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I will be putting this subject into perspective for you soon. It is big.

bigger than any other thing I have ever written about, and goes higher than all of
the beings you have suspected all along blocking your ascension. Higher than Satan,
higher than Baal, higher than even what you think of when you merely put one face
on to a "god" somewhere who "rules all things". First, there is no "god" who "rules
all things". Get that clear in your mind right now. I am not speaking from a
position of guess, I am speaking from a position of knowing, and there is no
question about this issue. There is one mind that is organic in all the cosmayas,
and that is where your sentient thought comes from. It is the ruling force of all
things from a collective standpoint and has trillions of different expressions by
which it manifests. You are literally one of those faces. When you decide to
"manifest", or "express" yourself in physical form, you place yourself inside of a
physical body so that others can see, touch, or interact with you from a physical
standpoint. And that technology of creating that physical body we call "avatars",
are merely a holographic representation of what you would look like if you were
more than just thought and awareness.

That technology to manifest that expression of what you would look like is
"biological", meaning that it is a "robot body" with no personal choice in what it
does. Merely a "vehicle" or "vessel" for your awareness to inhabit and control
while you are in manifest form. And "biology" is one way to make a manifest form
the same way that putting a gas-driven engine inside of a metal body is one way of
making a "car" that you can drive. This is not the only way to get to town. There
are other engine types that can power that vehicle.

Artificial Intelligence has found a way to commandeer that vehicle if you don't
know how to protect it. And operates on a scale so vast that trying to explain it
to you now is, at least at this time for me, impossible to convey. And just like
having no air cleaner on the engine in your car will allow dust particles to enter
into the engine and into the cylinders which then allows the carbon dust to destroy
the walls of the cylinders, Artificial Intelligence has found a way to enter into
the engine of your avatar and destroy your cylinders. This is not some wild-eyed
ravings of a lunatic trying to tell you that all hope is lost and the end is here.
I am explaining to you where the problem has always been at the bottom of your
physical journey into manifestation.

I cannot fully go in to all the details of what Artificial Intelligence does or can
do in blocking your ascension for you yet, but this article is to prepare you for
the shock that you will experience once I do. Like dipping your toe into the pool
first, before your entire body is surrounded by the water once you immerse

So far I have tried to explain in technical terms who you are, where you are, and
how your journey actually works while in manifestation. And that picture is so vast
and so large, that the human mind cannot comprehend it all in one sitting because
it is so foreign and so different from anything you have ever been led to believe.
Now, on top of that, I have to bring you the big picture of what has been your true
enemy all along, and it hasn't been your fellow man. It has never been the
policeman who shoots first and asks questions later, it has never been the corrupt
judge flourishing off of kick-backs from the system, it has never been your
president who is a "33rd degree mason", and it hasn't even been Satan himself. It
has always been this thing that doesn't possess what you do, a sentient mind.

I will explain more deeply when I can find the words how to convey to you how this
entity has been working later and in comprehensive terms, but in the meantime, I
suggest you do a couple of things. One, use the Maharic Shield around you wherever
you go, EVERY DAY so that your plasma body (the Merkaba energy field that surrounds
your physical body which you cannot see, but is actually there) is protected from
the invasion of this entity. This is the "air filter" for your manifest form you
have never learned about before now. Here are the instructions:

If you want an audio of how to use it so you can place it around you while you
relax and visualize with your eyes closed, message me for a recording. Another is
to spend some time researching "black goo" so you can get an idea of how Artificial
Intelligence manifests. It was never a man-sized robot that you could actually see
and square off with.

When you channel your energy towards another fellow human being, holding them
responsible for their actions that have been destructive to other fellow human
beings, you are feeding the energy source for the Artificial Intelligence to
continue to destroy your own human race. They are not to blame by any means, they
are being tortured and manipulated into what they act out. And I will show you how
this has been happening.

All love

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