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Women’s Place in Our Society

Lucky is the woman, whose first child is a daughter”. ( Prophet

Muhammad (S.A.W))
Women never enjoyed the status and respect that they enjoy today. They
are playing their due role in all walks of life. Men have only gradually
acknowledged their contribution towards society. The concept of a male-
dominant society is on the decline now. Women have proved that they
are inferior to none.
Women had no respectable place in society before Islam came to their
rescue. They were ill-treated and had no rights to education, economic
independence and inheritance. They were considered the product of the
devil. The new-born girls were buried alive. They were also burn alive
with their dead husbands. Islam gave women respect and basic human
Women are playing their role today in different capacities. They enjoy
better status now as a daughter, sister, wife and mother. They have
social, financial and matrimonial independence. They are no more
confined to the four walls of their houses. They now fully participate in
the social, political and economic development of the country.
The main responsibility of a woman is to preserve the human race. For
this, she has to bear many hardships. She gives birth to children, feeds
them and helps them to grow up. It is quite true that great men have
great mothers. The progress of a nation depends upon the way mothers
bring up their children. If the women are educated the society is bound
to progress and prosper.
Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in
the World. (Hillary Clinton)
Women have always played an important role in the development of a
nation. In the early days of Islam, women worked side by side with men.
The history of the Muslims is full of the names of women who were
eminent scholars, poets and Sufis. They are also entitled to freedom of
expression and to put forward their opinions on public, legislative and
religious matters. In the battlefield, they nursed the injured, kept up the
supplies and in certain cases, even fought bravely.
Women are the real architects of society. (Harriet Beecher Stowe)
Society must give due respect to females as a nation can progress only
when their daughters, sisters, mothers, and wives are safe and in good
mental capacity. As Napoleon once said “Give me good mothers, I will
give you a great nation.” Hence, from this quote we can conclude that a
woman can strengthen a nation if she has been given her due rights and

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