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Passage 1

Main idea :-
The circus industry was transformed as circus trains, allowed for efficient city-to-city travel,
revolutionizing profitability and show performances.

Summary :-
Circus trains, innovated by W.C. Coup and P.T. Barnum, revolutionized the circus world by
facilitating quicker and more profitable travel between large cities, replacing less successful
shows in smaller towns. This tradition continues with modern circuses like Ringling Bros. and
Barnum & Bailey, who still utilize circus trains for their impressive performances.

Passage 2

Main idea :-
The TGV in France is the fastest ground transportation, achieving record speeds and
running on electric power.

Summary :-
The TGV in France stands as the world's fastest ground transportation, hitting 357.2 miles
per hour in tests and maintaining 200 miles per hour for passenger service by mid-2011.
Interestingly, it operates on electric power rather than petrol.

Passage 3

Main idea :-
Railroads changed the value of cattle, prompting the rise of cowboys who herded them to
train stations, though later changes like barbed wire brought transformations.

Summary :-
The introduction of railroads in the early 1800s changed the value of cattle, making them
valuable when shipped to the Northeast. Cowboys herded cattle to train stations, facing risks
but establishing their iconic role. The era marked the birth of cowboys, although later
changes like barbed wire transformed the landscape.

Passage 4
Main idea :-
The fall of electric trolley cars in the US resulted from General Motors and the auto industry's
push to replace them with vehicles, influenced by regulations and economic circumstances.

Summary :-
Electric trolley cars were the primary US public transportation until General Motors,
supported by the auto industry, promoted their replacement with vehicles in the 1920s. This,
along with regulations and economic issues, caused the decline of the tram system.

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