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1. Story - A story or narrative derives from the Latin verb " Narrare" meaning to tell. It is a
connected series of events told through words.
2. Novel- It is an extended story, usually fictional. Novels could present various themes
organized in chapters and sometimes “volumes”
3. Poem - Is a work of literature that uses sounds and rhythms of a language to evoke deeper
significance than the literal meaning of words.
4. Textbook - It is a book of instructions.
5. News Article - It informs reader about interesting or unusual events.


FORESHADOWING - This literary device is used to give an advance hint of what is to come
later in the story of the author. This is done by showing certain events of people and keeps the
reader expect about the upcoming event.

FLASHBACK - This literary device used in the story that provides some background information
on events, situation, or a character's past. Authors use this device to reveal some information
about the characters past Otherwise the readers might not have known. it is used not just to
provide background of the story but also tie together a theme.

DEUS – EX – MACHINA - This literary device means to solve a seemingly intractable problem
in a plot by adding in an unexpected character, object, or situation. Refers to the circumstance
of a divinity in the action of a drama to resolve a conflict and, often, to bring the action to a

IN MEDIA RES - (Latin: “in the midst of things”) the practice of beginning an epic or other
narrative by plunging into a crucial situation that is part of a related chain of events; the situation
is an extension of previous events and will be developed in later action.

STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS is a narrative style that tries to capture a character’s thought

process in a realistic way. It’s an interior monologue, but it’s also more than that. Because it’s
mimicking the non-linear way our brains work, stream-of-consciousness narration includes a lot
of free association, looping repetitions, sensory observations, and strange (or even nonexistent)
punctuation and syntax.

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