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Nursing Skill: HAN DWASHING


Able to
Able to Unable to
Perform Perform

1. Assess the environment.

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Planning / Expected Outcomes:

-? The caregiver's hands '+.rill be cleansed adequately to remove
microorganisms, transient flora, and soil from the skin.
4. Remove jeweiry. Push sleeves of uniform or shirt up.
5. Assess hands for hangnails, cuts or breaks in the skin, and
areas that are heavily soiled.

6. Turn cn the vvater. Adjust the ficw and tei'nperature.

7. Wet hands from wrist area thoroughly by holding under warm

running water. Keep hands and forearms in the dc,r,,n posltion
with elbows straight.
8. Apply about 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of liquid soap. Lather
9. VVith firm rubbing ancj circuiar motions, wash the palms anci
back of the hands, each finger, the areas between the
fingei"s, the knuckles, thumbs, wi1sts, and forearms. Gentl;;
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likelv to be present.

i 0. Continue this friction motion for i 0 to 30 seconds.

11. Optional: Use brush or fingernails of the other hand to clean

uncier fingernails cf the other hand.
'12. Rinse with hands in the down positicn. eibow straight. Rinse
in the direction of forearm to wrist to fingers
i 3. Blot hancis and forearms to ciry thoi'oughly. Dry in the
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towels in the proper receptacle.

14. Turn off the water faucet with a clean, dry paper towel



Student's Signature Clinical lnstructor's Signature

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