with monks and worshippers, Vajrapani on right.

374 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 993. 60.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-24.
H 0.17, L 0.29.
MIZ, fig. 100; ROW, 66, fig. 73; MIY, fig. 223; V.T., P5. 6902; J.P., 394.
Bacchanalia. Indo-Persepolitan pilaster on right.

K.p. Ha. 994. 61.

V.T., P5. 6902.
Part of a frieze. Two repeated
scenes of the Buddha with
two attendants, between
Indo-Corinthian pilasters.

K.p. Ha. 995. 62.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-205.
ROW, 66, fig. 53; V.T., P8. 6907; J.P., 396.
Goddess seated between tritons (?) and soldiers (heads missing).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 996. 63a & b.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-200.
V.T., P8. 6805 & 6806; J.P., 400; L.N.
Four-sided pillar, a seated Buddha
on each face of an Indo-Corinthian
pilaster. Two sides illustrated here.
a b Found in the Peshawar bazaar.

K.p. Ha. 997. 64. K.p. Ha. 998. 65.

Stone. Stone.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 94a. MDAFA, VI, pl. 97f.
Small head of the Buddha. Fragment of an Indo-Corinthian
capital with the bust of a woman (in
very poor condition).

376 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006



K.p. Ha. 999. 66. K.p. Ha. 1000. 67.

H 0.92. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817232/29 (J.H.); J.P., 407.
D.D. B.103.139. Image of a standing Buddha.
Perfect image of the teaching Buddha.

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K.p. Ha. 1002. 69.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-36.
H 0.21, L 0.18.
D.D. B.103.150; V.T., P5. 6909.
Upper part of a Buddha seated under an arch.

K.p. Ha. 1001. 68.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-466.
H 0.82.
J. Hackin, 1922, fig. 2b; ROW, 71, fig. 130; MIY, fig. 217.
Complete image of a standing Buddha (hands
in bad condition).

K.p. Ha. 1003. 70.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-27.
H 0.22.
D.D. B.103.141; V.T., P5. 6901.
Fragment of an arch with seated monk.

378 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1005. 72.

Exc. no. B56.
K. M. inv. no. 63-3-415.
H 0.265.
G. 81723236/1; MDAFA, VI,
pl. 48a; G.G., 61, fig. 94 (MK.
61-3-14); MIZ, 159; ROW,
71, fig. 134; J.P., 416; D.D.
B.103.142; L.N.
Foreigner, probably a
soldier, praying.

K.p. Ha. 1004. 71.

Exc. no. B56.
K. M. inv. no. 63-3-422.
H 0.345.
G. 817244/49; MDAFA, VI, pl. 111d; G.G., 61, fig. 92 (MK.
61-3-70); MIZ, 160; MIY, 214; J.P., 441; D.D. B.103.144.
Warrior (headless) with a thorax, a thigh-
protector and a large sword.

K.p. Ha. 1006. 73.

K. M. inv. no. 63-3-420.
H 0.28.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 48b; G.G., 61, fig. 95 (MK. 61-3-30); ROW, 71, fig. 124; DUP, fig. 32;
J.P., 415; D.D. B.103.49; L.N.
Bearded old man with head inclined.

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K.p. Ha. 1007. 74.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-32.
H 0.26.
MIZ, 106; ROW, 66, fig. 59; MIY, fig. 221; D.D. B.103.140; V.T., P5. 6910; J.P., 396;
L.N. K.p. Ha. 1008. 75.
Young girl holding the triratna. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1139.
H 0.15.
ROW, 71, fig. 133; MIY, 212.
Young girl holding a flower. From Tepe

K.p. Ha. 1009. 76.

Exc. no. TK 105.
G. 81721237/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 112d; J.P., 399; V.T., P8. 6902.
Fragment. Soldier with a spear within an architectural
frame. From Tepe Kalan.

380 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1010. 77. K.p. Ha. 1011. 78.

Exc. no. TK 68. Exc. no. TK 72.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/34; MDAFA, VI, pl. 96a. G. 817237/10; MDAFA, VI, pl. 96g.
Young man praying. From Tepe Kalan. Fragment. Three men. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1012. 79. K.p. Ha. 1013. 80.

Exc. no. TK 68. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817246/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 79h.
G. 817249/34; MDAFA, VI, pl. 96d. Young man in a turban,
Young man praying. From Tepe Kalan. holding a cup. From Tepe

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1014. 81a, b & c.

G. 817247/5; V.T., P4. 6907 & 6906; J.P., 402 & 403.
Base of a small votive stupa, with each face illustrating an
episode of the Buddha’s Life:
(a) The Visit to the Ascetic.
(b) The Worship of the Tree.
(c) The Taming of the Elephant.

382 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1015. 82.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-35.
H 0.235.
Stucco. K.p. Ha. 1016. 83.
G. 817234 (J.H.); MDAFA, VI, K. M. inv. no. 62-3-163.
pl. 40a; ROW, 117, fig. 134; J.P., H 0.275.
406; L.N. Stucco.
Smiling young man MDAFA, VI, pl. 39a; ROW, 117,
(Vajrapani) standing and fig. 116; J.P., 408; L.N.
holding a vajra. (See M. Young man presenting a
Taddei, 1979.) skull (see M. Taddei, 1979).

K.p. Ha. 1017. 84.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-83.
H 0.14.
Photograph, L.N.
K.p. Ha. 1018. 85.
Bust of a young woman wearing a veil.
K. M. inv. no. 63-3-447.
Photograph, L.N.
Naked man standing beside drapery (head and
arms missing).

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K.p. Ha. 1019. 86.

K. M. inv. no. 63-3-428.
H 0.26.
ROW, 66, fig. 70.
Small seated Buddha with hands covered.

384 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Heads of the Buddha (i)

These heads have Kabul Museum inventory numbers.

K.p. Ha. 1020. 87.

Exc. no. K1.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-8.
H 0.31.
G. 81722211/5; MDAFA, VI, pls 10a & b; DUP, 35;
ROW, 71, fig. 131; MIY, fig. 220; D.D. B.103.146;
Head of the Buddha with an
ushnisha. From Tepe Kafariha.
K.p. Ha. 1021. 88.
Exc. no. TK. 68.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1110.
K.p. Ha. 1022. 89. H 0.23.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-725. G. 81721211/16; MDAFA, VI, pl. 13b; ROW, 71, fig. 115.
H 0.225.
Stucco. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
G. 81727211/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 18a; G.G., 61, fig. 69 From Tepe Kalan.
(MK. 61-3-44); MIZ, 108.
Head of the Buddha with an
ushnisha. From Deh Ghundi.

K.p. Ha. 1023. 90.

K. M. inv. no. 63-3-429.
H 0.34.
G.G., 61, fig. 68 (MK. 61-3-66);
MIZ, 110; J.P., 412.
Head of the Buddha
with an ushnisha.

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K.p. Ha. 1024. 91. K.p. Ha. 1025. 92.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1089. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1074.
H 0.17. H 0.18.
Stucco. Stucco.
MIZ, 111; J.P., 436. D.D. B.103.196.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.

K.p. Ha. 1026. 93.

K. M. inv. no. 63-3-436.
H 0.33.
G. 817291211/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 2;
G.G., 61, fig. 67 (M.K.61-3-67); MIZ,
105; DUP, 36; ROW, 66, fig. 64; ROW,
71, fig. 110; MIY, 218; J.P., 410.
Head of the Buddha with
an ushnisha. From Tepe

K.p. Ha. 1027. 94.

Exc. no. T.K.132.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1161.
H 0.26.
G. 81721211/4; MDAFA, VI, pl. 4, a & b; MIZ, 115.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.

386 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1028. 95. K.p. Ha. 1029. 96.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-535. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-448.
H 0.11. H 0.07.
Stucco. Stucco.
MIZ, 116. D.D. B.103.157.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.

K.p. Ha. 1030. 97. K.p. Ha. 1031. 98.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-722. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-495.
H 0.15. H 0.13.
Stucco. Stucco.
MIZ, 114. MIZ, 112.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b

K.p. Ha. 1032. 99a, b & c. c

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-587.
H 0.23.
G. 81721211/24; MDAFA, VI, 24a; ROW, 66, fig. 52; G.G., 61
(MK. 61-3-12); MIZ, 107; J.P., 437; D.D. B.103.241; L.N.
Head of the Buddha, the ushnisha missing.
From Tepe Kalan. (Three views.)

388 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1033. 100. K.p. Ha. 1034. 101.

Stucco. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1109.
Photograph, F.T. H 0.23.
Head of the Buddha, the ushnisha missing. Stucco.
D.D. B.103.238.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.

K.p. Ha. 1036. 103.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1077.
H 0.27.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 24b; MIZ, 113.
Head of the Buddha. From
Tepe Kalan.
K.p. Ha. 1035. 102.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1088.
H 0.21.
MIZ, 109.
Head of the Buddha, the ushnisha missing.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Heads of the Buddha (ii)

These heads of the Buddha have no Kabul Museum inventory numbers but, from the information on the back
of their photographs in the Musée Guimet, we can assume that they come from the Kabul Museum.

K.p. Ha. 1037. 104. K.p. Ha. 1038. 105.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 68.
G. 81721211/32; MDAFA, VI, pl. 1. Stucco.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha. G. 81721211/10 & 11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 9a-b.
From Tepe Kalan. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1039. 106.

Exc. no. TK. 142.
G. 81721211/14; MDAFA, VI, pl. 12b.
Head of the Buddha with an
ushnisha. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1040. 107.

Exc. no. TK. 142.
G. 817291211/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 18b.
Head of the Buddha with
an ushnisha.

390 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1041. 108.

Exc. no. T.1.
Stucco. K.p. Ha. 1042. 109.
G. 81722211/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 22a.
Exc. no. T.1.
Head of the Buddha. From Tepe Kafariha. Stucco.
G. 81722211/4; MDAFA, VI, pl. 27a.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1043. 110. K.p. Ha. 1044. 111.

Exc. no. T.1. Exc. no. T.K. 58.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81722211/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 25b. G. 81721211/28; MDAFA, VI, pl. 28a.
Mask of a head of the Buddha. From Tepe Head of the Buddha. From Tepe Kalan.

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K.p. Ha. 1045. 112. K.p. Ha. 1046. 113.

Exc. no. T.K. 68. Exc. no. T.K. 68.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81721211/31, 34, & 817234/10; MDAFA, VI, pl. 29b. Photograph, L.N.; J.P., 411 (?).
Head of the Buddha. From Tepe Kalan. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.

392 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Heads of the Buddha (iii)

These heads have no number and are not in the Musée Guimet collection. They may therefore be in the Kabul

K.p. Ha. 1047. 114. K.p. Ha. 1048. 115.

Exc. no. T.K. 68. Exc. no. T.K. 51.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81721211/26; MDAFA, VI, pl. 25a. G. 81721211/15; MDAFA, VI, pl. 13a.
Mask of the Buddha. From Tepe Kalan. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1049. 116.

Exc. no. T.K. 137.
G. 81721211/22; MDAFA, VI, pl. 22b.
Head of the Buddha, the
ushnisha missing.

K.p. Ha. 1050. 117.

Exc. no. T.K. 45.
G. 817231/31; MDAFA, VI, pl. 26b.
Head of the Buddha with
an ushnisha. From Tepe

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K.p. Ha. 1051. 118. K.p. Ha. 1052. 119.

Exc. no. T.K. 132. Exc. no. T.K. 141.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81721211/20; MDAFA, VI, pl. 20a & b. G. 81721211/27; MDAFA, VI, pl. 27b.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Tepe Kalan. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1053. 120. K.p. Ha. 1054. 121.

Exc. no. T.K. 144. Exc. no. T.K. 68.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81721211/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 21a. G. 81721211/29; MDAFA, VI, pl. 28b.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha. Head of the Buddha, the ushnisha
From Tepe Kalan. missing. From Tepe Kalan.

394 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1055. 122. K.p. Ha. 1056. 123.

Stucco. Exc. no. T.K. 142.
G. 81721211/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 6a. Stucco.
G. 817231/16; MDAFA, VI, pl. 14a & b.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Tepe Kalan. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1057. 124. K.p. Ha. 1058. 125.

Stucco. Exc. no. T.K. A-B.68.
G. 81721211/12; MDAFA, VI, pl. 12a. Stucco.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha. G. 81721211/17; MDAFA, VI, pl. 16a.
From Tepe Kalan. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1059. 126.

K.p. Ha. 1060. 127.
Exc. no. T. 6.
Exc. no. T. 1.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 19b.
G. 81722211/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 19a.
Head of the Buddha, the ushnisha missing.
Head of the Buddha, the ushnisha missing.
From Tepe Kafariha.
From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1061. 128. K.p. Ha. 1062. 129.

Exc. no. T.K. B. 68. Exc. no. T.K. B. 68.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81721211/19; MDAFA, VI, pl. 17b. G. 81721211/30; MDAFA, VI, pl. 29a.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha. Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Tepe Kalan. From Tepe Kalan.

396 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1063. 130.

Exc. no. T.K. B. 68.
G. 81721211/23; MDAFA, VI, pl. 23.
Mask of the Buddha. From
Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1065. 132.

G. 817249/15; MDAFA, VI, pl. 98d.
Head of a very young
Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Prates. These last two
small heads may come from
the same stupa, since they are
very similar in style.
K.p. Ha. 1064. 131.
G. 817249/15; MDAFA, VI, pl. 98b.
Head of the Buddha with an ushnisha.
From Prates.

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Heads of Bodhisattvas, princes and donors

K.p. Ha. 1066. 133. K.p. Ha. 1067. 134.

Exc. no. T.K. B. 56. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-16.
Stucco. H 0.123.
G. 81723212/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 79d. Stucco.
Head of a Bodhisattva or a prince with G. 817241/ 50; MDAFA, VI, pl. 75b; L.N.
a moustache and traces of paint. From Head of a prince with a bejewelled
Bagh Gai. head-dress.

K.p. Ha. 1068. 135.

Exc. no. T.K. 94.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 80b.
Head of a noble with a simple
turban and ear-pendants. From
Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1069. 136.

Exc. no. T.K. 37.
H 0.123.
G. 81722233/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 80c.
Head of a noble with a
plain turban, knotted at the
back. From Tepe Kalan.

398 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1070. 137. K.p. Ha. 1071. 138.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-506. H 0.125.
H 0.125. Stucco.
Stucco. MDAFA, VI, pl. 77b; MIZ, 156.
G. 817241/50; MDAFA, VI, pl. 75b; MIZ, 151; J.P., 426; L.N. Head of an elderly prince, or perhaps a
Head of a prince with an elaborate head- Bodhisattva because of the elaborate head-
dress. From Bagh Gai. dress. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1073. 140.

K.p. Ha. 1072. 139. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-431.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-14. H 0.133.
H 0.13. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 81721212/1–3; MDAFA,
G. 91721212/2; MDAFA, VI, VI, pl. 78e; G.G., 61, fig. 116
pl. 77c; D.D. B.103.148. (MK. 61-3-57); MIZ, 154.
Head of a young prince Head of a young
wearing a turban with prince wearing a
a crest in the form of turban with a crest in
a flower. From Tepe the form of a flower.
Kalan. From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1074. 141. K.p. Ha. 1075. 142.

Exc. no. TK. 67. Exc. no. A. 5.
H 0.133. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 81725235/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 73a.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 70d. Head of a plump donor with a polygonal
Head of a donor with a jewel in his bonnet. From Gar Nau.
head-dress. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1076. 143. K.p. Ha. 1077. 144.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 68.
G. 817249/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 75c. Stucco.
Head of a young man with a festooned G. 817243/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 75g.
high cap. From Tepe Kafariha. Head of an old man wearing an elaborate
head-dress in the form of rings. From Tepe

400 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1078. 145. K.p. Ha. 1079. 146.

Exc. no. B. 55. Exc. no. TK. 35.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81723212/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 76c. G. 81721233/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 54d.
Head of a Bodhisattva or a prince with a Head of a young prince with a simple
bejewelled cap and large high crest. From diadem decorated with medallions. From
Bagh Gai. Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1080. 147.

Exc. no. TK. 67.
H 0.13.
G. 81721212/10; MDAFA, VI, pl. 78d.
Head of a prince or a
Bodhisattva wearing a turban
with a crest in the form of a
flower. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1081. 148.

MDAFA, VI, pl. 68f.
Head of a young man
wearing a turban decorated
with two jewels. From Tepe

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1082. 149. K.p. Ha. 1083. 150.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-478. Stucco.
H 0.067. G. 81722233/4; MDAFA, VI, pl. 80e.
Stucco. Head of a man wearing a cap decorated
G. 817241/54; MIZ, 147. with a half-flower. From Tepe Kafariha.
Head of a young man wearing a turban
with a fan-like crest.

K.p. Ha. 1084. 151. K.p. Ha. 1085. 152.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-70. Exc. no. K. 14.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81724233/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 80f; L.N. G. 81722233/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 81c.
Head of a boy wearing a turban and a Head of a smiling young man wearing a
diadem. From Prates. turban and a garland of precious stones.
From Tepe Kafariha.

402 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1086. 153. K.p. Ha. 1087. 154.

Exc. no. B. 12. Exc. no. K. 5.
Stucco. Stucco.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 81a. G. 81722233/7; MDAFA, VI, pl. 81b.
Head of a young man wearing a turban Head of a Bodhisattva against a halo (in good
surmounted by a flower. From Bagh Gai. condition). From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1088. 155. K.p. Ha. 1089. 156.

Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81722233/7; MDAFA, VI, pl. 81e. G. 81724233/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 81f.
Head of a young man with a simple cap. Head of a young man with a simple cap.
From Tepe Kafariha. From Prates.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1090. 157. K.p. Ha. 1091. 158.

Stucco. Exc. no. K. 8.
G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89j. Stucco.
Head of a youth (head-dress broken). G. 817249/19; MDAFA, VI, pl. 79e.
From Deh Ghundi. Head of a young man (in poor condition).

K.p. Ha. 1092. 159. K.p. Ha. 1093. 160.

Stucco. Exc. no. K. B. 5.
G. 817249/19; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92i. Stucco.
G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89k.
Head of a man with a woollen bonnet.
From Tepe Kafariha. Head of a man (in poor condition).
From Bagh Gai.

404 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1095. 162.

K.p. Ha. 1094. 161. Exc. no. K. B. 12.
Stucco. Stucco.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 51a. G. 817249/10; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93b.
Fine head of a young man with curly hair, Head of a young man with curly hair. From
wearing a diadem with a flower (broken). Bagh Gai.
From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1096. 163. K.p. Ha. 1097. 164.

Exc. no. K. 1. Stucco.
Stucco. MDAFA, VI, pl. 73g.
G. 817249/20; MDAFA, VI, pl. 79c. Head of a young man with short curly hair,
Head of a smiling young man with a a diadem and a large jewel. From Chakhil-i
bonnet. From Chakhil-i Ghundi. Ghundi.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1098. 165. K.p. Ha. 1099. 166.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1100. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-491.
H 0.23. H 0.112.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81721212/7; MDAFA, VI, pl. 30a; G.G., 61, fig. 124 MIZ, 117.
(MK. 61-3-31); MIZ, 118; MIY, 219. Head of a young man with a diadem and a
Beautiful head of a young man with a pyramidal jewel.
topknot and a diadem. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1100. 167. K.p. Ha. 1101. 168.

Exc. no. TK. 68 Stucco.
H 0.112. G. 81722233/8; MDAFA, VI, pl. 90a.
Stucco. Head of a man with a diadem adorned
G. 817249/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 76b. with a crescent jewel. From Tepe Kafariha.
Head of a young man with a topknot
and a diadem. From Tepe Kalan.

406 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1102. 169. K.p. Ha. 1103. 170.

H 0.055. Exc. no. K. 45.
Stucco. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-352.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 86d. Stucco.
Head of a boy. From Chakhil-i Ghundi. G. 817249/17; MDAFA, VI, pl. 81d; MIZ, 146.
Head of a young man. From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1104. 171.

Stucco. K.p. Ha. 1105. 172.
G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 73b. Exc. no. K. 67.
Head of a young man wearing a turban knotted Stucco.
at the back. From Tepe Kafariha. G. 817249/14; MDAFA, VI, pl. 70c.
Head of a donor or of the Buddha.

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K.p. Ha. 1106. 173. K.p. Ha. 1107. 174.

Exc. no. TK. 95. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 50f.
G. 81721212/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 68a. Head of a youth with curly hair and a
Head of a young man with a topknot. topknot. From Tepe Kalan.
From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1108. 175. K.p. Ha. 1109. 176.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-503. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-466.
H 0.143. Stucco.
Stucco. Photograph, L.N.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 69e; MIZ, 120. Head of a man with a plain diadem. (The
Head of a young man with curly hair and a ornaments of the head-dress are broken.)
topknot. From Tepe Kalan.

408 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Brahmans and laymen

K.p. Ha. 1110. 177.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-5.
H 0.115.
ROW, 71, fig. 119.
Head of a youth with
short hair.

K.p. Ha. 1111. 178.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
G. 81721233/33; MDAFA, VI, pl. 54a.
Head of a young man with
a knot of hair to one side.
From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1112. 179. K.p. Ha. 1113. 180.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-335. Exc. no. K. 39.
H 0.063. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/39; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92a; J.P., 439.
MIZ, 131; L.N. Head of a man with flowing, curly hair and
Head of a Brahman with flowing hair and a flat topknot. From Tepe Kafariha.
a beard.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1114. 181.

Exc. no. K. 1.
K.p. Ha. 1115. 182.
G. 817249/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93j. Exc. no. TK. 36.
Head of a youth. From Tepe Kafariha.
G. 817249/22; MDAFA, VI, pl. 58b.
Head of a man. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1116. 183. K.p. Ha. 1117. 184.

Exc. no. B. 66. Exc. no. K.1.
H 0.065. H 0.065.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817241/48; MDAFA, VI, pl. 88e. G. 817249/18; MDAFA, VI, pl. 68h.
Head of a young man with long flowing Head of a young man with flowing hair
hair. From Bagh Gai. and a topknot. From Tepe Kafariha.

410 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1118. 185. K.p. Ha. 1119. 186.

Stucco. Stucco.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 76f. G. 81722252/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94g.
Head of a young man. From Tepe Head of a smiling young man with wavy
Kafariha. hair and a topknot. From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1120. 187. K.p. Ha. 1121. 188.

Exc. no. K. 9. Stucco.
Stucco. MDAFA, VI, pl. 76e.
G. 817249/17; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93i. Head of a young man with curls and a
Head of a man with wavy hair and a sad topknot.
expression (broken at the back). From Tepe

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1122. 189. K.p. Ha. 1123. 190.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-416. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-504
H 0.078. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 81721233/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 55 b & b’; ROW, 71, fig. 113.
G. 817249/18; MDAFA, VI, pl. 68b; MIZ, 145. Head of a young man with wavy hair and a
Head of a young boy with wavy hair and a topknot. From Tepe Kalan, 23.
topknot. From Chakhil-i Ghundi.

K.p. Ha. 1124. 191.

Exc. no. TK. 35.
K.p. Ha. 1125. 192.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 50b. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-590.
H 0.16.
Head of an elegant young man with large
curls. From Tepe Kalan.
G. 817234/13 (J.H.); MDAFA, VI, pl. 50e; D.D. B.103.195.
Beautiful head of a young man with curly
hair and a large topknot.

412 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1126. 193. K.p. Ha. 1127. 194.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 68.
G. 81726252/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 90c. Stucco.
Head of man with wavy hair and an G. 817249/12; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92b.
expectant air. From Chakhil-i Ghundi. Head of a smiling young man with wavy
hair and a topknot. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1128. 195. K.p. Ha. 1129. 196.

Exc. no. B. 56. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/16; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92j.
G. 817249/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92g. Head of a boy with wavy hair. From Bagh
Head of a boy. From Bagh Gai. Gai.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1130. 197. K.p. Ha. 1131. 198.

Exc. no. TK. 68-72. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817241/34.
G. 81721233/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 71d. Head of a fat man with short curly hair.
Distorted head of a man with wavy hair
and a topknot. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1132. 199. K.p. Ha. 1133. 200.

Exc. no. K. 33. Exc. no. TK. 33.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817245/4; MDAFA, VI, pl. 43b. G. 817245/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 43a.
Head of a man with a desperate air (badly Head of a middle-aged man with short
damaged). From Tepe Kafariha. curls. From Tepe Kalan.

414 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1134. 201. K.p. Ha. 1135. 202.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-409. Exc. no. TK. 67.
H 0.094. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-369.
Stucco. H 0.105.
G. 81722233/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 71f; MIZ, 144. Stucco.
Head of a boy with a wig (?). From Tepe G. 817237/23; MDAFA, VI, pl. 62f; MIZ, 137; J.P., 422.
Kafariha. Head of a young man with a wig (?) and a
short beard. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1136. 203.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-374.
H 0.11.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 61c; ROW, 71,
fig. 120; J.P., 418.
Head of a Brahman
ascetic with a moustache
and a short beard. From
Tepe Kalan.
K.p. Ha. 1137. 204.
Exc. no. TK. 68.
G. 81721232/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 62d.
Head of a Brahman ascetic with a
moustache and a beard. From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1138. 205.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 63d.
Head of a Brahman ascetic with a long
moustache and an angry expression. From Tepe

K.p. Ha. 1139. 206.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-414.
Photograph, L.N.
Head of a man with a sad expression.

416 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Foreigners and barbarians

K.p. Ha. 1140. 207.

Exc. no. B. 65.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-357.
H 0.087.
G. 817249/6; MDAFA, VI,
pl. 87a; MIZ, 133; ROW, 66,
fig. 58; L.N.
Head of a young
barbarian with
natural locks. From K.p. Ha. 1141. 208.
Bagh Gai. Exc. no. B. 56.
H 0.087.
G. 817249/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 87b.
Head of a young barbarian with natural
locks. From Bagh Gai.

K.p. Ha. 1143. 210.

K.p. Ha. 1142. 209. Exc. no. K. 7.
Exc. no. B. 56.
G. 817249/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 87d.
G. 817249/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 87c. Head of a young man with a Western
appearance. From Tepe Kafariha.
Head of an angry young barbarian with curly
hair. From Bagh Gai.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1144. 211. K.p. Ha. 1145. 212.

Exc. no. K. 1. Exc. no. K. 1.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-372. H 0.10.
H 0.151. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 81722235/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 65c.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 66b; G.G., 61, fig. 127 (MK. 61-3-41); ROW, 71, Head of a barbarian with curly hair and an angry
fig. 129; J.P., 420. expression. From Tepe Kafariha.
Head of a barbarian with flowing hair. From
Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1146. 213. K.p. Ha. 1147. 214.

Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817237/19; MDAFA, VI, pl. 63e. MDAFA, VI, pl. 62c.
Head of a young barbarian with a moustache Head of an old man with a moustache and a
and a short beard. short beard. From Tepe Kafariha.

418 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1148. 215. K.p. Ha. 1149. 216.

Exc. no. B. 56. Exc. no. B. 56.
H 0.10. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-454.
Stucco. H 0.10.
G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 95h. Stucco.
Head of an old man with a moustache. G. 817243/24; MDAFA, VI, pl. 95c; D.D. B.103.155.
From Bagh Gai. Head of an old man with a moustache and
an angry expression. From Bagh Gai.

K.p. Ha. 1150. 217. K.p. Ha. 1151. 218.

Exc. no. K. 9. Exc. no. TK. 68.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 95f. G. 81721236/4; MDAFA, VI, pl. 95e.
Head of a foreigner with a moustache. Head of a foreigner with short locks and a
From Tepe Kafariha. moustache. From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1152. 219. K.p. Ha. 1153. 220.

Exc. no. K. 9. Exc. no. K. 9.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93h. G. 817249/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 87f.
Head of a young man with a Western Head of a young man with a Western
appearance. From Tepe Kafariha. appearance. From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1155. 222.

Exc. no. B. 56.
K.p. Ha. 1154. 221.
Exc. no. B. 55. G. 817249/8; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93c.
Head of a barbarian with a moustache and
G. 817249/17; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89f.
a beard. From Bagh Gai.
Head of a man with an unusual cap. From
Bagh Gai.

420 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1156. 223. K.p. Ha. 1157. 224.

Stucco. Exc. no. K. 9.
G. 817249/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 95g. Stucco.
Head of a barbarian with a moustache G. 817249/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 95d.
and a cap with cabochons. Head of a barbarian with a moustache and
a Phrygian cap. From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1158. 225. K.p. Ha. 1159. 226.

Exc. no. B. 56. Exc. no. B. 56.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81723236/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 83a. G. 817249/16; MDAFA, VI, pl. 83d.
Head of a barbarian with a laurel wreath. Head of a barbarian with a moustache.
From Bagh Gai. From Bagh Gai.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 421
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1160. 227. K.p. Ha. 1161. 228.

Stucco. Exc. no. K. 37.
G. 817249/18; MDAFA, VI, pl. 68d. Stucco.
Head of an old man with a sad expression MDAFA, VI, pl. 82c.
and a flower in his cap. From Tepe Head of a young barbarian with flowing hair.
Kafariha. From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1162. 229. K.p. Ha. 1163. 230.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-413. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94h.
G. 817249/19; MDAFA, VI, pl. 84d; J.P., 423; L.N.
Head of an old barbarian with a
Bust of an old man with a moustache and moustache, a beard and a conical cap.
a long beard. From Prates. From Tepe Kafariha.

422 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1164. 231. K.p. Ha. 1165. 232.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-351. Exc. no. B. 70.
H 0.098. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-9.
Stucco. H 0.10.
MIZ, 153. Stucco.
Fine head of a barbarian with a moustache. G. 817243/25; MDAFA, VI, pl. 82a; MIZ, 155; ROW, 66,
fig. 60; MIY, 213; L.N.
Head of a barbarian with a wrinkled face
(head-dress broken). From Bagh Gai.

K.p. Ha. 1166. 233.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-377.
H 0.105.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 74b; G.G., 61,
fig. 130 (MK. 61-3-34); MIZ,
152; ROW, 71, fig. 121; L.N.
Head of a barbarian
wearing a cap
decorated with a
medallion in the
middle. From Prates. K.p. Ha. 1167. 234.
Exc. no. TK. 68.
H 0.45.
G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89h.
Head of a barbarian with flowing hair.
From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1168. 235.

Exc. no. TK. 67.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-355.
H 0.095.
G. 81721236/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 82b; MIZ, 138.
Head of a young barbarian with a
moustache and straight hair. From
Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1169. 236.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-350.
Photograph, L.N.
Head of an old barbarian with a
moustache and a pronounced beard
(top of the head cut off).

424 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006


K.p. Ha. 1170. 237a & b.

Exc. no. B. 56.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-371.
H 0.12.
G. 81723237/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 104a; G.G., 61,
fig. 115 (MK. 61-3-40); MIZ, 135; ROW, 66,
fig. 66 (no photograph); ROW, 71, fig. 118; J.P.,
421; L.N.
(a) Head of a soldier wearing a
helmet with a chin-strap. From
Bagh Gai.
a (b) The same piece in profile. b

K.p. Ha. 1171. 238.

Exc. no. B. 56.
H 0.075.
G. 81723237/2; MDAFA, VI,
pl. 103f.
Head of a soldier
wearing a helmet with
a volute ornament.
From Bagh Gai.
K.p. Ha. 1172. 239.
G. 817249/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 104g.
Head of a soldier wearing a helmet
with a simple ornament. From
Tepe Kafariha.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1173. 240.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-328. K.p. Ha. 1174. 241.
H 0.06. Exc. no. TK. 54.
Stucco. Stucco.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 103d; MIZ, 136; ROW, 71, fig. 128; L.N. MDAFA, VI, pl. 104f.
Head of a soldier with a helmet. Head of a soldier with a moustache and
wearing a simple helmet. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1175. 242. K.p. Ha. 1176. 243.

Exc. no. TK. 54. Exc. no. B. 70.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/18; MDAFA, VI, pl. 106d. G. 817249/10; MDAFA, VI, pl. 104h.
Head of a smiling soldier wrapped in a Head of a soldier wearing a helmet
shawl. From Tepe Kalan. (broken). From Bagh Gai.

426 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Devas and old people

K.p. Ha. 1177. 244. K.p. Ha. 1178. 245.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-438. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817234/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94b.
G. 81721231/1 & 817234/10 (photograph, J.H); MDAFA, VI, Head of a deva covered with a veil.
pl. 36; ROW, 66, fig. 61.
Beautiful head of a deva. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1179. 246.

Exc. no. B. 14.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-347.
H 0.058.
G. 817249/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94f; MIZ, 158.
Head of a deva covered with a veil.
From Bagh Gai.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1180. 247. K.p. Ha. 1181. 248.

Exc. no. T.K. 27. Exc. no. T.K. 68.
H 0.058. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-390.
Stucco. H 0.075.
G. 81721233/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 42. Stucco.
Head of a donor with an elaborate turban. G. 81721236/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 73d; MIZ, 157.
From Tepe Kalan. Head of an old man (donor) with an
elaborate turban. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1183. 250.

Exc. no. B. 56.
K.p. Ha. 1182. 249.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-390.
Exc. no. B. 56. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89e.
G. 817249/26; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89d.
Head of an old man, probably toothless.
Head of an old man, probably toothless. From Bagh Gai.
From Bagh Gai.

428 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006


K.p. Ha. 1184. 251.

Exc. no. TK 67.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-440.
H 0.094.
G. 817237/12; MDAFA, VI, pl. 59c;
G.G., 61, fig. 113 (MK. 61-3-58); ROW,
66, fig. 67.
Head of a monk with a lock
of hair on the top of his
head. From Tepe Kalan.
K.p. Ha. 1185. 252.
Exc. no. TK 67.
G. 81721232/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 59c.
Head of a young monk. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1187. 254.

Exc. no. B. 56.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-457.
H 0.098.
K.p. Ha. 1186. 253. Stucco.
Exc. no. B. 70. MDAFA, VI, pl. 60e; G.G., 61, fig. 102
Stucco. (MK. 61-3-59); MIZ, 130.
G. 817237/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 60d. Head of a laughing monk.
Head of a monk. From Bagh Gai. From Bagh Gai.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1188. 255. K.p. Ha. 1189. 256.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-381. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1.
H 0.07. H 0.062.
Stucco. Stucco.
MIZ, 127. MIZ, 128.
Head of an old monk with a moustache Head of a monk conversing.
and long ears.

K.p. Ha. 1190. 257. K.p. Ha. 1191. 258.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-473. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-4.
H 0.106. H 0.097.
Stucco. Stucco.
G.G., 61, fig. 112 (MK. 61-3-46); MIZ, 126; J.P., 428. MIZ, 129; L.N.
Head of a monk with a sad expression. Head of a monk.

430 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1192. 259. K.p. Ha. 1193. 260.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-446. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-456.
H 0.06. H 0.05.
Stucco. Stucco.
D.D. B.103.173. D.D. B.103.193.
Head of a young monk. Head of a monk.

K.p. Ha. 1194. 261. K.p. Ha. 1195. 262.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-2. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-58.
H 0.08. H 0.11.
Stucco. Stucco.
D.D. B.103.151. G.G., 61, fig. 113; L.N.
Head of a monk. Head of a monk (probably extensively
restored recently).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985


K.p. Ha. 1197. 264.

Exc. no. 68.
K.p. Ha. 1196. 263.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 89b.
Head of a very young girl with a double
G. 817249/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89a.
garland on her head. From Tepe Kalan.
Head of a very young child, his hair
twisted on top of his head. From Prates.

K.p. Ha. 1198. 265.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-419.
H 0.065.
K.p. Ha. 1199. 266.
G. 817249/8; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93d; MIZ, 139. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-421.
H 0.08.
Head of a young boy. From Chakhil-i
G. 81727231/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94e; D.D. B.130.145.
Head of a young boy covered with a scarf.
From Deh Ghundi.

432 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1200. 267. K.p. Ha. 1201. 268.

Exc. no. K. 45. Exc. no. K. 1.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/17; MDAFA, VI, pl. 96b. G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89l.
Head of a young girl with her hair tied back off Head of a young girl with a flat cap. From
her forehead. From Tepe Kafariha. Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1202. 269. K.p. Ha. 1203. 270.

Exc. no. B. 56. Exc. no. K. 41.
Stucco. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-423.
G. 817249/8; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92e. Stucco.
Head of a laughing baby. From Bagh Gai. G. 817249/15; MDAFA, VI, pl. 96c; L.N.
Head of a young boy with long hair.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 433
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1204. 271. K.p. Ha. 1205. 272.

Exc. no. TK. 25. Exc. no. TK. 68.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81721235/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 86a. G. 817249/12; MDAFA, VI, pl. 86a.
Head of a chubby baby with curly hair. Head of a child with short curly hair. From
Traces of colour. From Tepe Kalan. Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1206. 273. K.p. Ha. 1207. 274.

Exc. no. B. 65. Exc. no. B. 68.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 86b. G. 817249/12; MDAFA, VI, pl. 82d.
Head of a smiling boy. From Bagh Gai. Head of a young child, without teeth.
From Tepe Kalan.

434 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1208. 275.

Exc. no. K. 1.
G. 817249/15; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93g. K.p. Ha. 1209. 276.
Head of a smiling young boy. From Tepe K. M. inv. no. 62-3-426.
Kafariha. H 0.06.
G. 817249/15; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93g.
Head of a young girl with a heavy woollen cap.

a b
K.p. Ha. 1210. 277a & b.
Exc. no. TK. 54.
H 0.06.
G. 81721237/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 104e.
Head of a laughing boy wearing a helmet with an ornament on top and a chin-strap.
From Tepe Kalan. (Two views.)

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Female deities, donors and other women

K.p. Ha. 1212. 279.

Exc. no. TK. 67.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-373.
H 0.13.
G. 81721252/7; MDAFA, VI, pl. 78c;
MIZ, 122.
Head of a woman,
probably a deity, wearing
ear-pendants and with
two small open wings on
her wavy hair. From Tepe
K.p. Ha. 1211. 278.
Exc. no. TK. 37.
H 0.06.
G. 817235/4; MDAFA, VI, pl. 53b.
Head of a woman, probably a deity,
with a head-dress (broken) and long
ear-pendants. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1213. 280.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
H 0.112. K.p. Ha. 1214. 281.
Stucco. Stucco.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 56a & a’. MDAFA, VI, pl. 72d.
Head of a female donor, Head of a female donor wearing a
or perhaps a queen, with diadem set with a large jewel. From
elongated, bejewelled ears Tepe Kalan.
and wearing a crown with
volutes. From Tepe Kalan.

436 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1215. 282. K.p. Ha. 1216. 283.

Exc. no. TK.37. Exc. no. TK. 95.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/16; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94d. G. 81723252/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94i.
Head of a female donor wearing a diadem Head of a woman with elaborate curls.
(upper part broken). From Tepe Kalan. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1217. 284. K.p. Ha. 1218. 285.

Exc. no. TK. 68. Exc. no. TK. 24.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-424. Stucco.
H 0.225. G. 81721252/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94i.
Stucco. Head of a woman wearing a head-dress of
G. 817241/52; MDAFA, VI, pl. 30b; MIZ, 119; ROW, 66, three discs and ear-pendants of shells. From
fig. 63; ROW, 71, fig. 114. Tepe Kalan.
Head of a queen or a deity with a Western-
style head-dress. From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1219. 286. K.p. Ha. 1220. 287.

Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/19; MDAFA, VI, pl. 69b. G. 817249/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 73c.
Head of a woman wearing a diadem Head of a woman wearing a crescent-shaped
decorated with cut stones. From Prates. ornament in her hair (upper part of the head
broken). From Tepe Kafariha.

a b
K.p. Ha. 1221. 288a & b.
Exc. no. TK. 23.
G. 81721252/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 49a & a’.
Head of a woman with a ribbon around her head and a simple cut stone on her forehead.
From Tepe Kalan. (Two views.)

438 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1222. 289. K.p. Ha. 1223. 290.

H 0.063. Exc. no. TK. 45.
Stucco. Stucco.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 67a. G. 81721233/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 70b.
Head of a young girl with curly hair. From Head of a young girl. A good example of
Deh Ghundi. how these stucco heads were modelled. From
Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1224. 291. K.p. Ha. 1225. 292.

Exc. no. K. 8. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 91e.
G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 91d. Head of a woman wearing an elaborate
Head of a woman with elongated ear-lobes diadem with a cut stone in the centre. From
and a stepped, pyramidal head-dress. From Tepe Kafariha.
Tepe Kafariha.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1226. 293.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-434.
H 0.068. K.p. Ha. 1227. 294.
Stucco. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-532.
G. 81721252/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 68i. H 0.10.
Head of a very elegant young woman. Stucco.
From Tepe Kalan. ROW, 71, fig. 127; J.P., 424; L.N.
Head of a distinguished young woman
with a simple diadem.

K.p. Ha. 1228. 295. K.p. Ha. 1229. 296.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 67.
G. 8172911252/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 68e. H 0.10.
Head of a sad-looking young woman with Stucco.
a diadem. Traces of colour. MDAFA, VI, pl. 72f.
Head of a woman, perhaps with a diadem.
From Tepe Kalan.

440 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1231. 298.

K.p. Ha. 1230. 297. MDAFA, VI, pl. 50d; G.G., 61, fig. 114 (MK. 61-3-25).
Exc. no. TK. 23. Head of a charming young woman with a
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-504. topknot. From Tepe Kafariha.
H 0.135.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 55b & b’; ROW, 71, fig. 113.
Head of a woman with curly hair and a
high topknot. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1232. 299. K.p. Ha. 1233. 300.

Stucco. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-526.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 67b. H 0.08.
Head of a young girl with a diadem and Stucco.
a topknot. G. 817249/16; MDAFA, VI, pl. 98f; MIY, 124; D.D. B.103.194.
Head of a charming young girl with a

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 441
Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1234. 301. K.p. Ha. 1235. 302.

Exc. no. TK. 67. Exc. no. TK. 67.
Stucco. H 0.102.
G. 81721233/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 72a. Stucco.
Head of a pensive girl with a wig. From MDAFA, VI, pl. 72b.
Tepe Kalan. Head of a woman with a diadem and a
jewel (broken). From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1237. 304.

K.p. Ha. 1236. 303.
Exc. no. TK. 67.
Exc. no. TK. 67. Stucco.
Stucco. MDAFA, VI, pl. 72e.
G. 81721233/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 72c.
Head of a woman with a diadem and a
Head of a woman with a wig (?). From topknot. From Tepe Kalan.
Tepe Kalan.

442 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1238. 305. K.p. Ha. 1239. 306.

Exc. no. TK. 68. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-407.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-491. Stucco.
H 0.117. Photograph, L.N.
Stucco. Head of a woman with a wig (?).
G.81721252/4; MDAFA, VI, pl. 71e; MIZ, 148.
Head of a woman with a simple
headband and a chignon. From Tepe

K.p. Ha. 1240. 307. K.p. Ha. 1241. 308.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-410. Exc. no. TK. 67.
H 0.105. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-507.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 81723212/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 69d; G.G., 61, fig. 83 G. 81721232/5; MDAFA, VI, pl. 70a; L.N.
(MK. 61-3-45); MIZ, 121; L.N. Head of a distinguished woman wearing a
Head of a young girl with five jewels in diadem and a topknot. From Tepe Kalan.
her hair. From Prates.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1242. 309. K.p. Ha. 1243. 310.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-425. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-411.
H 0.055. H 0.091.
Stucco. Stucco.
MIZ, 150. MIZ, 143.
Head of a happy young girl with very Head of a Western-looking woman with a
unusual ear-pendants. sad expression.

K.p. Ha. 1244. 311. K.p. Ha. 1245. 312.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-379. H 0.06.
H 0.132. Stucco.
Stucco. MIZ, 141.
MIZ, 125. Head of a sad girl.
Head of a woman with an elaborate head-

444 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1246. 313. K.p. Ha. 1247. 314.

Exc. no. TK. 68. Exc. no. TK. 95.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817246/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 94c. G. 81721233/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 70f.
Head of a woman with plaited hair. From Head of a middle-aged woman (partly
Tepe Kalan. broken). From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1248. 315. K.p. Ha. 1249. 316.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 67.
G. 81721252/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 68g. Stucco.
Head of an arrogant girl with a topknot. G. 817212233/7; MDAFA, VI, pl. 71a.
From Tepe Kalan. Head of a woman with hair gathered
simply in a topknot (broken). From Tepe

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1250. 317. K.p. Ha. 1251. 318.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 67.
G. 817249/17; MDAFA, VI, pl. 83b. Stucco.
Head of an angry girl, her hair gathered at G. 81721236/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 83c.
the back of her head. From Tepe Kafariha. Head of a young girl with wavy hair. From
Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1252. 319. K.p. Ha. 1253. 320.

Stucco. Exc. no. B. 12.
G. 817249/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 84c. Stucco.
Head of a girl, perhaps with a round hat. G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 89i.
From Tepe Kafariha. Head of a smiling girl, her hair arranged in
large curls. From Bagh Gai.

446 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1254. 321. K.p. Ha. 1255. 322.

Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/8; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92f. G. 817249/17; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92h.
Head of a sad girl with curly hair. From Bagh Gai. Head of a fair lady with an elegant
hairstyle. From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1256. 323.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-563.
H 0.075.
G. 817249/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93f; D.D. B.103.239.
Head of a beautiful woman with natural
curls and wearing an ear-pendant. From Tepe

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K.p. Ha. 1257. 324. K.p. Ha. 1258. 325.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-709. Exc. no. B. 14.
H 0.150. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-347.
Stucco. H 0.058.
G. 81722233/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 69a; MIZ, 123; J.P., 425. Stucco.
Head of a smiling young woman. From MDAFA, VI, pl. 94f; MIZ, 158.
Tepe Kafariha. Head of a young woman wearing a veil. From
Bagh Gai.

448 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Soldiers or monsters of Mara

This series illustrates a famous episode in the Life of the Buddha that appears in many Buddhist monasteries
and in many stupas in Gandhara and Afghanistan. Mara, the god but also the king of human desire, is the
cruel enemy of Shakyamuni, the Buddha-to-be. He uses the soldiers of his army, often depicted as hideous
monsters, to prevent the holy one from reaching Enlightenment, but without success.

K.p. Ha. 1259. 326. K.p. Ha. 1260. 327.

Exc. no. TK. 67. Stucco.
K. M. inv. no. 63-7-459. G. 817246/8; MIY, 215.
H 0.11. Woman (head missing), holding a piece of a
Stucco. backbone as an offering.
G. 817236/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 71c; D.D. B.103.156.
Head of a boy with flowing hair, often
considered to be a monster because of his
protruding teeth. From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1261. 328. K.p. Ha. 1262. 329.

Exc. no. TK. 54. Exc. no. TK. 68.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817236/15; MDAFA, VI, pl. 88g. G. 817249/13; MDAFA, VI, pl. 88b.
Head of a demon with long ears and natural Head of a demon with flame-like locks of
locks. From Tepe Kalan. hair. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1263. 330. K.p. Ha. 1264. 331.

Exc. no. TK. 70. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/24; MDAFA, VI, pl. 88d.
G. 81721239/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 88c. Head of a demon with protruding teeth.
Head of a demon with large ears and an open, From Tepe Kalan.
smiling mouth. From Tepe Kalan.

450 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1265. 332. K.p. Ha. 1266. 333.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 94.
G. 817245/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 88f. Stucco.
Head of an evil demon with protruding G. 817249/19; MDAFA, VI, pl. 88h.
teeth. From Tepe Kalan. Head of a demon with flame-like locks of hair. From
Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1267. 334. K.p. Ha. 1268. 335.

H 0.04. Exc. no. B. 56.
Stucco. K. M. inv. no. 67-3-417.
G. 817249/23; MDAFA, VI, pl. 90b; G.G., 61, fig. 110 (MK. H 0.075.
61-3-48). Stucco.
Head of a woman, perhaps a demon G. 817243/23; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93a; D.D. B.103.143; L.N.
because of her teeth. From Tepe Kalan. Head of a demon with a pointed nose and a sad
expression. From Bagh Gai.

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K.p. Ha. 1270. 337.

Exc. no. B. 56.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-388.
K.p. Ha. 1269. 336. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/10; MDAFA, VI, pl. 93e; L.N.
G. 817249/11; MDAFA, VI, pl. 92d. Head of a monster, crying out. From Bagh Gai.
Head of a boy with protruding teeth.
From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1271. 338. K.p. Ha. 1272. 339.

Exc. no. TK. 54. Exc. no. TK. 35.
K. M. inv. no. 662-3-364. Stucco.
H 0.045. G. 817244/33; MDAFA, VI, pl. 103c.
Stucco. Head of an old man with a full moustache
G. 817236/41; MDAFA, VI, pl. 104b; MIZ, 163; J.P., 430. and wearing a headband with a large disc.
Head of a demon with a helmet. From From Tepe Kalan.
Tepe Kalan.

452 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1273. 340.

Exc. no. TK. 54.
G. 81721237/12; MDAFA, VI, pl. 104d. K.p. Ha. 1274. 341.
Head of an old demon with his mouth Stucco.
open and his hair tied in a knot. From G. 81722237/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 109b.
Tepe Kalan. Head of a demon with a moustache. From
Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1275. 342. K.p. Ha. 1276. 343.

Exc. no. TK. 68. Exc. no. TK. 69.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/19; MDAFA, VI, pl. 103e. G. 817249/23; MDAFA, VI, pl. 109d.
Head of a laughing demon wearing a cap Head of an old demon wearing a cap with
with a chin-strap. From Tepe Kalan. a chin-strap. From Tepe Kalan.

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K.p. Ha. 1277. 344. K.p. Ha. 1278. 345.

Exc. no. B. 55. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-11.
H 0.065. H 0.108.
Stucco. Stucco.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 82g. G. 817236/18; MDAFA, VI, pl. 102d; MIZ, 132; D.D.
Head of a dishevelled young demon B.103.153; L.N.
(disfigured). From Bagh Gai. Head of an ascetic demon with protruding
teeth and elongated ears.

K.p. Ha. 1279. 346.

Exc. no. B. 55. K.p. Ha. 1280. 347.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-337. Exc. no. TK. 68.
H 0.075. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-385.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/8; MDAFA, VI, pl. 87e; MIZ, 164. G. 817236/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 99e; G.G., 61, fig. 120
Head of a chuckling demon with flame- (MK. 61-3-36); MIZ, 165.
like locks of hair. Head of a demon with flame-like hair
and the fangs of a wild boar. From
Tepe Kalan.

454 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1281. 348.

G. 817236/16; MDAFA, VI, pl. 98a.
Demon with a flat cap and
holding a large shell. From
Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1282. 349.

K. M. inv. no. 62-2-1091.
H 0.138.
G. 817246/63; MDAFA, VI, pl. 98e; MIZ, 162; ROW, 66,
fig. 68.
Young man in a fur coat.

K.p. Ha. 1283. 350.

Exc. no. TK. 68. K.p. Ha. 1284. 351.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-391. Exc. no. TK. 68.
H 0.105. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-19.
Stucco. H 0.097.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 99a; G.G., 61, fig. 119 (MK. 61-3-63); MIZ, Stucco.
168; ROW, 66, fig. 56; ROW, 71, fig. 122; J.P., 432. MIZ, 167; ROW, 66, fig. 54.
Head of a monster or demon. Caricature of Head of a demon, half-
a human face, with an enormous mouth, a human, half-animal,
protruding tongue and flame-like locks of perhaps with elephant
hair. From Tepe Kalan. ears. From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. Ha. 1285. 352. K.p. Ha. 1286. 353.

Exc. no. TK. 68. Exc. no. TK. 68.
Stucco. K. M. inv. no. 62-3-396.
G. 817236/30. H 0.12.
Head of a monster with elephant ears and
G. 817236/18; MDAFA, VI, pl. 101f; G.G., 61, fig. 117 (MK. 61-3-
spitting out its own lungs. From Tepe
65); MIZ, 17.
Head of a monster in the shape of a dog with
elephant ears, small horns and eating a bone.
From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1287. 354.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
K.p. Ha. 1288. 355.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-384.
H 0.082. Exc. no. TK. 68.
Stucco. Stucco.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 100b; MIZ, 166; ROW, 71, fig. 123; J.P., 433; G. 817236/8; MDAFA, VI, pl. 102a; J.P., 434.
D.D. B.103.152. Head of a monster with staring eyes and
Head of a monster with a distended flame-like locks of hair. From Tepe Kalan.
mouth, a moustache and a broken crown.
From Tepe Kalan.

456 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1289. 356.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-20.
H 0.095.
G. 817236/31; MDAFA, VI, pl. 101e; G.G., 61, fig. 118 (MK. 61-3-64); MIZ, 169; K.p. Ha. 1290. 357.
J.P., 431. Exc. no. TK. 68.
Head of a monster with a human face and elephant ears. Stucco.
From Tepe Kalan. G. 817236/16; MDAFA, VI, pl. 100a.
Monster with a horned animal’s head
spitting out its own lungs. From Tepe

K.p. Ha. 1291. 358.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
G. 817236/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 100d.
Monster with horns and pulling out its
own tongue. From Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Figures from the architectural relief decoration of stupas

K.p. Ha. 1292. 359. K.p. Ha. 1293. 360.

Exc. no. B. 56. Exc. no. TK. 71.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817249/10; MDAFA, VI, pl. 83e. MDAFA, VI, pl. 103d.
Head of a foreigner. From Bagh Gai. Head of a warrior with a helmet and chin-
strap. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1294. 361. K.p. Ha. 1295. 362.

K. M. inv. no. 62-3-1103. Stucco.
H 0.087. G. 81721237/2; MDAFA, VI, pl. 106b.
Stucco. Warrior holding a rectangular shield. From
MDAFA, VI, pl. 105a; MIZ, 134; ROW, 66, fig. 57. Tepe Kafariha.
Warrior with his right shoulder bare.

458 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1296. 363. K.p. Ha. 1297. 364.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 54.
G. 817249/18; MDAFA, VI, pl. 106f. Stucco.
Warrior holding the hilt of his sword. G. 81722237/4; MDAFA, VI, pl. 106g.
From Tepe Kafariha. Warrior playing a musical instrument.
From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1298. 365. K.p. Ha. 1299. 366.

Exc. no. TK. 68. Exc. no. TK. 2.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817244/26; MDAFA, VI, pl. 107b. G. 817249/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 107d.
Young soldier, naked and blowing a conch. Soldier wearing a heavy coat. From Tepe
From Tepe Kalan. Kafariha.

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K.p. Ha. 1300. 367. K.p. Ha. 1301. 368.

Exc. no. TK. 54. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817244/23; MDAFA, VI, pl. 108b.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 107e. Soldier with a flat helmet and chin-strap, and holding
Soldier holding the upper part of a rope (?). a shield.

K.p. Ha. 1302. 369.

Exc. no. TK. 35.
G. 817244/27; MDAFA, VI, pl. 108c.
Allegorical figure: centaur holding a lasso.

460 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1303. 370. K.p. Ha. 1304. 371.

Stucco. Exc. no. TK. 68.
G. 817244/37 (J.H.). Stucco.
Strong fat soldier, may have had elephant ears and G. 81721237/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 108d.
therefore be a monster. Helmeted soldier drawing his sword. From Tepe

K.p. Ha. 1305. 372. K.p. Ha. 1306. 373.

Exc. no. B. 112. Exc. no. K. 6.
H 0.13. Stucco.
Stucco. G. 817249/21; MDAFA, VI, pl. 109g.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 109a. Soldier with a cap. From Tepe Kafariha.
Warrior (head missing), holding a large
sword. From Bagh Gai.

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K.p. Ha. 1307. 374.

Exc. no. TK. 54.
G. 81721237/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 109e.
Armed triton (head missing). From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1308. 375. K.p. Ha. 1309. 376.

Exc. no. B. 70. Exc. no. TK. 139.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-87. Stucco.
H 0.125. G. 817246/88; MDAFA, VI, pl. 110a.
Stucco. Soldier holding a shield decorated with the
G. 817246/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 109i; G.G., 61, fig. 99 (MK. head of Medusa. From Tepe Kalan.
61-3-43); J.P., 440; L.N.
Musician (soldier), playing the lute. From
Bagh Gai.

462 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1310. 377.

Exc. no. P. 3.
G. 817246/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 110b.
Soldier holding a club with both hands. From K.p. Ha. 1311. 378.
Prates. Stucco.
G. 81722237/1; MDAFA, VI, pl. 110c.
Soldier with a flat cap, a heavy rug over one
shoulder. From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1312. 379. K.p. Ha. 1313. 380.

Exc. no. TK. 54. Exc. no. TK. 54.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817246/56; MDAFA, VI, pl. 110d. G. 817244/31 & 47; MDAFA, VI, pl. 110f.
Fragment of a headless warrior’s body Headless warrior drawing his sword. From
with a lasso and an elegant sword. From Tepe Kalan.
Tepe Kalan.

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K.p. Ha. 1315. 382.

Exc. no. TK. 68.
K.p. Ha. 1314. 381. G. 81721237/9; MDAFA, VI, pl. 111b.
Exc. no. TK. 21. Headless warrior holding a club and an oval
Stucco. shield. From Tepe Kalan.
G. 817244/36; MDAFA, VI, pl. 111a.
Headless warrior running forwards. An
ornament in the form of a cross on his
chest. From Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1316. 383. K.p. Ha. 1317. 384.

Exc. no. B. 70. Exc. no. K. 7.
Stucco. Stucco.
G. 817244/36; MDAFA, VI, pl. 1c. G. 817244/36; MDAFA, VI, pl. 111e.
Headless warrior holding a lasso with both Fragment of a headless warrior holding
hands. From Bagh Gai. an elegant sword. From Tepe Kafariha.

464 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

K.p. Ha. 1318. 385.

MDAFA, VI, pl. 112a.
Headless naked soldier (?) holding a wine K.p. Ha. 1319. 386.
cup. From Deh Ghundi.
Exc. no. K. 8.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 112e.
Headless naked soldier (?) holding a round
vessel. From Tepe Kafariha.

K.p. Ha. 1320. 387. K.p. Ha. 1321. 388.

Exc. no. K. 8. K. M. inv. no. 63-3-440.
Stucco. H 0.095.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 112f. Stucco.
Core of a half-statuette. Found at Tepe G. 817253/26; MIZ, 171; D.D. B.103.158.
Kafariha. Head of a lion (or a dog).

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K.p. Ha. 1322. 389.

Exc. no. TK. 95.
G. 817253/7.
Forepart of an elephant. From
Tepe Kalan.

K.p. Ha. 1323. 390.

Exc. no. TK. 35.
K. M. inv. no. 62-3-164.
MDAFA, VI, pl. 108c; L.N.
Centaur holding a lasso.

466 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006


K.p. Ha. 1324. 391. K.p. Ha. 1325. 392.

Exc. no. TK. 69. Exc. no. TK. 37.
K. M. inv. no. 63-3-1115. Stucco.
H c. 0.10. G. 817251/3; MDAFA, VI, pl. 58c.
Stucco. Medallion. Barbarian playing a horn. From
G. 817251/6; MDAFA, VI, pl. 97e; G.G., 61, fig. 98 (MK. 61-3- Tepe Kalan.
28); ROW, 66, fig. 62; J.P., 397.
Medallion. Deity with a halo, holding a spear
and a shield. Crescent moon on left. From
Tepe Kalan.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[T.Sh.p. KD.] Kama Dakka (Ningrahar province)

A Buddhapada, or the depiction of the footprint of Buddha Shakyamuni, carved in schist, was found 8 km
north-west of the Khyber Pass, at the ancient site of Kama Dakka. Marc Le Berre carried out an initial survey in
1948 and he was followed by other archaeologists. Many of the artefacts were taken to the Kabul Museum.
They belong to the late period (sixth to seventh century ad).

H. Motamedi, 1977, Afgh., 30, 1, pp. 78–88.
A. M. Quagliotti, 1998, p. 44, note 10.
D. Schlumberger, 1949, Archaeology, 2, pp. 11–16.

T.Sh.p. KD. 1326. 393.

K. M. inv. no. 63-23-1.
H 0.35.
MIZ, fig. 174; ROW, 71, fig. 112; D.D. B.103.165; L.N.
Large head of the Buddha.

468 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Kama Dakka

T.Sh.p. KD. 1327. 394.

K. M. inv. no. 63-23-2.
H 0.125.
G. 811821/2; MIZ, fig. 175.
Head of a young man or a deva.

T.Sh.p. KD. 1328. 395.

K. M. inv. no. 63-23-3.
H 0.127.
D.D. B.103.167.
Head of a child or a deva.

T.Sh.p. KD. 1329. 396.

K. M. inv. no. 71-23-29.
L 0.32, W 0.243.
MIY, fig. 216.
Fragment of a right foot of the
Buddha with a swastika on each toe

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[T.Sh.p. ChS.] Chaghan Sarai (Kunar province)

The village of Chaghan Sarai is situated at the confluence of the rivers Pech and Kunar and was
known as early as the nineteenth century. A temple from the Hindu Shahi period and a Buddhist
monastery stood 3 km north of the site of Mangir Sar.

K. Edelberg, 1957, AA, 4, pp. 199–207.
K. Fisher, 1960, Afgh., 15, 3, pp. 7–10.
Z. Tarzi, 1999–2000, SRAA, 6, pp. 83–96.
J. E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw, 1959, OrA, n.s. 5, pp. 61–69.

T.Sh.p. ChS. 1330. 397.

G. 8111/2 (J.H.); Tarzi, fig. 9.
Small Bodhisattva Maitreya, resembling statues
from Swat in style.

470 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Tepe Sardar

[K.p. to T.Sh.p.] Tepe Sardar monastery, Ghazni

The finds of the Italian mission at the site of Tepe Sardar, near Ghazni, were kept in situ after excavation in the
hope of constructing a site-museum later. They were taken to the Kabul Museum for safekeeping in 1990 and
were stored in the basement until 2000. They were found intact in their boxes in 2005 and are now in a safe
location (photographs not available).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[T.Sh.p. Ga.] Gardez (Paktia province)

The finds from the Gardez region (all accidental discoveries) belong to a late period in Afghan art (c. eighth to
tenth century ad). These white marble statues belong to the Hindu tradition of the Kingdom of Kashmir. Many
of them are still found in private collections and even in temples. This catalogue only lists the ones kept in the
Kabul Museum.

J. Auboyer, 1968.
S. Kuwayama, 1976, EW, 26, pp. 375–407.

T.Sh.p. Ga. 1331. 398a & b.
H 0.60.
White marble.
Auboyer, fig. 99; Kuwayama, fig. 9.
The Hindu goddess Durga killing
the buffalo demon (Durga-
Mahishasuramardini). (Two views.)

T.Sh.p. Ga. 1332. 399.

K. M. inv. no. 64-25-1.
H 0.28.
White marble.
Kuwayama, fig. 12; MIY, 1979, fig. 252.
Head of the Hindu god Shiva.

472 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Mir Zakah

The Mir Zakah coin hoard

The village of Mir Zakah, 53 km north-east of Gardez, drew the attention of archaeologists in 1947, when a
spring began to ‘spew out’ coins. Many were soon sold in the Kabul bazaar. H. A. Kohzad, who was in charge of
the Kabul Museum at the time, saved 11,500 silver and bronze coins dating from the fourth century bc to the
time of the Kushan king Vasudeva (c. third century ad). The origin of the hoard is still a mystery. It was kept in
the Kabul Museum (no photographs).

R. Curiel and D. Schlumberger, 1953, MDAFA, XIV, pp. 65–97.

The same village of Mir Zakah was illicitly excavated in 1992–93, when over 550,000 coins and 300 kg of gold,
silver and bronze artefacts were unearthed. They were immediately sold on the international market. Although
the most exciting discoveries have been published, the majority remain inaccessible to scholars for further
research (no photographs).

O. Bopearachchi and Ph. Flandrin, 2005.

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Islamic period

[Isl.p. Gh.] Ghazni (Ghazni province)

The city of Ghazni, situated 136 km south of Kabul, was the capital of the Islamic dynasties of the Ghaznavids
and the Ghurids (eleventh to thirteenth centuries) and later of the Timurids (fifteenth to sixteenth centuries).
There is an extensive area of ruins between the old fortified city and the village of Rauza on the hill. Two high
minars in fairly good condition dominate the site and are visible from far away.
Early Islamic architecture, similar to that found in the north of Afghanistan and Turkistan, dominates the
area. The palace of Ma’sud III is a vast complex with four iwans, a mosque and living quarters. The sumptuous
decoration, in baked clay and stucco, is painted in bright colours. It is characterized by geometric patterns and
inscriptions, symbolizing the glory of the sovereigns. Some fragments were brought to the Kabul Museum.
Many tombs of important personalities are to be found in the countryside; among them are those of
Sobok-tegin, Shah Shahid and Mahmud of Ghazni (the finest of all), in the village of Rauza. A great number of
bronze and ceramic artefacts were discovered throughout the countryside and in the villages.

A. Bombaci, 1959, EW, 10, 1–2.
U. Scerrato, 1959, EW, 10, 1–2.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Decoration of the walls of Ma’sud III’s palace

Isl.p. Gh. 1333. 1. Isl.p. Gh. 1334. 2. Isl.p. Gh. 1335. 3.

H 0.51, W 0.58. K. M. inv. no. 58-2-3a. K. M. inv. no. 58-2-3b.
Marble. H 0.435. H 0.435.
Bombaci, fig. 51. Marble. Front. Marble. Back of the preceding piece.
Man standing under an arch. Bombaci, fig. 3; G.G., 60, fig. 260; ROW, 71, Bombaci, fig. 2; MIY, fig. 289; ROW, 71,
Perhaps a guard of the sultan. fig. 172; DUP, fig. 47; J.P., 593. fig. 171; J.P., 592.
Three Turkish dancing girls. Woman standing next to a
flowering bush.

Isl.p. Gh. 1336. 4.

K. M. inv. no. 64-2-2a.
H 0.435, W 0.64.
Marble. Front.
Bombaci, fig. 4; ROW, 66, fig. 99; ROW, 71, fig. 169; MIY,
fig. 287; J.P., 594.
Man on a galloping horse being attacked
by a lion.

Isl.p. Gh. 1337. 5.

K. M. inv. no. 64-2-2b.
H 0.435, W 0.64.
Marble. Back of the preceding piece.
Bombaci, fig. 5; J.P., 595.
From top to bottom: inscription, vegetal
garland and running frieze of animals.

478 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Isl.p. Gh. 1338. 6.

H 0.23, L 0.34.
Marble. Front.
Bombaci, fig. 6; MIY, fig. 302.
Three men, perhaps dignitaries,
standing (heads missing). From

Isl.p. Gh. 1339. 7.

Marble. Back of the preceding piece.
Bombaci, fig. 7.
Lower part of the piece with
a man and an animal (in
very poor condition). From

Isl.p. Gh. 1340. 8.

H 0.45, L 0.62.
Bombaci, fig. 8; G.G., 60, fig. 260; MIY, fig. 300.
Elephant walking left.

Isl.p. Gh. 1341. 9.

K. M. inv. no. 64-2-1.
H 0.37.
Marble. Front.
ROW, 66, fig. 98; ROW, 71, fig. 168; MIY, fig. 299; J.P., 596;
D.D. B.103.112.
Stylized lion facing right.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. Gh. 1342. 10.

K. M. inv. no. 64-2-1.
H 0.37.
Marble. Back of the preceding piece.
Bombaci, fig. 10.
Elements of a vegetal design.

Isl.p. Gh. 1343. 11.

H 1.62, W 0.665.
Bombaci, fig. 11; G.G., 60, fig. 251; MIY, fig. 301;
J.P., 224.
Tall screen ornamented in the Iranian
style with arabesques of figures and
fantastic animals.

480 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Metal objects

Isl.p. Gh. 1344. 12. Isl.p. Gh. 1345. 13.

K. M. inv. no. 58-2-20. H 0.146.
H 0.242. Bronze, openwork.
Bronze with copper inlay. G.G., 61, fig. 161; ROW, 66, fig. 105.
ROW, 71, fig. 198; J.P., 607; D.D. B.103.137. Incense-burner.
Engraved ewer.

Isl.p. Gh. 1346. 14.

K. M. inv. no. 58-2-63.
Diam. 0.175.
Bronze, repoussé and engraved.
ROW, 71, fig. 179; DUP, fig. 50; J.P., 601.
Bowl, tear-drop design.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. Gh. 1347. 15. Isl.p. Gh. 1348. 16.

K. M. inv. no. 58-2-29. K. M. inv. no. 58-2-26.
H 0.145. H 0.172.
Bronze, repoussé. Bronze, engraved and repoussé.
ROW, 71, fig. 181; J.P., 602. ROW, 71, fig. 182; J.P., 604.
Small bottle, tear-drop design. Ewer decorated with inscriptions
and medallions.

Isl.p. Gh. 1350. 18.

Isl.p. Gh. 1349. 17. K. M. inv. no. 58-2-21.
H 0.292.
K. M. inv. no. 58-2-22.
H 0.292.
ROW, 71, fig. 175.
ROW, 71, fig. 176; J.P., 600. Ewer.
Ewer, perhaps of Persian origin.

482 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Isl.p. Gh. 1351. 19.

K. M. inv. no. 58-2-18.
H 0.31.
Brass, repoussé and engraved.
ROW, 66, fig. 109; ROW, 71, fig. 183; J.P., 605.
Ewer, the neck decorated with a lion.

Isl.p. Gh. 1352. 20. Isl.p. Gh. 1353. 21.

K. M. inv. no. 58-2-16. K. M. inv. no. 58-2-17.
H 0.31. H 0.21.
Bronze, repoussé and engraved. Bronze, engraved.
ROW, 66, fig. 108; ROW, 71, fig. 177; J.P., 609; D.D. G.G., 61, fig. 156; ROW, 66, fig. 106.
B.103.130. Ewer engraved with inscriptions and
Ewer with vertical engraved bands of medallions.
alternating animal and vegetal motifs.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. Gh. 1354. 22.

D.D. B.103.134.
Lid with engraved and inlaid

Isl.p. Gh. 1355. 23a. Isl.p. Gh. 1356. 23b.

Inner diam. 0.09. Same piece. Interior.
Bronze, silver inlay. Exterior. ROW, 71, fig. 200.
ROW, 71, fig. 201; J.P., 614. Lid decorated with an inscription.
Lid decorated with signs of the zodiac.

484 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Isl.p. Gh. 1358. 25.

Exc. no. Sp. 10.
H 0.12.
Bronze, engraved.
G.G., 60, fig. 254.
Isl.p. Gh. 1357. 24. Lamp-stand with an inscription (two views
K. M. inv. no. 58-2-76. of the same piece).
H 0.70.
Bronze, chased and engraved.
G.G., 61, fig. 162; ROW, 66, fig. 104; J.P., 618.

Isl.p. Gh. 1359. 26.

K. M. inv. no. 58-2-83.
H 0.237, Diam. 0.32.
Bronze, cast and engraved.
G.G., 61, fig. 164; ROW, 66, fig. 107; ROW, 71, fig. 205.
Candlestick with a two-stepped circular
base and a domed upper section; decorated
with engraved inscriptions and medallions
and projecting animal forms.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. Gh. 1360. 27.

K. M. inv. no. 58-2-37.
H 0.065.
Bronze, engraved.
ROW, 71, fig. 199; DUP, fig. 49; D.D. B.103.136.
Small oil-lamp.

Isl.p. Gh. 1361. 28.

Bronze, chased, openwork.
MIY, fig. 182.

Isl.p. Gh. 1362. 29.

K. M. inv. no. 58-2-4.
H 0.12, L of the pestle: 0.205.
Bronze, engraved, with tear-drop design.
ROW, 71, fig. 180.
Pestle and mortar.

486 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

Isl.p. Gh. 1363. 30.

Copper, repoussé.
J.P., 612; Allchin & Hammond (eds), 1978, p. 321, figs 6–13.
Rectangular dish.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. Gh. 1364. 31. Isl.p. Gh. 1365. 32.

K. M. inv. no. 53-2-89. K. M. inv. no. 58-2-88.
H 0.058, L 0.14. H 0.065.
Bronze. Bronze.
ROW, 71, fig. 203; J.P., 615. ROW, 71, fig. 204.
Handle in the form of a lion. Bottle in the form of a cock.

Isl.p. Gh. 1366. 33.

Isl.p. Gh. 1367. 34.
K. M. inv. no. 58-2-84.
H 0.14. Bronze.
Bronze. Traces of red paint. ROW, 71, fig. 196; J.P., 603.
ROW, 71, fig. 195. Stirrup (also called box-stirrup); the mounting
Stirrup. for the stirrup-strap decorated with a bird on
either side.

Isl.p. Gh. 1368. 35.

Diam. 0.12.
ROW, 71, fig. 197.
Bracelet with animal-head finials.

488 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006


Isl.p. Gh. 1369. 36.

Exc. no. Z. 148.
Diam. 0.195.
Painted earthenware.
Scerrato, fig. 57; G.G., 60, fig. 247.
Globular pot with a
handle. Painted in
two shades, brown
over a light-coloured
Isl.p. Gh. 1370. 37.
Exc. no. C. 145.
Diam. 0.168.
Incised, painted earthenware.
Scerrato, fig. 35; G.G., 60, fig. 218.
Bowl decorated with a palmette and a
walking lion.

Isl.p. Gh. 1371. 38.

Exc. no. Z. 119.
H 0.22, Diam. 0.38.
Earthenware, painted black on white.
Scerrato, fig. 58; G.G., 60, fig. 248. Isl.p. Gh. 1372. 39.
Large pot with three handles, decorated Exc. no. C. 126.
with garlands and palmettes. Diam. 0.168.
Incised earthenware.
Scerrato, fig. 34; G.G. 60, fig. 217.
Deep bowl decorated with large birds and fantastic

Isl.p. Gh. 1374. 41.

Isl.p. Gh. 1373. 40. Exc. no. Z. 57.
K. M. inv. no. 58-2-199. Diam. 0.19.
H 0.135. Grooved earthenware.
Glazed earthenware. Scerrato, fig. 51; G.G., 60,
ROW, 71, fig. 189; J.P., 590. fig. 238.
Fragment of a bowl. Bowl decorated with
Frieze of wild animals on a fine epigraphic
the rim. motif.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

a b
Isl.p. Gh. 1375. 42a & b.
K. M. inv. no. 63-2-2.
Diam. 0.194.
Earthenware. Fine green-brown lustre glaze on white.
Scerrato, fig. 50; MIZ, fig. 193; ROW, 66, fig. 102; ROW, 71, fig. 187; MIY, fig. 181; J.P., 588 & 589.
Large bowl decorated with flying birds and inscriptions. (Two views.)

Isl.p. Gh. 1376. 43a & b.

Exc. no. Z. 7.
K. M. inv. no. 63-2-1.
Diam. 0.217.
Earthenware. Fine greenish-sepia lustre glaze on white.
G.G., 60, fig. 228; MIZ, fig. 192; ROW, 66, fig. 101; ROW, 71, figs 185 & 186;
DUP, fig. 51; D.D. B.103.131.
Large bowl, often interpreted as ‘the return of the
master from a long journey’. Or perhaps ‘the entrance
of a noble lord into his palace’. (Two views.)

490 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

a b
Isl.p. Gh. 1377. 44a & b.
Exc. no. Z. 4.
K. M. (deposit no. C).
Diam. 0.193.
Earthenware. Sepia lustre glaze on white.
G.G., 60, fig. 231. Photograph, Y.C.
Large bowl with a man and a girl conversing. Or ‘the lovers’. (Two views.)

Isl.p. Gh. 1379. 46. Isl.p. Gh. 1380. 47.

Glazed ceramic. Glazed ceramic.
Scerrato, fig. 53. Scerrato, fig. 54.
Green dish with pseudo-inscriptions. Dish with green glazed decoration.

Isl.p. Gh. 1378. 45.

Scerrato, fig. 52.
Large jar found in room III of Isl.p. Gh. 1381. 48.
Ma’sud III’s palace. The vessel Glazed ceramic.
contained several small vases and Scerrato, fig. 55.
dishes (see next three pieces).
Dish, on three small
feet, with the motif of
an elephant to right.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. Gh. 1382. 49a & b.

Ceramic, lustreware.
Photograph, Y.C.
Large bowl. Exterior: vegetal decoration; interior:
six medallions depicting riders and a floral
medallion in the centre. (Two views.)

Isl.p. Gh. 1383. 50a & b.

K. M. (depot nb. C).
Painted ceramic.
Scerrato, fig. 56. Photograph, Y.C.
Bowl decorated with blue floral designs
separated by wide strips on a white
ground. (Two views.)

492 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006

[Isl.p. M.] Northern schools of bronze: Maimana

During the Arab conquest, the art of bronze, which had been known from ancient times, spread widely. The
following two examples from the Kabul Museum come from western Bactria.

Isl.p. M. 1385. 2.
K. M. inv. no. 52-8-64.
H 0.12.
Bronze, repoussé and engraved.
ROW, 71, fig. 194; J.P., 615.
Bowl decorated with birds, dancers and griffins.

Isl.p. M. 1384. 1.
H 0.24.
Bronze, engraved.
ROW, 71, fig. 174; J.P., 619.
Ewer with traces of red lacquer.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[Isl.p. LB.] Lashkari Bazar

Now situated in a desertified area, the site of Lashkari Bazar was, during the time of the Ghaznavids and
the Ghurids, or even later, a vast concentration of private and public palaces that extended along the River
Helmand for 6 km. The ruins of three princely palaces, a mosque and a number of buildings including a bazaar
and artists’ and artisans’ workshops can still be seen today.
Archaeologists were able to save a number of fragments of decorated stucco, as well as some painted
figurative reliefs and inscriptions. They were taken to the Kabul Museum, where the entire decorative design of
a small private mosque was reconstructed. However, only a few pieces are illustrated here because of the lack
of surviving examples.

D. Schlumberger, J. Sourdel-Thomine, M. Le Berre, J.-Cl. Gardin and G. Casal, 1978, MDAFA, XVIII.


Isl.p. LB. 1387. 2.

Fragment of the ornamental wall-
Isl.p. LB. 1386. 1.
Fragment of the ornamental wall- MDAFA, XVIII, vol. IA, pl. 122b (colour
painting. photograph, G. Casal); J.P., 544.
MDAFA, XVIII, vol. IA, pl. 121 (colour
Wall of the audience room
photograph, G. Casal); J.P., 540.
of the great castle. Two
Decorated pillar from noblemen (nos 16 & 17).
room IV of the great
castle. Head of a boy.

494 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Lashkari Bazar

Isl.p. LB. 1388. 3.

Fragment of the ornamental wall-painting.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Isl.p. LB. 1389. 4.
Nobleman (head missing), perhaps a guard
of the sultan. Fragment of wall-painting.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Lower part of two noblemen (guards of the
sultan) and a flower, to left.

Isl.p. LB. 1390. 5.

Fragment of wall-painting.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Lower part of three noblemen
(guards of the sultan), to left.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Ceramics and potsherds

Isl.p. LB. 1392. 7.

K. M. inv. no. 63-6-3.
Diam. 0.265.
Glazed terracotta, black and brown on cream.
Isl.p. LB. 1391. 6. ROW, 71, fig. 191; J.P., 560; D.D. B.103.133.
K. M. inv. no. LB. 1353. Bowl decorated with a large bird.
H 0.171.
Earthenware. Unglazed.
MIZ, fig. 191; ROW, 66, fig. 100; ROW, 71, fig. 193; J.P., 567.
One-handled jug with stamped geometric designs.

496 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Lashkari Bazar

This next series of ceramics and potsherds was photographed by Yolande Crowe in the Kabul Museum
showcases during her visits from 1971 to 1974. They are invaluable evidence of the collections of potsherds of
all periods and diverse provenance that were (and probably still are) held in the museum’s go-downs.

Isl.p. LB. 1393. 8a & b.

K. M. inv. no. LB. 713.
Diam. 0.34.
Earthenware, glazed, white on black ground.
MDAFA, XVIII, 2, 384; ROW, 71, fig. 192; J.P., 561. Photograph, Y.C., 1976.
(a) Shallow bowl with vegetal decoration.
(b) The showcase, with other small bowls, which give some idea of the scale of this
magnificent piece.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. LB. 1394. 9.

Earthenware, glazed, black and brown on white.
J.P., 565. Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Two restored bowls (showcase in the
Kabul Museum).

Isl.p. LB. 1395. 10.

Earthenware, glazed, black on white.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Eight fragments of bowls (showcase
in the Kabul Museum).

498 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Lashkari Bazar

Isl.p. LB. 1396. 11.

Earthenware, glazed, black on white.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Six fragments of bowls (showcase in the
Kabul Museum).

Isl.p. LB. 1397. 12.

Earthenware, glazed, black on white.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Five fragments of bowls (showcase in the Kabul Museum).

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. LB. 1398. 13.

Earthenware, glazed, black on white.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Six fragments of bowls (showcase in the Kabul Museum).

500 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Lashkari Bazar

Isl.p. LB. 1399. 14a & b.
Earthenware, glazed, black on white.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
(a) Four fragments of bowls.
(b) Detail of a showcase in the Kabul Museum.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Isl.p. LB. 1401. 16.

a Earthenware, glazed, black on white.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Five fragments of bowls (showcase in the Kabul

Isl.p. LB. 1400. 15a & b.
Earthenware, glazed, black on white.
Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
(a) Six fragments of bowls.
(b) Detail of a showcase in the Kabul Museum.

502 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Lashkari Bazar

Fragments of glassware (no location)

Isl.p. LB. 1402. 17.

Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Six fragments of bottles (showcase in the Kabul

Isl.p. LB. 1403. 18.

Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Eight assorted fragments of glassware (showcase in the
Kabul Museum).

Isl.p. LB. 1404. 19.

Photograph, Y.C., 1971.
Very simple drinking glass (showcase in the Kabul

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

[Isl.p. Q.] Qandahar (Qandahar province)

A very important basin, carved out of black stone and probably from one of Qandahar’s mosques, was
brought to the Kabul Museum and is one of the prize exhibits of the Islamic period.

Isl.p. Q. 1405. 20.

H 0.82, Diam. 1.25.
Black stone, engraved.
DUP, fig. 48; D.D. B.103.115.
Basin incised with Persian inscriptions in Kufic script.

504 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
Modern period

[Mod.p. Kf.] Kafiristan

The Kafirs (‘Unbelievers’) was the name given by the Muslim leaders of Afghanistan in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries (and later) to the populations living in the remote valleys of the Allingar and Kunar rivers,
on the southern slopes of the Hindu Kush.
Apart from a handful of studies by the few researchers who were interested in the Kafirs in the
nineteenth century, we know very little about these peoples – the Kati, the Prasun, the Ashkun, the Sia-posh
and the Kalash. Amir Abdul Rahman subdued the land of the Kafirs in 1895–96, killed large numbers of the
people and deported most of the rest to other locations. Some took refuge in Chitral (now in Pakistan), where
they were called the ‘Red Kafirs’. Although they had their own ancient religion, they subsequently converted to
Islam. Nevertheless, they have retained their own creeds and customs into modern times. Their idols, carved
on tree trunks from the nearby forests, were placed on the wooden coffins of their chiefs, women and men.
These extraordinary representations of humanity soon drew the attention of Western dealers. Amir
Abdul Rahman brought a large collection to his own palace. This collection was later taken to the Kabul

L. Edelberg, 1960, AA, VII, 4, pp. 243–86.
M. Klimburg, 1999; for an important bibliography, see pp. 393–400.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1406. 1.

View of some of the artefacts from Kafiristan exhibited in a large gallery of the Kabul Museum from
1954 onwards.

Mod.p. Kf. 1407. 2.

Edelberg, p. 246, fig. 1.
Plan of the distribution of the artefacts in the museum gallery.

508 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1408. 3.

(The following pieces are listed
under No. [not Exc. no.] as the
artefacts were not actually
No. K. K. 2.
H 0.71.
G. 8166/3; Edelberg, figs 7, 9, 12,
15 & 39; D.D. B.103.72.
Female goddess of goat
Mod.p. Kf. 1409. 4.
No. K. K. 3.
H 0.55.
Edelberg, figs 9 (left), 8, 12, 13 & 39.
Female goddess of goat fertility.

Mod.p. Kf. 1410. 5a & b.

No. K.K. 11.
H 0.126.
Edelberg, figs 18 & 19; D.D. B.103.171.
Man standing with slightly bent knees.
a b (Two views.)

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1413. 8.

No. K.K.15.
H 1.91.
G. 8166/1 & 13; Edelberg,
figs 27 & 29; D.D. B.103.29.
Man standing, with
a large ceremonial
turban, an ear-pendant
and a coat decorated
with wickerwork
motifs. An axe in his
right hand.

Mod.p. Kf. 1411. 6. Mod.p. Kf. 1412. 7.

No. K. K.12. No. K.K.13.
H 1.16. H 1.64.
Wood. Wood.
G. 8166/2 (J.H.); Edelberg, figs 20 & 21; D.D. G. 8166/9.
B.103.68 & 69. Bearded man standing,
Old man, with a large turban with a large turban and
and a long beard, seated on a a coat decorated with
small stool. wickerwork motifs. A Kafir
dagger in his right hand.

Mod.p. Kf. 1415. 10.

No. K.K.19.
Mod.p. Kf. 1414. 9. H 1.51.
No. K.K.18. Wood.
H 1.66. Edelberg, figs 25 & 32.
Wood. Woman standing, her
Edelberg, figs 15, 21, 30 & 31; DUP, fig. 55; eyes made of shells,
D.D. B.103.70. wearing a double
Woman standing, wearing chain of jewels on
a chain with a jewel on her her head and a coat
forehead. She is said to be adorned with wicker
covered with dried blood. motifs.

510 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1416. 11. Mod.p. Kf. 1417. 12. Mod.p. Kf. 1418. 13. Mod.p. Kf. 1419. 14.
No. K.K.20. No. KK21. No. K.K.23. No. K.K.27.
H 1.58. H 1.70. H 2.06. Wood.
Wood. Wood. Wood. G. 8166/18 (photograph, J. Barthoux);
Edelberg, fig. 33. Edelberg, fig. 34. Edelberg, figs 35, 36, 37 & 38; D.D. Edelberg, figs 6 & 28.
Woman standing, Woman standing B.103.63 & 63b. Man seated on a decorated chair and
wearing large jewels (very similar to the Horseman wearing a wearing a conical head-dress, large
on her head and preceding piece, but conical head-dress and necklace and embroidered trousers
forehead and with an in poor condition). carrying a dagger, a hand- (probably a distinguished chief).
embroidered coat. gun with a cartridge-belt
and a shield on his back.

Mod.p. Kf. 1420. 15. Mod.p. Kf. 1421. 16.

No. K.K.29. No. K.K.31.
H 1.80. H 1.86.
Wood. Wood.
Edelberg, figs 42 & 43. Woman standing,
Man seated on a chair (in wearing a horn-like
poor condition). head-dress.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1422. 17. Mod.p. Kf. 1423. 18.

Wood. H 1.20.
D.D. B.103.73. Wood.
Old woman seated on Klimburg, fig. 707.
a goat with very long Man standing, known
horns. as the ‘Task figure’.

Mod.p. Kf. 1424. 19. Mod.p. Kf. 1425. 20.

No. L.C. 1. No. L. C. 4.
Wood. H 0.49.
Klimburg, fig. 711. Wood.
Klimburg, fig. 717.
Small ‘loving couple’
post with a couple Small ‘loving couple’ post with a
facing each other. couple facing each other.

512 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1426. 21.

No. L. C. 5.
H 1.50, H of the couple: 0.56.
Klimburg, fig. 718.
Tall ‘loving couple’ post
with a couple facing each

Mod.p. Kf. 1427. 22.

No. K. K. 32.
G. 8166/11 (J.H.); Edelberg, figs 44 & 45; D.D.
Detail of an armchair finial, with a
couple facing each other (see also
drawing, Mod.p. Kf. 1428. 23., below).

Mod.p. Kf. 1428. 23.

Edelberg, fig. 46.
Reconstruction of
an armchair showing
the couple in the
preceding photograph.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1429. 24.

No. K. C. 1.
Wood and wickerwork.
Klimburg, fig. 722.
Ceremonial armchair known
as the ‘Kegal chair’. Bought in

Mod.p. Kf. 1430. 25. Mod.p. Kf. 1431. 26.

No. N. C. 1. No. N. C. 2.
Wood and wickerwork. Wood and wickerwork.
Klimburg, fig. 727. Klimburg, fig. 729.
Armchair with decorated woodwork. Bought in Armchair with decorated woodwork. Bought in
Nisheigram. Nisheigram.

514 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1432. 27. Mod.p. Kf. 1433. 28.

No. N. C. 3. No. N. C. 4.
Wood and wickerwork. Wood and wickerwork.
Klimburg, fig. 732. Klimburg, fig. 734.
Armchair with decorated woodwork. Bought Armchair with decorated woodwork. Bought
in Nisheigram. in Nisheigram.

Mod.p. Kf. 1434. 29.

No. W. C. 2.
Wood and wickerwork.
Klimburg, fig. 750 (right).
Armchair decorated
with a senki. Bought in

Mod.p. Kf. 1435. 30.

No. W. C. 2.
Klimburg, fig. 748.
Detail of the
preceding armchair
with a senki.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1437. 32.

No. W. C. 4.
Klimburg, fig. 754.
Detail of the back of the preceding piece.

Mod.p. Kf. 1436. 31.

No. W. C. 4.
Wood and wickerwork.
Klimburg, fig. 752.
Armchair with decorated
woodwork. Bought in

Mod.p. Kf. 1438. 33.

No. Wa. C. 1.
Wood and wickerwork.
Klimburg, fig. 757.
Armchair with decorated woodwork. Bought in Wama.

516 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1439. 34. Mod.p. Kf. 1440. 35.

No. As. C. 1. No. As. C. 2.
Wood and wickerwork. Wood and wickerwork.
Klimburg, fig. 760. Klimburg, fig. 763.
Simple armchair with decorated woodwork. From Chair with simple decorated woodwork.
Ashkungal. Bought in Nakara.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1441. 36.

L 0.56, 0.59, 0.48.
Klimburg, fig. 776.
Three hooks. From Wama.

Mod.p. Kf. 1442. 37.

H 0.15, L 0.45.
Klimburg, fig. 778.
Jug with a long pourer and a
handle. From Kulatan.

Mod.p. Kf. 1443. 38.

Klimburg, fig. 781.
Jug with a long pourer and a
handle. From Nisheigram.

518 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1444. 39.

Klimburg, fig. 783.
Jug with a long pourer and a
handle. Bought in Wama.

Mod.p. Kf. 1445. 40.

Klimburg, fig. 784.
Jug with a long pourer and a
handle. Bought in Waigal.

Mod.p. Kf. 1446. 41.

Klimburg, fig. 785.
Jug with a long pourer
and a handle. From
Prasun, bought in

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1447. 42.

Klimburg, fig. 787.
Pestle and mortar. Bought in Kulatan.

Mod.p. Kf. 1448. 43a & b.

L 1.21.
Klimburg, fig. 799.
Fork to roast cheese (a), and detail (b). From
Zhonchigal, bought in Barikdare.

520 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1450. 45.

H 0.18, Diam. 0.21, Wt 480 g.
Klimburg, fig. 803.
Cup with a pedestal
foot. Bought in Kabul.
Mod.p. Kf. 1449. 44.
H 0.20, Diam. 0.21, Wt 550 g.
Klimburg, fig. 802.
Cup with a pedestal foot. Bought in Nisheigram.

Mod.p. Kf. 1452. 47.

L of the arrows: 0.60.
Wood and metal.
Klimburg, fig. 806.
Quiver and arrows.
Bought in Achenu.

Mod.p. Kf. 1451. 46.

H 0.57.
Klimburg, fig. 804.
Tripod. Bought in Zhonchigal. Mod.p. Kf. 1453. 48.
Diam. 0.42.
Klimburg, fig. 807.
Round shield. Bought
in Waigal.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1455. 50. Mod.p. Kf. 1456. 51.

Wood and metal. L of the dagger: 0.30.
Klimburg, fig. 809. Metal.
Axe, for war or ceremonial purposes. Klimburg, fig. 811.
Bought in Kushteki. Dagger and sheath. Bought in Nakara.

Mod.p. Kf. 1454. 49.

L 1.65.
Klimburg, fig. 808.
Spear. Bought in Waigal.

522 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1457. 52.

L 1.17.
Klimburg, fig. 814.
Belt adorned with small bells. Bought in Wama.

Mod.p. Kf. 1458. 53.

W 0.077.
Klimburg, fig. 817.
Ear-pendant. Bought in Zhonchigal.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

Mod.p. Kf. 1459. 54.

Textile and probably cowries.
Klimburg, fig. 818.
Probably the crown on which the distinctive head-dress of
the Kafir women was fixed. Bought in Wama.

Mod.p. Kf. 1460. 55.

L 0.32.
Metal and cowries.
Klimburg, fig. 819.
Case for a knife, for female
use. Bought in Waigal.

524 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
K a f i r i s ta n

Mod.p. Kf. 1461. 56.

L 0.42.
Wood and metal.
Klimburg, fig. 822.
Harp. Bought in Kulatan.

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Reliefs recovered by Afghan
Customs in 1976–77
Reliefs recovered by Afghan Customs in 1976–77

The following fine pieces were seized by Afghan customs in Kabul in 1976–77. They remained in the Kabul
Museum for some time, however their fate is now unknown. The fact that they have been published by several
well-known international experts encouraged me to include them at the end of this long inventory and to
consider them part of the Kabul Museum collections.

A. Santoro, 1986, AION, vol. 46, pp. 35–62, fig. III.
K. Tanabe, 2003, SRAA, no. 9, pp. 87–105, fig. 20.

K.p. 1462. 1a & b.
Tanabe, fig. 20.
Dionysiac scene on the
pedestal of a Buddhist
image. On either side of the
pedestal, between lion-paws,
three men and a woman
playing musical instruments.

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Catalo g u e o f t h e Nat i on a l M u s e u m o f Afg h a n i s t a n , 1 9 3 1 –1985

K.p. 1463. 2a.
Santoro, fig. III.
Relief depicting different episodes in the Life of the historical Buddha.

530 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
R e l i e f s r e c o v e r e d b y Afgh a n C u s to m s i n 1976 – 77

K.p. 1463. 2b.
Santoro, fig. III.
Detail of relief K.p. 1463. 2a. (see p. 530) depicting different episodes in the Life of the historical Buddha.

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Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan (MDAFA)

MDAFA, I: Foucher, A. (in collaboration with Mme MDAFA, XIX: Dagens, B., Le Berre, M. and Schlumberger, D.
E. Bazin-Foucher). 1942–47. La vieille route de l’Inde 1964. Monuments préislamiques d’Afghanistan. Paris.
de Bactres à Taxila. Paris. 2 vols. MDAFA, XX: Curiel, R. and Fussman, G. 1965. Le trésor
MDAFA, II: Godard, A., Godard, Y. and Hackin, J. 1928. Les monétaire de Kunduz. Paris.
antiquités bouddhiques de Bamiyan. Paris. 2 vols. MDAFA, XXI: Bernard, P. 1973. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum I
MDAFA, III: Hackin, J. and Carl, J. 1933. Nouvelles (campagnes 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968), Rapport
recherches archéologiques à Bamiyan. Paris. 2 vols. préliminaire publié sous la direction de Paul Bernard.
MDAFA, IV: Barthoux, J. 1933. Les fouilles de Hadda. Stûpas Paris. 2 vols.
et sites, textes et dessins. Paris. MDAFA, XXII: Fussman, G. and Le Berre, M. 1976.
MDAFA, VI: Barthoux, J. 1930. Les fouilles de Hadda. Figures Monuments bouddhiques de la région de Caboul.
et figurines, album photographique. G. van Oest, 1: Le monastère de Guldara. Paris.
Paris/Brussels. MDAFA, XXIV: Le Berre, M., Gardin, J.-Cl. and Lyonnet, B.
MDAFA, VII: Hackin, J. and Carl, J. 1936. Recherches archéo­ 1987. Monuments préislamiques de l’Hindu-kush
logiques au col de Khair khaneh près de Kâbul. Paris. central. Paris.
MDAFA, VIII: Hackin, J, Carl, J. and Meunié, J. 1959. Diverses MDAFA, XXV: Schlumberger, D., Le Berre, M. and Fussman, G.
recherches archéologiques en Afghanistan (with 1983. Surkh Kotal en Bactriane I: Les temples. Paris.
studies by R. Ghirshman and J.-Cl. Gardin). Paris. MDAFA, XXVI: Guillaume, O. 1983. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum
MDAFA, IX: Hackin, J. (in collaboration with Mme J. R. II: Les propylées de la rue principale. Paris.
Hackin). 1939. Recherches archéologiques à Begram MDAFA, XXVII: Francfort, H. P. 1984. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum
(chantier no. 2, 1937). Paris. 2 vols. III: Le sanctuaire du temple à niches indentées.
MDAFA, X: Meunié, J. 1942. Shotorak. Paris. 2: Les trouvailles. Paris.
MDAFA, XI: Hackin, J. et al. 1954. Nouvelles recherches MDAFA, XXVIII: Bernard, P. 1985. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum
archéologiques à Begram (1939–1940). Paris. 2 vols. IV: Les monnaies hors trésors. Questions d’histoire
MDAFA, XII: Ghirshman, R. 1946. Recherches archéologiques gréco-bactrienne. Paris.
et historiques sur les Kouchans. Cairo. MDAFA, XXIX: Leriche, P. 1986. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum V: Les
MDAFA, XIII: Ghirshman, R. 1948. Les Chionites Hephtalites. Cairo. remparts d’Aï Khanoum et monuments associés. Paris.
MDAFA, XIV: Curiel, R. and Schlumberger, D. 1953. Trésors MDAFA, XXX: Veuve, S. 1987. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum VI: Le
monétaires d’Afghanistan. Paris. gymnase. Architecture, céramique, sculpture. Paris.
MDAFA, XVII: Casal, J.-M. 1961. Fouilles de Mundigak. Paris. MDAFA, XXXI: Guillaume, O. and Rougeulle, A. 1987.
2 vols. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum VII: Les petits objets. Paris. 
MDAFA, XVIII: Schlumberger, D. et al. 1978. Lashkari MDAFA, XXXII: 1990. Surkh Kotal en Bactriane II: Les monnaies
Bazar, une résidence royale ghaznévide et ghoride. (G. Fussman); Les petits objets (O. Guillaume). Paris.
Paris. 3 vols (vol. IA: L’architecture; vol. IB: Le décor MDAFA, XXXIII: Rapin, Cl. et al. 1992. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum
non-figuratif et les inscriptions; vol. 2: Les trouvailles: VIII: La trésorerie du palais hellénistique de Aï Khanoum,
céramiques et monnaies …). Paris. l’apogée et la chûte du royaume grec de Bactriane. Paris.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 533
B i b l i o gR a phy

General bibliography

Allchin, F. R. and Hammond, N. (eds). 1978. The Boardman, J. 1994. The Diffusion of Classical Art in
Archaeology of Afghanistan: from Earliest Times Antiquity. London, Thames & Hudson.
to the Timurid Period. London/New York/San Bombaci, A. 1959. Summary report on the Italian
Francisco, Academic Press. Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan:
Auboyer, J. 1968. L’Afghanistan et son art. Prague. 1, Introduction to the excavations in Ghazni. .
Photographs by D. Darbois. EW (Rome), (n.s.) 10, 1–2, 3–22.
Ball, F. W. and Gardin, J.-Cl. 1982. Archaeological Gazetteer Bopearachchi, O. 1991. Monnaies gréco-bactriennes
of Afghanistan – Catalogue des sites archéologiques et indo-grecques. Catalogue raisonné. Paris,
d’Afghanistan. Paris. 2 vols. (Recherches sur les Bibliothèque Nationale.
civilisations: synthèse no. 8.) ——. 1999a. Recent coin hoard evidence on pre-Kushan
Bareau, A. 1973. Les sectes bouddhiques du petit chronology. CAC (Vienna), pp. 99–149.
véhicule. EFEO (Saigon), vol. XXXVIII (reprint, Paris). ——. 1999b. Afghanistan 1993: Le dépot de Mir Zakah, le
Barger, E. and Wright, P. 1941. Excavations in Swât and plus grand trésor du monde, son destin et son intérêt.
explorations in the Oxus territories of Afghanistan, Dossiers d’archéologie (Dijon), no. 248, pp. 36–43.
a detailed report of the 1938 expedition. MASI ——. 1999c. La chronologie indo-grecque. Journal des
(Delhi/Calcutta), 64, pp. 43–44. savants (Paris), no. 65.
Barrett, D. 1957. Sculptures of the Shahi period. OrA Bopearachchi, O. and Flandrin, Ph. 2005. Le portrait
(London), III. 2. d’Alexandre. Histoire d’une découverte pour
Barrett, D. and Pinder-Wilson, R. 1967–68. Ancient Art l’humanité. Monaco, Editions du Rocher.
from Afghanistan. London, Arts Council. Cambon, P. 1996a. Fouilles anciennes en Afghanistan
Barthoux, J. 1930, 1933 [Hadda …]: see MDAFA, VI and IV. (1924–1925), Païtava, Karratcha. AA (Paris), 51, .
Bernard, P. 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1975, pp. 13–28.
1976, 1978, 1980. CRAI (Paris). ——. 1996b. Joseph Hackin ou la nostalgie du désert.
——. 1968. Chapiteaux corinthiens hellénistiques Ages et visages de l’Asie, un siècle d’explorations
d’Asie centrale découverts à Aï Khanoum. Syria à travers les collections du Musée Guimet. Dijon.
(Paris), 45, pp. 111–51. (Exhibition catalogue.)
——. 1982. Diodore, XVII, 83, 1: Alexandrie du Caucase Caroe, Sir O. 1958. The Pathans. London, MacMillan.
ou Alexandrie de l’Oxus. Journal des savants (Paris, Casal, J.-M. 1961 [Mundigak …]: see MDAFA, XVII.
July–Dec.), pp. 217–42. ——. 1969. La civilisation de l’Indus et ses énigmes. Paris,
——. 1985. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum, IV, Les monnaies hors n. pub.
trésors, questions d’histoire gréco-bactrienne. Paris, Citati, P. and Sisti, F. 1990. Alexandre le Grand. Paris,
de Broccard. Gallimard. (Trans. from Italian by B. Pérol.)
——. 2001. Onomastique et histoire. Les noms de Cockrill, Sir G. 1939. The Himalayan Journal, vol. XI. n.p.,
Soxrakès et Palamède dans la Bactriane kushane. n. pub.
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Bernard, P. and Grenet, F. 1981. Découverte d’une statue Committee of the Kyoto University Archaeological
du dieu solaire Surya dans la région de Caboul. StI Mission to Central Asia. 1976. Japan-Afghanistan
(Leiden), 10. 1, pp. 127–47. Joint Archaeological Survey in 1974. Kyoto, Kyoto
Bernard, P. et al. 1973 [Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum …]: see University.
MDAFA, XXI. ——. 1978. Japan-Afghanistan Joint Archaeological
Biddulph, Major J. 1880. Tribes of the Hindoo-Koosh. Calcutta, Survey in 1976. Kyoto, Kyoto University.
Office of the Superintendant of Government Coon, C. S. and Coulter, H. W. 1955. Excavation at the Kara
Printing. (Musée de l’Homme, Paris, DS 485 H 7 B 58.) Kamar rock shelter. Afgh. (Kabul), 10, 1, pp. 12–16.

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Crooke, W. 1907. Natives of Northern India. (Musée de Falk, F. 2001. The yuga of Sphyiddhvaja and the era of the
l’Homme, Paris, DS430 C94.) Kusanas. SRAA (Kamakura, Japan), 7, pp. 121–36.
Curiel, R. and Schlumberger, D. 1953. [Trésors monétaires …]: Fisher, K. 1958. Gandharan sculptures from Kunduz and
see MDAFA, XIV. environs. ArA (Ascona), vol. XXI, pp. 231–53.
Dagens, B., Le Berre, M. and Schlumberger, D. 1964. ——. 1960. Pre-Islamic fortifications, habitations and
[Monuments préislamiques …]: see MDAFA, XIX. religious monuments in the Kunar valley. Afgh.
Dales, G. F. 1977. New excavations at Nad-i Ali (Sorkh (Kabul), 15, 3, pp. 7–10.
Dagh). Afghanistan (Berkeley, Calif.). ——. 1964. Une tête de Durga en marbre de l’Afghanistan
Darbois, D. 2002. Kaboul, le passé confisqué. Paris. oriental. AA (Paris), X, 1, pp. 35–42, fig. 58.
143 plates. Text by F. Tissot. ——. 1978a. From the rise of Islam to the Mongol invasion.
Davis, R. S. 1978. The Paleolithic. Allchin and Hammond Allchin and Hammond (eds), op. cit., pp. 301–55.
(eds), op. cit., pp. 37–70. ——. 1978b. From the Mongols to the Mughals. Allchin
Delacour, C. 1993. Redécouvrir les verres du Trésor de and Hammond (eds), op. cit., pp. 357–404.
Begram. AA (Paris), XLVIII, pp. 53–71. Foucher, A. 1925. Notes sur l’itinéraire de Hiuan tsang en
Droysen, J. G. 1935. Histoire d’Alexandre le Grand. Afghanistan. Etudes asiatiques (published on the
Paris, Bernard Grasset. (Trans. from German by occasion of the XXVth anniversary of the École
J. Benoist-Méchin.) Française d’Extrême-Orient), I, pp. 257–84.
Druon, M. 1958. Alexandre le Grand ou le roman d’un dieu. ——. 1942–47. [La vieille route …]: see MDAFA, I.
Paris, Del Duca. Francfort, H. P. 1984. [Aï Khanoum … Le sanctuaire du
Dupree, L. 1958. Shamshir Ghar: Historic cave site in temple …] : see MDAFA, XXVII.
Kandahar province, Afghanistan. APAMNH (New Fussman, G. 1970. Inscriptions kharoshthi du musée de
York), vol. 46, no. 2. Caboul. BEFEO (Paris), 57, pp. 1–77.
——. 1963. Deh-Morasi-Ghundai: A chalcolithic site in ——. 1974. Nouvelle découverte à Bamiyan. Afgh.
South Central Afghanistan. APAMNH (New York), (Kabul), XXVII (2 Sept.).
vol. 50, no. 2. Fussman, G. and Le Berre, M. 1976. [Guldara …]: see
Dupree, L., Gouin, Ph. and Omer, N. 1971. The Khosh MDAFA, XXII.
Tapa hoard from Northern Afghanistan. Gardin, J.-Cl. 1998. Prospections archéologiques en
Archaeology (New York), vol. 24, pp. 28–34, and Bactriane orientale (1974–1978), vol. 3: Description
Afgh. (Kabul), 24, 1, pp. 44–54. des sites et notes de synthèse. MAFAC (Paris), IX.
Dupree, N. H., Dupree, L. and Motamedi, A. A. 1964. The Gentelle, P. 1989. Prospections archéologiques en
National Museum of Afghanistan, an Illustrated Bactriane orientale (1974–1978), vol. 1: Données
Guide. Kabul, Afghan Air Authority and Afghan paléogéographiques et fondements de
Tourist Organization. l’irrigation. MAFAC (Paris), III.
Edelberg, K. 1957. Fragments d’un stupa dans la vallée du Ghirshman, R. 1939. Fouilles de Nad-i-ali, dans le Séistan
Kunar en Afghanistan. AA (Paris), 4, pp. 199–207. afghan. Revue des arts asiatiques (Paris), 13, pp. 10–20.
Edelberg, L. 1960. Statues de bois rapportées du ——. 1946. [Begram …]: see MDAFA, XII.
Kafiristan à Kaboul, après la conquête de cette ——. 1948. [Les Chionites …]: see MDAFA, XIII.
province par l’émir Abdul Rahman en 1895–96. ——. 1959. [Séistan …]: see MDAFA, VIII, pp. 39–48.
AA (Paris), VII, 4, pp. 243–86. Godard, A. 1928. [Bamiyan …]: see MDAFA, II.
Elisseeff, V. 1954: see MDAFA, XI, pp. 151–55 & pp. 295–97. Grousset, R. 1948. Inde. Paris, Plon.
Errington, E. 1999. Rediscovering the collections of ——. 1957. Sur les pas du Bouddha. Paris, n. pub.
Charles Masson. CAC (Vienna), pp. 207–37. Guenée, P. 1998. Bibliographie analytique des ouvrages
Facenna, D. 1993. Panr I: Swat-Pakistan I. Rome, IsMEO. 2 vols. parus sur l’art du Gandhara, entre 1950 et 1993.
Facenna, D. et al. 1995. Saidu-sharif I: The Buddhist Sacred Mémoires de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-
Area, the Stupa Terrace, vol. 2. Rome, IsMEO. lettres (n. s.), vol. XVI. Paris.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 535
B i b l i o gR a phy

Guillaume, O. 1983. [Aï Khanoum …]: see MDAFA, XXVI. Klimburg-Salter, D. 1989. The Kingdom of Bamiyan,
——. 1987. [Aï Khanoum …]: see MDAFA, XXXI. Buddhist Art and Culture of the Hindu-kush. Naples/
——. 1990. [Surkh Kotal …]: see MDAFA, XXXII. Rome, IsMEO.
Gullini, G. et al. 1960. Attività archeologica italiana in Asia. Knight, E. 1893. Where Three Empires Meet. A Narrative of
Mostra dei risultati delle missioni in Pakistan e in Recent Travel in Kashmir, Gilgit and the Adjoining
Afghanistan, 1956–1959. Turin/Rome Countries. London, Longmans, Green & Co.
Gullini, G. et al. 1961. L’Afghanistan dalla prehistoria Kohzad, H. A. ah 1312 [= ad 1933–34]. Salnama-e
all’Islam, Capolavori del Museo di Kaboul. Galleria Mojala-e Kabol. Kabul.
Civica d’Arte Moderna, Turin. ——. ah 1346 [= ad 1967]. Honare Qadime Afghanestan. Kabul.
Hackin, J. 1936. Au sujet de quelques statues bouddhiques Kotera, T. et al. 1971. Bamiyan, Report of Survey in 1969.
récemment mises à jour en Afghanistan. Revue des Nagoya. (In Japanese.)
arts asiatiques, X, 3, pp. 130–31. Kruglikova, I. T. (ed.) 1974. Del’berdzin 1. Raskopki
——. 1939. [Begram …]: see MDAFA, IX. 1970–1972 gg. Moscow, Institute of the Academy
——. 1950. L’art bouddhique de la Bactriane et l’origine of Sciences of the USSR. (In Russian.)
de l’art gréco-bouddhique. Afgh. (Kabul), pp. 1–10. ——. 1976. Materialy Sovietsko-Afganskoj
(Reprinted in MDAFA, VIII [1959], pp. 19–21.) arxeologiceskoj Ekspedicii 1, 1969–1973.
——. 1959. [Le monastère bouddhique de Fondukistan]: Drevnjaja Bakrija. Moscow, Institute of the
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of the Greater India Society, vol. VII, 1940, pp. 1–14, ——. 1977a. Del’berdzin 2. Raskopki 1970–1973 gg.
85–91, 34 figs). Moscow, Institute of the Academy of Sciences of
Hackin, J. and Carl, J. 1933. [Bamiyan …]: see MDAFA, III. the USSR. (In Russian.)
Hackin, J. and Carl, J. 1936. [Khair khaneh …]: see MDAFA, VII. ——. 1977b. Les fouilles de la mission archéologique
Hackin, J. et al. 1959. [Begram …]: see MDAFA, VIII. soviéto-afghane sur le site gréco-bactrien de
Hackin, J. et al. 1959. [Tapa maranjan …]: see MDAFA, VIII. Dilberdzin en Bactriane. CRAI (Paris) (April), .
Hamelin, P. 1952. Begram glasses. Cahiers de Byrsa pp. 407–27. (In French.)
(Carthage), II, pp. 11–25. ——. 1979. Materialy Sovietsko-Afganskoj
——. 1953. Begram glasses. Cahiers de Byrsa (Carthage), arxeologiceskoj Ekspedicii 2. Drevnjaja Bakrija.
III, pp. 121 & 128. Moscow, Institute of the Academy of Sciences of
——. 1954. Begram glasses. Cahiers de Byrsa (Carthage), the USSR. (In Russian.)
IV, pp. 153 & 183. ——. 1984. Drevnjaja Bakrija, 3. Moscow, Institute of the
Handbook of the Archaeological and Numismatic Section Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (In Russian.)
of the Sri Pratap Singh Museum in Srinagar. n.d. ——. 1986. Del’berdzin, le temple des dioscures. Raskopki.
Srinagar. Moscow, Institute of the Academy of Sciences of
Harden, D. B. et al. 1987. Glass of the Caesars. Corning, the USSR. (In Russian.)
NY. (Catalogue of an exhibition in the Corning Kruglikova, I. T. and Sarianidi, V. 1971. Del’berdzin. First
Museum of Glass.) Discoveries. n.p. (In Russian.)
Hayashi, M. and Sahara, M. 1962. Archaeological sites of Kurita, I. 2003. Gandharan Art. Tokyo, Nigensha. 2 vols.
northern Afghanistan. Haiback and Kashmir-Smats, Kurz, O. 1954. [Begram et l’Occident gréco-romain …]: see
pp. 68–70. Kyoto, S. Mizuno. (In Japanese.) MDAFA, XI (glass, pp. 95–109; plaster, pp. 110–46;
Higuchi, T. and Kuwayama, S. 1970. Chaqalaq Tepe, bronzes, pp. 147–50; alabaster, porphyry, p. 150).
Fortified Village in North Afghanistan. Excavated in Kuwayama, S. 1972 (reprinted 1978 and 1980). The First
1964–67. Kyoto, S. Mizuno. Excavation at Tapa Skandar. Kyoto.
Klimburg, M. 1999. The Kafirs of the Hindu-kush, Art and Society ——. 1976. The Turki Shahis and relevant brahmanical
of the Waigal and Ashkun Kafirs. Stuttgart, Frantz sculptures in Afghanistan. EW (Rome), 26, 3/4,
Steiner. 2 vols. (Important bibliography, pp. 393–400.) pp. 375–407.

536 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
B i b l i o gR a phy

Le Berre, M. et al. 1987. [Hindu-kush …]: see MDAFA, XXIV. Mons, B. 1958. High Road to Hunza. London, Faber &
Leitner, G. W. n.d. The Languages and Races of Dardistan. Faber.
Lahore. Motamedi, H. 1977. The Foot-prints of the Buddha at the
——. 1890. On the Science of Language and Ethnography, Kabul Museum. Afgh. (Kabul), 30, 1, pp. 78–88.
with a Special Reference to Hunza. London, Swan, ——. 1978. Several relics related to the jataka of
Sonnenschein & Co. (Publications of the Oriental Dipankara. ArB (Tokyo), 117, pp. 20–40, figs
Institute, Woking). 10–11.
Leriche, P. 1986. [Aï Khanoum …]: see MDAFA, XXIX. Musée National d’Afghanistan. 1964. Guide du visiteur.
Livchits, V. A. and Kruglikova, I. T. 1979. L’inscription Notices by M. M. Courtois, Jeanneret and
monumentale bactrienne. Materialy Sovietsko- Centlivres, and also R. Grousset, Ph. Stern, R. Curiel,
Afganskoj arxeologiceskoj Ekspedicii 2. Moscow, J.-M. Casal and D. Schlumberger. Kabul.
Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of Mustamandi, Sh. 1969. Nouvelles fouilles à Hadda
the URSS. (In Russian, summaries in French.) (1966–67), par l’Institut Afghan d’Archéologie. AA
Lorimer, D. L. R. 1935. On the Burushaski Language. Oslo. (Paris), 19, pp. 15–36.
3 vols. (Musée de l’Homme, Paris, DS 402 L 872.) Mustamandi, Sh. and Mustamandi, M. 1968a. The
Lyonnet, B. 1977. Découverte de sites de l’âge du Bronze excavation of the Afghan Archaeological Mission
dans le Nord-Est de l’Afghanistan. Leurs rapports in Kapisa. Afgh. (Kabul), 20, 4, pp. 67–78.
avec la civilisation de l’Indus. AION (Naples), ——. 1968b. Vestiges bouddhiques à Koh-i-mori
vol. 37 (n.s. XXVII), pp. 19–35. (Kham-e-sargar). Archéologia (Dijon), 25, .
——. 1997. Prospections archéologiques en Bactriane pp. 50–55.
orientale (1974–1978), vol. 2: Céramique et Nasir Aman. n.d. Jesus in Heaven and Earth. London.
peuplement du chalcolithique à la conquête Nehru, L. 2004. A fresh look at the bone and ivory
arabe. MAFAC (Paris), VIII. carvings from Begram. SRAA (Kamakura), vol. 10,
MacDowall, D. W. and Taddei, M. 1978a. The early historic pp. 97–150.
period. Achaemenids and Greeks. Allchin and Olivier-Utard, F. 1997. Politique et archéologie, Histoire
Hammond (eds), op. cit., pp. 187–218. de la délégation archéologique française en
MacDowall, D. W. and Taddei, M. 1978b. The pre-Muslim Afghanistan (1922–1982). Paris, Editions
period. Allchin and Hammond (eds), op. cit., Recherches sur les Civilisations.
pp. 233–99. Otto-Dorn, K. 1964. Kunst der Islam. Baden-Baden, ch. 7.
Maillart, E. K. 1937. Forbidden Journey: from Peking to Piponnier, D. 1983. La restauration du vase de Begram dit
Kashmir. London, Heinemann. ‘au Phare d’Alexandrie’. AA (Paris), XXXVIII, .
Marshall, Sir John. 1931. Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus pp. 78–81.
Civilization. London, Probsthain. Pirazzoli-T’serstevens, M. 1990. Ateliers, patronage et
Masson, Ch. 1834, 1836a & 1836b. Memoirs on Begram. collections princières en Chine à l’époque Han.
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta). CRAI (Paris) (April–June), pp. 521–36.
Mélikian-Chirvani, A. S. 1969. La plus ancienne mosquée ——. 2001. Les laques chinois de Begram. Un réexamen
de Balkh. AA (Paris), 20, pp. 3–20. de leur identification et de leur datation. TOPOI
Meunié, J. 1942. [Shotorak …]: see MDAFA, X. (Lyon), vol. 11/1, pp. 473–84.
——. 1959. [Qol-é nader …]: see MDAFA, VIII, pp. 115–88. Pugachenkova, G. 1968. Les monuments peu connus de
Miyaji, A. and Motamedi, H. 1979. The Silk Road Museums. l’architecture médiévale de l’Afghanistan. Afgh.
Tokyo, Kodansha. 140 plates. (Les musées du (Kabul), 21, 1, pp. 17–52.
monde series, no. 19.) Quagliotti, A. M. 1998. Buddapadas. Institute of the Silk
Mizuno, S. 1963. The Ancient Art of Afghanistan. Road Studies, Kamakura, p. 44.
Shimbun-sha, Nihon Keizai. 194 figs. (Exhibition Ram Ch. Kak. 1933. Ancient Monuments of Kashmir.
catalogue.) London, The Indian Society.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 537
B i b l i o gR a phy

Rapin, Cl. et al. 1992. [Aï Khanoum …]: see MDAFA, XXXIII. ——. 1977. [Lashkari Bazar …]: see MDAFA, XVIII.
Rose, H. A. and Ibbetson, D. 1919. A Glossary of the Tribes Schlumberger, D., Le Berre, M. and Fussman, G. 1983.
and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier [Surkh Kotal …]: see MDAFA, XXV.
Province. Lahore. (Musée de l’Homme, Paris, DS Schomberg, R. C. F. 1935. Between the Oxus and the Indus.
430 R 79.) Unknown Karakoram. London, Martin Hopkinson.
Rosenfield, J. M. 1967. The Dynastic Arts of the Kushans. Sengupta, A. and Sri Dibakar Das. 1991. Gandhara,
Berkeley/Los Angeles, Calif., University of Holding in the Indian Museum (a hand list).
California Press. Calcutta.
Rowland Jr., B. 1953. The Art and Architecture of India. Shaffer, J. G. 1978. The late prehistoric periods. Allchin
London, Penguin. and Hammond (eds), op. cit., pp. 71–186.
——. 1966. Ancient Art from Afghanistan, Treasures of the Shor, J. B. 1956. After You, Marco Polo. Paris, Presses de la
Kabul Museum. New York, Asia Society. 12 plates. Cité. (French translation.)
Rowland Jr., B. and Rice, F. M. 1971. Art of Afghanistan. Taddei, M. 1968. Tapa Sardar. First Preliminary Report. .
Objects from the Kabul Museum. London, Penguin. EW (Rome), vol. 18. pp. 109–24.
Photographs by F. M. Rice. ——. 1973. The Mahisamardini image from Tapa Sardar-
Salname-mojalae-Kabol. n.d. Annuaire de la revue de Ghazni, Afghanistan. SAA (Norman Hammond,
Kaboul. Kabul, Cercle Littéraire de Kaboul. London), pp. 203–13.
Santoro, A. 1986. Note di iconografia gandharica, I: La ——. 1974. A note on the Parinirvana Buddha at Tapa
storia del Buddha e del bue: identificazione di due Sardar (Ghazni, Afghanistan). SAA (van Lohuizen-
bassorelievi gandharici. AION (Naples), vol. 46. . de Leeuw, Leiden), pp. 111–15.
pp. 35–62, fig. III. Taddei, M. and Verardi, G. 1978. Tapa Sardar. Second
Sarianidi, V. I. 1971. North Afghanistan in the Bronze Preliminary Report. EW (Rome), vol. 28, no. 1–4.
Period. Afgh. (Kabul), vol. 25, no. 2–3, pp. 26–38. Tanabe, K. 2003. The earliest Pâramitâ imagery of
——. 1985. L’or de la Bactriane. Fouilles de la nécropole de Gandharan Buddhist reliefs. SRAA (Kamakura), .
Tilla-tepe en Afghanistan septentrional. Leningrad, no. 9. pp. 87–105.
Aurore. Tarzi, Z. 1976. Hadda à la lumière des trois dernières
Scerrato, U. 1959. The two first excavation campaigns at campagnes de fouilles à Tapa-é Shotor (1974–
Ghazni. EW (Rome) (n.s.), vol 10, 1–2. 1976). CRAI (Paris), pp. 381–410.
Schlumberger, D. 1949. Archaeology in Afghanistan, work ——. 1977. L’architecture et le décor rupestre des grottes de
of the DAFA. Archaeology (Paris), 2, pp. 11–16. Bamiyan. Paris, CNRS/Collège de France. 2 vols.
——. 1952. Le palais ghaznévide de Lashkari-bazar. Syria ——. 1986. La technique du modelage d’argile en
(Paris), 29, pp. 251–70. Asie centrale et au Nord-Ouest de l’Inde sous
——. 1952 (4); 1954 (2); 1955 (3); 1964 (3). Comptes- les Kouchans: La continuité malgré les ruptures.
rendus. JA (Paris). KTEMA (Journal of the University of Strasbourg),
——. 1953, 1954, 1955 &1957. Comptes-rendus. CRAI (Paris). 11, pp. 57–93.
——. 1953. [L’argent grec …]: see MDAFA, XIV, pp. 1–64. ——. 1996. Jules Barthoux, le découvreur oublié d’Aï
——. 1953, 1954 & 1960. Articles translated into Persian Khanoum. CRAI (Paris), pp. 595–611.
and published in Aryana (Kabul) and Afgh. (Kabul). ——. 1999–2000. Quelques schistes ‘gréco-
——. 1961. The excavations at Surkh Kotal and the bouddhiques’ d’Afghanistan. SRAA (Kamakura), 6,
problem of Hellenism in Bactria and India. pp. 83–96.
Proceedings of the British Academy (London), . ——. (2001: unpublished). Relations entre les villes et
no. 47, pp. 77–95. les monastères bouddhiques au Nord-Ouest de
——. 1970. L’Orient hellénisé (Paris). l’Inde: le cas de Kabol. Strasbourg.
——. 1971. Le rhyton de Kohna Masdjid. AA (Paris), vol. Tissot, F. 1983. Art – Afghanistan – Pre-Islamic. Journal of
XXIV, pp. 3–7. Central Asia, vol. VI, no. 2 (Dec.), pp. 1–15.

538 Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006
B i b l i o gR a phy

Tosi, M. and Wardak, R. 1972. The Fullol hoard. A new ——. 2001. Begram: the glass. TOPOI (Lyon), vol. 11/1,
find from bronze age in Afghanistan. EW (Rome), pp. 437–49.
vol. 22, pp. 9–17, and Afgh. (Kabul), 26, pp. 13–33. Wilson, H. H. 1841. Ariana Antiqua. A Descriptive Account
van Lohuizen-de Leeuw, J. E. 1959. An ancient Hindu of the Antiquities and Coins of Afghanistan, with a
temple in eastern Afghanistan. OrA (London), Memoir on the Buildings called Topes by C. Masson,
(n.s.) 5, pp. 61–69. Esq. London.
Veuve, S. 1982. Cadrans solaires gréco-bactriens à Aï Wriggins, S. H. 1996. Xuanzang; a Buddhist Pilgrim on the
Khanoum, Afghanistan. BCH (Athens), CVI, pp. 23–54. Silk Road. Boulder, Colo./Oxford, Westview Press.
——. 1987. [Aï Khanoum …]: see MDAFA, XXX. Younghusband, F. 1896. The Heart of a Continent.
Whitehouse, D. 1989. Begram reconsidered. Kölner Zwalf, V. 1996. A Catalogue of the Gandhâra Sculptures in
Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, V, 22. the British Museum. London, British Museum Press.
Cologne, pp. 151–57. 2 vols.

Catalogue of the National Museum of Afghanistan, 1931–1985 – ISBN 978-92-3-104030-6 – © UNESCO 2006 539
O Situated at the crossroads of the world’s oldest trade routes and populated by a

mosaic of cultures, Afghanistan has been the theatre of repeated conflicts over its long

and complex history. In the midst of the warfare and civil unrest that ravaged this ancient

land during the last two decades of the twentieth century, hundreds of precious artefacts

were plundered from the collections of the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul. The

destruction of these irreplaceable treasures – like the much-publicized Bamiyan Buddhas

destroyed in 2001 – represents a tremendous loss not only for the people of Afghanistan

but for all of humanity.

With the aim of keeping alive the memory of the museum’s scattered collections for

future generations, Francine Tissot has compiled over a period of several decades a

systematic listing of the holdings as they were conserved in the museum’s showcases

and reserve collections until 1985. This comprehensive catalogue, illustrated with over

1,600 photographs and drawings, will be of paramount importance in helping Afghanistan

rehabilitate its historical memory and retrieve its lost masterpieces.

Born in Paris in 1917, Francine Tissot undertook her first professional trip to Central Asia in 1963. For nearly
thirty years, she oversaw the collections of Gandharan and Afghan art at the Musée Guimet in Paris.
Formerly a professor at the École du Louvre and the author of several articles and books on Afghanistan
published in France and abroad, Mme Tissot is recognized as a foremost specialist of Afghan culture. This
catalogue is the culmination of an illustrious career devoted to the study and protection of Afghanistan’s
cultural heritage.

Front cover: ‘Plaque of Cybele’, Aï Khanum, Hellenistic period. Photograph courtesy of DAFA.
Back cover: Detail of ivory openwork, Begram, first–second century AD. Photograph courtesy of DAFA.

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