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ring Rosing Techical Reports At the end of the Chapter, the students should be able to 1. explain the fundamental concepts of report writing; 2. use different concepts in writing technical report; 3. distinguish the categories of technical reports; 4. write different technical reports; and 5. compose minutes of the meeting. i) PDINTROpUCTION IG side from writing business letiers, another way to cbiratvonicate in business or in organization offectively is writing a report’ Every day, there is a tremendous number of reports written and circulating in the corporate world. There are two vital questions that every report writer should consider: “Who is the audience?” and “Wht is my purpose?” Before writing any report, we should bear in mind the destination of our report. In business, the audience might be your boss, supervisor, manager, fellow employee, or client Furthermore, written reports may supply a record of work accomplished, record and clarify complex information for future reference, present information to a large number of people, record problems cncountered, document schedules, timetables, and milestones, recommend future actions, document current status, and so on (Gerson, S.J. & Gerson, S.M., 2003). Your purpose is your reason for writing a report. It may be for the purpose of informing important details or progress about the company, analyzing the costing or strengths and weaknesses of the company, or recommending possible actions or solutions based on certain facts and data. ee Scanned with CamScanner eS _ Being a veal writer means being able to do the work on a bad dap. In writing a report, language plays a vital role. The language should be concise, coherent, and precise to smoothly connect the ideas and the sections of a business report. There are four fundamentals of report writing. 1, The K-l-S-§ Concept is an acronym for Keep It Short and Simple. This concept highlights the use of simple but concise words rather than the use of jargons and complex words, This concept also emphasizés , expressing rather than impressing. 2. Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing. Quoting is the exact copying of a portion of an original text. In doing this, certain punctuations must be observed. In paraphrasing, you will need to use your own words in restating author's ideas or words. In doing this, the same number of words like the original is observed. Summarizing is like paraphrasing but differs on the number of words. Summarizing is recapitulating author’s ideas or words. This is a shorter restatement of the original text in your own words. Lastly, these three need to be properly documented, 3, Use of graphic organizers may be classified as tables or figures, Tables ere compact summary of data or information which is systematically presented in columns. Furthermore, figures may include graphs and charts in presenting the data or information. Scanned with CamScanner 4. Documentation and Citation - These are ethical your report. These are the of references or sources that d of the author's last name and placed within parentheses Scanned with CamScanner Uitt—ianer':Foneonens Compe doting | ae 1s The two most commonly used citation styles are American Psychological Association (APA) Style end Modem Language | ‘Association (MLA) Style There are ten steps in writing a technical report: Present submit your report Review and revise your report our references if applicable Draw possible conclusions and recommendations Design, organize, and write your report Summarize yout findings Gather necessary information ond data Identify what you need to learn Identify who you audience is Determine the problem Moreover, all reports follow particular generic format, development, and style, Every report follows the four basic components: heading, introduction, discussion, and conclusion’ recommendations, To make a report come alive, link the various pieces of information together to create a story or build a case. First understand the information, then organize it by checking and revising outline that was created earlier, and then write the report. Headings can organize and synthesize information, Instead of just restating the data, use headings that interpret the data (Locker, 2006). Scanned with CamScanner 98 Technical Witng A Resource Guide to Wing Acs Dieses pee ee oe rer Categories of Report A report should be well-planned and organized, logicaly sequenced, and casy to read, There are two main categories op Tepor, according to Roberts (1999): 1. Informal report can range from a few paragraphs 1g several pages. Whether an informal report is written ag a letter, memo, or email message, it generally includes an introduction, body, and conclusion recormmen This report may function to inform, sell, di recommend. The introduction elaborates the subjects ang procedures of the report while the body presents the findings from thorough researches. All findings are arranged in order of priority. Lastly, the conclusion/ recommendation tells what the diagnosis is ali about. It also gives the possible actions, solutions or Tecommendations on what to be done about the findings of the study. 2. Formal report is generally lengthy. It may include * title page, executive summary, table of contents, list of figures and tables, list of abbreviations and symbols, body, conclusions or recommendations, appendixes, index, and more. This report may function to inform, document, direct, clarify, examine, analyze, propose, and recommend, A report should be long enough to be thorough and short enough to be concise. To ensure that your report is thorough, cover all the key issues. To ensure that it’s concise, KISS (keep it short and simple). Reports can just provide information, both provide information and analyze it, or provide information and analysis to support 2 recommendation. Reports can be called information report if they collect data for reader, analytical reports if they interpret data but do not recommend action, and recommendation reports if they recommend action or solution (Locker, 2006). ons, , clarity, of Scanned with CamScanner Unto 1 Finca! Conca Revo Wing Three Levels of Reports Reports can provide the following: Information Only + Sales reports (sales figures for the week or month). + Quarterly reports (igures showing a plant's productivity and profits for the quarter) Information plus analysis Annual reports (financial data and an organization's accomplishments during, the past year) = Audit reports (interpretations of the facts revealed during an audit) = Make-good or pay-back reports (calculations of the point at which a new capital investment will pay for itself) Information plus analysis plus « recommendation = Feasibility reports (evaluate two or more alternatives and recommend which altemative the organization should choose) Justification reports (justify the need for a purchase, an investment, a new personnel line, or a change in procedure) + Problem-solving reports (identify the causes of an organizational problem and recommend a solution} A. The class will be divided into five (5) groups. Each group will write a sample report following the ten steps in report writing, After writing the report, each group will present their work to the class. B. Interview a company manager. List five best practices being followed by the company manager in writing a report. Scanned with CamScanner 400 Techical Weting: A Resource Gide to Weg Acinss Dsenes IR einforcement Answer the following questions briefly 1. For you, which among the fundamental concepts in writing a report is the most important? Why? 2, Among the five practices given by a company manager, which among them do you find interesting? Why? 3. Why do you think Explain your answer Explain the steps in writing a report briefly. ills in report writing are important? 1, Determine the problem. 2, Identify who your audience is. 3. Identify what you need to leam, 4, Gather information and data, 5/ Summarize your findings, 6, Design, organize, and write your report. 7. Draw possible conclusions and recommendations. 8, Cite’your references if applicable (Use APA Style). 9. Review and revise your report 10, Present or submit your report te Scanned with CamScanner In the workplace Plays an important tole, whether 8 One for your Supervisor, the executive staff hi be short and simple, in the » the report email, or it long, Whatever its length, Content, or * @ Teport must be informative, factual, Tay be more Several pages destination, is the end result understandable, and neatly presented (Oxford Dictionary), Business Teport is broad in Scope and covers ‘numerous wiitten documents Necessary in doin, at al. (2013), allows information presented, It also enables the w iter to organize the 4 ‘eport effectively and logically, Knowing how to write a business *eport is necessary in the business world, There ate basic Classifications of written Teport; 1. Article Report - is a simple’ report which cims to inform the masses, This Teport focuses on any genefal interest, This is like the Magazine article we read on Tegular days, nN Laboratory Report -is a comprehensive report written to communicate laboratory works and observations to the management. It also focuses on the question, “How did we do it?” ‘104 Scanned with CamScanner Technical Weting: A Resour 102 cil ido to Wiring Across D8 laboratory reporg; rts of it e common pal " : The following are lee vet shows the outline of the enn, a, Absiract — This P experiment: sis part presents the objectivgs b, Introduction of the experiment. Sometimes, the and importa of i fen includes theoreti rons ald be, race fone for awhat the results SHOU weet This part is sometimes called methog, a e] ©. or Hops for it presents the step-by-step methods op or iment is done. how the experiment is ; Results and Discussion — This part presents the “ discussion of the experiment as well as the results which are composed of tables and figures, €. References - This part includes the sources ang references used in conducting the experiment, f. Conclusions ~ This part summarizes the results of the experiment, i, Appendices - This part is composed of ray data, calculations, graphs, figures, _ pictures, communication and so on that you have not included in the report itself. 3. Information Report — The main function of this report is based from the title itself, to inform, This report includes periodic and annual reports. a. Periodic Report — is a type of information report written by the employees or subordinates which they submit daily, wéekly or monthly to their superiors to note information of interest to the organization to show comparison and tendencies, b. Annual Report — is a type of information Teport Which includes. the listing of activities, Projects, and Scanned with CamScanner 4. Special Information , Report ~ is compos subcategories which are preliminary er ee report, and final report, ae a. Preliminary Re . 5 sport — e si information report that collects information ett @ proposed proj designs, r Progress Teport that records the history of an activity from the time writing, and other elements, ur INt4~ Losson 2: Classieaon of Techical Reports 103 e llects information about ject which includes the costing, Report — is a type of special information it has started up to the present date of SAMPLE OF PROGRESS REPORT: (extracted from Lannon, 1997) Progress Report (on the job) Subject: Progress Report: Equipment for New Operations Building Work Completed Our training group has met twice since our May 12 report in order to answer the questions you posed in your May 16 memo. In our first meeting, we identified the types of training we anticipate. ‘Types o In our second rheeting, Trainings Anticipated Divisional Surveys Loan Officer Work Experience Divisional Systems Training Divisional Clerical Training (Continuing) Divisional Clerical Training (New Employees) Divisional Management Training (Seminars) Special/ New Equipment Training Training Room The frequency of trai ‘The large training room in the Corporate Education area (10" floor) would be we considered various areas for the training toom, ining necessitates having a training room available daily. ideal, Before submitting our next report, we need your confirmation that this room can be assigned to us. To support t Audioviewer LCD monitor he training programs, we purchased this equipment: Scanned with CamScanner piscipinos Xe AResourea Guide t0 Wing AOS Technical Writing: itor * Videocasette recorder and mont * CRT instruction Software for computer-assisted instru Slide projector * Tape recorder ° iety of modes, ; inister training in a vari This equipment will allow us to administer = ‘Smuction to group seminars ranging from programmed and learner-centered in’ and workshops, Work Remainin ‘ately. Because To support the training, we need to furnish the room ee flexible © types of training will vary, the furniture should Ft environment. Outlined here are our anticipated furnishing Tables and chairs that can be set up in maty. onleeeee These would allow for individual or group training and large seminars. ; Portable room dividers. These would provide study space for training With programmed instruction, and allow for simultaneous training. ; * Built-in stage for audio-visual equipment and training supplies. Ideally, this storage space should be multipurpose, providing work and display Purposes. + A flexible ligh individualized study. ; Independent temperature control, to ensure that the training room remains comfortable regardless of group size and equipment used. ting system, important for audio-visual presentations and The project is on schedule. As soon as we receive your approval of these Specifications, we will proceed to the next step: sending our bids for room dividers, and having plans drawn for built-in storage space, ce. RS. Pike SVP G.T. Bailey, SVP “¢. Final Report — is a type of special information Teport submitted after completing a project to show how plans were delivered, 5. Research Report — is a common report which generates data cither in a laboratory or in the field, The contents and organization of this type of report have a basic logic: you present your data and conclusions, but - Scanned with CamScanner als 105 ‘© present ji i experiment ny. anne on how you went about the a research report, ©? THe following are the contents of a Introduction — Provides the rea well as the purp This part of a research report ider a background of the report as ose of the report. b. Problem — This j Situations otis, includes essential inquiries and 1 Hons that led to the writing of the report. OSE, jecti i i Hicaeed Objectives, and Scope ~ This section tells what the researcher intends to do. Also, oe fe esearch as well as the limits to be cred a luded in this part, d. Review of Literature — This part of report includes Telated readings from different literatures such as bese Joumaly articles, magazines, encyclopedia, ©. Materials, Equipment, and Facilities - These include the supplies, resources and facilities that Were utilized in the report. f Theory, Methods, Procedures - These tell the reader how the report writer conducted the research. These include the processes involved in the completion of the report. i, Results, Findings, and Data — These present the outcome of the research with the use of tables, figures, and charts. The tables, figures, and charts are interpreted and explained by the researcher. Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations — This section is the last part of a research report. This includes the conclusions based from the findings and the recommendations are in turn based on the conclusions. k. Bibliography — This is the list of all the sources and references used by the report writer in accomplishing the research report. The general format of a research report commonly includes the following: + Transmittal Letter + Title Page Scanned with CamScanner 106 rowing At Technical Wing A Resource Guida 10 WAND 6. Field report — is cos 090 ot ckground Problem, BaCkEE y scope se, Objective jipment, and Facilities + Mat cedures . sthods, and Proc + Theory, Me ‘ee, Dati ns, and Recommendations + Bibliography intended to improve student understanding of key theoretical concepts of a course through observation and reflection of real life practice. In addition, this type of report facilitates the development of data collection and observation skills and allows students to see how theory applies to real world practice. When writing a field report, you need to consider two things: a. systematically observe and accurately record the details and information of a certain aspect of a situation; constantly analyze your observation for meaning. b. keep the report's aims in mind while you are observing; consciously observe, record — and analyze what you hear and see in the context of a theoretical framework (Glesne & Peshkin, 1992). Therefore, field report is linking theory and Practice. It also involves both description and analysis. It is necessary to avoid some common student errors when Writing a field report such as Presenting description without any analysis of what has been described or observed, Scanned with CamScanner Units | Vt4~Lesson 2: Classifcation of Technical Reports 7. Recom aor : me questions myn Report ~ is writen to answer shows options crite Somehow etitial to decide on. It drafted, ces so that a good decision can be ‘The followin ng clements are is the recommendation report: typical contents of a a. Introduction b. Technical Background ©. Make Comparisons 4. Critical Requirements ¢. Conclusions £. Recommendations SAMPLE Recommendation Report (Extract Trans Globe Airlines Spee: estos Bom pasa 1277 To: R. Ames, Vice President From: —_B, Doakes, Health and Safety Date: August 15, 20x Subject: Recommendation for Reducing Agents’ Discomfort In our July 20 staff meeting, we discussed physical discomfort among reservation and booking agents, who spend eight hours daily at automated workstations. Our agents complain of headaches, eyestrain and irritation, blurred or double vision, backache, and stiff joints. This report outlines the apparent causes and recommends ways of reducing discomfort. Causes of Agents’ Discomfort For the time being, I have ruled out the computer display screens as a cause of headaches and eye problems for the following reasons: 1. Our new display screens have excellent contrast and no flicker. 2. Research findings about the effect of low-level radiation from computer sereens are inconclusive. ‘The headaches and eye problems seem to be caused by the excessive glare on display screens from background lighting. backaches and stiffness, apparently result 0 two hours between Other discomforts, such as from the ag breaks. ents? sitting in one position for up t Scanned with CamScanner cc. J. Bush, Medical Director ss Disciplines Technical Witing: A Resource Guide to Wing AAS fort by improving background lighting, tines and habits. Recommended Changes We can eliminate such disvom ‘f workstation conditions, and work 1 i screens, thes Background Lighting. To reduce the glare on display e ate recommended changes in background A taling lower-wattage bulbs, 1. Decrease all overhead lig 2, Keep all curtains and adjustable om be ae and west i tt Ieast half-drawn to block du I 3; feat hades te direct the overhead light straight downward so that it is not reflected by the screens. Workstation Conditions: These are recommended changes in the workstations: 1. Reposition all screens so light sources are neither in front nor back. 2. Wash the surface of each screen weekly. 3. Adjust each screen so the top is slightly below the operator’s eye level. 4, Adjust all keyboards so they are 27 inches from the floor. 5. Replace all fixed chairs with adjustable, armless, secretarial chairs. Work Routines and Habits: These are ‘recommended changes in agents’ work routines and habits: - Allow frequent rest periods (10 minutes after each hour instead of 30 minutes twice daily.) 2. Provide yearly eye exams for all terminal operators, as part of our routine health-care program. 3. Train employees to, adjust screen contrast and brightness whenever the background lighting changes. 4. Offer workshops on improving posture. M. White, Manager of Physical Plant Scanned with CamScanner ituation suddenly occurred, We mind that incident report is. detinitely Neat {ype of essay, The presentation Cnt report is systematically arranged report uses simple aap cptiate language. This kind of jargons and technical rane W words and avoids using There are things to cons report: ider in writing an incident a. The Context of the incident b. Details of the incident ¢. Thoughts, feelings, and concerns about the incident d. Demands of the incident e. Impact of the incident Sample incident report (from _ medicine/reflective/5.xml) At the end of my clinical tutorial my tutor arranged for us to meet briefly in order for her to discuss her feedback with me. She stated that over the semester she had noticed that I very rarely spoke in the tutorials and did not appear to engage with the other students. She was concerned that I appeared to lack confidence, and explained that being able to express opinions clearly and confidently was essential in my future career as a doctor. In her view the only way to develop confidence was to participate regularly. She asked me how I felt about this, and if there was a reason why I almost never spoke in class. I explained that in my culture students were not always encouraged to speak, and for that reason I did not find it easy. I also mentioned that I sometimes feel shy. At the time of this incident, many emotions were running through me. I felt embarrassed that my lack of confidence was so obvious to her; and also concerned about what impact it might have on my results. I was worried that she would write negative comments about my behavior and attitude, and that these comments would be available for other lecturers to read. Al the same time, I realized that her concerns were justified ~ I had been aware of my lack of contribution throughout the semester, and had even avoided going to some tutorials because of those feelings. This was also an unfamiliar situation for me, as 1 had always done very well at school and achieved good marks, so I had never had to talk with a teacher in this way before. Although I understood that her intention was to help me to do better, I felt very uncomfortable and even ashamed to have to acknowledge my poor performance in this area. I felt guilty Nee ne Eee Scanned with CamScanner Tochnical Ving: A Rescanca Guide to Vining Maras Craigie 110 0 litle to the class. when J rvaltaed that in her eg hens ocad me 10 acknowledge an Th ince always lacked confidence. Even though 1 preferred to foous re ce hdl my tutor would be noticing my behavior in tutorials oe of the semesten and (hat her written comments would depend on my oie a a a a cuntaiiaence’ fol vier proctire, I alao'folt anaoul aborr eee lava und tying te develop, thavonidince Tnasdod confronting this Issue and trying p I be os Although this incident caused me discomfort and added pressure in the short term, J realize that it was a very significant event in my studies. As a result of the conversation with my tutor I was forced to reconsider my behavior in tutorials and became more aware of haw others viewed me. I had been used to think that J was ‘invisible’ in tutorials, but now I realized that not talking actually made me stand out more. Fortunately, the tutor gave me advice on how to gradually develop the confidence I needed, and I also sought help from some of my friends 1 even organized to have some informal tutorials with friends to give me a chance to practice. Over the final weeks of the semester I managed to talk at least once in every clinical tutorial, either asking a question or making a comment. I have started trying to talk in other tutorials also, in other subjects. I have set myself the goal of talking at least once every tutorial. This incident was therefore very important, because without it I would still be remaining silent in my tutorials, and would have received negative written comments from my clinical tutor in my portfolio. More importantly, it has helped me to acknowledge and work on an area for improvement which will be beneficial in all aspects of the course. Developing greater confidence at speaking in tutorials may lead to me being more confident in performing clinical examinations on patients. It may also lead to me feeling more in control and experiencing less nerves during my Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) assessments, 9. Accomplishment Report — is written for the purpose of presenting the company, organization, or institution's activities and achievements and to monitor and check if the plans were successfully carried out. Every organization or business entity provides a format of an accomplishment report, The following are Some steps in writing an accomplishment Teport: a. Use the prescribed template of your company; b. Create tables or charts with the following columns: number, action Or. activity, ini jator, Person responsible, remarks (target time, comments); ©. Add risk factor if needed; and : Scanned with CamScanner Ualt4~ Lesson 2: Clssifeaton of Technical Roports 111 fame more common types of reports such as reports, tea o, inventory reports, stat? utilization i Teports, stud justificati Teports, and so on, Y Teports, justification A. Complete the Student Progress Report by providing the necessary information. After accomplishing the table, interpret and explain your progress report, STUDENT WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT Date: ee Student Name: Year and Section: ee ‘Seatwork/ itle | Attend: Assi t 7 Course Title ndance | Assignment Activity Write your insights and interpretations: Scanned with CamScanner Minutes of the Meeting h trouble with the contemporary generation és that it has not read the minutes of the last meeting. & Iscussion _Every meeting is important, Furthermore, every minute ina meeting is important as well. Every minute in a meeting especially during board meetings, annual meetings, and other executive meetings should be recorded so that none from the agenda will be overlooked. This is vital in saving time and money. -Richard reaver Minutes of the meeting or sometimes called meeting minutes can be defined as written or recorded documentation that is used to inform people of what happened during the meeting and define the next step planned ( Creating meeting minutes according to provides a written record of what was agreed at a meeting. Good meeting minutes tell people what was decided and what they need to achieve and by what date. When meeting minutes are received, it jogs memories about tasks that people need to do. If a task is not performed then you can refer back to the meeting minutes to follow up on it. Without meeting minutes, you have no recourse if In the worst case, if meeting minutes an action was not carried out. is not written you may end up having to repeat the meeting. own format or template for the e template depends on how the Here are some of the essential and Every company has its minutes of the meeting. Th companies use the document. general parts of the minutes of the meeting. 1. Heading — contains the complete name and address of the company. Every company has its own template for heading. Sometimes, company contact number and email address are included in this part LESSON 115 Scanned with CamScanner 116 uate wr Wty Arvoae DRCHMNA Yostakal Wing A Rea includes the date, day, and aoa aisemecting, Ato, he vere oF fcation * starting time of the meeting: of the meoting is included, ttendance — is: the complete list of names * a the attendees af the meeting. Most of the time, the attendance of the meeting ts listed on a separate sheet ‘ot paper that is being attached to the minutes of the meeting. The attendance of the meeting is divided into three components: 1. Present — the complete list of names of all those Who are present at the meeting. ‘of names of those who der to let 2, Regrets ~ the complete Ti have contacted the chairman or pres them know that they will be unable to attend the scheduled meeting. 3. Absent — the complete list of those who are absent at the meeting, Usually the attendance of the meeting is being checked, monitored, and approved by the corporate secretary. The general rule in establishing the quorum of the meeting is half plus one of the total number of the attendees. 4. Call to Order — consists of the exact time of the heduled meeting. Moreover, in this part, the complete name and position or designation of the one who set the meeting is stated, You may refer to the Notice of Meeting for the details needed in this part, Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting — contains the motion to approve the minutes of the previous or last meeting as circulated to approve the minutes as amended. The attendees of the meeting may correct or revise the minutes of the previous meeting. 6. Business Arising from the Previous Minutes of the Meeting — includes some agenda from the previous meeting that are needed to be reviewed and needed to take immediate action, Scanned with CamScanner Unt 4 Lesson 3: Mentes of te Meeting “7 7. New Business — refers to the agenda of the meeting. You may refer to the Notice of the Meeting to follow the flow of the agenda of the meeting. Other agenda thet are not listed may be added in the other matters. This is the heart of every minutes of the meeting. This part should be carefully written. Every detail should be included and specified so that nothing will be overlooked. 8. Adjournment - is composed of the exact time the meeting was adjoumed or ended by the chairman or presider. 9. Signature — contains the signature over complete name of the corporate secretary who prepared the minutes of the meeting. The corporate secretary should be keen in recording the minutes of the meeting and be careful in writing them down. Sample Minutes of the Meetin, GOLDEN EAGLE CONSTRUCTION BC3 Building, Vito Cruz, Manila MINUTES OF THE MEETING September 13, 2017 (Wednesday), 9:00 AM. Newport Auditorium, BC3 Building, Vito Cruz, Manila 1, ATTENDANCE Please see the attached attendance sheet. 11. CALL TO ORDER 7 The meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Engr. Antonio Dela Merced, President and CEO of the Golden Eagle Construction. I, APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MEETING + None IV. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES OF THE MEETING + None —-- Scanned with CamScanner spines vn cursos wring x088 DSA ‘Techical Wing: A Re 18 f the company, t and CEO O} t . rced, the president é ‘ebu early next year. 4 Engr. Antonio Dota Merced, ta oe expanding ne gers, supervisors, announced that additional and the likes are ion, 2. tn connection with the expansion, ies : staff, foreman, electrician, construction ager mentioned that Mani needed. Mr. JR Doromal, Human esate’ additonal of 250 employees aro needed. tag the estimated 3. Mr. Dino Cabral, the company's finance officer PrezR Lag” budget " budget for the expansion, (Please refer ea repare for the 4. ‘he prosedent also told the head of every Cee TT ROR Une upcoming expansion and to submit the needed repo! next meeting. | det 5, The next meeting is scheduled after 2 weeks, said the president : venue. September 27, 2018 (Wednesday), 9:00 A.M., same Every department head is expected to attend and present their reports V. NEW BUSINESS (AGENDA) for the expansion. 7. There are no other matters to be discussed. Vi. ADJOURNMENT + The meeting was adjourned by the president at 11:46 A.M. Prepared by: Mr. Raymond Sibuco Corporate Secretary Approved by: Engr. Antonio Dela Merced President and CEO A. The class will be divided into eight (8) groups, For x rinutes, they will discuss how to write minutes of the meeting. After brainstorming, each gr i the | +. oup will write minutes of the meeting based on what ther have brainstormed. following the format given in the Discussion. B. Listen to a video of an executive Meeting. Write minutes of the meeting about the video you’ve watched. Scanned with CamScanner valuating Visual Rhetoric xk xy ——“‘) PAOES LAZADACOM: eAUTYMNLCOM ees Lipeticks os low ae P149 exclusive on [Shop Nature Republic ls BACK IN STOCK oo) (tees *BeautyMNL delivers nationvdde. _,, Ask yourself questions such as, “What is this advertisement 2" or “What is the purpose of this ad?” The first ad from Maybelline Philippines enthused the makeup enthusiast or even an ordinary person who is into beauty products to hoard or simply buy their lipstick products since they are on sale via online shop which can be accessed through lazada. comph. The word “SALE” and figure “50%” are the features that customers may always give attention to. The phrase “FEW HOURS LEFT” will create alarm as it emphasizes that they will have countdown for the “2HRS ONLY” promo. With the additional photo of Gigi Hadid wearing a nude lipstick shade and display of their new shades of lipsticks, the audience will rely on the color hues they see. Thus, audience of this ad may neglect to realize or give careful mindfulness of the time limit of sale. fo Since visual rhetoric is not limited to pictures neither to a text alone, rather a combination of visual and verbal expression of arguments with an effort to stimulate a desired response from the audience, other modes to locate them include political cartoons on newspapers, captioned photographs in print or media (e.g. magazines), business communications, fad short and independent films, television advertisements, political and fundraising campaign films and ads, statistical graphs and charts of instructions and maps, book covers, YouTube video intros, and even social media memes. Majority of these platforms are expressed through visual typographies. Scanned with CamScanner 2 132 The How of Visual Rhetoric ition has "Me fda of Rhetore/ Comes ce seeing tools have chang acknomledge, that changes and develepMnt” Tura waps—that, roriting, le ‘and communication practices if nanoation ice nee giver on writing happens inthe ist century cmp to be computers and writing researh Gin Gori! & Iscussion It is important for in! computer screen to convey the overall meat n and relay complete understanding to the audien¢ f be achieved through various conventions of design of visual arguments such as font size, font weight, indention, capitalization, punctuations, italicization, use of boldface, choice of color, and formation whether on print or on the ning and me other fillers. Basic Elements of Visual Rhetoric in Hypertext As cited in Dynumic Diagrams, Inc. (2014), originally published in Designing User Interfaces for Hypermedia (1995), there are three fundamental clements of visual rhetoric in hypertext. Hypertext is defined as a database format in which information related to that on a display can be accessed directly from the display which was first known used in 1965 (Merriam Webster Dictionary). When browsing the World Wide Web, this is usually in a format of underlined words in color blue font that can be clicked, then, the user will be redirected to another website where the highlighted words are further discussed, Hypertexts are undeniably significant in business since they can link one business to another, to customers, and to a certain Pond at se eubowerment, In a digital world, there is always a need of immediate publishing and Presentation of content Scanned with CamScanner Unit §~ Lesson 2: The How of Visual Rhetorte information that encourages interaction between the communicator of the organization and audience. And who on earth can say that there is a limit to human knowledge? The three important elements and methods i yperte: in system are as follows: 75 peat 1, Link presence which must have link extent The hypertext uses a glyph to denote the presence of a link in all types of media such as text, graphics or images, GIF or animation, and even video in highlighted format. This link presence is not limited to being underlined and colored blue, the style can also be in a form of bracket, box, partial box of linked words and phrases. In addition, use of bold, background color, strikethrough, and background stripes with hard and rounded comers are also possible. 2. Link destination which must have multiple destinations It denotes that a hypertext provides clue to the reader about a link’s destination in a form of a file/document name, type, and anchor explainer. For instance, the user inserts a hyperlink that does not create a hypertext on a PowerPoint presentation/slide, moving the cursor anywhere on that slide would highlight the navigational possibilities from that link where a hypertext is located. This would give the reader the file name and type that has possible destinations. + However, if the link has multiple destinations, double- clicking on the hypertext would show a dialog box listing the file names where the file is possibly located. Usually, a uniform or general location will pop up which is unrelated to the hyperlink so the user needs to select a file destination to continue the navigation. 3. Link mapping which must display link and knot relationship This happens when a hypertext reader gets lost of his track once he click the link and be redirected to an unknown website. This normally occurs when one Scanned with CamScanner Disciplinas Techical Writing: A Resource Gulde to Wiring AorO9® Je and unconss usly finds lly ads), only to fing download such fijg fi wants to download the usual himself in different scott Copal out, in most cases, MM + 1 restrictions because of payment i ., works when the reader clicks the = However, this ample «gee also” or lateral links tha hypertext, en tthe otto of the page and be able t are clustered at + on the next page. Wikipedia what’ é i seroll a Je of this. If you notice, there ig g is one mentation system that : for online docui link mown looks like a table of contents for the they use ¢ information. The navigation experience of tire the cals will be at ease because he does not neeq to scroll up and down only to see if the content he jg looking for is located there or not. In creating a hypertext link, bear in mind that a link does not necessarily have to be a text. It can be an image or any other HTML clement. HTML links are hyperlinks where the user can click on them and be redirected to another file. This is why when hovering the cursor over hyperlinks, the cursor style changes into an arrow or a hand. 3 Easy Steps to Create a Hyperlink to a Location on the Web (for Microsoft Office Word) (Retrieved from:https://support. 1. Select the text or picture that you want to display as a hyperlink, 2. On the insert tab, click Hyperlink. You may also right- click the text or picture and click Hyperlink on the shortcut menu, 3. In the Insert Hyperlink box, type or paste your link in : the Address box. Or simply select the file, Scanned with CamScanner Unit Lesson 2: The How of Visual Rhetoric 135 7 Easy Steps to Add a Hypertink with HTML/Hypertext Markup Language -HTML63famy 1. Open a new document in a simple text editor. You may use Notepad on a Windows PC or TextEdit on a Macintosh. 2. Create your HTML document with the proper HTML tags up to the point where the link needs to be added, bearing jin mind that links must be seen to be able to be used effectively, You must add them to the file somewhere below the and before the tags. Form each item on its own separate line, as shown below, which is required ‘for all web pages. + + « + + + Create the link tag on where the tag needs to be easily noticed by the reader. Begin your tag by typing both the beginning and ending tags. Type , followed by to form the link/anchor tag, thus, the “a” in the HTML tag's name. 4. Find the place in between the quotation marks and place your complete URL there. Make sure to use the actual URL in the address bar. ink on what readers 5. Compose your own title for the li should click. Type this text directly after the triangular end bracket of your anchor beginning tag and before the beginning part of your triangular end bracket’s anchor tag. You may also insert your own images in this location by using tag to the HTML page, leaving the and- tags in place to form the link to other page. 6. Save your file with a html extension and open it ina web browser to view your output. 7. Preview your website. Make sure to double check your ying the actual incorrect codes to your codes to avoid show oader because the process fails. Your code should be like: Scanned with CamScanner 136 nos Thehiea! Writing A Ftesouren Guid to Wiring ACrO8® Orc k ‘est lin! Directional terms such as layout, balance (use the rule of thirds either vertically or horizontally), background (determine the distance of objects to know the least important feature); Directional_terms like juxtaposition when two objects are put together to show association and relevance, contrast when putting two different objects together, focus ori what you see first when you first look at it which is usually at the center of the visual, frame when analyzing the edges of it including the cropped parts and margin, and vector or some lines on the visual that your eyes follow unconsciously to move in a different direction; and > Color lighting, and texture techniques that affect the mood of the message such as bright, gloomy, pastel or nude, and dark colors, whether the light 5 bold, plain,shadowy, or the texture is rough, smooth, organic, geometric, or linear. Vv Have confidence with your own eyes and trust your description even before you research on the history of the visual. + Determine the genre of the visual image. (e.g. advertisement, book cover, graphic art, film, painting, signage, campaign poster, etc.) + Explain the relevance and role of the text to the visual. « Highlight the appeal to logic, emotions, or character of the designer. Scanned with CamScanner 149 150 Deg stanincu nyse involved. ther there is a cultural aspect involved. + Explain whet ¢ visual conveys. + Narrate briefly the story that 1 y concluding oF giving a sis by g a summary or Conclusion — End your analy’ ak ran ther than givin fascinating or motivating fact ™ repetition of your claim. f Visual rhetoric is never plain. It is always, designed through personal experiences, innovation, and meaningful know ledge or sentiments of a person. Therefore, critical analysis to visual rhetoric is necessary. There are many methodologies in conducting visual analysis debating on what aspect t0 focus on to come up With the most aceurate meaning the designer wants to deliver to his audience. Thus, what matters most is when one makes meaning of something that he once thought of as meaningless. A. Using the initial steps analysis on one of the sheet of paper, (Please see color rendition al discussed, conduct a visual rhetoric following visual images on @ separate tt the inside back Seffee and cigarettes (Screengrabs from,, and google images) Scanned with CamScanner 156 Social Media and aximiing the Use of in the 21° century Flectronic Communication tudents should be able to: . " ise sated w to get the most out of . explicate the nuts and bolts of ho’ social media; . 2. reflect on their usage of social media apps and sites; 3, recognize the social media platforms by identifying them according to their logos; customize their own social media understand social media’s role in technical w1 analyze and criticize technical documents; create‘own credible content to be published on yyberspace by following the safety profile; riting; line; PANE secure their own c precautionary measures; enumerate internet problems an d propose solutions; and produce an advocacy campaign on safety and security © against cybercrime. (D>INTRODUCTION } q e have learned from the previous chapter that visual rhetoric plays an important role in communicating and developing consciousness between ourselves and our environment, knowing that these images surround us whether we are at home, at work, on the railway, in malls, in restaurants and coffee shops, or mostly, in the virtual world. Thus, earthlings’ life opportunities are no longer limited in this hasty advancing world. This is why majority of the people say that they cannot live without their gadgets and other Scanned with CamScanner electronic devices since these are their media of connecting to the world though virtually yet for many, more ideal and viable. This chapter helps involvement and possibilities of treating social media and electronic communication in a more constructive way. the netizens to maximize their Social media and electronic communication in the 21" century are the most progressing fields used to connect, communicate, and network with others. Although, majority of their platforms are merely used to be in contact with friends and family, they have also recently been used by small and big companies to connect more directly with prospect clients. They use social media platforms as their way to advertise and send their message out regarding their recent activities in just one click. Despite their irrefutable credence, still, majority of the people feel incompetent in making the most out of being a tech savvy. Now, let us leam how. Scanned with CamScanner 187 eu BEC rm 158 ae isten, to tall, to “Ae biggest mistake is believing there i one right map f iste talk have a conversation ~ or a relationship Consumed by too many advanced technologies around us, we often think of communicating to others using them without even thinking of exerting at least a little effort to see someone, listen to one’s stories, sell products personally to customers, resolve conflicts in an organization face-to-face in a meeting, sit in a conference hall, pursue graduate studies in the mainstream, browse hard copies of magazines, books, and newspapers, or simply be available for people. But let us make things clear, this chapter will not debunk the positive notions and vast possibilities of accepting and understanding the role of modern communication in our studies, workplace, business, and other aspects of our lives. = Deborah Tannen This lesson is not generalizing that all communications are now dope virtually, yet, as people become advanced thinkers, modem technology always results to negative effects as it deteriorates relationships due to lack of physical interaction. However, we will still take a look on that as we need to be just and fair in welcoming its pros and cons, but of course, mostly, pros. . History of Social Media and Electronic Communication Looking back at the history of communication, way back 550 BC, written correspondence or letters delivered by hand from one person to another was the earliest mode of com over long distances. The earliest postal system w: BC in Ancient Persia where the Persian King, f communicating ‘as created in 550 Cyrus The Great, Scanned with CamScanner Unite 1 Now Weans of Communication mandated that every 5 Tov delivery Of postal to 8 in his ki all of j ‘ingdom would organi were introduced jn i.e tS res organize the dents. Mai 's. Many other postal her count Postal systems many centuries, postal Organized, " de. This m be delivered faster than postal system. telegrams must be kept short yet was and most essential advancement of before. In 1876, Alexander Graham which allows people to communicate distances. 20° century came and technology began to advance rapidly. The first super computers were invented in the 1940s when engineers started to create networks between computers. J.C.R. Licklider (1960) described this network of computers connected to one another by wide-band communication lines provided the functions of today’s libraries together with expected advances in information storage and retrieval and other symbiotic functions or what we call now, the Internet. The first network link was established in 1969 from four networked host computers called ARPANET, followed by other networks, such as USENET that allowed users to communicate virtually, In 1978, the first cml was developed for users to receive messages and text _— ly. The distinction between telephones tt eae : for lepton to work, both users have to be available at Ie Si » in e-mails, the sender may simply send his nee ae a read by the receiver whenever and wherever he is availa es a access to the Internet. The Internet ee wd merge all of SDS aS ey ee aad aes created The first personal the several networks ee vbich is called the Apple I, then fotpuier appeared if ith the IBM personal computer. In continue to develop in 1981 wit icthod allowed messages to However, the messages in considered the fastest way communication technology Bell invented the telephone to others instantly over long 159 et service provide ies were ‘the late 1980s, the first Internet servic provider compani the late S, Scanned with CamScanner 160 Tectrical Ying A Revco Guide to Wring Azote Discinines created and the first Intemet was unlocked for non-government use like America Online. In 1989, World Wide Web was the first web browser developed by Tim Burners Lee. Before social media came into place, the Internet was mainly used for e-mails, e-commerce, online forms, and personal websites. In 1997, the first social media platform was sixdegrees. Like our Friendster then, and Facebook now, it allowed users to create their own profile and invite friends. In 1999, blogging began to be popular. The fist blog websites were Open Diary and Life Journal where users can post or blog about their personal lives for public viewing like the Tumblr, Blogger, WordPress, and Blogspot websites now. After the blogging has been introduced, social media platforms began to flourish such as MySpace, LinkedIn, and Flickr became popular in early 2000s. In 2004, the domain was registered by Mark Zuckerberg which is now the widely used social media platform today and became open to the public in 2006. Now, as we go with the flow of the social media advancements, many other platforms continue to thrive such as Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, and many others. Whatever platform you are using, the main purpose of social media is to connect to family, friends, and even to strangers through sharing photos, videos, news, opinions, or simply sending 2 quick message to anyone in the world. Why Use Social Media Below are common reasons why you should start using social media: + To communicate and be updated with family, friends, and famous people around the globe + To leam from others and engage in conversations about current news and issues + To befriend strangers and be involved in groups with similar interests ‘ + To be employed in a desired job + To sell and buy products or services * To share one’s life including photos, videos, and other life’s important events + To be heard and be known in a field * To express oneself and influence people based on your own beliefs Scanned with CamScanner How to Get the Most Out of Social Media Nanzally, peop! on you based on wh, you are a student, an your pos: all ov the globe tend to make impressions they can see first in your profile. Whether vee. a business person, or whatever ~ = now, social media profile serves as a See = seer lite even if you are not aware of besos Ct ne (vie teers posted online where one sToup of people installed this big white tent while other members started to invite passersby to come inside the tent to be asked questions where majority were personal questions. Invited people started to feel uncomfortable and surprised during the interrogation when all of the questions and judgments about them were proven tue by themselves. Only to find out when the big white curtain inside the tent was removed, the other members of the group were in front of their comput arching and browsing in real time these facts and issues including past relationships that the users posted on their Facebook account which available to the public. So, whether that impression is tte or not, it would be too late for you to justify because it is what you presented to the public. With this, personal branding is very important. Personal branding is how one presents himself online so others can see him. Despite the “self-love” advocacy of many women today, netizens are still very conscious about how they look on their social media accounts. Same 2s the product branding, your well-known brands such as Nike, Zara, Mac Cosmetics, Coach, even your favorite hair salon have logo, vision, and mission for people to know what to expect from them and how these might affect their purchasing decision, To maintain and establish their marketing, they monitor all positive and negative incoming comments and feedback about their brands. Therefore, the company needs to address each to continue its harmonious relationship with its clients. BusinessWorld last October 17, In an article published in 3017, 2 study was conducted by Kantar TNS's 2017 Connected J \d the conduct of Life surveyed 70,000 people in 56 countries an ’ 104 interviews showed that some 59% of online consumers it the country see content in their social media feed as reliable which twas higher than the global trust of 35%. Also: Digital Director of Wee lar TNS Philippines, Nieco de Jesus said that Filiping nets are very open 10 interaction online specifically OF social media platforms. He added that they were really glad to trust the content 161 Scanned with CamScanner 162 sco Guide to Writing Across Discip in Teetnical Wrtng:A e of the most trusting is research proves hn confidence on the ‘9 make them share pines 0” ‘ionesia. Tl ve hig! als they read online, making the Phili countries in the region next to Indole that people, particularly the Filipinos, Nr messages that these brands post online i e ies. their personal information to these compan bandon Going back to your personal brand, whet Jom a celebrity or not, you may consider the follo creating your personal brand: ; ‘Sod ur true self in your mind. (How you based on who are not?) . Spend time establishing yo ' ae want others to see and define you really are and not based on who you / 2. Start de-cluttering your profile information and ad from the time you started using it. (Be mindful, that w a you apply for a job, employers highly consider your social media accounts, particularly your Facebook account, ‘as one of your character references. And even if you are already employed, your fellow workers especially the top management may misunderstand your sentiments or rants online. Also, start customizing your privacy settings whether you like you post to be in public, friends, only me, or friends of friends setting. 3. Identify your personal brand using a combination of your values, skills, goals, personality, how you look what you say and do, and how you look out for others (Thomas, 2013), These include your photos, email address, status, comments, and even reactions (emojis). 4, After pondering on your self-definition or personal brand, start living your brand both online and offline. (In order to maintain quality relationships with others, they should see you as the same person in the virtual and physical world.) Classifications of Social Media : Taprial & Kanwar (2012) classified types or forms of social media that exist on the Internet into Magazines, Int: e ns Web blogs, Social Blogs, Microblogging, Wikis: Pann, om Rating and Social Bookmarking, Whil these as social media tools name] Microblogging, Podcasts, ly Social Networks, Blogs, » Forums, ~ Wikis, » Content Communities, and Scanned with CamScanner Unite - ‘Lesson 1: Embracing New Means of Communication ‘Whereas, based on ; poets Kaplan and k Fiaenisins daeta published in Business Horizons (2010), eee media research fypes of social media namely: re are six (6) different Collaborative projects (e i : 2. Wikipedi Blogs and Microblogs (e.g. Twiter : tent Communities (e.g. YouTube) Social Networking Sites (e.g. Facebook) Viral Game Worlds (e.g. World of Warcraft) rtual Social Worlds (c.g. Second Life) aeaene You might identi! in i since all of these ations ature ne exces eee sian acing i platforms allow and encourage i i the users. We cannot deny that the breadth of social media is too immense that it encompasses all sorts of fields in‘life so it is a challenge for the experts to Jay down the condensed nature of it. Since many business entities continue to invest in social media to support their vision, mission, and other functions, it is imperative for others to understand the reality and benefits of it in order for them to succeed in their chosen path. Content Worth Sharing Content sharing is seen as the core of all social media platforms. Each website has its own content to share, Content varies from news articles, videos, photos, music, e-books, business presentations, research journals, and other kinds of multimedia materials that are made available at a low or no cost to the clients either to make money of simply share for the sake of attending to people’s needs. Yet, this is perceived differently in the business world, mostly to achieve the former. ‘Not all media sharing services online exist as the main source of media. This is to say that one website uses the other to achieve his goals virtually. For instance, if you are 2 blogger in, you may be great at writing your blog entries, but you are not knowledgeable in customizing your profile themes. ‘You may simply download and copy HTML template and easily apply it to your account. Though majority of the primary source of this kind of services leave watermark or any identification of the software developer to make sure they receive credits or are recognized whenever used for personal purposes. Other websites or social publishing type of content sharing, for example, a free e-Book and audiobook downloader site like Scribd. com, ask the visitor to create an account first before getting access Scanned with CamScanner 163 164 to their selected free e-books and ON cunt, we are provided This is why whenever we sign up fOr ise and terms and the Terms of Service (also known 26 ie * oo users, instead we conditions) which is often reining rn simply tic x as if we finish © ; ae ag jg Must Know Content Sharing The following are the ‘ding to Oliveria (2017), Platforms” for specific media acco Research SEO contributor of of various types of content + Facebook ~ allows sharing of Taree cting ditcetly from text to videos and is I with clients, Kare the’ + LinkedIn ~ allows users to publish blogs and share their expertise about topics such as leadership, innovation, economics, and many others oo + Twitter — allows users to communicate online with 140-character limit which plans to increase up to 280 which is best for quick updates * Google+ — allows users’ contents get indexed instantly by Google though became underused with a dense number of around 400 million active users + Triberr — works by matching content creators into “tribes” that refer them to the audience and includes paid options to boost one’s content as a social network and marketing automation tool * StumbleUpon — provides recommendations to users by randomizing one’s content to reach wide range of audience * YouTube and Vimeo ~ allow users to share visual or video content + Instagram — allows users to share photos which are strongly related to lifestyle and consumerism with its new features of video, story, and ad sharing + Pinterest — allows users to sell vi where posts are pinned into organize and direct content ‘sually engaging products various topics to easily * Snapchat ~ allows use TS of the new generation users below age'34 to get closer to other users through one. -on- Scanned with CamScanner Unit Leeson 1) Prbraciog He Mains nf Cannunieatin one channel, and creates applicable image fentures and filters + Medium allows blogger to post contents that vary trom polit to cooking, and a safe platform to post about research, reflections, and opinions with # personal ve + Slideshare allows tiers to share, upload, and download online PowerPoint and PDE presentations that bought by LinkedIn in 2002 because of its Sarge and activ community + Visually infograph allows cmbeding for social media created for and general vinual content Reddit — gives the users the best of the internet in one place such as an updating feed of breaking, news, Suns stories, photos, memes, videos, and more Quora ~ helps users share and ¢ and answering, questions in knowledge by asking, + Cheat Sheet — gives the users a lint of all active short cuts of the current application + Buzzfeed — a PR service website that shares news + Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Entrepreneur, FastCompany ~ allow users who are industry leaders to submit their content + Mashable, TechCrunch ~ created for inside and sponsored content «= New York Times, Huffington Post ~— crafted for users’ opinions ‘Another form to share content through filter and recommendation is what is widely known as “hashtag/s” using the symbol “#” followed by words or phrases without space or any punctuation in between to locate relevant discussions about a enain topic. This tag is very useful now to people who wanted to locate a chain of posts even without finding one post in one’s entircly different feed. This is commonly available on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and even online research journals. This also identifies the most “talk of the town” topics or what the social media termed as “viral or trendy”. Scanned with CamScanner 165

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