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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN

Tetanus toxoid with 10 years TT4

Age to give FIRST dose of 9 months
Leprosy causative agent BACTERIA measles
Diagnostic confirmatory of SKIN BIOPSY/SKIN SMEAR Measles route Subcutaneous 45 degree
leprosy angle
Mode of transmission Respiratory Droplets Covid vaccine to pregnancy Generally safe
2 antibiotic drug for leprosy Rifampicin and Dapsone Quarantine of patient at 5 days
Liberalized home treatment RA 4073 home after facility discharge
of leprosy
RA 11223 Universal health care by
Duterte Key question Answer key
In UHC Payment of hospital Philhealth Demographic b. Morbidity
bills is by variables, NOT
Eligibility for UHC or All filipinos are eligible included
universal health care a. Fertility
Framework of UHC Fourmula one plus or F1+ b. Morbidity
Antiseptic herbal meds Guava decoction c. Mortality
For wound washing Bayabas d. Migration
Infectious agent of rabies Virus Diapers, used tissue, Dispose in Yellow Bag
used gloves
Causative agent of UTI Escherichia coli (E. Coli)
Office papers dispose Black bag
Sign of UTI in elderly Confusion or changes in
mental status
Fish entrails, rotten Green
Causative agent of Streptococcus bacteria
fruits ad vegetables,
Rheumatic heart fever
leftover foods diose in
What is the name of the Group A Streptococcus
Radioactive waste Orange
bacteria that causes (GABHS)
Rheumatic heart fever? Sharps and pressurized Red
Referral to Secondary District hospital
Causative agent of Typhoid Bacteria
25 beds capacity Primary level facility
Infectious agent of dengue Virus
Angle of insertion for 45 degree
Infectious agent of TB Bacteria
SQ (subcutaneous
Age of under nutrition 2 to 4 years old
Severe caloric deficiency marasmus
5%IV 1L Run in 6 hours 56 gtts/min
Insulin route for Speed Abdomen
Left gauze in patient Res ipsa loquitor
vagina or uterus who is
CPD units 15
Epidemiologic triad Host, agent, environment
Calcium alternative Orange juice
Law that governs midwifes RA 7392 food
competency and
Subcutaneous burn 3rd degree
HPV Vaccine for 9 to 12 years old
Take iron with Fruit juice
15 months old Walks well alone
2 years old toy Push and pull
6 months prepared food Rice Cereals
8 months Can say dada and mama
6 months Lower central incisors
Before starting toilet training Degree of sphincter muscle
first to consider control
Initial position of patient for Left side lying
Enema position Left side lying
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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
Situation: Vaccines Specific signs and symptoms High fever and chills
the temperature in the B. Twice a day treatment chloroquine
refrigerator and freezer
should be checked 
Among which of the C. measless Key Question Answer Key
following vaccines should be Father of midwifery Jose Fabella
stored in the freezer of Father of antibiotic Alexander Flemming
refrigerator? Who isolated TB infection Robert Koch's

The midwife is aware that D. Door

Situation: PHC and public health surveillance
vaccines should NEVER be
Key Question Answer Key
stored in which part of
First Alma ata international RUSSIA
conference of PHC was held
D. Door
Vaccines stored in the D. -15 to -25 degrees celcius First Asian country that Philippines
freezer should be set in what adopts and implements PHC
temperature. is
A. +2 to + 8 degrees celcius The pillars of PHC Active community
B. +15 to +25 degrees celcius participation
C. -2 to - 8 degrees celcius Multisectoral linkages
D. -15 to -25 degrees celcius Use of appropriate
Support mechanism made
Situation: DENGUE
Which of these is a Aedes aegypti
competent vector for the
transmission of dengue
Key Question Answer Key
Female mosquito causing Aedes poecilius
Breeding site of dengue Stagnant clean water
Prevention , except No to fogging
Causative agent causing WUCHERERIA BANCROFTI
Independent action Apply cold packs in forehead
Management of Sit, lean forward with flexed
Diagnostic test procedure Immunochromatographic
nosebleeding neck
blood test
Treatment of choice Hetrazan
Situation :SDG- sustainable development goals
Key question Answer key
Situation: Traditional health care (Herbal meds)
Target year of SDG 2030
Key Question Answer Key
SDG which is Health 3
Use for treatment of COLDS, lagundi
fever and cough
Disease focus malaria
Sanitation centered SDG 6 (KIDNEY STONE)
Cities and communities 11 ANTIHELMITHIC herbal med Niyog-niogan
For Fungal worm parasites AKAPULKO
like ringworm and scabies
Situation:MALARIA Wound washing as antiseptic bayabas
Key question Answer key
Causes of Malaria is vectorborne
Female mosquito casing Anopheles mosquito
Causative agent Plasmodium falciparum

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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
Question Answer key
Vasectomy being cut Vas deferens
Stocks sperm cells Epididymis
White lines in cheeks, nose Milia
Peeling in soles and feet of Desquamation
Key Question Answer Key newborn
Ensure warmth,except expose the baby under White creamy substance Vernix caseosa
heat lamp Bluish discoloration in butts Mongolian spots
Vaccination at birth BCG and hepa B breast changes, urinary Presumptive signs
Advocating offer pacifier when frequency, fatigue, morning
breastfeeding,emphasize,except baby cries sickness and amenorrhea
Delivery room temperature 25 to 28 Celcius
Best time to cut nails After bath The midwife advised to Vaginal bleeding
Refer to the hospital immediately jaundice to the report to her physician
if newborn exhibits sole/convulsion/fast or which of the following
slow or difficulty of MOST important sign,
breathing When practicing rooming- B. 24
in, how long should the
baby stay with the mother?
__ hours.
Key Question Answer Key
DPT doses and route 3 doses intramuscularly Erlyn learned that newborn B. Breastmilk
9 mos,old vaccine MMR infants should ONLY be
Baby with 37.6 temperature go on with immunization given, which of the
immunization following?
Rr 42/min,4 month old normal Which of the following B. First
Rice watery stool cholera periods of pregnancy does
Danger signs, EXCEPT Able to drink and breastfeed organogenesis occur?
What sign of pregnancy is B. Presumptive subjective
morning sickness
characterized by nausea?

While assessing a newborn D. Sucking ability

Key Question Answer Key with cleft lip, the midwife
should be alerted o which
Osteoporosis, risk factor menopause
of the following that will
8 months pregnant, G5P3
MOST likely be
disqualification for home
Mother receives TT4, baby 1 year
protection for how long
 the transient discoloration D. bronze baby syndrome
Children bottle feed, true initiated within 90 mins.of
statement about breastfeeding baby’s age in newborn under
Danger sign of labor: 1,2,4, phototherapy is also known
1. DOB as
2. Bright red vaginal
bleeding estrogen inhibits Follicle Stimulating
3. Clear amniotic fluid Hormone
4. Uterine contraction 90 Less than 6 weeks Category 4
secs.duration postpartum cannot use pills
under MEC category
A month after delivery, which retinol 200k IU, 1 cap
will be given within a month Hormone surges before luteinizing hormone

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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
ovulation ibuprofen, assess for what hematoma
Uterus or fundus Above ambulate & assist to void
A woman with mild Threatened abortion umbilicus deviated to the
abdominal pain and right best action
spotting bleeding is

z track technique IM site for vastus lateralis

1y.o baby
Fundus at the Level of 20 weeks
start solid food 4 months to 6 months
Abdominal panhysterctomy Cervix, uterus, fallopian tube
Phocomelia is caused by Antiemetic drug use in
is removal of and ovaries
pregnancy like thalidomide
Chief ingredient of prenatal Folic acid
Nausea and vomiting in Presumptive- subjective
pregnancy is SITUATION: DR
Nausea and vomiting is HCG
caused by increased level of Key Question Answer Key
35-45 days interval of OLIGOMENORRHEA Earliest feeding cue drooling
menstruation First step to prevent drying thoroughly and
IM vitamin k to infant and Left Vastus lateralis hypothermia cover
children Prevent hypothermia, ensure 25-26 centigrade
Temporary opening between foramen ovale correct temp
to atria- Not to do for umbilical care use binder and alcohol

Leukorrhea due to Increased estrogen

Key Question Answer Key
incubation period of chicken 10-21 days Oxygenation of placenta
pox fetus
Growth of fetus ovum,zygote,morula,embryo,fetus,infant
Right time for toothbrush? First eruption of tooth
Hematologic increase in blood volume
changes; 1st
6 months milestone 1st tooth bud eruption
Play of infancy solitary
8 months old toy Large blocks
2 years old toy Wagon cart
Key Question Answer Key
Lactation, 4 to 6 months
room in baby to mother up to 24 hours amennorhea,breastfeeding

Placenta is fully developed at 12 weeks Signs of postpartum infection foul smeeling lochia

SITUATION: rubella in pregnancy

Key Question Answer Key
Key Question Answer Key Correct health no pregnancy for 3 months
Successful teaching, wipe from front to back teaching( rubella vaccine
perineal care Rubella can be transported pinocytosis
Small constant trickle of perineal lacerations Correct route of rubella SQ
blood, suspects vaccine
Severe abdominal cramps, release of oxytocin during Correct intervention in case of Rubella gamaglobulin
explain the cause breastfeeding session outbreak
Unrelieved pain by Presence of perineal Cardiovascular effect of first month

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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
rubella vaccine when
Key Question Answer Key
Assessed for immunization, go on with infants
temp 37.6 C, best action immunization
RR 42/min, using the IMCI, normal
2 y/o, rice watery stool cholera
Key Question Answer Key IMCI, immediately brought to inability to drink
Primary indication parity the hospital danger sign
Further teaching replace every 3 years
Use of IUD prevents sperm from
reaching the vagina
Most frequent side effects excessive menstrual flow
Common problem expulsion of devise


Key Question Answer Key
Immediately after in between symphisi pubis Key Question Answer Key
delivery,palpate the fundus and umbilicus Not included in global Reform
Intervention for dysuria all of these Correct time to administer After the 1st hour after skin-to-
Advise to void Every 2 hours Vit. K skin contact and
Included in UNICEF and All except birthing centers
Prenatalcontact, antenatal 8 contact or visit
Key Question Answer Key care by WHO
Syphilis to newborn Chancre ND Hutchinson Prenatalcontact, antenatal 4 contact or visit
teeth care by DOH
herpes management preparation for CS
anticipate to occur, after abruption placenta
eclamptic seizure
monitor to suspect MgSO4 decreased deep tendon

Key Question Answer Key

Stop breathing for 5 seconds normal for baby
SITUATION; SINGLE PRIMIGRAVIDA Anthropometric measure for head circumference 13-14
full term
Key Question Answer Key Meconium characteristic odorless,blackish green
Who can sign the birth any health professionals
certificate involved
PD 651 requires registration of within 30 days
Family code of the handwritten instrument
Philippines,legitimate affiliation signed by the father
Handwritten instruement of RA 9255
Key Question Answer Key
Recommended weight gain 15-25 lbs
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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
s/s alert for increased ICP vomiting, seizures,
39 weeks AOG, variable change position complaints of head pain
deceleration intervention Causative agent Neisseria Meningitides
Immediate attention leaking vaginal fluid @ 34 SITUATION: FAMILY PLANNING
weeks AOG
Key Question Answer Key
IUD provides contraception, alters motility of sperm
Key Question Answer Key how
Dx test to determine water Fern test 28 cycle point of ovulation 14TH DAY
has ruptured Clear and observable sign of clear, sliperry and stretchy
Vaginal exam, able to brow fertility or elastic
palpate large diamond Expect to ovulate 33 days 19 days
shaped fontanel cycle

Key Question Answer Key
Key Question Answer Key Midwife palpated soft board buttocks
When start taking to the when temporary teeth is like mass that moves out
dentist complete( next year) Correct function of fetal heart right upper quadrant (right
Best address to the concern assert independence beat form can be heard upper fundal )
(toddler) Soft blowing sounds uterine soufflé
synchronous to mother’s
Age appropriate behavior possessive, simple directions pulse rate
Developmental milestone, accept external limits Third maneuver is done by Grasping lower portion of
teach importance abdomen /palpating
Strategy to suggest offer 2 choices symphisis pubis with single
First Phase to assess size, Fundal Grip (first maneuver)
SITUATION; ACUTE ASTHMA (2 YEARS OLD) mobility, availability and
consistency of a mass
Key Question Answer Key
Discharge teaching to eliminate allergens,/ continue Key Question Answer Key
emphasize meds even if asymptomatic Most common postpartal Metritis
Healthy snack for 2y/o with apple slices Greatest risk for postpartum CS delivery after 24 hrs
asthma endometritis labor
Assessments include expiratory wheezing Postpartal cloth worn could Knee high stockings
tachycardia possibly promote a problem
Discharge teaching minimize exertion & exposure to woman
to cold Fundus of uterine is expected 1.0 cm
to go down normally about
how many cm per day
Key Question Answer Key
Maintaining respiratory for 48 hrs,after antibiotic Key Question Answer Key
isolation therapy The length of the menstrual proliferative
Most serious complication peripheral circulatory cycle the midwife understand
collapse that response is due to

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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
variation of which of the ff
Which of the hormones follicular stimulating Key Question Answer Key
responsible for maturation of hormones Newborn IMMEDIATE AFTER DRY NEWBORN
graafian follicles? DElIVERY
Implantation of mens cycle is secretory shunt between two atria foramen ovale
the ideal time during the feto placental
Station -laboring women
Key Question Answer Key
Small triangular shape Vertex PIH- pre eclampsia
fontanel the fetal is Key Question Answer Key
Triangular shape is Completely flexed Sign of mild pre eclampsia hypertension edema
palpated what is the proteinuria
position of fetus in the Worsening sign of pre- Headache/blurred vision
uterus eclampsia
What anteroposterior (AP) suboccipitobregmatic Most important care for seizure precaution
diameter of the fetal head severe pre-eclampsia
is presenting? Pre-eclampsia to eclampsia clear and maintain open
Identify the position of the LOA- left occiput anterior first action airways
fetus in the diagram below Magnesium sulfate therapy seizure does not occur
(picture at last page) is effective
Passer of fetus to adopts to Descent-flexion-Internal
the passageway (pelvis) in rotation, extention, external
which sequence rotation, expulsion
Key Question Answer Key
Best time to achieve 14 days before
Ovulation occurs, which LH
Key Question Answer Key
Based on estimated age of 12 weeks gestation
Ovum viable for how many 24 to 36
Source of estrogen/ corpus luteum
BBT,shown in the ff drops slightly and increases
progesterone IN EARL HALF
Chief function of progesterone Prepares uterus to receive
During 1st trimester focus vital organs
fertilized ovum
Morning sickness pregnant presumptive
characterized by nausea and


Key Question Answer Key
What should the midwife offer new food,offer some
Key Question Answer Key
action milk
+1 station now will interpret 1 cm below the ischial spine
Earliest age of solid foods 4 months
What is the frequency of 15 mins.
First food they can eat Rice cereals
Food that can give to infants half cook egg, honey
Assess the duration of patient beginning to the end
care the ff. except
contraction by timing
Introducing supplement offer new food 5 TO 7 DAYS
ROA position, when should below the umbilicus
feeding except INTERVAL
the tube place doppler
Key Question Answer Key
Listen contraceptive which before I can help you, I
method best for her to used need to know more about
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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
Able to understand the ideal ovum 24 hrs. after ovulation
time for conception when the 1. BLUISH VAGINA AND CERVIX –
client states CHADWICKS
It is a method of applicable 26-32days 2. What condition related to the manner
only to whom with regular of labor and delivery predisposes to
mens cycle between which of uterine atony = Arrest in fetal descent
the ff. days 3. What was the problem in a
primigravida at term, who underwent
cesarean section due to an arrest in the
prenatal visit 8 visits
descent of the fetal head secondary to
according to WHO?
prominent ischial spines? = Passage
tax exempted govt. c. Professional tax
practicing midwife? 4. Choose the vaccine that can be given
Who is the prc
to a 25 v/o primigravid with history of
Charito A. Zamora
president multiple sexual partners. = Tetanus
6 hours discarded BCG Toxoid
vaccine 5. At what period of pregnancy are
H fever management No to fogging teratogenic drugs or substances
except producing structural defects in the
How to detect GDM a. Glucose challenge test baby ingested by the mother?= First
What is the cause of A. Macrosomia trimester
GDM to the baby 6. What finding on the newborn is NOT a
What can be safely A. POP sign of live birth? = blue/pale skin
used by 7. The expected date of confinement of a
pregnant patient who had her last
menstrual period on September 25-29,
True about COC It is a over the counter
medication 2021 but had vaginal spotting on
To ease back pain of D. Dorsal Recumbent October 26, 2021, is = July 2, 2022
a pregnant women , 8. On what phase of menstrual cycle is a
what is the best woman who had her menstrual period
position _______ three weeks earlier? = B. Secretory
To relieve edema of Lateral recumbent 9. How many weeks after delivery is it
pregnancy position safe to start combined oral
to contraceptive pills for those not
Quickening of C. 20 breastfeeding and with no venous
primigravida woman
thromboembolism risk? = D. 3
is felt during
10. 10. After how many weeks postpartum
Examiner stroke the A. Fanning of the toes and
sole of the feet to extending of the big toe do changes in the female reproductive
check the reflex of organs return to their non-pregnant
the newborn. What state? = C. 6
will be the normal 11. What will a BEmONC- trained midwife
observation of the do in a G2P1 patient in labor at 8 cm
examiner. cervical dilatation, whose BOW
Marasmus. SATA 2. Muscle wasting 3. ruptured spontaneously? = C. Continue
Prominent rib cage monitoring the progress of labor.
Protein deficiency B. Kwashiorkor 12. What is the type of abortion in a 10
BSE, start. Upper outer quadrant weeks pregnant patient who consulted
for vaginal bleeding with passage of
What is the first step Greet the client and
meaty material and on internal
in home visit? introduce self
examination showing an open cervix

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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
with blood clots plugging the os? = B. 52. Protein deficiency = kwashiorkor
Incomplete 53. BID = twice a day
13. Anterior of vagina is BLADDER 54. NPO = nothing per orem
14. ENDOMETRIAL CANCER first sign — 55. vaginal bleeding, cramping without cervical
abnormal vaginal bleeding dilation = threatened abortion
15. Gonorrhea — bacteria 56. meaty like discharge — incomplete
16. Purulent yellow discharge — gonorrhea abortion
17. Frothy vaginal discharge — trichomoniasis 57. long and reversible method of contraception
18. Cervical cancer first sign — postcoital = IUD
bleeding 58. permanent= ligation
19. ritgen maneuver – to facilitate delivery of 59. not STI — moniliasis
fetal head 60. laceration of perineal skin and vaginal
20. Fundus at level of navel=20weeks mucosa — second laceration
21. Fundus at level in symphysis 61. Laceration extending to rectal muscles =
pubis=12weeks fourth degree
22. TT2 years of protection = 3 years 62. Dark red vaginal discharge = lochia rubra
23. lifetime = TT 5 63. Increasing force of contraction —
24. dose of hep b = 3 dose increment
25. engage= level pf ischial spine 64. Time from the beginning of one contraction
26. 1cm above ischial spine= –1 station to end of same contraction = duration
27. Verbally agreed and discuss — expressed 65. Time from end of one contraction to
contract beginning of the another contraction=
28. Patient came to clinic and midwife knows interval.
that she will assist the mother — implied 66. not part of partograph = fundic height
29. do ut des= i give that you give 67. mark x means = cervical dilation
30. Prescribed drugs — malpractice 68. when to start partograph = 4cm active phase
31. Notice given to defendant to answer of laboratory
complain —Summon 69. Assessment using fingertips = palpation
32. Telling lie under affidavit of oath — 70. Posterior of vagina is RECTUM
perjury 71. Pneumonia is classified in the presence of
33. Falsification of signature in legal document “FAST BREATHING”.
= forgery 72. Fast breathing in 2-12 months (example 3
34. The person who cooperate in crime = months) is 50 breaths/minute or more
accomplice 73. Fast breathing in 12 months to 5 years old
35. not include in crime against chastity = is 40 breaths per minute.
slander 74. A child with PNEUMONIA needs
36. Citizenship place of birth = jus soli treatment with oral amoxicillin for 5 days.
37. Proven guilty = convicted 75. Action in pneumonia First give the FIRST
38. Innocent = acquitted dose of appropriate antibiotic.
39. Assessment by Tapping body surface = 76. For cough and colds only Soothe the throat
percussion and relieve the cough with a safe remedy.
40. With the aid of stethoscope = auscultation (KALAMANSI SAMPALOK LUYA)
41. VITAMIN B3 =niacin 77. Pneumonia, SOME DEHYDRATION and
42. stat order= only once immediately. ACUTE AND CHRONIC EAR
43. standing order – carried out until cancelled INFECTION is under the YELLOW chart
by another order of the IMCI
44. GIVEN ONCE at a SPECIFIED TIME. — 78. No pneumonia for green chart
single order 79. Severe pneumonia or very severe disease
45. S.O.S order – prn or as necessary AND MASTOIDITIS for PINK chart.
46. Requires judgement when to give drug – 80. Amoxicillin is the recommended first-line
PRN drug of choice in the treatment of
47. CATHETERIZATION position — dorsal pneumonia
recumbent 81. ICE CREAM should be avoided during
48. burn injury — setting in cool running water diarrhea
49. Yellowish 3 to 4 days after birth – 82. VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY — RICKETS
physiologic Jaundice 83. 6 to 11 months old vitamin A
50. Tertiary level of prevention = rehabilitation supplementation — 100,000 IU
51. Severe calories deficiency = marasmus 84. diarrhea is present if 4x loose stool a day

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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
85. In Acute gastroenteritis the following morning
causes diarrhea? EXCEPT. TOXINS 106.The midwife assesses a 1-hour-old
A. viral B. parasites newborn's eyes. Which condition, if found,
C. bacteria would most likely require additional
D. toxins assessment : Opacity of a pupil
86. initial bathing should be six hours after 107. need for further assessment: Umbilical
birth cord with one artery and one vein
87. Midwife flexing hands, arms of patient in 108. technique should be done to initiate
bed what type of exercise : PASSIVE breastfeeding Eject milk first in infant
88. The administration of oresol to a child with mouth
diarrhea is every 4 hours 109.Kangaroo Mother Care can be started:
89. tender swelling behind the ear, can be After birth
classified as Mastoiditis 110.Chest skin to skin contact to mother would
90. More than 2 weeks of ear pain and call ___PRONE position.
discharges is Chronic Ear Infection 111.prepares the birthing room to prevent heat
91. If you see pus draining from the ear and loss in the newborn. You should do the
discharge has been present for less than two following; EXCEPT: Open air condition
weeks, classify the child’s illness as 112.wrapping the neonate with warm blankets,
ACUTE EAR INFECTION. the midwife is preventing which type of
92. Amoxicillin is treatment for ear infection heat loss? Convection
93. Which of the following is NOT a disease
focus in IMCI
a. TB B. Dengue has a poor sucking to the breast. What
C. Diarrhea is the APPROPRIATE management? Nasal
D. Malaria or oral tube feeding
94. According to IMCI management, when 114.This must be done and provided after 24
should you give paracetamol? hours : Bath
a. 37.8 0C B. 40.1 0C 115.The midwife is removing a child from other
C. 38.5 C
d. 37.0 child with infection as a form of Preventive
C measures
95. Caput succedaneum will disappear and the 116.What is the action of vitamin K –
head return to its normal size at 1-2 days antihemorrhage
96. Solid foods are not recommended before 117. A child was diagnosed with kwashiorkor.
age 4 to 6 months Which of the following is BEST food: Egg
97. the earliest age at which to introduce foods and fish
is 4 months. 118. Among which of the following assessments
98. A child's birth weight usually triples by 12 NEEDS FURTHER ASSESSMENT :
months Absence of blinking reflex
99. Birthweight doubles by 4 – 6 months. 119.A midwife is assessing a newborn 1 hr
100.developmental milestone of 2-3 months old after birth. Which of the following
baby assessment findings should the midwife
a. laugh out loud B. smile report to the doctor? Jaundice of the sclera
C. palmar grasp 120.newborn characterized with long nails, dry
D. sit alone skin with vernix. Newborns was born
101.Which of the following is NOT included in After 42weeks
the Apgar score? weight 121.The normal birth length of full-term babies
102.The primary critical observation for Apgar at birth is 19-21 inches
scoring is the: heart rate 122. Apgar scores shows competence of the
103.Iron deficiency anemia to an 11 months old midwife: 8
infant you must supplement food rich in 123.Measles vaccine is given by what route :
iron in which of the following foods : subcutaneous
Mashed Munggo 124.Vaccine antigen that is given at birth? BCG
104. TRUE about colic? Usually occurs 4-6 and Hep B
months 125.B.C.G. vaccine is administered to
105., "How can I get rid of the baby's cradle children:Intradermally
cap?" 126.infant can able stand while holding onto
A. Rub baby oil on the infant's head at furniture: 11 months
night and shampoo the hair the next 127.1 month old baby you expect that at this age
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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
the baby can do Lift head momentarily 158.reduce the maternal mortality rate by three
128.Most Rapid growth occurs during: Infancy quarters (75 %) by  2015
129.Developmental milestone for a 6 months 159.B.i.d. drug is : 6 – 6
old infant: beginning to fear stranger 160.landmark for female catheterization
130.The plantar reflex of an infant CLITORIS
disappears at : 8 – 9 months 161.It refers to the process of thinning and
131.What is the early stage of VAD: Night shortening of the cervix : Effacement
blindness 162.Fetal movements are often felt by a
132.CORRECT about the description of primigravida mothers within how many
posterior fontanel: between parietal and weeks of pregnancy: 20
occipital cranial bones 163.When examining the client’s abdomen,
133. palpating a neonate's anterior fontanel, which sequence should the midwife use
which will describe it as normal: Softness is: Inspection, auscultation, percussion,
134.Normal in a 3-4 months old infant: Laugh palpation
and squeal 164.Leg cramps, provide relief, : Dorsiflexion
135.Avoid diaper rash in infant by Changing of the foot while extending the knee
diapers when soiled 165.Crisis is when the body temperature
136.The shape of the posterior fontanel is decreases suddenly to normal levels less
documented as TRIANGLE than 1 hour
137.The procedure where the midwife pricks the 166.Lysis resolution is when body temperature
heel of the baby to detect congenital gradually returns to normal after a period of
anomalies New born screening fever.
138.iron rich food: camote tops 167.Types of fever wherein the temperature
139.11 months baby who doesn’t want to be fluctuates between periods of fever and
fed, the baby wants to feed himself alone: periods of normal/subnormal temperature
Increase sense of independence within 24 hours period : intermittent fever
140.Milestones of 9mos old infant feed himself 168.widely fluctuates above normal over a 24-
holding bottles hour period. Remittent fever
141.At what age can the baby eat all table 169.A 12 weeks pregnant Just above the
foods: 12 months symphysis pubis
142.What is the expected weight of the newborn 170.Fetal heart beats can be audible at 5
in kg if the birth weight is 8.8.lbs: 4 kg months or 20 weeks
143.The laughing out loud is a developmental 171.36 weeks pregnant. at the xiphoid process
milestone of the child at the age? 4 month 172. best source of iron? chicken liver
144.The infant’s weight should be doubled in 173. maternal records is used when rendering
which of the following months?. 6 prenatal care as a guide in the identification
145.Physiologic apnea among newborns is 15 of risk factors? Home based mothers
seconds record
146.When the doctor ordered you a medication 174.Drugs that increases cell activity are
to be given once at a specified time, this classified as:Stimulant
order means: Single 175.LSD drug is Hallucinogenic
147.promotes gums health is vit. C 176.medication order that are administered
148.Which of the following exercise has no immediately and only once stat
effect to the breast: walking 177.Permits the nurse to give a medication
149.micronutrients given free, EXCEPT: Vit. D when, in the midwife's judgment, the client
150.Corrigan's pulse - forceful distension of requires it. PRN
the arterial pulse with a quick collapse. 178. drug administration is pertaining to the
151. reason why does the midwife need to use cheek: buccal
lubricant: to prevent discomfort 179.Drug is under the tongue. Sublingual
152.Tourniquet test is done for H. Fever 180.BMI classified as obese: 33
153. patient irritable – Restless 181.injection prevents postpartum bleeding
154.for the growth of muscles and bones: Oxytocin
Protein and dairy products 182.numbness on legs/lower extremities:
155.To prevent bed sore client, repositioning is Vitamin B deficiency
done every how many hours : 2 183.RICKETS is Vitamin D deficiency
156.The drug used to relieve anxiety and reduce 184.CRETINISM is iodine deficiency
tension and irritability is Tranquilizers 185.Tepid Sponge Bath (TSB) is Independent
157.episiotomy is a type of: Incise wound function

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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
186.Normal delivery normal average blood loss: regulated in the Philippines with the
300 enactment of Public No. 310
187.When performing breast self-examination, 207.Dr. Fabella opened the School of
palpation usually starts at the UPPER Midwifery in 1922
OUTER 208.Ricardo Gonzales, then chairman of the
188.NPO meaning Nothing per orem Midwifery Board, who was very
189.An instrument used for auscultation is instrumental in the merging of PHIMIDAS
Stethoscope and NFFM creating IMAP
190.husband, who spends all money of the 209.Midwifery #557 Series 1988 – Code of
family, is what type of violence. Ethics for Midwives
ECONOMIC VIOLENCE 210.CMO #33 Series of 2007 – Policies and
191.Set of rules that guide the actions of Standards for Midwifery Education (BSM)
midwife in the community: CONDUCT 211.Alice Sanz de la Gente, First Flipino
192.Study of vital events such as births, Midwife who went on to become president
illnesses, marriages, divorces and deaths : of the International Confederation
Vital statistics of Midwives (ICM) from1996–1999
193.cardiovascular fitness, what type of exercise 212.Which subject is not a scope of the
: Aerobic exercise midwifery licensure examination Zoology
194.iron deficiency anemia: Camote tops 213.If the midwife always views the bright side
195.Unprofessional conduct means: Violation and the positive side of her life and not
of the ethical conduct having regret of the past she is Optimistic
196. lacks the necessary abilities, knowledge 214.Views Negative side of life : Pessimistic
and skills to perform her roles and functions 215.The following statements are true of the
as a professional, she is considered to be functions of the POEA except:Issuance of
Incompetent passport and visa
197.The normal hours of work of any public career opportunity for midwives is
health worker 40 hours a week BSM
198.The ability to enter into the life of another 217.An infant usually expected to say” da-da” 9
person or putting self into the shoes of months
another person and perceive his current 218.These are the energy giving foods
feelings and their meaning is known: Carbohydrates
Empathy 219.Deficiency disease cause by inadequate
199. commonly basic massage technique vitamin C in the diet of infant is SCURVY
EFFLEURAGE 220.Alma Ata First Primary health care
200.It is defined as an essential and international conference was held in
indispensable equipment of a midwife RUSSIA
which she has to carry along during her 221.independent intervention to dengue: Place
home visit Public health bag an ice pack in the forehead
201.These are used to describe the relationship 222. H fever management EXCEPT : No to
between two numerical quantities or fogging
measures of events without taking 223.What is the average incubation period for
particular considerations to the time or leprosy: 5 years
place. Ratio
202.The three main sources of drinking water Situation -You organize a mother’s class in the
includes: groundwater, surface water and community but only few came and they also brought
rainwater. their child with them.
203.The midwifery week is celebrated every
Third week of October 224.What will be your initial action? Welcome
204.PROCLAMATION NO. 1275, them
DECLARING THIRD WEEK OF 225.Assume that the Community plan is
OCTOBER OF EVERY YEAR effective. All but one is your next action :
THEREAFTER, AS “MIDWIFERY Go to the next barangay
WEEK” 226.Ways to make health teaching effective:
205.Who was the father of midwifery and the Demonstration
first Filipino appointed as the secretary of
health founded the first midwifery school in Situation- A pregnant woman from a far flung
the Philippines: Dr. Jose Fabella community visits your clinic. She came alone
206.The practice of midwifery was first because her husband had just returned back to work
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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
abroad. Code or the Devolution code: RA 7160
252.Vibrio el tor is common in Rainy season
227.As part of the counseling you help the 253.Disease commonly seen during rainy
mother to do _____plan : Birth seasons: Cholera
228.Her husband is an OFW; she needs 254.Chlamydia is bacteria
someone to be with her: Companion 255.Patient wants to be assisted in home
229.The distance where she lives is far from the delivery. To promote safe delivery and
hospital. She must prepare for: newborn care, what will you do: Convince
Transportation her to deliver in healthcare facility.
230.avail of maternity care benefits this must 256.Clue cells is : Bacteria
be in their payment plan? PhilHealth 257.The RA 9255 declares that the private
231. not included in a birth plan: Payment for handwritten instrument made by the father
medicine is Illegitimate child acknowledged by the
father shall use the surname of his father
if father signs the birth certificate
Situation - Ms. Rein has been working as a midwife 258.incompetent? Attend seminar and
in her own community for more than 20 years. She is training in episiorrhaphy but does not
working with a nurse but suddenly, the nurse know how to perform it
resigned. She was replaced by a Muslim nurse. 259."Love thy neighbor" Altruism
260.a government midwife is exempted from
232.Rein put the community first before herself, paying which these: Professional tax
what do you call this: Loyalty 261.Midwifery foundation in the Philippines is
233.Rein realizes that: midwife and nurse can by Celestina Che Chua
work together 262.Who is the FORMER PRC president :
234.considered fully immunized against tetanus Teofilo Pilando Jr
if she received how many doses of tetanus 263.What age can legally to get married: 18-18
toxoid: Five 264.Current BOM chairman = Melchor dela
235.NOT a common Soil Transmitted Cruz
helminthiasis : Taeniasis 265.Former BOM chairman = Alejandro San
236.Opened vials of this vaccine should be pedro
discarded 6 hours after opening? BCG 266.The mother and baby was admitted for 48
237. temperature of the freezer of vaccine hours, all went normal and okay. The
refrigerator: -15 to -25 degree Celsius midwife discharge the mother and the baby
238. abscess on the site of injection: Unsterile healthy, after a week the baby died. The
needle was used midwife was blamed, a case was filed
239.When maintaining the potency of DPT. The against the midwife, the baby died because
following are done except; Cold dogs his brother gave him a drink of ampalaya
240. postpartum mother can use Warm bayabas juice made by their mother. Midwife is
decoction for flushing liable for
241.BCG immunization is against for TB a. Aggravating B.
242. site for BCG immunization Right deltoid Mitigating C.
243.The administered BCG dose is .05ml Exempting D.
244.Sabin vaccine: Oral polio vaccine Justifying
245. strategy of NTP implemented in 1996:
DOTS SITUATION: Two midwives built lying in clinic
246.3-fixed drug combination: in the community; two foreigner midwives came
rifampicin,isoniazid, ethambutol (RIE) to their clinic paying to practice and perform
247.Koplik's spots are seen in RUBEOLA operations, minor surgery, while and medicines in
248.A tool used when rendering prenatal care as the community. The local midwife reports the
guide in identification of risk factors. : activity to the authorities, so the DOH conducts
Home based Mother Record inspection and investigates the clinic.
249.IUD can provide how many years of
protection to prevent pregnancy : 10yrs+ 267.What entrepreneur is allowed to be built by
250.spread of infectious disease to a large the midwife: lying in
number of people in a given population 268.Who are not allowed to operate business in
within a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME: the Philippines; except: Local
Epidemic Professionals
251.It is also known as the Local Government 269.What is the liability of the foreign midwife:
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Copyright: Jonas Marvin Anaque, RM, RN
principal 289.A midwife who gives any false evidence to
270.What will happen to the license of the clinic the BOM in order to obtain a certificate of
if they found out that the activity : revoked registration will be liable for Fraudulent
271.Deadline of filing 20 working days before misrepresentation
the first day of exam 290.ratio of clinical instructor to students is 1 :
272.When resigning from a job, Send a letter 12
of resignation just effective 30 days 291.School of midwifery must be at least 50
before leaving maternity beds
273.The basic contents of a letter of application 292.Putting lying in clinic : 4226
are: EXCEPT: biodata D. 7160
274.In order to be able to legally work in a 293.Who can remove the chairman of the board
foreign country, a midwife needs a visa from of its office? President of the
obtained from which office? Foreign Philippines
embassy 294.A man who did a crime is senile, what is
275.Which of the following document is the the criminal liability Mitigating
MOST important when applying for a 295.Practicing midwife without a license is
passport? Birth certificate guilty of misrepresentation
276.NOT considered a practice of midwifery 296.A Government agency organize inspection,
working as a governess in Kuwait. the sanitary health inspector caught the
midwife performing abortion to a three
months old baby. What is the case liability
SITUATION: Josie agreed to marry Ricky. It of the midwife? Illegal practice
appeared in their marriage contract that Ricky 297.What is holographic will? Written
was single. Josie was married to Ricky and had 298.A passport is obtained from which office?
two children with him, before she learned that Department of Foreign Affairs
Ricky was previously married to another woman 299.The National Women’s Month is celebrated
and also has two children from the said marriage. during the month of March
Ricky's former wife initiated a complaint against 300.When the Board prepares examination
the two. questions, it is exercising its: Discretionary
277.What is the current status of the marriage of
Josie and Ricky under Philippine laws?
Null and void since the beginning
278.What is the criminal liability committed by
Ricky? Aggravating
279.What type Felony is committed by Ricky?
Grave felony
280.Which of the following is NOT true with
regard to informed consent? Signed by the
281.The PRC Modernization Act of 2000
pertains to: Republic Act 8981
282.The term of office of PRC commissioners is
283. day care centers in every barangay was
sanctioned by which law: RA 6972
284.The president of Philippine League of
Government and Private practice Midwives
(PLGPMI) Florminda Tejano
285.The Milk Code of the Philippines is 51
286.Newborn Screening Act of 2004 is RA
287.If the board is conducting a hearing
violations of Midwifery act, it is exercising
its: Quasi
288.Quasi legislative power of the board is the
promulgation of law, rules, regulations,
policies and guideline
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