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World After COVID-19

Indian Author Arundhati Roy writes “Historically, Pandemics have forced humans to break with

the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between

one world and the other”. COVID-19—A virus which has destroyed lives and families

throughout the world, seemed incurable. But as it said “Every dark cloud has a silver lining”,

similarly, Vaccine for COVID-19 proved to be a ray of hope in bleakness of the era.

The world has changed entirely after spread of pandemic. Home deliveries for groceries and

general merchandise has increased in post-COVID-19 world. Amazon was one of the big-tech,

which recruited staff instead of sending them home on layoff. Apple, Google, Amazon, eBay and

Alibaba will enhance e-trade instruments, tighten cybersecurity, offer ensures to customers for

stable economic transactions and compete with each other for speedy delivery. A large self-

employed young people have started supporting e-commerce doing home deliveries instead of

playing virtual games in their spare time. It could become a regular feature for internships and

summer jobs for college students and young graduates.

The world might be a better place in terms of health. People have started caring more about their

health and surrounding. They have become well aware of the cleanliness. Wearing masks has

helped people a lot in over-coming seasonal allergies as well.

The world has shrunk into global village after COVID-19. Schools and colleges were shifted to

online teaching methodology. It was difficult for the teachers to manage it in the beginning but

now, they have become tech-friendly. The countries have focused on expanding e-government

services to enable citizens to pay utility bills, rates and taxes.

Developing countries have largely escaped the full burden of the coronavirus death toll. But full

and partial lockdown in some of these countries revealed the weaknesses of their economies to

absorb financial shocks.

In the march of civilization, survival of the fittest will not work. In post-COVID-19 world, a new

international order will be redrawn by the powerful countries as they have learnt from their past

mistakes. IT will be playing a major role in all aspects of life in education, e-governance,

commerce, health, and artificial intelligence. Tourism will continue but there will be strictness in

visa regimes. We need to take our weak and vulnerable along, even if we have to carry them on

our shoulders.

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