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As an AI language model, I don't have real-time access to current videos or the ability to provide

subjective opinions on the "best" study videos. However, there are several online platforms where
you can find a variety of study videos on SAP Fiori. Some popular platforms to explore for SAP Fiori
study videos include:

1. YouTube: YouTube is a vast resource for video tutorials and educational content. You can search for
SAP Fiori tutorials or training videos to find a wide range of options. Be sure to check the channel's
credibility and user reviews before selecting a video.

2. OpenSAP: OpenSAP is an online learning platform provided by SAP. It offers free online courses,
including those on SAP Fiori. You can find video lectures, demos, and hands-on exercises to help you
understand and study Fiori.

3. Udemy: Udemy is a popular e-learning platform that offers both free and paid courses on various
topics, including SAP Fiori. You can search for Fiori courses and browse through the course
descriptions, ratings, and reviews to find study videos that suit your needs.

4. LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn Learning (formerly provides a vast library of video courses
on a wide range of subjects. They offer SAP Fiori courses taught by industry experts. LinkedIn
Learning requires a subscription, but you may be able to access it for free through your institution or
local library.

When selecting study videos, consider your learning style, the content coverage you require, and the
instructor's credibility. It's also helpful to read reviews or watch preview videos to get an idea of the
instructor's teaching style and the quality of the content.

Remember, personal preferences vary, so what works best for someone else may not be the same for
you. It's a good idea to explore different video resources, try a few options, and determine which
ones align with your learning goals and preferences.

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