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An org in Salesforce is an identifier that represents a customer’s

version of Salesforce and its data within an instance1 An instance is a
group of hardware and software that runs the Salesforce application1 Each
org can be highly customized, including custom fields, custom objects,
workflows, data sharing rules, Visualforce pages, and Apex coding1 You
can find your own org ID in the Company Information page within Salesforce1

object in salesforce
An object in Salesforce is a way to store and organize data that is
relevant to your business or industry1 Objects are like tables in a
database, where each object has fields (columns) and records (rows)2
For example, the Account object stores information about the companies
and organizations that you work with, such as name, address, industry, etc2

fields in salesforce
Fields in Salesforce are a way to store and organize data that is
relevant to your business or industry1 Fields are like columns in
a database, where each field has a name, a type, and a value2 For
example, the Name field stores the name of a record, the Phone field
stores the phone number of a contact, and the Amount field stores the
amount of an opportunity2

records in salesforce
Records in Salesforce are a way of storing and organizing data
that is relevant to your business or industry1 Records are like
rows in a database, where each record has fields (columns) and
values2 For example, the Account object has records for each
company or organization that you work with, such as name, address,
industry, etc

tabs in salesforce
Tabs in Salesforce are a way to display and access data from
different objects and web pages within an application1 Tabs help
users to view the information at a glance and to create, edit,
delete, and report on records

text field in salesforce

A text field in Salesforce is a type of custom field that allows
users to enter any combination of letters and numbers up to a
specified length. Text fields can be used to store various kinds
of information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email
addresses, and so on. Text fields can also be used in formulas,
validation rules, and workflows to manipulate or validate data

picklist in salesforce
A picklist in Salesforce is a type of custom field that allows
users to select one or more values from a predefined list of
options. Picklists can help you standardize and validate your
data entry, as well as create reports and filters based on the
selected values

multi select picklist in salesforce

A multi-select picklist in Salesforce is a type of custom field
that allows users to select more than one value from a predefined
list of options. Multi-select picklists can help you capture
multiple preferences, interests, or attributes for a record.
For example, you can use a multi-select picklist to indicate
the product interests or the preferred languages of a contact
datatypes in salesforce
Data types in Salesforce are the attributes that define the type
and format of the data that can be stored in a field, such as text,
number, date, or checkbox. Data types also determine how the data
can be used, such as for calculations, validations, or reports1
Primitive data types: These are the basic data types that can store
single values, such as Integer, Double, Long, Date, DateTime, String,
ID, and Boolean2
Collections: These are data types that can store multiple values
of the same or different types, such as Lists, Sets, and Maps.
Collections are useful for manipulating and processing data in bulk2

list view in salesforce

A list view in Salesforce is a way of displaying a set of records
that meet certain criteria. You can use list views to quickly access,
filter, sort, and act on your data. For example, you can create a
list view of accounts in your state, leads with a specific lead source,
or opportunities above a certain amount
List views are useful for performing common tasks on your data,
such as mass updating, emailing, deleting, or adding to campaigns.
You can also use list views to create reports and dashboards that
show the data in charts and graphs. List views are available in
both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience, but there are
some differences in how they look and work

field dependency in salesforce

Field dependency in Salesforce is a feature that allows
you to change the values of a picklist field based on the
value of another field. For example, you can create a field
dependency between a country field and a state field, so that
when you select a country, only the states that belong to that
country are available in the state picklist.

global value set salesforce

A global value set is a feature in Salesforce that allows
you to share the same picklist values with more than one
picklist field. This can help you to make your data entry
more accurate and efficient, by reducing the number of options
that users have to choose from. It can also help you to maintain
data consistency and integrity, by ensuring that only valid
combinations of values are entered1.

page layout in salesforce

Page layout in Salesforce is a feature that allows you to
customize the appearance and functionality of the detail and
edit pages of records in Salesforce. You can use page layouts
to control which fields, buttons, actions, related lists, and
other components are displayed on the pages of standard and
custom objects. You can also create different page layouts for
different profiles or record types, so that different users can
see different information based on their roles or business processes

compact layout in salesforce

Compact layout in Salesforce is a feature that allows you to
customize the appearance and functionality of the record highlights
in the Salesforce mobile app, Lightning Experience, and in the
Outlook and Gmail integrations. Compact layouts control which
fields your users see in the header of a record page, in the
expanded lookup card when they hover over a link in record details,
and in the details section when they expand an activity in the
activity timeline. Compact layouts help you to make your data
entry more accurate and efficient, by showing the key information
of a record at a glance1

record types in salesforce

Record types in Salesforce are a way of grouping records
within an object that have different business processes,
page layouts, and picklist values. For example, you can
create record types for accounts to differentiate between
customers, partners, and competitors. By using record types,
you can customize your Salesforce to better suit your needs
and preferences.

lookup field in salesforce

A lookup field in Salesforce is a type of field that allows
you to create a relationship between two objects by referencing
another record. For example, you can use a lookup field to
link a contact to an account, or a case to a product. Lookup
fields help you to organize your data and access related
information easily
This is the most basic type of lookup field, which allows
you to link one record to another record of a different
object. For example, you can use a lookup relationship to
link a contact to an account, or an opportunity to a campaign.
You can create up to 25 lookup relationships for each object

master detail relationship in salesforce

A master-detail relationship in Salesforce is a type of
relationship that creates a parent-child connection between
two objects. The parent object is called the master, and
the child object is called the detail. The master object
controls certain behaviors of the detail object, such as
its security, visibility, and deletion. For example, if
you delete a master record, all its related detail records
are also deleted.

validation in salesforce
Validation in Salesforce is a feature that allows you to
check the data entered by users or modified by systems before
saving it to the database. Validation rules are formulas or
expressions that evaluate the data in one or more fields and
return a value of true or false. If the validation rule returns
false, an error message is displayed to the user and the record
cannot be saved until the data is corrected.

roll up summary field salesforce

A roll-up summary field in Salesforce is a type of field
that allows you to calculate values from a set of related
records, such as those in a related list. For example, you
can create a roll-up summary field to display the total amount
of all the opportunities related to an account, or the number
of cases closed by a user.

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