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Adminwahive au
Defn Hon
J t duals wtth, Jau JulaHng to admmushation
4 a basic feundaion oh adminutration
Achvity o gautton otati un exbuoe o
t Pawen &dues Adminbtaton
Mattand and MaiHand
CaAd Admuni hahue Jas J
Cans HtuHanal Aao
past o6

AdiniotraHoe lau dittsuminu

a ansahan paoen and fu n s
hu AdminitaHve Autthonties
Coreaar ud into 3 pat
JugnlaAve wn aU huA ,al Hu
(2 Ee uive admind haHve ashan
ud'asy Con bi Co eud

to ugulatu achvi hes ot Admnohaive auhote

an oN adminiù frahve
hucy&ou to up eue
Adminshanur Jaw cou
Conab ob
J dca with Authonhes Paw U
Mannon n uwhich thue paudeu au exiuocd

JOamuond qot agguewed becaswe ef ther

umAdues amoni l to thu a99u eueo Jndiundualr
ehan thu authorties abu th Pa eru

Admin law à a pasu oh CanstituHonal Jau.

and dll Admin Saw CoMCUnU u abo
Canuhtuhonal Jaw (nas

Pmauy Am
H t o Ponbte to ps
Adminotradive auithovmes iHhin thers mto
S o tthat dtoouhonay Pawe Cannot be
inte Uoitray Pa e Toastovmd
sho a dminntrative AuthoyHe 7
n duds
ulahg to vil oewira

P u b t i c dapathints

Public Copoahon,
tocal auuhomtiu othun otatutsuy authontoe
e o o i n y 9asi-}udic'ad funsny
tudioal ufeu
and h Jau goueuni
taive o chn
unw dulnthon opeifje
Admini halve J a o
m ' n t a h ve
Jnsti tuHon
and ad
C) Otudy o
Pocess paw e u
Jag a
C oh gavonnmn tal wtth
mithod to did
P a u m i e n an 7umudie
& abpo pniat
P e r a n 9uuangu

e)hu þublie Carcharuhonu

taHan ah lo ca 90uennmunt 4, 4,
(Y) odmino loul to
pau'nerpla obbticabl


Notwu2 Scop

+ p v þrumauly
diab with pwe
duhe admind tahve authoHe
VOUUOuS rumudde auailabs to atoted
welharu otdo 2 Jalmcz favu
Lauoncfar Mrnimum q0vennmut Contal
FCownlto cs ota& oubyeo ) lau sJdun v
Paw en was

Oatd to ba Cannbatd Jndivtduak

Conunbathon oh Paweru
2 Jad to human muou
Scoiduninq qab byw Prh&poor
Jad to Dogd o CoLluahvom
Indivduol R propU Dynchron)zakh.
o d can tak1 rhol aen prepuuty i of
an Inddvdual

ad o Soual welhau otate

Sdor'a Puanbu,a 0ooalut ubublc
diudurg usHu Souad, econamtal 2 Pal'tital
d l govt Jauo ou band àn ettun uHun


Cnu Htuhon ewbagealtauan 0ouery

Raland od
be foru Hu dau a Hu Automgbi'l
no u d an psaman to
thuwu w
direc tatte becauw thwu way
no iofie
Hh he Jncua un Otati acHoi

NCsitY gw for exuu peAD en thu

admin tahve/etouutive paw erb tueu nlan
dlgdtud JuginlaHisn aluo duelotd unfa
ulw, iAulamn, hyt-awo, e
Admns hathve tibunal otaded exuTunr
uddual funhanu to ualwe dhpuwes
Lad Dennings Oad
Au Admtob taHve AuthoHes au embowoud
NtH huwiaauy Paw eu
thuu wi6a
p e h l y wwd
welhau otake
a b u x d > thu wrtt 6A q totalita ya

Admin. Jaud duuhas 2 duman toakes pauo ey

and abo prauid e umidies to'altthtol
whN Hhuu

Nth Gyawth oh Powe otate mashs.

by pUueraludam u oakgsadid
n un Htuhn
uducial r w a Admnat a dhbn
u to oay ith Benard Cohuwantz
goal of Admin Jau ito
>enswo that thu Jndi vidual h u otae
C t pla ctd an a planu b a l ty
ucart hu ban oh utia.

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