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Henry Ford: Ford's introduction of assembly line production techniques in the early 20th century
revolutionized automobile manufacturing. The Model T, introduced in 1908, became widely accessible
due to its affordability and mass production, making cars more accessible to the general public.

Societal Impacts

a. Urban Planning: The automobile spurred the growth of suburbs as people could now live farther from
urban centers and commute to work. This led to significant changes in urban planning, road
infrastructure, and the development of highway systems.

b. Economic Transformation: The automotive industry became a major economic driver, creating jobs
not only in manufacturing but also in related sectors such as oil, steel, rubber, and tourism. It played a
pivotal role in shaping economies globally.

c. Personal Mobility and Independence: The automobile provided unprecedented personal mobility and
freedom. Individuals could travel at their convenience, enabling the growth of tourism, leisure activities,
and a new sense of independence.

d. Environmental and Social Challenges: While the automobile brought many benefits, it also introduced
environmental challenges, including air pollution, congestion, and the depletion of fossil fuels. These
issues prompted discussions about sustainable transportation solutions.

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