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rhetorical okay let's get you up to speed

this is a story about the future the future

can be scary unstable government overpopulation

wars on every continent famine water shortages

environmental collapse and scientific breakthroughs

wonder and beauty could you please just stop

interrupting i will just try to be a little

more obvious i can't tell them anything if

you keep interrupting me you're right sorry

as i was saying with every second that ticks

by we get closer and closer i can't tell them

anything until i tell them about this can

we please just start somewhere else fine where

would you like me to start well when i was

a kid the future was


and different the future corona park world

fair don't forget to valuables and enjoy the

future yes don't forget your valuables in

the world of chaos and disorder our world

has turned into an xbox corona park if one

would see the circus from above one would

reignite the deluge to flush away these planes

from ignorance and selfishness of not creating

a common awareness that we are part of a connecting

and living organism our craters biosphere

indeed on a daily base we are getting bombarded

with images and data input about climate change

how our world will be depleted and turn into

decay through hollywood movies these projections

are fueling our minds setting us on a rampage

in which our creator's mind can reflect these

projections into existence as our consciousness

has manifestating powers within our creator's


it is in this concept of manifestating capabilities

of us as creators and where we will take a

closer look into mount meru in this camera

view taken by the spacex vessel which can
be seen in my video saving mother we noticed
the bright spot next to miro in which i first

thought this could be a weapon of some kind

of energy form then them noticed me of looking

into the archetype of the demiurge in which

i researched the teachings of the spiritual

knowledge of agnostics and looping back this

research to the tomorrowland concept again

in which i found the presence of the monitor

which will be highlighted later on in the


the demiurge is the alchemist archetype an

artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning

and maintaining the physical universe claustic's

teachings adopt the term demiurge the demiurge

is not necessarily the same as the creator

or the one because the demiurge itself and

the material from which the demerged fashions

the universe are both considered consequences

of something else depending on the system

like a crater they may be considered either

uncreated and internal or the product of some

other entity the first and highest aspect

of god is described by plato as the one the

source or the monad the monarch emanated that

emerge almost consciousness from its indeterminate

fatality do the monad being so abundant that

it overflowed back onto itself causing self-reflection

the self-reflection of the indeterminate fatality

was referred to by plotinus as the demerge

or creator this energy emanated by the one

that through process of activity called noose

demiurge mind or consciousness organizes the

indeterminate fatality into the experience

called the material world universe or cosmos



i am not leaving i deserve to know what's

going on yeah i deserve some answers i just

don't what i know that you were there i don't

know anything how'd you ever leave a place

like that because they threw me out they threw

me out and they locked every door back in

was it because you built that something that

you shouldn't have who told you that is that

it is something

if i can tell you the date the exact date

that you're gonna die would you want to know

how would you know let's just say i did what

are you saying no that's not important hypothetically

use your imagination all right okay let's

accept that there is a world where i know

with absolute certainty the exact time of

your death now you want me to tell you or

not of course i would who wouldn't but what

if accepting my death is what causes it so

the answer is yes i wouldn't want you to tell

me but i wouldn't believe you you have to

believe me why don't we like make our own

destiny and



[Music] who are you kids so when mount mirror

is the center of it all the center of a crater

probably charged with a five point star bios

id code crystal the fifth element or maybe

even the dodecahedron representing the ether

and connecting the other four elements our

mother might be the one that has either created

or has been affected with the demiurge energy

field while connecting this physical material

world with the cosmos or the atmosphere of

the bigger earth within mirror's doors fields

we are reflecting our consciousness back to

mother but through a compromised energy field

infected by the parasitic solemn star energy
field our projections are being routed towards
the demiurge which in return can act like

a projector or beamer of a crater creating

the zodiac circle

i think the monitor in the movie tomorrowland

is also representing the demiurge while the

smart city of tomorrowland is in fact mount

meru transformed after a long process of infection

by parasitic bios id codes symbolic represented

through monoliths

at some point the parasite after infecting

our biosphere must have succeeded in hijacking

this reflection system of consciousness between

us creators and the one mother this infection

is symbolic represented through injecting

the coats into the egg and breeding that parasitic

parasitic energy into our minds all controlled

and created through the monitor the parasitic

bios id codes injected through the ayfra forcefield

represented by a christ consciousness figure

or should we say the shira entering our creator

through the pillars of hercules

the chira energized by an xbox population

that will energize its manifestations in which

our physical forms will be deleted from this

creator's biosphere a process controlled by

the monitor

so what is this monitor demiurge the agnostic's

teachings and myths describes the declination

of aspects of the divine into human form so

mother desired to create something apart from

the divine totality without a reset of divine

asant in this act of separate creation she

gave birth to the monstrous demiurge and being

ashamed of a deed wrapped them up in a cloud

and created a throne firm within it the damn

urge isolated did not behold his mother nor

anyone else and concluded that only he existed

ignorant of the superior levels of reality
the demiurge having received a portion of
power from his mother sets about a work of

creation and unconscious imitation of the

superior problematic rhian he frames the seven

heavens as well as all material and animal

things according to forms furnished by his

mother working however blindly and ignorant

even of the existence of the mother was the

source of all this energy he is blind to all

that is spiritual but he is king over the

other two provinces the physical world and

numerical ratios and mathematics the word

demiurges properly describes his relation

to the material he is the father of that vicious

animal like himself

with the assault of the saturn killed parasite

on our biosphere by launching the ifr force

field onto a crater storage field by using

a massive charge electrical arc charged by

the energy fields of saturn jupiter mars venus

and probably even mercurius these combined

late magnetic charts energy pulses penetrated

male stores field in which the parasite could

enter as buyer's id codes either infecting

the monitor or installing the monitor within

mirror's force field

within a manifestated compromised or infected

monitor the parasite created the kaaba dome

installing the seven heavens the zodiac circle

the ecliptic the galactic and celestial equator

and the north celestial and galactic pole

probably are all part of the kaaba heart-shaped

xbox force field projected through manifestating

powers emitted by the demiurge or the monitor

wired into several motherboards located in

our crater that are fueled by the chira vampire

system several of the pyramid systems are

built on five or seven layers each representing

one of the seven heavens or layers this system

is still depending on the energy and power

of mother i think the eye of ra is an electromagnetic

focal point in the dome like a lens and an

eye that contracts and focus electromagnetic

energy into a bundle and new focal point within

the dome that focal point can be the monitor

which in turn projects our celestial day and

night sky within the cabardo when you look

at the national symbol of the parasite the

menorah and put it upside down a move which

is characteristic for this entity to hide

and show real intentions you see the cabba

dome and seven layers centered by mount meru

the holy grail live on top the monitor or

the demerge it's a company of seven archons

whose names are given but prominent as their

chief the elder above within gnostic teachings

the seven world creating archons known as

the heptomat d7 are ammo systems semi-hostile

powers and are reckoned as the last and lowest

emanations of the godhead below them and frequently

considered as proceeding from them comes the

world of the actually devilish powers so within

gnostic's writings these seven archons are

projected within the kaaba dome as the planets

mercurius venus mars jupiter and saturn and

the moon and the sun but hey we also have

a minora with eight layers and nine candles

this particular menorah is used in celebrating

hanukkah it's a festival commemorating the

recovery of jerusalem and subsequent by dedication

of the second temple at the beginning of the

maccabian revolt against the celestial empire

in the second century according our history

the earliest gnostic systems included a theory

of seven heavens and a supernatural region

called the ogdat astronomical theories had

introduced the concept of seven planetary

spheres with an eighth above them the sphere

of the fixed stars that eighth layer represents

the firmament with an ancient egyptian writings

this refers to the goddess of the sky not

she was said to be covered in stars touching

the different points of her body among her

jobs was to envelop and protect the sun god

not was said to be lying on top of gap the

earth and continually having intercourse creating

the isis and osiris-force fields and so the

creation of the x-box because of her role

and rebirthing of ra every morning aunt and

her son osiris resurrection not became a key

god in many of the myths about the afterlife

[Music] so when celebrating hanukkah we each

year celebrate the depletion and burning of

our chi life force energizing these archons

and so each of its aeons and manifestating

the parasite's force field within the kaaba

xbox manifestating tomorrowland [Music]

so with mother being the feminine energy and

the demiurge the masculine energy in this

physical universe are we witnessing the transformation

of two becoming one

the many projections we see in this world

tensions between nations the monetary buildup

of nato along russian borders the transgender

agenda men become women and women become men

or both gender eggs designer babies and synthetic

transformation of our biosystems isolation

contagion war the predictive programming of

our youth and video games and fear are being

projected back to the monitor manifestating

a world beyond all under the cover of earning

and defending basic human rights yes it's

a form of creation but this energy is being

forced onto us and injected into our dna of

course we will not accept and we will resist


there are two wolves you told me the story

my entire life and now i'm telling you there

are two wolves and they're always fighting

one is darkness and despair the other is light

and hope

good eat

mutually assured destruction today any nuclear

country or terrorists is capable of inflicting

damage on a massive scale with weapons of

environmental entropy the polar ice caps aren't

waiting for us to decide if climate change

is real rising coastal waters intensifying

weather patterns they're all punching our

one-way ticket to dystopia by definition not

perfect huxley's brave new world bradbury's

fahrenheit 451 orwells 1984.

once considered fiction these futuristic novels

are actually happening right now and they

seem to be getting worse yes miss newton can

we fix it sorry i get things are bad but what

are we doing to fix it

so what wolf are we gonna feed the parasites

represented through the demiurge are our own

potential through mother can we control the

demiurge is this why their powers are injecting

and controlling our dna to prevent this from

happening the current pandemic is a massive

test on our mental and physical endurance

will we fall for the parasites projections

and create these manifestations ourselves

or will we disconnect from the electromagnetic

field and its projections and focus on our

own destiny [Music]


in the movie the monitor is being destroyed

by building up a synthetic human android is

this challenge waiting for us right now i

feel we need to reconnect with mother and

speak out our intention the monitor demiurge

still needs modest energy to energize this

project in this era we cannot have any fear

anymore this will only energize the demiurge

projections and so the parasites creation

if you want to stop it we need to speak out

and start acting

we can achieve it we can achieve it closer





the demiurge is merging with mother again

the entities behind this energy form by using

mother are trying to get themselves out or

are they trying to get in

and who are they

stay tuned as we dive deeper into the world

of tomorrow much love radiation matters [Music]

as these topics are serious radiated matters

i want to end this video with a joke what

would happen if one would shoot a parasitic

five-point star blueprint at mount meru [Music]



[Music] [Applause]





i see this


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