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Tiziana Gonzalez

Teens 4

Writing activity

Answer the following questions:

°The internet computer/video games and shopping online

*What sort of websites do you like?

The websites I like are Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube and others.

*Have you ever bought anything online? What? What was the experience like?

Yes, I have ever bought. I bought a jacket. It was bad because I paid for it and it never came

*Do you play any online games? Which?

No, I don’t


7- Work in Paris. Which of the statements do you agree with? Say why

°It´s impossible to have more than five close friends

-Yes, it is possible. I have many friends from many years, we have always had the same
relationship and over time it is better.

°I would always defend a friend, whatever the situation

-I would defend it depending on what the situation is, if for me, my friend is right with what he
said or did I defend it.

°You never know who your real friends are until you need them

-It's easy to know who your real friends are. As time goes on you become aware by their

°Friends are more important than family

-I consider my friends part of my family, so they are all important in the same way.

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