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1. Free university education:

- Improve diversity and quality of work force + Foster innovation bc: College enrollment and completion rates will
increase ; a greater percentage of society attend university which benefits society
--> Society can be dependent on skilled/well-educated graduates to prosper and flourish --> Society should be
prepared to invest in having a well-educated population
- Ensure equality of educational opportunity regardless of financial background or social status
+ Those from poorer backgrounds are no longer burdened with loans and debts, which limit their choices and
opportunities in life.
+ If free university education is made available for all, everyone have the chance to make the most of their
academic abilities which improve their career prospects since employers nowadays continue to prefer graduates
over non-graduates.

- It will encourage more people to attend university and this benefits society
+ Leads to a more educated and productive workforce
+ Studies show: Countries with better educated population have higher levels of
innovation and productivity growth.
--> Society can be dependent on skilled/well-educated graduates to prosper and
--> Society should be prepared to invest in having a well-educated population

- Ensure equality of educational opportunity regardless of financial background or

social status
+ Those on low income/from poorer backgrounds are no longer burdened with
loans and debts --> more encouraged to continue their studies
+ Everyone have the chance to make the most of their educational abilities -->
Improve career prospects.
* Counter: However, such equality can be guaranteed by a loan system where
those who cannot afford fees will not have to pay them until they are earning
enough to pay them back; or by having bursaries for the poorest in society/
those in need of financial support.
--> NO need to have university as a universal benefit to promote access.

- Put a lot of strain on state budget:
+ Increase in demand for higher edu --> the authorities would have to allocate
more funds to support colleges and uni ; while other sectors are also in need of
government spending

- Competitive labor market:

+ It may increase the supply of skilled workers
--> Employers have more options and higher standards in hiring new employees
--> Make it harder for graduates to find jobs
--> Unemployment rate will be on the rise ; which hamper the productivity and
innovation of the economy

- Tuition fees make students value uni edu more:

+ If higher edu is free, it may encourage students to take an easy three-years of relaxation
- Uni edu is not a part of the core edu:
+ The focus should be on the years of compulsory schooling (e.g: 6-18 or 5-17) as this is core period of edu to
which everyone is entitled
+ Uni edu, like nursery edu, is a bonus, a privilege rather than a right
--> Acceptable to raise money for higher edu by charging fees

2. Private schools

- Everyone has freedom of choice: If they can afford to send their children to private schools,
there should not be any restrictions on that choice

- Offer extremely worthwhile facilities that are not found in state schools:
+ Provide students with advanced courses and specialized programs which enrich their academic
+ Have more extracurricular activities, clubs and sports that encourage them to boost their skills
and discover their talents
--> A well-rounded and enjoyable education system

- Contribute to the economy and society as they generate billions of dollars in revenue or taxes. --
> Provide a valuable service for parents and students

- As long as these institutions exist, they will attract the best teachers, eager for high salaries and
best resources
--> Schools in the state sector, which cater vast majority of students, receive disproportionately
poor resources
--> Only when private schools are abolished will it be possible for staff and facilities to be
distributed equitably

- Create and promote social inequality:

+ Sending children to a private school is up to their choice
+ However, this choice is available only to the wealthy and privileged
--> It upholds the class-idden, elitist society we are struggling to overthrow.

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