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How to Anchor an International Conference/Symposium (Part-3)

Faculty: Ekta Sharma

Thanks giving words to the chief guest on stage:
Anchor: Thank you sir… Thank you so much for your words of
wisdom. It will be a great pleasure for us to listen to you again in our
future events.
Opening and Welcoming Remarks
Now, let us have the pleasure of listening to the opening remarks of the
Honorable Director ,Sir XXXXXXXXXXX………….
(About Him)
I consider it a great honor to welcome Mr. XXXXXXXX on the stage
for the Opening and Welcoming Remarks.
Thanks giving words to the chief guest on stage
Thank you sir for your influential message, we are charmed by your
sharp fluency.
Plenary Lecture By Mr. XXXXXX
Ladies and Gentlemen, we rarely get this kind of opportunity to listen to
the words a great knowledgeable speaker………..
I am talking about Mr. XXXXXXXXX
(About him)
I Invite Mr. XXXXXXXX Sir on the stage to
address the gathering.
Thanks giving words to Mr.XXXXXXX
Thankyou very much sir for  sharing your deep knowledge
about_________________ with us .Your session was full of enthusiasm
and valuable knowledge.
Plenary Lecture  MR. XXXXXXXX
The next distinguished to honor us with his presence is…….
He is ………………
Thanks giving words..
That was really an amazing speech…Thank you sir for sharing your
great knowledge with us…..

Announcement for TEA BREAK

Now it’s the time for the tea break…..I would like to request all our
guests to move toward the………..tea is waiting for you outside…..we
will resume here   at  10:30.Thank you.

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