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BOT: Questions about pricing?

BOT: Connect with our Sales team here.

BOT: Have a question about Mailchimp? What can I help with?
BOT: Questions about pricing?
BOT: Connect with our Sales team here.
BOT: How would you like to connect with Sales?

USER: I'd like to receive an email.

BOT: Ok. Let me learn a little bit about you, so an agent can reply by email.
BOT: What's your full name (first name and last name)?

USER: Ushahemba Solomon

BOT: Thank you, Ushahemba. May I please have your email address?


BOT: What's your company name?

USER: Phone associates

BOT: What country are you located in?

USER: Selected: Nigeria

BOT: Last question: what specific questions can we answer to help you get started?

USER: Skip

BOT: Thank you! That's everything we need. Our Sales team will be in touch as soon
as possible.

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