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Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study presents the independent variables

(Demographic Factors, Peer Influence, Faculty Support, Media Exposure,Cultural

Beliefs and Gender Sterreotypes ) as they influenced the Attitudes, Knowledge and

Practices of Testicular Self-Examination among Male Nursing Students which is the

dependent variable.

The schematic diagram shows the interplay of the independent and dependent

variables of the study as presented in Figure 1 below.


Factors Attitude
Peer Influence
Faculty Support Knowledge
Media Exposure
Cultural Beliefs Practice
Gender Stereotypes

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework showing the relationship between the independent

and dependent variables.

Independent Variables Demographic factors such as age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic

position may influence how male nursing students view and participate with testicular self-

examination because of cultural influences, life experiences, and availability to resources, .

Presenting  ideas, sharing experiences, and influencing acceptable behaviors, peer

interactions and conversations  influence male nursing students' attitudes and practices

concerning testicular self-examination.

 Faculty encouragement and integration of self-examination education into the

curriculum can influence male nursing students' attitudes, knowledge, and practice by

demonstrating the value of the technique and giving correct information.

 Media exposure can influence male nursing students' attitudes and knowledge

regarding testicular self-examination by increasing their awareness, perceptions, and

comprehension of the practice.

Certain cultures can emphasize privacy, modesty, or taboos around discussing and

engaging in such activities, which can influence male nursing students' attitudes and behaviors

about self-examination.

Gender stereotypes can affect how male nursing students view masculinity and self-

care, potentially influencing attitudes and desire to engage in testicular self-examination

Dependent Variables

Attitude is a dependent variable since it is the consequence you are attempting to

measure or comprehend as a result of the effect of numerous circumstances.

Knowledge is another dependent variable because it represents what male nursing

students know about testicular self-examination

Practice refers to whether or not male nursing students engage in testicular self-

examination and how often they do so.

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