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Before they left for the asteroid, Wren tried to convince him to talk to Tseebo

about his parents, but as he declined out of resentment towards Tseebo, Wren opted
to repair the holodisk while he was away. As the waited for their return, Wren and
Orrelios stayed aboard the Ghost while Syndulla and Tseebo boarded Fulcrum's
corvette that would take him into hiding. After Bridger and Jarrus returned from
Anaxes, Wren gave the boy the holodisk (which contained a picture of his parents,
Ephraim and Mira, and him) she had salvaged from his home as a birthday present.

Sometime later, Bridger showed Wren the TIE fighter that he and Orrelios had
stolen. While she gave it a paint job,[26] their activity delayed Bridger in his
Jedi lesson with Jarrus. After their venture to a Jedi Temple, Bridger began to
build his own lightsaber; for its construction, Wren supplied him modulation
circuits and an energy gate, and was present when he ignited the lightsaber for the
first time.[44]

Calrissian's gamble
"I understand this is your work. Reminds me of Janyor's protest paintings on Bith."
"Janyor of Bith is a major influence."
"Well, your work is even more stunning in its simplicity."
―Lando Calrissian and Sabine Wren[45]
Lando likes Art
Calrissian admires Wren's artwork.

After Orrelios (with Jarrus' permission) bet Chopper and lost him to Lando
Calrissian in a game of sabacc, Jarrus brought Calrissian to the Ghost as he had
agreed to a deal: in exchange of smuggling some cargo past the Lothal Imperial
blockade, Calrissian would pay the team and return the droid. Although Syndulla was
furious over the arrangement, she nonetheless agreed to the offer. As they departed
Lothal and were in hyperspace, Calrissian spotted some of Wren's art painted inside
the ship and mentioned his familiarity with the artist Janyor of Bith, who happened
to be one of Wren's favorite artists. Wren, pleased that her art was both
appreciated and understood for a change, offered to show him more of her art.[45]

After the Ghost docked with Merchant One and Syndulla traded herself as a slave to
crime lord Azmorigan according to Calrissian's plan, they obtained Calrissian's
cargo. The smuggler and Wren welcomed Syndulla when she returned to the Ghost in
one of the Merchant's escape pods, and then went to see what Calrissian's cargo was
—a puffer pig—, only to find that Orrelios had scared the creature. The pig had
inflated to more than three times its normal size, blocking their way to the
cockpit, and forced Jarrus to pilot through the blockade and land near Calrissian's
estate. However, the Ghost crew and Calrissian were surprised to find a resentful
Azmorigan and his men waiting for them. In the ensuing skirmish, the rebels managed
to scare Azmorigan off. The rebels, in turn, left Calrissian when it seemed he
would not pay them; yet, it was because he knew that Chopper had taken a fuel
canister from him.[45]

During a relief mission for Tarkintown, Wren and the rebels delivered several
crates of foodstuff to the settlers; unbeknownst to them, the food had been
poisoned by Kallus, prompting those who had eaten to become ill, among them Mindiz,
for whom Orrelios had a soft spot. Although they were planning to obtain the
medicine from Capital City, Orrelios left on his own and prompted Wren and the
others to go help him at a medical facility. After obtaining a antidote for the
Tarkintown settlers, they found Orrelios at Kallus' mercy, they intervened and
engaged in a firefight with the Imperials. After retreating aboard the Ghost, they
distributed the medicine and saved the settlers, including Mindiz.[46]

"Is anybody on our side?"
―Sabine Wren[47]
Wren along with Orrelios and Chopper took part in one of Bridger's Jedi training
sessions, so that he learned to redirect blaster fire at a specific target;
instead, he had a vision of them fighting alongside Senator-in-exile Gall Trayvis.
Following the training session, the Ghost crew received a transmission from Trayvis
telling them to meet at the Lothal Lothal City Capitol Building. After Bridger
confirmed an Imperial operation with his friend Zare Leonis, Wren and her comrades
decided to sneak into the building through the sewers in order to warn Trayvis. Per
Jarrus' orders, Wren and Orrelios went to the rooftop to provide cover fire to
Syndulla, Jarrus, and Bridger's meeting with Trayvis.[47]

Rebels at Lothal Senate Building

Wren and her comrades stalking the Lothal City Capitol Building

Yet, during the meeting, they were ambushed by Kallus's forces, prompting Wren and
Orrelios to activate smoke bombs to cover their escape, with Wren throwing a
thermal detonator once they did. To evade their Imperial pursuers and protect
Trayvis, they fled down the sewers and split into two groups: Wren traveled with
Orrelios and Jarrus to provide a distraction to their pursuers, while Bridger and
Syndulla accompanied the fugitive senator, who revealed his loyalty to the Empire
and attempted to kill Bridger and Syndulla. Once he was overpowered by her, the
rebels met up and managed to exit the sewers after Jarrus used the Force to
temporarily stop a large circular fan. After reuniting with Chopper at the manhole,
they fled back to the Ghost.[47]

Sometime afterward, a Clawdite seeking to collect the bounty that the Empire had
put on their heads infiltrated the Ghost. After Chopper was attacked, the intruder
knocked Wren out and impersonated her, but when the crew discovered the real Wren,
the Clawdite started a firefight and changed her appearance to that of Bridger's
until Orrelios attacked it. Ultimately, it was Bridger who stunned the
impersonator, whom the crew dropped on a moon and left.[48]

Later on, Wren and Chopper intruded into the Lothal Imperial Academy to destroy a
weapons cache. Hacking the academy's security system to get the access code, the
two got past the main door, but Chopper forgot to zap one of three guards, letting
the third to set off the alarm. During the pursuit, Wren and Chopper made the
"escape through the lift hatch" trick and made their way into the main weapons
area. As she proceeded to plant the charges, she was surprised by Dunum, who held
her at gunpoint until he was stunned by a probe droid, betrayed by fellow
Imperials, Aresko and Myles Grint. Wren then finished with the charges and, after
Chopper made a hole in the wall, she sent the pick-up signal to Orrelios, who
extracted them on a X-34 landspeeder. She then detonated the charges, damaging the
Imperial Complex.[49]

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