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Read the sentences below and identify whether they contain a hedge (H), a booster
(B), or neither (N).

1 . I’m somewhat confident that the results will be positive

2. The evidence overwhelmingly supports the theory

3. It’s possible that the new policy could have some benefits

4. This research is definitely groundbreaking

5. The data suggests a strong correlation between the variables

6. There might be a minor issue with the methodology

7. Our findings are entirely conclusive

8. The expert consensus somewhat leans towards this interpretation

9. The increase in performance is quite remarkable

10. There’s a chance that the market will experience a downturn soon.

II. Identify the lexical verbs used to hedge in the following texts

1. Current guidelines suggest that film stored in the same conditions could last about 450
years. For films made in 1950, when acetate films were becoming popular, this implies that
vinegar syndrome won’t develop until about the year 2400. 

2. The use of apps tends to be perceived as an informal learning activity – and indeed two-
thirds of people use the app whenever they have some free time as opposed to the other
third who tend to use it in planned sessions – suggesting a more formal approach to
language learning with apps. (Rosell-Aguilar n.d.)

3. Our latest review suggests that wearing shoes changes the way we run and weakens the
foot in a way that can contribute to many common sports injuries.
In fact, barefoot runners appear to report fewer knee injuries and less heel pain compared
to runners who use shoes. (Francis n.d.)

4. But by and large, these so-called “memory athletes” appear to hone their skills
through intense practice and age-old memorizing techniques, rather than mental
5. By 2030, it’s estimated that one in five UK people will be aged over 65.

6. It appears that memory cannot be boiled down to one or two particular brain areas.

7. Getting any feedback on language learning apps tends to be restricted to whether the

answer you provide is correct or not.

8. Some evidence suggests footwear emerged around 30,000 years ag

9. This analysis implies that all the differences in productivity across the two countries can be
explained by how much more effective education is at increasing output in South Korea
than it is in Ghana.

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