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A Research presented to the

Fully Integrated Basic Education Department

Senior High School

San Beda University

Sy, Justin Loui D.

Maraggun, Isaac Philip T.

Deala, Gabriel Christian

Simangan, Arsenio M.

Sia, Tyron

Presented to:

Ms. Ma. Edcy T. Dayon

January 2023
Appendix C

Table 1.

Participant A

What are the experiences you have  “Well, first of which would be you’d

encountered while researching about game have to really understand your market

localization? and cater to them. The best way to

cater to them is by creating audio-

visual assets that appeal to them, like

for example if you were to make a

Casino Game for example you would

change the visuals and the theme

depending on where you want to

market it, so let’s say gumagawa ka ng

mga game para sa mga POGO or mga

Chinese than you would design the

slot machines to make it look like the

ones in Macau, the ones with the

golden dragons and mga panda and all

that. Tapos for more larger games that

once that have cutscenes and dialogue,

you would want to create in your

options panel language and language

setting whether you would want

English dialogue, Chinese dialogue, or

Tagalog dialogue because in one of

the games we created the original

dialogue and narration is in Filipino

but on the bottom, we added English

captions to make it more recognizable

to non-natives while in localization

kasi rather than focusing on

universality and letting your game be

accessed to everyone. You are

especially targeting to one smaller

market but that doesn’t mean that you

will disregard everyone else. You

have to think of some sort of option

kahit paano like for example captions

or changing a few visuals to adapt to


What are the methods and processes you  “So other than your target

conduct while researching about game demographic like for example you

localization? want to focus on other than thinking

do you want your game to be

something that’s pang international or

just for a certain market like let’s say

for all Filipinos for example the next

thing you want is to learn about your

market’s socioeconomic status like is

the game that you are developing is it

meant for the upper middle class as in

the ones that can afford mga

expensive gaming setups or is it for

the lower end of the economic

spectrum na mga masa na all that they

can afford are mobile phones because

when you develop a game you have to

look at something called cross-

platform compatibility and that’s

basically letting your game be

available in different devices like PC,

mobile, and sometimes console. So

localization isn’t just about to what

demographic or ethnicity your game is

catering to but also their

socioeconomic status kasi like if I

were to give a proper example let’s

say Dota or Valorant realistically they

are just available for mga middle to

upper class kung may pc or if you’re

lucky for those that can afford

computer shops or piso nets but it’s

not accessible to the those na walang

PC its why games such as Wild Rift,

ML, and Call of Duty Mobile they

aren’t shackled by localization

because they’re accessible by

everyone regardless of socioeconomic

bracket because realistically it’s easier

for you to have an access to a mobile

phone because mas mura siya kaysa a

PC or a Laptop. My takeaway is that

you also need to look at the

socioeconomic status of your target


What are the challenges that you’ve faced?  Well, here’s the thing kasi for me

How were you able to resolve it? while I research, I don’t just look at

ethnicity I look more at the economic

bracket on like mayaman ba toh,

mahirap ba toh, sakto lang, and all

that. There is another problem kasi

that one deal with is language barriers.

I am just going to use a Philippine

setting for this example none factor na

all other countries because realistically

speaking people on the lower end of

the socio brackets, those with lesser

income. They have a harder time

understanding English like its kind of

a thing na that kung Englishero ka,

you’re mayaman ka, eletista ka, and

all that stuff you normally hear, so one

thing that you have to do talaga is it

from the marketing and in-game

dialogue. You have to make use of

language that’s understandable

sometimes for example in marketing

games we’d have to resort to using a

quote-on-quote kalye speak or mga

jejemon typings so that it would be

more understandable.

What are your observations on game  “ My observations let’s pin it down to

localization? Were there any changes? two main factors. The first is

localization based on ethnicity. If you

are going to localize a game based on

ethnicity the best way that this is done

is by changing the audio and the

visuals, like for example Dota in the

main menu changes from the English

alphabet to Chinese letters to cater

different ethnicities tapos if you were

to look at and change characters and

entire character designs. If you ever

watched Zootopia where they made a

Chinese version to show in the

Chinese cinema the news reporters

instead of them being brown bears and

black bears. They changed them all to

Pandas. So that is a movie example,

but it is also applicable for game

localization where you change assets

to suit a certain ethnicity and their

culture. And then there’s localization

based on an economic bracket on

making a game accessible to rich

privileged people and less privileged

people. What I observed about this is

the use of language because

realistically the games that I see which

have Tagalog dialogue and Tagalog

instructions like in the settings. A lot

of their player base is more on the

lower end of the income bracket

(CDE). While those that make use of

English like big vocabulary and deep

meanings, they tend to be more in the

AD brackets those with families work

white-colored jobs and basically aren’t

manual laborers per se. Not to sound

elitist, as I do it’s just a reality when it

comes to localization based on bracket

because sometimes talaga there are

games that are only accessible if

you’re richer and have the devices for

it, and some that are universally

accessible because of the platform that

they run on specifically mobile


 “There are some games that cater

based on where you lean on political

spectrums like there are some games

that are more catered to the left where

you are more liberal and progressive

while there are some games that cater

to the right which allow you to uphold

certain conservative views because

most people think that games are just

games, they are not political but they

are in a sense. The best example

would be accessibility based on your

income bracket, based on how much

money you have, and there are some

games that turn off a certain

demographic. The best example would

be last June on Valorant because kasi

something that I learned in research

because diba June is pride month.

Valorant has a bunch of different

Facebook pages based on the countries

like Valorant Philippines, Valorant

Malaysia, and Valorant Indonesia. If

you noticed realistically all most every

southeast Asian country with their

own Valorant page changed to a

rainbow flag like Valorant Indonesia’s

logo on their Facebook site had a

rainbow flag integrated into their logo

so were the other countries. The only

southeast Asian country that didn’t

change into a rainbow flag during

pride month was the Philippines

because that’s another way where

localization comes into a play.

Realistically, Filipinos are politically

conservative and tend to be more

homophobic as much as I don’t want

to generalize it’s just a true statement.

So that’s where you see another form

of localization in play based on your

political and moral beliefs where they

specifically did not change to adapt to

pride month because they had to keep

their market intact. In fact, when

people were changing to rainbow flags

one can even argue that the player

base, they decreased a little bit in the

Philippines. Valorant Philippines

caught a lot of backlashes calling

Valorant “larong pangbakla.” And all

that so that’s basically a large

takeaway conversation because when

you localize while you’re targeting a

certain market. Sometimes you will

end up closing the doors to other

demographics but that’s just how it is

in Gaming and Marketing. You can’t

make a game that’s for everyone


Does game localization have its benefits?  Okay, well game localization is a

Why or why not? double-edged sword it has its

advantages and disadvantages. In

advantage when you localize kasi you

can double down on a certain market

like let’s say theres a group of ten

people. Five people believing in

believe A. The other five believe in

believe B you want to target in those

ten people you can’t be assured will

play your game so in localization

rather than trying to cater to both team

A and team B, you’re doubling down

on one team because if you try to cater

to both. You have no guarantee to

secure at least five out of ten while in

localization you have a much higher

chance to secure like everyone within

group A than group B. Well of course

you won’t get anyone from group B

but that also depends on who’s larger

and who your main market is. So, I

would say that’s an advantage where it

lets you double down based on a

certain demographic that you want to

cater to. The disadvantage is the other

side where you localize for a certain

demographic. You’re kind of closing

the doors to anyone outside of that

demographic. Localization basically

lets you create an echo chamber with a

certain demographic you can cater to

like let’s say you want to make a game

that’s based in Southeast Asia but if

you double down on the Philippines

then sure you will be able to increase

your Filipino player count, but you

won’t be able to go that well into other

countries like Malaysia, Myanmar,

Indonesia, etc. Unless they’re the ones

that go to your game rather than you

are inviting and marketing your game

to be playable to them, to those

outside your demographic. So yea, the

main advantages/disadvantages all

boils down to doubling down on your

chosen demographic and you have to

assess the risk of are we fine of these

kinds of people like people from this

economic bracket, people from this

political spectrum, and people from

this ethnicity are not being interested

in our game but in exchange, this

larger group that were catering to we

can secure them talaga.”

Why should you make sure that the  “ Because the Philippines is a

localization of your product (video games) somewhat isolated case of a country

should be appropriate to the Philippine when it comes to the gaming industry.

market? Exhibit A, Filipinos are almost

internationally recognized as one of

the most toxic players bases

realistically, like you can ask

international vloggers and then if they

say something like tell me you’re from

Southeast Asia without telling me

you’re from Southeast Asia. All most

always the response is a very crispy

“putangina mo.” You don’t hear

anything like “cyka blyat,” “anjing

goblok,” or even other languages,

other dialects, like “pisting yawa” or

all that it’s always related to BI. So

that’s one thing na in the Philippine

setting you must consider that 1.

People are incredibly toxic and 2. The

income gap is very very wide.

Basically, there are so many more

people who are a lot poor and have no

access to consoles and PCs. That’s

why the Philippines starves in the

mobile gaming scene in Esports. Just

look at Mobile Legends, Blacklist has

won three or four times already

compared to other countries. So that’s

where we can double down in the

Philippine setting. Doubling down for

those in the lower income brackets

because that’s realistically a larger

market. In the Philippines, I would say

that the poor outnumber the rich

where 3 is to 1 or even 4 is to 1 if

were basing it on the ABCDE income

bracket frame and when catering to

the Philippines you have to take into

the consideration that Filipinos are

culturally liberal but politically

conservative. It’s why for example

Valorant Philippines has actively

decided to not switch to the rainbow

flag because ayun people here are

more conservative, homophobic, and

all that but you can cater to more

liberal topics when it comes to culture.

Like as catholic as the country is

realistically the whole sex after

marriage and proper practices aren’t

really put into practice so that’s one

thing you can take advantage of in the

Philippine setting. So yan there are a

lot of observations regarding the

Philippines specifically.”

Table 2.

Participant B

What are the experiences you have  The experience that I encountered

encountered while researching about game while researching game localization

localization? was that it must be started early. In my

opinion, starting game localization

earlier the better because it allows us

to immerse ourselves in the games we

are creating and developing. With

immersion, it makes it more accurate

for us as we know the message of the

games we are creating and are trying

to express. Being early also helps us,

game localizers, to adapt our

processes and our tools to localize the


What are the methods and processes you  “There are a lot of methods and

conduct while researching about game processes that I conduct while

localization? researching game localization for

example, a good way to research game

localization is by reviewing already

existing literatures and books about

game localization. There is a lot of

literature out there on the internet

about game localization that would

help you gain knowledge and

understanding of previous research

and the best practices in game

localization. Another great method is

what you guys are doing right now,

which is conducting interviews with

game developers, localization

professionals, and players to gather

data on the current state of the

industry. It also helps identify the

challenges they face and opportunities

they can seize. You may also conduct

interviews with the locals in your

target demographic/target market so

that you may learn about their cultural

norms, preferences, and potential

localization issues. You may consult

with cultural experts to gain more

knowledge and para malaman niyo

mga cultural nuances and potential

issues na pwedeng mangyari during


What are the challenges that you’ve faced?  “ Choosing a font was a challenge

How were you able to resolve it? because some fonts may not have

glyphs for some languages. For

example, Comic Sans does not have

katakana glyphs. So, I suggest you

pick a font that will support your

target localized languages. Okay, for

example, we have this font (picture of

the font) it’s called the Garamond

font. Sometimes the problem is, for

some fonts hindi available yung

Chinese characters. The problem is

lumiliit yung font choice mo kapag

kelangan mo i-support ung ibang

language with their glyphs on and by

the way a glyph is sort of a character

or symbol. So a few solutions are to:

- pick a font with the supported glyphs

you need to target.

- pick a separate font for English and

non-English language.

- create your own font with your own

version of stylized glyphs.

you can mix and match fonts naman

within game engines. We personally

had this problem with our game where

we chose this font, and then we are

unable to render Japanese hiragana

glyphs, so we opted to use another

font that has hiragana, and then in the

game engine we combine these fonts.

Pero for some engines baka wala

silang support to combine fonts para

maging one set ng font so another

strategy is to code the “font

switching” aspect. Where a font is

selected based on the target region. If

you’re familiar with Unity, we’re

using the TextMeshPro which has this

feature of adding non-English glyphs

to an existing font so that we don’t

need to add special code for font


 “ In the context of UI, sometimes a

localized phrase may be longer or

shorter than its English form making it

harder to lay out the spaces of text or

sizing of buttons, so it’s important to

implement code that will lay out the

text differently. Another challenge

was managing the text database

because the system needs to be

designed in a way where text is easily

editable from the designer/localizer’s

point of view.”

What are your observations on game  “When it comes to my observations on

localization? Were there any changes? game localization. I have observed

that game localization can be time-

consuming and expensive, particularly

for large-scale games with a lot of

dialogue and other text. Napansin ko

rin na importante ang pagisipan ang

mga cultural differences when

localizing a game, as certain elements

may not be appropriate or

understandable in certain regions. It is

also important to ensure that the

localization process does not

negatively impact the gameplay or

user experience. In recent years, there

have been some changes to game

localization. One is the increase in the

use of machine learning and other

technologies to aid in the translation

process. This has helped to speed up

the localization process and improve

the accuracy of translations.

Additionally, with the rise of cloud

gaming and game streaming services,

game localization is becoming more

important as these services will allow

for players to connect and play with

people from other countries, this

increase the need to have games

localized for a larger audience.”

Does game localization have its benefits?  “Yes, game localization has its

Why or why not? benefits because it’s a good tool for

reaching a wider or local market. For

example, your game may be niche for

English-speaking audience but has

better reach when localized for the

Asian market. Localized games can

also be more appealing to local

players, as they will be able to

understand and relate to the game's

content more easily. This can lead to

increased sales and a larger player

base. Additionally, localization can

help to ensure that the game is

culturally appropriate and free of

offensive content. It can also help to

improve the overall player experience.

On the other hand, like I said before

localization can be costly and time-

consuming, and there is always a risk

that the localized version of the game

will not be as well-received as the


Why should you make sure that the  “There isn’t a need to target

localization of your product (video games) Philippines for localization because

should be appropriate to the Philippine there are standard targets for

market? localization like Spanish, French,

German, Chinese, Japanese, and

Korean but if you want to ensure that

your localization targets the Philippine

market you have to adapt your video

game to fit the appropriate language,

cultural, and other specific

requirements of a target market

because failure to this will lead to poor

user experience and negatively impact

sales in the region. For example, kung

merong mga inappropriate cultural

references or uses language that is not

appropriate for the Philippines, it may

be viewed negatively by potential

customers and not be well received.

Furthermore, some games that have no

localization in Tagalog language

which is widely spoken in Philippines

and not supporting it could lead to

lower market penetration.”

Table 3.

Participant C

What are the experiences you have  “Mostly, I have been following the

encountered while researching about game Twitter accounts of various game

localization? localizers, notably Jeremy Blaustein

and Alexander O. Smith as they help

teach people using their platforms on

ways to localize video games.”

 “I also follow some topics on what is

considered good localization practice,

especially Japanese-to-English game


What are the methods and processes you  “Mainly casual browsing and research

conduct while researching about game on social media and forums. I usually

localization? hang out at Twitter for general

discussions about localization, and

then visual novel-related subreddits on

Reddit to know the state of

localization of Japanese visual


What are the challenges that you’ve faced?  “The main challenge I face is seeing

How were you able to resolve it? drama about literal translations versus

translations that sound and feel natural

in the target language (a.k.a.

Woolseyism, named after Ted

Woolsey, who localized Final Fantasy

VI and Secret of Mana). I am

personally more on the Woolseyism

side since the essence remains the

same even if the wordings change.”

What are your observations on game  “All I can say is... it has greatly

localization? Were there any changes? improved as technologies improve and

there is closer coordination between

developers and localizers. Square Enix

is a company leading the charge

towards better localization, as former

localization director Richard

Honeywood first emphasizes the

importance of the translator to the

development team. He was the one

who corrected plotholes in Chrono

Cross with input from writer Masato


Does game localization have its benefits?  “In this world where messages travel

Why or why not? as fast as the speed of light, game

localization is becoming more

important, as developers are realizing

the importance of a global audience,

especially if their games are translated

into English, the lingua franca.”

Why should you make sure that the  “Localization and respect for cultural

localization of your product (video games) norms go hand-in-hand. There are

should be appropriate to the Philippine some concepts that are OK in one

market? culture but are offensive in another,

and it is localization’s task to ensure

the balance between authorial intent

and respect for the target audience.”

Table 4.

Participant D
What are the experiences you have  “My hardest experienced is growing

encountered while researching about game population, Southeast Asian countries

localization? including the Philippines have a large

population of youths reaching working

age. This scenario makes the region a

lucrative market for the online gaming

industry. In addition, urbanization is a

positive factor contributing to

increased internet access necessary to

play online games. Network

connections in the countryside are

generally slower than in metropolitan

areas. On the other hand, urbanization

often translates to higher incomes,

increasing the number of young

people with greater buying power. The

best part about the gamers in the

region is that they are ready to spend

on quality online games.”

What are the methods and processes you  “From what I have experienced, I

conduct while researching about game practiced 2 stages of game

localization? localization. First is to take cultural

norms into account, it specifies huge

international audience speaks the

universal “language” of gaming.

Ideally, a game will find its place

among the international gaming

audience, across different regions that

are diverse in language, belief

systems, religions, and traditions.

Right from the first design steps,

localization should consider cultural

references such as salutations,

currencies, date and time formats, and

the careful use of colloquial language.

And designing gaming code to be

localize ready, From the get-go, we

game developers should design

gaming code so that all content and

strings are accessible when the game

is exported. It’s also important not to

hard code any parts of the game that

need translating, otherwise, strings of

gibberish appear when the translation

is imported back into the game which

leads to costly delays. Getting the

coding right at the beginning of the

design process makes producing later

game updates or editions much more


What are the challenges that you’ve faced?  “In my experience it's a challenge for

How were you able to resolve it? me, developing a serious game is not

easy. I have encountered all kinds of

complex challenges from the idea to

the final serious game. I have

discovered some common challenges

in developing a game. Number one is

keeping the game fun and interesting,

there are numerous game design

techniques to keep a serious game fun

and engaging. One example is ‘pacing

or flow’. This principle is clearly seen

in racing games, where the player

experiences a constant wave of

intensity. For example, after driving a

quiet, straight stretch, the player enters

a sea of curves and complicated

maneuvers and suddenly must drive

the car with full focus. Number 2 is, as

game developers, we should know our

target audience. Actief op Jacht is a

serious game designed for elderly

people living at home and interested in

group activities during the day. The

game developers incorporated well-

known board games from the past for

their target players. As a result, the

elderly connects more with the game.

That is an example of a smart choice

of genre.”

What are your observations on game  “Observations on game localization, I

localization? Were there any changes? would say that in the recent years

there have been a lot of changes in the

industry already. One, is that machine

learning and neural machine

translation technology have been

advanced which has made it faster and

more cost-effective to translate large

amounts of text. Additionally, there

has been a growing awareness among

game developers of the importance of

cultural sensitivity and the need to

avoid stereotypes and offensive

content in localized versions of their

games. Another change is the

increasing importance of mobile

gaming, which has led to a greater

focus on localization for smaller

markets and languages. Overall,

localization is becoming more and

more important as the gaming industry

continues to grow and expand into

new markets around the world.

Does game localization have its benefits?  “Yes, of course game localization has

Why or why not? its benefits because it helps attract

more buyers to help expand the

market in the Philippines. Translating

messages in games can make it so

other locals can empathize with the

characters that they are interacting and

playing with. It allows everyone to

have access to it and be available for

everyone to use and enjoy. Also never

forget that localizing a game can help

developers to comply with local laws

and regulations, which is important for

avoiding legal issues and ensuring the

game's commercial success in certain


Why should you make sure that the  “Having your game be localized so

localization of your product (video games) that it would be appropriate for the

should be appropriate to the Philippine market is very beneficial because it

market? will attract international buyers who

are looking for localized products and

with localization you can easily expant

to new markets as well. Like I also

said awhile ago it helps with legal

compliance. The Philippines has its

own set of laws and regulations

related to video games, and it's

important to ensure that the localized

version of the game complies with

these laws, in order to avoid legal

issues and ensure the game's

commercial success.”

Table 5.

Participant E

What are the experiences you have  “ In my experience of researching on

encountered while researching about game how to localize a game, I saw a lot of

localization? sources and studies about it. First, I

came across various case studies and

best practices, along with the

strategies and techniques used to

achieve them. One of these techniques

used to achieve them is by early

localization planning. Localization

should be considered early on so that

in the long term, it can help avoid

costly and time-consuming changes

later. Most importantly that I have

encountered in game localization is

regularly checking other localized

game’s player feedback and how to

manage the game's community in

different languages to understand what

players like and dislike about the

game and make adjustments

accordingly. You can also encounter

reading about technical guides and

tutorials, as you may come across

resources that provide detailed

information on the technical aspects of

localizing a game, such as software

tools, file formats, and data

management. I suggest you also

research on information on companies

and service providers that specialize in

game localization, including their

services, pricing, and clientele as that

can help you gain information when

you will be hiring professionals.”

What are the methods and processes you  “ Like I said earlier to add more to it,

conduct while researching about game one of the methods and process I

localization? conduct while research is by hiring

professionals and experts in game

localization. Hiring professionals in

game localization with experience in

the field can help to ensure that the

game is localized in a way that will be

well-received by players in the target

region. We also do cultural adaptation

because consideration should be given

to how the game's content, characters,

and themes will be received by players

in different regions and cultures. This

includes ensuring that the game's

content is appropriate and non-

offensive and making adjustments

where necessary. Additionally,

translation quality is also a technique

as it ensures that translations are

accurate, consistent, and idiomatic, to

ensure that players understand the

game and its story. If I remember

correctly voice acting and audio

recording may also be considered as a

technique for game localization

because voice acting and audio

recording should be done by native

speakers of the target language and

synced properly with the game's

visuals to provide an immersive


What are the challenges that you’ve faced?  “The challenges I’ve faced while

How were you able to resolve it? localizing video games was na iba iba

ang problema pagdating sa game

localization ng bawat ibang lugar dahil

sa kanilang cultural sensitivity and

understanding. Kaya kailangan natin

malaman na ang content, characters,

and themes, ay appropriate for the

target audience and do not offend or

alienate players. Para maiwasan ito,

pwede tayong magconduct ng market

research and surveys to understand the

cultural preferences of the target

audience, and also hire localization

professionals with cultural knowledge

of the target region. There can also be

problems and challenges in the

translation quality as some translations

may be inaccurate and wrong. Ang

ginagawa namin para di mangyari ito

ay naghire kami ng mga professional

translators who are native speakers of

the target language. Na try narin

naming gumagamit ng mga automated

localization tools katulad ng mga

machine translation, at nagconduct

kami ng mga proofreading and QA to

ensure the accuracy and consistency of

translations. Minsan rin nagkakaroon

ng challenge at pagkukulang sa time at

budget lalo na kapag maliit lang ang

budget. This can affect the game’s

commercial success in certain regions.

What we do is we prioritize languages

based on market potential and player

demand and use technology and

automation to speed up the

localization process like I said a while

ago. However, with a well-planned

localization strategy, these challenges

can be overcome, resulting in a

successful and profitable localization


What are your observations on game  “One of my observations on game

localization? Were there any changes? localization was that with the growth

of global video game market, the

importance of localization has

increased. Localization has become

increasingly important for game

developers and publishers like me

looking to expand their reach and

appeal to a wider audience. Like I said

awhile ago automated and machine

localization tools are being used

because of the advancements in

localization technology. There are

automated localization tools like

translation memory, that have become

more sophisticated, making the

localization process faster and more

efficient. I observed with this the

changes in localization processes. The

localization process has been changed

by the new technologies, such as the

use of cloud-based platforms, which

allows for remote work and

collaboration, and advancements in

automation, which allows for faster

and more efficient localization. I also

observed our market right now, the

Philippine market has emerged with

other new markets like Latin America,

which is creating new opportunities

and challenges for game localization

like the ones I have said before. It's

also worth mentioning that the

industry keeps evolving, so there's

always something new to learn and

consider when researching about game


Does game localization have its benefits?  “ Yes, there is a lot of benefits when

Why or why not? you localize a game like the increase

market potential. Localizing games for

different demographics and regions

can greatly increase the game's market

potential and revenue, as it allows

developers and publishers to reach a

wider audience and tap into new

markets. I also noticed while

localizing games that it can help

improve player engagement and

retentions. As players are more likely

to be interested in and enjoy a game

that has been localized to their

language and culture. Game

localization may also help to make the

game more culturally relevant and

appealing to players in different

regions, which can result in increased

player engagement and retention.”

Why should you make sure that the  “ Like I said awhile ago, the

localization of your product (video games) Philippine market is a new market

should be appropriate to the Philippine which means it is getting larger and is

market? a growing market. Additionally, the

Philippines is home to a large and

growing population of gamers,

making it an important market for

video game developers and publishers.

We must make sure that we know the

cultural sensitivity in the Philippines.

The Philippines has a unique culture

and set of customs, and it's important

to consider these cultural nuances

when localizing a video game, to

avoid offending players or making the

game less appealing to them. Another

important thing to note is the language

of the Philippines because the

Philippines has multiple official

languages, and it's important to ensure

that the game is localized in the

languages that are widely spoken in

the country. This will make the game

more accessible and appealing to


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