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Prominent of Academic Break: Why school administration needs to support student

mental health break especially now, there is currently Pandemic.

In today’s system of education has changed, from face-to-face learning it develops into the
virtual style of learning because of the ‘new normal’ caused by the pandemic. Students have
adapted to new practices and learning settings, but many have found it difficult to embrace this
new normal. This new style of learning has heavy academic workloads that can cause stress and
anxiety that affect students’ mental health. Moreover, it may also be frustrating and stressful to
always feel as if you are racing against the clock to meet another deadline.

According to Dimitrov (2017) in his study, he revealed that students' well-being may be
addressed by recreation, regular exercise, and healthy eating habits, which aids in stress
management. His research also suggests that the existing educational system focuses too much
emphasis on academic qualifications and not enough on the entire development of students.

In this way, carrying out recreational activities could be a way to cope with students’ mental
health. Focusing too much on academic qualifications and having heavy academic workloads can
be overwhelming and can lead to pressured minds in students. Hence, having an academic can be
beneficial to students to manage their mental health in a different way of coping up.

Supporting a mental health break by school administration, might signify a lot to a lot of students
to their physical, emotional, and mental health. Students and teachers as well need a break to
process what they observed and learned during the long period of the academic period.
According to Montessori, M. (2021) she claimed that taking a break gives students the
opportunity to find more things about themselves. In addition, having a break promotes growth.
Why Students Need a Mental Health Break From School - TimelyMD. (2020). Retrieved 12
January 2022, from

(2022). Retrieved 12 January 2022, from


Importance of Free Time for Students - Arthur Morgan School. (2021). Retrieved 12 January
2022, from

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