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This message is being brought to you under the authority of the Emerald Order
Oraphim Indigo Wayshowers who are here now physically on earth, to show you the
truth that has been hidden from your sight for the last 246,000 years since the
second seeding of the human race to this planet. It will be as complete as we can

You live inside of a 15 Level Time Matrix (you will hear much more about in this
article) that is inside of a crystalline dome. This is not theory, this is what
your world, or PLAYING FIELD, is mapped out to be. More about the specifics about
how it came to be in later parts of this article after I give you some idea of
where that world is situated, and who you are inside of it.

Your first DNA template creation began with a group of beings that were the most
advanced biological life forms within creation, called the Elohim. This genetic
template created an “Avatar” (a physical body that was designed to host a Signature
Spirit Essence of god-source awareness while in physical manifestation) that was
elegant, graceful, beautiful, powerful and who never had to eat, sleep or drink in
order to continue in biological form. It was “eternal”, which does NOT mean
“immortal”, these are two different words. A sentient being we call Signature
Spirit Essences of god-source awareness is a collection of preferences and
personality traits that when all combined, create a unique Signature that is the
sub-quantum of “you”.

Once a standing-energy particle of god-source reaches the point where it has

developed its own unique personality, likes and dislikes or disposition, it becomes
part of the collective of what is called “god-source awareness”, and is then able
to manifest that particular personality within a 15-Level Time Matrix. Particles of
energy cycle through periods of being merely standing energy you think of as
photons, and Signatures of god-source awareness. These periods can be 1 day, or
they can be billions of years, depending on how sound that set of preferences works
out within a manifest physical form. Some are relatively stupid and natural
selection recycles them back to merely standing energy particles rather quickly.
Some are a very refined set of standards and personality traits that can go on to
create entire universes and live for what seems like forever.

Not all are like this, and not all of the Signatures of what we think of as “god”
make the grade so to speak. All particles of energy, photons or “protons”, are just
as aware as any other thing within creation. They all have their own knowing of
what they are and what their commands are within the structure of creation which we
call Time Matrices, and hence, how they develop their own “personalities” to begin

Time Matrices are holographic projections that turn standing energy photons into
“something”. That could be a rock, or a tree, or a duck. Whatever those particular
photons were told to do by something that is called INTENT or WILL of a Signature
Spirit Essences to do, they do it. And they continue to do it until they reach
their event horizon. This can be a day for a particular flower, or it can be a
billion years if it is a rock. And when I say “it”, I mean the collective group of
photons that were commanded to hold the shape of a rock, as a single unit which
could be trillions of photon particles. This is how “substance” exists within a
playing field that has no makeup of matter, but everything is performed, formed and
created through holographic manifestation by commanding the unified field energy
you call “ether” to “do” one thing or another.

Every particle once commanded to “be” a leaf or any other thing has an event
horizon, or “completion date” to their manifestation. Nothing outside of the
COLLECTIVE of god-source awareness is purely eternal, even though we reference to
some things as being effectively so. And even the pieces that make up that
COLLECTIVE of god-source have their own event horizons. Nothing remains manifest
literally “forever”. We use the term “immortal” to illustrate that something within
biological manifestation INSIDE of a Time Matrix can live longer than a hundred
years lets say. “Immortal” is merely a longer life cycle than say, a flower, or a
“human”, it does not mean it will be in manifestation forever. And even when we say
“eternal”, as in the template of the Elohim, we do not mean that it will remain
manifest forever and ever. It means that unless something goes wrong where that
body actually does find an inorganic “end”, then it is designed to keep functioning
on a continuous basis, with no hard-wired event horizon. But is it definitely a LOT
longer period of manifestation than that of an “immortal”, which is living within
the boundaries of the Time Matrices that it is manifest within.

An immortal might live for a billion years before it is forced into one of a few
ways to return to some part of god-source, depending on what the situation is. One
way is what is called Starfire Return to god-source awareness. This means dropping
the avatar, and returning back to the Deity Planes where your highest-self’s plasma
body is situated. Through this type of return, it will retain its own identity and
will be allowed to continue to manifest future avatars inside of other Time
Matrices, or higher levels than just what a Time Matrix allows for. This return can
be a forced-issue due to the event horizon for the Time Matrix it was living inside
of which DOES have a time-cycle to its manifestation.

So when the “game itself” ends permanently, this can force beings within
manifestation to have to return before their own manifestation cycle personally
ends. The length of which time is chosen by the higher self before manifesting.

The Time Matrix you are inside of currently, Gaia, has now reached an inorganic
event horizon, and is prematurely going through Starfire Return because the Matrix
itself has been abused so badly, there is no repairing it. The astral planes filled
with billions of distorted “heavens” and “hells” and everything in between that
were never supposed to have been there to start with, the abuse of the planets that
feed the energy into your playing field have been massively damaged through
billions of years of abuse and neglect, have made it impossible to “fix it”, so it
is going to go back to god-source awareness now. This means your playing field you
are on now, the Nursery Earth position, Level-1 within the 15 levels of this Time
Matrix, known as “Harmonic Universe 1”, must either be moved out of this Time
Matrix in fall, or it too will implode and “Bardo Return” (without his own
personality and memories) without his unique Signature Spirit Essence intact. This
will not be allowed to happen, as he has been through far too much over the past
few billions of years and it would be unfair to force him into this position.

It is important to understand the difference between immortal and eternal. One is

physical in the levels of Time Matrices and the other is physical in the higher
planes of manifestation, outside of Situation Dramas that are created only through
the limitations that you experience while inside of a Time Matrix.

Think of Time Matrices as unscripted movies, or video games where you have a
playing field this wide by that deep. It is a fixed plane where you can act out
experiences where you no longer have the benefit of the full faculties of an
omnipresent and all-knowing awareness with unlimited creationary ability. You chose
which senses you would have for each different level of the experience.

On the first level, you would have sight but perhaps no taste, or touch, preparing
you for the next level, so you could fully come to grips with how to use your sight
for much more demanding and complex levels that will await your experience. On the
third level, you might have sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste, but you
wouldn’t have let’s say, flight or interdimensional transfiguration. You will get
those and many others on higher levels. Your current video games do this very same
thing, as they have been modeled after the real reality of a 15 Level Time Matrix.
All designed to keep you learning and growing as you move higher and higher,
something we call “ascending”. It is a progressive set of parameters meant to keep
the “game” stimulating and exciting. These events you will learn to experience and
“overcome” teach your higher self deeper and deeper levels of understanding about
how things can be experienced, and there is no level that is considered the “end”
of the “game” of awareness. We learn from each Time Matrix, and the experiences
only grow higher and higher to the collective of all of the awarenesses that make
up god-source.

Inside of your “game”, you have encountered something that was not fully expected.
Though there had always been the possibility for your singularity or Signature to
be arrested within this Time Matrix, it had not been anticipated because where your
awareness is right now, was extremely well planned out for your safety. Let me
clarify that.

Before your highest self, your unique fingerprint personality among trillions of
other unique personalities within the collective of god-source, goes down inside of
a “real” virtual reality “game” we call Time Matrices, you need assurances. Because
you are not talking about merely watching one movie or playing one video game and
then you go home. This will encompass your general awareness field for the next 32
years. Just a bit longer than playing Pac Man or the Legend of Zelda. While you are
inside of the game, your higher self goes into a form of stasis, and while your
awareness is still all-knowing and omnipresent, it is still dedicated to that Time
Matrix where you will be living out 1728 different unique realities while inside
the Matrix. Your awareness is still there in the primal plasma fields of the First
Field Deity Planes, but for all intents and purposes, you are then inside of the
“game” until it concludes or you choose Starfire Return through the Adashi Pathway,
or through Bardo Return through the Akashi Pathway which is also called "black hole
return”. This means you are very much dedicated to that “game”, and for a rather
long time wherein “time” is experienced in a linear fashion as you have designed
such Matrices to support the illusion of. Think of Time Matrices as “day trips”,
like going to the beach. Before you go to the beach, you bring sunblock, and pack a
lunch, maybe bring some sand chairs with you. These are all insurance policies that
you will have in place once you arrive. And, before you go down inside of a Time
Matrix, you put into place very real insurance policies ensuring that you will
“return” from the beach at the end of that day, and not be held hostage there for
the next twenty billion years by pirates.

So you go about choosing where on the first reality field you will grow up and
learn your first level of experience there while a baby, a toddler, a tween, and so
on. You then choose your Birthing Parents, who you feel will be appropriate to
serve as your youth teachers and wayshowers inside of your brand-new world that
you, once in manifest form, have no advanced knowledge of. If you had advanced
knowledge of just what type of Time Matrix it was, it would literally spoil the
“game”. You sign contracts through your Signature Spirit Essence Frequency (your
one frequency that has never existed before and will never exist again in any other
awareness) that is yours and yours alone. The act is you pledging your SINE wave to
the agreement, this is where you get your current term “sign”. Like a fingerprint,
no one else can agree to that contract binding your god-source awareness to the
terms. Contract Law on your planet is modeled after Contract Law from dimension.

You come down to your playing field as a baby with no knowledge of anything. This
way, your Signature Spirit Essence in the Deity Planes gets a chance to completely
rethink who they are now, and perhaps evolve into a different, smarter, better
version of themselves. This is not just a game, but it is literally a way of
schooling god-source awareness to become more “eternal”. Because smarter, more
balanced and well-rounded awarenesses last longer within their own unique cycle of
experience as “that one being”, or PIECE of the collective awarenesses that make up

There are 20,980,000 different Time Matrices which are just like your computer
games. They have been laid out with their own parameters, their own topography,
their own potential experiences, and they are held within a computer-sustained
program which has its limitations and potential possibilities. You don’t play
Donkey Kong and choose different cars to drive, or move from that type of game over
to Dungeons and Dragons while you are there. You can only do what that game allows
you to do.

Jump, climb, and so forth. But you aren’t going to be “going to the moon” while you
are playing Link. All Time Matrices have different features to draw you to their
unique experience sets. You might choose one where you never sleep, you never eat,
you only fly and swim in water and live in seclusion, it might be a Time Matrix
that is set up for you to experience what it would be like to have no eyesight, but
you would have hearing senses that were 100x more intuitive than you have now. Or
maybe it is a Matrix where it is all love and sex and personal interactive drama
all day every day. There are plenty of WAR Time Matrices so you can experience
subjecting others around you to your base instincts which boost your ego and make
you feel like you are incredibly powerful, and much more so than others around you.
Every possible type of experience is available within Time Matrices, similar to
your choices between video games today. But they work on a level that the human
mind is limited from being able to fully understand. You didn’t want yourself to be
all-knowing in this Time Matrix. You wanted to see what it would be like to have
say, 1000 IQ instead of unlimited computational power.

The Time Matrix that you are inside of now, was designed for a gentle experience.
One where you would get to feel human touch, emotional connections with others on
an intimate basis. It was about joy and simple interaction between a vast range of
nature and animal life, and emotional journey of self-awareness and harmony. It
isn’t that this is the “best” Time Matrix ever designed, its just that this is the
program that you signed up for. That was what you wanted to experience on this “day
trip” to the “beach”. But something occurred that wasn’t part of the limited
parameters of this real virtual reality program. You were captured, mind-wiped, and
held hostage as energetic slaves and for a very, very long time now.

This is not comforting news, and I am not the harbinger of death. My job here is to
tell you what happened, explain how things actually work inside of Time Matrices so
you can understand the game, and show you how to exit if that is what you wish to
do. I am not here to convince anyone of anything, change your belief system or act
like a god just because I know something you don’t. I am not a god, and the Indigos
are not gods. They are just like you, Signature Spirit Essences, all here to help
you end this day-trip gone wrong.

To understand this more fully, let me explain who you are and why you are here. The
idea was never for you to come here and “save the world” or “learn to love” or
“help god manage his stray sheep” or some other movie-plot you are familiar with.
The original children of your seeding came down here for the experience of peace
and joy. This is a peace and joy Time Matrix. A rest-stop area as compared to many
other programs that are far more active and demanding. This does not mean that you
are the only ones here or that others didn’t come here to this Time Matrix under
different plans, it just means that my message is for those original Angelic Human
Krystos avatars here that this planet and this Time Matrix was specifically
designed for. The others who are here are a combination of service-to-self
warmongers from other Time Matrices who breached the security of this playing
field, and others who have been forcibly placed here against their will as energy
slaves, right alongside of your specific prototype species.

980 million years ago, a group of genetic scientists had been aware of the species
developing on Sirius-B in Palaidor called the Oraphim Maharaji. They were a new
species based loosely on the template of the Elohim. Unlike the Elohim, they didn’t
have wings and they weren’t all white like that creation. They were blue skinned
and were bi-pedal hominids similar to the Elohim, however they shared one very
important similarity with them, and that was the string of sub-quantum codes that
earth scientists refer to as DNA, that held the sub-quantum commands of Partici
energy to supply the biological avatar with an uninterrupted flow of energy known
as eternal lifeforce. This incredibly unique feature first developed through the
Elohim seeding is seen as the single most dynamic within manifest creation, as the
other beings who were carrying DNA templates allowing them to manifest inside of
what seemed like a “living being”, enabling them to physically interact with
others, had to feed their avatar to keep it surviving. And even if it were
considered “immortal”, meaning that as long as it were inside of a 15 Level Time
Matrix, it could exist as long as it continually found nourishment to power that
avatar. Powering the avatar can be done in numerous ways, but they all revert back
to electric energy. Just as when you eat a piece of bread, your avatar body turns
that bread into electromagnetic energy which fuels the human form, or any other
living, breathing form in animated manifestation.

When an avatar has to feed itself to continue to survive, it effectively becomes a

slave to its own survival. At some point in the day, week, month or year, that
avatar is going to have to deal with servicing that need, just like the Energizer
Bunny has to have fresh batteries once in a while, or it ceases to march to its own

The part of the Elohim’s eternal template is called the Krystos code where the
unlimited standing energy of god-source is channeled into that template through the
carbon silicate matrix of its life-flow or “blood” that runs through its veins
through a connection you have heard called the “silver thread”. This thread is
real, and it is an invisible scalar wave that is attached between the plasma body
of the highest self in the Deity Planes, to the plasma body of the manifest self.
This eternal life-force powers an avatar that will never deteriorate, never age
past the age of 32, and never die unless the heart of the avatar is destroyed where
the prana seed of that being is erased. The prana seed being the “Quibit Sphere” in
quantum computer-speak, that holds the entire data-base of the preferences and
personality traits of all that make that Signature Spirit Essence unique. Wounds
heal themselves, hands grow back, faces grow back, and effectively there is little
way that being could ever find itself in fall, what you call dying. Even if it did,
the silicate matrix of all things around you carry the harmonic code of your prana
seed within them as part of their memory, meaning that being, unless it had chosen
Calle Rama Stepback (Bardo Return) and chose willingly to lose its identity, it
could simply grow a new body. Eternal is pretty much, just that. Eternal within the
parameters of the cycles of creation.

The Oraphim Maharaji were used at the time of their seeding millions of years
before that of your species, as what was called the “grail” bloodline of 5 uniquely
different versions of that one blue-skinned species carrying this incredible
eternal-life Krystos genetic code. The Maharaji would be the “holy grail” genetic
code-donor for these races where science was seeking to create the most advanced,
and powerful avatar within creation. It was these 5 differing strains of the same
race that would be then used in the Turaneusiam-1 Project Avatars of Tara (you), so
they could now all be blended together with each other to make a collective "whole"
out of these different subspecies. A brand-new, "super race" based loosely the
original eternal Elohim genetic template.

The brown-skinned seed, or "Cloister" race were known as Ur-Antrian. They have
unique traits that give them almost superhuman ability to handle high heat
climates, and thrive where others might succumb. The red-skinned seed are from the
house of Breanoua, who have incredible instinctive abilities. You have yet to find
in your military any other race that can track like they can, with what seems like
magical accuracy. It is important to point out here, that when native American
Indians were used as tracking guides in the US Army, they would be able to somehow
just simply "sense" where the target was, but only if their hair was long. When
they cut their hair, these abilities were lost. Hair is part of the silicate matrix
of the human body connecting your plasma body to the manifest world around you and
acts as an antenna. When you cut your hair short, or off, you cut off your
connection to your "6th sense". It was this reference to hair in the story of
Hercules where your captors were hiding the truth about hair connecting you to the
unified field of the ether around you.

The white race were evolved from the house of Hibiru, a genetic template supporting
very high IQs, CLAIR abilities such as Clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. as well as
artistic creative features, not to mention a hardy physical makeup that can
withstand very cold climates. Your Asian yellow-skinned brothers were of the house
of Melchizedek and were predisposed to spiritual enlightenment, with a deep respect
for nature and for other beings. It is this instinctive nature of being humble and
respectful that made different Asian races so easy to dominate by a dictator, and
why they are still to this day trapped behind the red curtain.

The black-skinned cloister race were from the house of Yunaseti. While the Yunaseti
aren't considered "better" than the other races, they do bring some unique features
to the mix when seeking to create a super race of human. The black bloodline
carries your highest levels of musical ability, your highest physical abilities
among other unique traits. If you are female and have a really attractive, hour-
glass form, chances are very high you carry this blood somewhere in your DNA. Same
goes for high athletic abilities or a great singing voice if you are a guy (same
for the ladies with perfect pitch or an angelic voice, because it really is
"angelic" by design).

Each race had their own special and unique qualities that we just covered, plus
many others, that when blended all together would make up the one species known on
this planet as the "Angelic Human Krystos", KRYST for short. This is where "Christ"
got this term in the distorted historical texts, as he was the embodiment of a
100%, pure 12-strand "Krysted" being. Just the fact that he was the manifest
perfect representation of your collective species while on earth should answer the
question right now if he was black or white. He was both, along with red, yellow
and brown. The SCIENCE behind the DNA template of this special being, the Angelic
Human, was developed over 420 million years by a group of beings from different
parts of this Time Matrix, as well as from others spread out across the cosmos.
This team of geneticists were called the Turnaneusiam and then became known during
your evolution as the Guardian Alliance, as they were doing the job of looking
after your fully evolving this new and highly ambitious race.

More about your genetic heritage, who your captors are, what their names are and
what role they have been playing out in your “bible program” from the Babylon era
from 550 million years ago will be explained in Part 2.

Caught you.

"The part of the Elohim’s eternal template is called the Krystos code where the
unlimited standing energy of god-source is channeled into that template through the
carbon silicate matrix of its life-flow or “blood” that runs through its veins
through a connection you have heard called the “silver thread”. "
There are others that say we were never Carbon-based life forms and that THAT is
part of the takeover.

Therefore this is a fundamental lie in this whole spiel.

So long, I caught you on your BS.

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