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Reflection Paper:


Our Paulinian roots have continuously acted as a constant reminder

of the humility and empathetic qualities that arise when we own our
individual flaws and develop empathy for others. Like Saint Paul's
enthusiasm in his missionary effort, our identity is molded by both an
authentic relationship with others and an unwavering passion to spread
the word of Christ.
Through PRISM, we have developed a spirituality that calls us to
practice our faith in all spheres of life, not just via prayer but also
through the pursuit of knowledge, justice, and societal advancement.
Our activities reflect the genuineness of Saint Paul's dedication to his
convictions and demonstrate this spiritual link.
Our current goal is to enlighten, elevate, and revolutionize society.
Like how Saint Paul proclaimed the Gospel, Paulinians approach life
with a purpose, hoping to raise up moral individuals who make great
contributions to their neighborhoods and to mankind as a whole.
I set out on a transforming journey as a student who embraces the
Paulinian Roots, Identity, Spirituality, and Mission (PRISM). This
journey changes not just my academic route but also my character,
values, and life's purpose. PRISM acts as my compass, shedding depth
and significance to my educational experience.

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