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There are two ways of relating what a person has said: direct and indirect.
I di e t spee h e epeat the o igi al speake ’s e a t o ds:
He said, I ha e lost u rella.
Remarks thus repeated are placed between inverted commas, and a comma is placed immediately before
the remark. Direct speech is found in conversations in books, in plays and in quotations.
In indirect speech we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without necessarily using the
speake ’s e a t o ds:
He said (that) he had lost his umbrella.
There is no comma after say in indirect speech. that can usually be omitted after say and tell + object. But
it should be kept after other verbs: complain, explain, object, point out, protest etc. Indirect speech is
normally used when conversation is reported verbally, though direct speech is sometimes here to give a
more dramatic effect.
When we turn direct speech into indirect, some changes are usually necessary.


A. First and second person pronouns and possessive adjectives normally change to the third person
except when the speaker is reporting his own words. (I = he, she; me = him, her; my = his, her; mine

“he said, he’s my so .  She said that he was her son.

= his, hers; we = they...)

I’ ill , she said.  She said that she was ill.

This used in time expressions usually becomes that.
1 “he said, “he’s o i g this eek .  She said that she was coming that week.
This and that used as adjectives usually change to the.
He said, I ought this pearl/these pearls for other .
He said that he had bought the pearl/the pearls for his mother.
This, these used as pronouns can become it, they/them.
He came back with two k i es a d said, I fou d these eside the ki g’s ed .  He
said he had fou d the eside the ki g’s ed.
He said, We ill dis uss this to orro .  He said that they would discuss it (the
matter) the next day.


A. Adverbs and adverbial phrases of time change as follows:


today that day
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow in two day’s ti e
next week/year etc. the following week/year etc.
last week/year etc. the previous week/year etc.
a year etc. ago a year before/the previous year
I sa her the da efore esterda , he said.  He said he’d see her t o days

I’ll do it to orro , he pro ised.  He promised that he would do it the next day.

She said, M father died a ear ago .  She said that her father had died a year
before/the previous year.

At reakfast this or i g he said, I’ll e er us toda .  At breakfast this

B. But if the speech is made and reported on the same day these time changes are not necessary:

morning he said that he would be very busy today.

C. here can become there but only when it is clear what place is meant:
At the statio he said, I’ll e here agai to orro .  He said that he’d e there
again the next day.
Usually here has to be replaced by some phrase:
“he said, You a sit here, To .  She told Tom that he could sit beside her.


A. Indirect speech can be introduced by a verb in a present tense: He says that ... This is usual when
we are:
a. reporting a conversation that is still going on
b. reading a letter and reporting what it says
c. reading instructions and reporting them
d. reporting a statement that someone makes very often, e.g. To sa s that he’ll e er get
When the introductory verb is in a present, present perfect or future tense we can report the direct
2 speech without any change of tense:
PAUL (phoning from the station): I’ tr i g to get a taxi.
ANN (to Mary, who is standing beside her): Paul says he is trying to get
a taxi.
B. But indirect speech is usually introduced by a verb in the past tense. Verbs in the direct speech have
then to be changed into a corresponding past tense. The changes are shown in the following table.


Simple Present Simple Past
I e er eat eat , he e plai ed. = He explained (that) he never ate meat.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
I’ aiti g for A , he said. = He said (that) he was waiting for Ann.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
I ha e fou d a flat , he said. = He said (that) he had found a flat.
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
He said, I’ e ee aiti g for ages . = He said (that) he had been waiting for ages.
Simple Past Past Perfect
I took it ho e ith e , she said. = She said (that) he had taken it home with her.
Future Conditional
He said, I ill/shall e i Paris o Mo da . = He said (that) he would be in Paris on Monday.
Future Continuous Conditional Continuous
I ill/shall e usi g the ar self o the 24h , = “he said that she’d ee usi g the ar herself
she said. on the 24th.
Conditional Conditional
I said, I ould like to see it . = I said (that) I would like to see it.

All those changes represent the distancing effect of the reported speech. Common sense, together
ith the ti e aspe t f o the speake ’s poi t of ie , a e o e i po ta t tha the ules he
making the usual changes.


Direct question: He said, Where is she goi g?
Indirect question: He asked where she was going.
A. When we turn direct questions into indirect speech, the following changes are necessary:
a. tenses, pronouns and possessive adjectives, and adverbs of time and place change as in
b. the interrogative form of the verb changes to the affirmative form.
c. the question mark is omitted in indirect questions.
B. If the introductory verb is say, it must be changed to a verb of inquiry, e.g. ask, wonder, want to
know etc.
He said, Where is the statio ?  He asked where the station was.
C. ask can be followed by the person addressed (indirect object):
He asked, What ha e ou got i our ag?  He asked (me) what I had got in my
But wonder and want to know cannot take an indirect object, so if we wish to report a question
where the person addressed is mentioned, we must use ask.
He said, Mar , he is the e t trai ?  He asked Mary when the next train was.
D. If the direct question begins with a question word (when, where, who, how, why etc.) the question

He said, Wh did ’t ou put o the rake?  He asked her h she had ’t put on
word is repeated in the indirect question:

“he said, What do ou a t?  She asked (them) what they wanted.

the brake.
E. If there is no question word, if or whether must be used:
Is a o e there? he asked  He asked if/whether anyone was there.


Direct command: He said, Lie do , To .
Indirect command: He told Tom to lie down.
Indirect commands, requests, advice are usually expressed by a verb of command/request/advice + object
+ infinitive.
A. The following verbs can be used: advise, ask, beg, command, order, remind, tell, warn etc.
He said, Get our oat, To !  He told Tom to get his coat.
B. Negative commands, requests etc. are usually reported by not + infinitive:
Do ’t s i out too far, o s , I said  I warned/told the boys not to swim out too far.


Exclamations usually become statements in indirect speech. The exclamation mark disappears.
a. Exclamations beginning What (a) ... or How ... can be reported by:
- exclaim/say that:
He said, What a dreadful idea! or Ho dreadful!  He exclaimed that it
was a dreadful idea/was dreadful.
- give an exclamation of delight/disgust/horror/relief/surprise etc.
- if the exclamation is followed by an action we can use the construction with an
exclamation of delight/disgust etc. + he/she etc. + verb.
b. Other types of exclamation such as Good! Marvellous! Splendid! Heavens! Oh! Ugh! etc. can be

Good! he e lai ed.  He gave an exclamation of pleasure/satisfaction.

reported as in (b) or (c) above:

Ugh! she e lai ed, a d tur ed the progra e off.  With an exclamation of
disgust she turned the programme off.

He said, Tha k ou!  He thanked me.

c. Note also:

He said, Good lu k!  He wished me luck.

He said, Happ Christ as!  He wished me a happy Christmas.
He said, Co gratulatio s!  He congratulated me.
He said, Liar!  He called me a liar.
He said, Da ! etc.  He swore.
The notice said: WELCOME TO WALES!  The notice welcomed visitors to Wales.


yes and no are expressed in indirect speech by subject + appropriate auxiliary verb.
He said, Ca ou s i ? a d I said No  He asked (me) if I could swim and I said I
ould ’t.
He said, Will ou ha e ti e to do it? a d I said Yes  He asked if I would have
time to do it and I said that I would.


4 “hall I ri g ou so e tea? could be reported He offered to bring me some tea.
Shall we meet at the theatre? could be reported He suggested meeting at the


Direct speech may consist of statement + question, question + command, command + statement, or all

I do ’t k o the a . Do ou? he asked.  He said he did ’t k o the a a d asked her

three together. Normally each requires its own introductory verb.

He said, “o eo e is o i g. Get ehi d the s ree .  He said that someone was coming
if she did/if she knew it.

and told me to get behind the screen.


A. MUST: after a past reporting verb, must does not usually change:
He said, It ust e prett late, I reall ust go .  He said that it must be pretty late and
he really must go.
had to is also possible in reported speech, but this is really the past of have to, not must.
He said, I ha e to go. I ha e a appoi t e t i half a hour  He said that he had to go
because he had an appointment in half an hour.
B. MODAL VERBS: Past modal verbs (could, might, ought to, should, used to, etc. ) do not normally

He said, I ight o e .  He said that he might come.

change in reported speech.

He said, I ould help hi if I ould .  He said that he would help

He said, You eed ’t ait .  He said that I eed ’t ait.

him if he could.

C. CONDITIONALS: Conditional sentences type two remain unchanged.

He said, If hildre ere older I ould e igrate .  He said
that if his children were older he would emigrate.


A. say and tell with direct speech.
1. say can introduce a statement or follow it.
To said, I’ e just heard the e s . or I’ e just heard the e s ,To said.
Inversion of say and noun subject is possible when say follows the statement.
I’ e just heard the e s , said To .
say + to + person addressed is possible, but this phrase must follow the direct statement; it
cannot introduce it.
I’ lea i g at o e , To said to e.
Inversion is not possible here.
2. tell requires the person addressed.
Tell me. He told us. I’ll tell To .
Except with tell lies/stories/the truth/the time, when the person addressed need not to be
He told (me) lies. I’ll tell ou a stor .
Tell used with direct speech must be placed after the direct statement:
I’ lea i g at o e , To told e.
Inversion is not possible with tell.
B. say and tell with indirect speech
Indirect statements are normally introduced by say, or tell + object. Say + to + object is possible but
less usual than tell + object.
He said he’d just heard the e s.
He told e that he’d just heard the e s.
Note also tell ... how/about:
He told us how he had crossed the mountains.
He told us about crossing the mountains.
He told us about his journeys.

- A. J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1986
- R. Fernández Carmona, E glish G a a … ith e e ises, Longman, 2000
- R. Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press 1990
- M. Harrison, Grammar Spectrum 2, Oxford University Press, 1996
- N. Coe, Grammar Spectrum 3, Oxford University Press, 1996

1. These people are saying these things. Report them, using says that.
a. Paul: Atla ta is a o de ful it . ____________________________________________________
b. Ruth: I go joggi g e e o i g. ___________________________________________________
c. A a: Je is ’t stud i g fo he e a s. _____________________________________________
d. A d e : I used to e e fat. _______________________________________________________
e. e.- Ji : I a ’t s i . ______________________________________________________________
2. People made these statements. Report them, using said.
a. Ma o ks i a a k , Ja e said. ____________________________________________________
b. I’ sta i g ith so e f ie ds , Ji said. _______________________________________________
c. I’ e e e ee to Russia , Mike said. _________________________________________________
d. To a ’t use a o pute , Ella said. _________________________________________________
e. E e od ust t to do thei est , Jill said. __________________________________________
f. Ja e a o e to a e flat , Rachel said. ____________________________________________
g. I’ll sta at ho e o “u da , Bill said. _________________________________________________

3. Report what the guests said at a wedding last Sunday.

a. Miss Moo e: The ’ll ake a lo el ouple. _____________________________________________
b. M “ ith: The ’ e goi g to li e i B ighto . ____________________________________________
c. M s Jo es: The ide a d the g oo a e e i e ou g people. __________________________
d. M Ro e ts: The ide is ea i g a eautiful eddi g d ess. ______________________________
e. M Cla ke: The ouple’s pa e ts look happ . ___________________________________________
f. Miss Ma all: The ide’s fathe has ought the a ig flat. _______________________________

4. Change the following statements into the reported speech.

a. I ha e so ethi g to sho ou , I said to he .
6 b. I’ goi g a a to o o , he said.
c. I’ e ee i Lo do fo a o th ut I ha e ’t had ti e to isit the To e , said Rupe t.
d. I’ll o e ith ou as soo as I’ ead , she eplied.
e. We ha e a lift ut e ofte it does ’t o k , the said.
f. I ust go to the de tist to o o , he said.
g. I fou d a old Ro a oi i the ga de este da a d I a goi g to take it to the useu this
afte oo , he said.

5. Write these sentences in indirect speech.

a. I’ e ti ed , she said. ____________________________________________________________
b. I’ll see the soo , he said. _________________________________________________________
c. I’ goi g to the i e a , she said. ___________________________________________________
d. I see the hild e uite ofte , he said. ________________________________________________
e. I’ ha i g a ath , she said. _________________________________________________________
f. I’ e al ead et thei pa e ts , she said. _______________________________________________
g. I sta ed i a hotel fo a fe eeks , she said. ___________________________________________
h. I ust go ho e to ake di e , he said. ______________________________________________
i. I ha e ’t ee aiti g lo g , she said. _________________________________________________
j. I’ liste i g to the adio , he said. ____________________________________________________
k. I’ll tell the the e s o “atu da , she said. ___________________________________________
l. I like s i i g, da i g a d pla i g te is , he said. ____________________________________

m. I a d i e , she said. ______________________________________________________________

n. I alked ho e afte the pa t , he said. _______________________________________________
o. I’ goi g to e si k , she said. _______________________________________________________
p. I ust go out to post a lette , he said. ________________________________________________
q. I spoke to Ja e last eek , she said. ___________________________________________________
r. I’ t i g to liste to the usi , he said. ______________________________________________
s. I’ll pho e the offi e f o the ai po t , she said. _________________________________________
t. I a ’t speak a fo eig la guages , he said. ___________________________________________

6. Write these sentences in indirect speech, changing words where necessary.

a. I’ll see ou to o o , she said.
b. I sa he toda , he said.
c. I do ’t like this fil , she said.
d. “he said, We e t s i i g toda .
e. I et he a out th ee o ths ago , he said.
f. I’ll see Ma o “u da , she said.
g. Pete a d “ue a e getti g a ied to o o , she said.
h. “tephe ’s i gi g so e e o ds to the pa t to o o , she said.
i. I eall like this fu itu e , she said.
j. M pa e ts a e a i i g to o o , she said.
k. We isited he this o i g the said.
l. We’ll see he e t su e the said.
m. The e e he e th ee o ths ago , he said.
n. I’ eeti g the at fou o’ lo k toda , he said.
o. I a see ou to o o , she said.

7. Report the police-office ’s uestions to the shop owne .
a. What’s ou a e? _________________________________________________________________
b. Did you see the robbers? ____________________________________________________________
c. What were they wearing? ___________________________________________________________
d. How do you think they got in? ________________________________________________________
e. What did they take? ________________________________________________________________
f. Has this ever happened before? ______________________________________________________

8. Write these sentences as reported questions using the words given.

a. What’s ou a e? , he asked. (wanted to know)
b. Do ou like Ma lo B a do ? , she asked.
c. Ho old a e ou? , she said. asked)
d. Whe does the t ai lea e? , I asked.
e. A e ou e jo i g ou self? , he asked.
f. Ho a e ou? , he said. asked
g. Does ou fathe o k he e? , she asked.
h. Do ou li e ea ou fathe ? , he asked.
i. Who did ou see at the eeti g? , othe asked.
j. Wh did ou take allet? , he asked.
8 k. Ho did ou get to s hool? , she asked.
l. A e ou a fo eig e ? , she asked.
m. Whe e do ou li e? , the o asked.
n. Ha e ou et Da efo e? , he asked.
o. A e ou hu g ? , he asked.
p. Wh as ’t Jud at the pa t ? , she asked.
q. Wh did ’t ou telepho e? , fathe asked.
r. Did ou o o di tio a ? , he asked.
s. Wh a e ou so late? , the tea he asked.
t. Ha e ou fi ished ou e a s? , she asked.
u. Did ou i ite Jud a d Mit h? , he asked.
v. Does ou othe li e i Lo do ? , she asked.
w. Wh did ’t the poli e epo t the i e? , the judge asked.
x. Do ou k o ho oke the i do ? , he asked.

y. Wh ou o ’t let e i ? , he shouted.


9. Rewrite these sentences in reported speech.
a. Make so e offee, Bo , Ca ol said. ask
b. You ust do the ho e o k soo , Ja e , she said. tell)
c. Re e e to u a ap, A he said. e i d
d. You should see a do to , M s Cla k , he said.(advise)
e. Keep all the i do s losed, Bill the said. a
f. Go ho e, Paul , F a is said.(tell)
g. Please sta fo suppe , Bo , he said. t to pe suade

10. Report the following sentences.

a. Do ’t t to e fu .
b. Wait he e till I o e.
c. Go to ed a d do ’t get up till ou’ e alled.
d. Be a good gi l a d sit uietl fo fi e i utes.
e. Wat h the ilk a d do ’t let it oil o e .
f. Do ’t take ou oat off.
g. Do ’t fo get to tha k M s Jo es he ou’ e sa i g good e to he .
h. “top that dog.

11. Write the sentences in reported speech using the words given.
a. “it do , Ma . he told
b. Would ou pass suit ase? he asked
c. Do ’t go ea the sea, hild e . the hild e ’s othe a ed
d. Do ’t e late, Ti . Ti ’s fathe told
e. Be uiet, hild e . the li a ia told
f. Ha e ou ti kets ead , please. the i spe to told us


12. Use the correct form of SAY and TELL in these sentences.
a. She _______________________ e she did ’t ag ee.
b. He _______________________ , Ha e e et efo e?
c. I _______________________ the I as ’t happ ith thei o k.
d. She smiled and _______________________ to e, I’ e pleased to eet ou.
e. She _______________________ me a story about her parents.
f. He _______________________, A e ou feeli g OK?
g. I did ’t hea . What did he _______________________?
h. Could you _______________________ me the time, please?
i. They _______________________ me they were going to a meeting.
j. I _______________________ the police my address.
k. I _______________________ I wanted to buy a magazine.
l. He _______________________ he as ’t i te ested i politics.
m. Could you _______________________ me your name again?
n. Do you think he is _______________________ the truth?
o. Would you _______________________ him to come early tomorrow?
p. If he _______________________ that agai the e’ll e t ou le.
q. I _______________________ them it was dangerous to swim here.
10 r. Did you _______________________ anything to him about your problem at work?
s. _______________________ me what happened.
t. I think he is _______________________ lies.
u. The policeman _______________________ the man was lying.
v. Philip _______________________ it would probably rain tomorrow.
w. Susan _______________________, Let’s go out fo di e to ight.
x. Jim _______________________ me about the party last night.
y. Our teacher _______________________ he was pleased with our work.
z. Stop _______________________ lies!


13. Rewrite the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive and the in reported speech.
a. I’ll i g CDs to the pa t .
He promised to bring his CDs to the party.
b. Let’s go to the i e a to ight, shall we?
She suggested _____________________________________________________________________
c. Yes, I stole the allet.
He admitted ______________________________________________________________________
d. Be a eful! The ate is oili g.
She warned us _____________________________________________________________________
e. You ust apologise to ou tea he .
My father insisted (on) ______________________________________________________________
f. All ight! I’ll sha e the e pe ses ith ou.
My friend agreed ___________________________________________________________________

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