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Good afternoon teacher, my name is Yuleidys Meza and I agree that euthanasia should be

banned ( bend) . because I believe that the only one who has the power to take life (laif)
on this earth (erth) is God. So at the moment of practicing euthanasia (euthaneshia) they
are not respecting the will of God and also when these people think about doing it and
others who manage (manech) to do it, they aren´t doing it consciously (conshesly)
because they don´t think with a cool head about what they are doing, they only find it as a
quick (quek) exit to the situation they are going through but not the
Association(asosieichon) reaffirmed (riaferm) in 2019 that "it is incompatible(incomparibol)
with the role of the doctor as a person who heals" and that euthanasia is legal(ligal). it is
"difficult or impossible to control". Everyone says that euthanasia is almost always
requested for fear(fier) of suffering, for pain that has not been treated (trited), for
loneliness(lounlines) and mental pain... all of this can be effectively (efectibli)
treated(titred) with current(curent) medicine(medicin)

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