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Internet is a global system of networked computers together with their users and data.
Internet refers to the global information system that
1. Logically linked together by a globally unique address apace based on the internet protocol
2. Is able to support communications using the transmission control protocol/Internet
3. Provides uses or makes accessible either publicly or privately high level services layered on
the communications and related infrastructure described.

1960s Telecommunications.
Essential to the early internet concept was packet switching in which data to be transmitted
is divided into small packets of information and labeled to identify the sender and recipient. The
packets were sent over a network and then reassembled at their destination. If any packet did not
arrive the original sender was requested to resend the packet.
In 1969 BBN Inc, (Bolt, Beranek, Newman) designed a network called ARPANET (Advanced
Research Project Agency Network) for the US Dept of Defense. Later ARPANET became as INTERENT.
1970s Telecommunications:
In this decade the ARPANET was primarily used by the military, some of the larger companies such as
IBM and Universities. The use of Local Area Network becomes more prevalent during 1970s.
By 1972 the ARPANET was international with nodes in Europe. The number of nodes on the network
was up to 23. Ray Tomlinson who worked at BBN invented email.
In 1976 AT&T Bell Labs developed UUCP (Unix to Unix copy).
In 1979 User Network (USENET) was started by using UUCP.
1980s Telecommunications:
In this decade TCP/IP a set of rules governing how networks making up the ARPANET communicate
was established. The Domain Name Space (DNS) system was developed to allow the network to
expand more easily by assigning names to host computers in a distributed fashion.
In 1980 the Computer Science Network (CSNET) connected all university computer science
departments in the United States. It joined ARPANET in 1981.
In 1981 BITNET (Because it is Time Network) formed at the City University.
In 1983 TCP/IP was used for all ARPANET hosts then the Internet became an Open System. This
allowed the Internet to grow quickly.
In 1985 NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network) was formed to connect five supercomputing
In 1988 the virus called Internet Worm was released (created by Robert Morris) and Internet Relay
Chat (IRC) was written.
In 1989 NSF (National Science Foundation) took over control of the Arpanet.
1990s Telecommunications:
In 1991 Gopher was developed to allow users to fetch files on the internet using a menu based
In 1991 the WWW was created by Tim Berners at CERN. It became available to the public in 1992.
In 1993 MOZAIC graphical browser was released under graphical UNIX
In 1994 a web browser called Netscape Navigator was released by the company Netscape.
In 1994 Yahoo released Yahoo! Search engine and Directory. It was developed by Filo and Yang.
In 1995 java internet programming language was released by Sun Microsystems. This language was
originally called Oak.
In 1995 Microsoft developed Internet Explorer web browser. In 1998 Netscape Navigator released
the source code of its web browser.


A).Network Benefits:
1) Provide Convenience: Computers on a network can back up their files over the network.
2) Allow Sharing: Networked computers can share resources such as disks and printers.
3) Facilitate Communications: Sending and receiving e-mails transferring files and video
4) Generate Savings: Networked computers can provide more computing power for less money.
Since resources can be shared everyone doesn’t need own peripherals and it results in cost savings.
5) Provide Reliability: If one part of network is down useful work may still be possible using a
different path.
6) Simplify Scalability: It is relatively easy to add more computers to an existing network.

b).Interconnected Networks and Communications: The internet is essentially a network of networks

and its success depends upon cooperation among the networks. This cooperation is accomplished by
a common set of protocols. The protocol that determines how computers connect, send and receive
information on the internet is Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is the
language of internet. The two main protocols in TCP/IP suite are TCP and IP. TCP permits
communication between the various computers on the internet and IP specifies how data is routed
from computer to computer. The TCP/IP protocol splits the information into IP packets and
transmitted over the internet.
The advantages of Packets:
i).Error Recovery: If a packet gets corrupted only that packet needs to be resent and not the entire
ii) Load Distribution: If one area of the network is congested packets can be re routed to less busy
iii) Flexibility: If the network experiences a failure or disruption in one area packets can be rerouted.
In addition to the message pieces, each packet of data also contains information about
the computer that sent it, the computer that is going to receive it and a sequence number indicating
where the packet fits in the overall message and error checking information to ensure that the
packet is not corrupted while in transmission. If any packet gets corrupted in transmission only that
packet need to resend not the whole message. It is not necessary to send the packets in sequential
order, if the packets arrive out of order at the destination computer, sequence numbers can be used
to reconstruct the original message. This method is called Packet Switching.

C) Physical Components: These components include Servers, Routers, and the network themselves.
Servers: Servers are computers that answer requests for services such as List Servers, mail
Servers and News Servers.
Routers: A router is a special purpose computer that directs data packets along the network.
Routers can detect whether part of the network is down or congested and can then reroute traffic.
Networks provide the physical means to transport packets of information. The following
media are employed for this purpose.
i) Copper wires: Transmit messages on electrical impulses.
ii) Fiber Optic Cables: Use Light waves to transmit messages.
iii) Radio waves, Micro waves, Infrared waves and Visible Light.
D) Network Connections: A modem is used along with the telephone line to connect the computer
to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). A second modem at the ISP end completes the connection. The
modem is needed to convert analog signals to digital and back again. Instead of modems Network
Interface Card (NIC) can also be used. Another option is ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) it
is expensive but uses regular telephone lines and uses adopters. The freeways are run by Network
Service Providers (NSP) they are the backbone of Internet. ISPs connect to NSP networks.
Thus to access the internet user connects to ISP and ISP connects to NSP.
E) Client Server Model: The client server model provides many of the network benefits. This model
is easily extendable. Many clients can share the resources provided by the single server. Each
Internet service has its own associated set of client and servers.
F) IP Addresses: Each computer and router on the internet must have a name so that it can be
uniquely identified. An IP addresses are numerical names and it consists of 32 bits. Each IP address
consists of a network component and a host component. It is common to express IP address as four
natural numbers separated by dots. E.g.
Network Component Host Component

------------------------------32 bits----------------------------

10000100 10101010 00000100 01111100

Each of the 3 bytes of an IP address can represent a natural number from 0 to 255. IP addresses are
assigned by a Central Authority called Network Information Center (NIC). IP addresses are 32 bit
numbers where as domain names are easy to remember symbolic strings. A program called
“Resolver” converts a symbolic name into its corresponding IP address. A permanently assigned IP
address is called Static IP address. If user is being assigned a new IP address each time he connects
to the internet is called Dynamic IP address
G) Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6): IPV6 is the latest version of IP routing protocol, the new
protocol is necessary to accommodate the greater demand being placed on the internet. The Major
changes in the new version are;
i) More address: The IP address size is increase from 32 bits to 128 bits.
ii) Simplified IP Headers: The Number of header fields needed in an IP packet is reduced.
iii). Added Security Features: It will provide greater support for privacy and security.


The researchers are trying to reduce congestion on the internet with a network connection the
speed with which the web pages can be viewed if the speed with which the computer renders the
pages. The computer speed depends on CPU speed, BUS speed, memory size and disk speed etc.
a). World Wide Wait Problem: - Increasing delays are being experienced throughout the world when
trying to access information on the internet. With advent of the WWW and development of
graphical browsers came a surge of interest in the internet. This increase in the number of internet
users along with request for web pages containing images, sound etc has degraded the speed of the
internet. Although new technologies are being employed to remedy the situation the problem still
b) Technical Solutions: - Researchers working in conjunction with the World Wide Web Consortium
are addressing the issue of network congestion. Their goal is to develop new technologies the help
relieve the slowdown that resulted from retrieving add displaying web pages. Some of the solutions
offered involve HTTP itself and improvement in the interaction between http and TCP/IP. The
researches focused on the following issues.
1) Improving the process of connecting to a web server.
2) Introducing new techniques to speed up web page requests.
3) Refining how a URL is resolved using persistent connections that make it more efficient to retrieve
pages from the same web server.
W3C researchers have suggested the following while designing web pages. A web pages design tool
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) has the potential to improve downloads time. Portable Network
Graphics format is recommended over GIF images and they render more quickly. The size of the
router tables can be reduced by rearranging blocks of addressed. Routers must examine each packet
to see where it is going, look up that destination and then send the packets on its way. Packets that
cannot be resolved in the threshold time are thrown away and must be retransmitted. Thus the
researchers and the w3c are trying to ease the congestion created by www.
c) Issues and Predictions: - The technological advances have not yet solved the world wide wait
problem. Users are using the internet during the less busy periods. Plans have moved forward to
create the INTERNET II to be used exclusively by educational institutions and researchers with no
commercial traffic is permitted and with operations at high speeds. Some organizations are creating
isolated Intranets for their companies. Some networks can have their own internal web.
Originally the government financed the internet. Now users pay ISPs (Internet Service Providers) to
connect them. ISPs pay NSPs (Network Service Providers) and NSPs pay the long haul carrier. The
payments are based on how much capacity is provided.
To reflect the true costs involved in using the internet set priority to the information and then
change more for high priority transmissions. Another Idea is to charge more for transmissions that
occur when the internet traffic is heavy.

Internet has begun as an exclusive club for researchers and academics. Now it is opened for masses.
The internet has emerged from being a research medium to one that includes advertising commerce
and forums for exchanging ideas on various subjects.
a).Critical Evaluation of Information: - Since the internet is not regulated for content anything and
everything can be found on the web. The editorial control is missing. Being able to distinguish
between accurate and inaccurate information over the internet is a necessary part of Internet
culture. Everything published over internet is not sound. To find valuable information shift through
web pages and separate the useful from the useless, the valid from the invalid. Web presentations
that contain referred and reviewed information could be considered reliable.
For Critical Evaluation of information the following questions may be asked.
1. Who wrote the information?
2. If the writing quality is high.
3. If the document up to date.
4. Are there errors in the content?
b) Freedom of Expression:-The lack of regulation that permits the proliferation of information on
the internet facilitates the interchange of ideas. Anyone with an internet connection can express
their views globally. This allows small group of people with something in common to find each other.
Many believe that this freedom of expression is the best and most defining feature of the internet.
Related to the idea of personal expression is another aspect of internet culture i.e. not everyone
agrees that everything and anything should be publishable. Some people ignored all of the great
benefits provided by the internet such as
1. More educational opportunities for both children and adults.
2. The ability to communicate more readily with others all over the world.
3. The sharing of research ideas and information.
4. The convenience of performing many functions such as banking and shopping on line.
5. Opportunities for entertainment.
6. Rapid and global dissemination of important information
7. Worldwide discussions forums to promote solutions to global problems.
Providing material on a specific topic from being published online diminishes freedom of expression.
Labels can be used to identify the content of web pages. The Platform for Internet Content Selection
(PICS) provides a set of technical specifications for designating such labels. The PICS specifications
work with vendor supplied filtering software and some of them are built into browsers. Some ISPs
offer PICS based filtering. The content of web pages may be legal in the area where it is developed
but it could be illegal in some other part of the world. This suggests that the proper place for content
control is with the content viewer not the creator. There are many overlapping and conflicting
interest in the way cyberspace develops.
c) Communication Mechanism: - Another aspect of internet culture is created by the
communication channels. People are able to exchange ideas via email, Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
mailing lists, news groups etc. Since there are no facial expressions voice inflections or body
language to convey or interpret these communications users must avoid confusion or
misunderstanding by either spelling thinks out completely or using emotions. Video conferencing is a
way to include the missing audio and video.
E.g. of Emoticons:
Emoticons Meaning
:-D Laugh
:-) smile
:-O surprise
To save time when typing messages users’ employee shorthand for commonly used phrases.
E.g.: - AFAIK - As For As I Know
FOAF - Friend of A Friend
IMHO – In My Humble Opinion
d) Advertising: - There was a little advertising on the internet prior to 1995. From 1996 Ads
generating huge incomes from companies such as Netscape communications. The company the web
pages of which get million of hits per day place ads on their web pages. Ads shown on web pages are
clickable images. Popular web pages have revolving advertisements i.e. each time the page is visited,
different ad is seen. Many users manage to browse the web without paying much attention to the
ads. The marketing techniques for advertising on the net are becoming more sophisticated. The style
form and content of ads is a rapidly emerging part of the internet culture.
e) Social Impact: - The internet has an enormous impact on the society and it affected all facets of
life. Many people work in internet related jobs such as writing software, creating web pages,
designing graphics or conducting business on the web. Many people obtain all their information and
perform most of their communication using the internet. Information about whether news, stock
prices and travel information are accessed by millions of users every day.


Many businesses are recognizing opportunities in online activities. URLs are listed on newspapers,
magazines and television. Many users and companies are suspecting that business on the internet
regarding its safety.
a) Online Businesses: - The internet functions as a means of facilitating business communications
between companies. It is also an excellent venue for advertising and conducting trade with
consumers. It is possible to shop goods and services through online catalogues. The internet is
transforming the market place into a global environment in which businesses and consumers are not
restricted by their geographical location.
Type of Business Company
1) Advertising Alta Vista
2) Marketing America Net
3) Partnership Fed Ex Business Link
4) Retail L. L. Bean
5) Service Internet Travel Agency
6) Software Netscape
7) Subscription The wall Street Journal Interactive
b) Online Business Hurdles: - The most significant consumer concerns about doing business on line
are privacy and security. While disclosing personal information and revealing spending habits on
line. Consumers want assurance that information will not go further. The data is actually stored on
the hard disk in a file called cookies. Each entry in the file is called a cookie. This information has to
be prevented from falling into wrong hands.
c) Cookies: - When a user visits a web page, information about the user such as name, password,
credit card number, phone no, address, etc. Is collected. This may be given by filling out a form on
the web page or during a transaction process such as supplying a mailing address when ordering. A
web server sends this information to the browser and data is written to the cookies file stored on
user’s disk. This process is known as setting a cookie. Some browsers allow users to select an option
that notifies user when a cookie is to be written. Using the cookies file, web server can keep track of
the web pages visited by the user. The next time when the user visits a particular webpage, the
server will search the cookies file, retrieve the information stored there and user that information to
customize its webpage to accommodate the user. The amount of data that can be stored in a cookie
is very limited such an id for the user.
The purpose of putting information in the cookies file on the user’s disk is to reduce server’s search
time in location specific cookie. After a period of time some cookies must be removed. The least
recently user entries are deleted when space is needed. Cookies also specify an expiration date after
which they may be removed from the file. The information from the cookies file may be retrieved
and used to determine and user’s personal habits, credit care, account numbers, etc. some valid
information are encrypted.
d) Business and Safety/Security on the Web: - The biggest common of consumers conducting
business online is the issue of security. While a concerned for and understanding of the transaction
process is healthy. The news media tend to exaggerate the risk mechanisms for ensuring secure
payments are being developed in the private sector. Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) is a new
technical standard to make credit card payments over the internet more secure. Other payments
options being developed include electronic money. Business transactions over the internet are
becoming more wide spread and also more secure
e) Legal Environment: - Legal implications of doing business on line have discouraged some
companies from taking their business on line. Consumers and businesses recognize that electronic
commerce is new and unchartered territory. Without a predictable legal structure and without a
guarantee that government will not suddenly impose taxes on trade conducted over the internet.
f) Electronic Commerce- US Government’s Commitment: - The principles summarized from the
frame work “ A frame work for Global Electronic Commerce” reduced released by the US
government in 1997 are as follows.
1) Government’s should encourage self regulation of the internet and encourage the private sector
to take the lead in organizing when needed.
2) Because technology is changing so quickly, government should not attempt to regulate or restrict
electronic commerce on the internet. Since such policies may be out of date before they are
3) Governments should provide a legal environment to support electronic commerce and to protect
consumers when necessary.
4) Governments should acknowledge the uniqueness of the internet by not trying to impose other
regulatory structures on it.
5) Electronic commerce on the internet should promote globally in a consistent manner regardless
of where the buyer and seller reside.
The recommendations made over the government actions they may be necessary to ensure secure
electronic payment systems to safeguard personal privacy.


Def: - It is defined as applications that allow the sharing of information and resources between
people. The www is a collaborative platform that employs HTML and browsers. MS Exchange, Lotus
Notes etc are the software available that supports collaborative computing.
Business and individuals must cope with more information and cost or travel for face-to-face
meetings continues to increase. Employees spend much time sorting through data in email, mail,
reports etc. Organizing the information and forwarding it correctly is also timed consuming. To stay
competitive, businesses and organizations are turning to collaborative computing to share
knowledge and resources and to move information efficiently.
A networked computer system provides the basis for a collaborative computing
infrastructure. Groupware is the software that makes up the collaborative computing platform. Ti
allows users to schedule meetings, co ordinate calendars, send mails, work jointly on a document or
confer without physically being in the same geographic location.

b) Applications: - From customer and account service to research and product development,
collaborative improved many aspect of business. The basic collaborative computing application
email has replaced the written menu in many organizations saving both time and money.
Collaborative computing can simplify the process of filling out an expense report. Using a
intelligent form and employee enters expense amounts only and then expense figures are
automatically calculated and the report is electronically submitted. The form is automatically routed
to the supervisor for review and is electronically directed to the accounting department, which
dispersed payment. At any point in the process, the employee is able to track the report to
determine its status.
Version Control is another user of collaborative computing in which the software makes it
possible for more than one person to work on a document at the same time. The software keeps
track of the latest version of the document and updates all other copies as needed. It results in time
Video Conferencing is another application of collaborative computing that involves real time
interaction. It enabled the real time exchange of video images and audio. Business adopted the
costliest VC technology to save time and travel costs. Multiple VC equipment sets are necessary to
allow different groups of people in a single location to communicate with other groups somewhere
A less expensive technology for remote conferencing is Desktop Video Conference (DTVC).
It uses personal computers and provides interaction between individuals situated at there on PCs. It
includes a PC connected to a microphone, video camera. A high speed ISDN line should be used to
connect to the internet. Since more band width is needed to transfer audio and video data.
A video conferencing system may include the following aspects.
1) Real time talk or chat
2) Whiteboard graphics
3) Audio
4) Black and White video
5) Color Video.
c) Impact: - The major benefits of collaborative computing are convenience and time savings.
can examine, organize and route data efficiently, while manages can have easy access to data and
can find information in a timely manner. Electronically forwarding and accessing environment
provides the means for clear communications. This can eliminate errors and misunderstandings.
Travel time expenses can be reduced by collaborative computing.
d) Future Prospects: - Collaborative computing became a necessity for businesses that want to
remain competitive. Some applications make user of web technology and prove a cheaper
alternative. They are using web based platform as their collaborative computing environment. The
web technology is cheaper and easier to use.
The infrastructure for a web based collaborative computing platform is an intranet. Access
within an intranet is limited to employees and business contact only by a security measure known as
firewall. Intranet to intranet communications across the internet is possible with technology that
does not require dedicated bandwidth.
Groupware providers are making their products compatible with the web by allowing
various browsers to access their database. Some companies are using combination of web
technology and groupware. Many businesses are improving productivity through the use of
Collaborative computing.

The World Wide Web (WWW) or Web is a software application that makes it easy and possible to
publish and browse hypertext documents on the internet. Web encompassed all of the information
available through web browsers. It is called “web” because the interconnections between
documents resemble a spider’s web.
Internet is different from www. The internet can be thought of as a very large group of networked
computers. The information on the web is transported over the internet. The web therefore uses
Fig 4.1 pg no 143

The above figure shows the relationship between the web, the internet and a number of other
applications. Each application uses the internet as a transport mechanism. The web runs on the
HTTP protocol. Browsers are multiprotocol, means browsers can talk to many different kinds of
resources that make up the Internet.
A central idea in the development of the web was Uniform Resource Locator, which uniquely
identifies a document on the web. Unique addresses make linking to anyone’s web documents


 Cookie: Users are notified before a cookie is written and can then decide whether or not to
allow the cookie to be written.
 Disk cache: User can set the size of the cookie. The cache stores the HTML source code and
images of web presentations visited by the user. If user reloads one of these pages, the
browser can load the cached copy and the page will appear very quickly.
 Fonts: User can select a font specification and also set a default font size.
Helper applications: User can configure helper applications to handle certain types of data
that the browser is unable to process.
 Home Page location: User can specify the page that gets loaded when the browser is first
 Images: User can specify the whether or not images are loaded. Options for color selection
are also available.
 JavaScript and java: User can enable or disable these types of programs from running within
the browser.
 Messages: User can specify a default signature file or a default carbon copy address for
outgoing messages. This can be set for regular email or for posts to newsgroups.

The saved URL is called a bookmark (or favorite). If you save the URL of a web page, you have
bookmarked the page. The bookmark is a pointer (URL) to a location on the web, just as a physical
bookmark inserted in a book is a pointer to a specific page. A collection of bookmarks is sometimes
referred to as a hotlist or list of favorite or simply bookmark list. Since URLs are cumbersome and
difficult to type and remember accurately, the mouse driven interface is very convenient.

An appropriate way to manage bookmarks so that you can locate web pages is to create folders.
Bookmark folders are created using browser’s bookmark editor.
The two main and very different, reasons for saving a bookmark are:
1. It is a page you expect to visit often
2. It is a page you may never find again, so you bookmark it on the chance you will want to go
Plug-ins and Helper applications extend the power of the browser. Plug-ins is more tightly
integrated with the browser, so there is less work for you to do. All the user has to do is drag plug-ins
in the browser’s plug-ins folder so that it will find them and load them at startup. But there is a
memory cost to using plug-ins.
Plug-ins are capable of playing audio, showing movies, running movies and working with
calendars, among other things. E. g Adobe Acrobat.

Helper applications or Helpers are stand alone programs that are used to process or display data
that is not directly integrated into a web page. Helper’s do not display their information inside the
browser’s window, instead they are launched in their own window. The browser activates the
appropriate helper application when the browser encounters a file type that it does not know how
to handle. The helper applications must be downloaded and placed in the appropriate directory.

Comparison of Plug-ins and Helper Applications

Plug-ins Helper Applications

1. Closely tied to the browser 1) Programs are stand alone
2. Displays inside browser window 2) Displays in separate window
3. Installation involves downloading the 3) Configuration involves downloading the

Plug-in and running a procedure helper application and editing your

4. Broad selection available 4) Broad selection available
5. Launches quickly 5) May launch more slowly than plug-in
There are differences in writing styles for online and offline material because
 Readers usually spend less time looking at a web page than they do reading an offline
 Web pages are typically very short, only one or two screens in length
 Offline material has greater longevity than on line material
 Web designers usually try to grab the reader’s attention.
 Web pages are hyperlinked documents, so readers typically do not go through them in
sequential order.
 Published off line material is generally written and edited by professionals, where as web
pages may be published by anyone, sometimes with little or no writing and editing skills
 Web pages are dynamic, and they often involve multimedia.

Web Presentation
A web presentation is a collection of associated, hyperlinked web pages.
Some of the key elements in an effective Web Presentation are
 Details: - A presentation that includes well thought touches can make a positive impression
on the reader. Good choices of back ground color, headers, footers, and appropriate font
size are all important.
 Coding: - A competent HTML programmer uses the appropriate elements of style, not to
show off, but to contribute to overall quality of the presentation.
 Features: - A few features such as splash screens, applets etc can improve the settings of
pages but they take extra time to download and display.
 Graphics: - Images improve design, but they need to be integrated effectively into the
 Layout: - Visually appealing pages provide convenient navigation as they are likely to be
visited by more users.
 Load time: - Users should be given the option of downloading large images separately. I.f a
user gets frustrated during the loading process they may start loading the further page.
 Hyperlinks: - Navigation is a key element to any good presentation. If the user can move
around the pages easily, they will be more impressed. It they get lost and not be able to find
the desired information they may become frustrated.
Goal Setting
The important steps in producing a high caliber presentation are goal setting, outlining,
navigating, designing, coding and revising.
The object of goal setting is to decide on specific parameters for web presentation. These goals
 Audience: - Specifies intended audience such as children, business executives etc and their
geographical location
 Date: - Specifies the time frame. Many things published on web need to be displayed in
timely manner. Time constraints will affect the depth and extensiveness of the project
 Graphics: -Specifies whether graphics are to be included or not. Remember graphics take a
long time to download..
 Length: - Specifies the size of the material to be included in the web presentation
 Maintenance: - Specifies whether it requires flexibility to allow future changes.
 Objective: - Specifies the objective of the web presentation. Summarize the most important
points about the web presentation.
 Research: - Specifies writing. Does the web presentation requires in-depth research ( on
 Writing: - Set goals for what you would like your writing to accomplish.
The navigational tools provided by the user are hyperlinks that allow readers to move easily
through the pages. Readers should be able to jump over material that is uninteresting to them. It
should be convenient for them to return to the main page. Some organizational arrangements of a
web presentation are as follows
1) Circular: - The circular web presentation arrangement supports forward and backward
movements through the pages. This format is good for writing step by step procedures or
instructions or for dividing up the text that should be read sequentially. Circular navigations
is very clean. Users know always where they are in the presentation. One drawback of
circular navigation is there is no way to jump to the middle of the presentation.
Eg In the figure the four pages are A,B,C and D. A is the starting page and D is the ending page of
the presentation. The arrows shown are the hyperlinks pointing to other pages. From A user can
move to B, C and D. From D the user can return to the page A in reverse order.

2) Exploratory: - The exploratory arrangement allows jumping from nearly every page to nearly
every other page, in an order to determine by the user. This form is similar in structure to a
spider web. It works best for describing maps. There are a lot of hyperlinks in the
arrangement. The user can move from any page as desired but it also provides many
opportunities for becoming lost. It may be difficult to determine where the user is in the
presentation. Another issue of exploratory model is effective display of hyperlinks.
Eg in the fig notice that page A has six outgoing hyperlinks. Image maps work well in the
exploratory type of organization.

3) Hierarchical: - The hierarchical arrangement permits a more limited number of hyperlinks

from the introductory page, and each succeeding page leads to additional hyperlinks. The
arrangement yields to treelike or directory structure. The fanout, defined as the maximum
number of hyperlinks available from any page, should be kept small. Fanout should be no
more than 10 hyperlinks. The depth of the presentation, defined as the number of levels of
the tree, and should be restricted to five at most.
The hierarchical model is best suited for describing companies, institutions and


To write an effective web presentation, set goals and develop an outline and global
navigational design. Producing an HTML document from design involves coding as well as writing.
The design and coding process involves
1) Navigating: -Use the listed goals and outline to design a navigational strategy. Once strategy
is designed, add the HTML code. Set the appropriate number of pages and the hyperlinks
between them. Design, code and insert headers and footers into each page.
2) Coding and Writing: - With outlining and coding had done start writing.
3) Revising: - After completing the presentation, you can revise the whole project and can
make the necessary changes. Revising includes
i) Checking Navigation: Test all hyperlinks
ii) Comment code: Comment your code
iii) Final evaluation: did you meet the goals
iv) Graphics : The graphics user are enough or it needs enhancement.
v) Headers and Footers: Make sure all headers and footers are consistent.
vi) Reread: Critically evaluate writing.
vii) Spell Check: Run the pages through Spell Checking program
viii) View Pages with another browser: This will confirm that pages will look good using various
The better the overall design, the less time will be needed to manage the completed presentation.

News Groups, Mailing Lists, Chat Rooms and MUDs (Multi User Dimensions)

Newgroups: -Newsgroups allow the exchange of electronic messages on a purpose among readers.
It is an electronic forum that allows users from all over the world to participate in a discussion about
a specific topic. They have been started in the late 1970s.
a). Newsgroup Fundamentals and Terminology:
1. Article (post): - A message written and sent to a newsgroup.
2. Posting: - The process of sending an article to a newsgroup.
3. Follow up: - An article posted in response to a previous newsgroup article
4. Thread: - A collection of one or more follow up articles together with the original posting
5. Subscribe: - The procedure that the user follow to add a newsgroup to the users’ regular list.
Once subscribed, the user will receive the new postings of the newsgroup.
6. Unsubscribe: - The process of removing a newsgroup from the users read list.
7. Newsreader: - A program that serves as the user interface for newsgroups. It allows users to
read post, subscribe and unsubscribe from newsgroups. It also called as news client.
8. Expired News: - News that is removed from a system after a short period of time.
9. News Server: - A computer that saves, forward and manages news client.
10. News Feed: - A news server that provides recent articles to a news client.
11. Way Station: - A news server that functions as newsfeed for at least two other sites.
12. Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP): - The protocol used for distributing news articles
13. News Administrator: - A person who is in charge of running a news server. He is in charge of
determining what news will be received by the site and has the capability to add or delete
14. News Moderator: - A person associated with a specific newsgroup that reads and critically
evaluates all articles submitted for posting to the newsgroup and then decides whether or
not each article should be posted.
15. Cross Post: - The process of simultaneously submitting the same article to tow or more
16. Digest: - A collection of related edited articles posted as a single article to a newsgroup.
17. Kill Files: - A filter based on names or topics that the user specified.

b) News Readers: - It is a program that serves as the user interface with newsgroups. The graphical
buttons make reading the news easy. Many web browsers have built in newsgroups.
The newsreader interface includes several pull down menus with headings such as file, edit,
view, go, message etc. The file menu allows user to launch a new browser, composer a new email
message or new news articles, add new newsgroup etc. The edit menu allows user to perform basic
editing functions, undo most recent actions, select a thread and select all messages. The view menu
allows user to view the article source, reload, refresh, sort, wrap long lines and unscramble
messages that are encoded in ROT13 (Rotate 13). ROT13 is an encryption scheme in which letters
are mapped 13 characters down the alphabet. The GO menu allows user to move the next or
previous message or the first unread message.
The Message menu allows user to manipulate a message.
Reading new is easy. In a text based newsreader, the number or name of the newsgroup as well as
the number of the articles to be entered. In a graphical newsreader, select a newsgroup and then
select an article from within the newsgroup.
For posting news, look back at the most recent set of articles to avoid repeating a recent
posting. Some users will become highly critical of others and flame war may erupt. A flame war is a
series of messages in which people thrash at each other. They are unproductive.
Newsreaders maintain a data file that is processed when the user activates, his newsreader.
When the user subscribes to a newsgroup, an entry is put in this file. Each newsgroup assigns unique
id numbers to its postings. When a user reads a posing, the newsreader records the id-numbers that
the user has read.
c)Newsgroups Model: - There are methods by which news is distributed are
1) News Push
2) News Pull
3) News Search
In News Push, the news is delivered without being specifically requested. It is pushed over to the
In News Pull, the client requests the news and it will be delivered. In news push, news feed contacts
its client and indicates that it has new articles available. The client must respond by telling the
newsfeed, which article it, wants. The newsfeed then sends over the appropriate articles. In news
pull a news client contacts one of its newsfeeds and asks if there are new articles. The newsfeed
responds by listening to the new articles available. Then the client must determine which article it
needs and must make a request to retrieve those. Then the newsfeed sends the article over the
network to the client. In both cases, the connections are closed when the business is complete.
The third method of news distribution is called News Search. The web is changing the way a
reader may approach news groups. This change is possible because major search engines now index
newsgroup. E.g. Déjà News.
Deja News is a search engine that specializes in newsgroups. Deja news has a larger
collection of newsgroups than most sites and they have the postings available before they would be
received at an individual site with it a user can request a profile of all the news groups to which any
user can request a profile of all the newsgroups to which any user has posted. Due to the large
volume of news articles by the time a news reached the last machine it would be out of date. To
propagate the news more rapidly way-stations are used. A Way Station is a news server that
distributes article to a number of other news servers, instead of just one.

Newsgroup Hierarchies: - News is partitioned into two major categories.

1) Main Stream and
2) Alternative.
The Main Stream category is more prevalent, conventional and better organized than the alternative
Some popular mainstream newsgroup hierarchies
Hierarchy Name Unabbreviated Name Brief Description
Biz business any business related subject
Comp computers all subjects relevant to computers
Misc miscellaneous Topics not falling into one of the other groups
News newsgroups all subjects relevant to newsgroups themselves
Sci science anything science related
Soc social social gatherings and social issues
Talk talk general discussion and debate.

The alternative category denoted by ‘alt’ is also one of the hierarchies. It is more radical,
more free form, less widely distributed and easier to create newsgroups.
Some of the main subject areas in the alt hierarchy are animals, art, bbs, books, business,
culture, education, food, fames, journalism, music, politics, religion, sports, test, tv.
All newsgroups are not propagated towards the world. A news administrator can filter out
certain newsgroups. A site can create its own local newsgroups that are limited in distribution to the
sites domain. Several countries have a large number of newsgroups. Many of the newsgroups are
not in the English language.
A newsgroup name is formed by the hierarchy under which if falls, the main topic area, a
more specific subtopic area and so on with dots separating the individuals items.
Hierarchy – sci; topic-education; subtopic- drugs

A mailing list is a group of users with a shared interest whose email addresses are collected in an
electronic list that can be used to send email to each member on the list. The key to mailing list is
List Server, which receives and distributes postings and automatically manages subscription. Mailing
lists are a good vehicle for discussion and available for nearly every imaginable subjects. To
participate in a mailing list, one can have to know the knowledge how to use email.

Mailing List Fundamentals

Besides article, cross post, follow up, post, posting, subscribe, thread and unsubscribe there are other
terms in mailing list.
Subscriber: - A person whose email address is on an electronic mailing list.
List owner: - The person in charge of mailing list.
Lurker: - A person who is subscribed to and reads a mailing list, but does not post messages.
Closed list: - A mailing list for which the list owner either accepts or rejects subscriptions.
Open list: - A mailing list to which anyone may subscribe.
Edited list: - A mailing list in which posts to the lists may be edited by the list owner or moderator.
Digested list: - A mailing list in which postings are grouped by topic and sent out as batches instead
of individually.
Mailing list subscriptions and deletions are automated , to subscribe to any mailing list need
to send an email message, to the computer on which mailing list is kept.
A number of list servers programs are available for automating the duties of a list owner. Eg
are LISTPROC (list processor), LISTSERV (list server), and majordomo.
Suppose Julia stone wants to subscribe to the mailing list called cooking and list is managed
by LISTSERV and that the list is stored on the site, then to subscribe to cooking, Julia
sends an email message to with a message body of SUBSCRIBE cooking
Julia Stone. The word subscribe is a command directed to LISTSERV. The command takes two
arguments; a mailing list followed by person’s name. To delete from the mailing list Julia can send
the message UNSUBSCRIBE cooking to the address
Since many users accidentally send subscription, deletion messages to the list, there are two
different address involved with mailing lists.
1. The first address contains commands to be processed by the list server
2. The second address has the form for distribution of the posts to the
entire mailing list
Mailing list Newgroups
1 In mailing list messages are sent directly 1. Messages are stored in the news server
to mailbox
2 By using email clients one can manage the 2. By using newsreader helps in manipulating
mailing list. articles.
3 To subscribe a mailing list one has to send 3. Newsreader provides a method to subscribe
a mail to the mailing list a newsgroup.
4 Message will not expire in mailing list 4 News articles expires within a short period.
5 To join mailing list one need to know how 5. To access news one need to learn
to access email
CHAT ROOMS: - It is a forum through which users can interactively discuss their favorite subject with
people located anywhere on the internet. A chat room is a virtual room in which two or more people
with a common interest can share ideas and have a real time conversation. The chat room is a part
that allows communication between or more computers on the internet. The communication occurs
in real time and is similar to a meeting. But messages are typed on the keyboard and the
conversation appears on the monitors of all the users on that channel.
a) Chat Room Existence: - When signing into a chat room for the first time the user is asked to
select a user name and password. Many nicknames must be tried before the user find one
that is not yet taken. User has to create a password also. Some chat services allow user to
listen to others communicating but doesn’t allow the user to transmit messages. Once the
user has signed in the chat

Multimedia includes animation, audio, video, text and 2D and 3D graphics. Any combination of these
media can be specified in html documents.
Multimedia displays: -
1. Helper: - If the browser is properly configured to play or display the multimedia element
using a helper application, the helper will be automatically launched when the page is
downloaded. A control panel will be provided to start, play, stop, fast forward, reverse,
adjust volume etc. the control panel and the window in which the multimedia element is
displayed are separate from the browser window. The control panel can be dismissed when
the activity is completed. The web can be browsed in the original window while playing the
2. Plug-ins: - If the browser is properly configured to play or display the multimedia element
using plug in, the multimedia element will be launched automatically in the page.
3. Neither: - If the browser has neither a helper nor a plug-in capable of processing the
multimedia element, a hyperlink is provided to a location from which a plug-in can be
downloaded to process the file. Then, the multimedia element can be played or displayed in
the browser window.
Multimedia field is emerging rapidly and standards have not yet been developed. A given plug-in is
able to process one of the many multimedia formats. Separate plus-ins is the downloaded for
different move formats. Different plug-ins is needed for different operating systems.
A second problem with multimedia is that no graphical browser can start a plug-in or helper
application to display the multimedia file. Many users are not comfortable downloading and
installing a plug-in.
The third problems with multimedia elements are very large and take a long time to
download. They place a strain on the internet. To play a large audio clip or movie, the file containing
the data will be buffered i.e a portion of the movie will be brought over and stored before the
movie actually begins playing. The data in the buffer is displayed while more data is brought over in
parallel. This process is known as streaming.

AUDIO: - The term “audio” refers to sound. A number of audio formats exists and audio can be
included in a web page.
Audio file formats; -
.Aiff Audio Interchange File Format ( Apple )
.Au Audio Unit (SUN Microsystems)
.MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
.Ra Real Audio
.wav Developed by Microsoft (wave)
To play any of these formats an appropriate plug-in is needed. When a web page containing a audio
file downloaded, one of the following may happen.
1. The file automatically plays and the user can hear the sound.
2. An option to download the sound file is given. Once the file retrieved the user can listen to it
by playing the file on a appropriate audio player.
3. A n option to download a plug-in that can play the sound file is given.
4. A pop up dialogue box displaying some message may be obtained.
Audio and web pages:- The object tag <OBJECT> ---</OBJECT> is used to include an audio file in a
web page
Eg <object data=”MY_music.wav” type=”audio/wav”>
<param name=”filename” value=”MY_music.wav”>
The data attribute specifies the source file and type attribute specifies the objects MIME type.
Internet explorer supports the background sound tag <BGSOUND>. To include the audio file on a
<BGSOUND src=”MY_music.wav” loop=”2”>. Loop attribute can be assigned the natural number
indicating the number of times the audio file is to be played.
Movies and Video Formats:- On line video is a motion picture. Video files are much larger than
audio files.
.avi Audio video Interleaved.
.mpeg Motion picture Experts group.
.qt Quick time
The process of loading a web page containing video is similar to that for loading a page
containing audio but it is much slower. Movies are always buffered. To play any movie format,
appropriate plug-in.
The object tag is used to include a video in a web page.
Eg. <OBJECT DATA=”myvideo.avi” type=”video/msvideo” height=”150” width=”150”>
<PARAM name=”autostart” value=”true”></OBJECT>
In the above example, the movie “myvideo.avi’ will be included in 150*150 pixels area and its starts
playing when the corresponding web page is loaded. Values specified in the parameter tag <param>
are passed directly to the corresponding plug-in and are not processed by the browser.
The browser uses the data attribute to load the appropriate file, the type attribute to obtain
the MIME type of the file and height and width attributes to layout the required amount of space on
the screen for the multimedia element. The value true assigned to the parameter autostart is passed
directly to the plug-in itself. This tells the plug-in to start playing the movie as soon as it is loaded.
Other parameters may specify the number of times the move is supposed to be played. The
information passed is plug-in specific.
Virtual reality involves a 3D simulation of a real or imaginary environment using computers.
Software for creating 3D solid figures and line drawing are available. The first step was the creation
of static images. Initially users were not able to interact with the object being rendered.
Virtual reality is an extension of the web. The development of the 3D objects and 3D
browsers to view them is in the planning stages. 3D virtual worlds can be accessed via plug-ins and
obtaining a special browsers are time consuming. Several different implementations of virtual reality
are available on the web. Such as Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and Quick Time Virtual
Reality (QTVR).
1. Virtual Reality Modeling Language:- It was established by Silicon Graphics to use simple
text based files to create virtual reality evnironemts. The earliest environment was statc an
non interactive. The current version VRML 97 supports interaction, motion and sound. Any
object can be modeled as a VRML world.
A VRML file is a plain text or compressed text file with extension .wrl, wrz or .gz and
thet have a MIME type or model/vrml. Html files are rendered as “pages” by a
browser. VRML files are rendered as “worlds”. Viewing a vrml world requires a
special vrml viewer or a plug-in. The latest versions of internet explorer and
netscape navigator include viewers that support vrml.
A text editor is required to create a vrml file. Vrml files contain information that describe
camera, colors, event handlers, lighting, 3D subjects and textures. Modeling software can be usedto
create vrml files. Converters permit to convert 3D and CAD file formats to the vrml file format.
There are several methods to include a VRML file in a 2D web presentation. One approach includes
providing a hyperlink to the VRML file from html document using anchor tag.
Eg <A href=”artgallery.wrl”>3D world</A>
The vrml world file can be included directly in a html document. It caused the 3D world to display
Eg <OBJECT DATA=”artgallary.wrl” type=”model/VRML” height=”200” width=”200”>
<param name=”color” value=”brown”>
In the above example the object tag is used to create a 200*200 pixel area in which the virtual world
art gallery.wrl is displayed.
A vrml world can also be included in a frame.
Eg <frame src=”artgallary.wrl” name=”3Dpictures”>. It displays the virtual world artgallary.wrl in the
frame named 3D pictures.
Quick Time Virtual Reality (QTVR): - It is also called Quick Time VR. This technology was designed by
”APPLE” inc. A MAC system is necessary to create the virtual reality style 3D objects. A 3D scene
created by QTVR is a quicktime movie with extension .mov that represents a 360 o image. A
quicktime VR movie can be included in a web page and navigating through the movie gives the user
the impression that they are in a 3D world. Creating a scene requires a great deal of technical skill.
To view QTVR a QTVR plug-in is needed. The QTVR plug-in interprets and responds to the user
movements as the user navigates through a scene or manipulates an object.

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