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BANTILLO 8/23/2021

1. Interview at least one person involved in social work or any outreach

activity. Ask them to:

a. The main responsibility of a child welfare social worker is to protect children

from situations of abuse, neglect and other forms of maltreatment. Child
welfare social workers focus on ensuring the social, physical, psychological and
emotional well-being of their clients.
b. Among the biggest challenges faced by child welfare staff is the issue of time
constraints, due in large part to sizeable caseloads, which limit the time
caseworkers can spend with families. The lack of time has several effects that
conflict with the principle of strengths-based, individualized care.
c. They want to help those children that are in need. They want to save them
from being abused, neglect and other forms of maltreatment.

2. Assess their answers and try to find the influence of Christian faith in their

As they said, they do this social work to help those children. As Child welfare
social workers, their goal is to make the living of the children at peace
without any maltreatment; they do this so that the children’s future will not
be ruin. They infuse their desire to help with faith. They lead those children
into the positive sides instead of the negative one. They make them believe
that there is hope in the midst of crisis, that there is a God that will never
leave them, that they should have faith, hope and trust.

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