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Ruby 1

Ruby Hazenfield

Mrs. Eidson

Introduction to Business & Technology

February 7th, 2023

What is Ethics?
Ethics is defined as the study of what is right or wrong in human conduct. Being ethical is

important because it’s what guides us to the truth, keeps our promises, and helps people in need. It

even improves relationships with not only others but yourself as well. Living an ethical lifestyle is living

your daily life taking to account other people’s values and Morales. Making ethical choices isn’t as hard

as it sounds. For example, doing something as simple as returning someone’s lost wallet or lending

someone a hand when they’re struggling can boost someone’s mood and really improve their day.

Work ethic is a belief in work as a moral good. It’s also defined as a set of standards or beliefs

regarding what is right and what is wrong to do in the work environment. Work ethic can either be very

strong in an individual or very poor. Me for example, I’d like to think I have very strong work ethic. I say

this because I keep up with my work, always show up on time for class, and help others while I’m at it. I

believe everyone should have good work ethic while providing service for customers.

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