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Carmen Azorin Lopez; Grupo 2; 14/02/2023

1. Answer the questions.
i. What characteristics define English legal writing?

ii. Can you name at least four characteristics of legal writing? iii. What
have the recent reforms in the English justice system encouraged?
iv. What is the function of linking terms used in older written legal texts?

1. Legal writing is caracterized by specialized and formal language

2. Highly technical, obscure, accuracy and the presence of Latin termes, also the

2. text summary in plain language

(1) The Corporation may issue a maximum 25,000 shares of capital stock, of which 5,000
shares will have a par value of $50 each, and 20,000 shares. It will be without face value.
(2) The declared capital of the Corporation must be equal to the sum of the
aggregate face value of all issued shares having a face value, plus the total amount of
consideration received by the Company for the issuance of shares without expression of par
value, plus the amounts that, from time to time, by resolution of the Board of Directors may be
transferred to it.
(3) The shares must be divided into preferred shares, which will consist of 5,000 shares of par
value, and common, which will consist of 20,000 shares without nominal value.
(4) Those who have the preferred shares will be entitled to cumulative dividends on them. No
more than 6 percent per year on its value as declared by the directors of the Corporation, being
payable semi-annually the first days of January and July of each year
(5) Said dividends will accrue on said payment dates, and no dividends will be granted, paid or
set aside for payment to common stockholders unless all the dividends of the preferred shares
must have been paid or declared and separated for payment.
(6) All remaining earnings that the directors determine to apply in the payment of the dividends
will be distributed among the holders of ordinary shares exclusively.
3. Fill-in the gaps

1. of 2. for 3. to 4. for 5. to 6. against

7. of 8. for 9. with 10. at 11. into 12. of

4.complete text

1. Accused 2. of 3. was 4. guilty

5. of 6. sentence 7. to 8. finded

9. for 10. brought 11. a 12. case

13. against 14. claim 15. damages 16. for

17. was 18. liable 19. for 20. was

21. entitled 22. to


1. burden a. and conditions

2. Common Foreign b. and Security Policy
3. data c. dismissal
4. employers' d. liability
5. employment e. mark
6. grievance f. of proof
7. terms g. prejudice
8. trade h. procedure
9. without i. protection
10. wrongful j. tribunal
Complete the sentences:.

1. data protection 6. employment tribunal

2. without prejudice 7. trade mark
3. grievance procedure 8. terms and condictions
4. employers´ liability 9. wrongful dismissal
5. burden of proof 10. common foreign and segurity policy

6. Tick the words that come from latin
1. Law 2. sentence 3. quorum 4. court 5. claim
6. affidavit 7. caveat 8. liability 9. arbitrator 10. conviction
11. 12. legitimate 13. plaintiff 14. override 15. obsolete
16. repeal 17. camera 18. witness 19. trespass 20. frontier

7. Match

1. C 2.E 3.F 4.B 5.H 6.G 7.A 8.D

8. Match

1. D 2.G 3.A 4.B 5.H 6.F 7.C 8.E 9.J 10.I

9. Listening: Plain language
10. fill in the gaps.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


10. Match these archaic terms (1-15) with their modern equivalents (a-o).
1. Q 2.E 3.P 4. D 5.A 6.N 7.G 8.C 9.H
10. 11. M 12. O 13. F 14. 15. B 16. J 17.

11.Complete the sentences below using the words in the box

1. Therefor 2. Therein 3. Thereof 4. Thereon

5. Thereafter 6. Thereof 7. Thereto 8. Therewith

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