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PO Box 3393,

Port Elizabeth, 6056

South Africa

The Majlis
6 Jamaadith Thaani 1444 – 30 December 2022


Exhibiting extreme senility and recklessness, Ganief Hendricks of the Al-Jahannam
political party, without even attempting to apply his brains constructively, excreted: “The
shariah is now part of South African Law.”

Indeed, this ridiculous statement by the gaffer is not a mere foolish gaffe. It demonstrates
the man’s unfitness to be a member of a parliament. While it is not at all surprising for one
of his consultants, the MJC, not to have advised him in this regard, since all the MJC
sheikhs and molvis themselves are morons and juhala of the worse kind, it is indeed
surprising that his friend the senior lawyer, Advocate Saleem Khan of Durban, has not
advised him to desist from blurting out such nonsense which makes a fool of himself.

By what stretch of imagination can someone believe that “The shariah is now part of
South African Law.” ? Ganief’s gross and haraam jahaalat regarding matters of the
Shariah is no justification for the drivel, falsehood and deception he has presented in an
abortive bid to mislead the Muslim community. But even morons in the Muslim
community cannot be duped with the type of rubbish claimed by Ganief Hendricks.

It now devolves on this fellow to explain in detail how “The shariah is now part of South
African Law.”. He must explain which sections of which Acts of promulgated laws have
rendered “the shariah part of South African Law.” He also has to explain which sections
of his KNB and ‘divorce’ bill are compliant with the Shariah.

He must necessarily elaborate intelligently by the application of his mind rationally how
“South Africa recognizes the provisions of the shariah and its consequences in its
legislation.” He has to present all the sections of all the Acts of Law to substantiate his
totally false and stupid claims designed to deceive and mislead Muslims.

Muslims should not allow themselves to be deceived by the bamboozling stupid claims of
Hendricks. He thinks and talks drivel. The claims he is making are bunkum. Al Jama-ah is
now appropriately known in the Muslim community as Al-Jahannam Party. It is
HARAAM for Muslims to support this haraam party which deviously seeks to gain

Muslim support in the name of the Shariah while the chap, we are sure, lacks adequate ilm

in matters of Istinja, Tahaarat and Salaat.

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