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Text: Luke 1: 57- 80

Theme: The Benefit of Living a Righteous Life part 3


It was clearly demonstrated that, the righteous are tempted, suffered, and sometimes even
face death because of their pious living. But God remembered and acted on their behalf.
Living a righteous life does means you must be an aged person or young it is a
determination from the heart. It i2s also clear that to living a righteous life connect you the
right person like in the case of Mary she was connected to the right old women whom
experience the act of God mercy at her old age. Which result in praise and worship because
both of them had encountered the benefit of living a righteous a life. Both Zechariah,
Elizabeth, and Mary had a special experience with God, which is critically important for all
us to learn.

Sometimes humanity struggle with God, because of the inquisitiveness by the failing nature
in every human being, these family might had struggle with divine timing and their time
and space for Zachariah and Elizabeth his wife their challenge seems to be of daily God did
not responded to their problem of barrenness in good time if looked from human
perspective, and failure of natural principle of child bearing in Mary case. If properly put in
scale God has been in the business all through but remains quiet and mute previously
dealing with human aiming to bringing the best out of human.

It is our desire in today’s message that we will able to see God working miracles in our
lives and at the end the miracle will draw us close to God in praise and worship that
originates from the hearts.

We have this question to respond does living a righteous life bring God promise come to

Living a righteous life means holding God by his Word

Zachariah family kept God by his word , For the last months in silent mute God promise to
them they through the angel was to be known as angel Gabriel, this family strongly
believed what God has promise them and even at their old age. God never allow himself
and his word to be unfulfilled because his “promises are yes and amen”. 1

It allow God to perfect his will in the family 1: 57-60

 God perfected his will in the life of Zachariah family at his own convenient time and
 When family allows God to use his timing at which it is at his disposal it brings a natural
and spiritual worship in to display
 One of the major purpose of miracle is to bring people to worship that is a display
heartfelt see what happened in the life of Zachariah family and his neighbors they all
burst into worship because of the miracle of a child at their old age.
 Friends God is fully aware of the circumstances in your life the challenges you are
facing, both from your people, your work place your immediate family it seems so
difficult but put all them aside and face God; and work in his part he will be the one to
make you great.

It brings a genuine worship that

 That is originated by the Holy Spirit. John 4: 24 John was field with Holy Spirit and
 Revealed the character of God in to bear, this could only be possible if the heart is living
a righteous life because the content of the heart will naturally explain who God is and
what he has done in that longtime relationship with God.
 It proclaim goodness about the future of another person life and mission what it means
is that an individual will be seeing tomorrow from today’s stand point. Seeing brighter
tomorrow is only possible if the whole community sees it from God’s own perspective.
 The prophetic voice that was silent for 400 hundred years now was broken by Angel
Gabriel Luke 1:13; 28) to Zachariah, through the visitation of the Lord who was sent
by God, the second person who had the privilege having the prophetic voice after
400 hundred was no other person than Mary, (Luke 1: 28-33 ) then Elizabeth (Luke 1:

Nigerian’ s female Christian artist known as Mercy NO date and year
44-45) Mary again Luke 1: 46-56) then Zachariah (Luke 1: 67-80). All these people
who had a strange encountered with God broke the gap of not having the Lord God
speaking to them directly.

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